Kicked Out by SIL for Helping Her Daughter with School... They Returned Disturbed. Discover Why!

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it's inconceivable for someone lacking an academic background like yours to be involved in teaching particularly since it could adversely impact her academic performance upon discovering that I was providing academic support to my niece my sister-in-law directed her anger towards me Sophia why are you associating with someone like her what if you end up like her my sister-in-law seemed to perceive my presence as something detrimental her cold attitude test in my patience Amy think before you speak who do you think contributes to our comfortable life isn't it because Mary works hard at home in response to my mother-in-law's gentle words my sister-in-law became even more emotional why are you defending her isn't it her duty to handle household chores she's not just doing housework she works hard and contributes a lot to the household you just Gallivan around without contributing if anything you should be grateful to Mary do you really believe she's working earnestly I can't imagine someone like her being interested in essential tasks my sister-in-law then impulsively grabbed my desktop computer and threw it out of the window what are you doing you're probably pretending to work hard without achieving anything leave this house immediately I rushed outside to check on my computer but it was damaged Beyond repair I had also lost valuable work data her immature actions genuinely shocked and disappointed me I couldn't fathom continuing to live together under such circumstances I have been tolerating it for the sake of my relationship with my husband and mother-in-law but this incident pushed me beyond my limits I left a message and decided to return to my parents I am Mary 29 years old last year I started a new life with my beloved husband scene initially we imagined living in a city apartment as we both worked nearby however scen was always concerned about his mother's health as she often experienced knee pain due to her previous job walking even a short distance required frequent breaks knowing this we suggested living together upon hearing our proposal she brightened up and said Mary you want to live with us I'm so happy she's a genuinely kind-hearted person and warmly welcomed me however my sister-in-law Amy was fixated on academic backgrounds during our first family meal my educational background came up and her demeanor changed Mary you didn't go to college right why would scene choose someone like you she spoke to me in a somewhat harsh manner sis that's not a nice thing to say Mary graduated from a National University and seen and I graduated from a famous private university couldn't he find someone smarter and more Charming what's the Merit of marrying someone with a lower education my mother-in-law reprimanded Amy saying stop it Mary I'm sorry for the rude things he said but I was already left speechless I grew up with my hardworking Mother after losing my father at a young age unable to afford College I started working in such circumstances I was fortunate to work at a tax accountant office and another opport Unity came my way my boss encouraged me saying why would you try getting a certified public accountant qualification Mary I believe you can do it encouraged by his support I embarked on a new challenge hoping to secure better job opportunities increase my income and better support my mother my husband understood my aspirations and conveyed my efforts to my sister-in-law however she remained cold and indifferent despite my genuine intentions my sister-in-law's words cut deep when she uttered if Mary becomes pregnant I hope the child won't take after her and will be intelligent these words struck me unexpectedly making me question if my feelings stemmed from having only a high school diploma perplexed I chose not to escalate the situation refraining from further discussion subsequently my sister-in-law would frequently mock me over trivial matters commenting on my cooking speed or reminiscing about her University days during casual conversations seemingly to taunt me what bothered me more was that she imparted similar comments to her daughter sopia Sophia being a kind-hearted child obediently listened to her mother's words my sister-in-law had high expectations for Sophia now preparing for her junior high school entrance exam at s Academy Junior High although my sister-in-law took a part-time role R there without a teaching license she did it to avoid additional responsibilities in front of me she would deliberately tell Sophia let's work hard together for the future frustrated I bit my lip lacking the courage to confront my sister-in-law and not wanting to drag my husband and mother-in-law into any trouble despite our infrequent meetings I told myself that enduring her behavior would be okay however an unexpected development awaited us when one day my sister-in-law suddenly arrived at our house holding Sophia's hand and casually announced mom I got divorced we'll be staying here for a while please take care of us both my mother-in-law and I were shocked by this sudden news questioning why it happened so abruptly my sister-in-law responded with a sigh stating that man was so annoying till the end he incessantly complained about the smallest things and never listened to me yet he decided to divorce just because of that before my mother-in-law could continue she stopped herself it's not just that my sister-in-law replied with a bitter smile when I asked for alamon during the divorce he only agreed to pay $600 after being together for so long I was shocked by the amount so I thought it would be better to come back home where I don't have to worry about living expenses plus I wanted to spend more time with you mom she showed a slight smile and held her mother's hand I can live peacefully in this house she then laid back on the sofa scrolling through her smartphone with packed bags and boxes scattered around the room my mother-in-law and I were lost for words watching this chaotic scene a look of surprise and confusion was evident on my mother-in-law's face and I shared those feelings as well after a while my sister-in-law handed me some of her clothes asking Mary can you wash these for me later I suggested that they should be sent to the dry cleaners but she replied self-centered you could do that much for me right from then on not only did her requests increase but her Troublesome Behavior also intensified one day I discovered an oil-based pin stain on the laundry which was clearly her doing upon seeing me sigh at the stain she remarked smugly oh did I make a little mistake then she added people with low education can't even do housework properly can they I wonder if there's any value in living for someone as useless as you her actions were causing my stress levels to Peak I reached my breaking point and finally decided to discuss it with my husband I work all day and still have to deal with housework when I get home it's a real burden when she purposely makes things difficult I understand it's hard for me me to see you going through this my husband replied listening to me quietly he promised we'd find a solution together that night he confronted my sister-in-law about her behavior my husband's worn words and actions always gave me a sense of security however from the next day the harassment from my sister-in-law escalated even further you think he protects you don't you but to others you just seem overly dependent relying only on a man doesn't make you strong I don't have any intention of being dependent depending on someone being protected by them to others you might seem like a coward can't you stand on your own holding back my emotions became harder with each of my sister-in-law's words despite facing many hardships in life and taking pride in overcoming them I couldn't stand being hurt by her words seeing my distress my husband seemed wey from the constant confrontations with with his sister and began avoiding her however my sister-in-law's harassment didn't stop with me it began affecting Sophia as well she was keen on getting Sophia admitted to S Academy and was eager to send her to a tutoring School Sophia what's this test score you can't get into s Academy with these grades I apologize if your grades don't improve maybe you will need to hire a tutor but remember it's up to how hard you work Sophia looking like she was on the verge of tears nodded she had already been going to a cram school every day after school and getting a private tutor would make her lose any free time she had left feeling sorry for Sophia I offered do you want to study with me I can help you with some things really of course I'm here for you from then on we started studying together being careful not to get noticed by my sister-in-law although Sophia sometimes struggled she grasped Concepts when taught patiently Mary I got 80 points on my test that's great Sophia exclaimed you worked really hard sharing that success brought genuine warmth to our hearts my mother-in-law who noticed our efforts sometimes cheered us up secretly by sharing delicious cakes with us the time spent with her and Sophia became my healing moments however this peaceful time was shortlived one day while studying with Sophia my sister-in-law unexpectedly returned home seeing us she shouted what are you doing you with no formal education are teaching her I can't believe it you might make her grades drop stay away furthermore my sister-in-law slapped Sophia on the shoulder and yelled why are you spending time with her do you want to end up like her the way she spoke about me as if I were contagious made my anger boil over all the things I had been holding back just overflowed as I told you before I'd only graduated high school due to financial reasons judging someone solely based on their educational background is wrong what did you say my sister-in-law exploded even more hearing the commotion my mother-in-law intervened saying what's happening here Mary is getting too close to Sophia what if her low educational background influences Sophia do you know who ensuring our comfortable lifestyle haven't you seen how hard Mary works at home my mother-in-law's calm yet pointed words only fueled my sister-in-law's anger why are you defending her anybody can do household chores it's not just chores she's working hard contributing to our household all you do is go out and play indifferent to what's happening at home you should be more grateful are you saying she has a proper job I can't can't believe it with that my sister-in-law grabbed my PC from the desk and threw it out the window why would you do that that job you cherish so much probably isn't that big of a deal stop acting so pretentious just leave this house already I rushed outside in a panic to check my computer but it was broken Beyond repair it contained my Works vital data feeling anger and disappointment towards her childish behavior living together with someone like this became impossible for a long time I had valued my relationship with my husband and mother-in-law trying to protect our household however I had felt my limits that night I left a note and decided to return to my parents home the next morning I received repeated calls from my sister-in-law but I ignored all of them however within a week my husband and sister-in-law showed up at my workplace he strongly conveyed his apologies saying Amy's completely wrong this time Amy please apologize sincerely though encouraged by Shawn her dissatisfaction was evident from her attitude why should I apologize self's grades have clearly dropped in her absence Mary's presence must have been important not only for Sophia but for you as well indeed I had felt guilty deep down about Sophia's academic struggles it seems there's no other way Mary come back home and support Sophia's studies I never wanted to live with someone with your educational background but I'll endure it for sopia's sake I had wanted to return for sopia's sake but her arrogant tone nearly extinguished that desire if you truly care about Sophia's education why don't you teach her yourself Amy you strongly recommended her to study for exams so why are you neglecting her I didn't want to be told anything by someone like like you encouraged by Shawn her dissatisfaction was evident from her attitude I encourage Sophia to study for exams because I don't want her to end up in a lowly position like you is that really all there is to it I want Sophie to grow up to be an Elite Adult like me I want her to graduate from a renowned University and build a career like the one I've established at the prestigious s Academy she continued flaunting her own success unable to be the exchange my company's director intervened and tried to resolve the matter peacefully excuse me I assume you are Mary's family nice to meet you yes that's right my husband greeted the director politely I have overheard a little I'd like to affirm that Mary has shown tremendous capability and contributed significantly to our company really I never thought you'd hire someone with just a high school degree education doesn't solely Define a person's abilities even compared to University graduates Mary has been producing equal if not better results my director's words left my sister-in-law with a surprised expression do you truly believe that I think educational background determines one's status and value the director responded Cari you mentioned you work at s Academy may I have your name my name is Amy Smith you're Miss Smith I've heard about your Troublesome attitude and behavior are you implying Mary has been speaking ill of me no I haven't I've heard about you from Mary but I have heard about you from the principal and other staff at s Academy Amy's eyes widened clearly taken aback here's the reason the director handed her a business card that clearly rids Academy board chairman you're the chairman both my husband and I were utterly shocked lost for words of upon understanding the information on the card Amy's demeanor changed instantly her eyes filled with fear and surprise I've heard about your behavior and issues within the academy delegating your work shirking responsibilities and even discriminatory actions towards students numerous problems have been pointed out in a panic Amy responded that's not true of course I was considering a direct response upon hearing this my sister-in-law La started to panic I can't lose my current job I just got divorced and did stuff to support my daughter and myself she begged desperately with a serious look on her face the principal replied calmly but with deep understanding our school's policies and philosophies are clear we cannot tolerate work Behavior like yours my sister-in-law was devastated and burst into tears on the spot the next day an official notice from s Academy confirmed that she had to leave the school unable to hide her shock she returned home in confusion afterwards she locked herself in her room and occasional voices of anger and dissatisfaction could be heard this situation started affecting the family Dynamics her stress was often directed at Sophia and the tension in the household grew day by day how can you not even solve the simple problem for a sixth grader this is unacceptable you will not rest or sleep until you finish this textbook tonight so make sure you get it right Sophia had been studying under this strict guidance day after day and her fatigue was evident on her face I was worried she might follow Amy's Path stop pushing Sophia like this think about what you're doing my mother-in-law interjected unable to Bear the situation mom shut up I don't want to hear anything you say taking the situation seriously my mother-in-law finally told told Amy to leave the house Amy you can't stay here any longer leave now why should I be the one to leave you're the one pushing Sophia to the brink and harming her mental health if you care about her as your own daughter leave this house now I can't believe you're trying to take my daughter away from me my mother-in-law asked the distressed Sophia Sophia what you want do you want to stay in this house or go somewhere else with your mother Sophia's answer was clear I want to stay in this house I'm scared to be with mom shocked by these words Amy lowered her head and cried but my mother-in-law's resolve was firm and she escorted her daughter out of the house reflect sincerely on your actions what you did can never be tolerated with that my mother-in-law closed the door afterwards my sister-in-law ended up losing her job and home she tried various jobs but due to her personality she struggled and her difficult life continued with her gone I returned to my mother-in-law's home and regained our peaceful daily life Sophia regained her peace of mind and started to smile every day when we learned that she wanted to continue her studies we as a couple decided to support her a year later sopia successfully passed the entrance exam to S Academy as her hard work finally bore fruit we felt genuine relief and joy now Sophie continues to work hard towards her dream of becoming a teacher and we hope to continue supporting the path she has chosen
Channel: Revenge Realm
Views: 9,154
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reddit, reddit stories, reddit real voice, Text story, revenge, Revenge story, AppleText, Relationships, aita, redditstories, Apple, texting, texting story
Id: rcbTU0I-Ijs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 38sec (1178 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 25 2024
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