The Demon Slayer Who KILLED Muzan?!

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in anime we're always obsessed with who's the strongest is it naruto is it hagaroma was it luffy was it gold d roger but in some shows the creators do us the unique privilege of telling us exactly who the strongest in history was and demon slayer is one of those shows you see in demon slayer there's a massive cast of incredibly strong characters there's guillaume there's muzon there's kokushibu but of all of them the unequivocally strongest character in the entirety of demon slayer is yoruichi tsujikuni you see yurowichi is the creator of sun breathing he's the twin brother of kokishibo and he's the man who defeated muzon how did he get as strong as he was why didn't he stop kokushiba from becoming a demon and how did he encounter muzon we're gonna answer all those questions and more in a second but guys please for me before we get into anything else like the video subscribe to the page and hit that noti bell you guys are new to my face hi i'm nick this is a brand new youtube page of mine and if you guys are coming over from nzhammer23 thank you so much for being here i appreciate it we're trying to get this page to 50 000 subscribers by the end of the year and if we do it i'm gonna get a tattoo anywhere on my body besides my face that says i heart sasuke and for those of you who don't know sasuke well he's my least favorite character at anime so yoruichi the man capable of slicing 1500 little bits of muzon in the blink of an eye the creator of sun breathing the strongest breathing style user ever he is truly the symbol of strength in the demon slayer universe but how did he get there in order to answer that question let's start these videos off the way that we usually start these videos off at the beginning hiroichi and his twin brother were born during the sengoku period as twins the sengoku period was between 1467 and 1615 in japan for a little frame of reference demon slayer's timeline takes place in the late 1800s so anywhere between 200 to 400 years ago however during the sengoku period twins were considered a bad omen it was widely believed that one twin would be good while the other was evil and this was very unfortunate for yoruichi because yoruichi was born with a birthmark on his forehead while his brother michikatsu was born a completely regular bait because of this yoruichi's father decided to kill yoruichi however akanel and not that akano akano yorowichi's mother flew into a rage and stopped him listening to the cries of his wife it was decided that yoruichi would simply be sent to live with the monks when he turned 10 years old however this birthmark wasn't just the birthmark as you and me both know this birthmark was a demon slayer mark that's right you're a witch you didn't have to awaken a demon's layer mark he was simply born with one being born with a demon slayer mark granted yoruichi a couple of things one it gave him the standard physical prowess boost but two it gave him constant access to transparent world which essentially allows somebody to see bodies in x-ray that is to say that people with access to transparent world can see your veins in your bones in your muscles however because yoroichi was considered the cursed child and was just going to be sent away at the age of 10 he was treated much poorer than michikatsu he was confined to a small room he was given a poor education poorer food and because he was treated with such malcontent he didn't talk to anybody and therefore was thought to be deaf because of this his mother made him hanafuda earrings hoping that the gods would bless his ears with the ability to hear now the symbology of hanafuda earrings is a bit complicated because never in japanese lore even in the sengoku period were hanafuda earrings attached to the gods hanafuda is actually just a card game it was one of the first card games introduced in japanese by western civilizations so we actually don't know why akane oh his mother decided that hanafuda earrings would give yoruichi the ability to heal other than the fact that they look cool but speaking of akino yuruwichi whenever he wasn't confined to a small room was seen clutching to her side michikatsu saw this as a sign of weakness and therefore took pity upon his brother and while publicly he showed disdain towards his brother he would often sneak into his room to sneak him better food ichikatsu even went so far as to give yoruichi a hand flute he made behind the back of his father and technically the hanafuda earrings worked because when yurowichi turned seven years old he smiled and said his first words these first words came out of his mouth when he was watching his brother michikatsu practice his swordsmanship upon seeing this yoruichi decided that he wanted to become a samurai and wanted to tell the whole room about it and while by and large the people that were in the room with eurowichi decided that this was never going to happen because he was going to go live with the monks when he was 10. one of the people that was training michikatsu decided to give uruiji a literal swing at it so he gave him a practice sword and taught him a simple stance but the second he learned this simple stance he flew at the man and struck him four times ichikatsu was in awe of this considering the fact that michikatsu had been training under this man for years and had never once struck him once however yoruichi abhoring the feeling of hitting somebody immediately dropped the sword and renounced his want to become a samurai michikatsu still in awe of all this asked uruichi how he did it and it was at this point that we realized that yoruichi is describing the earliest form of breathing techniques you see uruchi drew in his breath and used it to concentrate himself and increase his speed and agility and while this was technically not sun breathing it was the precursor to all breathing techniques but this is what's truly interesting about uroichi as a person through and through he was a pacifist he never wanted to fight people he was an incredibly caring human being who worked in silence that is to say he tried to help people around him without ever seeking the gratitude of others in his creation of sun breathing in a subsequent joining of the demon slayer corpse was never done out of hate it was simply done to alleviate the pain that demon cause humans and the fact that it turned out like this is kind of impressive considering the fact that his childhood was anything but fun in fact after eurowichi picked up a sword and then immediately dropped it their mother soon passed of an illness however when their mother died yoruichi went to michikatsu's room to tell him the news and also bid him farewell you see akono was basically the only thing keeping uroichi alive remember his father wanted to kill him but that wasn't why uroichi was leaving see yoruichi had realized that by showing off that his swordsmanship was so much better than michikatsu's that michikatsu was actually going to be the one sent to the monks but yorowitzi didn't tell mijikatsu this he just gave him the flute that michikachu gave to him back and left telling him that he would keep ichikatsu in his heart wherever he went and it wasn't until michikatsu found his mother's diary and realized that his mother knew that yorowichi knew what was wrong with her body you see akuno's illness made the left side of her body weak and uruichi was able to see that the left side of her body was weak because he could see her muscle sinew and her bones and her organs therefore yoruichi was always holding on to her left side in order to support her it was also in this diary that michikatsu found out that there was no way that their father was going to let michikatsu become the heir when uruichi was the better swordsman and upon reading these journal entries michikatsu grew a uniquely large hate for yoruichi see eurowichi was much like the breathing technique he would later create the sun an incredibly powerful force that provides for everybody around them and makes their lives better and never asks for gratitude womenshikatsu also represented the breathing technique he would later represent the moon a powerful force steeped in darkness that lives in the shadow of the sun you see uruichi was benign to a fault he wanted what was best for michikatsu but never asked mitchikatsu's opinion on what was best for him however after bidding farewell to michikatsu yoruichi ran away from the temple and never looked back he ran for 24 hours straight with no stops because he was using his breathing technique euruichi after running for 24 straight hours bumped into a girl in the mountains named utah and unfortunately for utah her entire family had died therefore yeruichi decided to live with her and after 10 years of living together when yaroichi and yuto were about 19 or 20 they got married and quickly soon after yuta became pregnant but because yuta was pregnant yoruichi had to find a midwife and as he bid farewell to utah on his way to find a midwife he said he would be back before sunset however while he was out looking for a midwife he found an old man who was struggling and decided to help him by the time the uruichi was done helping said old man it was too late to find a midwife and the son had already set so urowitchy had to return home however when he returned home he found yuta in his unborn child have been murdered by a demon and this tragedy struck youroichi so completely that he held their corpses for 10 days straight he didn't fly into a rage he didn't go looking for the demon he was just shook and this is because for the last 10 years yoruichi have been living a life of relative banality a day in day out type of life in the mountains a lot like oh i don't know tangiero and much like with tonjiro a passing demon slayer actually helped out eurowichi however this passing demon slayer didn't end up killing the demon that killed eurowich's family he just convinced yoroichi to bury his family and after burying his family eurouichi decided to re-pick up his blade and join the demon slayer corpse but this is a big shake-up for yuruiji because remember he is a pacifist and he doesn't like the notion of hitting people however yoruichi has a long track record of putting his own wants and needs behind the wants and needs of those he loves and when eureichi lost you to the people that he loved expanded to everybody who has ever had to deal with the plight of demons and when uruichi joined the demon slayer corpse he was quickly very good at it his demon slayer mark in his constant access to transparent worlds made him about the best to ever do it and slowly but surely yoruichi climbed its way up the ranks however killing demons wasn't the only good thing about joining the demon slayer corpse considering the fact that the demon's lair corpse also brought yoroichi back to his brother michikatsu you see michikatsu had become a samurai just like his father had wanted however the encampment of samurai that michikato had been posted with got attacked by a demon and they all died except for michikatsu who was the last samurai left alive and as the demon came down to kill michikatsu yoruichi killed it effortlessly and upon killing the demon he apologized to michikatsu for not getting there earlier to save his comrades and once again uruichi had saved michikatsu without michikatsu asking well obviously this is the correct thing to do to michikatsu this was a slight a mark against his honor a sign that he could never defend himself without the help of his little brother well they were twins but uruichi was seen as the little brother because he was cursed for some however even though michikatsu sees this as a massive slight against his honor he does join uruichi in the demon slayer corpse and this is when uruichi decides to teach the demon slayer corpse sun breathing sun breathing is almost impossible to do eurowichi is just incredibly naturally talented and therefore was able to make the perfect breathing technique that perfectly blends offense in defense see some people could slightly do the movements of sun breathing but nobody could perfectly match his form here which is seen that people were grasping the base of breathing techniques decided that he could just modify sun breathing to fit each individual certain style and thus the five major breathing techniques were created those being water wind flame stone and lightning you see within each of these breathing techniques there is glimpses of sun breathing because certain people could do one or two techniques from sun breathing but not all 13. therefore eurowichi would pick some of the techniques from sun breathing and create an entire new breathing form built around those techniques and make that its own breathing form therefore that is to say within sun breathing you can see every other breathing technique which is why sun breathing is considered the perfect blend of offense and defense however yoruichi also couldn't teach michikatsu sunbreathing but michikatsu also didn't learn any of the five basic breathing techniques michikatsu actually created his own breathing technique moon breathing and you see this was different because yoruichi not only created sun breathing but all of the other derivatives but yoruichi didn't create moon breathing that was michikatsu and i don't know if this was on purpose or not by michikatsu but sun breathing has 13 techniques and moon breathing has 16. so maybe it was like a thinly veiled attempt at outdoing his brother and after spending many years in the demon slayer corpse eurowichi finally encounters his true enemy muzon and muzon was being accompanied by tamio and upon meeting muzon yurowichi felt fear for the first time you see because muzon had stated to your reach that he'd grown weary of demon slayers who used breathing techniques buzon had overpowered every single one that ever came against him and it was at that point that muzon stretched his arm for long sweeping bladed attacks at eurowichi all of which he dodged but he realized if he didn't dodge they would kill him and in that moment yoruichi felt fear however uruichi didn't feel fear for long because he immediately tapped into transparent world and upon tapping into transparent world he saw that muzon had 13 vital organs seven hearts and five brains fortunately for eurowichi that's just as many techniques that are in sun breathing so in that moment eurowichi combined all of his techniques into one move essentially creating the hinokami kagura and by combining every single one of sun breathing's techniques into one move that he can constantly do over and over and over again he increased the efficiency at which they can be performed and therefore they can be done for longer however this didn't really matter though because eurowichi only had to use his technique once and he severed all 13 of muzon's vital organs 12 i'm sorry and as muzon sat there unable to regenerate and struggling to keep his head attached to his shoulders yoruichi asked him what he believed the value of life was muzon didn't respond to uruichi and he looked to tamio to help him but tomio was looking down at him with hope in her eyes and as zeruichi closed the distance to finish off muzan once and for all he burst into eighteen hundred pieces uruichi having never seen somebody burst into a bunch of little meat cubes was caught off guard but even being caught off guard he was able to destroy 1500 of the 1800 pieces you know how insane that is in a fraction of a second uruichi was able to strike 1500 meat cubes and that was being caught off guard if he had expected it he would have easily destroyed every single one but because those 300 fragments escaped muzon was able to escape the fight and regenerate you know what never regenerated though muzon's mental health he lived in fear of uruichi for the rest of his days however since muzon had fled the scene the only person left was tamiya and she stood there devastated that muzon had figured out how to avoid death by decapitation honestly she was more upset than uruichi and this moment right here is actually an incredible look into yuruichi's personality because yurowichi approaches her and doesn't immediately attack and at this point that tomio tells yurowichi everything that he needs to know about muzon where to find him his weaknesses and how she wants to be the person who kills him and because she helps yuruiji he lets her go however even if tomio hadn't helped hiroichi i believe that he would have let her go as long as she expressed that she hated muzon you see because yoruichi didn't join the demon slayer corpse because he hated demons yoruichi joined the demon slayer corpse to protect people he wanted muzon in all demons that hurt people dead not just all demons this is evidenced by the fact that he was a pacifist and he simply wanted those who were going to cause discomfort or pain to those around him gone and once tamiya was gone yoruichi returned to the demon slayer corps however upon returning he heard multiple reports that his brother michikatsu had betrayed the organization ichikatsu being fed up with how his brother always took pity on him and wanting to be as strong as his brother became a demon and assassinated the oyakata for those of you who don't remember what the oyakata is it's the guy who was blind with all the scars on his forehead he's like the leader of the demon slayer corp however unfortunately for uruichi that was kind of the straw that broke the camel's back you see yoruichi had just let muzon escape and also had let tomio escape and even though no demon slayer would have ever been able to even come close to the feet that he just pulled off he was shamed for this on top of all of that he took responsibility for everything that michikatsu did once again being benign to a fault do all the demonstrators realize that michikatsu abandoning the demon's layers of becoming a demon isn't uruichi's fault or the fact that yoruichi stands their best chance to kill muzon no they demand he kills himself as penance however the new oyakata who replaces the one that michika just assassinated decides he shouldn't have to kill himself well just banish him once again why would you get rid of your star player i don't know but you gotta appease the masses but upon being banished your witch's still got a lot of life to live he's only like 23 right now and even though he's one of the most powerful people on the face of the earth and also well regarded for his ability to push down all of his emotions for everybody else around him he realizes he's got to get some stuff off his chest so he goes to visit some friends those friends are sumi yoshi and tsuyaku you see sumiyoshi and tsuyaku were married and their last name was commodo like tonjira upon getting to their house he sits down with sumiyoshi and tells him basically his entire life story from when he was a boy to his current banishment he tells sumi yoshi how full of regretti is for letting muzon get away because he knows muzan will cost thousands of deaths down the line and upon realizing the scale of letting muzon get away he grows incredibly sad and since you're which is an old friend all the commodores take it upon themselves to cheer him up and after he spends a couple of days with the commodores suyaku asks him to perform the techniques of sun breathing for all of them commodores were curious about the technique he created and wanted to see it in all of its glory however while he performed these techniques of sun breathing sumi yoshi was watching him and sumiyoshi burned all of these movements into his memory a couple days later yurowichi headed out from the commodore household and urowichi realizing he would most likely never see sumi yoshi his best friend ever again gave sumiyoshi his hanafuda earrings and it was at this point that sumiyoshi and suyaku realized that yuruichi would probably never be coming back neutron doesn't like it when i talk to things that aren't him and at this point the tsumiyoshi called out to yoruichi and told him that he was worthy of love and that he would pass down sun breathing to all of his descendants and for the rest of eurowichi's life despite being banned from the demon slayer corpse he hunted down demons silently and as for the demon slayer corpse while kicking out their strongest sun breeder probably wasn't their best idea because the corpse fell into a state of disarray and slowly but surely muzon and kokushibu began the hunt for all other sun breathers and killed every single one and since every single sun breather was dead and yoruichi wasn't there to teach anybody sun breathing considering he was the best at teaching it disappeared forever that is except within the commodore family you see sumiyoshi had learned the techniques of sun breathing and committed them to a dance the 13th technique the hinokami kagura now this hinokamikakura is based off a lot of things from japanese shinto lore in shinto lore one day amaterasu the goddess of the sun retreated into a cave which casts the entire world into a darkness in order to draw mathrasu out of the cave amino uzume the goddess of revelry and dance danced outside of the cave in order to lure her out and eventually amaterasu came out and the world was bright once again and from these events the kagura was born the kagura being a dance to honor the kami the god and your ancestors because in shinto lore gods and ancestors are basically the same thing back to your uichi like i said yoruichi spent the rest of his life independently hunting demons trying for the entirety of what was a very long life to rectify the mistake of letting muzon get away you see yoruichi was born with the demon slayer mark and those who are cursed with the demon slayer mark are only allowed to live to the age of 25. say cursed because even though the demon's lair mark does give you a massive amount of power it's a bit like being a titan shifter it ends your life significantly earlier than it should have however yoruichi being hilariously built different lived to the prime age of the mid-80s and i genuinely believe that obviously urowitchi was absolutely built different but also the will to rectify the mistake and minimalize how many people that mistake was going to kill kept him alive for much longer than he was supposed to be in fact yoruichi went blind and that didn't even stop him from hunting down demons yoruiji's commitment to the betterment of human cause kept him fighting long past when he should have been in his mid-80s while blind he finally confronted his brother michikatsu who was now known as kokiushibu you see this was the first time urowichi had seen kokishibu and he was horrified at what he was well i guess not looking at but he was so horrified that he began to cry but michikatsu was simply disgusted with yoruichi and the fact that he had lived much beyond where he should have with his demon slayer mark however michikatsu was not in the right to be disgusted or even pity his elderly brother because before michikatsu could even pull his blade yoruichi had decapitated him nazmichikatsu stood there waiting for his brother to finish his life as a demon a second attack never came that is because after this final strike yoruichi died of old age and as michikatsu or kokushibu rose from this attack after regenerating he struck his brother's corpse out of anger as your witchy had died undefeated in combat but as he struck his brother's body he realized his brothers still carried the flute michikatsu gave him all those years ago you see because when yuruichi had decided to give the flute back to michikatsu upon akano their mother's passing they decided to split the flute so that they would each carry a half of it and yuruichi still had his half unable to sever his connection with his brother regardless of his anger kokushibu took the split flute half and carried it with him you see yoruichi is meant to represent amaterasu he's the physical representation of the sun in its undaunting power and its unrelenting commitment to shining light upon the world there is no power in this universe greater than that of the sun however the sun itself can be cast into darkness but only by itself however when the sun is cast into darkness it can be pulled out of that darkness through revelry in love much like how amino uzumay was able to lure amaterasu out of the cave the hino kamikagra being passed down through the commodore family allowed urowichi to live on and continue to shine light upon the world and as kukishiba stood there recovering from the decapitation his brother left to him as a final parting gift he once again realized he was living in the sun's shadow and even with yoruichi passing in that moment through the commodore family his influence is still felt to this day and that is everything you need to know about yoruichi tsujikuni what do you guys think he's one of my favorite characters in the entirety of demon slayer do you guys like him more now that you've heard all about him do you like him less for some odd reason tell me in the comments below and while you're down there guys please for me like this video subscribe to the page and hit that noti bell listen do i know more about shinto mythology than i ever thought i would because most of anime is a reference to it absolutely do i mind now [Music] oh [Music]
Channel: The Weeb Commander
Views: 115,120
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: anime, anime explained, nchammer23, weeb commander, manga explained, manga, demon slayer, yoriichi, hashira, sun breathing, himokamikagura, demons, swords, samurai, tanjiro, kamado, strongest demon slayer, kukioshibu
Id: a_-YRu4n_Qs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 40sec (1360 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 14 2022
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