The Ultimate Podcast Setup

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hey what's up guys welcome back to the channel and as always thanks for watching i have a fantastic video in store for you guys over the past year and a half i've been hosting the podcast the hive podcast i've talked to 60 different creatives and entrepreneurs it's been amazing learning about their creative journey the successes the struggles how they've built communities around their brands i hope you've been listening and are feeling motivated to continue your creative journey or to start your creative journey but over that year and a half i've got a lot of questions about what gear i am using to produce the podcast so this video is all about that strap in we're gonna get your gear acquisition syndrome into overdrive and i'm gonna be going over all the gear i use to create the hive podcast coming up so i've been fortunate to be able to set up a little podcasting corner in my little office at my house so let's start off with what desk i am using for this setup this is a husky workbench work desk i believe it's called i'll link it down in the description and you may be looking at this wondering white got all these dark walls why and dark furniture why are you using a white desk well i was able to find this at a discount at home depot is where i picked it up it was a floor model it was the last one they had so i took it it was already put together got a good deal on it you know the the drawers on this one stick a little bit i was able to deal with that and uh clean it up a little bit it was a little scuffed up but that is the desk i am using i am using a husky workbench desk it's great because you can adjust the you know you can adjust the height of it which is pretty fantastic and it's just the right size of what i need and and it has wheels which is fantastic so i can move it around i can wheel it out of the way if i need to but that is the desk i am using moving on to the most important piece of equipment to any podcast the microphone i'm currently using the shure sm7b this is a legendary audio microphone fantastic for studio use and of course podcasting i absolutely love the sound quality i get from this microphone and the stand the boom arm that i'm using is the blue compass it is a sleek looking boom arm and i love the fact that i can hide the xlr cable in the boom arm so it gives me a nice clean look on my setup but yeah the the shure sm7b is a fantastic microphone but it comes in at a whopping 399 and you need some additional equipment to get the best sound out of it so a fantastic budget option the microphone i started the podcast on the rode pod mic this is a beautiful looking microphone it produces high quality audio and you don't need much additional equipment to get started using this microphone i currently just use a tabletop stand for it but yeah if you're looking for a high quality microphone at an affordable price the roadpod mic for sure at only 99. is a great microphone as mentioned you need some additional equipment to get the shure sm7b sounding really good you need some additional gain because this is a gain hungry microphone you need something like a cloud lifter which i'm not using but i'm using the the se dynamite it's a little bit more affordable at 99 and gives you somewhere around 24 to 26 decibels of extra gain clean gain so you don't get any static or any buzzing this is a great option you're supposed to plug it directly in to the microphone but because this is such a short run to the audio interface i just plug it into the back of the audio interface and it works fantastic and gives me the audio quality i'm looking for out of the shure sm7b and of course because these are xlr microphones you need a audio interface to plug them all into and my audio interface of choice is the rode caster pro this is by far my favorite tool out of everything i use to produce the podcast you can plug in four xlr microphones it connects to bluetooth so you can have callers call in it has a usbc so you can plug it in to your computer which i am currently doing right now to record this audio and to use it in the software that i use to have all my calls for the podcast it also has additional sound pads so you can have music playing you can have sound effects it's a great audio interface you can record multi-track which i do so you have some more you know leverage or flexibility to edit your audio but yeah the rode caster pro is a fantastic tool for producing high quality podcasts i highly recommend this if you have any questions actually about any of the gear that we're going over that i use i can make a video just about that piece of gear so let me know what questions you have down in the comments and let's not forget that you need some headphones to produce a podcast so i'm using the tascam th-02s i think they're called these aren't really expensive they actually came with a kit that i bought when i started the podcast i got it from adorama it came with the road caster pro two sets of these headphones and actually two pod mics and some cheaper boom arms which i don't use i would just throw those away they had xlr cables built in and they they weren't good but anyway yeah the tascam th-02s these are fairly inexpensive headphones like i mentioned they're not the best in the world but it allows me to hear you know my audio my guest audio to be able to monitor it and i think you should know this you hear a little bit of buzzing and that's that's coming from the road caster pro actually because it doesn't have the best um preamps for your headphones and that's kind of with any headphones but when you listen back when you're editing you actually have you know nice clean audio but yeah that's actually one one thing i would say road it would be awesome of road fix is the preamps in the roadcaster pro for headphones not that great but yeah you should you should wear headphones when when making a podcast so you know you can hear you and and your guests especially if it's a remote definitely wear headphones you don't want that audio coming in through speakers and risk having your mic pick it up and then yeah it's it's pain to edit so ever since the start of 2021 i've been doing a video version of the podcast because hey why not i'm already jumping on a call with the guest i might as well just record that call and upload it for you guys to enjoy to see the live you know interview as it happened so this setup is a little over the top but it works for me and i absolutely love it i'm using a glide gear teleprompter and the reason i love using a teleprompter is it allows me to maintain eye contact with the camera which makes it look like i am talking directly to you to the guest and of course it allows me to use a monitor so i can see everything that's happening on the computer instead of instead of looking looking over you know like this so the monitor i'm using is a seven inch fuel world monitor i can't remember the the model exactly exactly i'll link it down in the description of the video but you don't need anything super high end or crazy as a teleprompter monitor you just need to be able to see yourself so this monitor works great huge tip use a seven inch monitor not a five inch i just upgraded from a five inch to a seven inch and those extra two inches make a huge difference i'm talking about monitoring get your mind out of the gutter i'm talking about a monitor and the camera behind the teleprompter is a black magic pocket cinema camera i absolutely love it it allows me to have a lut actually in the camera so i don't have to color grade any of this it's just it comes out the way i want it to look and i can dial in my focus it has an app so as you can see i can dial in my focus turn on my focus peaking and i can see see what's in focus what i really love is it allows me to dial an exposure so i can use fault color like that and check the exposure on my face so you can make sure everything is exposed properly it's one of the main things i love about this camera is making sure exposure is dialed in and the lut that you're able to have straight into the camera but another reason i love using the black magic pocket cinema camera is because it works fantastic with this next piece of gear and that's the atem mini i use this as my capture card to be able to get the video straight to the computer and straight to the software that i'm using to produce the podcast now it gives you four hdmi inputs so you can have up to four cameras or a couple monitors along with a camera whatever you want i'm only using one it allows me to expand for the future if i want multiple camera angles for the podcast but what is really key is the companion app that comes with the a10 mini allows you to control the color the saturation the contrast of the blackmagic camera which which is really awesome you can really dial in that look and of course the most important aspect of any video is lighting you got to be able to light yourself so my key light is the godox vl150 this is a very powerful light and right now i only have it at 16 which which is awesome so i have tons of room if i need more lighting and i get to control it with a remote which is which is awesome it would suck to get up and change it every time you need it so i can just sit here turn it up turn it down turn it on turn it off so for the modifier i'm using an aputure lantern which is great gives you a nice soft light and it actually spills that light over the room a little bit so i can get some additional lighting since i have dark walls all this is being held up with this wall mounted boom arm which is great i don't have to have any stands on the floor i'm actually using one of these uh arms to hold up the whole camera setup which can be a little cringy because it's kind of a heavy heavy setup with the camera and the teleprompter and the monitor and everything but hey it works for me i get the same camera position every time and i don't have to move it it's always just it's just set up it's it's great now i do need a fill light because without a fill light it's it's a little dark as you can see on on this side of the face so fill light i'm using a just a light panel from aperture i just got it so i don't know too much about this one i'll link it down in the description but it's working for me up until literally this video i've been using one of these these quasar light tubes um these are great they're magnet i can just slap it on the bookshelf and it just sits there it has multiple settings and you can you know it's really bright you can change the color temperature which is great so yeah just up until now i've been using just one of these as a fill light now for my background lights a lot of people say they have flicker with hue well the light on the computer and the light and in the closet right here those are just hue bulbs i can i can switch and you know you need a little hair light i got a fan above me with with hue lights and i can just adjust the the color temperature and gives me nice little you know hair light right above me and then you know some some accent lighting right wait i i'm not good at this right here and uh right right over here these are nan light pavo tubes so usually i have those orange for the podcast to kind of match the color and branding of the podcast but those are great because you can adjust the brightness and you know the color temp i like orange it it looks good for the podcast now the video and the audio all plugs into this 2018 macbook pro that is skinned with a awesome skin from d brand and it's up on a i think it's a 12 south stand it it gets it up on the desk it allows it to breathe a little bit because you know it gets a little hot when you're when you're recording video and audio but this works for me and of course you got tons of dongles going into that to be able to plug everything in now the software i'm using to record the podcast to record the audio is ecam live now this is a a mac only software uh there's a link down in the description if you want to check it out it's it's absolutely great if you're on a mac and you're gonna produce live streams or podcasts or even videos i'm actually just using it to record this video the black magic is going into the atm which is going into the computer and it's just it's just recording it's it's pretty awesome i love it it produces a awesome image you can have your guest call in you have your own link that you can share with your guests and you can have overlays which i use a stream deck to switch between my overlays like that which makes it super easy and then i can just go back to uh oh i don't have a i don't have a key button for that here we go hey there we go we're back so ecamm live it's actually really awesome for recording your video podcast and the audio quality that comes from ecam live is way better than zoom so it records a stereo track but it also separates your guest track and your track out so you can edit those separately if you wanted to so it gives me a backup audio source on top of the road caster pro so you have multiple backups of audio which is really really key when you're producing a podcast let's talk about cable management because there's a lot of cables going on here from power cables to xlr cables the the light cables hdmi cables there's there's just a lot going on here so i stole this idea from dslr shooter who made a video on his desk setup and this was fantastic so mounted to the back of the desk is this brush cable organizer i don't know exactly what it's called but it fee i feed all my cables into that it gives me a nice clean look and then behind that is a power strip it has 12 plugs most of which are being used underneath so i don't even see them the only thing plugged on top is the computer because i will unplug that and take it with me sometimes so yeah this is a fantastic setup for you know for powering everything and giving you a clean look and then underneath right you still have all those cables and it can look pretty scary it kind of it kind of still does but you know life life is too short to worry about cable management so everything is just stuffed into this basket and wrapped with velcro it works if you back away from the desk you you don't see anything let me double check yeah no you don't see any cables it's it's fantastic and you don't have like this power strip down on the floor with everything plugged in it's just plugged in right here and that one power strip has one cable going out to plug into the wall so it gives you a very nice clean look and you you know like i said life is too short to worry about cable management well that is everything i use to to make the podcast all the gear and even some of the software um yeah if you have any questions on on any of this let me know down in the comments like i said you know i will um i'll make separate videos on any of this gear that you have questions about full disclosure i paid for all this myself not none of this was sent to me for free so you know it's my hard-earned money and you know when people say gear doesn't matter that's that's not true gear does matter i mean better gear will produce better quality stuff but you don't need it to get started you guys you don't need it and you're not gonna know what gear you need until you get started so that's the most important thing don't let gear hold you back just get started and when you get started you'll you'll know what you need so anyway like i said if you have any questions let me know down in the comments i can make another video about any of this gear that you have questions about i hope you enjoyed this give it a thumbs up and don't forget to subscribe and hit that bell so you don't miss any future videos and i will see you guys in the next one [Music] you
Channel: Jared Spink
Views: 6,601
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the ultimate podcast setup, podcast setup, podcasting equipment, podcast equipment, podcasting setup, podcast equipment for beginners, podcasting, video podcast setup, rodecaster pro, rodecaster pro setup, rode rodecaster pro, podmic, rode podmic, shure sm7b, blue compass, atem mini, godox vl150, glide gear teleprompter, blackmagic 6k, feelworld monitor, how to start a podcast, podcast setup for beginners, how to podcast, starting a podcast, podcast studio, rode microphone
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 19sec (979 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 11 2021
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