$1 vs $1,000 Keyboard in Fortnite!

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today we're going to be starting with a $1 keyboard and every time I get an elimination my keyboard is going to get more and more expensive until we get the most expensive keyboard I could find all right starting things off we are at a $1 keyboard I bought this on Facebook Marketplace and to be honest I don't think I should have even paid a dollar for it like this is an education keyboard this I'm surprised this thing even worked yeah you got scammed and it only cost a dollar so yeah dude like listen to the listen to The Click you that is straight plastic oh dude that dude no wait that's kind of high high quality that's what look for in a good keyboard yeah yeah no I think I'm probably ingesting micro Plastics through the quality of this keyboard in my hand all right we've got no one here which isn't a good sign cuz we do have a lot of keyboards to get through and this is the cheapest one I want to I've spent money on keyboards I want to level up oh is there is there people over here or is oh guy over here guy over here take him out M out oh wait wait take him out is it a freebie it's a freebie oh give me this upgrade I got a box yeah I got him help help okay I got him nice nice nice all right I'm going to box up change keyboards creamy you get the boss he's down he's down he's down we got him we got him all right creamy are you ready for this next one I mean okay so we're getting more expensive so I feel like it can only go uphill from here to be to be completely honest this by the way I would like to point out this one cost me $25 you that's like Dude That's like $5 per singular key oh my god dude are you kidding me yeah yeah all right well I'm plugging it in bro plugging it in what are you even plugging in One Singular button yeah I don't know why I paid $25 for this um cuz it it doesn't um all right anyway we had to we had to recode this keyboard cuz it's that bad it's lit look it is actually the arrow keys wait cream I can't pull a gun out I I I I don't have a I can't I've got a pickaxe to next person I don't have Sprint oh my god dude okay can you at least no you can't you can't even get the Mythic and stuff yeah you grab the Mythic okay we need to find a bot for need a pickax creamy dude yeah okay can you get on top of like a vehicle or something I'm trying to think of yeah uh how do I jump with the four buttons that I've been given oh yeah I'll just walk let's let's go this way I think like maybe this way will be good I can't even spr wait hold on okay we might need to count we might need to kill a chicken for this one to count I'm not going to lie I'm trying to get you into Zone bro oh God there's another Medallion oh my God I'm going to knock you off the hill okay no no I'm good I'm good let me let me just hide um hold on can we're good we're good we're good we're on goofy goofy goofy goofy okay there's going to be people very close you see The Medallion yeah here they come here they come I hear them yeah they're air bending 24 nice 82 82 I'm going you need a build I got no builds I'm scrolling through my guns right now they're running what nine 33 white 33 white there's a guy on the left I on the Rock oh God me peeing him breaking him out oh no oh it's not looking good Mal I'm spraying the other guy cre you got this it's not looking good it's not looking good dead okay can you take this guy out is that possible I'm trying the aim is not great I can't lie hold on oh he just took 24 damage that's all you that's all you spray keep going he's out of mats he's out of mats now I'm out of mats as well I'm going to die no okay I'll take him out okay we'll do it we'll take him out this keyboard is so bad I think we're going to have to find another one of those um those certain things that wadle around and don't really fight back yeah smooth toad fish just killed you by the way I've got a smooth brain I have to get a kill I'm not allowed to upgrade my loot until I get a kill wait oh my God you can't even pick that up oh my god dude you are actually finished we need to get into this car I think the worst keyboard ever do like wait this one you might be able to knock me up onto the car you know what I mean like you knock and then stop yeah maybe oh my God genius generational Talent from you there I can't even lie that is insane okay how do we get over here without I think maybe down the stairs on the left down the stairs oh I can build a ramp cuz we just need to get over there somehow nice one more okay um by the way in case people cuz people always question I'm building with the side buttons on my mouse I just thought I'd bring that up because people always like how is he building with four buttons oh please let there be people here man please I'm digging one fre I can't can't even heal I'm like 84 health I it bro where are the gamers genuinely there's like no players in this game at all I'm about 3 100% slower than you are right now so I just need you to keep that in mind wait hold on he's AFK I think his boy AFK oh right right ready ready 33 white 33 white that is all you I got him yes okay okay okay I'm getting the thirst for his pistol okay I've got to box up and change keyboards let's go let's go oh he at is verions by the way hold on I couldn't even change keyboard tag 70 oh oh nice oh what the what hello okay that was just the worst experience of all time Jesus Christ all right we died in the last game however we did get a kill before I died so we've got an upgrade well a more I'm not using the word upgrade we' got a more expensive keyboard I would absolutely not call that an upgrade oh we got some G is oh they look yeah they look like they are ready to game ready to play fortnite Battle Royale look at the size of my hands compared to this thing but this is not the most average size keyboard yeah this keyboard's actually normal size I just have gigantic hands if you think about it that way it's kind of funny oh this guy here bro got a gun got a gun tomato fortnite take him out yeah let's go baby eat that tomato let's go all right time for a more expensive keyboard I didn't even say this keyboard was $50 but it's gone now goodbye what is that man like Hey Okay so this keyboard $100 you know what honestly for 100 bucks I mean it looks kind of cool but what the hell is oh my god dude it's flashing wait okay I didn't even know what the f I wasn't looking got a bang Feld there's a guy here guy here hold on I'm coming uh where's my sprint button wait this keyboard feels nice I can't even lie at least at this point we've got more than four Keys oh oh what are these ones yeah okay all D you know what we struggled enough with the last one I'll take I'll take a freebie I'll even pickaxe him make it fair oh my god let's go all right quad Alex is a freebie but we're going to go and upgrade the keyboard again you know what that's the last freebie we're having no more Bots Bots do not count we have to kill real people from now on all right onto the next one all right what is the next keyboard okay the next one's actually somewhat normal it is a one of 250 skill series keyboard look you can see the number there o okay look 209 of 250 and this thing is really heavy so we've got this one and this one was $250 I believe wait that has to be insane you're going to be able to easily get a kill this is the only normal keyboard in the entire lineup so I need to get a good kill here for this the only normal keyboard oh god oh dude it feels so good to play on a normal keyboard oh my God he can drive dude I know I've got I've got a full keyboard with functioning Keys oh my God I'm a passenger princess let's go yes I'm going to hit this though what the I'm not even going to lie that was kind of sick like even though the keyboard's getting more expensive I will tell you by the end of this video it is going to be some of the most ridiculous keyboards you have ever seen just because they're expensive does not mean they are good that's all you buddy take them out that's all you okay hold on I can't lie I've kind of forgotten how to play the game he's B yeah I got it what what are you doing night watch out oh let's go dude no it felt so good I I hate it bro oh I don't I don't want to bring this thing back on the channel no no no what does that mean oh God I can't remember what it was $500 500 bro no like what bro that is not a keyboard I hate to tell you bro it is that is a spaceship hold on dude I'm popping the mirrors up dude what do you mean why does it have mirrors bro why does it have mirrors I don't I what is the point what do you need to see like dude it's in case someone's pulling up behind me I can see this thing has been sitting out in in a room just rotting away look at the state of it there's dust everywhere I don't want I never wanted to see it again yeah I'm not surprised nobody is going to use that ever yeah I feel like you need a permit from the the government to have access to this thing cuz this is not okay that's actually like that was stolen from Area 51 we're almost out okay we're out we're out um okay getting out go go go oh please I'm begging to just hit like an insane shot or something M I'm digging okay I'm going I just need a snipe where are they where are they okay he's running for his his life down here please dude I'm praying if you've ever needed to hit a a shot it's got to be on this guy want to shoot him I'm looking looking my god oh dude he's one he's one HP it keep stopping me from walking for no reason ah I miss I'm not no please I missed creamy what's going on oh go oh my God thank goodness dude I don't care if he was the best player or the worst player yeah he might honestly I I'm count I don't this keyboard sucks get it off I'm about to see the most atrocious looking keyboard oh he's not speaking yeah yep nice bro yep yep yep he had to zoom out the camera yep nice yeah that's a really normaliz keyboard the fact that you paid money for that like actually just speaks volumes to your character oh yeah doing prices uh I think this one was $800 United State dollars um normally they don't retail it that much but they stopped making them and I had to buy it from a guy and he didn't want to sell it oh I wonder why did they stop making them I wonder um okay we need to find some players to oh yeah oh yeah I hear I hearing I hearing people I'm about to hit the crazy snip oh right there yeah he's standing still pretty much not really oh my God he's behind that wall I'm breaking it go go go go go wait wait wait him out M he's right there dude I don't have a go yes yes oh my god dude he was playing behind the pole perfectly bro I was was lining him up I was like no we can't let this go go to waste got to get the next keyboard a keyboard more expensive than this you might not believe me but this keyboard was about $1,000 like are you ready to see the state of this thing I'm just lost for words like okay I've got my I've got my gun out where are we might be able to get through here oh he's one hit I'm going up just try and get him he's literally one if you can he's just climbing he's climbing Mount of R yeah nice no way I don't care he was hit give me that oh my God yes on a full sweat too let's go dude okay now we're on to the final keyboard the most expensive one I could find oh the final keyboard yes oh my God what is that all right this keyboard cost me $1,000 $250 this keyboard sounds so good by the way like it's it's a handcraft like wood carved keyboard like bro what it's got hand Engravings on the side of it as well and like oh it's I don't know this is a keyboard that's meant to be in a collection teammate might still be close by the way just be careful head nice shot that was an insane shot I can't even oh my God best player all he's doing is sniping by the way wo nice let's go this kid still looking back
Channel: mau
Views: 583,877
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mau, mau fortnite, mxuie, mccreamy, creamy, fortnite, keyboard, 1$ vs, Expensive keyboard, rare keyboard, gold keyboard, exotic keyboard, $1 vs $1000 keyboard fortnite, fortnite battle royale, worlds most expensive keyboard, fortnite world record
Id: 4gPBXSSkbNs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 3sec (723 seconds)
Published: Sat May 04 2024
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