I Haven't Used My Kitchen and Bathroom in 4 Years | Hoarders S1 Ep5 | Only Human

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[Music] jesus christ [Music] hall upstairs london absolutely cluttered i'm assuming this is the bathroom i think this is the master bedroom do a little reconnaissance in here i've explained to people in the past about the horde reaching the ceiling but i don't think they've ever believed me this is like no the clearance that we've done before [Music] on merseyside three miles north of liverpool is the middle class suburb of crosby popular with families and minutes from the beach it's picture-perfect suburban living but one house on this street stands out as a little different it does look shocking this house is home to britain's biggest horde it's literally bursting at the seams about seven or eight years ago i realized i would never get it back to the way it originally was so who lives in a house like this gosh look at the stage of this the house along with all of its contents belonged to this gentleman a 72 year old man retired and now that i'm sitting here a bit distressed at what i can see facing retirement with a home you can barely get into paul wants to sell up and move on this is the prophecy i'm thinking of selling helen is the estate agent who's got the job i understand we are coming to view a hoarders property um which does have its own sensitivity would it be possible for us to go through and have a look you can have a quick look in but nothing's been cleared yet so you can't go far a good standard three-bedroom within this area would achieve about 190 000. you'll have to push your way past [Music] oh my it's going to take some clearing paul and his mother bought the house 35 years ago after his father died he had a nice modern kitchen nice garden as well it was a very attractive house it's hard to say the condition of the property when you can't see much more than this they bought the house for 23 000 pounds we were quite happy in it had a dog and then we got a cat now all passed away of course along with my mother who died in 1995. hoarding is often triggered by traumatic life events it's just a shame that it gets to this stage isn't it this should have been that was a long time ago four or five years after my mother died i think then i started collecting i think in the back of my mind is that will look nice in the house and it would be a bit like what my mother had you know and then overwhelmed me you know too much of everything for the last 25 years paul's hoard has grown the books are the first thing that started to pile up i really have got a couple thousand books now on a positive i can't smell any damp it would be good to come back when it's cleared for the last four years both the kitchen and bathroom have been completely inaccessible i used to eat outside of course you know i used to go to cafes and things like that and i used to go and have a shower in uh places in town all in the day a life of an estate agent i suppose i'm reassessing my life or the little bit i've got left of it you suddenly become aware that you are mortal you think you live forever don't you but will this hordefield house be a ticket to a happy retirement i'll be honest it's very difficult to see the conditions structurally i'm going on the assumption that it's in good structural condition i would imagine you two guessing on about one four five mark right okay this has not been a good way of maintaining the property and the value of it it's just devalued immensely over the years good luck with the clearance can't wait to see it empty i can't leave it it's got to be dealt with [Music] clearing a horde as huge as paul's needs a specialist so he's called in this man my name's george i have a company which deal with borders we do extreme cleaning we never cease to be amazed at what we see what we find from block toilets to um you know leftover body parts for george clearing a hoarder's home is just another day in the office i got a call from chat um he got himself in a bit of a rut um he wants to sell his property i believe he says every room is full to the brim so a lot of people say that you go dead and shake your head and go you know you've seen worse with money needed from the sale of the house paul's running out of time to clear the horde i've yet to see a job which has made me gasp in horror you know [Music] let's see with a little bit packed out inside as you'll see [Music] wow yeah if i can get him that was every room full yeah they've just gradually sort of filled up and then i've moved away from them and then the last thing was i filled up the hole the horde has got too big for paul to tackle alone what i'm going to do is i'm going to do a bit of a survey which i'll record on camera and it'll give you a basic idea of what we've got to contend with the last person that i actually left in here apart from the people who do the utilities it would be a friend about four years ago i just hope there's no big infestation here but it's that possibility there is now with barely enough room for george to get through the front door he needs a special camera just to see what he's dealing with [Music] jesus okay all stairs london absolutely cluttered [Music] i'm assuming this is the bathroom my word this is absolutely crazy some of the most commonly hoarded items are books papers and old clothing paul hoards them all and more like roman artifacts weapons and armor i've explained to people in the past about the horde reaching the ceiling and the bulb where the lights fit in but i don't think they've ever believed me this bedroom is the only room in the house george can actually get into i would say most rooms go up to about six feet maybe seven but certainly no more than that have you seen my gladiator's helmet safety precaution the thing in my mind was they'd just be there for a while you know but just didn't it cruise and accrued and accrued and suddenly oh wow this is like no the clearance that we've done before we're going to be like archaeologists you know by the time we've dug down to the bottom i'm going to find stuff from probably 1990. i reckon it's going to be an eight-day job a team of five working flat out um a lot harder than what i thought this is my life over the last 25 years encapsulated in a a ridiculous obsession i don't know why i ever thought you know that this lot would sort of become an asset to the house another 30 quids worth of stuff gone this is going to last much longer anyway because it's an oldish house that's decaying there isn't an option to keep these things so i may as well try and get a little bit of money for the more valuable things i feel quite relieved to be away from the mental as well as the physical pressure that this is having on me coming up a mummy fired rats the de-hoarding on merseyside gets dirty we've been doing it for 10 years this is the worst we've ever done nothing is going in our van from here [Music] this house on merseyside is home to britain's biggest horde hall stairs london absolutely cluttered but homeowner paul wants to sell up to fund his retirement so he's called in extreme cleaner george to shift the horde and some squalid squatters a mummy fired rats just a baby one you know well where does one there'll be more found our first rat yeah little swine yeah terrifically apprehensive the size of the job is hitting me yeah undeterred though the team gets stuck in black bag the rubbish and skip it don't worry about it i know you're gonna be concerned when i say rubbish i'm talking about you know underneath there that are two sets of roman armor in sacks yeah i need to keep them yeah okay let's get cracking moving the rubbish is only half the problem hoarders can also find letting anything go a painful process it's not going to be easy at all especially with um fall on the shoulder don't throw books away we put them separate oh my god do you know what that is i hate to say it this is part of the roman wall in europe so i need to keep that yeah yeah the time being anyway i gotta get rid of it but you know it shouldn't be dumped you know it's our history with paul checking every item the clearance team are discarding progress is painfully slow have a look at this mate what we've got is rats yeah watch your fingers rat droppings i'll just come down and condemn them and just get rid do you really want it yeah you sure yeah get rid of that one no there's there's pictures in it that i do need yeah yeah i'll keep that i've got a bag yeah if you leave them on the tail lift then we'll sort them at the end of the day paul is the boss he can advise him but to him um valuable you know paul isn't the only person set to benefit from having his house cleared over the years his house has become a bit of a landmark with the local community people will say oh what's happening to the house or oh it's really devaluing your property love i mean i look at it sometimes and think gosh do i live next door to that unfortunately for janice she does but she's still proud of the neighborhood i've always been somebody who was house proud i take pride in it by making it nice and making it clean and making it pleasant but over the last decade the horde next door has become a nightmare in one word i think it's a shame these are nice houses and it was a nice house next door and it's just come from bad to wear you can't really put in words what it's like to live next door it's a fire hazard i've actually been told that by the fire service they came and and went through an escape route for me if it went on fire for the neighbours the clear out can't come soon enough come up the road and you think oh good grief it's getting worse i'd like to say cleared out completely i'd like to see it brought up to a better standard how many years you've got time for this progress is slow next door though it's taken the team six hours just to get into the hall there's a room here yeah yeah and a room down there i think i know that fella felt nobody really found supermarket on his treasure i don't know we've been doing it for 10 years you know i mean this is the worst we've ever done as the cleaning team pack up and leave paul is still hard at it even though we've finished for the day ball is still picking away you know he's what you call a typical hoarder he can't let nothing go the built-in mechanism he knows no difference [Music] i've actually seen this but i've kept it for you paul literally hoarded himself out of house and home four years ago and now lives with his friend simon i've known simon for 50 years and he's just a very nice person so i'm very pleased that i've rekindled our friendship simon's never been inside never seen this but he knows i'm a bit of a hoarder from the things i brought across over the last year or two paul hopes that selling his house will give both himself and simon a brighter retirement when it's clear i hope to sell this off move in full time with simon and go on a few holidays i mean i haven't been on a holiday for years next day on the job and george knows that the d hoarding is going to get dirty the lower we get the more contaminated nothing is going in our van from here why literally paul 95 of this is going to be contaminated right now there's just one thing i want on your right hand side if you can get a bag and just throw those shirts in i'll take them with a contaminated rat infested horde to tackle it's time for george and the team to suit up we're not going to take no prisoners it's a white suit job personal protection is there most important like the kitchen is going to be the worst um because what we've got in there is rodents infestation which can give yourself or anyone else who goes there some really bad diseases i don't think paul is aware of the situation but i think this might scare them a little bit right let's go and do it it's obvious george is dealing with a biohazard in the kitchen when you start disturbing it with the urine that happens even though something may look good still be affected you know but attempt to deteriorate like that you know absolutely there's so many diseases which live in an environment like this hoarder paul though seems oblivious to the danger don't touch nothing i mean it really is badly contaminated you know let's just get the underwear the only way it's okay no what's wrong with the other way i don't know what you told me would you wear that please put it up there to dry it was 12 years ago when you put it up yeah okay leave it dump it yeah it's not just underpants he's trying to save he's taking armfuls of contaminated items and filling his car but even paul doesn't want the contents of the fridge when you get to like the pork and chicken the with the biohazard under attack in the kitchen paul's friend simon has come to check on progress the occasion's never risen for me to actually go in the house i've been in quite a few houses that have belonged to senior citizens and i imagine it would be something similar it's really deteriorated far more than i even i thought it had really he did say that it was difficult to get in and out of roles and you have to climb over things definitely that's the case isn't it seeing the house simon feels help is needed beyond just clearing the horde obviously paul's got quite an obsession with keeping things and that it's a very severe problem i think at one level he is aware of the need to get some help about it it's like a kind of warning isn't it to see when it's got to this stage [Music] it sort of makes you think god i can't let my house get the same way he's been taking stuff yes in his car now is that going back to your place he told me that he's got like a store you've got to watch him you know because i'm hoping this is the only meeting we're going to have you know yeah sure with the warning signs clear simon checks what paul is loading into his car there's quite a lot of stuff stuff here isn't there yes yes um so are these going in the store uh no some of them going in the house pictures and that but uh unless they're gone we have we've already got an awful lot of pictures yeah but there are one or two pictures that i don't want to lose you know as long as okay nothing has come from the kitchen then hardly anything from the kitchen then right the bottles of whiskey have but i'm washing them before we're going to use it okay okay it's definitely um got to the stage where you know you you need a lot of help sorting it out you know yeah as the horde clearance continues treasures are found in the trash 30 50 pound notes there george has spotted something else that could help fund paul's retirement french you got it molly defense here this is the main value in the whole house really yeah that i uh purchased about 35 years ago when i sold a car it's one treasure after another for paul today right there's a box here which could have all sorts in it probably something to do with the romans did uh oh no oh no i'm not interested in him but the box is worth having in order to clear the house george is putting the high value items paul wants to keep into storage the plan is to sell it all off including his treasured roman reenactment equipment paul's unique because there is a lot of stuff which is expensive just several thousand pound worth of items here but i think what he shouldn't do is concentrate on the small insignificant items you know got to get his priorities right we need more boxes we definitely need more boxes [Music] unfortunately just clearing a horde doesn't cure the hoarder up to 80 percent can relapse within months although i appear calm on on the surface i am feeling quite anxious i do tend to get things without realizing you know where they're gonna go or what i'm gonna do with them because the last 25 years i've been living on my own there's no one there to tell me off to help paul understand why he hoards he's come to visit a specialist psychologist hello hi i'm paul hi claire are you yes nice to meet you what triggered this for you i think really when my mother died i get things uh like ornaments and things like that maybe i was trying to recreate the happy home you know are you an only child yeah i had a brother that died very young okay was your childhood slightly in the shadow of this that i suppose i could have been yeah i think i felt lonely and that's why i always said to my mum when she said what do you want for christmas a baby brother and my mother told me this and she was quite proud of it she said you cried and cried and i went over and i you know cuddled it i mean uh you your father that's my my my father said you'll make him a queer if you do that yeah so she said i reluctantly left you and you cried and cried for a day and a half and at the end of the second day you stopped crying and you knew but you never cried again you were a very good little boy they had no idea how to break up a child and how does that feel to know that that she left you there well it explained why i emotionally find it impossible to love anyone and i buy things for people quite a lot yeah so and so would like that you know it's my way of showing that you know i like you here yeah what happens with a lot of holders is that and they often have a similar experience to you that really affection and feelings have been mediated through items rather than real tangible love i see something and i'll say oh that that's nice you know oh we should we should have glass wait who's we oh i suppose that's my mother because that's your showing of love so you're still buying things to some degree in your head for you and mum in a way it's kind of like you're filling up the space that she's left in your life with yeah with things with all of these things [Music] [Music] i think paul was incredibly open and honest and i think a lot of the things that have come up for paul today he's really never considered before so i'm looking forward to seeing what we call this hoarder rationale at work in his home coming up um the psychologist gets hands-on with the horde that's me roman head it's just what everybody needs in the kitchen isn't it and after hoarding for over a quarter of a century 72 year old paul has decided to reboot his life for his retirement gosh look at the stage of this with plans to sell his home when it's cleared he's brought psychologist claire to see the scale of his problem this was up to here like up here okay and was it blocking your kitchen yeah yeah i haven't been in the kitchen for quite a while how many years uh i'll say about a year before sansa four years yeah okay and what will you live how are you cooking oh i was eating house yeah and i i used to go to a waterstones to have a wash let's just walk through a little bit to the to the to the kitchen you'd wonder how can they manage to to live like this it's just so functioning it takes so much effort to live like this as well what would mum think about this oh she does she'd be absolutely livid live at you live it's with the full extent of the horde revealed it's clear paul has a massive task ahead what we're asking from paul is huge we're asking him to change a habit he's had since 1995 or before and it is like any addiction and it takes time to break the thought process as well of saving the good straight to the good what can i say you'll never be fully recovered from this it will always be something you will have an urge to do you seem quite i would maybe go as far as to say a little bit frantic right now yeah yeah because they're throwing away things you know that i don't i don't want to be thrown away every year are you not at the point yet where you can just release these items where you could there are still something things i want i will then go through them again when they're in the uh lock up do you intend to keep the lock up or move things to simon's oh no uh i'm not gonna move a load to simons i'm gonna go minimum move to simons i'm the rest i'll sell or dump a lot of my autistics come to the last minute and they just can't part with it and they do genuine enough someone to clear but then at the end of the day it's like giving a part of themselves away he's a little bit lost to us at the moment really a whole nother level of his brain has kicked him does he escape me with more of the horde now cleared estate agent helen is back to re-evaluate the property there's a toilet set here and that's obviously what's caused the whole thing to collapse a little bit oh dear yeah that's quite severe structural work on that i can see a little bit more this time it's apparent that the horde that's been in this property has been detrimental to us it's caused damage through its sheer weight the ventilation's not being permitted the floor's dropped about eight inches it's potential that the gable wall could have gone with structural damage now clear the real cost of paul's horde is even clearer obviously the 140 that was going from being structurally sound 145 so that was taking into consideration windows new bathroom new kitchen yeah so you're probably looking at a cash buyer i would imagine them paying around about the 110 top 10 right yeah it's not nice for anybody to think that your actions have actually caused a devaluation in your property but he has a valuable asset and a great area that he can now sell once he's done these these works and got it cleared it'll be a great weight going off my shoulders my mind when this goes yeah paul's house may be clearing but friend simon is worried that his hoarding may still need more work i think a lot of people look as though they're coping and really they're experiencing some sort of meltdown inside the problem of compulsive buying i'm not so familiar with obviously that's a central problem with paul i mean he's already got quite a lot of things in this house and um i don't want it to be a cluttered house to get some support simon has called in claire for a one-to-one himself when you finally saw the mass of what was in paul's house were you frightened by that you could see an awful lot of clutter it is frightening because of the risks that there are for fire and or that something could fall down on paul is he still engaging in this behavior do you see this and what he's still going out he's still acquiring yeah i mean a lot of the things that are here in this room are paul's what he's brought here he's brought in these two lamps as well but are you happy with the way the house is at the moment not as it is at the moment i don't want to live in even in a house as cluttered as this one is never mind as cluttered as his has become i'm worried for you and worried for paul when we talk about um how a home becomes a hoard it's a three-step process so there's clutter clots and clogs so clogs is when a home is fully hoarded 10 years plus and it's all joined together but i'm worried because i'm now seeing some clots that's the downward right ride from there and the more clear looks the worse it gets so all of this stuff under here is this paul's yes it is paul brought the table and he says it's from his house because he said that was one thing he didn't want to part with okay if it turned out that this had just been a pick up for yeah i think an antique shop or something then i'd i'd feel quite um hurt about that really as claire is shown around it's clear that paul's horde has spread so he's already stuff going up the stairs even in the bathroom which i'd renovated you know i'd put a new bathroom well it's impossible for me to clean and hear you see but i'm guessing this is paul's most of it yeah or their pictures which paul's replaced this is the room he uses as the bedrock okay oh simon for you this is such bad news isn't it really i'm i'm concerned about this this used to be the spare drum actually okay this is the room that he's not he's more or less exiled himself from let's have a look this is much worse than the other room wow yes this is not a positive sign in the other room yeah simon how does it feel for you now i was worried at all yes oh yes definitely there's this thing called scatter holding yeah and it's basically a bit like squirrels that take nuts and hives than places and sometimes scatter hoarders will take the horde and either secrete them or openly bring things in and this is so much worse than i expected it to be hi with huge concerns that paul may just transfer his hoarding to simon's house the issue has to be addressed immediately so we've got a bit of a confession to make paul we've had a little look at your bad dream [Music] you know i've been bringing stuff across you know that i want to get rid of which i will but i promise to simon that when we get this over i will start then sorting through both of the rooms and reducing it considerably i'm worried that it's come here in the first place you need to grab this before simon can't move around his own house i wish you haven't taken upstairs well the psychologist is here to do her job and we've got to let her do it properly what is it you're most annoyed at that i've been upstairs is it embarrassing that you feel caught yeah yeah shameful and embarrassed but all those things yeah i'm shocked at the level that it's gotten to here no more stuff finito i'll have to bring some stuff in well with me the heater come you know air conditioner thing no we don't need an air conditioner down here yeah but we haven't got the room with simon taking a stand claire wants to reduce the clutter that's already in the house starting with furniture in the hall you can pull the door up and over the top hinge has gone you know yeah yes that's fine i've got a new door to replace this oh no i don't want a new door there's one brand new i want this fixed that's all i don't know simon do you want a new door no no salmon doesn't want a new door i'm quite happy with this one i like the glass and attention i've given them two really important rules nothing else has to come in the house simon is not to allow anything else to pass the door um and the second thing is is that simon only needs to tell paul twice why he doesn't want something remember the rule of two right okay all the best [Music] over the following days george and his team hit the horde hard he was gonna be considered toys out of those when he shut down i bought all of it finally there is just one room left to empty paul's mother's bedroom yeah it looks a bit like paul's walk-in wardrobe over the last 25 years paul has bought a huge amount of clothes i would say in this property 50 000 pounds 50 000 pounds worth of rags i just can't get over what a sheer waste of money you know but amongst the clutter george has found some photos of paul with his mother god she looks different than i remember these are the things that you should be really hunting for they would mean more to me than any of the stuff that we're finding you show us a lot of emotion if you find um some kind of architecture that's the thing that sort of gets me going i i didn't have a too good relationship with my father i had an on-off relationship with my mother well i perhaps i am revealing you know but it wasn't quite as close to my mum as i thought i was yeah but not only that it's you put priority to the things around you as opposed to the things that you are part of right you know i don't feel any big welling up and perhaps i should but i don't you know in the nose or anything like that i wonder where that was taken doesn't say the remainder of the horde finally leaves the house making a total of eight skips about 24 tons of rubbish that's gone to landfill nine days ago it was virtually impossible to get upstairs bedrooms were filled the bathroom was out of bounds and access to every room downstairs was completely blocked it was so bad the kitchen was a biohazard [Music] finally the house is ready to be sold just feel good yeah it's tremendous isn't it [Music] paul's house may be empty but he's got a storage unit full of stuff to sell to help fund his retirement having an antiques expert coming today to evaluate whether i've got anything that's worthwhile or whether it's all chat i would hope i might get a grand or two hello there you must be paul that's right my name is michael here you see we've got a double head you're not going to get rich i would have guessed somewhere in the order of about 30 to 50 for something like this but it's nice please with the amount of items paul's collected the values soon add up how long have you had this piece you're probably looking at one to 200 in the right sale possibly a little bit more in a specialist and the dealer soon spots paul's clock clock is a little unusual you would expect that the dial would be white enamel it was made mid 19th century in other words victoria yeah but it's a nice set so what do you think it might be worth well i paid about two and a half grand for it 45 years ago did you yeah right well i'm afraid you're going to be disappointed it's still only two enough no no no no you're going to be more disappointed than that clocks have come down in value over the last few years this is worth around about 300 to 500 pounds wow come down some of the items that paul has got are interesting and there is some value he's clearly paid far too much for i mean the clock hoarding has cost paul a fortune but with the items valued today at potentially 1500 pounds it could all help towards funding his retirement we will get best price but where the best price is what paul is looking for is debatable nice to see you again and paul's called in some old friends to look at his precious roman artifacts it's a bit of a cave isn't it paul has amassed a huge arsenal of weaponry amongst other things i have no idea what this is um said it said he said no it's a pedal bin i thought it was a helmet for a very large giants so there's some things which would be useful to us in what we do in our business there's some stuff that we might know other people who would be interested in it so we can probably find somebody that fits and get them to uh to give you some money for that i'm half sad and i'm half happy because they go into a good home paul will make really good use of them getting rid of the horde isn't paul's only challenge you see now this is where it all goes wrong he faces temptation every day are they uh dominoes no it's a game like you have to make a snake all right yeah yeah [Music] i'm under instructions not to get lots of lovely things like that yeah nice thank you i'm gonna have to be fighting here all the while you know we'll be going past things i'm saying oh that's nice oh no no but i'm determined to do it [Music] coming up if you have a look at this one you can probably see the garden it's sale day at the hoarder house about 40 grand should [Music] two weeks ago 72 year old paul's house was packed out with 25 years of hoarding there's a cruise and a crude and a cruise and suddenly oh wow the kitchen was a rat infested biohazard and everywhere else was crawling room only i'm assuming this is the bathroom after eight skips and nine days the house is cleared it's tremendous isn't it and today is sale day in crosby today we're getting people to come and look at the house just there's a view to buying it it's the biggest thing on my mind of course isn't it you know getting rid of the house because the property needs work estate agent helen has targeted cash buyers and builders to submit sealed bids welcome to my abode i'm hopeful there's something in here that'll make paul a happy however they are cash buyers who want profit in it i think it'll be a realistic price whatever's put forward with the house filling with prospective buyers both paul and helen are giving the hard sell have you come to live around the house yes i did it's my house and paul please meet you we've got quite a few people here if you have a look at this one you can probably see the garden [Music] and even though there's a lot of work to do the buyers don't seem bothered well it isn't good area crosby like it always has been to be fair it's always held its value even when the market crashed if you get it at your price great if you don't you don't but you put forward your best bud they see everyone who's bidding no one knows what each other's bidding and it does then encourage them to put forward their best price what's your opportunity come on tell us the trade secrets offers over two hundred thousand not everybody's put forward an offer they've been concerned about being a can of worms was one of the words from one of them but before long some sealed beds start coming in thank you very much john is sitting out in the van and sort of financial side of it and then come back with a bit i'll just about 40 grand after a busy afternoon the horde free house has generated a lot of interest excited to find out what's in here i'm not excited i'm i'm still full of the trepidation oh well i'm excited you can be excited for me okay one two ten cash bids have been left for the house most from builders and a couple from private buyers i believe before we arrived it would be in the region of 110. i think most of the builders won't approach what i want for it because they want to make a problem for paul it's the moment of truth 98 98 300 60 000 wow they won a bargain don't they 95. 42 500 but that is that is that the total 115. nobody comes in close to the fellow last week although not at the viewing today paul's already had another offer is he a cash buyer was he he said he's a cash buyer yes and he he's not buying it to make a a living out of he's actually wants to move in himself he's found someone who's obviously wanted as a home profit margin is not not the the drive for them which is fantastic i'm going to bring him back and uh tell him that i'd like to i'd like to take him and great news the buyer is still interested okay cheers speak to you again what force you want it'd be nice to see as they say this back to a family home won't it yeah well i'd love to see it when it's done [Music] paul has found a new owner for the house he bought 35 years ago with his mum this is the last link with the house isn't it it makes me think a lot of and times we had and things we said and when that's gone there'll be less time for me to be brought up short by thinking of this is where something was said this is where something happened after years hoarding under his mother's shadow he's returned to the place where he scattered her ashes i don't think she'd be upset in the sense you know that i was doing the wrong thing i think she'd be very happy that i found somewhere with a friendly face you know [Music] the final goodbye with the house finally empty paul has cleared more than just his horde as i wander through the rooms i do find the nostalgia is gripping me now and again lots of memories of various people coming and going i'm glad it's coming to an end that's that's what i got to say really yeah and the end of a long chapter in my life i feel they have a big weights being moved from my shoulders and a little bit of money but i didn't think i was going to have and then i'll just start planning for my holiday in the summer [Music] hmm [Music] you
Channel: Only Human
Views: 81,401
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Only Human, Only Human channel, documentary, The Hoarder Next Door, hoarder, hoarder next door, britain's biggest hoarders, 2016, hoarders (tv program), stelios kiosses, rubbish, day in my life, hoarders buried alive, collection, shopping, collectibles, hoarders full episodes, the hoarder next door, the hoarder next door youtube, hoarders buried alive full episode, hoarders buried alive in my bedroom, trapped by my trash
Id: 1C2Mlrs-CLs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 10sec (2710 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 30 2021
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