My Hero Academia's STRONGEST Villain EXPLAINED!

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villains we hate them but at the same time we love and need them without a powerful villain the show just feels flat oh look the protagonist beat down the incredibly weak villain once again there's no sense of stake or urgency and therefore it feels like the best shows are usually built by the best villains Modera Eisen all for one see I feel as though that shows that have one overall arching villain that pulls the strings from the Shadows are truly the best kinds of shows this is why people were so upset with things like the ending of Naruto the entire show built up to Madara and then poof there goes moderate but I believe this is why villains like all for one are so loved by the fandom a dark mysterious brooding and Incredibly powerful villain pulling all of the strings of the dastardly Deeds of mha from the Shadows but who is all for one what are his abilities what quirks has he stolen and what is his Grand Master Plan we're gonna answer all that and more in a second but before we get into that guys please for me like this video subscribe to the page and hit so all for one arguably the strongest Quirk user on earth a man who has been hunting down one for all end users of it for Generations a man who's stolen as many quirks as he has lives the true symbol of evil and the unabashed symbol of trying to make those with quirks rise above everybody else a man dedicating his life to the propagation of the strong in the subjugation of the weak G is both the founder and the leader of the league of villains and yet mha has done an incredible job of making us know next to nothing about this man but we do know a little bit and that's what I'm going to tell you about today but before we get into that we're going to start these videos in the way that we tend to start these videos at the beginning see we don't know a huge amount about all for one's childhood in fact we know nothing about it whatsoever see we know that all for one was born with his Quirk all for one an ability to steal quirks from others either give them to himself or give them to somebody else essentially giving him full control over anybody with quirks he has a hole in one hand that allows him to suck out quirks in a hole in the other that allows him to expunge quirks he is essentially a quirk vending machine but he wasn't born evil we learned from yuichu when they came to jakku in a dream a little bit about all for ones well not childhood but like first days now all for one wasn't always a super evil person see in the beginning of all for one's I guess career he did use his abilities to help people however he would only help people like giving them quirks or just helping them out of bad situations if they agreed to enter into his servitude a bit like Marcus Crassus who was the richest man in the history of Rome so rich that he created his own fire brigade and this fire brigade would go around putting out fires around Rome only problem is they wouldn't put the fire out until the people who lived in the building agreed to sell the building to Marcus Crassus and since this was ancient Rome and there wasn't just a fire force they had to agree this is basically what all for one did saving people from dire situations but at the same time gaining a follower but if you agreed to enter a servitude and ever defied him he would abandon you or have his followers kill you so it wasn't the world's greatest sports team to be a part of but how did all for one get like this well besides being born with a quirk that gave him a pseudo-god complex because he was able to take control over even the strongest of other Quirk users because he could simply take their Quirk and use it against them all for one also read a fictional story when he was a child about a Demon Lord a Demon Lord who was the strongest person in the land and used their powers to control Japan ironically this whole Demon Lord story is actually most likely a reference to sukuda who is a real historical figure in Japanese lore and as all for one Gru was following his God complex got stronger and stronger that wasn't the only thing getting stronger and stronger he himself was also getting stronger and stronger because here's the thing even if you were faithful to him that would not stop all for one from just stealing your Quirk one day because he wants it and therefore all for one looked at his following as an endless pool of quirks that one day he could steal and give to himself or somebody else giving him complete and total control over everyone's actual power kind of like a God all for one even used to love his younger brother yoichi however as his God complex got worse he became more and more condescending to yuichi who was supposedly born without a quirk he wanted yoichi to be able to assert his ideals onto the world much like how all for one was but here's the thing this loving side of all for one didn't last for long you see because that's the child's all for one read these comic books about a Demon Lord who used his power to basically destroy all of the civilization and instead of looking up to the Heroes all for one looked up to the demon and as he read about this demon he idolized it claiming that his powers of all for one Were Meant to thwart the future of humanity that is to say that all for one entire goal is simply to end Humanity he wants to be the symbol of evil there is no greater good he is not a Broken Hero he is the manifestation of evil in a quark driven world and his greater goal is simply the destruction of civilization as we know it his only other goal outside of the destruction of civilization is to steal one for all but here's the thing all for one can't steal one for all he's tried twice all for one tried to steal one for all from both died the girl banjo and N but both times he was unable to steal the court which means that he needs somebody who can steal the Quirk which is where shikaraki AKA tomorrow shigaraki comes in see all for one is a manipulative megalomaniac but he's quite good at it so much so that he can feigned fatherly feelings to make tomorrow feel as though he actually cares about him when he's actually just trying to use him as a vessel in fact all for one has actually told this to tomara he's told shikaraki that he's more of a vessel than a protege but since he's been manipulating and gaslighting shigaraki his entire life shigaraki is attached to all for one kind of at the hit but all for one wants this at the hip connection to go a bit further because all for one once because all for one wants to use shikaraki as a vessel because Opera one believes that after merging with all for one he will finally be able to steal one for all but here's the thing all for one evil to the core he doesn't care whether or not this merge changes him and or kills him as long as shigaraki continues his vision of being the symbol of evil that is to say that as long as human civilization is spiraling towards a fiery demise he's happy alive or dead but the prospect of killing off all for one is is a daunting one I mean after all this is the man who's killed almost every single user of one for all he killed his own brother yuichi the second wielder of one for all the third wielder of one for all the fourth wielder of one for all lived in the mountains his entire life to make sure to not fight all for one so he actually didn't kill the fourth wielder but he killed the fifth wielder and the sixth wielder and the seventh wielder it wasn't until one for all had finally got passed to somebody without a quirk AKA all might that all for one finally met his match you see since one for all is a stockpiling Quirk and truly is at its strongest in a quarkless person all might was able to stand up to all for one and when they battled the first time it was a pseudo draw that is say that all for one was permanently disfigured and all might was also permanently crippled almight was the one who was left standing though and all for one was brought to prison but all might almost killed all for one this fight left all for one senseless now what do I mean by senseless essentially all might crushed his skull the reason all for one's entire head is scar tissue is because of all might all might basically smashed his skull and depriving him of taste scent sound smell anything his skull is just skin and brain and after this moment all for one was required to use a life support system all the stuff he wears with all like the wires and things that keeps him alive like Darth Vader or Bane while Bane and the Christopher Nolan movies in the comics it's just what pumps his Venom into him but just because all for one was now technically on life support and had none of his senses did not mean he was weak this is the second fight against all might you know that battle where before fighting all might he defeated Endeavor and shot Mount lady Gran Torino and best genist like five of the 10 strongest Heroes of the time but Nick if he can't see smell taste here anything how is he fighting fortunately for him he has quirks and a lot of them like infrared see infrared allows all for one to send his surrounding using infrared light think of how the Predator sees the world essentially to compensate for his blindness all for one can sense how the Predator would see the world however does it operate exactly like sight you can only really sense things in his immediate vicinity so I guess if anything it's closer to echolocation but here's the thing all for one needed a Nerf in his prime he was as physically strong as almight regarded as the most physically strong man to ever live he was fast enough to dodge attacks from Edge shot whose attacks go at the speed of sound which is faster than my hero Academia universe and I lied earlier when I said he lost all of his senses he can still hear and he uses the hearing which was boosted by the fact that he lost all of his other senses in combination with his infrared sense to feel the Earth around him so much so that he can feel the vibrations in the air to understand exactly what's going on around him but like what quirks does he have let me let me to Quirk search with this Quirk you can observe and monitor up to a hundred people at once but also by monitoring them that also means being keyed into their weaknesses so not only is he able to watch you no matter where you are he's also able to deduce what your weaknesses are he has The Quirk warping which works like warp gate but with more rules she essentially offer one can make a bunch of black liquid that works as a warp gate but he can only warp things to or from his location that is to say he can't use this Quirk to warp himself wherever he wants but he can use his Quirk to warp things to it like nomu he also has air cannon which allows him to shoot air cannons with his arms essentially it allows him to make massive tunnels of wind that he can use his long-range attacks and these air cannons are so strong that it stopped all might in his tracks speaking of air cannons we should talk about a quirk that he uses in conjunction with air cannons spring-like limbs where essentially he coils his muscles into well the coil and by coiling his muscles into a spring-like formation it increases the elasticity and the strength of said must imagine you had a spring right here and you're pushing it down with the entirety of the strength of your arm and then you release your arm the power of the spring would shoot your arm out that way and your physical muscles would do the job as well thus increasing the strength of this movement he has The Quirk rivet stab which is a bit like Kimi marushi katsumiyaku in that essentially it can just grow tendrils out of his body that it can control and use to stab people he also has forced Quirk activation which you can use to make somebody activate their Quirk whether or not they want to or not so essentially he could grab Naval laser by the arm and just make him shoot Naval lasers until he gets a tummy ache like he could just use that little French bastard as a turret he has impact recoil which essentially makes him a gum gum man being that he can take the force of any incoming attack and reflect it upon his attacker essentially canceling out Isaac Newton's third law that all actions have an equal and opposite reaction he has multiplier which gives him more arms hypertrophy which allows him to grow the size of set arms sphere-like bones which is even more like shenkatsum yaku than the previous thing because it literally just grows spear like bones coming out of his forearms he's got a quirk that increases how much kinetic energy he generates a quirk that increases his strength a court called life force that was given to him by Dr garaki which just allows him to live for an inhumanly long time he can control and manipulate radio waves for some reason meaning that if you're trying to call for backup he can kind of just snag your radio wave and make sure that message never gets home he has hard flame fan which allows him to make a wall of flames to act as a defensive countermeasure he has telekinesis he can levitate he can detect lies so he can find traitors before they get the chance to trait betrays the word I was looking for he also has a quirk that allows him to make his skin razor blades he is a quirk that allows himself to ooze out acid that can dissolve his surroundings he has data as kinjutsu that allows him to put a mouth on his hand except instead of eating clay and putting his chakra into said clay it shoots out an air burst he has a glue cork that allows him to make glue and he has a hardening Quirk that allows him to harden his body for incoming attacks if needed to use that considering he has recoil impact he's also had a lot of other quirks that he's either passed on or he can't hold because here's the thing about all for one he can't stockpile New Generation quirks now he can take new generation quirks and pass them off to somebody else something about his physiology doesn't allow him to hold on to New Generation quirks so like uraka's gravity Quirk he couldn't take that and keep it for himself he would have to pass it to somebody else also because of him being pseudo crippled in his fight against all might he can't hold as many quirks as he used to be able to making him weaker than he used to be but weaker than he used to be he's not really a huge step down but this is another reason that he's trying to make shigaraki his vessel Because he believes after making shikiraki his vessel not only will he be able to take one for all but also be able to take new generation quirks and just like how Deku can combined his meta abilities to make one for all stronger for him all for one can combine every single Quirk he has into a massive ultimate attack however just like with how he's been limited to how many quirks he can hold he's also been limited to how often he can use certain quirks and how many quirks he can use simultaneously because of his fight against all my Owen with the addition of Dr garaki it's a high possibility that every single cork we've ever seen in a nomu all for one still has because Dr garaki can duplicate quirks so it's a solid possibility that the nomus either have a duplicate of his quirks or he has a duplicate of their quirks in fact at the current moment all for one has a duplicated version of all for one but the original being in tomora really the only downside to all for one is that everybody you've ever stolen a quirk from haunts you in your dreams which I mean like if you have absolutely no sense of morals like all for one isn't the worst thing and that's sort of it I mean I could go significantly deeper into spoiler territory but I'm not gonna do that but with the return of mha season six that's basically everything you need to know about all for one and if you liked this deep dive on the symbol of evil guys tell me in the comments below and while you're down there please for me like this video subscribe to the page and hit that naughty Bell listen I'm not saying that I need all villains to just be unabashedly evil but like the broken hero Trope is just so old all right foreign [Music] [Music]
Channel: The Weeb Commander
Views: 72,411
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: anime, anime explained, nchammer23, weeb commander, manga explained, manga, mha, bokunohero, my hero, my hero academia, all might, all for one, quirks, shigaraki, deku, bakugo, endeavor, garaki, nomu
Id: TBmGbz_2UNQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 28sec (868 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 12 2022
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