My Full Studio Setup & How I Connect The Rodecaster Pro To The ATEM Mini To Eliminate Latency

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[Music] welcome to the joku channel on youtube actually school channel on youtube and this is uh teacher tech talk so i know you're like okay what's going on right now he has this you clean the background hopefully it's not overwhelming um [Music] and you can hear me speak so what i want to do this evening is this i first of all have to apologize i haven't done a teacher i haven't done a tech talk in about um two weeks you know those of you been following my um my content my channel i've been going through a dip so that space where you know a little overwhelmed trying trying to make sense of the work that i'm doing in the space creating content so this is my first teacher tech talk in about two weeks so this evening what i'm going to be doing this evening is um kind of going into into one short hopefully very short um um episode with you um questions that have come from different people it comes down to how is it that i'm able to do what i'm doing right now and i'm not touched on this but come for my um from a very surface level so what i want to do is kind of give you a tour of um of my setup here and then not only that i also want to for those of you who are familiar with um google caster pro which is my my preamp mixer and my audio processor and um and also the a10 mini which is my video camera switcher um there was a problem that i came across as far as trying to get audio to sync properly you know as i'm speaking to you right now i'm almost 100 sure that it's in sync you know at least sinking pretty well where united see my lips move and then then um hearing the audio like a second later i was having that problem so i found the solution it was something i had to kind of dig around and the different options given to me on youtube and it was a struggle but i figured it out so i want to share for those of you who are on that tech side who are like oh my god i had that same problem how do i solve that i'm going to talk about that as well but um first off let me show you how everything's set up i have some music playing in the background and i would just you know let me just jump into it let's go ahead and start this uh this episode [Music] okay so um of course teachers we are content creators so with that being said it's very important for um for us to realize the power that we have as far as our ability to um to you know to control the space especially when we're with our students and even beyond teachers anyone who's if you're in business if you an artist or you're just a youtuber content creator podcaster this space is very very important and and those of you who are there already you know how much work it takes to even create this space so um let's go ahead and uh and start so what i want to do first i'm going to switch my camera to uh my gopro which is this camera right over here that's over my shoulder that shows you kind of like hopefully in a wide angle view of my workstation um and the music stops let me see what did i do did i do something the music stopped let's see what has going on here okay so um why is it even important so as you can see right now i have my iphone here and it's connected to the road caster pro this is what this is this is a preamp those of you in the music space who've ever tried to produce music anything like that you know you you need your your preamp your pre-app make sure that's where you get your audio coming in you can control the audio and this is what this is this is the rolecaster pro and actually says on here class a server biased preamps and my mics are connected to it anything that creates sound is connected to this to this right here so we'll have it have things set up i actually have um two mics i have a mic over here and this mic right here connected to my broadcaster pro this mic right here those of you who watch me know this is the um the shirts um the shure sm7b legendary microphone um and um i i kind of kind of sized because it was the uh mic that the thriller album my conjunctions thrill albums recorded on on this model mic and um then over here i'm going to talk about what's over here as well so you have my preamp mixer this is the heartbeat of everything you can see the levels going on right now that number one right here that's me speaking the little one over here the music pin in the background and then everything master wise why is this important as a teacher um i like to start my class with a little bit of ambiance so i always start off my class with some music as the kids are arriving i also have um daily morning town halls you know which is open to the whole entire staff students and teachers whoever is up to to join us 15 minutes before the school day starts and this is how i play the music off of my phone through a um a dongle that connects straight into the rawcaster pro to show how powerful this thing is so um and also if i wanted to connect this bluetooth bluetooth as well to um to the premium mixer bluetooth right here um which i kind of don't use it because i'd rather do the wired in and this is and this is right there this is my wired in right here for my music because on this side you will see i have ipad over here and ipad i usually have connected bluetooth over here um and some sometimes i have it routed straight to my laptop but sometimes tech the tech gets kind of like wonky so i connect bluetooth to my ipad when i need to but enough about that i'm not going to talk about what's over here yet so i'm going to talk about what's over here so what you see here is my um broadcaster pro no just the baby right here um then let me see here right over here is an ipad it's an older ipad i think this is like a 2000 i don't see this is like a 2000 2000 uh what was it 2021 it's like a 13 it's it's an older ipad and um actually probably not that old but it's definitely older and um the music stops i'm not gonna turn the music back on so you can hear me so this is where if you can tell right now this is streaming i use this this ipad as a monitor for my for my youtube so i know that it's streaming to youtube right now so i know everything that i'm doing right now is being streamed to youtube i can see it right here so that i'm not i'm not guessing i'm actually streaming to youtube so that's what that is right there and this will always have this here and um if i if ever this stretch down and i know youtube is not catching me then i can reset and log back on since i have this over here um i don't really i don't usually use this for class this is really just for when i'm streaming and creating content like this like i'm doing right now then next over here this is my stream deck uh stream deck this is an amazing device what this does allows me to um to kind of control the show you know this is my this is my i have an executive producer that's my wife she's one who usually will text me and tell me hey all yours all for whatever cases i'll show you a comment and i'll see it but and but here this is where i get to kind of like play with the little little devices of my of of the show so for example um when i did the intro for uh for this episode i literally tried i have a button here it says intro i'm gonna play it again i know it's annoying and of course i didn't do it this time but i would also be like hey guys welcome to the channel please do me a huge favor and um if you're new here blah blah blah blah i'll actually subscribe and this button should be working i know it's not working here we go so i push that button until then subscribe so those of you watching favorite youtubers and you're like oh my god look at how great everything is flowing it's because they usually have one of these things and this is great because it minimized me having to go back and edit it you know i don't have to like record and go back and edit and add the intro add the subscription whatever the case is um something else in here this magic button here okay see i have a little drip in here of my pre-locked hair you know thank you for subscribing so this is a this is a beautiful tool you can make this do a lot of things i'm able to actually even control my lights and and let me show you my lights here hopefully i don't blind you so i have the um these are the elgato um yeah the elgato yes it's definitely elgato these are elgato um key lights so so i have a key light and i think there's a key there's a key light and a key light air these are the smaller lights here and i have one another one behind me back here so i have a 3.3 point light set up my my main light my fellow light and then my hair light in the background and i have control from here and meaning that i can literally say i need this to be a little bit darker you know oh i need this to be brighter and also have preset um percentages for my lights 35 45 55 i mean 50 and 55 and um so right now because i want you to see everything i'm doing i have it at 55 and all my shows that i do have has its own setup so if i'm doing a podcast it has its own button with all controls for that if i'm teaching the class i have a button for that that i push that i have all my stuff for that and all this is done here this all this is it's just literally a hotkey pad i have everything programmed in here and tells the computer what to do for me so i don't have to like move the mouse around and click on stuff to figure out what what i'm doing there before i would have to click on things on the screen and make to do the same things but now just push a button and it's all pro it's all pre-programmed there and this can be as complicated as you want it could be as simple as you want as well so let me go back to uh here we go so i'm back in here again um to my my my key my key setup for for this for this um show which is the uh teacher tech talk and then over here this is a monitor that shows me what you see even though i have this on the side here for youtube but i don't have to keep looking over here because if i'm talking to you and i'm always doing this to see what's going on yeah it's kind of distracting right but if i can talk to you right here i can see peripherally right there what's going on you know and making sure that with that and seeing what you're seeing but you're not seeing you're not seeing this here unless i share this with you which i've done before in the past you know and we're gonna get to that so this is a very basic monitor is connected um to my laptop and it shares really exactly what you're seeing on your end so um so that and it's and it's say i don't even know what the name of the model is um it's just it's just a 50 monitor that i bought on amazon um again oh i forgot to tell you so the this over here is the ipad you know i old ipad air yes this right here is also an elgato product so this is a el gato stream deck which is the same thing as the lights which are also i got elgato same product from the same company um and uh let me see here then of course um i think i've shared in previous videos the the most important tools in in in creating amazing video means in contact not contact but content um i share with you a lvs meaning audio that's why i'm so this is so important to me because i sound the way i sound because of this okay so audio i have my audio my my preamp my audio interface that makes sure my audio is processed from here and then pumping into the computer which pumps it out to you guys so you can hear me the way you do it and and and this is how it sound because of it um and then you have um l which is lighting lighting is so important because without light you're in darkness okay so i'm going to say that again without light you are in darkness okay light and light is what gives you the the the ability to come in as crisp as possible okay so lighting is very very important you know even if you have a horrible camera your lighting is is a very powerful thing lighting lighting is cheaper than than the camera so so that's something that's very very important to remember so now over here let me go back to my gopro so is my main camera this is the camera right here that when i when i when i speak to you guys is this right here and what i'm using here is the eos r uh eos r this is canon camera again eos r the r series camera here and uh an amazing camera is a it's a um mirrorless camera and um and i can explain that in another video why it's kawaii it's a mirrorless camera um but um and it's just a this is just an amazing camera like people some people complain about it i love this camera it's just a dope camera but even more more important than the camera itself is the lens the lens is what captures light the camera body has all the technology in there and all the software in it does all the processing in there but the lens is what does the magic here this lens right here is the canon um um it's a it's a it's a what they call um uh uh my brain is not working right now it's the l lens a um yeah it's a l series lens and it has a red ring on it around it for those of you who are a camera enthusiast and lensing the enthusiast especially with canon canon on that line you know everybody is all about the the l series lenses they're super expensive but but the glass is so amazing so the glass the level of glass is in there this camera is a relatively fast lens it has a 2.8 2.8 um f-stop which means that um um a number of things the the aperture can open really wide and only that um it captures it captures a lot of light so that means it catches a lot of detail most cameras you'll get that are that are that come with your camera which we call kit lenses tend to be like from 3.5 and even 345 is not bad by 3.5 or 4 or larger that number you know and what ended up happening you need to have way more light you know to make it to make it work but here i can show you right now um back to my fa my beautiful face um i'm at this is a 55 at 50 at 45 percent and at um 35 and i'm still i'm still coming in crisp it's just that it's a different feel depending on the lighting so and so the lens is very very important this is what does the work and i'll be honest with you a lot of times the lens itself can can end up being can end up costing as much as the camera or or sometimes more than the camera itself um i'm not gonna talk about prices here because that's not what we're talking about right now but all this is in the description if you're interested in finding out more about them but um that's that's the the main workhorse camera since we're talking about cameras i'll show i usually i also have two other cameras and the other two cameras is this one right here which is a gopro um it's a gopro um hero 7 black okay it's the older gopro i think right now we're at the nine series but i also even have a six they used to be here and um this because this used to be at my overhead camera when i'm doing sneaker reviews which i've retired from doing sneaker reviews um at least not the way i was doing them before so i moved that overhead camera to this right here and it's look at this this is amazing would you know this is a gopro look how crisp that is you would think that this was like you know maybe a dslr you look at the vibrant colors in there like literally what i'm seeing in the camera is literally what it looks like in real life and this is an amazing amazing camera kind of um like this kind of looks like this okay this is what it is this is the six right here and um and and the six also gives as great i mean great for um 4k footage as the as the seven as well um the seven just has a little bit more bells and whistles and so that's that's the camera number two which is my gopro over the shoulder so you can see the desk then then over here i have uh this is a this is a lumix g85 yeah it's uh made by panasonic and this camera right here um is a camera and i know you're wondering like why does he have this other camera over here so this camera here is really not for like a different angle i actually use this camera when i'm doing um content hold up let me do this real quick when i'm creating content for other things that i do so i also do financial literacy content um and if i'm doing any content around that i want to change it up a little bit i don't want it to be the same angles like show you always seeing the same angles in all my videos so literally i just literally changed my sheet over here i talked to this camera and this camera here is not it's not a canon um would say it's definitely not as good as the canon but i'll tell you this if you didn't know anything and i was doing all my kind of thing here you probably also be like wow this is pretty crispy too you know a big part of it has to do with the light and the lens so this this um lumix g85 um camera i'm using a um uh i'm trying to remember the brand of this of this camera let me see if i let me see if i can find the lens cap yes it's a sigma okay so this is a sigma um i think it's a 1.8 and this is a 16 mm 16 millimeter lens this is a wide angle lens as if this is a fixed lens so i can't zoom in and zoom it out it's just perfect for for me and i like i love this camera just catches what i wanted to catch and if i want to make it bigger wider or more narrow i have to literally move it back or forth there's no zooming in zooming out and this is a 16mm lens it's a wide angle lens you know so it catches everything and then it's a 1.8 i think 1.8 which is actually faster than the um canon lens that i have and again look at the colors it's catching and it's it's a it's a beautiful camera you know so so that's my other camera here it's not meant to be used when i'm using this camera is you literally use when i'm doing other content and as you can see from um about the gopro setup when i'm using when i'm using this camera i really literally have a whole entire setup on this i have my microphone over here which is the this is also a rode um product just like my mixer over there so this is called the rode pod mic it sounds amazing and um and it's one thing i love about this mic you know i know we're not talking about prices my sm7b over here it's a 400 400 mic 400 i think yeah 400. i bought a while back this is a 100 mic okay and can you really tell the difference if i mean i'm pretty sure if i went back for you but okay i can see the difference but if i just logged on and started my content you wouldn't know you know you just know that this sounds pretty pretty pretty good very radioish right very broadcast-ish and um and this is the mic that i use i just count my setup this way and um and i and i create my content and i create my content put into my mouth and i just talk and that's the setup here i have my mic uh and a boom arm and um and i have this camera over here and it's what cool thing about is when i'm using this you don't even notice anything else happening over here you just know that what you're seeing in front of you but this is the whole entire magic of as far as what's going on and i also have my ipad so if i'm teaching i can i can do my notes and everything everything here um i've been known uh my ipad is not connecting right now okay we go so i've been known to if i'm when i'm teaching i'm teaching something like when i like especially when i'm doing um some of my um my more teaching based content i've been known to turn on um like my note screen where i could i could write on here and and i know people are gonna be like how is he doing this but i can literally do this and you see this you know and then i can i can do this and here i go i can do this and i am literally on the screen talking to you saying all right guys this is what's going on here and i can write on the screen and you can see me and i can do happy faces and i can talk to talk to my class so if so you can imagine as a teacher when i'm teaching the class and i'm not to actually go through content where i have to write on the whiteboard you know what i'm doing they see me talking i talk to them i can hear them and if you're using zoom or using um google meets you know if i'm doing a creative content for my financial literacy um uh channel i'm not not channel kind of it's all in the same channel my financial literacy um content you know and this is what this is part of is that's part of that where i could literally sit here and talk about the for example this was about the rule the rule of 72 and how to figure out when your money would double in an investment you know based on interest rate so so that's that's the setup here for that let me go back over here and close that out and bam so i'm going to switch back over to my main camera all right so here we go so can you can you tell the difference between those two mics i can tell you i mean it's this the other mic tends to be a little bit more bassy um and this tends to have a little bit more good mid ranges and that one seems to be a bit more bass but still it's awesome for a hundred dollars it's a great it's a great microphone um so what else what else do i have going on here so you've seen my other side of my of my setup you've seen my um my um my uh let me see here i think i've talked about everything the only thing i haven't talked about is this which is going which is kind of the the guess the guest of tonight's episode um go back to my gopro um is this little guy over here actually let me do this let me just get this mic out of the way and i'll bring this guy in here so he's not in the way so now this guy right here so i'll tell you right now based on based on my favorites you know the rocaster pro this is uh this is audio remember l on a lv and yeah and i forgot to tell you guys s alv is audio lighting video and stability you know video stability so you don't want things shaking around and moving around so so that's it but in my case that doesn't really count but everything i did i do stationary so right now here um i'll talk to you about my audio this sucker right here my lighting i showed you guys the lighting in here which is a big part of the magic and then um then video i share with you my three cameras that i use and then now um how am i doing this okay right here the a10 mini so this is a video switcher so those of you who are familiar who have any background in filmmaking i went to college and i studied films i i was a major i was a film studies major and we had to take some production class but i was mainly about like film analysis i was more into the academic side of film but we had to take production classes we had to do projects you know as part of the requirement for um for the degree and i remember having to um do some stuff we had to switch between cameras and it was a big old deck it was so confusing i was like what is going on here and those those camera switching decks were like super expensive like 12 20 40 000 and this little guy right here does the exact same thing i mean of course there's some bells and whistles is not included in this but this right here by itself i can have this connected all my cameras i can actually stream from here right into youtube okay i can stream this i can stream directly from this this device without having any special software apart from software it comes with to stream into my content areas it's limited but this does this does a lot however for what i need to do is to be able to just switch cameras you know switch cameras switch cameras and and it gives me four cameras remember i told you i still actually have an overhead camera which i don't have anymore i still have it i just i'm not using it so no camera number four is not um connected however everything else is i mean it just makes my life so much easier it's a bunch of buttons on here which i don't need to use because for what i need i just need to switch and um i can't talk enough about this device and it's it's uh about three hundred dollars a little under 300 i if i remember correctly but it was but it's definitely worth it because it it definitely brings everything together being able to switch cameras around especially when you're creating content in this space and the thing i love about this is as well is the fact that um for me when i first started um um creating content would when if you go to my channel you see a lot of old credit card credit um content about credit um i would record the video now and then take take my sd card from the camera plug into my laptop upload the video and start you know editing and my wife will tell you there are times when i will spend a good hour to editing then something would go wrong and i have to go back and do it again or whatever the case may be frustrating if any of you guys have ever done editing work and you know what i'm talking about it's super frustrating it's i'll even say it's painful and one thing i've realized i discovered in the space that i'm in right now is that i don't have to do that if i know what i'm recording and i have and i have all the right equipment i can actually recorded videos though i'm a friend visiting your house okay oh no knock on the door knock knock hey guys what's going on can i talk to you about something real quick and i talk to you and the great thing about it is yes it feels more real it doesn't feel as robotic where you're reading the script they're trying to follow something i can just talk like right now i'm just talking to you guys and in the midst of it i'm talking to you i can switch cameras and be like hey this is what i'm talking about right over here i want to show you something over here without me having to go back and record it and edit and adding it it to the editing because when you're editing you're creating these huge files and you have to upload it and you have to get your for if you're trying to get the 4k or 1080p or 720 like these things become factors in your in your process what i'm doing here is i'm doing everything at once and guess what happens when i'm done it uploads or like in this case it's streaming it's streaming live so if you're watching right now you're watching this live right now and i didn't have to do anything other than just go live and record okay and um those of you watching this right now you're you're either watching this on youtube you're watching this on facebook you're watching this on twitter on not um twitter via periscope or on twitch and yes i'm streaming to all four places right now at the same time and that's going to be what i'm going to talk to you before we jump off this this video but this is how this is the great thing about this and after i'm done um i will probably jump into youtube and put it put a thumbnail in there put my edit my descriptions and that's it i don't have to do any editing now the problem i mentioned earlier in this in this video that i want to talk to you about i kind of hit a wall of sorts when i'm using this camera over here one of the issues i was having was that um that was having latency issues so i'll be talking and the lip motion and the sound was so off it was so like oh my god and i'm trying to figure out what was going on here because right now the way this is all set up is the way things were set up was the royal castro pro does my audio into my computer um the a10 mini takes all the video it goes through here and then it pops into into into here into the computer and what i was realizing is because there are two streaming there's two streams going into the computer okay one is audio one is video they're not together it's just literally two streams of code going into the computer and because they go into a computer imagine this imagine having two cars starting off on the same at the same starting line okay and you're saying you're both going to get to from point a to point b at the same time so what's gonna happen okay is it possible for them to get there at the exact same time means both cars get to the point at the exact same time because when you when you put out the microscope or whatever the case is you're going to notice maybe one might be an inch sooner or this was happening with with later data going to the computer and that's why i was getting the latency so i was like how do i fix that how do i correct that for you know create that problem and um what i came to to understanding was i had to um to pump my audio from the road caster right right into the a10 mini and i was having a problem trying to figure out how to do that i watched a lot of videos and what i'm talking about is like right now right now all my audio is literally um coming from this right into the computer and i know it's creating a latency so what i need to do was um number one and i want to do is i'll share with you my screen so you can see uh i'm going to live demo mode and turn on live demo so i guess i have to kind of like do a little backtracking so the software that's handling the video and everything is and the video and audio is ecam live i love this i love the software and and my life would be horrible without this software this is what makes everything work seamlessly where i don't have to edit everything happens in this software this is what you're seeing here on the screen this is what i see this is my production center here so with this and if you can see right here this this audio that's pumping right here that's the audio coming from from um from the worldcaster pro okay and um the latency was happening because i needed all the audio you have to be coming in here for one from one place and the only thing i can do is the video is something that is i can't control that video has to pump into the computer but the audio for me from here i have to find a way to make this connect into into atom mini but it's immediate can take audio as well but it was coming it was happening separately so what i discovered is if i can connect from a monitor from the monitors in the back they have to i have two plugs in the back and right now i'm just going to show you what i'm talking what i'm talking about i have a monitor in the back that allows me to to connect these quarter inch in here right and left from the back of the road caster and and then i could plug it into from there and then a three uh three millimeter 3.5 millimeter plug into the atm mini and i looked on the line i found that that was a solution i plugged it in and it wasn't working until this day i don't know why it doesn't work okay this was not working so then what i had to do next was now i found another video says i can use one of one of my um my headphone outputs because the great thing about the road caster is that all of these um each of the the four mic inputs and this gives you four mic inputs if i'm doing a show where i have four guests and each have their own mics the great thing about it is they can also have your own headphones so they can all hear themselves so we can all monitor make sure that no one is too loud or anything like that but what i can do is literally use one of those connectors you know using just a one quarter inch and then plug that into the road caster which i did and that fixed the problem so um and it was great because that was fixed and then the only other thing i had to do was make sure in my um in ecam live i'd go into the preferences and just make a minor adjustment to my for my mic delay so i i upped it by three frames and then it's it's synced and it's been perfect so far and right now i believe i'm pretty sure this should this should look fine but i don't know yet because the only thing i can't monitor is on youtube if you're what you're seeing in sync it's actually synced i can tell you once i if i do this let me show you real quick this right here this main bar is just moving right here that's my audio my main audio if i switch that over because right now everything's connected the way i described it with the quarter inch right with 3.5 millimeter right into the a10 mini into the first jack so if i go here and and um here we go so now this allows me to get audio just 100 in sync and um when i go in here on screen is a delay because it's going to be delayed because my my audio is being pumped into your space but by doing that by doing this if i'm you if i'm it's fine but i decided it's backwards i didn't do it in the beginning because i wanted to get to it to show you how that's fixed so you can actually see minimal delay so i don't know how bad it was for you through this whole entire thing it shouldn't been that bad but it should be much better right now let me see right now uh isis says uh hey i'm doing great thank you man and then um see if i hear it the comment is all right so i'm in frame right now so tell me right now how is it so you said oh okay so i'm assuming that just slightly delayed so is it slightly delayed right now with the road with this mic right here with this with this setup right now with uh not the mic but with this setup here with the black mattress design with the a10 mini now i'm gonna switch i'm gonna switch it i'm gonna switch it back to the road caster what about now is this is is there is there a delay now okay what about now so i just did a switch wow some delight so now that's good that's a good thing so now i gotta figure out why it's doing that now because the whole the um i actually did a couple of videos and was fixed in there so now i have to go back in and go back and look and the thing too is it's literally it might just me it might me have me having to go into my preferences and just do since you're you're observing this um let me see if i do this how is it now is it better because it's sinking better now actually worse okay so so now because what i did is i i added more frames to it so what i'm going to do now is i'm going to take this back to let's see five yeah so and that's and that's the thing because what happens now is um when i when i before i go what i usually do is that i will i will um stream to private and then i would see if if it if it's working if there's a delay there because i'm going live right now i don't always know but it should be better now because i took it i took it because i went from six to eight and i took it from six to five now so i'm gonna wait because i know there's a delay for me to use so i'll wait to see uh if it's better if it's better from what you're seeing now but i think the thing about all this is that that that latency so maybe six was the best best place for me to be in so that latency is a real is a real issue and um the the solution that i found was to make sure that um that uh take it back to six is is to make sure a i could get the audio going through one device then after outside of that also making certain latency i play with that number with the with the um the the frames to make sure i find the right frame the the right frame my goal is always to make sure i'm not i'm not so off that that it's like you know where it's like ridiculous where literally you where i'm saying something and the the the um latency is so far off but um technology and being in the space with live streaming everything else these things are going to happen but these are these these this is all this is happening here and it's funny because i've noticed this i have quite a few videos that this latency there and no one ever notices i guess because i'm i'm talking and it's everything's animated with the cases they don't notice it but i notice it and it gets to me so i'm like oh my god the world hates me because of all this latency in there so but one of the solutions i found is by streaming the audio directly into the into the um the atm mini and it makes a huge difference a huge difference um but yeah and then of course the last thing in my whole entire setup here is the um is this right here um uh ecam live like everything that's happening here happens everything that happens to the screen happens here you put account if you uh if you if someone makes a comment i can hit the button you can see the comment so everybody can see it and let me get out of the uh the live demo mode all right so this is pretty much my whole entire setup you know um back here i have some i have um two hard drives do like eight the i think one is a four terabyte that was eight terabyte hard drives so that i'm saving any video account that i create right there i don't have to move anything around just save it right into there and this is the whole entire setup everything here and uh and um thank you so much thank you thank you so much um and the thing the thing about the setup is here is also work in progress because i'm always noticing things that i need to tweak and things i need to move around and um i was able to um reconnect everything and get rid of i had a lot of redundant connections and and um but this this is pretty much how i create the content that i create and uh it works it works out really well you know um thank you so much um um but those of you who are watching who are like man like i want to do the same thing start simple because i started off literally with i mean i remember when i was making content with my phone a little with my phone right in front of me like you know on a little tripod and i would literally create create videos and edit it there and then i would i would upload it you know and um and then uh and then from there i think i then i had like actually using let me show you guys i had i had my 70d this camera right here which i would literally record my video then edit it so that all the device to edit was done on this camera then i would edit um and um the only reason i don't use this camera because for what i do right now because it doesn't it doesn't have clean hdmi meaning that when i record if i stream videos from here you see all the lines you know how you have all the messages on the on the screen you would you would see all that stuff but with the with these two cameras i use right now and including my um gopro it's clean hdmi all you see is just the video no information or data about the video on there at all and um but yeah you start i started simple and then with time it just got more and more complex but then the complexity didn't was for the purpose of creating less work for myself actually demonstrates microphones there we go so the purpose was to create less work for myself i wanted to be in this in a scenario where i wasn't having to um i wasn't having to um edit that was the thing that was hurting me it was the editing took way too much time um oh yo um alicia way oh i would definitely join um he came like you know i've been meaning to join cam on ecm live on facebook group it's just that huh my life is a it's a my life is a hot mess being i'm a high school principal i teach classes i'm a dad i have two kids i'm a husband all these things happening but listen ecam live is is saved my life it it definitely created a space for me where i can just create content without having to worry about the editing the editing the editing the editing and just being able to go streaming live you know and for those of you who are like how easy streaming live i use restream io it's which is a a uh another as i guess a second or third-party software that links to ecam live that lets me stream to all other platforms at the same time it's a great it's a great way to do it thank you so much thank you so much i will i will um i would definitely definitely definitely join the um the uh the uh i'm sorry the facebook group for um ecam live um but yeah so those of you teachers who are watching right now administrators district leaders uh school system leaders i've been i've been saying this over and over again and even general content creators like this is the possible future you know and hopefully there's gonna be a company that's gonna make this all in a smaller smaller um uh uh ecosystem so it's not as too many different parts but this is how i engage my students every day you know i i engage them just just like this you know just from here and a lot of times they ask me yo mr what are you using i show them and everything else and um i teach a film class i teach financial literacy class but then when i'm meeting with my staff and i'm having town halls and having assemblies all from here this has been you know it's funny i can say this this is what the pandemic birthed you know because of the pandemic and having to create content for for my school this is what happened here but also it benefited what what i do in creating my content for my youtube channel and for my podcast as well so um yeah that's that's that's pretty much it um am i missing anything here um i mean there's some complexities also as far as my mic setup i have a cloud lifter for for this i have also have a fet head which are um um they're how do i put it they're um preamps for the for your mics for the preamps you know um hold on a second i would always mess this up as far as um what they call these but um they're they're amp they're they're boosters because a lot of times these mics are a little they require a little bit more um power so uh specifically phantom power so so these these right here which are um and i know i'm gonna keep myself in the head um and be like yeah i forgot what these are called uh the name is not on here but these this is a fed head and i plugged this i plugged this in to to my mic so it just gets a little bit more um boost uh phantom power and helps with um the um just so you can hear me better and i have another one which is the car lifter that goes with this mic over here and um but yeah it's a little quite a few peripherals here and there that that i had put together just to make this work best and i'll tell you this the most important thing for me is that you can see me you can hear me and you're not distracted by by any like any additional noise or like poor quality but at the same time you know um beyond you guys my students are very important to me when i have my 9th 10th 11th 12th graders who are sitting in class sitting on at home all day take classes online um i love i love the fact that a lot of them tell me like yo i like your i love your class because i'm i stay trying to figure out what's in the background you know i'm the sneaker principal so i have my sneakers back there you know i have my little pop dolls over here and um and i created space and this and this this face was created intentionally to engage my students to make sure that they are paying attention you know and and and this is a familiar place for them when they log log into class every day and these are the things that i believe that every teacher should be doing um especially in this space and the other thing too once the pandemic is over this is not going anywhere because i've see students right now kids right now who are actually doing better in a remote setting because of things like the anxiety when they come into the school building or when they leave their homes or bullying and things like that kids who are able to do work now and and feel good about themselves because they might not being the building might not be the best set the best setting for them and it's something that we just have to we have to figure out um how to support them when we go back into the building and um but yeah see i just thought i just switched topics to it i went left and and that was not my intention and this video is supposed to be super short but you know there's a lot of things here that i need to cover so again i want to stop here thank you so much again for being here this evening i really appreciate y'all and um um uh and i feel like i'm messing up your name elisio alicia way i would definitely definitely definitely um i'll join the um the ecam life facebook group and um that's pretty much it guys do me a favor if this is your first time here do me that huge favor by subscribing liking the content and all the above and um i just had the wrong screen on i'm gonna do it again with here we go subscribe hit the notification bell share share share my goal is to really to really grow this channel and get people um engaged around what i'm doing here especially financial literacy and that's the the main focus of my channel is really getting people engaged in financial literacy getting into schools making sure that we're teaching kids you know financial literacy also content creation as well because these are 21st century skills and i believe it and and hey i'm a principal and i'm engaged in this space as well because i know how important it is so um um biases thank you so much i really appreciate i really appreciate your presence here and um listen i'll be honored to be on the panel i'll be definitely honored to do that because um and because this is this is important like we can't and i'm gonna say this one last thing we cannot have um our children consuming all the content that they consume and very few of them create any content you know because we don't teach them how to they walk around with these in their pockets you know computers in their pockets cameras computers 4k videos and everything else and they don't know how to create they just consume and even with the consumer most of the time yes this is entertaining but it's brain numbing we have to teach them how to use this we have to teach teachers how to use this and create content and that so so we're we're building something beyond just you know laughing and having fun you know people creating multiple multi-million dollar businesses from doing this you know and i'm sorry going to college to becoming a doctor going to college to become a lawyer is just as viable as understanding and learning this space to create content and creating an empire for yourself through social media you know i know people i know people in social media who are making more money than people who are doctors and it's crazy you know so okay i'm done talking it's late i got to go to bed thank you so much guys it's a pleasure be well be safe and i'll see you guys next time alright peace
Channel: The Sneaker Principal
Views: 822
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Studio Setup Connect Rodecaster Pro ATEM Mini Eliminate Latency, atem mini, atem mini pro, live streaming, rodecaster pro, video podcast, rodecaster pro video podcast, atem mini pro setup, rodecaster pro live stream, ecamm live, studio setup, elgato stream deck, elgato key light, elgato key light air, podcast equipment, audio latency, Video latency
Id: d8pvqjHVrKw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 22sec (3142 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 23 2021
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