The Sims 4: Toddler to Adult CAS Challenge ...EXTREME SLIDER EDITION

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I'm gonna make you look as precious as I possibly can until time and adulthood ruins it just like in real life so cute this must be what parents feel like when they like let their children go out into the world and they're like please stay my beautiful cute adorable child please and then they come back and they're all busted from the real world all right fingers crossed three two one hey guys and welcome back to another extreme Sims 4 create a sim challenge what makes it extreme you ask well you're looking at it just like my last extreme Sims 4 challenge the reason it's extreme is because I am allowing the slider mods to take over my sins whatever the Sims randomly generates a sim it also randomly generates all of the body proportions of that sim so that's what makes the challenge extreme but what challenge am i doing today well you already know from the title and thumbnail but it's gonna be the toddler - adult challenge which I have actually never done but if you're gonna do a challenge you may as well just wait and do it the extreme way not the normal way no no no so basically for this challenge I get to assemble the cutest toddler that I can possibly try to assemble but then I must age them up and create a sim which then leaves it to the sims to try and generate what they think my Tobler would look like as an adult and if you've seen other people do this challenge already or you've just seen me age up some of my sims you know that most of the time the adult version looks horrible compared to the toddler and the spider Mod is gonna make it even worse so I know with this challenge in the past people usually just do one toddler but I think that I'm gonna do two one boy and one girl because that means there's double the chance that at least one of them is gonna look hilarious and that's what I really hope with this challenge all right well let's just jump right into this challenge add a new sim Oh God alright let's start off with a little girls and basically the slider mods don't affect toddlers others are gonna look normal and then when they grow up they're gonna look like this all right toddler number one your name precious perfect you're gonna be precious and I'm gonna make you as precious as possible until time and adulthood ruins it just like in real life let's keep your darker complexion what kind of hair do I want to keep you too many cute ones I'm kind of diggin the buns on you girl I'm actually digging the like pastel colors on her oh my god yes let's give her freckles so actually let's make her a little more realistic looking I like the green I don't like this this is demon like yeah I'm kind of diggin the green actually you know what this hair style this hair style with the more realistic skin tone I love this color it looks like she has highlights even though she's a little kid yes my gosh she's so cute already I can't even precious yours yo pretty cool galaxy-eyes ooh I highly doubt they're gonna carry over all right let's make your pupils not so alien like some Nashes oh my goodness your nose is pretty cute I need to do much with that I do want to do some detail edits because that I know that she's a little more customized and then that her adult self will be customized as well probably not a good way oh my god she is so cute I can't handle it okay we're gonna give you such a cute girly outfit cuz uh-oh there's a kitty cat dressed oh I don't get to dress up toddlers enough Oh a pastel dress we should match her green eyes this shirt matches oh yes I am enjoying dressing her so freaking much she's just hot so cute it matches her eyes oh my god there's bumble bee shoes hold on let's get rid of the socks so we're got the shoes first yeah let's just give her sneakers that match her shirt right and I think this is precious oh my god she's so she is so cute and it's gonna be ruined when you grow up I'm so sorry precious oh no she doesn't even know she doesn't even know all right well before we do that to you let's make I guess maybe your future husband I don't know your hair has got to go who kinda diggin the like partially colored hair that's cool what else we got oh I like that too with the bluish black is cool too let's go with this a little tilt shake your head is ah there we go maybe we should do galaxy-eyes for you to so that you match your possible future girlfriend wife I've just decided for you let's get eyes yes that are gonna match your hair yes my face a little bit just make him look a little unique there we go his cute little nose he looks so cute too let's give a little eyelashes so just like natural lashes like that that's probably good oh we didn't get them the skin details although I've never done like realistic skin details I'm really scared of what they're gonna look like when they grow up I'll try to add back the realistic skin details though if they come off let's give you a cute outfit I mean this outfits super cute and simple I basically made him just match all of his details I love matching like way too much like probably more than I should okay what about if I gave you like crazy shoes yeah yeah pastel rainbow shoes see so you're all like you know natural and matching but then down here she's on Flair pop of color perfect oh yeah crap what's your name Demetrius Irving Fernando Alex Prince oh my god Prince and precious yeah Prince and precious Oh God these are like child models pretty much and after I'm done with them they're gonna look like they came out of a lab experiment I'm so scared guys I love them so much Oh No this must be what parents feel like when they like let their children go out into the world and they're like please stay my beautiful cute adorable child please then they come back and they're all busted from the real world and they're like out god I don't even recognize my children anymore that's exactly what's gonna happen to me and my heart is gonna be crushed precious and Prince please don't break my heart okay I'm gonna age them up and then I'm gonna change whatever I could realistically cosmetically change in the real world but like their physique and their faces are gonna be duct however Sims decides to put them and I'm very scared all right first up is precious you guys ready cuz I don't know if I am you know it's funny in the beginning I wanted them to look ridiculous but now that I'm so attached to them and how adorable they are I don't want them to look ridiculous all right fingers crossed three two one oh no oh no oh no precious her teeth or out of her head precious precious what happened uhm girl and your eyes you've become a cyclops oh my god guys she was my child and I put her out into the world and she decided to become a cyclops person this is horrible is so bad it's it's extreme yay like if I go back to toddler she was saying yeah she's look at what so her memories what did she look like as a child Oh God yeah and then as an adult okay well let's give her back the skin detail like I said I was gonna okay so I gave her back her realistic skin details and her galaxy eyes because I don't know why growing up would make your eyes change while she wearing contacts I guess okay um mm-hmm let's give you a new hairstyle girl cuz that's something we can fix oh oh god oh no I don't I don't know how to help you okay what about oh okay this helps your facial but who or the the long hair is fine we're gonna we're gonna bring you to the dentist girl you gotta fix her okay we fixed your teeth they're still you know there's nothing they can do about them grow Oh Oh there's nothing we can do about them growing out of your chin but at least you know how you got a better smile yay okay I do like this hair on her I feel like it like rounds out her face and distract you from the fact that she has no chin I do like this color but if we can get one to match her eyes you know me with my matching we're gonna Black's nice now let's do this like blackish green that's pretty it's pretty dope great your eyebrows we can color those let's go with a black that's that's lovely should we head makeup oh yeah let's do your eyelashes cute don't think you need any eye shadow cuz I guess you could kind of see it there we go just like yeah just a natural a natural shade there we coat lips we'll just keep kind of natural to and this is a cute simple dress let's just go with that cute well tie back in the green with your shoes wonderful I love it it's great you look fantastic girl fantastic mommy loves you even though you want it to become a cyclops totally fine alright uh now let's see what Prince is gonna look like Oh God Prince please please be okay please don't go to the path of the Cyclops like precious please three two one Oh God okay so I think me wishing that he wouldn't become a cyclops backfired on me and instead of becoming a cyclops he decided it would be better for him to become blind where are his eyes oh no but you had a tragic accident or did you choose to be like this I don't understand oh you could see his eyes there they are you chose to be like this I think what happened nice face double all right let's give you the realistic skin details okay your hair I think we should cover more of your head so that people can't tell that your eyes are so low that you can barely see out of them like this this is probably a good look for you yeah I think that yeah this one's gonna cover the most let's bring you back to like the light-colored hair there you go let's match your facial hair to your hair oh god I don't know how to help you I think that's all I can do I think that's all I can do oh I know we'll give you glasses can we put eyelashes no I know we'll give you an eyepatch I mean that that might help a little bit we're gonna eyeglasses will that help I mean it kind of helps there we go perfect yes nobody will notice don't worry okay let's go yeah you're just a cool guy you're not a guy missing his eyes you're just your cool guy what is wrong with his mouth it's so far down uh what do you look like from the side Oh God wait a minute his nose his nose is flush with his face this is god horribly horribly for all okay she put you in a suits so that people think you're just you're a businessman oh yeah there you go you're not nada nothing wrong you're just a cool guy yeah oh god I don't know why but I'm picking this and shoes that even matter at this point sure Oh oh yeah let's fix his teeth too will that help there we go okay okay okay all right I think that's all we can do for you all right well say hello to Prince and precious the adult versions what happened see I told you this would be extreme actually she looks really cute but like definitely an alien Cyclops person thing and he's just pretending to have eyes so you know you know she has enough eyes for the both of them that's why they're gonna get married I'm telling you alright guys well if you made it this far in the video and you'd like to see me do some more extreme sims for creative some challenges then make sure to leave a like before you go let me know in the comments below what you think of precious and Prince your toddler versions were just so perfect I knew it couldn't last subscribe if you're new to the channel I put out new videos almost every single day and as always I will see you guys soon
Channel: LaurenzSide
Views: 1,059,634
Rating: 4.9347863 out of 5
Keywords: laurenzside, laurenzside of gaming, funny girl gamer, the sims, the sims 4, sims memes, sims meme, funny sims, sims glitch, sims challenge, toddler to adult, the sims mod, toddler to adult challenge, the sims 4 mod, slider mod, times the sims was accidentally hilarious, fun things to do in sims, sims mod, laurenzside sims 4, hilarious, sims 4 cas, cas challenge, create a sim, ugly to pretty challenge, ugly to pretty, sims 4 challenge
Id: oOtYRt6NZ3I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 29sec (809 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 25 2019
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