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welcome back mighty mamas and mighty people to another video from my messy to minimal series today i am bringing you that real life messy house hoarder declutter and organize with me yes i say hoarder because i'm starting to realize that i am possibly a hoarder so we're going to talk a little bit about that today the main goal here today is to declutter and organize this complete disaster of a linen closet that you see before you i've had major anxiety over just thinking about how to clean this linen closet here but no more we are no longer going to let anxiety and depression and ocd and hoarding control our lives so if you're ready to continue on this journey to clean house with depression and anxiety and take control of the mess in your home then keep on watching because this video is for you so i'm just starting out by removing all the items out of the linen closet and once again i am realizing that i have excessive amounts of these organizational bins and i am really coming to the realization that i am a hoarder and organizational bins are one of those items that i hoard yes i am a hoarder and it's just crazy to even say those words because i would never in a million years ever think that i could be a hoarder and you know most of us think that hoarding is like that a e show hoarders where you know the house is overtaken by clutter and it's completely unlivable that you can't even walk through that we just have a tendency to tell ourselves well if our house doesn't look like that then we're not hoarders but the truth is is if you have excessive amounts of specific items even if it's one type of item that is a form of hoarding and i am totally guilty of hoarding these organizational bins as i move through the different spaces of my home in this journey of cleaning with depression and anxiety i am realizing that i hoard organizational bins as well as other specific items it's just crazy i am learning so much about myself and it's really helping me to go from that messy to minimal in my home and i wonder are there specific items that you hoard maybe your house is clean but you do have an excess amount of a certain item or more and i would consider myself an organized hoarder as i'm learning about all of this and it's just mind-blowing to know so it is going to be wonderful to finally put some of these organizational bins to use and they can actually serve their purpose and as i move through this declutter and organize project i'm gonna see which bins are gonna work for this space and of course i'm gonna have to save the rest because as i declutter other spaces in my home i am hoping to put the rest of these bins to use as well so if you're here right now decluttering with me let's keep moving okay so i emptied all the shelves off and um they're pretty dusty so i'm gonna have to give this a really good wipe down and then the floor as you could see is filthy so i definitely need to give that a good sweep and mop up and then i just put everything from the linen closet out here there is so much clutter it's just crazy so i'm gonna have to actually sort through all of this clutter and hoard as i call it because i really am thinking that i'm a hoarder guys like seriously look it i have so many shower curtains that i never even used and i mean it just goes on and on i have so many hair straighteners and curling irons that i don't even use because i don't even do my hair every day um there's just so many different makeup products and like makeup systems that i purchased that i don't know i've never used and yeah there's a lot of home little decor organization things i have more shower hooks here more straighteners it's just insane all of this horde and clutter that i have accumulated over time and it's very overwhelming like i don't even want to do this at this point i really want to give up i'm hot i'm tired but i'm not going to i'm going to push through i'm actually going to get a drink of water and i am going to push through and do this and just really breaking it down to the stuff that i use every day and we're going to reduce all of this color and clutter and then we are going to organize it and we're going to make it simple and clean and that's what i want to do so if you are ready to keep moving along on this messy to minimal journey with me then let's go keep moving don't give up let's keep decluttering together i forgot to mention that all of this stuff up here on the top shelf is like the bedding linen that's clean so i'm just gonna leave that up there right now while i wipe down all the shelves and then um i will sort through and organize all of this linen once i declutter all the stuff that's on the floor and everything so i'm just gonna save that for last [Music] [Music] i always do never thought [Music] stronger than i ever been [Music] [Music] i always do never thought [Music] stronger [Music] stronger than i ever been [Music] okay so now that i gave the linen closet a really good scrub down and it was really dirty i just couldn't even believe it like this is obviously going to have to be a part of my cleaning maintenance schedule is wiping down the closet shelves because they do accumulate a lot of dust and i think a lot of us don't realize that so um i'm definitely planning to make this part of my cleaning routine and that is something i will be sharing with all of you once i get it together myself and once i've established something that's really working out for me i am going to be sharing all of that with you guys too along on this journey so now comes the overwhelming and challenging part of decluttering this is where we sit down and we have to sort through all the clutter and we have to decide what we're keeping what we're donating and what we're giving away well in this case i will say that decluttering the bathroom spaces was one of my easiest tasks because there wasn't much sentimental value in any of these items because they're mostly store bra personal hygienic items that you know you don't really put much emotional tie to so it really came down to deciding what is it that i use today or this week or at least within the next 30 days so that is how i decided what i was keeping of course any other products that were expired or just old or yucky or used i just threw them in the trash and then if there were any items that i could part with that i could donate to somebody i would put in a donation pile so i'd have to say out of all of these items the hardest thing for me to part with were the shower curtains i couldn't really decide it was hard at first but i thought back to my vision board that i make every year for the new year and on that vision board i always include my house and like what i want my house to look like because my experience with moving in this house and having postpartum depression at the time it was not one of the funnest experiences of being a first-time homebuyer it really stole all the joy out of that experience and i was just not myself i forgot like i lost myself through the postpartum depression and i didn't really know like what i like and what i wanted my house to look like so every decision i made at the time it was very impulsive and it really didn't have much thought behind it because i really just didn't even know what i wanted at the time and i had no creativity inside of me it just everything was sucked away from the depression but that is why i am like so excited to do this declutter and just really minimalize my home so in deciding which shower curtains to keep and get rid of i went back to my vision board that i do every year me and the kids we make vision vision boards for the year and it always includes what my goals are for my home for the year and one of those goals is to really neutralize every room in my home i don't want to have color color really makes me feel so anxious and it just over stimulates me it stresses me out like it's hard enough i have to see all the color from my kids stuff so i really want to neutralize all the spaces in my home to have those earth tones that i just am drawn to and i love and they make me feel like comfortable and peaceful and calm so you really need to decide like if you haven't already do a vision board of your home specifically of your home and what do you see for your home what type of spaces do you see what type of colors what type of vibe do you want your home to bring and that will help you decide what to keep and what to purge when you are decluttering spaces in your home once you know that and once you have like that vision in your mind it really does help make the process so much easier it becomes almost therapeutic and it's super exciting and motivating so you have to find that like inner motivation based on what is the vision that you see so i don't know maybe that will help some of you to help motivate you you have to like have that end goal in mind i always do things with the end goal in mind but i'm trying to still do things at a realistic pace because i don't want to get overwhelmed to the point where i'm reluctant to start because i talked about that in my you know earlier videos in this journey so it really is finding like that happy medium between it all and when you're a mom like me and you still have all the mom duties going on around you you just have to learn that you will get to those other projects or you will meet those other goals they're just gonna happen a lot slower than they do for most people and that is okay as long as we are chipping away working at the end goal okay we're all gonna get there so remember that and keep that in mind so when it comes to decluttering i highly recommend make a little vision board have fun with it look at things on pinterest to inspire you look through magazines and just cut out like you know different types of furniture or different types of paint colors that you see for your house all that we can all create our own dream home and it doesn't matter the size you can live in a huge house and create your dream home or it can be a small house or it could be an apartment you could still create those peaceful beautiful functionable spaces within your home and it can be your dream home no matter where you are and no matter what size so definitely aim for that within your home because you deserve to be happy and truly feel at home and comfortable when you are home and let that be one of the main drivers in this journey to take control of the mess in your home so if you're one who's really nervous to start decluttering or you become really overwhelmed even thinking about it and it makes your anxiety go through the roof because you don't want to be faced with making decisions and having to part with things that you may really still love then i highly recommend starting in your bathroom because like i said there's less sentimental attachment to those types of items because they're just you know personal hygiene products for the most part so definitely start decluttering in your bathroom and then let that be the momentum that kicks off that motivation to keep you decluttering through the rest of your home it's really the perfect place to get started [Music] i've been trying my best for a while trying to please everyone who's around me i've been [Music] [Music] so i thought it was important to explain this moment right now of the decision making process when it comes to decluttering as you can see here i'm going back and forth just looking at this item deciding whether i want to keep it or not i'm having a lot of trouble parting with it and mostly because it is that one sentimental item that i did find here in the bathroom it's actually a really heavy duty metal bucket or pail and it has green gemstones around it which are the color of my birdstone and this was a gift from my boyfriend at the time but husband now he had gifted me bath and body works and it came in this really cute nice heavy duty bucket and it had all the stress relief candles and body sprays and lotions so as you can see there's a lot of sentimental value to it but it's also a really high quality item that i know can serve a purpose somewhere else in my house or maybe even here in the bathroom so i am going to hold on to it and see what it can do for me and see if it can be a functional piece here in my home and this is really the whole idea behind the messy to minimal series it's not just about oh purging all of our items just to get rid of everything and to live in a house that has nothing it's just about really thinking hard about what items to keep what items to spend time on maintaining in your home and crowding your space and making sure that they do serve a purpose or they really are something that you truly value and i'm on love way now [Music] i'll be going [Music] to be able to find myself shouldn't be so complicated if i listen to my heart i'm gonna leave it all behind find myself i'm gonna start over new yeah i'm [Music] as of right now i have donation box started donation bag started and so far two bags of trash and that little pile of recycling but yeah this is just that real life messy house declutter and organizing that happens in my house if i try to get organized unfortunately i always have to make a huge mess before i can clean a mess but i feel really good about the stuff that i have let go already and just all the trash i've gotten rid of and yeah like i said that cube organizer took a lot of thought i wasn't sure but i'm letting it go i'm moving forward we are here to go from messy to minimal and so that is the end goal this will be the first time i run through this stuff but i know there will also be a second time that i come back and i will be able to declutter even more so i'm just going to continue on so if you guys are ready to give up don't give up yet let's keep moving keep decluttering let's get into our stuff let's get this done it's going to feel so good let's go come with me i'm not really asking we'll get away to a [Music] people get [Music] somehow we can't miss out with my own [Music] okay so i had to add this in check out this huge dinosaur this i think was one of the first steamers like ever made seriously like it's a huge but you know what it worked really really good i mean it still works really good but the problem is it's rusting at the bottom and that was what all that brown stuff was in the bottom of the linen closet so it's really old and it's huge it takes up so much space like i don't need this huge one this was actually given to us by my mother-in-law and we used to use it all the time and i still do use it but i know that they make compact sized ones you know ones that are smaller and that don't have like this whole tube concoction attachment piece that i don't have to worry about and i could just run it anywhere like over my mattresses and over curtains this guy here like this one was limited for what i can use it it worked really well for like our shirts and stuff when we're going somewhere but um yeah i can never like really do my mattresses or curtains because it doesn't reach far enough so it's time to upgrade to a more compact sized one that is more you know portable and i know my husband's gonna have something to say about it but you know what he's just gonna have to get over it and that's how we declutter okay we tell our husbands get over it so there you go [Music] not looking back eyes on the freeway bonnie and clyde a classic cliche we're on the run this is what we waited for take my hand we'll make it somehow okay so here's another update for you guys just to kind of show you the progress and this whole decluttering going from messy to minimal here if you guys are moving along with me keep on i know at this point it gets really really overwhelming because you feel like you're still looking at the same mess but i promise you after this next step here it's going to show your progress so what i'm about to do is i'm going to take my donations and i'm going to remove them out of the bathroom i already removed the trash bags and the recycling bin however i did accumulate more trash so this is all going in the garbage i just have to get that down in the bin and then so this will come out and that will go out and then these are some like bins from the target dollar spot that i picked up a while back um i'm just kind of like seeing what i'm gonna do in this linen closet here pretty much all that stuff has already been decluttered these are the things i'm keeping and i just need to find them a container to go in and then organize so oh and then over here these are all empty like bins and caddies and you know storage containers that i am not going to use in here because i do not want to see that aqua color in here this is what i used to go with in my bathroom also in my daughter's room and i have a space down in the basement where my laundry facilities are that i do use that color for organization so i'm gonna move that stuff downstairs and then this here is a um it was from ikea it's like a little drying rack it's an octopus that comes you know like the legs come down and then you can hang stuff and dry it so i want to put that in the basement for like different things to hang um dry but yeah so that stuff's all going out of here donation piles going out of here and then the rest of the trash is going out of here and then pretty much this is what i'm working with here um i actually made use for this little pail that i could not get rid of i put all of my hair color stuff in here so that worked out pretty good actually it fits nice it goes together and i'll be able to store that somewhere and then this is our hair cutting kit but as you can see um i started to kind of like figure out what bins are gonna fit in here and all that and i'm still not sure i know that i'm using the brown wicker baskets but i'm still deciding like do i want to use these dollar tree bins or do i want to use the target dollar spot bins i don't even know yet what i'm doing here so i'm just kind of like getting idea of like how everything fits in here and what it looks like so that's what you'll see me doing here right now because you do have to go over the space and figure out you know how you want to organize it and what containers you're going to be using to store everything away so that's what i'm doing right now and um yeah i'm just trying to decide that and i'm just gonna keep rolling with it and i'm just getting really tired here i may have to turn this into a two-day project at this point because i'm really starting to lose steam here but um yeah i think it's going to be good so first i'm going to remove all that stuff out so we can see some space opening up so if you have any donation piles or any trash piles or you know empty container piles my advice is get them out of the space right now because then it opens it up and it makes it you know more motivating it shows that you're making progress and yeah but i may have to continue this tomorrow to be completely honest because like i said i'm getting really tired but let's see what i could do [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay you guys sorry but i was not able to finish this project in one day so we are now here on day two that's why you will see i'm in different clothes it's a whole new day and um yeah you know sometimes that's okay we can't always finish our projects in one day it gets a little overwhelming or maybe we're tired and you know when we're moms we still have everything else to take care of so we cannot make ourselves feel bad if we cannot finish something in one day there's always tomorrow or maybe you just get overwhelmed because it's so messy and you need to walk away and take a break for an hour and just kind of clear your head and come back to the mess an hour or two later that's okay too so in this case i just shut the door and i told everybody do not use the upstairs bathroom mom's in the middle of a cleaning project and that's that luckily for us we have two bathrooms so it works out that way but yeah so here i am day two and what i'm doing now is i'm just organizing all of the stuff that i decided to keep and i'm just kind of separating it into different bins so every bin is going to have like its own category so we're going to have one for like dental one for first aid one for makeup and one for medicine and you get the idea so that's what i'm doing here um what i did do last night though before i completely closed the door on this i did go ahead and i decided what bins i'm going to use and what purpose each bin is going to serve so i really did map that out last night um so make sure you guys watch all the way to the end because the results are super satisfying and i'm definitely going to show you a before and after but if you are still still here with me right now decluttering your space and organizing your space then let's keep moving we got this we're gonna get this done and we are going from messy to minimal right now [Music] we got your soul [Music] into the sun in war there's never an option to run [Music] oh tears keep on falling [Music] [Music] so give us your soul into the sun in war there's never an option to run tears keep on falling [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] oh here are another one of those hoarding items that i hoard they are of course the shower hooks because you know you have to have a new set of shower hooks when you have a new shower curtain so they just go together i guess and yeah i've found that i have multiple sets i did donate a few others but these are the ones i'm going to hold on to because i did decide to keep at least three of the shower curtains including the one that i have hanging now just because i do get bored and you know home decor is one of my hobbies and i like to switch things up so for the different seasons that's what i do leave me a comment below letting me know are you a hoarder of a specific item are you just now realizing this yourself or is it something you've always known to hoard let me know what that item or items are i'm just curious to know [Music] making moves trying to get away from this life more things every day i want to change this feeling wasting no more time don't care about what you're saying try to keep me down no time for all your playing [Music] no more no more i don't even know what to do right now right now right now [Music] [Music] all we have with those memories time to make some new ones the sun is up i'm wide awake we're not getting younger if you still love me then please just let me go i won't stay with you i need [Music] [Music] no [Music] i don't [Music] can't we just leave it by here never to touch it again yeah even if you doubt me now you should know i don't care about the things you say i [Music] so this is one of those like good moments when you're decluttering and you realize oh you're so grateful that you did it so i am so happy that i did this because i never would have found this thomas the train pillowcase it was my older son's and my little guy jack he loves thomas the train so i found that and i also found the crib fitted sheet as well as the crib pad so this is going to be a great way for me to start the transition of putting him into my daughter's room because we are going to be merging the two little ones together and i'm actually going to do a whole room makeover and film it for you guys so stay tuned for that but for now just to kind of get him motivated and start the transition process i think i'm going to take his crib mattress put it on the floor in my daughter's room and i'm gonna use this bedding which i never would have found if i didn't declutter so this is just one of those awesome benefits to decluttering your stuff because i never would have knew that this was even in there and i can use this right now and we probably just would have aged out of this by the time i found it if i didn't declutter now so see you never know what you're going to find so definitely declutter it is so worth it and it can actually benefit you in more ways than one time [Music] i [Music] it's a long way way up to everything that we want but if we take a moment to get closer closer to the things we love it's not a long way to the spot where we already are staying here under the palm trees [Music] when everything is okay are you guys ready for the final result the satisfying result drum roll i am not so happy here it is [Music] i am so satisfied with the results the before and after is just astonishing i really even impressed myself on this one you guys okay so i'm gonna bring these in and explain a little bit about what i did so to start off over here if you guys remember in the video i removed that bottom shelf so i did that on purpose because i knew that i wanted to use these two baskets and obviously you know they come up higher than where the shelf sits so i had to remove the shelf to do that because i always wanted to have a basket here for the toilet paper back stock which i do now isn't it so beautiful oh my gosh for all my perfectionists out there look at this you can do this too i got these baskets at target um they're really heavy duty like metal so i highly recommend that and then over here is the dirty laundry basket i have always wanted a dirty laundry basket inside the closet so that you know you don't see it out here in my bathroom so this oh my gosh this just makes me so happy right now like seriously i know i'm a cleaning nerd you guys and i know that like these types of things make me super happy but i just can't help myself and then look at how the labels turned out from dollar tree okay you cannot beat that those are those little chalkboard labels and they're really just like a really thick black paper and then you can get that white chalk marker and then those stencils are bomb i love the font it is so my style it just has like that farmhouse kind of like army typewriter print which i love okay let's move it on up so this here is my tall shelf pretty simple straightforward i'm just gonna be folding my towels and laying them right here flat what i will do a little tip that i'm going to share that i'm going to do is they're actually in the dryer right now so i they were all pretty much dirty of course that's why when i started out this video the top shelf that was my towel shelf area and that was empty because they were all dirty so anyway so far these are the ones that i had just cleaned but i have all the rust coming and i do have like ivory and white like those neutral tones those earth tones that i talked about i'm going to end up somehow storing them so that you only see like the white and ivory towels when you look at the shelf so i'm going to figure out a way whether i stack them like kind of like in columns you know like that konmari method i might try to do something like that or i may just push like this part of the pile back and then kind of lay over one of the white towels i know that seems like so tedious and probably pointless to a lot of people but these are the things where my perfectionism takes over and if i do something like it has to be a certain way and so just seeing the pattern towels is driving me crazy so i have to find a way to cover that you know and i'm not going to go and replace all my towels just because of that and this goes back to you know these are like the kids beach towels underneath and then i went through like a pink phase in the bathroom so i had that but moving forward if i make any purchases it's only going to be like the neutral tones or the earth tones because i know now that is what i love you know it took me this long to figure it out okay and these here these are just like my hangers that i use um these are really cool like if you want to dry a sweater and you don't want to get the hanger marks or a shirt so they're deliberately made like that they're by tied i don't know if tide sells them anymore but i seen them at the grocery store a long long time ago before i had kids and i picked it up and i love it we use it all the time if i have like a certain cardigan or sweater i'll hang it on the shower and let it air dry okay moving on here to this shelf this is going to be the two baskets i use for my hand towels and i am actually going to declutter they're all dirty so they're actually being washed right now so once they are clean i'm gonna go through and declutter and i'm only gonna keep whatever fills these two baskets that's what i'm doing because that's all we need and i do have way more than that but i decided i'm gonna boil it down to these two baskets and we'll be good and that's probably still an excessive amount but this is what we're doing here with this messy to minimal i have to minimalize what i have because then in the end it's less maintenance less items to wash and believe me i can live with that so what i did here like going back to that tip where i'm going to cover all these towels with like the neutral color i love these hand towels these are my favorite i think they're so beautiful i actually have two more that are in the wash so what i did was i decided i'm gonna stack these up in front and then i'll just i'll put the other ones behind it and then everything behind it will be just like the basic colors that i have because i just think it's so pretty like it really is appeasing to the eye so you can use like certain patterns that you love or colors that you love put them like up front and center when you store them and it'll just make it a happier space so over here sorry i'm out of breath i decided to roll our washcloths and now these washcloths are super cheap just the ones from dollar tree i pick them up for the kids we go through so many of these sometimes they get stained if i'm you know cleaning up certain paints or whatever i just use these but these are for the kids to wash themselves i don't use washcloths my husband doesn't use washcloths so i just decided i'm gonna roll them and stick them in this pretty little basket that i already had and i already had these baskets i had all of this stuff um i'm actually doing a pantry makeover and these two jars were something that i did purchase recently but i decided to bring it up here because i don't really have any items that's going to be you know that amount to store in the pantry so i figured i can use these here in the bathroom so i ended up putting the cotton balls in one and the q-tips in one and i didn't feel a need to like go crazy and label all this because it's obvious these are hand holes i know the washcloths are here i don't have to have a label for that and then these are just so pretty how they are i love you know how it's just the white popping through and then this is an antique um sterling silver tray that i have i i need to find a way to wash it it's really dirty but i thought i would just set that here to keep those in nicely so they don't slide off but really i mean that's this is like all i need this is perfect so what happened to all the clutter you're probably asking yourself well here it is this is everything that i ended up keeping and so i'm gonna run through really quick and show you guys i mean you guys obviously seen me do this but um here is sc is self-care so that's our self-care bin and these are those opaque bins that i got from target's dollar spot i think you can also buy it off of the website in the bullseye playground or something it's called there's like a whole target dollar spot section on the website and then the mu if you can guess that's for makeup i was trying to find a way to like use my stencil because they are a certain size i couldn't fit the full words in so i just abbreviated it and i thought that was really cute and then here is the back stock um basket and in here is just without having to really take it down it's like all those little extra um toiletries i guess you call it and nail polish remover certain kind of medical sprays um and then my stethoscopes are in here we have our hair cutting kit this is back stock for q-tips cotton balls i also put like my curlers i can't even talk i think that's what they're called i haven't used these in forever i can't remember what they're called and then the clips are in the bag and then um i just have a couple extra things in there but i thought that was like such a beautiful way to store it and then over here we have first aid and then dc is dental care so like extra toothbrushes toothpaste things like that so really all of this is back stock i may i may change this up in the future and of course i will film everything if i do but moving up here as you guys seen i went ahead and i sorted through all the linen and i have one for those vacuum sealed extra blankets that we have and then the other is for fitted sheets and flat sheets and then this one here is for pillowcases now i do have a tons more of sheets and pillowcases that are dirty i have a mountain of laundry and i'm gonna be bringing you guys that video as well for laundry motivation i mean it's bad it's really bad it goes back plus we had a washer that wasn't working for a while so trust me it's gonna be some wrong reel no judgment right we never judge a mom by the mess that's my thing so we're no judgment here um but yeah this is overall what it turned out to be and you guys i i just cannot get over the before and after and i'm actually gonna show that for you guys right after this i'm gonna give you that clip of the before and after so if you want to look and see what it was like before and then to see the after just amazing amazing so i highly encourage you to just get your butt up and start decluttering start doing it and if you love like organization bins like i do if you're a hoarder of those bins and you have a bunch laying around your house put them to use already get it done and look at how beautiful those labels from the dollar tree you cannot beat that price literally and that was a four pack those little ones come in a four pack and they do come with like the little um rope that you can hang it with but what i ended up using was like those little sticky zots and i just did it stuck it on the back and stuck it on there because there's nothing really for it to hang from before the baskets i did use the little rope that came with it the little twine and i just hung them but i mean they're just so beautiful i'm obsessed i know i'm such a weirdo i'm such a weirdo but you guys i'm just super happy and i want you to feel this happy feeling too so i really really hope that you know this real life messy house hoarder declutter and organization video really helped you out today and got you motivated to transform your space in your home and just declutter a space and just feel that weight lifted off your shoulder so that you can feel like you are going from messy to minimal and you know you are able to clean house with depression and anxiety and not let your struggles control you we are taking control of the mess in our home cleaning up one mess at a time and we are doing this together if you are new here consider subscribing i want you to join on this journey i want you to take control of the mess in your home especially if you are struggling with anxiety and depression and keeping a clean house please join us on this journey it's a wonderful community here for all of us and i'm gonna stop talking now so for now i'm gonna say stay mighty and god bless and right here check out the before and after [Music] there's a price to pay to get enough things we want but if we take a moment to get closer closer to the things [Music] [Applause] [Music] maybe i'm just happy [Music]
Channel: Mighty Mama
Views: 344,781
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: messy to minimal mama real life messy house hoarder declutter and organize with me clean depression, messy to minimal mama, messy to minimalist, real life messy house clean up for depressed moms, clean house with depression and anxiety, hoarder house clean up, real life messy house hoarder declutter with me, moms too depressed to clean house, real life minimalism for beginners, minimal mom, organization for hoarders, clean depression, hot mess house organization, real life mess
Id: UjvwtTDOrMc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 5sec (3125 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 20 2021
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