My House Is Crammed With Enough Fabric to Open a Shop | Hoarders SOS EP10 | Only Human

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paper was light gold in medieval times [Music] i want tobacco sugar [Music] that everything we thought we knew about the world might turn out to be completely wrong [Music] britain is brimming with hoarders in these boxes i have no idea there's the body in here somewhere oh yeah they're collecting is catastrophic [Applause] and they're drowning under clutter wow but help is at hand i do i need a lot of help collectibles expert curtis dowling will work out what is worth cashing in they're selling for hundreds if not thousands of pounds excellent make me an offer while queens of clean joanna riley and marianne cammack will sort out what to keep and what to chuck anything would be a little better than what we have here i think i'm gonna have to be quite firm clearing rooms for the first time in years now that's better isn't it this is fabulous no one said it would be easy i am petrified so can our hoarders bear to part with their possessions just be gentle with it and reclaim their homes for good ten years worth of piling up today a costume designer whose love of all things haberdashery has taken over her cottage it's so daunting i really want it to be tidied up and she faces a massive challenge if she's to achieve her end goal i want to use it as a workshop that's a long shot isn't it [Music] and we'll be with a mother of four her love of curious bits and bobs has led to a serious clutter issue i love going to the car boot sales it's like every women's dream shopping mall will curtis be able to make her the cash she's looking to raise has a pound for the fund oh thank you [Music] today our sos team are helping two hoarders later they'll lend a hand to mother of four lisa i think i've always been a bit of a holder it'd be fair when i moved from the last house the removal people came and they just dumped everything everywhere but first in chester meet costume designer and prop maker lillian and one of her creations this spell book which has all been made out of recycled materials this is all bits of rope paper mache i even made a little hinge where this opens and closes she's lived in this cottage for 17 years and shares it with four cats and a lot of clutter buttons feathers clothes um i've got all my haberdashery type stuff is in there and there and there and there her upstairs work room is not the only place that fabric has taken over outside in the garden there is a shed which is bulging at the seams people keep phoning me up and say lily you must have this and i'm going yeah i might have it but i can't get to it because once i get in the shed i can't get i can't get out lillian needs a fairy godmother and father i need a magic wand if anyone can help i'll be very grateful luckily our two experts are here and here we are lovely little cottage in cheshire sweet place curtis has been valuing antiques for 25 years pretty [Music] hi lillian hello and cleaning guru marianne runs a successful b b business so she will help lillian declutter not the most cluttered room i've ever seen in my entire life actually quite homely wait until you see the shed mary anne i don't know what's gonna happen if i open it oh god oh god oh god i mean what do you long term want to do with this shed i want to use it as a workshop that's a long shot isn't it yeah that's it's embarrassing so what we need to do is just take everything out so at least you and i can get in there because a lot of this i'm sure can be either to charity or literally just binge but i wouldn't even know where to start here oh i'm sorry i really i love you really have got into a pickle here i have a house i'm ashamed no you shouldn't be ashamed that's why i'm here and we're here to help back inside the cottage it's not just lillian's work room that is chock-a-block there are collectibles everywhere curtis is on the prowl and it's looking positive oh now these are nice oh they belong to my husband okay so it's a projector we know that it's in good condition though isn't it yeah i think it still works lillian's late husband bruce was a well-known and respected film and tv cameraman he was also passionate about history and collected many of the items in the cottage like this projector i mean these things are very very collectible yeah there's a lot of people that are fascinated still with the old film industry as it was you know it's it's a beautiful piece of machinery isn't it just that's got a reasonable value i would suggest i mean do you want to get rid of it is the first question um well it's a shame that it's just sitting there collecting dust to be honest with you but um no emotional attachment to it anymore no that's got to be 70 or 80 pounds lillian's film projectors and film equipment is a very specialist market problem for me is just finding the right buyer because i definitely don't want to disappoint her when i turn that check into her no you don't marianne's delving further into the shed to try and work out what lillian should keep and get rid of i can't believe that somebody can just get into such a mess like to just pull stuff on top of clutter boxes on top things bags thinking it's just gonna go away i absolutely love going to say like the shed and not break my neck or lose a shoe because i've gone in there before now my shoes got caught underneath something and i can't find it a bit of bling i want to be able to go like that across a whole service without going the solution to something like this is is not a quick fix we need to evaluate what we're going to keep and what needs to go to charity it's something that will take time but you know we can get there fingers crossed meanwhile lillian's taken curtis up to her work room on the first floor of the cottage okay this has got a lot of stuff in hasn't it yeah this is my work room isn't working who's the book collector then uh well it's a cross between me and some of them where bruce's but a lot of them are mine because a lot of them are like costume books liam would like to sell some of those old books to raise money for a holiday in japan with her daughter what's the story behind this then she's picked out two copies of the same book an illustrated history of england one's victorian and one's modern and the pair were of special significance to lillian and husband bruce well it's really odd actually because i told you bruce was into history um and when he moved in he brought that book with him at the same time i bought that that's a fairly newish book yeah and not a great deal of value in newish books no but as a companion piece to this it helps us a lot the older book is potentially more collectible now we're going to try and talk about how much this is worth that's not an easy question to answer i think i need to get this to an antiquities book dealer would you pay for it remember i only paid about three or four quid for it i think it might be worth a little bit more but we just don't know how much more that's a pair of books to take away but lillian has a much larger collection i've noticed all those books up there god yeah ladybird books i've got about 200 of those wow that's a lot of ladybird books yeah and you want to get rid of them got twos and threes of some actually oh okay they are very very collectible now you know a collection of like that very least 50 60 pounds if you want something like a thousand pound spending money in japan you know all these bits are going to start taking big chunks out of that you're happy to get rid of them though yeah well look what they're doing they're just there yeah that's the thing so after an afternoon rummaging through lillian's cottage curtis has accumulated an armful of eclectic antiques including a film projector two history books one antique and one more contemporary and a collection of children's ladybird books all from which she hopes to raise some cash for lillian isn't she a lovely lady she's lovely absolutely gorgeous curtis she's uh generally very pleased that we're here but also a little anxious and i've got all that film mobilia to sell i think lillian is going to be pleasantly surprised with what i can achieve for her i guess you've got some shed clearing best eye crack on well i'll follow you so marianne stays behind to help lillian decide what to keep and clear out curtis has brought 100 of her ladybird books to a traditional toy shop in glasgow try not to get distracted now miffy you see miffy oh dear we've lost him shopkeeper wilma is waiting where better to come to sell books than the toy shop yeah they're still very popular we have these ones here which have all been republished maybe about a year and a half ago now yeah right let's get down to business there's a hundred here i've got a figure in mind i think they're worth a pound each so i've got 100 so can we agree on 100 pounds i think we can yeah you know what that's got to be one of the easiest happiest sales i've made where better to make a sale than a toy shop here we go right 100 pounds 100 job done that's an excellent start towards lillian's holiday in japan lillian isn't alone in seeking help from our declutter experts meet lisa she's a busy mom with four kids one grandchild oh and there's auggie and that's scampi and a whole lot of clutter when i moved from the last house i had two and a half days to move so i had three children under five i was on my own the removal people came and they just dumped everything everywhere and i had a lot of stuff i think i've always been a bit of a holder it'd be fair hmm before kids lisa spent 10 years traveling the world and seems to have brought a lot of it back with her and then there are her shopping habits i love going to the car boot sales because it's such an eclectic mix of stuff it's like every woman's dream shopping mall that's one way of purity now the living room is chocker busy looking house as are her two outhouses the summer house and the sheds she uses to make crafts in the shed there is a mix of furniture that shouldn't be there i do make dream catchers everything that i need to make anything it's just all higgly piggly luckily cash for clutter connoisseur curtis has arrived and is on the hunt for things to sell that's a nice bucket what a great shoe last nice things but can curtis track down some treasure to pull in a profit for lisa now that's old and handmade and in the corner of the living room is something that might prove fruitful why have you got a fruit machine in your house it's a giant piggy bank so a three or four pound at the end of the night i'll put it in there and if i win i just put it back in and i thought that was going to be our holiday fund how did you get it where was it from well i've thought about getting one over the years and this one came up on offer for me and i managed to beat the guy down and beat him down so i got it for a bargain so i thought yes we'll have that so it's is it staying or going um i would be happy for it to go to be fair just because it's so big yeah what sort of price you do you think would be the right price um i think about 200 quid you didn't pay 200 pounds for them a lot less than 100 pounds and it works it works perfectly i've got the keys the manual i've got three 400 quid in it already so can i have a go crush again right i've got a confession to make oh i've never played one never ever no oh you've got to have a go see if i can take your holiday fund off you oh that's a lucky one oh yeah you're a winner well look at that has a pound for the fund oh thank you gambling doesn't pay you know but curtis hopes the machine will deliver some cash for lisa still to come lisa has more treasures tucked away so keeping or staying or going or what and marianne tries to help lillian face up to her overflowing shed i'm laughing because otherwise i think i'll cry [Music] in chester decluttering expert marianne is on a mission to help costume designer lillian tidy up her cottage shed and upstairs workroom i mean do you have any idea where anything is and in perth cash for clutter guru curtis is with mom of four lisa looking for things of value to sell amongst her keepsakes picked up from her travels abroad and her love of car boot sales the fruit machine could make some money and now lisa's dug out an abacus so you bought this yeah any idea when and how much probably about 12 years ago 15 years ago and maybe a couple of good or something from the boot sale nothing expensive well it's a known brand it's loads of flour um i don't know what these are made of all right um you thought they were ebony didn't you just because it was black yeah so keeping or staying or going or what if it's worth getting rid of i'll get rid of it and if not i'll learn how to use it right i think that's fair enough lisa's house is full of bits and pieces it's not going to be about selling two or three key items to make a big money for this holiday it's going to be about selling lots of items for small amounts that really means i've got my work out on this in chester marianne is still struggling with lillian's overflowing shed oh god i'm laughing because otherwise i think i'll cry look at the funny side now because we're here to do it how did it get to being quite messy and disorganized it seemed to be um after my husband died uh i sort of lost it a little bit um i can understand and that's a difficult time yeah you lose your way a little bit yeah i did because this used to be a lot neater than it was i mean he was a a clean freak so he used to tidy up and constantly you tend to just pile things in and shut the door and yeah forget about it sort of thing yeah how long has this been going on uh well bruce has been dead 11 years so it's been going on for about 11 years when he died i think i went a bit um i don't know i just decided i needed to buy things so i ended up just practically buying anything [Music] all the people i know they've all got these beautiful houses that are so neat and tidy and clean and then people come here and i'm actually getting fed up of saying i'm really sorry i haven't finished tidying up yet and really i sometimes just can't be bothered [Music] it does upset me saying well i'm sorry and that's why um that's why i need help the emotion is overtaking me helping her at the moment but i will get there i know i will i know she'll she'll come out feeling more positive and better from it just by deciding to declutter lillian's already made a big step are you feeling more positive about it all now a little bit um but we're here to help you yeah most of me is embarrassed because i i just didn't realize it's looking at it now you're looking at i'm looking at it with new eyes and it's like what the heck have i done marianne advises lillian that the shed needs to be emptied completely and then she'll need to be ruthless with the stuff she doesn't want so next they head inside the cottage to work out what needs to be done upstairs in the work room it doesn't look as chaotic as what i saw downstairs in the shed um and this looks you know like there is some sort of chaos really organized chaos what do you believe where do you see you want this room to go um where do you want to how do you want this to end up i want it to i want to be able to use the table for a start because you can't i can't use the table because it's just got so much stuff on it you've got to be brutal and get rid of what you really think because otherwise what you're doing is just getting rid of a few things and then still keeping a lot of stuff that really isn't going to be of any use it just needs the floor sorted out a little bit do you notice how to move around in it and also i mean we could i mean me and my organized head now here could shuffle that bookshelf along we could almost put that there and then you've got this space here before the bookshelves can be moved though they need to be cleared so lillian where do you want to start by making the first attempt to get rid of some books well i can get rid of things like um some of these like self-help books and things okay because they haven't helped me what about these sort of books some of these can go um what about brain power yeah they haven't got me anymore marianne has made that all-important start with lillian with a clear plan to sort through her books then rearrange her bookshelves this is what we want to do de-stress you now she can leave lillian to carry on alone in perth lisa's taken curtis to one of her two outhouses to search for sellable items from the clutters she's collected from her foreign travels and from purchases from car boot sales now this is nice it's like it yeah i think it's lovely what's the story behind this a friend who passed away gave it to me um and i think it's french slate but that's all i really know about it does it work yeah okay uh-huh yeah it doesn't want to go in that's maybe another eight key yeah that's not the right key so we won't know if it works at the moment so you're happy for me to take this away and sell it on behalf yes good now we just gotta find the key and make it work so while curtis has been gathering items to sell decluttering lisa's home is yet to kick off but now marianne has arrived and lisa decides the best place to start is her shed so lisa tell me what you want out of this room i would like the space back and it to be organized right so if it's organized and set up just like when we craft room and everything's where it should be uh and organized is what i really want so and this is somewhere where you want to sit and be able to have a little bit of me time yeah make your crafts lisa is such a lovely lady i would love to declutter the shed make it the craft room that she's so keen on having and giving herself me time but that's why i'm here to help her outside lisa's youngest son 10 year old ocean reckons he's found something that could be useful for lisa's clerk curtis i think i've found the key oh brilliant should we give it a wind well you do it it's your mum's clock thank you you've got to turn it that way if the clock works it will be worth more money can you hear anything no no not could i what do you think of it it's cool but we don't want to overwind it do we nah we could maybe take it to a clockmaker because it might just be a little thing that's broken and even if you can't fix it you can just use it as some sort of ornament you've got it well with the correct key the clock stands a better chance of making some money lisa has earmarked a few items she's happy to part with including that hopefully fruitful fruit machine and curtis heads off armed with a collection of lisa's smaller items including the abacus a watch and a teapot hey get on great i really like lisa she's a warm kind-hearted person everything that she does is for her children wonderful and why not why wouldn't you but how did you get on well she's got lots of interesting things in here hasn't she she's so unmaterialistic and so giving if we can just come back and you can give her that free space to do her craft and i can give her enough money to go on holiday we i think we've really done a fabulous job when you actually think she's not asking for a huge amount is she no for lisa i want as much as i can possibly get get selling then mr curtis so marianne stays behind to carry on decluttering curtis is hoping to get some valuations on two of lisa's pricier items from clockmaker and jewelry expert douglas he'll bring the clock later but is starting with a classic 1930s watch but there's bad news so the movement in the watch has been replaced it has been replaced and that has seriously affected the value absolutely how much are we looking at 150 to 200 at the outside even at 150 pounds that's a reasonable sum of cash in lisa's pot for a holiday though isn't it every little helps marvelous okay well thank you ever so much douglas still to come marianne gets sweeping i bet that was worth some money in its time and curtis tries to sell two old history books a couple of books for you to look at let's have a look yeah [Music] in perth decluttering dynamos curtis and marianne are helping lisa clear out her home and two outhouses which were overflowing with knickknacks from her travels abroad and car boot sales so you're happy for me to take this away and sell it on behalf yes good and in chester curtis is on a mission to sell costume designer lillian's eclectic antiques for as much cash as he can and create a clear space for lillian in her workroom this could be the only one that's left or there might be thousands of them now the experts have left her to it lillian's continuing the momentous task of decluttering her haberdashery mountain alone being a proverbial magpie starting with the table in her upstairs workroom she is keen to clear oh that's been rubbish it'll be so nice just to just to not have it there um and to be able to breathe in in a space and work in a space that i haven't been able to work in for about a year now i don't even know what half of these things are i think that's seen better days hasn't it i think it's never going to look like a show home but i just wish we had mary poppins here so we could just go like that what i end up doing is just moving things from one side of the desk to the other yay a whole bag emptied lillian's making excellent progress but there's still heaps of fabric and odds and ends to work through so much dust up in scotland curtis is on a mission to add to the hundred pounds he's already made for lillian's holiday fund he's come to an antique shop to see if he can sell late husband bruce's projector now i have to be honest i don't know a lot about projectors or the value of them i do know it's old and i do know it's really interesting but to sell it to him he's got to be able to sell it himself time to meet dealer andre right this is the projector i wanted to show you uh-huh now i don't know an awful lot about projectors but i'm sure you do it's a nice projector what year is it do you think probably 1920s 1930s okay i've i've had one not that exact same model which i sold for i think about 45 quid but that was six months ago so if i was trying to get you to buy it what would you pay for it 20 25 quid that would be the maximum i don't know whether at that sort of level she might be better off putting it back on her shelf yeah absolutely i think i'm gonna send it back to her yep okay but i'm grateful for your time that's quite all right thank you andre you're very kind thank you i didn't sell the projector i couldn't let it go for that price i think she's got quite a lot of emotion attached to it still and to go back with just that small amount of money for something that our husband loved and treasured just didn't seem right so in some ways i'm quite glad i didn't sell it hmm i wonder if lillian will feel the same way in perth marianne is with lisa in one of her two outhouses formulating a decluttr plan you tell me what you want to do in here well it's just got filled filled with stuff there's a washing machine a fridge kettle you can see what's here and you want to utilize some of the things in here yeah like this is quite good for shelving isn't it once up against the wall that's what i thought yeah what you don't need out yes it may not look like a huge task but for lisa decluttering would take a huge physical effort before osham was born she suffered a traumatic incident 2005 i had a car accident which i nearly died in i had the whole right side of my rib cage broke i had eight broken ribs um two broken collarbones a broken shoulder a hole in my lung and the surgeons told my mum don't hold your breath it doesn't look good and my mum begged a surgeon says i don't care what you do just make her live so they made me live and hear him to tell the tale sorry i've got to be careful because my arms didn't move the way they moved and my body doesn't move the way it moved so as life is precious didn't get me wrong but it's harder than it was before the accident help is here now so while lisa has a bit of grandma time with her daughter ayla and 10 month old rose marianne's getting stuck in let's have a look around here she's got everything that is most people would have in a craft room she's got her little bits and pieces and her scissors and her ribbons are you dancing i'm dancing granny it's just the rest of the clutter in here really that we need to get out granny's house doesn't make when i look at this in very much longer i mean this is something else this is bissell's grand rapid floor sweeper let's see if it works you know i actually think it is picking up a tiny bit uh if you say so marianne is helping lisa realize that in order to declutter she really needs to get rid of the items that don't belong in the craft room now it's time for her to leave lisa to carry on with friends and family in chester costume designer lillian's pal wendy has arrived to give her a hand wendy i'm really sorry i've dragged you into this i'm actually really excited i've been dragged into this to be honest with you i think just it's awful it's like an aladdin's cave i'm a bit of a closet hoarder myself really so i understand how easy it is to gather too much stuff very quickly and maybe not realise that you've got that much stuff so i've come around to give her a hand i think this can go to charity this because it's i think things that looks like vintage i'll try and sell stuff like this a car boot cell girls yeah we had those when we were kids i didn't realize there was so much stuff i wish i'd have cut down on stuff back in the day i wish there was like you know if you could have a magic wand and just go like that and it was all done lillian and wendy have made enormous strides clearing the work room sorting out lillian's haberdashery into bags for charity for sale for the tip and some which will be given away so much so that lillian's work table is finally clear oh bye-bye have a nice life curtis is armed with lillian's old england books and hopes to get more than the few pounds she paid for them i'm taking lillian's books to see a guy who's been selling books for 55 years she thinks they might have some value if anyone's going to know it's going to be this guy shortly [Music] over to you paul afternoon oh good afternoon couple of books for you to look at let's have a look down unfortunately with this one the conditional this is not suitable it's not suitable for us anything well used doesn't it yes well it's been looked at that's the older more valuable book rejected okay what about the more modern one this one is water damaged unfortunately so if i bought this to you in perfect condition oh if you write that one would you what would you offer me for it um the two yeah the two maybe about 40 or 50 pounds and in this condition i wouldn't be interested in them ah well he tried back in chester it's been almost eight weeks since marianne left lillian to crack on with the clear out and she's making a few last adjustments i've worked really hard on this it's been literally blood sweat and tears it had to be done to be honest and i'm glad i've done it and i think i think my late husband would be amazed to see them in here someone else might be amazed too as marianne's on her way to see how she's got on and to give her her cash for clutter total hello lillian hello lovely to see you again hi i see you've changed the color of the shed already i have yeah they're going to show me inside yes yeah come in lillian's home and shared had been swamped by humongous hills of haberdashery the shed was piled so high with fabric and creations lillian didn't even dare go in for fear of never being able to get out again but now it's been reorganized and has been transformed into a useful space for storing her materials so she can get to them all what do you think this is fantastic lillian there is no honestly i couldn't even get in the door i just dragged everything out and started from the beginning but this is wonderful i know it's really good i'm absolutely loving the space and i can breathe in here it's great lillian amazing it's wonderful what you've done i'm glad you've seen the difference anyway because it's of course i wouldn't say the difference it's true the shed has been transformed and there's more to see inside the house how did you get boxers down these stairs in the work room upstairs lillian's been super busy too before it was heaving with haberdashery and books to the point where lillian couldn't even use her desk to work now the shelves are stripped down and orderly and the desk is clear to provide the creative space for lillian to design hats costumes and anything else she fancies wow yet you've blown me away again it's fantastic i'm really pleased all this space it's you've taken on board when i said about the books and everything and moving the shelves around and it's just brilliant are you pleased i'm really pleased yeah lillian should be proud she's moved out two van loads and two carloads of clutter given away heaps of fabric to friends and sent off three large boxes to charity she's also sold crafts supplies fabrics and vintage handbags online so lillian i'm really really pleased with everything you've achieved and you're feeling more positive now that you've got the space to enjoy the things that you want to do in each room how much money have you made on the items that you've sold oh um i think uh possibly about 200 quid i think well that's great because we have made just shy of 135 pounds well so putting that together three hundred and thirty-five it's not too bad it's not bad no a little bit taught some spending money isn't it at least yeah that's a fab yeah with curtis having made a hundred pounds from the ladybird books topped up with online sales of board games a porcelain bowl and a phone along with lillian's own sales of 200 pounds it's a great start towards her japanese holiday fund you know lillian has now got the space for the hobbies that she really loves doing and then we've got her a little bit of extra spending money for her to go on that fabulous holiday that she so really deserves still to come lisa and her kids get stuck into decluttering right let's take all this in that's going to the skip son so you put that in that corner and curtis pays a visit to tell her how much money's been raised so let's see where we are at the moment [Music] in perth cleaning with marianne set mama 4 lisa off on a journey towards a tidy house and two tidy outhouses so lisa tell me what you want out of this room i would like the space back and it to be organized lisa's taken the bull by the horns and has been sifting through her clutter then putting it into piles for clearing out or selling since marianne's been here i've been really organized and i've done loads of stuff so i've got piles for everything so this is now my wood pile for the fire marianne really helped me in deciding what i was going to keep and what i was not going to keep so i'm chuffed with that i've got all the kids roped in so they've been helping me with the decluttering lisa's kids 10 year old ocean and 19 year old ayla have been tasked with loading up the vans with things to sell for a bit of cash mom's doing a car boot sale to sell all their stuff hopefully i'll get some pocket money out of it and that's going to skip son so you put that in that corner right here that's going in that shed there over here good girl thank you and once emptied of 356 pounds worth of change the fruit machine is heading off too to a local auction [Applause] these are good boys there's still plenty to go so while lisa ayla and ocean carry on the good work curtis is on a mission to get some cash for lisa he's with douglas hoping to get a decent valuation for her french slate clock obviously it's a front winding um french slate but it is a reproduction however this type of piece is the type type of piece that sells on nostalgia and nostalgia does sell very well the right person at the right time at the right auction could easily spend something like um up to maybe about 100 pounds so if i looked around the 100 pound mark i shouldn't be too disappointed i would see that straight great okay marvellous at home rain has stopped play right darling come on the rain's on um we'll just put the stuff we're keeping back in the shed and we'll put the stuffer chuck in back in a pile typical scottish weather though yeah you're no kidding so that stuff's going in the rubbish that's rubbish that's rubbish that's tools oh the children have given me so much help it's absolutely unbelievable austin's been a wee star ayla's been a great help yeah i'm well chuffed well chuffed just looking at it now it thinks it's brilliant i can see it all taking shape and i'll get in my craft room again get working away with one last push of effort do you want to grab them bits there and go and put them in the at the front put them in the driveway for the skip good man so that's us organized well for the wish that's to go in there there's another bit for rubbish the last fan of the day is loaded with an astonishing 18 bags for recycling and five bags for charity i'm absolutely gobsmacked at how much stuff we've moved and organised it's more progress i've seen today than we've had in the last two years it just looks completely different it's like it's not like my mum anymore it's not her house it's weird i think i'll be good for her though it's it's a good change and she needs it so it'll be good and i'm happy to help happy to help no bother at all and lisa can finally survey her newly tidied craft room check this out scamp i can't believe how much we've done today that just looks fantastic there's no way i could have done this on my own i'm so glad i'm so glad i've got four children and they all helped i couldn't have done it without them i'm so glad curtis and marianne came and gave me give me the motivation that i needed and i can see the floor and i can see how i want it now which is great [Music] over the next few weeks lisa and her family keep up the good work of decluttering and lisa holds a series of successful car boot sales and now she's preparing for the big inspection of her craft room curtis is a really cool guy and i don't think he's expecting to come and see it all vamped up in glitzy it's just normal it's comfy it's cozy it's warm and i hope he feels that as well i hope he likes it he didn't do any of the hard work he just gets to do the easy bits lisa just has some finishing tweaks to make before curtis arrives to find out how she's got on and to give her her cash for clutter total [Music] oh let's see who's at the door perfect timing curtis just as lisa said pitch up when all the hard work has been done you'll need to come and see what i've done in the shades you'll be sewing i'm following three months ago most of lisa's living spaces were filled to the brim with exotic ornaments from her travels bric-a-brac and redundant furniture her garden shed come craft room was so overwhelmed with clutter she couldn't work in there but now it's been transformed into a tidy beautiful creative haven for lisa the me space she come dreamed and see my craft room curtis what do you think oh that is good isn't it you can see the floor that's lovely it really feels like the sort of place you could work in now yeah and are you using it though yeah it has taken a huge amount of effort but now she has the spacious craft room she hoped for well you've done a fantastic job with this yeah what else have you got to show me i've got the summer house but it's not a creative space it's a relaxing space and a plain game space she's right the summer house has had a complete makeover too before it was no more than a junk room filled to the brim with clutter but now it's the peaceful oasis it was designed to be a fully functional summer house to sit in and enjoy i prefer it to the other room i don't know why i just love the intimacy of here i could sit in here all day i'd never go in your house if i lived here they both are so good did you expect them to be like this i expected them to be clear yeah i didn't expect either of them to be completely made over it's just brilliant well i'm glad you like it curtis i'm certainly happy in here i love it i'm glad you're happy i think it's great now do you want to know how much we've made for you so far yes i'm doing it all lisa's not only decluttered her two outside spaces she's been busy indoors too before her living room was piled high with treasures from her travels all over the world now she still has the things she loves but they've been tidied and displayed so she can see and enjoy them you've decluttered this room as well yep most of it's gone it's still a lot of stuff but you can see the floor you can see the units it does all look i mean it's still got things in but it doesn't look cluttered anymore it looks well it looks you not only are lisa's two outhouses and home looking so much better she has a healthy cash for clutter total of just under 580 pounds including online and auction sales and that's mainly due to her own sterling efforts at car boot sales and there's still lots more to come as lisa plans to keep on selling well that's not bad that's not bad so far so the money is going to be the holiday to france it is yeah i've already got some money saved so i can put what you've got to what i've got and whatever else is going to come in do you think you'll make it yeah i think i'll yeah i'll make it so this whole day classroom process has been pretty good yeah it's been refreshing actually you look happier i have to say and you look well thank you i feel much better and i definitely won't get this cluttered ever again promise promise all lisa wanted was to reclaim a bit of space for herself and i think she's done it those two outside areas look great i think this is a job well done [Music] you
Channel: Only Human
Views: 129,510
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Only Human, Only Human channel, documentary, the hoarder next door full episodes, hoarder, hoarder next door, britain's biggest hoarders, hoarders (tv program), hoarders buried alive, collection, only human documentary, shopping addiction documentary, hoarders full episodes, hoarders sos, the hoarder next door youtube, mental health awareness, Curtis Dowling, declutter, marie kondo, only human hoarders, ocd cleaners, hoarders biggest hoard
Id: qtZzWOPBpFw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 0sec (2760 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 25 2021
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