"Hopelessly, Damagingly Addicted to Destiny" (Unshackled From Addiction) | Aztecross Reacts

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this is a perfect opportunity to bring up this next video and I know I feel like I'm just like literally posting [ __ ] over and over but I want to watch this video with you guys this is from Autumn animations it says Unshackled from addiction a personal Destiny retrospective now I do want to ask you guys do you feel like you've been addicted to Destiny at some point I faced game addiction and I actually thought about making a video one day on how to deal with game addiction it would be an in-depth personal video but what I will say if you're ever trying to get over a game addiction you just need to find another addiction that's stronger than that previous addiction right I went from RuneScape to Destiny and so you just keep one uping the previous one and then you're good I know this is also very insensitive of me my grandfather actually works in a rehab center as as a therapist he would be so disappointed right now what I'm saying let's watch this video Unshackled from addiction a personal Destiny retrospective [Music] before I get into the subject matter of this video I want to make something crystal clear this is not a video condemning the state of Destiny 2 this is not a video bashing the immensely talented developers at Bungie I really don't care about the meta of the game the community sentiment any of that this video is not a destiny to hate rant if that's what you're looking for you should look elsewhere this video is about my own personal Journey with this game and how I've changed and grown as a person because of it I'm most making this for myself to help me unpack a lot of my feelings about it and the impact it had on me for better and worse although this is mostly a video for me I hope at least some part of this resonates with you this is a story about how I became hopelessly damagingly addicted to Destiny and what all came from [Music] it [Music] classic Man classic before we dive into the deep end let's start with some context my introduction to Bungie came from their final Halo entry Halo Reach when I was 12 years old I remember wandering into a GameStop one day and spotting the game inconspicuously sitting on one of the lower shelves I had heard of the series from a close childhood friend but this is my first time seeing one of them for myself while I had never played any Shooters before I mostly stuck to Casual gaming as a kid and I was really scared of violent games at the time something about it just drew me in so one of my parents reluctantly agreed to get it for me despite the age ratings my parents agreeing to get me the game ended up being one of the best things that happened to me Hilo Reach was an incredibly influential game that completely changed my relationship with the medium the game was and still is incredible the equally melancholic and bombastic campaign the incredibly entertaining multiplayer the surprisingly robust level editor in Forge it was all amazing to my 12-year-old brain and my 23-year-old one but all that aside reach was simply a place of resit for me I was a very introverted socially anxious child I had a lot of issues with body image and confidence and I just felt really awful most days I often ended up dissociating and distancing myself from my feelings just to feel okay at all but being able to drop all those worries and come home to a game I loved a community I found like-minded people in was a huge comfort for me I met so many wonderful people through matchmaking and custom games alike getting to talk with people all around the world and share that enjoyment of reach with others was a hugely formative positive experience while I felt like a hopeless lost teenager in school in my hometown I felt like I had a home I could return to and reach where I could laugh at the Absurd Forge Creations people made where I could share my deep anxieties and worries I didn't know how to to share with others in person where I felt like I could simply be myself needless to say I care a lot about this game and I sunk countless hours into it while I wasn't tuned in with the greater gaming landscape Halo Reach turned me into a proper bungee fan I knew for a fact I would pick up whatever they made next you know it's so funny because oh man I remember when reach came out I rejected it guys I remember playing Halo 3 and I was like there's no master chief the hell with that game I'm never going to play it and I was um hanging out with some friends we were freshman in college and I remember going over to their house and or their apartment and they had reach up and they're like dude you got to see this and they brought me out there and I saw a spart armor lock and reject a hammer smashed to the face and then proceeded to melee the person down and dude I was so at that moment I was like I need to play this this is another level this is another layer to Halo I've never experienced and it it was from that moment that I completely left three I love halor 3 I I mean I was completely devoted to three but it was at that moment that I left Hammer sword Hammer dude yeah the hammer the the gravity hammer went to smash my friend armor locked and it smashed didn't kill him and then when he came out remember it does the EMP blast takes away the shield he melee him and armor loock was so busted at first too it was so busted but reach was designed pretty much as like it was the bones for what was going to be Destiny and that next ended up being Destiny I found out about Destiny in a Game Informer Magazine that we had shipped to my grandmother's house every month at the time I didn't have a smartphone or anything like that so a big chunk of my gaming news was mostly from those magazines the single screenshot that sold me on it was a firstperson image of the Warlock using a void melee attack and a dank overgrown Corridor like spilling from a giant fan in the background and that was all I needed I remember very little else from the article at this point but that single image completely hooked me it sang to me in a way that no other game before had and I knew then and there I would pick up the game as soon as it came out and when the game did release a few months later I giddily booted it up and breeed through the campaign in a few days and then I stopped playing completely I didn't get it was that all there really was to this I think I was coming in with far different expectations than what they were promising in their marketing but even looking at it from what they were trying to do it was lackluster at best if you just came off of Halo reaches campaign or even any of the pre previous Halo games and you play Destiny 1 vanilla it was awful it was awful I mean really and look that's a great example we just literally talked about live service games versus single player experiences and that was a great example of like the story just absolutely going to poop obviously a lot of things came out remember you had the whole deal with Mario D Don you had the narrative that got split up and cut up and and and everything was just janked there's a lot of reasons why the story was bad but none of them justifiable in my opinion internal woses that happen within your studio shouldn't be to blame because at the end of the day you shipped that game you shipped it as is and D1 vanilla's story and even you know D2 vanilla story to some extent but D1 vanilla story came out absolute garbage fragmented and for a a DI hard Halo fan it made no sense to us we were like what the hell happened to the Riders the campaign was incredibly dull I disliked the PVP experience and I had little interest in any of the endgame activities in fact I didn't even really understand the concept of an end game at that point I was never an MMO player or anything like that most of my game experience was with consoles like the Wii and Game Boy Advance and my only PC gaming was with Minecraft I was expecting a fantastic campaign with bombastic set pieces and emotional staying power like reach but what I got stood in stark contrast to that so I just stopped playing and moved on I didn't hate it the gameplay was still super fun but I came away from it rather disappointed I pretty much just migrated back to reach in other games and didn't think much of it for the next year or so my rediscovery of Destiny was quite funny in retrospect I remember seeing a trailer for The taken King and thinking it was a brand new game in the series a mere months after the base game I didn't even understand the concept of a game expansion at that point that's how divorced I was from MMOs I had to have a high school friend tell me it wasn't a new game but simply a big addition to it I was kind of interested but not really super pressed to pick it up however for some reason I did start dabbling in the game again very close to the expansions release just a few short weeks before it was due to come out and for some reason things started clicking I started playing the PVP regularly even though I was still terrible I did far more strikes and found them a lot more fun than I had remembered while I still didn't touch any endgame stuff with a 10-ft pull I was enjoying what I was trying a bit more I still wasn't hugely invested but I was enjoying myself and when the expansion hit so too did the beginning of my addictive obsessive relationship with this franchise the taken King absorbed me while the story was still nothing compared to my experiences with reach I still enjoyed it a lot there were actually a few memorable missions that I replayed multiple times just to experience them all over again that opening mission on Phobos still kicks ass and around this time was when I started really delving into the endgame experience I started occasionally doing raids I tried and promptly gave up on Trials of Osiris I did a handful of nightfalls all that stuff now that I had a proper grasp of what the game was rather than what I was expecting it to be I found myself sinking heavily into this world I wouldn't say I was an incredibly active Community member but I still enjoyed it nonetheless this relationship with the series continued on for a few years into Destiny 2 vanilla I enjoyed the game and played it very regularly even though I wouldn't have considered myself a hardcore player back then the claws of the game were already dug into me pretty deep but when forsaken rolled around that's when they clamped down even harder before forsaken What is this whisper Miss for certain whether is this whisper Mission or is this just strike or not I was addicted to the franchise I spent a lot of time with it but I wouldn't say I had played it an unreasonable amount for a high schooler with nothing but time on their hands but after Destiny 2's seminal expansion launched I can say for certain that I was absolutely without a doubt addicted to this game I was Allin at this point I had already been very invested in the game through the last year despite all the issues with Destiny 2 at the time but this just cemented my overwhelming obsession with this game it was no longer just a place for me to hang out and unwind after worker classes it was a lifestyle it was around this time when I started engrossing myself an external media around Destiny lore videos raid and Nightfall guides weapon reviews if it was related to Destiny I was probably watching or reading it I wanted to know everything about the game I kept up with all the weekly this week at bungee blogs detailing balance changes new content teases and any other little morsels they shared I fell head over heels for the games marketing campaigns their flashy trailers for New Seasons with Incredible music and carefully curated gameplay moments always got into an excited frenzy dude y'all remember when we used to get season TR do we still get season trailers do we still get season trailers or do they they come they come afterwards right the they oh the trailer launches the day of okay okay okay back in the day okay so back in the day we used to get seasonal trailers like a week before we would get a weapon preview trailer so it would just be a trailer going over all the Pinnacle weapons that were coming that would that was awesome because you got to see everything and I mean you see it in action it looked dope you know whether it was Luna's house not forgotten or or recluse or even Mountaintop and this got everybody hyped for it the leadup was great man you know I I remember all the lead ups for black Armory season of opulence season of or season of dawn season of rals I mean that that stuff that generated hype I particularly remember the trailer for season of the Dawn occupying my head space for the entire week before it launched they call me the greatest ever lived Destiny was no longer just a casual hobby it began to eat away at everything around me my brain was flooded with constant media and information surrounding the game and I wanted nothing more than to immerse myself in the world and get away from everything else I started neglecting classwork I declined invitations to go out with friends to social gatherings I began self-isolating feverishly obsessing over the game it went from a fun hobby on the side to my primary activity from day to day I didn't really realize it at the time but all this obsessive consumption of Destiny 2 related content was done as a way to escape my intense feelings of depression and anxiety on top of a newfound uncertainty with my gender identity after a particularly messy breakup in the late summer of 2019 and lingering feelings of low self-esteem for my teen years I used the game as a means to shut those thoughts down I began dissociating heavily even more than I had used to and just played the game mindlessly I wanted anything to keep those awful self deprecating thoughts at Bay so Destiny became that escape for me but deep down a part of me knew that trying to use video games to suppress all these thoughts wasn't a sustainable course of action so despite all of my crippling anxiety about it I began seeing a therapist to start unpacking a lot of my feelings about myself and it was great I started to get a better grasp of my emotions for the first time I began to goow out a bit more often and socialize with others at my college I felt like I was making real con connections with people and things for once were finally starting to look up I was still playing Destiny an obscene amount and still using it as an escape that hadn't really changed but it at least no longer felt like my only coping mechanism but of course this was all soon before the covid-19 pandemic hit our college campus completely shut down my newfound friends all had moved home to self-isolate and my ability to see a therapist was thrown out the window the entire world was seemingly thrown off balance and things were more uncertain than they had ever been this on top of my growing questioning about my gender and Destiny's less than Stellar Seasons during that year all started snowballing in an all too familiar way I needed some sort of Outlet to keep myself from sinking back into those depressive holes I had found myself struggling to crawl out of before so I turned my attention to animation and 3D [Music] art attention we will be arriving at our destination [Music] shortly this looks [ __ ] good well skating back in time a bit that's a destiny joke I absolutely loved making Lego stop motion animations as a kid I still have my super old ass YouTube channel with all the videos on it and I cherish all of them it was a huge creative outlet for me as a child on top of that I also made a few dozen Minecraft animated intros for people in blender when I was 14 or 15 which was my first time ever really getting to grips with digital animation so I already had a general familiarity with the medium I was passionate about art and animation and the forced isolation felt like a perfect time to start exploring it again and as soon as I found out that Destiny 2 had an entire model ripping Community with customade rigs and maps to use in blender I was all in I wanted to create art and animations in the same world I'd become completely engrossed in however some of that drive wasn't coming from a place of love I was pretty discontent with the way Bungie had been handling the story of Destiny 2 for the last year or so shadowkeep was disappointing both in terms of length and the actual quality of content within that length and while as mentioned before I was super hyped for season of the Dawn I still wasn't in love with it and season of the worthy was an absolute mess that frustrated me to no end I still felt like I loved the game but the ways in which the story were delivered definitely contributed to my drive to anime and make art I wanted to take this underdeveloped undercooked story and make something wonderful with it myself in retrospect this was an incredibly lofty goal one which I never really achieved but regardless of that the game had given me an outlet to express myself something that was very sorely needed given the current circumstances getting back into making art started pretty small with little personal pieces made for friends and myself but over the next few months it began to become a much more serious endeavor ever as I gained traction on social media I remember the first ever post I made that exploded on Twitter incredibly vividly it was a really quick and lazy mixim motion capture video of the Insurrection Prime raid boss dancing to T andala the less I know the [Music] better it was literally just screen recorded and for some reason it went crazy viral in the community it received 5,000 likes and got me my first ever surge of followers that absolute euphoric hit of dopamine from having that much attention on something I did was such a surreal feeling while that post had no real effort behind it the attention put on me managed to inspire me to start taking art way more seriously getting back into art around this time it felt like a perfect storm I found a new way to love Destiny 2 separate from playing it and in the process I got to meet a ton of amazing new people people I started gaining a substantial social media following I opened up commissions for the first time and after losing a shitty retail job in mid 2021 I went fulltime on them this is when my relationship with Destiny shifted into something completely different instead of Simply being a fan of the game I became a community artist and animator I started gaining more and more attraction on social media my commissions ramped up and I spent most of my time either working on Destiny related art or playing the game things were going great for me and despite my qualms with the game itself I was finding myself diving deeper and deeper into the destiny Rabbit Hole I would love some thumbnails from from Autumn here cuz these are really good like really good like some of these set pieces are fantastic and we're all we actually do look for animators so yeah despite my qualms with the game itself I was finding myself diving deeper and deeper into the destiny Rabbit Hole in retrospect this period of time with the franchise for me is the one I find myself the most conflicted about even though lots of good came from my time being invested in Destiny and its Community I also feel like it absolute strangle hold on me came at such a high cost the people I met through the game are some of my most cherished friends hell I even bonded with my girlfriend through Destiny before we started dating I discovered amazing artists got to talk to and make art for developers of the game met people who helped guide me towards my eventual transition ran a chair live stream to raise money for the Trevor [Music] Project and so much more I genuinely have a lot of fond memories surrounding this franchise once I wouldn't trade for the world but even with all the great things that happened I also find myself looking back with a lot of resentment and regret it feels like I spent so much of my life with tunnel vision absorbing all things Destiny while neglecting other parts of my life with the way the game is designed it just eats away at everything else around you working tirelessly to keep you in its grasp it doesn't want you to leave and for the longest time I didn't know how badly I wanted to get away from it this is something I've sat on for the last year now being divorced from The Game's iron grip Destiny like several other live service games want you to stay so you spend money it uses a weekly reset Cadence to keep you coming back and to build in a habit of play it uses limited time events with exclusive cosmetics and rewards that incentivize continued engagement it uses almost every trick in the book to keep you coming back day after day week after week year after year this isn't to say that this is a totally negative way to approach a games updates it could be really sweet to be a part of a constantly growing evolving experience but in my experience experience this model is what perpetuated my addiction to the series The Tricks they used worked on me I was hooked I would always return for the weekly resets Farm raids and nightfalls and feverishly grind out their regular seasonal events and with how invested I was in the game it wasn't a huge leap for me to become a Community member and artist and to let the game leak into other aspects of my life when I said before that Destiny was a lifestyle this is what I meant relaxation making artwork communities I hung out with they all revolved around the game it was like a worm that wriggled into my brain to invade all my waking Thoughts with nothing but Destiny I think I sort of knew this was the case for a while before I broke my addiction with this series but I never really explored those feelings in the way I am now and lightfall was what prompted the shattering of that addiction and the start of my confused messy reflection on this whole series series once again I would like to reiterate that this video is not an attack of the incredibly talented likely heavily crunching staff that worked on lightfall even though I have I know I made the joke a second ago if you want to break addiction to a game then just get addicted to another game but nothing breaks an addiction to a game more than a crappy expansion or experience I was head over heels in love with RuneScape it was my life but evolutional combat broke me and that actually I I quit I quit RuneScape after that and that is why ning the expansions are is so important CU you will literally lose people and and look everything aside about you know letting life implode and balance you know life balance and all that [ __ ] that's important it really is you know uh having a balanced life whatever the that even means but having a balanced life whatever that means for you but nothing nothing uh ruins the hamster real that addiction more than the expansion several major gripes with this expansion that are relevant to my story here that's not what this video is about if you were one of the people who harassed the developers at Bungie for lightfall [ __ ] you anyways when lightfall released I was just completely baffled at the clearly rushed experience that had been sold to me for $100 the story was incredibly benign the mission design was a substantial step down for me and the amount of additional content was poultry at best I thought the single new strike was incredibly Bland and the raid was a pitifully easy brain dead experience to run through after years of Goodwill and trust that had been meticulously built by Bungie it felt like all of that was ripped away to fill a delay with a hasty slapped together expansion the poor quality of it all stood in very stark contrast to the Stellar witch Queen I was completely taken aback at the huge mess lightfall ended up being and all that was enough for me to take a step back and and start interrogating all these bubbling feelings that had been festering for the last few years before this point I was still enjoying the game enough to keep my messy confused feelings at Bay I pushed them aside thinking well bung's doing great right now I'll keep playing because I'm excited to see what they do next I adored The Narrative leaps taken in the witch Queen The Raid was one of the most memorable video game experiences I ever had especially the crazy intense day one run my team and I fought through on never mind oh my god let's go the art design of the throne world is genuinely one of the most jaw-dropping spectacles in any video game I've ever played despite my issues and feelings in the background there was just enough for me to latch onto to keep me going but with lightfall there was no such things to grasp at anymore the veil had been pulled from my eyes even though I was reluctant to come to terms with it at first I could finally see my experience with this franchise for what it was a terrible crippling one-way addiction that previously had no end in sight my entire life orbited around this game I neglected social gatherings I pushed aside my own physical health I let myself get comfortable in the repetitive addicting fear of missing out cycle of the game always logging on in losing hours to it mindlessly I used it to dissociate and distance myself from my own emotions making every waking hour feel hollow and meaningless the only meaning I felt like I had most of the time was being a destiny artist and fan that's all I felt I was all my life was and revolved around was Destiny what started as a distant lukewarm relationship with the series I barely even understood eventually snowballed into an outof control addiction that I didn't know how to escape from but with lightfall abruptly grabbing the veil over my eyes and ripping it off I finally felt like I could see a way out that my life could be more than just Destiny as a game developer that's the worst thing you want to hear if I was ever to make a video game I would want it to be so addicting so [ __ ] mesr so addicting that no one would be able to escape this if I was to ever make a game I wanted to grab Everybody by by the balls well don't make a sh expansion that's exactly you're exactly right what he's saying right now is exactly what everyone experienced and I mean for someone like Bungie this is this is terrible this is awful remember 2 did that for me yeah yeah I know I know some games some games do it right but he's right the veil whenever you have a sh experience or sh expansion the veil gets pulled back and suddenly you're like you start saying crazy things like I think I'm going to go do IRL [ __ ] you know I think I'm going to go have a balanced life now I think I'm going to make real friends as a game developer these are things you do not want to hear that's the worst thing the worst [ __ ] things you can hear so yeah final shape is going to have to really pop to pull to pull that bail back over has been messy but trying to reckon with years worth of thoughts and experiences is unsurprisingly a very messy Endeavor I had been so tied up in this franchise that trying to tangle I don't know why the video is so blurred I think he accidentally put blurred on the rest of this it all was and frankly still is incredibly daunting when I finally understood that I was addicted and that I wanted to escape it wasn't a cold turkey experience I still played fairly regularly albeit far less than before I still found myself mindlessly opening the game attempting to lose myself in the world but those thoughts couldn't just be packed back up now every single time I loaded Destiny up post lightfall those unpacked scattered thoughts kept bouncing around my mind why am I playing this what is the point of logging on right now what else could I be doing instead of this having those are the worst things you should okay no honestly he's he's bringing up valent things that he's saying but I'm just saying from a game developers perspective this is the so one day we're going to have to make like a a a psychology book for for gaming I mean I don't know how to create a game but I do know how to get my boss fondal just right to keep me pulled in forever and ever and also know how that grip gets loosened and it has been loosened twice in my life twice in my life and it's because of the developers developers have loosen their grips and I feel like we could we could pick a video on this you know what I mean just how to just how to how to how to grab onto it and just hang on to it in the Newfound context of my addiction frame the experience in an entirely new light I no longer found myself enjoying the game The Grind for God rolls and armor felt pointless finishing the season passes felt like a chore I haven't finished them in a few seasons I backed away heavily from creating art of the game and I halted accepting commissions entirely as these feelings Amplified so too did my distance from Destiny and with this growing distance came more opportunity to start exploring other things in my life I began exercising Reg L again for the first time in years and started paying far more attention to my physical health I picked up cooking I began seeing a therapist again I started exploring other art mediums I found tons of new games to try and I even got back into reading and visiting the local library with all the extra time being divorced from Destiny provided I've been able to start focusing on myself in a far healthier way and reassess my relationship with it and games like it I think in retrospect my intense hyperfixation on this the series has caused me to view the idea of a live service game in a completely new light the amount of hours I sunk into Destiny feels embarrassing to me now thousands of hours poured into a single game when I could have taken that time to explore so many other things in my life service style games are inherently manipulative with your time using fear of missing out tactics to keep you coming back even if you don't really want to it builds a pattern of habit over time and seeing how ingrained I was in that is hard to stomach now coming to terms with all the wasted time has been painful I no longer enjoy life service games in the way I once did I worry that my addictive obsessive Tendencies with them will send me hurdling towards another unhealthy cycle yet again I don't want that for myself anymore I want to enjoy games and other parts of my life in a less destructive way no longer do I want to use games as an escape from my feelings to let the world around me Fade Into the background to make excuses for my poor mental and physical health I want to experience all that games have to offer I want to tackle my mental health headon and not use games as an excuse to hide from them anymore I don't want to let myself become tunnel visioned down a single ruinous path again I love the people that work at Bungie still I still love the friends and memories I made with my time Andes many communities I love that I found a passion for art again and am actively pursuing a career in it I love that I met my girlfriend through this game and all my time in it but I no longer love Destiny if you watched the entire way through I hope some part of this video has resonated with you if you're dealing with an addiction be that to a game or anything else just know you aren't alone and that you can get out feel free to share your own stories if you have any thank you very much for listening all right well I would say there's trade-offs with everything in life whatever that may be whatever is consuming your time that could be anything from video games to hanging out with friends you could argue and say hey I I hung out with my friends too much and wasted too much of my time and or or just even relationships I committed too much time to this one individual in my life personally I think that at least from what I've seen most Destiny players do have a balanced life more so than I've seen from other games I grant I think everybody's probably had a gaming addiction at some point whatever game that may be but we've got a lot of people that come by that literally carry on normal productive lives but also game I I I I think you could a th% do both I've got a friend who's a surgeon and heing literally will be in an operating room out out and would do surgery and be like in the background will have his his RuneScape character mining coal so you can balance the two but I would say that if you have an addictive personality then you know maybe maybe you should be more conscious of how much time you commit to something I I would say I have an addictive personality too you definitely can be balanced but when she gets the fan in life it gets hard yeah you know the part where he talked about you know using gaming as an escape I mean dude that's with a I mean that can happen with a lot of things you know you can use sex as an escape you can use um drugs as an escape right I mean there there's so many things you can use an escape that you can look back on and say wow what a big waste of time you know I think we we've all done it and I think that's just part of growing I I especially believe it's good to have had that experience because at least you're looking back and you're you're assessing where you were and where you want to go so but sex and drugs are cooler than video games low key no I don't think that I don't think that you know what if you knock up the wrong girl during your your escapee you know what I mean I mean dude thank God I got so lucky I mean I had an angel watching over me for sure that in birth control I mean and thank God I didn't have a kid in my in my teens in in 20 or I did have a kid later on like I'm 24 25 but you know I I mean thank God that would have been it would have been awful it would been terrible I think there's also point in our life where our brains are just not fully developed and and so like things just feel things just hit differ you know what I mean and you and you just it's like especially like in your later te years and like 2021 things just hit differently everything just feels too [ __ ] good man too [ __ ] good I would say about 24 24 for me was when I was like okay I think I'm able to get past some of this stuff gaming addiction with like with any addiction I'm probably not the best person to be approaching about this stuff because you know maybe there's some Eternal deep root rooted problems whatever they may be but I would just suggest if you feel regretful about something you probably should steer away from that and you know I do carry the belief of try to find fulfillment and and the little things and the small things and the small tasks dude I go and clean my garage I feel pretty [ __ ] good I'm like hell yeah I just clean the garage I got to take the garbage out I'm like hey y'all see that took the garbage out but this this this whole video just got super deep man I thought it was going to be I mean it was about Destiny and unshackle from addiction the person I mean that I everything is it's not like anything was misleading here but I I think the big takeaways is nothing breaks an addiction more than a game going to sh right and that's exactly what happened life best Destiny killer is Destiny itself that is so true the best Destiny killer is Destiny itself slap that like button like your mama told you [Music] [Applause] right oh
Channel: Aztecross
Views: 144,512
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Destiny 2, Bungie, Destiny Aztecross, Aztecross, Aztecross Reacts, Bungie Destiny 2, destiny 2 addiction, gaming addiction, intervention video game addiction, gamer life, gamer addiction, technology detox, rehabilitation, video games, recovering gamers, mental illness, mental disorder, gamer disorder, gaming disorder, gaming addiction program, destiny 2 the final shape, addicted to video games, gaming news, gaming drama, the final shape, destiny 2 season of the wish
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 11sec (2171 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 07 2024
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