How to Live Stream Using Rodecaster Pro & ATEM Mini Pro

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hey y'all irix guy here and this is how to live stream using the rode road caster pro in the blackmagic design atem mini pro and before i proceed i want to remind everyone don't don't worry about taking notes because all you got to do is expand this video's description and then click the link there and you'll be able to find all the equipment and all the cables that i'm about to explain how i use everything you'll be able to find all link there so the first thing obviously that you're going to want if you plan to green screen and again this is optional is you're going to want to you know paint a uh a green a walgreen now i found the paint works better you can get and i've linked them within this video's description a uh a green screen kit that's just like a fabric type backdrop but if you want to make something more permanent and in my opinion something that produces more professional results go with the paint and i've linked the type of paint that i use within this video's description you're going to need good lighting whether you're using a green screen or not you will need obviously the road caster pro and there's several things that you'll need for it you're going to want a microphone although the road caster pro will work with third-party mics the beauty of the of the rode mics with it is that you know it it detects most of the popular mics this is the road pod mic and you can find it linked within this video's description so you're going to want to plug your pod bike in now you can get a stand that a mic stand that just stands beside your desk you can get them they're ceiling mounted you can get them that are table top i like the table top because this is a heavy base you know i can just you know minimize the amount of floor space that it occupies you're going to need a pair of you know especially if you want to listen to your audio and make sure that it that it sounds good that everything's mixed properly you're going to want a pair of professional headphones also if you're if you're bringing in live guests by way of uh you know into your youtube and again i use i use this for youtube live streaming but you may be streaming to a different platform but if you want to integrate live face on video guests you're going to want to hear what they're saying too so those you know those headphones are important as far as cables are concerned you're going to need a cable going from your microphone to your to your road caster pro and we're going to go into the cable portion here now so on the road caster pro i got the power cable that came with the road caster pro this is a cable i picked up again all this stuff is linked within this video's description but this is a usb c to usb c cable that i plug into my macbook pro so you know if you're going to be if you're going to be pulling in say you know like skype guest or maybe some sort of conferencing bridge if you're gonna be pulling those people in you're gonna need to have your uh your laptop connected to the road caster pro and we'll go into that in more depth here in a little bit you're going to need these cables this is called the monitor out so this is the audio out from the road caster so there's a left and right you're going to need those cables because they run over to your atm mini pro and in my case i just put them in my port number one if you plan to uh you know to use your smartphone you can use bluetooth there's a bluetooth option but i found that i like to use a physical cable for two reasons number one what if i bluetooth and forget it and inadvertently share a you know a phone conversation on the air so for that reason i like to just be able to plug in before i start a live stream and then unplug so this is just this type of cable and then that goes in you know i use an iphone so that's an iphone type thing again you can find all this linked within this video's description the next thing and this is where it gets uh it gets a little bit interesting so you know that's my we'll proceed with the uh with the talk show desk this is my talk show desk we'll talk about all of it first so this is just my macbook pro this is my power cable from my macbook pro we already discussed that that's the usbc that runs to the road caster pro now we're about to jump over to the atm mini so this cable runs from my macbook pro to the atem mini pro and the a10 mini pro has four hdmi ports so that particular cable the one that's running to the macbook pro is my uh is my what refers to as port number two on the uh on the atm mini pro so i'm going to show you and this is why i went with atm mini pro versus uh versus the atem mini the less expensive option what you're seeing now is referred to as multi-view now i've got multi-view here which is directly in front of my talk show set so i can see this while i'm live streaming it also out of the corner of my eye i've got multi-view over there so you know how did i how did i get this on two monitors because you know the atm mini pro only has one monitor out well that's simple and you can find it linked within this video's description i just use an affordable hdmi splitter to split what's coming out of here out of the output let's see the output is uh let's see which port it is on there it's this port right here the one that's out so the out goes into a splitter and then the splitter one of the splitter ends goes into this monitor the other splitter end goes into that monitor on the wall so looking at the back of the atem mini pro in mic one i've got my cable that goes to the road caster pro in and these are all one two three four they call them camera inputs they're just hdmi so hdmi one is my camera that i have up here and again you can find it linked with all this stuff linked within this video's description so that's my that's my camera number two as we discussed that's my laptop so it behaves like a secondary display you know if you plug an external monitor into your laptop it it functions and you can you can extend to that desktop so it's it functions like a standalone space that's how that works camera number three is a uh is a is an apple tv camera number four is an apple tv so how do i do what how do i use all of this so i'm going to explain here and i'm going to show you within the a-10 mini pro software so preview is what i have before i go live program is what the people that are watching youtube are seeing these four boxes here and the beauty of atm software control is that you can slightly rename them so you can see i added camera number one it used to just say camera one but i i put a7 r4 out there so i know it's my sony alpha camera camera number two says comp i know it's my computer it's my macbook pro and and the computer's uh currently in power saving mode so it's just a blank screen otherwise you would see the computer's secondary monitor there it behaves just like a monitor we're going to tinker with that here in a second so i can show you how that works uh camera three is what i call vidshare that's one of my two apple tvs and the one that i entitled vidshare this is the one i use for intro and outro clips for my live shows apple tv 2 of 2 is connected to hdmi 4 camera 4 it's what i call chroma green screen so all that it does is loops the video of my choice over and over and that functions as the green screen backdrop down here you see your audio levels and we're going to go over to my laptop and i'm going to show you this a little bit closer up stop that's recording if you choose to use uh there's a recording feature built into the blackmagic a10 mini pro you can plug in like a like an external hard drive or external ssd and record your show i personally don't record my shows because they just you know after i conclude a live stream on youtube they they're uploaded to youtube so that's all i need this right here when you're live it'll show you your data rate in megabits per second and this caching if that starts to creep up during the live show you're probably using a setting that's uh too a quality setting that's too aggressive for your for your internet connection because if that cache starts to build up once it hits 100 percent you know your viewers are going to start to see buffering i've got a slower internet connection so i use the lowest quality setting and i'm able to do hour-long broadcast without any buffering or without any caching and the quality is still 1080p 60 so i found that's more than sufficient but if you've got a blazing fast internet connection heck go all the way up to the maximum quality so now let's step over here so this is again this is what they call the multi-view and then that's just a mirrored version of the multi-view now let's step over to the software control piece oh one thing i failed to mention atm mini pro for the software control piece i'm about to show you you've got to have your atem mini pro connected to the network so that enables two things with the a10 mini pro when i live stream i use the a10 mini pro to control the live stream to youtube so the live stream and all the chroma keys coming straight out of this device out that network cable to youtube the network table is also providing the ability to uh to use the software i'm about to show you which is called atem software control so let me fire that up here i'm just logging into my laptop so this is software hm software control and you can see here my setting for output is uh you know obviously youtube it supports other platforms too my server is primary and then i paste in the key the private key from my youtube account and then i've got like i said i've got streaming low at 4.5 megabits per second but you can depending upon your internet speed you can choose different speeds now see you see the multi-view over there right now you see all the all the various things what you can do is go to output in your atm software control and you can choose an individual monitor so what i'll do during the live stream i do camera 2 which is my computer now see that over there now that's just a that's what the viewers will see that's my extended display so that's the monitor cable that i have running from my macbook pro into the a10 mini pro so to look at it it looks like oh it's just uh it looks like it's just a monitor and it behaves the same way so i can drag if i'm if i'm integrating skype guest if i'm integrating like say a uh you know go to meeting or whatever type video conferencing thing or if i'm just sharing slides photos etc i can drag them to this monitor so you can see well i don't know how well you can see let me zoom you can see my little mouse cursor moving around seeing the water so i can that monitor is large enough where i'm sitting at my talk show desk i can i can manipulate uh what's being displayed on that monitor from my talk show desk here so that's again that was monitor 2 from the atm software control output likewise what i can also do is go i go up here to output instead of selecting monitor 2 again multiview is what you were seeing when i was up close but i can select any of the outputs so say i want to look at my camera i can do camera one so there i am and i can tell if i'm properly framed or not and then you know i can uh you know i i can see that up close and likewise i can go to what's called program view so that's what the viewers see see right now i don't have any uh i don't have any you know green screen or anything so if i want a green screen and these are going to be separate tutorials but i'll for the sake of fun i'll show you the green screen so the green screen is actually really simple i've got my lights off right now so let me turn those on alexa turn green screen on so see i've got voice control for my green screen lights now you can see that background and myself are both very well lit so the way i do it is and again i'm going to go back to multiview here on the output because see if you look and again cameras three and four camera three is what i call good share camera four is chroma so camera four is my green screen backdrop so all that i've got i've got a quick time video continuously looping uh to uh to my apple tv two of two so if i select preview here which is camera one so that's my sony camera that you see up there that you see me face on video from and then i select um i go over here to palettes and then i go to chroma and then i do chroma sample and let's see now you can see i've got to select because it's got camera fill source it needs to be camera one which is my sony so i'll do sony and now i do chroma sample and you can expand the size of this box here i usually for my setup i usually go to about that kind of go to my darkest corner so now i did a sample from the bottom left corner of that so now that i've done the chroma sample all that i have to do is go to [Music] go to key and then on air and then select program four so so see now i'm keying i'm chroma keying over there and that's what the viewers see so they see me in front of that continuously looping apple tv video that's playing so that's you know that's how i do the live chroma key and then likewise if i want to pull in a uh if if i've selected an image which i don't have right now but if i select an image like a png then that's where i can go into here and go to uh downstream keyer and add the you know the png like your channel name your channel graphic or whatever the lower third whatever you want to call that so and then obviously the audio uh camera three is my intro and for in and i'll also use it for outro so i've got afe which is audio follows video so if i switch to camera three at the beginning of the show or the end of the show you know they're going to see that audio and obviously the audio is hot right now you want to want to slide this down so it so it looks so it sounds good for your viewers so that would be audio follows video if i switch to camera three which is one of my two apple tvs the uh the audio that i'm using for everything is mic one which again the way i've got this wired up mic 1 is my rode pod mic that's connected to my rode caster pro which those cables are running it into the a10 mini pro so this stuff may seem a little bit complicated but in reality it's not now if i did have which i don't if i had soundtrack for my green screen backdrop like maybe qriket's chirping or you know some sort of nature sound i could choose to enable the audio there which i do have it enabled but since my video backdrop has no sound there's you know there's nothing moving whether it's on or off see if i turn it off there's nothing if i turn it on there's nothing because the video that's continuously looping for the green screen backdrop has no audio so you know you can you can tweak all these audio levels within the atem software control this is why it's so important to plug your atem uh you know plug your a10 mini pro into the network so that so that you can not only with the atm mini pro stream directly to your platform in my case is youtube but you can also load the atm software control app and have very nice control over the uh over the audio levels so yeah that's super important and this is this may seem like a complex setup but you know once you start using it you're probably gonna get the best audio quality out there i mean this this thing is is broadcast quality audio you're going to get the best quality audio if you choose to use a camera and lens like i use again all of this is linked within this video's description you're probably going to find that the uh that the video quality is exceptional so you're getting outstanding video you're getting outstanding audio and then obviously with your uh you know your lighting's important so i've been around the block with lighting and you know these are the light panels that i finally settled with and i like them because they're not as bulky and it's just a really consistent light that i can uh that i can synchronize among all four of these or if i need to control them independently i can do that you know maybe my green screen doesn't need to be as bright as my as my two key light maybe my two key lights don't need to be as bright as my two green screen lights i mean you know that's just stuff you gotta you gotta tinker with in your space but to be able to to be able to create a convincing youtube live show with uh you know without standing audio and video quality i mean this is this is what i use and this is the product of you know many weeks of experimentation and and the thing i like about this is that currently at least there's nothing that i have to uh you know that i have to use a subscription for you know i this is just i bought it all uh yeah it is a you know it is a hefty investment as you can see when you you know when you check the link within this video's description and look at all the equipment but it's something that if you if you want to be as professional as possible and you want to stay away from those software solutions that that often have subscription fees you know nothing wrong with those i mean i used wirecast for a while but i got tired of having to renew the support every year because if i didn't renew it then mac os would often update and the software would likely no longer be compatible so i was kind of stuck into having to having to continue to re-renew but the awesome other thing about this doing it in this way is that you know you've got hardware i mean over there you've got your a-10 mini pro which has four hdmi inputs so you know again in my case i've got two apple tvs that are you know one for playing intro outro video or whatever other video i may want to share with viewers and then the uh you know the second apple tv that's doing my green screen backdrop but you wouldn't want to have to you wouldn't have to use it two apple tvs if you didn't want to you could have four cameras if you wanted to all be cameras you could have you know uh three cameras and one computer you could have two cameras and two computers or you could have a camera a video game console a uh you know a computer's desktop screen share and a apple tv you know however you want to do it doesn't have to be an apple tv i just used apple tv because what i can do is is open any video from my mac and do airplay and select the apple tv and then continuously loop it if i want it to loop or you know maybe i don't want to loop i just want to play once it's convenient because that way i can simply share a video and it's not you know often with the screen share and again i do share screen too screen also is part of camera too but being able to just play a video you know when you're live streaming the level of confidence is probably only going to play that video is fine you know anytime you're sharing a screen something that you may not want to pop up during your live broadcast could pop up and you know even if you've disabled your notifications this that and the other you know something can always unexpectedly pop up so the beauty of using the apple tvs is that i'm just airplaying a video so whatever video i click is what you know what should appear out there for the viewers so i like that it's just very clean very simple integrates nicely with my you know with my apple ecosystem so yeah i mean this thing this thing has been a game changer you know the road caster pro a game changer for the audio piece the atem mini pro a game changer for the live streaming and input output piece video input and output so you know these these two things paired together you know are definitely uh definitely game changers and one thing i want to mention and and i've got a separate video addressing this but when you pair your atm uh you you pair your rode podcaster pro with your uh not road cockpit road road caster pro with your atem mini pro when you pair that and you've got these what they call monitor out audio out cables you're probably going to find when you first use it that your audio has a buzz or a just a really undesirable hum and i thought something was defective i replaced cables i'm like man i hope it's not my road caster pro let me show you this so when you're in the atem software control and it's hidden so again mike one is my road caster pro you can see those audio levels jumping that's coming from that mic um mic one and it's hidden down here in the bottom see that little gear icon you gotta click that gear icon and after you click that gear icon you've got to go over to audio tab it may default to general so let's just say it did so your own general you click audio and then see where it says set mic one input by default is probably going to be microphone whatever mic whatever mic input whether it's mic 1 on your a10 mini pro or mic 2 on your atm mini pro whatever mic input on atem mini pro is being used to connect directly to the road caster road road caster pro you got to make sure to change that to line you can see mine's connected to mic 1 so i've got line selected if you don't have line selected probably what you're going to find is that you're probably going to have a lot of buzzing hissing those types of sounds and it's just going to be unprofessional you switch it to line dude mine's crystal clear haven't had any issues so that's just an important tidbit if you haven't uh if you haven't discovered that already that's an important tidbit that at least for me drove me batty for 48 hours or so until i figured that out so yeah so that's so this is how i youtube this is how i stream live to youtube with professional equipment and again i say professional because that's broadcast quality audio getting broadcast quality video i mean this is this is high end you know for most uh for most professional streamers or even or even hobbyists that you know want to invest a reasonable amount into equipment to you know to take their quality to the next level so again i hope this video was a value if you have questions please ask because i'm always looking to post follow-up videos and again for all of this equipment just expand this video's description and then click the link there and you can find it all there it's on my website i put together a very in-depth article with all this equipment linked now if there's a piece of equipment that you might want that i didn't link or whatever just ask and i'll see if i can find a link for you and update my article linked within my blog article linked within this video's description on my website to include that item as well so thanks for your viewership be sure to subscribe and if you like this video be sure to give it a like share with others if you really liked it and you want to go out on the limb and really support me go to patreon.comsky and you can choose to support my channel there again completely optional not required but greatly appreciate if you choose to do that thanks for your viewership and you all have a good day and tune in for my live streams and see all this equipment in action
Channel: IrixGuy's Adventure Channel
Views: 13,570
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: How to live stream with Rodecaster Pro and ATEM Mini Pro, How to YouTube Live with Rodecaster Pro and ATEM Mini Pro, Rodecaster Pro, ATEM Mini Pro, Rodecaster Pro live streaming setup, How to pair Rodecaster Pro and ATEM Mini Pro, live streaming, how-to, tutorial, How to live stream, broadcast-quality live streaming equipment, Simple live streaming equipment
Id: 2m3HhrdkklI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 38sec (1538 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 19 2020
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