My Friends Confront My Addiction - IMPAULSIVE EP. 294

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i thought we were sitting down to discuss his uh his issues from the past oh dude that's like a three-hour set we're doing a three-hour set right now i'm just kidding what issues that way what issues well logan well let's just i mean like let's dive into sober right now george you do realize it as a member of the show that you have the ability to say i'm gonna you could say anything you wanna yeah i'm gonna caught that like you can like let's just have a conversation what you don't like we pull out we just started the episode oh are we rolling yes we're rolling yeah oh you know that yeah hey welcome back to impulse the number one podcast in the world still not in our studio because it's currently being shipped to puerto rico where uh we're building a new set yeah we're gonna we're gonna replace the panel on the window with a real window uh this is howie mandela studio um howie we we love you thank you for letting us use your studio this you know i feel like it's haunted if we could zoom into some of this stuff uh it's i you know i don't know how to say because we're using a studio but like i definitely would if i got teleported here by myself i definitely would have a lot of questions i would want to know what's what is that thing right there is that like oh this is how we should have opened the show you know those chickens yeah oh oh i'm excited if if you get annoyed easily skip the next 30 seconds of this podcast [Music] pretty great stuff i love it [Music] let's go okay so look we haven't done a boys only podcast in a while we have george back mike and i've been traveling all over europe i've been traveling all over everywhere else and uh kind of just wanna just just have a good old uh impulsive chat with the boys like we used to back in the day so i actually don't know anything that happened on your guys's trip so i'm just as curious as you guys so i'll be throwing out a lot of questions as well i thought we were sitting down to discuss his uh his issues from the past oh dude that's like a three hour set we're doing a three hour set right now i'm just kidding what issues that way what issues well logan well let's just like i mean like let's dive in are you sober right now no so that's an issue man we haven't seen sober logan since he was training for mayweather that sucks well let's let's take let's take this seriously get him out of here let's take this seriously for a second what what what is the like core reason what benefits are you seeing out of this uh you know party lifestyle that that tommy in it pretty infamously called you out on i thought having a uh 18 17 a 17 year old call you out would be the thing that made the change but clearly it wasn't like what do you what what's the benefit what are you getting out of this right now what's this what's it doing for you how's it getting your your willys off yeah my rock's rolling yeah uh you know that moment with tommy was powerful when i had a 17 year old look me in the face and tell me i needed to stop doing hard crack i can i considered it for one second and then i realized i love hard crack and i'll never stop but wha what is it though like because obviously this is a bit of a sensitive topic for me and i i wanted the audience to know that obviously oh why cause you used to be a drug addict i'm like yeah we all [ __ ] know bro we all know didn't you write a book about it or something no hold on i'm on your side my bad my bad my bad my bad is done okay i'm so sorry i'm sorry we are coming to you as friends well hold on no what's going on what approach are we taking here they're coming to me as enemies yes [Laughter] a point of curiosity like what is it because clearly all right let's let's let's nail this down right off the bat there's no issue like we're making light of it because there's no issues i mean there is a slight issue oh jeff's doing the work i've been there they're slightly issues they're my trusted advisors i've been getting there there's there's potentially an issue brewing i've been i've been here making its way not not not only as a result of what he's doing but also as a result of what those substances are doing to his mindset and so i so clearly i've noticed as well a return to uh some certain aspects of the logan paul character that i thought we had boxed up and and coughing and we could talk about that stuff but like first and foremost like what is it that's driving you to uh the the do you want to talk about this create creativity a little bit like that so so and i also just want to clarify when we're talking about substances you're talking about three with me only i i was joking about hard crack i don't even know if that's a thing i don't because i don't do crack i don't know it's a thing i've never done cocaine never will do anything on my nose it's crack oh crackle see i don't even know crack it's not it's there's drugs it's a purified form of cocaine boys it takes all the adulterants out makes the smoking experience uh a little bit more effective for the end users okay this is not for dummies also by the way that drug i'll just say right now is is the drug that's like accidentally killing anyone everyone because uh fentanyl is not that's heroin nope nope he's right actually in arizona right now 11 people died okay in their joints they're putting they're got it got it brother i'm not talking about outliers so people might die of fentanyl laced weed and potentially fentanyl likes cocaine but fentanyl is heroin is the problem it does it does pop up in other drugs but the majority of our people mistaking heroin for heroin regardless i just want to make sure here's what i'm doing here's what i'm doing yes smoking i'm drinking and caffeine and um you know right now uh why i'm not sober right now i took a painkiller because my hand was really hurting me and this is the first one i took and like i i know i got drowsy and kind of like not super present so now i got this red bull and that's if you just if you just mix your downers with your uppers you can then do a podcast i feel like no stop jeff did to cut that thing but let me say this really quickly that in the world outside of illicit substances is not that unheard of there's a lot of people who my [ __ ] hand hurts yeah i have to talk about that but what i'm saying there's a lot of people out there who you know drink red bull vodka is a popular drink for a reason they get they get a great effect off the off the alcohol and they get a pop back up from the from the red bone and there's levels to it you know but but but um why poor k logan paul i'm glad you asked mike because i'd like to consider myself a semi uh reasonable person and you know in some regards and um you know i just i just say it about 30 plus days ago we sat on this podcast um in vegas and i and i mentioned i had this idea and i said it's one of the greatest most in my opinion brilliant things i've ever conceptualized and um it's kind of taken over me it is it's completely consumed me in a way where i've i've just never felt this creatively limitless with what i can do and um having fun in a way where i'm not so uh in my head i.e you know smoking kind of relaxing uh going out with my friends drinking just kind of being like a loose like i'm just i'm i'm living and for the first time ever my inspiration is coming from just being which which is unusual for me like as a creative and as most of the creatives in this room know there's usually some sort of like brainstorming process where you sit down and um come up with the thing that you're going to do next bro i'm i'm in a space in my life and in my head where i can just close my eyes and like ideas come to me and i've never ever felt like that and so i'm kind of leaning into this like free spirited it's called a flow state you're in a flight you're in a long-lasting uh uh substance inspired flow state okay so here's here's the issue you are not the first artist you are not the first artist in los angeles you're not the first you know artist in the history of the past 100 years or so to be inspired through substance use the question just becomes where's the line drawn now when you're focusing simply on there there's no safe uh drug alcohol and marijuana marijuana maybe but alcohol is no safer than a lot of other drugs you can run into a lot of the same kind of issues that you can with any any other substance right but like you look i i my brain automatically goes back to hendricks it goes back to morrison it goes back to you know sid barrett from pink floyd in his early days it goes back to joplin and all of these people who relied heavily on substances to free themselves and create the craft and the art that they were known for creating and all of those stories ended very [ __ ] tragically and and i'm and i'm by no means saying that you're even close to being on the level of any of those people they were shooting heroin and and and doing crazy things with their bodies i take a couple shots every night every night yeah here's the thing this is my point of view on it your personality is this everything you do you go 100 extremists yeah yeah exactly which is great and that's why you have this this empire that you've built which is great and and i hope that you keep continuing to do that but but i'm a piece of [ __ ] not only that i'm noticing that you could get grumpy when you're not intoxicated and so what i'm saying is like you're already having small withdrawals throughout the day yeah i know and that is that's kind of worrying me because like i know you're an addictive you have an addictive personality so what happens when you're done with this project are you going to lose yourself to this [ __ ] that you're doing for this one no no that's the other thing about me i'm a lunatic and like i can cut stuff cold turkey so when do me and him step in and say okay you're done november 29th and then we have the right to be like okay you're done with this [ __ ] yeah november 29th november 30th okay fine okay i'll give you [ __ ] to the end of the year i don't give a [ __ ] well there needs to be a day where i have to step in and be like okay enough of this [ __ ] bro can i be honest with you yeah i respect what you both are doing right now but you're not gonna need to step in i do feel like he wouldn't i think he i think he is the type of dude that would be able to stop it i really do believe it's all i do but i just wanted to make it or zero i also want to i also want to level set one more time back to what you said in the beginning in the introduction to this conversation like i've been with him for the majority of this uh creative overload and with the exception of one bone-shattering event the rest of it the rest of it happened very much within reason he's not [ __ ] super intoxicated he's not shaking in the morning he's not ripping shots at noon for the most part what i'm trying to say is this as a as a monitor and someone who considers himself you know the warning signs are there and so that's why i'm happy we're having the conversation if he's telling us november 29th let's [ __ ] hold him to it november 30th yep but if you start to slide there killer it's gonna be sooner but what do you what also like can i ask like what is what are you you're you're telling me i need to so be sober november 30th like what's the thing or is it like slow down no no no just slow down i still have fun on the weekends of course bro it just has my mic bro like you have no moderation right now that's just either high or low like it's just like a lot of it right now which i get i know you're leaning for the creative part of it it's so fun bro no [ __ ] nobody's like i'm having so much fun i'm having so much fun by the way this conference this conversation is going to affect a lot of people in the audience who are looking back at themselves well listen to while listening to this and saying like yo am i overdoing it you know what i'm saying and like normally he has restraints on his partying that are yo i have a fight coming up yo i have vlogs dude yo i have business that i have to attend to he currently is just lost once again in the fog that is that project and and i think to his point once that project stops you know he's going to get back into shape for whatever he's going to do next so it's i love the analogy but it's not fog it's the most like clear-sighted vision and beautiful like mountainous landscape and i'm just trying to sprint up it while drunk anyways last thing i've always been the kind of person that says whatever works for you different different uh strokes for different folks and so listen if it's working for you and and i think at the end of the day it always comes down to uh the pitfalls versus the benefits if you're seeing the benefits outweigh the pitfalls and the only pitfall is one shattering that we should talk about yeah or not so so one one day i'll tell the story uh today's not that day got it i'm just not there yet did you talk about the pictures that are on your case yeah so everyone wants to sign cats and you know but that's i think that's lame so my demand is that you draw a picture and so i i got some cool pictures on here uh you know a lot of people wishing me a speed of recovery look we're all adults here and some of us choose to use nicotine to relax focus or just unwind after a long day lucy nicotine is a company that was created to help nicotine users find a cleaner option and feel better about the ways they consume nicotine their latest product is slim nicotine pouches which contain pure synthetic nicotine and provide the same satisfaction that nicotine users expect without any tobacco at all lucy slim pouches use the newest technology for synthesizing pure nicotine in the lab none of the tobacco all of the nicotine satisfaction and lucy slim pouches include both coconut oil and gum to provide a soft fluffy texture that enhances the flavor and doesn't 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on you and if you're someone who has to create content someone that's working on standup which by the way i'd love to hear what you've been doing for the past couple weeks as well it could it could do a [ __ ] number on you and i you know the only reason i didn't go is because i dead ass was sick and i was like if i take this trip i'm not recovering like there's literally it [ __ ] you up dude it does [ __ ] me up especially at the rate that we like we're not going on these trips and ending up in countries for five six days at a time we're going we're we're in berlin for 24 hours 12 hours at a time and then it's on to the next spot so i don't know what do you want my favorite my favorite thing was was definitely in iceland there is some moment in iceland most beautiful country i've ever seen in my life i said i know i said this on the last podcast but i've just never seen anything like that before i i wish you were i wish you were there georgie because i felt like god was with us on that trip or like the creator you know the universe like yeah when you see something so beautiful that you know somebody had to create it well it was like what we were chasing that day everything that we wanted like weird like universal like the the weather would open up right when we need it it rains all the time there the sun would peak through the clouds at the perfect moment and it was just the most amazing uh like dreamscape of an environment um personally of all the things we did i know uh you know it happened in hamburg but like dude germany's germany's wild yeah can we talk about the red light district yeah wait can i have a question about germany i don't know if this is a like a fairy tale or whatever but is it true that there's no speed limits you could just do whatever you want certain areas of the autobahn that's not brilliant so when you get outside of uh like like would it be david like city limits like you get 20 30 miles outside of the city to the more opened up areas the the speed limit dissipates or disappears completely right so the signs are denoted by these gray stripes and and from what i've always heard and understood about the autobahn is there's actually far less accidents there than other places on the planet which is crazy but i can imagine also that when an accident does occur they don't go that's what he david said the europeans uh monitor their rpm and their speeds because of the cost of gas out there which i'm just learning right now first of all in the uk you can't get gas there's a gas shortage in the uk so you actually can't even get gas right now there and some people have been telling me that in places like sweden and and uh those norwegian areas that uh gas can be as much as 25 30 a gallon which is mind-blowing so they're very caution uh cautious about how they speed but um red light district yeah it's so i it's a what is that it's a place in germany where i i can't believe this is a real thing i walked in i was like this is this is welcome to germany uh bro it's a it's a street where there are no women allowed and uh so no women allowed in you have to be over 18 if you are a man and you you basically browse on this street like an outdoor shopping mall and in the window are women that you can purchase sexual favors from i'm talking prostitution commercialized very commercializing very legal they're just standing like mannequins not standing cat calling you big boy hey daddy looking good tonight except into germany and more creative than that they're not yeah they're not they're good they're good they hook you dude they took them out could you paint more of a picture for me yeah yeah so so so just to back up a couple steps the red light district i'm sorry prostitution is legal completely yes yes but it's but those areas aren't always governed by by the police and so from what i understood from but from what i was told by jesus and his crew and we should get into who jesus is and that in a second was that uh the police offload the responsibilities in those areas because they don't want to be there they don't want to be policing those zones on foot because of what happens there so like is it the hood it's not the hood back up one second red light districts exist in many other places besides just germany one you know the most infamous one is in is in amsterdam right and and in the netherlands and throughout different areas we went to a very famous one in hamburg called uh that's just off something called the raper bond which is one more time the ripper rip ripper bomb reaper ripper bond it's very uh i know i never touch you but they go back and forth with it so i don't know where they net out if it's eyes a's or e's but it's spelled with two e's um and and this area is kind of like the the free-for-all party central it's almost like a new orleans of sorts you know bars clubs parties all that [ __ ] but what he was talking about is at some point you get to this wall that's blocked off and it says you know in german beyond this point men only 18 plus so how did the women get there he well we did that no he means the girl's working oh no that's not terrible okay i'm george george those girls are allowed there okay the men from a shopping perspective it's men only right we happen to be with a woman and we couldn't just leave her behind so did you guys dress this woman as a man that's right we did shut the [ __ ] up yeah olivia what happens if you get caught doing that is that illegal but this is the red light district so like i have it is it a lawless city i have answers for all this do you want the real answer i would love the relationship so so prior to ver george is looking at a picture of of uh we turned olivia o'brien into justin justin i said what's your name man there's no way that anybody believed that this woman with these features yeah yeah what was it was an actual woman so there's no way she pulled her hood up she put a mask on and and yes it was of quite feminine justin i i we eventually rolled it back to justine and we were comfortable calling her justine at one point but but they knew the woman knew bro georgie let me tell you the woman found out in the window so so so back to the situation they open the doors the windows they're in front of windows and they talk to you hey i like your like come here come here and by the way these aren't like your normal you know nickel the dime process these are good looking women men like these are real real good-looking i heard i heard um in different countries where it is legal these girls look like supermodels they were very beautiful women they weren't super models but they were they were hot all right and so uh i'm sorry how did you guys i'm having a hard time getting through this story because you're just repeating what i said you just keep asking questions i just know i'm asking you from an audience perspective i know this they're asking the same questions how do you sure guys always stumble upon prostitutes look at every trip you guys take it's a good question wait hold on no he's right not for me well i think i only stumbled upon prostitutes when i'm with him whoa whoa whoa okay so okay i just wanted to throw that out there because i know there's some people watching this being like these impulsive guys are running to prostitutes well yeah we are in depth on the topic but for his sake and thought he'd say long story short we go in this area and the gir and the girls do find out that justin is actually justine got it and uh i'm like you know cause we're by the way kind of playing into it have you met our friend justin they're like that ain't no girl that ain't no girl she goes who are you who is this beach dad yes yes they're cussing at her whoa really they're mad they get mad they bro do you know what they do if they catch a girl on the street they throw buckets of piss urine they throw buckets of urine at the girls there's where the [ __ ] journey they first of all i want to know who assembles the bucket of piss they collect who's like this morning guys come on just in case justina comes back they collected throughout the day there are no rules in this place you don't use toilets so they can't call the cops so they they they just take matters into their own bucket yes that's right nice that was an old tactic when buckets were still used for urine i don't think they're doing that anymore but oh so they're not doing they didn't throw piss at her no no they did call her a beach and uh we and we then left there was no by the way no prostitution was solicited on this trip there was no closure it was just exploring the area because it's something that needs to be explored i would definitely explore that and also i might get a lot of trouble for this but i've always been curious growing up why prostitution wasn't legal everywhere why do they take the rights from women to do what they want with their body i have a lot of questions about legality on a lot of things yeah yeah and by the way like like i don't like promote it but i also don't like the fact that they remove things from people i think if this is weed is the one right now that that is boggling to me yeah the legality of weed yeah because you know being from or having lived in california for six seven years uh it became legal and it was so normal right for everyone to be smoking like wherever yeah and pretty much everywhere else you travel that's just not the case they look at it like a hard drug it's insane it's insane to me yeah it's it's it's it's i mean the world's just in you know different places at different times it's just different points of views which is crazy it bothers me that and as there's a lot of people people are still locked up for a very long time for small small amounts um of wheat in america possession of it bothers me that they're locked up in states that are not legalized to me it's like that's horrible that's horrible i don't i don't understand i might make a little play for that event like kim k does uh right she she's an advocate the leader on it yeah yeah yeah she's been to the white house which is oh she's been to the white house on that topic to try to get people out on crimes that are for crimes that are never bro good for her i'm actually i love kim kardashian dude the fact that she could just be sitting on the fact that she's just pretty and has a lot of money but she's like actively using her brain to like make the world a better place absolutely absolutely i think a lot of people sell her short because she does she does do it no she's a [ __ ] genius and anybody who ever does not think they're just haters yeah they're haters yeah um so you guys that was one one area so uh i heard there was a lava like a volcano this was in iceland okay let's talk about iceland i have this thing where when i go on trips especially now and i'm in this like kind of manic state not kind of no no he's definitely in a manic state like it's hilarious like i watch it happen i don't i don't sleep i always want to just do stuff if you if i cannot be still i'm pacing every single the moment i wake up and leave the bed i'm walking in circles and so i'm like we're in iceland dude and the one thing i haven't done yet is hiked a volcano the only issue was it was 2 a.m and it was raining and our flight was the next morning at like 7 00. wait hold on if it's raining then the the volcano shouldn't be able to like you can't see lava yeah rain will actually not cancel uh a volcanic explosion um pretty sure weather has to do with the does it know or not no what i thought that if like it rains a lot it like presses it down for a little bit and then it comes back up mm-hmm what do you press what happens when rain hits 1200 degree lava it's not even the heat it's more than the pressure that's a lot isn't that like but water makes it snow all right i don't know anything about volcanoes no one's going to make fun of me you know about you're not that guy pal you'll never oh i'm stupid there is underwater volcanoes that are stronger than the ones that are on land so i [ __ ] up just so you know i would never make fun of you i didn't think that was i just thought it was a question that was it it's i think it's more of a pressure-based thing i don't think your rainstorm is going to shut down too much pressure i didn't know that much look the rain did not cancel the volcanic eruption if it was in l.a wood the volcanic eruption sounds funny the volcanic volcanic eruption canceled itself it was dormant it it stopped it was dormant we knew it we knew it it had stopped contracts it stopped flowing for two days and we were like all right we're gonna i'm gonna give this a shot so bro we show up at this volcano long story short five of us ended up hiking a [ __ ] volcano with you could you name the people so we could play this picture no lava yeah it was neil our security guard who's seven foot by the way actually seven foot uh 400 or something uh uh viking our host in iceland uh uh sorel amore a he's named a travel influencer who i found out was a travel influencer after the the hike and i was one same and i was wondering why i was like it's i know danny's a badass because danny was there and she was hiking with us but this other girl sorel like no one complained which was kevin was there too that that's it and me um and no one complained it bro and when i uh but you know i'm pretty hard like i can do i can do a hike in the rain no problem but like definitely wasn't easy it was a little jaunt and no one complained bro like i'm talking freezing cold weather rain up a hill in the mud at 4 00 5 a.m bro how was the pace where you guys going fast face it was quick because that viking dude food yo he was shocking watch this dude hike a mountain actually that's when you know he's from iceland right it was the first time i was like oh he's [ __ ] icelandic bro how tall are these mountains by the way tall we end up hiking four miles up i was very tired yeah yeah up yeah not not not uh steeping you know like uh maybe like a 10 degree incline okay don't look at me at any point because i was where were you i knew he couldn't come obviously he was in the green district in the green light it's a little bit different than the red light dish and bro you know what the craziest part was the reason danny was there was because we flew her to iceland with that life-size six-foot charizard costume that david cho made me because we were gonna carry it up the volcano and take a picture of it in front of the lava genius yeah but the volcano wasn't erupting it was [ __ ] raining and so wait wait you guys went up with this thing no no because it wasn't erupting you could like tell me we were we were going to and so now you just wanted to go just to see it even if it wasn't yeah got it okay cool cool and i guess like a bookend this was saying like it was such a [ __ ] fun experience and like experiences like that you you you really carry with you for when you do the next thing where you're like oh this is kind of crazy like there's no uh service up here it's like i like putting myself in uncomfortable scenarios as you guys know and i like doing a lot so i'm prepared for literally anything and so like i've said it before life isn't short you just got to do more like push yourself to go find parts of yourself that you wouldn't unless you're in a very specific circumstance the more you know yourself i think the better person you can be in this in this world and i try to you know discover myself through and through in like experiences like this and especially traveling when you dig deep things happen we interrupt this program to bring you award from our sponsors it's blue chew today say it with us blue chew bluetooth unique online service that delivers the same active ingredients as viagra and seattle's but in chewable form not a fraction of the cost bluetooth tablets help men achieve harder stronger 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thank you reading is hard [Laughter] yeah even when you don't dig that like we it it wasn't like we're dying but it wasn't like anything i heard that uh now i didn't hear any of this side of the story but olivia was like yo uh the security guard was like this is top five no so i came out the next morning i go i go up to neil and and by the way like the part that he's leaving out is hike ended at 5 30 they all come back soaking wet to the hotel flight's at seven like like like go to the airport get your [ __ ] pack your bags in the five seconds you get back to hotel and go to the airport so while that's normal for us at our at the pace that we've been running these trips sometimes what you're asking of these like security uh protocol like these security teams i go up to nidalee standing out in the pouring rain still loading our 800 pound bags into the car after this six hour hike march that that like yes it was exciting for some of the people involved but like let me tell you for the people that didn't want to be there probably wasn't i go dude everybody so you know i'm waking up after 10 hours of sleeping i go seems like you guys had a great time like everybody's pretty pumped up he goes don't let any of them lie to you top five experiences top five worst experiences in my life top five i go he goes he goes they're gonna come he goes they're gonna come up to you and they're gonna tell you that it was one of the best things they've ever done it was [ __ ] awful it was [ __ ] awful mate and i'm so jealous that you didn't go i go but you saw the lava he goes it was this big we saw no love because it was this [ __ ] big mate he goes he we hiked up a pitch black sopping wet mountain i was in my [ __ ] jeans mate i've never been so wet in my life top five worst experiences of my life sideways sideways rain and he he slipped too he slipped and boston busted my damn knee and this beforehand i said neil just so you know this is gonna be a little like you know this is gonna be a thing yeah and you don't have to come obviously oh should you give him that yeah yeah he said he goes hey i'll live for this [ __ ] and and by the way i didn't know that because he never told me that and didn't complain one [ __ ] time i love neil dude he's the best he's the best in the world if you ever need somebody to protect you better hands down the best [ __ ] guy if you ever see anyone important doing anything significant in the uk neil is next to him he's there he's the big guy next to anthony anthony john whoever right he's the shark you can't you can't guess josh yeah he's doing this and just another note on the uh him not telling you part i actually wasn't supposed to tell anybody i was so sick he was like mate don't tell him i said this no but he's he's not going to care but he did he offered up because here's why when you're in iceland and you get that kind of opportunity this is how he explained it to me he's like they gave me an out mate and i didn't take it because it's opportunity i'm in iceland it's an opportunity and and did you were there moments on the hike where you felt like you you wanted to give up at all or not no you know but i'm sure danny no none of you guys and i knew that i knew there was no lava i just wanted to hike a [ __ ] mountain while like vibing in iceland those are the ones that that challenge me more than anything are the ones that don't have the crazy payoff like yo if we make it to the top of this mountain we get to see the coolest volcanic eruption like you're going up that mountain knowing that when you get to the top you're gonna be let down aimlessly and if we are like i'm still having fun yeah okay no that's that's that's where it did get hard i noticed i definitely hit a wall which you know i'd been out for [ __ ] two days straight and like i was like okay i'm dying damn two days up and then hiking i have i have uh i have i have two two stories yeah they're kind of good by the way i'm i really love the direction of this podcast so far these stories are so cool good and if you have any also please share georgie we haven't heard from you in a while are we done with europe is there anything else i was just gonna i mean we did the the uh red light district so now it seems like a strip club story would be a little off yeah no no that's what i'm talking about i have a strip club story oh okay do you have one all that happened to me was so in between hamburg and iceland we did go to berlin and we didn't get to experience it one thing i do understand about this this wild city the capital is it the capital germany oh [ __ ] berlin i don't know it's a city injury a big city in germany they have these ultra clubs that go on all night for like three days straight i go to this uh one strip club because i didn't go to the ultra clubs and it's this place called golden dolls i'm gonna give him a free shout out if that's okay or we should leave it and i walk in and i immediately see all these really good-looking strippers and the first girl the closest of proximity turns me and goes i can't believe you're here no that's that's not the red accent dude you do the same i can't really do it i watch all of your podcasts i can't believe it i see all your shows i watched the night and now it's done but she was a fan bro and it was a and it was she said this to him as she was upside down sliding right before the strippers do their famous thunderclap with their heels they go they go and they clap their heels together like like a mating call but it was bro but it was the first time i ever ended up in a scenario like that where it was like a a stripper that was a fan and it changed the dynamic incredibly and not in a good way yeah of course it was it was it was weird bro so like so like she told the boss of the place and he goes you know doors all open whatever you need why is everybody angry whatever you need so he did she give you her real name oh so he just started he put us at the table started bringing [ __ ] out he's like any dances you want are on the house anything you want it's on the house okay we you know we're big fans blah blah and so hilarious so i don't know if i told you this but i go downstairs and for for a dance just because it's customary like it's like go get a [ __ ] dance or at this club whatever so i'm getting this dance i love the build up to make you seem okay we're here custom-made i don't want so i got five of them on me i didn't want to be rude so i got all the girls back in my corner no so i bring the fan one sit down there and she goes um you know i've been following you and you know you i was a huge fan of your ex-girlfriend as well and she was so pretty and it she started dancing and it threw the dynamic off because she told me that she didn't feel pretty enough because of who my ex was oh my god leave that [ __ ] at home bro leave it out we're all working here i immediately was like yeah this is over like let's just go back upstairs yeah we just and it was so awkward it was bad it was i was like yo girl this poor girl oh that's sad bro i would have done this i would have called that off it was weird i did that affect me that would have i would that affect me what's your strip club sorry i thought you would say what's my stripper name which by the way i think we should do really quick middle name street you grew up on um woodridge what what my street at edward woodridge what's edward wood isn't your middle name edward emmanuel emmanuel woodridge what's your middle name emmanuel woodridge now coming to the stage emmanuel woodward i do my thunderclap is that i don't know why but that's kind of a hot name yeah manual wood ridge it's kind of hot the wood has rage so what's your guys's don't leave me here the [ __ ] people want to do this they made me say [ __ ] and then they just sat there quietly lauren sawmill that sounds right lorraine sawmill yeah my mom [Music] lauren that's loren she was a big fan of ralph lauren middle name is lauren loren i'm not calling you mike anymore lauren what's yours alexander bradley oh that that's cooler than your real name that's good alexandra bradley dude that would have been my name i would have changed that [ __ ] to that just yesterday i was in oregon visiting oregon and i ended up at a strip club in the middle of [ __ ] oregon you guys know where that place is of course you don't isn't it a big relatively big city it's actually incredible right yeah we had we had probably one of the most fun 24 hours of my life and i wasn't there by the way and i didn't drag you because it was supposed to be it's supposed to be a quick jaunt and you know we we had heard that there was we wanted drinks at like 11 p.m and nowhere was open except the strip club so we walked to the strip club yep walked down the street oregon and uh we go in there and and and everything's all good i i had some cash on me so i i i withdrew three thousand dollars in singles right and just it started just handing them to the patrons and i'm just like here like throw this money like let's like like these girls gonna work tonight and we're gonna make sure they get paid right right it was fun it was the first if i mind you you know how i feel about strip clubs i [ __ ] yeah i get uncomfortable i can't be whatever but i was like i was having fun we're in oregon doing whatever and so i have this brick of cash under my arm i'm in this oregon strip club and like i don't know how to say this without coming off pretentious but uh what i often find when i go to um like middle america flyover states sometimes the uh like etiquette for filming me is a bit uh less uh i think appropriate than usual i.e i'm sitting at a strip club with a [ __ ] brick of cash under my arm and some dude comes and puts his camera in my face at an oregon strip club right fam i have a broken hand i'm i'm at a strip club in oregon like i'll talk about it but [ __ ] i don't want you to see that like get this [ __ ] get your [ __ ] phone out of my face one good hand the classic sink snatches phone i have it now i have the video he's like girl give me my phone i go bro you just took a [ __ ] video of me in my face at a strip club dude i think that's weird he goes broke give me my phone so i go in i delete it thank god his phone was unlocked so i go to recently deleted and in mind you the the the dynamic of this is weird because like i have one hand that i'm currently using to delete the video on this i'm defenseless right and so i don't know if this guy kevin's standing right there and we we don't really have a crew we don't have like people she's like bro give me my phone i go fam and not now i set the brick down because i'm like now i'm getting angry this guy needs to shut the [ __ ] up and get out of my face uh and so i set the brick down and i i sensed that like thing coming i go i go bro you just took a video of a stranger in a strip club do you not think that's weird he goes no no it's cool man i go you just took a video of a strip club of a stranger to strip club do you not think that's weird he goes no bro i swear it's cool i go no i'm telling you it's not cool i'm telling you right [ __ ] now it's not cool he goes no plea plea just i go bro admit to me right now that it's weird to take a video of a stranger in a strip club he goes well now they mention him he goes no no no seriously he had a moment of like like to him like he just discovered uh the cure to cancer he's like gravity yeah i guess it is a little weird i guess that is a little weird i go yeah it [ __ ] is now take this stack go throw it at the strippers and get a shotgun nice that's how you handle it we took a shot we threw the money it was great but like i guess i was just so stunned like i don't know if he was in shock that i was like pressing him a little bit and maybe he's just kind of panicked but like yeah yeah so that's that's why i say it's it's uncommon i don't know like a person with like a following in bend oregon at strip club is probably not too common and i'm assuming that's weird can you tell me what he my favorite is knowing what they say when the phone's in your food because my my guess is can i take a stab at it yo it's logan paul no nothing no nothing he wasn't like a uh no he wasn't there was nothing it was just like that and i go he goes whoa what the [ __ ] you just took a [ __ ] video of me yeah right now you think that's weird come on mate give me my phone back no this one's in oregon yeah but they're all british if you ask me any reaction is british dude and uh yeah that was cool we went to a dick museum in iceland i can't believe it dude it was the first time in my life i was like dude i'm not the only pers person these penises are fascinating there's an entire museum dedicated to [ __ ] iceland they try to spice it up by calling it the reykjavik phallological museum yeah they try to make it like scientific it's a dick it's it's the dick museum it's museum of cops you go there to look at penis there's no other way around it so it's just like different styles everything different species different there's it from what i understand so that literally would be different strokes for different folks i love that dudes there are wieners in jars like pickles like floating in some sort of like formaldehyde or something that preserves the integrity of the of the um the [ __ ] do they say whose it is yeah yeah hilarious but it's but it's like elephants or some interplanetary oh dude i'm [ __ ] up i really thought i was only human are were there any human [ __ ] in there there was yeah there's a couple i i know but in my mind i just pictured a bunch of human dicks that's a weirdo there are a few there are a few i'm gonna i need somebody to pull that out of context what george just said and post it on twitter please in my mind i pictured a bunch of human beings oh my god [ __ ] stupid oh [ __ ] oh my god it's hilarious um okay we gotta get out of the thing if you were trying to look for a dick there it would be literally i'm trying never i don't know these jokes are not gonna fly what about the what about the topic we were we were popping off about pre-show it it's sensitive yeah i think i don't think there's any way where i was thinking about it um what have you been up to georgie we haven't seen you uh just practicing the craft um i have i actually do have a funny story so uh i went to vegas to open up for jo koy and i you know like still like it's we're kind of like on this basis where i don't ask you know but if you say let's do it i'm there i'm trying to hone in these skills and craft uh i get there and he's like yo you're not performing tonight and i was like oh no i thought i did something wrong uh but it was because we they had a special guest tiffany haddish and she came bro and blew the [ __ ] house off right so i'm like oh [ __ ] like this is great uh and then i'm like but tomorrow so i went to dinner with them by the way right so i'm still into like the phase of like you know like hey i'm still here like i'm gonna be here and uh making them laugh and then yesterday the next day we go on these the razor things bro and i'm with i just got introduced to the gentleman who runs the laugh factory and if you guys don't know what that is that is like dude if you're trying to be a like a comedian like that is everybody started there everybody started right right he's in my razor me and batch are racing and i'm like head to head i'm doing the one thing my dad told me don't [ __ ] do when you're in this [ __ ] don't be right here because you can't see the ground and if you hit a rock you'll flip hard cut we flip pop and i'm with the dude and i'm like oh my god so we're over i'm like it can't get worse then the gas thing pops and just the whole gasoline is being poured on this man i was like there goes my career i'm never doing stand-up ever yeah you incinerated the guy with the keys to your future yeah you instead of mr miyagi you're mr miyagi bro so i was like this can't [ __ ] get worse than this oh it can someone threw a match it could definitely get worse brother it could get worse short story uh batch and and joe have to come back to get us because we can't lift this [ __ ] so like so now i'm embarrassed they're laughing they're recording and and making fun of me and i'm like oh yeah i'm so stupid like just like there's nothing i could do here that in the midst of them making fun of me they're all laughing they're like dude come and perform tonight at the win and i'm like bet on vegas yeah it's my first theater event yeah there's over a thousand people uh and i'm confident bro because every time i perform so far i've been really impressing a lot of big people like i'm not going to name drop but a lot of people reached out and they're like yo i want you to perform at my show i want you to do this so i'm very excited and i and i think i'm about to [ __ ] this day up bro like i'm about to kill it right i have my jokes i know what i'm doing i have the energy i get on nobody and by the way i made it very clear that this is my first theater performance i'm excited i'm backstage it's my first thing or three so my first joke i have this thing where i grab my phone and dude every time i do this joke it crushes brings the house down and that's what i open up with to let people know like i'm funny and i go in nobody tells me mike that the theater is designed so you can't hear the audience oh that's horrible bro bop tell my joke if they're like muffled bro it like blew a shotgun through my chest how did it feel how did you feel like gangs that like just i i swear to god mike i was so frozen up in that moment that i wanted to just put my mic back and just walk off stage like so i'm like oh my god remind you bro we have the biggest comics watching me right now backstage and i'm like oh my god oh my god oh my god like this is it again my career is done but then something i do i dug deep i was like yo if i'm gonna bomb for the first time i'm just gonna just keep going yeah so i performed this [ __ ] as if i'm killing it dude thank god so i come off stage and they're like yo you did great and i thought they're making fun of me and i was like [ __ ] you guys and i was like no one laughed they're like what are you talking about and reed hands me my phone and i could hear people laughing oh [ __ ] i was like oh thank god so if it really wasn't for me being like [ __ ] it i'm just gonna just drowned in this then i would have [ __ ] up my whole like life in this situation i think i think that's a lesson i'm sure you can kind of repeat it as well it's like you need to get comfortable in your life if if you're watching this or putting crafts out there or you're in any kind of uh space you need to get comfortable in life delivering what you believe to be your best work and then being semi-agnostic to what the initial reaction to it is i've mastered it you're amazing i'm the best at it i work on a project for two and a half three years i've done it twice at the completion of the project after literally tens of thousands of hours of working on something that is so near and dear to me and has become a part of my life twice now i've gone i hate that i hate it i'm not going to do it wow and walking away without without walking away got it get what happened to me with music bro i i really really really tried to make good music a lot of time a lot of production traveling to everybody in your house recording studio in my house hundreds of hours writing recording music vocal lessons every single day no sorry twice a week for every single week for two years i was there when you uh when you're like you know what this isn't it you're showing me a song and you look like i'm done with this and i was like yeah because i realized it's just like it's not me i'm way uh for some reason i just don't tick in that but being agnostic to your work and unbiased to what you've created i think could help so many you have to put good people around to be honest people exactly exactly and like i run by the way i run as you guys know all my creations everything every one of you you know we do the same i think we kind of all learned how to do that we did it last night i wrote a joke i've been working on this joke for uh a good a good few weeks and i pitched it logan logan is like yeah i elect like maybe six percent of that he's like get rid of it that's like sick okay move on uh but no so the stand-up thing uh it's really cool i'm in a great place uh there's a guy named enrique who's running the lab factory he's introduced me to everybody in the industry and i'm talking about people i look up to and they're just sitting down one-on-one and i'm just asking them questions and they're just giving it to me so i'm on this fast track to learn i'm getting offered to do really big shows right now and i'm respectfully declining just because i really want to master this craft one i know people are gonna uh look harder on me because i came from the social media they will yeah and two i don't wanna disrespect any comics cause they had a really dude to be a comic and to be a successful comic they had to be [ __ ] on and worked and beat to just get one thing that i'm basically getting for free yeah so as respect to the community i'm like i reject offers and i'm sitting here working on the craft and i'm gonna be there when i'm ready your head's in the perfect spot yeah it's [ __ ] fantastic i appreciate it it's sort of taken a page from uh thor's book in iceland i don't know if you saw the pog you definitely didn't see the podcast you don't watch [ __ ] no unless i'm on it i don't want you i know i know um but i i i commended him for his ability to like dedicate himself to a craft and then come out as the best like i i think you should for like two to three years dude not underground but don't go crazy bro like yeah master that skill before the world sees you for the first time i think it's really strong i i admit it to everybody and to the people that i look up to i say i'm going to be the greatest comedian in the world and i go not yet i'm gonna have a maybe it's gonna take me forever but i will become one of the greatest communities in the world manifestation i have to be this is like dude when i was on stage and i realized this is my baby i was like [ __ ] like i will give up everything for this like literally every impulsive podcast everything so at the beginning of this one i did go to twitter we were looking for some topical [ __ ] um i got i got a few here you want to try to rapid fire on this sure uh you met drake oh my god oh my god what did you not talk about that yeah yeah what the [ __ ] you're welcome oh my god i did what the [ __ ] but i had met him before which is why uh it wasn't as like driving for you no no it was it wasn't right now right after clb drops yeah he it's like pete drake dude i got i got a photo with pete drake when drake's peaking yep jake's not so goated that like just i went to his house and he wasn't even there people were congratulating me bro like what the [ __ ] bro like just to meet him anywhere and okay so i heard the story but yeah this is pretty cool i actually don't want to tell the story yeah don't tell us about that it's uh i'm gonna save it for thoughts on uh the uh uh tattoo for woodley oh oh my god i'm just gonna leave this i'm tyrone woodley got the i love jake paul tattoo i actually can't [ __ ] believe it bro i can't i know why because of his placement obviously it's it's weird he put i and then loved in a 45 degree angle and then jake paul and actually like cool font like if he was going to do it i think he jokes aside i think he did it right because it's also the way he structured it and intentionally uh he's going to cover it up with some [ __ ] whether it's it's the easiest removal place it seems like is he doing it because he wants a rematch yeah no he just did it because he loves jake he really [ __ ] idiot he really like he got he lost a fight he was sitting at home one day he's like you know what i [ __ ] well well i didn't know if he did it because he was trying to keep his word you know well his word was that the loser gets the tattoo like that's the bet's over f rematch or not like who gives a [ __ ] like you know if i were jake no no i wanted the rematch that's why he posted it with the of him saying if i get it would do he goes bet yeah but that's the second part of a deal that was already done that's my issue with it you can't make a second bet as like a because the first bet was whoever loses gets an i love blank tattoo that's the bet yeah yeah that's what was that's what was fulfilled right and then tried that ty tyrion tried to be like well now i'll get a rematch too no [ __ ] you [ __ ] lost a bet and you actually got a a [ __ ] tattoo a grown-ass man has a tattoo on his finger hey i love jake paul who bro hey i think a lot of people are i think a lot of people are here for that rematch including dave chappelle i'm vapes but uh but i'm very here for that literally and by the way and by the way listen jake jake's doing everything right everything he's doing is is uh business first and career first never been as confident in the [ __ ] kid as i am right now doesn't need any advice doesn't need any help like he he is trucking and crushing it and it's amazing to watch but i i i think i think more people than he might think are here for that i think that rematch gets a lot of buys and i would i would certainly watch it uh diaz in the octagon nick diaz yeah returned to the octagon to fight robbie lawler i think for the their second time in in 17 years 20 i think it was 26 years no no no no no no he hasn't no nick diaz has not fought in over 26 years that that is [ __ ] you no that's facts nah it was it was really it was really entertaining like uh i i do have to give props to uh nick diaz because taking that kind of time off and like god knows what he's doing to his body because if it were me i'd probably be drinking and smoking hanging out with my friends kicking my feet up playing some video games he came out with that stockton energy bro like throw the round house right he tried to pull the mosfet all right that was the funniest thing i was like what the [ __ ] that was that card was great dude uh shivchenko doing her little spins after she wins she's a she's she's a russian killer she's a beast congratulations to her she's she's like her her and nunes are the ones to beat right now um and then dude brian ortega and alexander volkanovsky i'm one of the greatest one of the greatest fights i've ever seen doc i can't believe how many times we jumped up out of our seats like we were literally like yeah i felt like i was ringside that was the craziest fight i've ever seen in my life the one round where volkanovsky slipped out of two like fight-ending submissions tight cinched brian in his post-fight interview said he heard him gargling he goes the little bastard stuff he slipped i heard him gargling and [ __ ] dude he's he's he's such a good fighter and like entertainer in general i think because like he really has given his heart soul and life to his craft like you see how he ended the fight bro his heart he gave it his all dude like that was that was a fight with two warriors and volkanovsky's like one of the best in class right now and i knew this would be a hard fight for brian because he's just he's he's like a little [ __ ] invincible little spark plug from from australia mind you australia australia probably should have hit tommy fury when we're back on the topic but obviously there's a lot going on there didn't pay his bar tab i actually don't think there is i think i think i think tommy fury is a little bit of a a little bit of um i'd say go ahead and just say it like a little bit of a like a dunce if you will it's kind of like a kind of like a [ __ ] dweeb in like a hot guy's body that whole situation was weird like jake was crazy i met him at the airport and i went up to like say hi to him and he looked at me like yeah i had beef with him and i was like he's wait did you see him at the airport back the day that he fought he's breathtaking did his eyes his eyes freeze you where you were i had my girlfriend wait at the gate i was like go over there yeah of course but that whole situation seems a little odd to me like once again jake being on top of his [ __ ] and saying everything that was right to say dawg the offer is the offer because of jake you know what i'm saying like like do you he what does his offer look like without a jake deal no it's your life your life's over bro he did he did he did it's it's it's all it's all a game it's a little bit of a back and forth and ebb and flow the issue with the issue is dude like similar to dennis like tommy and i'm jake's brother any means is like you're gonna get left in the dust this is your moment take take it he's gone you're like this is it you're only gonna get to fight jake paul once because who knows even how he's how long he wants to be doing this bro does he want another one fight two fights three fights he's gonna take a break like and it's a big it's a big moment for i mean dude like think about it if in some crazy world he was able to [ __ ] pull he's got a catapult for the rest of you like he could make his money with brands and all that stuff he's just this is where people that have greed in their heart will lose yeah if you think about money first like dude uh yeah yeah yeah you got a you know what it is to me it's like yo if he's getting that cash that's minimal maybe in his mind he's like yo i don't want to get my ass beat for a little paycheck think about that but it's a big one would you be minimal bro he's got a million plus yeah he's never even made clothes he didn't pay his [ __ ] bar tab dude like his guy jump in for one second and by the way maybe that's true but we've probably had nights where we're like [ __ ] dude i can't go talk to the [ __ ] lady let me tell you something let me tell you something bro you pay it the next day let me tell you you know i'd be fine let me tell you something i'm sure it got paid but like then why wasn't it reflected in the article that's something right or something if you have a pr team update or whatever they do amendment edit tommy fury paid bar tab next no he doesn't have a prt he's just he's just a good looking guy who's the younger brother of the greatest heavyweight ever huh fury oh joshua joshua oh yeah joshua anthony joshua that's huge man that is now bob i can't believe that i wasn't expecting that to be honest you knew it i just i knew that it was gonna be a good fight and joshua's just also a technical boxer he's not a killer man fight the f the fight game is exciting right now dude the fight game is spicy the other day bro i went from boxing to mma to some drama offline i was like this is fantastic oh let's do that because we just did boxing and mma let's do the drama you got a girlfriend me no because i've been seeing there's been some [ __ ] heating up i don't have to get into it but it's been a little bit of chirping back and forth i'm sure the uh this is crack axe you know the the group chat the maverick group chat sure they're talking about it you gotta you know anything about any of that [ __ ] no just sounds like something i have no interest in um crypto nfts i mean there's a lot stop stop yep i'm so bullish on nfts stupid bullish i especially now like i've literally devoted my life to this [ __ ] like literally a hundred percent because like when the more i got into the space the more i realized the practical application of nfts will will will make this like a mainstay in culture uh everyone has an idea of what nfts are but i think when it really sinks in exactly what it is um the hold that it will have in your everyday life will be undeniable and no one's going to be able to ignore it and a couple projects that i pointed out you know four months ago actually i'm gonna be honest all of them uh are taking off um especially bro talked about it before world of women world of women man it's it's like it's so cool to see the tide changing in a way and people people now kind of seeing the the significant projects and and like dude i have to i have to feel proud when i when i was right about like a pick it it lets me know my head is in the right space i do kind of understand the space a little bit but uh i just want to hit on nfts real quick just again because i i believe they'll be a part of everyone's life eventually but um for those of you who maybe don't know what they are i'm going to say in a different way download this uh nfts are are nothing more uh than uh verification verifiable ownership so like you own your house right george yep why uh because i needed a place to live no why do you own a hot why why do you own your house and why do we all acknowledge that you own that house uh why do we all acknowledge that i own 84 acres better investment strategy than renting for some people some people want to feel the ownership for me personally it's a business move people humans want to own things well that we've talked about that saying why you have the answers you have a deed there's something that says you own this house we all acknowledge that to be true that exists in the physical world whether it's a receipt a deed uh a certification whatever up until uh nfts on the blockchain verification of digital assets wasn't really commonplace right like it's it's nothing more than being able to say like hey i own this and for that reason alone and i think if you start looking at it through that lens not like a oh here's a here's a an 8-bit cartoon called you know a crypto punk uh because these are collectibles and it's cool and it's where the space is at now but just like any other industry like there's of evolution that's going to take place it's going to evolve and the word all uses it's going to mature and eventually these collectibles these cartoons these nfts that you know most people think are like the pudgy pain of the board apes they're cool and they were the catalyst and the first thing to like uh launch and and make the space uh mainstream but eventually it will mature i believe next up is generative art art created by code or algorithm to be honest i actually don't know much about generative art i'm still kind of stuck in crypt i think not gender regenerative art yeah there are characteristics but an artist made them and it and each one they're all individually crafted i i don't know but that's not what i'm talking about with gender so some of some of them are some of those projects that are like own one i don't know if one one is but a lot some of those they cut they program a code and they generatively create it's just it's not it's not it's not what i mean truthfully i i'd like to do more research on this before i speak but generative art are created by code and algorithm right right solely i think is next and then uh and then one of one art i believe will be the final evolution in maturity like like really like real art like you know what i'm saying like uh uh individualized pieces one of one artists taking time to create this thing that will have everlasting a turning value in the digital space and it's just a maturity that the the space has to has to go through to your it makes it safer to keep that item too like say for example if it's on the internet and like you have paintings in your house that are electronic if your house burns down you're not going to lose your assets let me tell you something i was in orlando and i was in this hotel and i'm walking by really nice hotel oh beautiful art on the wall big pieces like even kevin kevin took a picture of it and i took a picture of this one piece and we were like yo did you see that it's cool and i had this thought i was like why do i have to be in [ __ ] orlando florida to be able to enjoy and admire this art and in the digital world with nfts if digital displays become mainstay and everyone has them in their household you can put your art anywhere in the world on any display like this and i don't have to be in this random hotel in orlando to enjoy a piece of work that someone spent a lot of time on the abil the the um uh ubiquitous nature of nfts among many things is also very exciting for me i could i could talk about this forever did i answer that twitter question yeah yeah you did and and by the way just just quickly to touch on i think where you started was actually higher level than where you ended yeah which was which was i think where the true future of it is bridging the gap between what currently exists watermarks to claim your art online to a true way of oh do you know what i'm saying so i think i think the big win ends up being commercial ownership uh programming so it's like it's like getty images your watermark is useless bro like somebody's gonna crop that out and and by the way like even if they don't like who who really traces back that ownership i think commercial ownership is a pro like commercial digital ownership will be a problem solved by nft for for things that are in demand that's the only asterisk i'd i'd add to that because like yeah maybe but like but even like as far as memes are concerned like do you know what i'm saying like yo you you produce a meme no and a meme that ends up getting 700 billion impressions side eyes the girls stand in front of the burning building imagine being able to say yo that's mine i created that and there's and there's a blockchain receipt that points to it so yeah but you're still operating in collectible land that's what i'm saying that's like the most basic well hold on a sec that's to say that the importance of a one-on-one designed piece of artwork has more importance than the most valuable meme on the internet that's exactly what i'm saying and i think there's a lot of people that argue that i'm not one of them but i think 2021 your meme in 2021 in 10 years will be the dumbest [ __ ] charlie bit my finger we it's cute dude but does that mean it has to but it has and by the way i'm arguing a non-buy side i don't have a size but but i think uh i think there are people out there who would argue that culturally um for example right now the biggest thing would be imagine owning an ape or an alien right there are people out there that are like yo if you can give me ownership of charlie bit my finger bit my finger or i want to know far out ways i'm saying no because the demand for that video is so much less than a in a zombie right now but it's stood the test of time like if you ask anybody if you ask anybody like what is the video from youtube history you know what i'm saying i probably said the same thing a lot of people would say that but who cares but like in five years in five years you may ask you know what is the collectible uh crypto pumpkin it's a zombie that's why that's why there's a there's a there's a group of people who all think the same thing and and value the same but it's a silo comparatively to the massive audience of of youtube you know what i'm saying like it's a tiny little silo so so how do you provide true value is it is it that tiny silence there needs to i'm telling you that this is it there's needs to be demand my assumption is this and i could be wrong well somebody did buy uh yeah they've been buying those memes and yeah and uh what value i think they'll i think they'll turn out to be a bad purchase got it got it got it got it is our next guest here by the way no he's he's running a little bit he is what else is there um pl plenty of stuff uh sorry i was i was here oh yes but by the way if you're watching this episode of impulsive uh do you have thoughts on this topical uh discussion that we just had i know there's uh it's a lot of fun uh should we middle show it beginning of show on these boys only episodes run through a bunch of topics rapid fire how do you guys feel about it let us know in the comments do you have anything else i mean if he's here i mean i don't have anything substantial all right [ __ ] it that's it guys that's all we got hit that subscribe button uh thank you for listening to him paul so the number one podcast in the world we're gonna keep attempting to find random locations in the world to shoot these episodes trying is lying we're going we're going to it's it's uh it's important to us um while we get the studio set up in puerto rico till then appreciate you love you bye
Views: 1,454,465
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: podcast guest, Jake Paul brother, impaulsive, impaulsive podcast, logan paul podcast, maverick, jake paul vs tyron woodley, jake paul tyron woodley bet, tyron woodley, ufc, mma, i love jake paul tattoo, ufc 266, Volkanovski vs. Ortega, joe rogan, podcast, germany, strip club, red light district, tommy fury, tyson fury, united kingdom, boxing, nft, logan paul nft, drake, logan paul meeting drake, ufc 266 recap, iceland, travel, vacation
Id: dHn6D721-vc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 69min 2sec (4142 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 01 2021
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