She Cheated On Me With A Billionaire - IMPAULSIVE EP. 308

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so there was a girl who was that well put i had uh hung out with him her name is there's no shot there's no shot there's no show no no [Music] oh that was beautiful clean okay guys we're gonna roll right i'm trying so hard we're off to a great start i know uh we have to do this podcast here because um when we get back to la we're running right into more podcasts and we're in stodd switzerland switzerland should we start over no that's so this is great so far the best way to start out the year i also just want to say this uh we joked about being those three kids from the meme uh back in the studio in vegas this is the closest we will ever be to that meme we are three kids sitting on couches around a table right now yeah no [ __ ] mike exactly yeah way to just say what's happening he's like look at us there's three of us where there's a table and we're here anyway logan stopped doing drugs guys it's true and i see a lot of anger out of him [ __ ] angry he's almost beat up like at least 11 people um like like i counted so i genuinely counted well after five i was like all right this guy's he's wanting all the smoke it's uh weed weed is a very powerful drug i don't care who the [ __ ] says it's not a drug it's a [ __ ] drug okay that's how we're starting the episode fine yeah i quit smoking weed on december 24th and um christmas eve for some reason thank you thank you um for those of you who are watching paul so regularly and first up if you don't um don't but if you want to make sure to subscribe um you guys know i i've been having this little back and forth with uh marijuana um i grew up not smoking i'm like the anti weed guy pretty much my whole life and then uh the past six months fully uh dedicated myself to becoming a pothead and with that came a lot of great things like you know we can allow for uh creativity it calms me down it'll open my mind up to entertain conversations with people that maybe normally i wouldn't like that's like the sweetest way of saying i can put up with people there's some people i can discuss things with when i'm actually intoxicated i actually care george i can uh silver i don't know no no just just this lifestyle we were living that uh people will see soon like you know we've been traveling everywhere not sleeping just going hard hard hard weed like got me through it like it kept me alive it kept me interested yeah it was able to stimulate me enough to continue this this lifestyle of travel adventure and party um and creation uh but i knew there was going to be a day where i i had to i had to call it quits because when i realized that i was high more than i wasn't high it's a little problematic i was waking up groggy i'm going to sleep hot like it was it was a disaster and december 24th i felt it in my heart i was like today's the day i'm done you know how i do [ __ ] cold turkey cold turkey quit did you wake up knowing you were going to quit or was it just like you woke up you're like oh i think today mm-hmm i don't know i i felt it and it sucked because my mom was like why did you have to do this this week our entire family came ripping a bomb now wow her family came to puerto rico um and here i am going through weed withdrawals while my whole family celebrated christmas and for me my withdrawals are very like aggressive man i don't know i don't know what it is but i get what you have had imagine me for the past week i know hold up for the vast movies i know just i i i have a thing and i want to tell you something but um yeah i was i was i was extreme am a little bit still extremely irritable um i could not sleep uh and i i had i developed a gag reflex no appetite it's just like a is a [ __ ] how did you know that what did you figure out uh sorry logan what's wrong with sucking a little dick boys absolutely nothing nothing not when you have uh no gag replaces that's wrong but when i have a gag reflexes problematic um and and i mean to be honest with you maybe i sound like a [ __ ] i was going through it i was really going through it um and i told george like crack by the way i just want everybody to know like his withdrawals was like like meth like he was sweating is that guy looking at me like he's blind he's gotta go he's looking at me you can't see his eyes he has glasses he looks like mikey and it sucks because again we're in stone everyone here is so nice and polite and i'm just i'm causing problems i want all the smoke and i don't know why like i have a [ __ ] broken hand what am i gonna do and anyways i told george i have to [ __ ] commend you bro i'm dead ass serious i've been waiting to tell you this the fact that you made it out of a heroin addiction and like fully like i may get a little emotional like i have so much [ __ ] respect for you and anyone who's who who has beaten an addiction because this [ __ ] [ __ ] sucks and this is just weed this ain't [ __ ] i swear to god if i had an addiction as serious as his on uh narcotics as serious as heroin i would not make it out i i would not make it different all of my money would be on you not making it up i would not no you you unless you read mike's book you would you would have something maybe maybe honest difference between the two is like is weed is a is a mental and psychological battle and when you get into the opiates and heroin stuff like that it's a it's a much more physical battle and you even you even felt some of the physical uh symptoms of it like the sweating the irritability that kind of stuff like that overall just like nasty feeling but it's just exponentially worse when you bring opiates into play you know you're constantly throwing up you you know you have diarrhea you feel like you basically feel like you have covet or the flu for two weeks and it's ten times worse so uh you know it's it's you know it's it's wild all drugs have come downs and letdowns you know so it's it's you know you have to respect the withdrawals no matter what drug it is but it's definitely uh you've been going through it man yeah and and to make matters worse uh about a week of of this just feeling like [ __ ] feeling like like an [ __ ] and just like getting a little vulnerable for a sec like as you guys know i've expressed like well i've hated myself this past week i've hated this version of myself it's the worst like man i just like i feel like i'm not great to be around and it's just like i feel bad you know because we're on this nice trip we spent an absurd amount of money to come to switzerland i don't know if you know anything about stop but this is uh what is the like highest like perk there was a trillion dollars worth of wealth at the party we were at last night everyone here is a billionaire there are more billionaires at this party than there were not billionaires and so we're at this uh what was i saying you tried to fight the co-check guy oh no wait that's not what i was saying well he's he's [ __ ] racist against kevin yes he is this like withdrawal process and this like coming off of weed has like created these like micro scenarios in logan's mind where he's just like you said it earlier that guy's [ __ ] looking at me he's disrespecting kevin because he's mexican i'm like no he's not man kevin forgot his so kevin forgot his like little tag to pick up his jacket and that was that was the second the second time so that was like the second straw yeah well the first what was it oh the first time we hold kevin to put his mask on in a room full of unmasked people i was wondering why he chose kevin it's a good if that one's a little bit more believable than the second time so he had it out with him the first time he said uh no to the guy walked by the next day went and apologized to him oh by the way you you're like you're kind of skimming through this well because i don't know apology was like a disney movie right he goes hey man i just want to come to you because i've been thinking about it how i how i behave is it's totally unacceptable i just wanted to as a man look you in the eyes the guy's like you know what i respect that we have a lot of men that they don't do that we had a moment we're going to become brothers we reconciled fully fully it was it was amazing 15 minutes later that man's a racist so what the [ __ ] because he's doing it again literally i'm behind logan i got i'm so sorry i don't the guy needs to get high i don't even know what to tell you i won't i won't do it i'm not going back grabbed the jacket so hard for me so as i was saying kevin forgot his his tag to pick up the jacket and i had tried to apply the catching flies with honey instead of salt routine that i always do and i was just about there and i'm like okay so man i appreciate you just understanding that we lost the ticket and giving us the jacket back and all of a sudden i see a massive arm reach up give me the jacket it just jokes it from the [ __ ] dude and the dude's face was like i have never he was so offended and logan's just like racist and we're in this beautiful hotel the beautiful and stoned and logan's [ __ ] just flipping out and so i go to logan i go i pull him aside i'm like bro chill out i i the amount of times i've had to actually like say to on this trip yo you need to chill out okay like like like brother to brother yo you need to chill the [ __ ] out you're not fighting this german biker gang you're not fighting the flight attendant you're not fighting the coat check guy and god forbid number one you're not fighting me because you tried to fight me probably one or two times so far was the funniest thing and i talked to belle about that because i was like yo like there's a rule of thumb bro like when you involve physical like if you want to spar somebody that's different but to threaten one of your boys that you're gonna i did not threaten mike i promised you that i would have saw him he did yeah okay you said i you know i remember a word for word you go what is the issue and then you're like your tone and then he goes what about my tone he goes lessen it and my ghost and if i choose not to he goes you're with me he goes then i'm gonna have to assault my friend and i literally just look back and i'm smiling bro because i want this i want this [ __ ] to happen here's why i'm not part of it that's the reason why i want it i'm sitting here my legs crossed i'm sipping coffee i'm talking to people that i probably will never have their network and i'm just like wow this is a great day this is the best part out of it all we're classy people in america okay in america we're like yeah we look good hey what are you talking about that's not true listen in america we walk around and i feel confident in who we are here we let me just describe you how they saw us we are 15 people hopping out of one car at the nicest hotel you will ever look at in your life and this is how i knew what they thought of us because well not only do we have to climb out of the car we had to climb out of the trunk they knew that so well when the valet saw us they pulled up the car and they looked at me as their hand is touching the trunk of a car they open their chairs and they go for us yes so kevin and david get in there you need we need more because our car is too small for all the people we have we need a little bit more background here we haven't described shtad perfectly stod is a city that exists sandwiched in between these swiss alps right about four hours no three four hours north of zurich east is east of zurich in switzerland we are relatively relatively well traveled people san tropez dubai we've we've done our fair share of travel maybe not the most but we've been to a few places when i tell you i have never in my life seen a city with this level of wealth and the ability to command prices that make no [ __ ] sense the cheapest cheeseburger i've seen outside of wall-e's their one fast food place is like 86 dollars you cannot get a cheeseburger for less than 80 bucks a club sandwich is 75 a coffee is 25 it tastes really what this is it tastes good it it no actually it tastes good it's it's not so good that you're like wow that was worth 40 for a hot chocolate no it wasn't we're in a place where their cheese is made it takes days to make and you're reviewing arby's okay so like it's just like the price difference has to be different i just it's about how much different because heavily again we've been around george i've seen a lot of [ __ ] this place is the most not real life place i've seen in my life and i and the kids one of the kids came up to me today he was like oh stop i was like bro to be honest with you like i don't i don't know like beautiful like aesthetically it's great but man things are a little backwards here and so i told the kid i was like just so you know because he is growing up here i go kid this isn't real life like i don't i don't know if it's a uh if it's like a european thing well it's not it's how they keep the culture here it's how they gate keep the culture and keep the demographic us the people that they don't want here out dude you know what i'm saying like these these people are actually all billionaires we wanted to go to the dinner last night which was is the best kind of new year's eve dinner here and we found out you know not too far before dinner was gonna start maybe the night before that it was gonna be 1500 swiss francs per person yeah by the way it was a buffet you still walked and got your own food and it was delayed it was delicious food was fantastic oh oh one thing you make you guys may not have known i don't know if i told you guys this yet wanted to buy some drinks for some ladies whatever hang out at the bar for a while it was an open bar it wasn't an open bar oh my god oh my god i got i ordered four shots of uh casamigos blanco 220 swiss francs i mean you weren't getting out of there last night max said he never seen a place where people are scooping caviar like guacamole caviar eight thousand dollar trays of caviar ding and kids how do you even know what caviar is they're like isn't the caviar swell i'm like what the [ __ ] i want to get a happy meal i'm happy with my meals no mcdonald's no mcdonald's what is mcdonald's dude i asked them where's the nearest mcdonald's like as a joke because i thought i was funny and he goes oh no we don't like we don't track those people here i go fast food people he goes yeah no i go oh mike let's get the [ __ ] out here that's like we gotta get out of here we left we went to the dinner we let well logan was dying from we're getting all so actually i left the dinner it was me and stodd guy the mayor and representative of stodd he's in front of us right now back like our good friend mack both constance and colton general we left the this dinner and we went to i don't even know how to discuss this we went to someone's home for an after party uh that was one of the more incredible houses i've ever seen in my life david guetta dj'd it it's just the the the level of extravagance and wealth here is is like i said is on is untouchable yeah and and not replicable anywhere i've ever seen wild they have a lot of class that's one thing i will say let me let me bookend it with this i've never ever met a more polite group of people in my life which is where this is gets tricky because they know how to conduct themselves even the kids have the kids approach you for pictures here for the first time in my life i'm approached uh um with kids asking me for pictures like this excuse me i don't mean to bother you but would you mind if i get a picture with like everyone here is so polite and cordial and yet it's so clear that it's just not like for us you know so we've been we've been talking about the currencies of different cities we always talk about it new york has its status currency miami is just money and we love los angeles because they deal in the currency of clout let me tell you what currency is not accepted in stodd cloud they do not accept it anywhere you are no you are not advanced to the front of the line now we do have good relationships here so we were advanced to the front line but not because of who we were and it's interesting because you know you come to this city and and the people are um they're they're over they're very entertained they're very entertained by us and we are there are actually times where we've talked about it look we're like we're the court justice we are the joke here we're the jokers we are stricken and make us laugh please we would walk into parties and like it's i personally got the maybe this is one of those like microchasms that i'm like making up but personally i got the vibe like oh they're the youtube kids [Laughter] like all right listen i i don't have daddy's money bro i was [ __ ] bored in ohio but they're not what they're not mean about like you know you so you start not not everyone but like we are here i feel like to entertain our currency here is just like in real life we're [ __ ] we're entertaining we're funny what we're doing you're dope you're dope thanks but i started leading and prioritizing with other story lines like and i think you were far away like yes they do dope not anymore here's what i thought have you guys ever uh been like we're in america and everybody in where i was raised was like dude there's places back there they don't they can't even get food and you should respect your shoes so we look at them like oh you know like we should be so grateful that we're not in that circumstance i swear to you bro i felt even though i love my life i felt like they looked at me they're like they wanted to donate like i was like there's no way that i'm this far off they're like when they were talking about prices and stuff i was like hurt i was like my chest i was like that's why i went logan out and i'll publicly talk about this when the bill came around when they were like yo it's gonna be uh fifteen hundred dollars to like walk in the party for them they're like they're like a dollar yeah okay like well no they don't even care there's like the fifty seven dollars i've never even i've never seen that i was like yo i don't like to pretend what i'm not i am not in the position right now for me to drop three thousand dollars for me to walk now can i afford it yes but can i afford it no you know i mean like like yes i could i could do it but i will be completely honest if i did it it would look like this yeah of course and then when everybody looks away a shed of tear would come down my face because i work very hard for my money and i do not want to pretend that i should be sitting at a table where i did not earn my seat and so i respectfully pulled out and and then logan who was the richest out of this group was like no i'll take care of it and i made it firm stand i will not take somebody else's money to be in a room that i don't feel like i should be in yet we i don't know which i also respect it yeah i appreciate it i i and i totally understand i don't know if you uh started like adjusting at all but like uh because of how they felt about like the job of like youtuber podcast about three nights into the trip when people ask like i'm an author yeah i write books he this is my friend he's a boxer he's professional boxer he fought floyd mayweather stand-up comedian you know what i'm saying like you just start to kind of adjust just a little bit so yeah but mine sucks you know why because they're not like hey write me a book or like box me they tell me hey tell a joke buddy i go what i swear i was like man if i was a doctor would you want me to perform like a rhinoplasty on you right now they would and she was like she just looked at me like it was part of my joke she's like that's not funny i was like i was like it's not supposed to be funny like i'm not i'm not a joker and then i remember they're billionaires and i was like okay i want you to know something you talked [ __ ] to the ceo i did straight to his face cause he wasn't joking joking jokingly so here's the thing i love and hate about myself i love the fact that i do not give a [ __ ] who you are and what room you're in the thing i hate about myself i do not give a [ __ ] about who you are what room it is bit me in the ass but luckily this trivet has it so there was a guy at the end of the table who's very quiet he's just kind of like sitting there looking like this very very good looking man nothing wrong with him but as a joke to open up and make him feel more comfortable i said you hey stop [ __ ] talking so much buddy because like he wasn't saying anything that his like his like friends like and this is what i love when you hang out with very powerful people they don't make any emotion until they all assume they look at each other they're like are we gonna laugh at this are we gonna laugh at this or should we should we kill him and drink his blood and then i was like no i'm not a baby we can't do that here and they're like okay that won't make us younger so what we'll do is we'll just laugh at you and he goes i created it no we found out after the fact yeah that was the true story because you know that guy you just almost assaulted i was like yeah he goes he owned 20 billion yeah 20 billion he said no no he said 20 and i go 20 million he goes 20 billion and i go oh and i'll go because i was like oh if he i'm not being serious if he wanted to kill me think about 20 billion dollars i'm a bug to his car he's like that comedian guy i don't like him anymore his bloodline get them off why did you give him that accent because i feel like if you're ever going to kill somebody you sound like that you know that guy i don't like him but great city and supposedly they normally have uh they have snow here and oh what the heck no we've been we've we've had bad luck this whole trip but i was just i'm just gonna bring up why i said it too i have like a bunch of yeah here we go sorry no we've had a bunch of bad luck when we got here it was raining and we came here because uh you know ushd and it's a snow and ski uh place allegedly but when we got here it was foggy and rainy and finally it cleared up um and we were able to go skiing and snowing snowboarding well it was all just ice basically just cement and it makes it very hard to carve and sometimes people don't have uh etiquette on the mountain one small swiss lady cut my friend mike off we're probably going what twenty five twenty twenty five right yeah twenty five thirty miles an hour and he was a foot away from this lady and this is the first run of the day of course it is and he he made it out right they they they crossed paths almost hit each other but then i'm like wow in my head i was like that was close a second later i seen mikey take the biggest tumble i've ever seen a grown man take his uh yard sale right the skis go everywhere the polls go over he did the splits which i didn't know was possible for him his i'm like oh by the way i'm like no way he's gonna survive he's [ __ ] geriatric he's gonna he's a dead person sure enough strained his shoulder show him what this bruise or what this ball did to you i think i hurt my arm a little bit oh nice he's like he goes he goes here's my thing as long as i have mobility it's always that mobility yeah i should be okay i'll stay the rest i'll ski i'll ski the rest of the day i'll literally ski the rest of the day well or if the snow is good well the rest of the day was one more run yeah we went back up we're like these conditions are awful i go and i cannot fall on this arm again because it's really starting to hurt four minutes later i did the quite literally the exact same fall you fell again you risked the same tendon i mean this whole air i'm like bro we gotta leave man i i separated myself from the group because uh i've gone snowboarding like eight times nine times and i was like confident they dropped off and by the way the way they dr like when you're with a group of friends the way they drop you off at the beginning stage is like they dropped you off at [ __ ] land they go go [ __ ] go be new for the favor so david and kevin got off because and i was supposed to get off with them because i was like i want to practice before i hit the round but when i heard the condescending voice i was like nah i'ma stay here because my girl's amazing at this [ __ ] my boys are amazing at this [ __ ] i can go [ __ ] out we're going up a few minutes go by we're still going up and i'm like there's no way this mountain is this high we keep going keep going i literally we as soon as we let i go you know what guys have fun take take your time don't wait for me because i'm going to be slow bro i'm far away and i'm seeing these i was like this is what happens when you try to go too fast bro you tumbled really hard oh you took it right out yeah [ __ ] uh landed on my tailbone same thing like i it's it is really hard i don't know how about about skiing but it's really hard to uh to snowboard on ice i mean it's like like exponentially harder i don't know if it gets that much harder it's the same thing i mean you're dealing with like slush and ice and cru it's called crud it's just it was just some of the worst i've skied in new jersey and it was worse than new jersey that's a that's a sign it's worse than mountain creek in new jersey and i know that's i know mountain creek and i know that's not often in shot no offense mr shaw guy constance colton but it was it was horrible violent he was so stressed with us the whole time because we're ruining his reputation dude he's the stodd guy he's destroyed his reputation me and matt crusher last night we crushed that we we really i'm glad you went to that dinner because as you know i was unable to make it right because again riddled with bad luck this trip and right at the end you know my weed withdrawals it had been six days i'm like okay i i am starting to feel better and it was new year's eve this was yesterday today's january 1st by the way happy happy [ __ ] new year happy new year oh my gosh happy new year 2022. happy to be the number one podcast in the world no no no i didn't even say it this time welcome back to impulsive the number one podcast in the world that's easily the latest ever um yeah no it was it was uh it was day seven of my withdrawals and we went to go snowboarding in the morning had a tiny little croissant at the restaurant and uh in a latte ready to go on the mountain then about 4 p.m i started to feel like kind of bad i was like guys i think i'm i didn't have to throw up we were out and i went to the bathroom this hotel i started throwing up and then the frequency and the regularity of which i was throwing up was increasing and now i'm like oh something's wrong do i have covid uh is this the weed withdrawals a week later like something affecting me because you know which are all i'm sure you threw up when you were going but a week later no i seemed improbable turns out i got [ __ ] food poisoning yesterday and and and this is where it's a little odd because i don't know from what if someone in the comments knows anything about what could have happened i know what happened i we all we have a theory we have a bunch of theories by the way it seems like a pretty good theory i'm sitting here last night i'm here and by the way this man is not throwing up like oh i feel really good what kind of disrespectful [ __ ] is that i'm i am podcasting i'm going george oh it's a reroll yeah as you can see this is quite the uh run and gun podcast we bought these online they somehow got delivered here to switzerland overnight uh i don't even know if they're working hopefully they are uh the cameras we have to cut and re-roll show them the lights ten dollar tripod the lights my god this is just lamps uh just [ __ ] lamps but we're about to leave me and george are leaving in like an hour for the trek back to the stage like this is a this is a running gunner i like it though i always find these ones the best yeah but violently vomiting oh so like he's not throwing up like this like like oh god he like from far away and then he's gassing himself up like a psychopath yeah there you go boy get that [ __ ] out i go who's he talking to bell's like he's been chanting himself the whole time so then we're like oh [ __ ] so we check on him yo bro i'm so sorry and honest to god like we were all so sad because this dude dropped so much money to bring his friends celebrate new year's in the bathroom yeah yakking 30 times in a row we're sitting out here watching fireworks go up and he's sticking his head out the window while he's naked and sweating just what happened oh [ __ ] and you like rushed back and you just hear fireworks and mike's [ __ ] somewhere out and about i'm like god this is such a vivid and perfect way to be i wouldn't have it any other way another way any other way two minutes later he comes out crying in his beautiful suit that he was gonna wear to the thing and he goes guys i'm so emotional happy happy new years i love all of you guys i'm so happy to be alive i go this guy was drunk 100 this guy was drunk no bro the fireworks were going off and i started getting really emotional hey cause you know this year's been so great 2021's been so great but yeah all of it was overshadowed by my health and i literally was happy to be alive i thought i was going to [ __ ] die new years in a row by the way which is which is so weird two years ago we were in tahoe we all got an extreme case of the flu extreme thought we were going to die worse than kobe by the way last year he got covered at the at the ranch when he was at the ranch and this year he got poisoned by the coat check guy at the alpina hotel which is the theory because listen all he had was a coffee as small as this no [ __ ] and two croissants one this big babe say croissant there's no so so yeah so where does the food poison come come from and so i was like damn and they took a while to deliver that latte and they in the way they delivered it too like that say the camera's logan they're like they're like oh mike your drink logan [Music] do you want me to take your jacket and he's like no okay you want me to check it like think about it we haven't been we have been uh the hooligans pissing off these these high-end people out of the trunk bro i know i know well that wasn't as bad as the attempted fistfights on all of them first off i'll never fight anyone um so yeah food poisoning sweating whatever i try to put on my on my suit i there was one emergency ambulance in town at the hotel i went up to to them you heard the conversation i was like hey guys i'm gonna die uh i'll say it again i'm gonna die i'm extremely dehydrated i cannot keep anything down mikey made me some eggs that i tried to get in my system because again uh this was what was worrying me throwing up 40 plus times i've never thrown up that much in my life but like stuff was coming out but i hadn't eaten anything all day i don't know what it was and it changed color went from green to yellow and at the end of the night it was dark brown and that's what i called my mom i said what what is what is that and my favorite thing about it is as soon as you call her she automatically texts me she goes what are you going to do i'm like what do you mean what the [ __ ] do you want me to do so i made them eggs i made them ham i'm i always give her these updates but we were at the uh dinner at this fine dinner and all i could all i could think of was we're gonna walk out of here with a group of these shtadian people and logan's gonna be in the back of an ambulance with a suit on going with an iv in his [ __ ] home that was my plan my plan was to suit up and i don't know why i did this but i walked to the hotel and it's it's downhill then uphill um or uphill both ways depending how you look at it and so that that like physical nature of me walking to the ambulance pleading for them to give me the iv in the suit i was hoping i could get into the party and rally with my friends they said no otherwise you had to go to the hospital [ __ ] that uh and so i tried to go to the party and i couldn't you came into the party and the first thing you you go and i'm like yo what's up dude i can't believe you made it first of all you're already sweating you're completely pale you're sweating tits at the party you go hey man uh do you know where the bathroom is here yet i just want to know just in case i was like you should probably go home yeah it was the first question he asked in a 120 million dollar home he goes yo do you know where the bathroom is i was in there for five minutes i tried to throw i realized i couldn't do it walked uphill uh uh i walked home in my suit without missing a stride because i didn't want to stop and be the guy on the side of the road and stop throwing up in front of the most wealthiest people in the world without missing a stride let's go and that's what i knew this was uh what can i out of the movie when did you grow this like like why do you talk yourself okay self-talk so so um as you know everyone knows i'm very dramatic i like to whine right i'm also very i'd like to consider myself tough i can i can handle a lot of [ __ ] uh so when i reach a point where like the whining is no longer i whine because it makes me feel better right i'm like oh i'm sick when i reach a point where that's no longer helping like at the end of the day bro i'm a [ __ ] fighter like so i just go man mode let's go and i try to psych myself out of being a [ __ ] and throwing up they say it's all mental i'm here to tell you it's not it's not sometimes it is extremely physical and sometimes you can't help but throw up every five it is a lot mental though it's the same reason i say it's the same reason i say as long as i have mobility you're the same way if my legs can move i'ma make it so my version of that is screaming at myself we're on the same way it's before a football game or any athlete knows let's [ __ ] go i'm trying to like it's the only thing that gets me in my body and feeling like i can do it right right so i'll just be psyching myself up the the trip shkod was not the only part of this trip that was problematic by the way we had issues before we even took off from new jersey what happened there oh we we spent some time at the airport because we had to d board the plane oh yeah and um oh yeah oh what yeah yeah you may have forgot about that probably because you just why don't you tell him there's a rule that you broke there's a very important one that logan broke you do not ever ever listen to this audience ever take the sleeping pills for the long flight overnight until wheels are up until wheels have left the ground you may think your plane's about to take off you may get settled into your seat with your blankie and your bag stowed above but that does not mean the flight is actually taking off and logan learned that lesson the hard way i told you i had i have an insomnia i haven't been able to sleep and you know so yeah i downed four sleeping pills before wheels were up sure enough 10 minutes later the pilot comes out we're having a slight issue on today's united 135 uh to zurich and and by the way this excuse was the this was the dumbest [ __ ] i've ever heard in my life we uh forgot to charge the battery on the plane so we're uh gonna need everyone to d board so we can plug it into the usb show like what the [ __ ] i'm sorry what did you just say captain you forgot to charge the battery is that a is that a thing do planes have batteries and how can you forget to charge it on an international [ __ ] flight to zurich also bro i was a little tipsy i was [ __ ] up because you know it was uh what do you do at the airport you get drunk you don't you grab a drink in a croissant a croissant yeah you don't have to drink well something happened where one drink led to it uh because empty stomach again no appetite like i'm getting i'm getting tipsy fast now so yeah i was a little tipsy sleeping pills two and a half hour delay newark and it was and it was a wild scene we get all this pizza we got all these french fries and we get back on the plane and i had been taking videos of him in this stupor this daze of just uh drunken sleeping pill stupidity and so i had all these great videos and they were fantastic little kids were approaching him and he was saying the crazy stuff to hey she has a plant growing out of her head like his videos were incredible but i also decided at the end of it to bookmark uh bookend that story with a message that i sent to united airlines because united in this story hold on you're dumb for this yes clearly and i'm gonna get into it united airlines was sending me texts your flight has been delayed another three hours because we forgot to charge the battery whatever and i was responding with suck my [ __ ] dick united you piece of [ __ ] when i see you it's on site like that kind of [ __ ] the kind of [ __ ] you they are you know when they send you the automated messages all of us just talk [ __ ] to the machine i go we go you're [ __ ] working with your mom's [ __ ] you suck a dick no there's actually people behind they're like no it's seeing it so i so i write all these ridiculous responses to the robot and then i'm like you know what this is all an equally good story for my instagram story so i screenshot the stories and i post into my instagram like a [ __ ] [ __ ] not thinking that when someone has your confirmation number for your flight and your last name they can edit and change your booking whenever the [ __ ] they want and i didn't know this until 36 000 people had seen my story and screenshotted my confirmation number so once i connect to wi-fi and we're in the air i start getting mess i start getting emails from united we have changed your seat for your flight back from zurich to 67b middle row and added a wheelchair for your request [Laughter] as also please enjoy the vegan option that you have select i i'm like bro i [ __ ] up the vegan uh that's what he drowned vegan so so they had moved me into the worst seats on the plane so so there is no solve for this so i immediately start messaging now now as you guys are watching this we're in the middle of the omicron bash airlines expedia is all demolished you can't talk to anyone you can't fix any problem so i can't fix this it is a it is a freight train headed for disaster so i've got a bunch of different kind of fans i've got fans that love me just like you guys do and we've all got those [ __ ] haters and those [ __ ] haters had a field day until a sweet sweet sweet young man from chicago dm to me and said hey i see that you're having some trouble with your flight uh i also signed into your account go go for it man like at this point sure sign in i've also signed into your account and i've taken the pleasure of spending the three thousand dollars to upgrade your flight to first class for your return that's crazy you have changed my life with your book and your story and i know you've done it for thousands of other people i've upgraded you and i think you should enjoy a first class fight home i almost cried it was it was honestly one of the nicest things that anyone is he's never met me before has ever done for me i messaged him back i said i know what i mean but like damn what did you just use life what did you do you you don't know you don't get you don't think about it and none of us do but i i and i say this repeatedly bro the ripple effect of some of the stuff we do it affects people so drastically and positively we'll we'll probably never get to fully understand it but like obviously whatever he did to this kid inspired him to be willing to to pay money for a guy he's never met before couldn't believe it master john i said next time in chicago lunch on me we're going out we're spending time together so i go [ __ ] first glass ticket lunch round you were going to do a burger review at one of the [ __ ] uh wendy's wally's don't worry don't even bring your wallet but i am coming there on the third if you want up so now i'm happy mike wow i just got upgraded to a late flat and have a great play at home right well by the time i get to shod it's cancelled the flight's cancelled one of the other fans has now signed in and it wasn't enough to just put me in 64k anymore they wanted me to stay in shod forever so they started canceling the flight so now every day i'd wake up and i'd rebook and every time i rebooked they'd say unfortunately there's been a fair change since last uh time you booked you're now in 64k anyways uk the flight now is like eight thousand dollars to go home and i'm like yeah but it's your [ __ ] fault because people are able to sign into my account unfortunately we know that's true but it doesn't matter you're in 64 [ __ ] k dude have fun so every single day i've woken up on this trip and spent hours on the phone united to get a flight back because every day someone went and canceled my flight [ __ ] you [ __ ] you you you stupid [ __ ] i know where you are i already you i have your number cause you [ __ ] texted me and i'm gonna find you and dude you know what i love about life it's not a little kid it's 1800 they're like oh we'll see you we'll see you for sure can you fly that just change your seats that was the best part you guys are kicked off the train after that didn't you we didn't get kicked off no the train got canceled i should say every leg of every leg of this trip from from start to finish has been a [ __ ] train wreck the only thing is this isn't so bad i'm having some fun right now on this podcast absolutely i hate to say those i enjoyed every moment of this trip it was it was you know why i had no expectations for it oh smart i had zero expectations for it i already knew i was the poorest one walking in so i was like what can i do here and i was humbled i was like i was like oh this is like a great way but also wait hold on and on a serious note i was telling del bell this we need to get classier like the way they live life i felt like i was repulsive to be having a conversation what do you mean like i felt like our behavior our mannerisms our structure that we grew up with i lost in it growing up as an assyrian boy i had the same tendencies that these people have like the nice dining table uh i don't i don't disagree it is a little tough but depending on your upbringing that guy right there has taught me so much about class even even just the way you're sitting right now we had a little thing the other day we were uh sitting around uh a table and like typically i'd like to consider myself classy if i want to be um and i've learned from him he serves everyone before he eats himself he stands up when a woman arrives at the table the whole nine and i and i take a lot of pages from your book that stod guy over there but we were sitting we were sitting around a group of people and i sit like this um if i cross my legs and my soul was facing someone like it is now and uh he whispers to me he goes don't don't put your your soul is facing that that person don't do it um and then what you're doing right now evidently is the proper way where it's like a little halfway thing my issue with this do i like i don't know my dick's all squishy so there's a way of doing it how i do it i go like this i talk [Applause] um i got to do one before before you go i got to defend us i i think i well i agree with your sentiment we are wieldy wild guys i we didn't do terrible i i think i think mac would be proud of us and how he conducted ourselves on this trip i i spent time with him last night at the dinner and by the way i'll whisper to you sometimes and say watch what matt does right here because i was classically trained i choose not to observe that type of lifestyle as j cole says nowadays i'm bummy by choice because i'm comfortable i like to feel comfortable i like to be around people that make me feel comfortable i can get there if i have to but i prefer to sit just like i said i swear i was until i came here and i was like wow really taking the time to to to show like an extra step of mannerism sure and and receiving that it's it just goes a long way it's really not that i mean you could you can study it for you could read one book on it and have all the stuff down i mean you stand up when a woman gets to the table you don't sit down until she sits like it's there's a bunch of different it's the practice of it because man believe it or not greg paul didn't 100 raise me that way also though i will say greg paul is actually he actually has good manners which it's it's the it's the like absurdly good manners they're like ultra high-end class that i i imagine you're in that restaurant this group wasn't like that either yeah i mean this group last night wasn't like absurd absurdly like that they're they're pretty casual i think i think that like the more intimate things that we were a part of that was like damn that's crazy it kind of felt like a movie dude i felt like i was in a movie like i truly did it's so funny bro i i i'm noticing that i literally have to like learn how to be uh social again because i've been so used to conversing on weed well or like well high that i like give a [ __ ] and like now i don't yeah pretty much and so like i'm literally like i think i'm awkward bell whispered to me like i think logan checked out and we turned our opening because he i mean him talked about it the other day his the the weed for him the biggest thing that it did for him was it exponentially increased his curiosity towards things that generally are undeserving of curiosity i mean he he and and to his benefit he became very good at making people feel very very heard no matter how normal there's he became the best listener ever yeah because he was genuinely curious because everything was so new and interesting under that psychoactive umbrella you know and now he's like and well plus for the for the project that we were doing man who knows what a sentence can do to like inspire some [ __ ] right right my inspiration comes from living as as probably most artists are like i i i um get inspired by what i create by what i see read here and the more i'm seeing reading and hearing which weed helps me with the better my my my creation is you're gonna get there you've gotta practice i notice one thing here people uh not that they don't like to be entertained their entertainment choices are different for example there's only one movie theater here playing two movies on one time both so like there's only one show the fitting the thing with hitting one and two just the magic that'll be so funny logan we know you're here okay new year's that what what do you have anything else on start or anything no i think i think we covered it okay i feel like that's so much that we're missing like the ice thing what the three difference yeah so that that's that's one there's a i mean should i do this this is huge yeah but what is this pod drop the day that ksi and i announced that we have no longer become rivals and we are business partners in prime i'm sorry you took time to i thought that was the third fight so i mean who knows maybe maybe one day i think it'd be a great story but um yeah man after after we went to the uk georgie um believe it or not ksi and i have a lot more in common than we have differences go away i need you to cut back to when hayden was on the podcast and he said that he did say that and so i realized that i think he realized he was like oh i [ __ ] with this kid we're actually like a lot alike and we saw a or i saw a niche in the market that kind of wasn't getting hit um involving hydration beverages and when i was training for um the floyd fight i was approached by a lot of beverage companies and i realized a lot of them kind of marketed to athletes and there wasn't one that that fit and could fuel any lifestyle and so i connected with the right people we came up with this idea and i and i brought this idea to jj and i was like hey man like uh i understand we've literally beaten the [ __ ] out of each other twice but i believe we have a really big opportunity here to provide a really really great product to the world and like show people what can happen when rivals come together as business partners so went over to the uk did a shoot the whole nine and yeah [ __ ] jj and i are launching prime hydration uh a beverage company that we hope will rival some of the biggest brands in the world like like uh as a as a digital influencer someone who is often like the underdog i i constantly feel like um i i i'm proving proven proving and uh we're going head-to-head with uh pepsico and uh body armor and the gatorade and uh powerade because if i do say so myself we have created the best tasting drink on the market that is actually better for you that actually hydrates you this stuff got me through camp for the floyd fight prime got me through camp because i i like coconut water as you guys know but um uh uh too much of it is uh not so good for you um there's 10 coco coconut water in here there's 850 milligrams of electrolytes 250 milligrams of bcaas and they would send me the samples um because we went for a year now back and forth on flavors uh pitching retailers getting the products to the shelves and i the samples didn't last two days in my house and yeah i never got to taste it until like this weekend yeah and most people i mean bro they they run out quick at my house this christmas uh they sent me three cases and they were all gone in like two days the whole family just demolished themselves i was just gonna ask you do they help if you can't stop projectile vomiting did you drink them this morning at all i i have to be honest with you oh you couldn't keep anything down uh-uh i i wish i wish i had i was about to decide this is not a plug i wish i had some of this um while i was sick there's water in all of these i drank all of them the first day yeah uh so i had nothing i literally had also there's five flavors we're missing gray but we have orange blue raspberry tropical punch and lemon lime they're going it throat bro this is actually a [ __ ] this is this is not spro walmart kroger target cvs gnc vitamin shop three million bottles off the rip i don't know i don't i'm i'm speechless like this is this could be one of the one of the biggest things i do um it's gonna be a a staple of everything i do in my life and like i said whether um you know you're you're a nurse or a a kid who's uh um heavy on academics and you're taking a test or or an athlete whatever like this drink is gonna fuel you replenish you and get you through your day and um i think it's [ __ ] awesome that jj was on board to uh do this endeavor with me and we'll see what happens man this could be my uh this could be my uh 50 cent vitamin water it could be my what was kobe's drink i feel like this is gonna be bigger i don't know why i think he'll be at a drink but but you see a lot of these um entrepreneurs uh marco walker does this a lot he had that water bottle that i really like um yeah there's just a there's just a point where um this is what you do but i'm surprised you're doing all this before you're in 30 bro you've got so much low-key do you ever worry like you're like oh [ __ ] i've done everything and you're gonna look back on life and we're like i don't know what now he's gonna move to stop i'm already there bro he's gonna move um do you think that so obviously you guys had the last impulsive episode with uh ksi do you think that we'll be getting another uh potentially get another episode with him i think that's the next episode actually no [ __ ] show amanda's coming to la we're doing a bunch of content for prime and he will be on the podcast next wow that's awesome yeah and i i like it because the first podcast that it was just me you and him felt like a like a ketchup like uh not like a ketchup but a like a sit down yeah like we it was like we leveled it and now it's going to be a different vibe with you there in l.a just talking about whatever he's single now take him out with that what happened to that i don't know you can ask him about it but um man it's just it's just sick i'm very i'm very proud of what we've created and uh i i i i hope you guys enjoy it as much as we do and uh if you don't let us know let us let us know that you [ __ ] ate it hey congrats by the way bro i know you i know you're taking this very serious put a lot of time into and it's [ __ ] it's awesome to watch thank you it's awesome to watch thank you i'm very excited to both you guys you know what gary v said to me um when i was in new york for an nyc nft he said it's he said you're in such an interesting position right now because i think that you're marky mark before he became mark wahlberg he goes i think you're the fresh prince before he became will smith and as i become a little bit more strategic with what i do and i use the learnings from everything i've done to sink my teeth into [ __ ] i love i think 2022 is gonna be a big year for me yeah i do i i really do feel like 2022 is going to be really good not just for you just but honestly i don't know how i felt in there i think we're all i think the whole world's optimistic that we could like the world's like where the [ __ ] are we going to go from here like if we're already down here how far do oh man can i don't speak the hard concern hard cut don't speak too soon can i ask you guys a question on that topic quickly on uh 2022 okay i got you did you guys do resolutions um sort of nah we kind of know i'm just curious i mean some people are not doing them this year i i i think i do like personally i like to do like a just like a macro statement to myself 2020 was a big uh uh growth year for me put the book out did all that stuff 20 21 i just grinded the whole year that's all i did i focused on making money was the only thing i cared about and to my benefit and detriment ground drove myself into the ground traveling making content there wasn't a week i took off it was just content content and uh 2022 like i personally want to focus on my mental on my uh personal health like i want to get healthy i don't want to do that again i don't want to be on the road every single day of the year next year like i want to i want to get healthy again you know so that's like my macro goal is to just like i want to i want to try some things some holistic things that i generally haven't put time and effort into whether it be like meditation whether it be eating better whether it be can you imagine mike meditating something about that just i it's a picture in my head i can't i can't see my poses he's the most composed person yeah oh understand i'm stressed i've never seen anything like it that's why i like to lead that's why i always like to lead you you guys know i never want to as much as i like to roast and have fun i can't take that i'm blown away on how he deals with the stress like it really is impressive yeah right it it is pretty cool this year uh was the greatest year of my life because i finally felt like i found who i am and i know that sounds like really insane yeah yeah i can see you sinking into your actual say it's noticeable with the podcast it must sounds really cheesy to say because i'm on a podcast it's and you guys said this to me on the first debrief when cameras are on you stop being yourself like it's weird like you you like become this thing where you want people to like you which is like very foreign to me and i i think because the podcast because out every word i say has been held on somebody will hold me accountable to it you know i mean like there's so many things i changed the way i could like talk and when i walk into rooms now i just kind of like i'm like let's get to the point what do i need to do and how do i do it at the best capability so when i put that into my life and i was like okay what am i on this earth for what do i really like to do forget the money and fame like what do i want to attack and the in the podcast spun me into stand up and i i cannot believe it's taking me my whole life to realize that this is what i need to do like i love grabbing the mic and and making people laugh like in small rooms put me in front of a thousand people or 5 000 people having a whole room laugh and i could just feel people's tensions leaving their shoulders they're they're here they're laughing no one's stressed like and i was like wow this is what i really want to do and the movie came out i got invited on this beautiful podcast i went from just producing skits online to like actually having a purpose with my skill set and it's changed my life so i appreciate you guys having me bro you you crush it i mean the uh it's it's pretty clear that the audience loves you we love you and it's it's it's like you and and and and also just to the stand-up point really quickly it's it's admirable to see how much time you practice like he's practicing constantly he practices in real life yeah which is awesome and i've been i've been i've been telling him because obviously like my energy's hella low like laughing sometimes uh um when you're forcing yourself to laugh is hard and so i told him i said george this trip no free pity laughs i ain't pity laughing like normally he makes a joke i want to support my boy in a room maybe he doesn't hit you and i will be like i don't have the energy to do that so now he's got to step his game off this week it's and you've been doing great you you witnessed me uh hit the reverse card for the first time dude your uno reverse cards are insane so i i'm being uh a kind of sculpt or like mentored by jo coy my first person i invited on the podcast and uh he sat me down and he goes i want you to start aiming uh to like kind of like like not [ __ ] yourself up but like how are you gonna get yourself out of like a situation so now they'll see me like if i if i have a new group around me i'll kill a joke as soon as it's high fold walk away have them wanting more but he saw me walk up to a group of like we could these guys could have been billionaires or whatever they were and i walked up and i said it's like a really funny joke because they all look like me i said why does it look like i belong on this table and all of them just drop the thing and they look at me they go tell us why this is when i left and i and i literally i like i saw logan's energy from over here he wasn't looking he just goes and just like walks like walks around and i literally was and i said it as i'm walking too it wasn't like i stood there to talk and i was like all right this is where i uh this is where i stick around until i win and so i stood there and i looked at them and i go because they all have a beard with my hairstyle yeah yeah yeah brown is fun yeah you weren't wrong they look like my relatives but right off the rip again this is not the place where you just like say [ __ ] like that to pizza random people yeah so that's why i was like i don't want any [ __ ] part of this dude and then i hit the [ __ ] river i i so it was the one guy who tried to make a joke out of me so i was like as soon as i learned this i was like all right so i'm gonna i have to i have to kind of come at this dude so i'm gonna come at this dude i was like well buddy it's not our eyelashes and he look and then he did this he did one of these like like it kind of got him and then his boy kind of like he's like what the [ __ ] that was so left field then i just kept i was like okay left field jokes work and i kept hitting the most ridiculous thing until they started laughing i was like [ __ ] you guys i left and on the way back they were like like this is like how the [ __ ] did that happen i thought surely it was gonna end uh and uh you were gonna bomb it he warmed him up airports problematic covid united airlines there's one story i haven't touched on because we haven't had a podcast i went globally viral for a video that i took at an airport after jake paul's finances i actually saw that globally viral i was on every single news station cnn msnbc fox news every local station every dutch german station in the world leave jake paul's fight we go to miami right we're in miami you're still there yeah i decide i'm gonna go home i'm gonna go back up to new york so i go to miami international airport i'm assuming some of the people in the audience saw this i go to miami international airport this is the uh i'm sorry this is the worst airport in america it is a it is a [ __ ] they do not clean the bathrooms you go in the bathroom and there are pubes everywhere there's piss it's like people piss on the mirrors in front of this there's piss everywhere it's disgusting i can't move away from the uh from the uh uh the pubes bro cuz when i see that [ __ ] i'm like bro it's [ __ ] disgusting you know when you walk up to a urinal and there's a puddle of piss on the floor and you can't even stand because it's all it's everywhere so i so i go to this airport and i'm like i hate [ __ ] being here i love miami but i hate being at this [ __ ] airport so uh me and david are about to board this plane back to new york and we see uh what appears to be some level of civil unrest outside the plane uh uh gate meant to go to uh santo domingo senomingo right there is a man who is standing on one of those uh golf carts that drives the old people through the airport beep beep boop that drives past you he's standing there and he's giving what equates to some sort of um civil unrest speech he's speaking in spanish i'm not even going to try but he's yelling and there are there is 150 people around him who are applauding him screaming fist in the air right so now so our gate is all the way down the terminal you think i'm going to my gate well that's happening hell no [ __ ] no dude the plane's about to i don't give a sh i'll miss my flight so so we're standing here watching this guy go nuts i i take a couple pictures with some kids that are waiting for other flights whatever but i'm i'm continuing to monitor the situation and i even start to video him a little bit vertical for instagram story always for instagram story great form of course so i'm videoing and i'm like but you know nothing's really happening this guy could just be having a bad day which he was i found out later well as i'm watching this man give you know this this this speech to his people the cop a couple cops roll up and i'm not talking like jfk like tactical cops i'm talking like some kind of rent-a-kind of cops dude like they probably shouldn't even have been at the airport so uh they they roll up the guy's still standing there screaming and all of a sudden it happens it happens that that that that that moment that spark plug goes off and it ignites a fire ignites and i wasn't able to see what originally happened at first but when my eyes picked it up and in the same motion that my phone came out to start recording this man was in a death hold from the cop and he was getting choked out and everyone around was screaming surrounding the one cop and i'm sitting there and i noticed immediately the rest of the people that i'm in competition with do not have the same visual angle that i do so i'm going to have the best video of this event and i was and i was excited i was like i'm going to get a good shot here because also they were all kind of like older people that probably had androids they weren't going to get a good shot so it was me it was all me okay so i'm recording and i'm i'm like 20 feet away i'm getting close and like even david's looking at me like yo i'm like i'm getting close i'm getting in the [ __ ] action i want to be right over this [ __ ] so three or four other santo domingo passengers now jump in and they're wailing on the cop they're punching the cop in the head they're throwing kicks the cop the cops getting overwhelmed another cop jumps in they start wailing on him oh no so the cut so the one cop backs up and he's backing up and now i'm as far as i am from from david he's right there i mean i'm right there right and he backs up and four or five of them and they're do you know they're doing that move where they go come on come on like that as they're going up to him like ready to pounce on him and i see his hand and i go pulls out and i'm like so now i'm like okay so this is when you have to make a decision in these situations is it worth the content is it worth the co i am very close to a man who is feeling quite easily with his hand with his handgun even just pulling it out in this situation he was hella disheveled two of this for his walking falling out of his [ __ ] shirt everywhere shirt ripped off i don't want to get into justification first now i don't want to get into any of that [ __ ] all i'm gonna say is there was a lot of people in line of fire there was kids in line of fire i'm not once again not saying you should have put whatever right um pulls out now ev now i stay right where i am and i'm like i'm getting this [ __ ] video i'm getting this [ __ ] video and i and i and i'm like oh [ __ ] i'm giving like little like audio like what i'm saying you said i thought you said don't shoot no i said i was when i was watching the video bro my heart dropped here bro it was i just do cops nowadays when this comes out who god [ __ ] knows what they're gonna do man it was this is this is the action that takes a life this simple correct and every cop is different correct and and you know like and if you're gonna put somebody in a headlock in front of people you might be crazy enough to like pop well well well hold on this story hasn't seen this story while i was concerned also because i think the reason all of it started was because the cop like assaulted the guy the guy the guy like grabbed this guy would be like excuse me turn around and like push him so like he's an aggressive cop is what i'm saying so when he dropped drew the gun i was like yo yeah i support all that all those statements i i do understand the idea of cops uh you pulling out their service weapon to push back a crowd when they feel threatened sure sure so so like but but i'll get into that so anyway so i so i take this video uh i get some really good captions for my instagram stories about pubes and piss on the floors which i add in just for fun and i throw that story up and this thing goes crazy so i'm like okay it started to gain traction so i'm like now i'm gonna add a news report to it so i i i selfied a 7 p.m miami-dade news report as well where i talked about the conditions at the airport but also this flight home to santo domingo because this man wanted to go home and finish his christmas shopping i did a whole back story about this guy this [ __ ] went over by every [ __ ] news station in the world i get messages from at fox news cnn mike please we need this footage we need this footage so i so did you license it no why not because i was lazy i'm sweating so i just started saying yes i said just please credit my work that's all i said please credit my work like like he's some sort of [ __ ] journalist yes i felt like because because by the way if i had done if i had done that [ __ ] canceled for sure what for filming it yeah i'm even surprised you kept doing it i mean to be honest with you like oh no i was i was beat reporter on the street dude i was i was well you're not in the story but you're not no hold on a second everyone who saw that report said you have a career in this that was an incredible report i even said back to maria in the studio i i took that [ __ ] very soon was there a maria in the studio no i don't know what the [ __ ] marie is what if one of the new stations had it they were right they're like thank you mike anyways they did they [ __ ] no no not in that way but they really all ran the the video and everything so the people for licensing hit me up later it was too late i had already granted access to everyone but the the final note on it is yes the cop came over asked this man yo please relinquish the keys to this golf cart that you've commandeered for your civil unrest speech their flight was delayed for like a day for like 24 hours oh any reason and so he was standing there rallying the people like we will not give up we will survive we will take down this airport like that kind of [ __ ] but i'm probably not that aggressive but like you know hang on we'll make it through this type of [ __ ] yeah the cop comes up and goes um i need you to give me the keys to the thing the guy wanted to talk to the cop are you just telling the story again no i was going to tell what really happened so for some reason man people thrive off negativity absolutely like positive positive stuff like that ain't gonna make the news we want to see the [ __ ] up [ __ ] humans are humans are humans are dark dark people the world's dark and uh y'all may have seen i uh i uh well you were there i made a uh uh a game boy table out of resin uh game boy colors um i spent about three months on this little art project as you know uh during quarantine and covert and training for mayweather i had some free time i just want to do something relaxing i took up art resin resin epoxy so cool you see that the videos on instagram they pour the resin through the table and it looks all nice so i was like i'm gonna try this and so i got into it i made a couple little projects i started to get a little better and better better and i decided to undergo a uh a game boy project where i took game boy colors which i love i love game boy colors i've been addicted to them my whole life i regularly every two to three years i stick a new uh pokemon red yellow or green in the game boy color i i get my favorite pokemons um all six is usually the same ones every time maybe with some variations um and then i beat the elite four a couple of times and i call it a day and my addiction stop so the point is i'm [ __ ] obsessed with with this thing and so i thought it'd be cool to make a table with some of my favorite things that i had um in it and for this for a resin project a lot of people liked it on twitter i i posted the video i got 142 000 favorites a lot of people were like man like you know logan paul [ __ ] blows but like i have to be honest this is cool but then i started trending and as i just outlined you don't trend for good [ __ ] typically you're trying for bad [ __ ] and sure enough there was a subset of retro gamers that were extremely unhappy that i caked 15 game boys that by the way cost me probably about a thousand dollars in resin because they felt like i was wasting the game boys and disrespecting like the nostalgia like i saw some tweets that were like i've been trying to get a game boy color for years and this guy just put 15 of them in a table and you know like there's there's responses like yo go on ebay right now there's 60 dollars that 90 plus million of them were made it's not like these are in short supply and i love them like this is these means something to me and i love pokemon and everything and and so this uproar started to happen and this one tweet in particular caught tr a lot of traction like again a hundred thousand favorites anti anti logan's epoxy table at super toasty mutt on on twitter maybe this is too deep but encasing a game boy in resin is such an on the nose visual analogy for how the rich's only desire is ownership for ownership's sake literally taking something meant to be played and enjoyed and literally taking something meant to be played and enjoyed and making it unusable so it can be put on display i'm sorry what a hundred thousand favorites on that tweet i wha when are you first low-key no i didn't get caught you're [ __ ] i hope you enjoyed being on the podcast all right guys that's your interpretation i don't have a color and you put it in a table get out of trouble i want to peel it [ __ ] you bro literally [ __ ] he has that and he has underneath his [ __ ] comment with this big gofundme where do we find them shut up yeah so so so when when a lot of uh uh people on twitter when they go viral they'll do a thread and the last one is always like by the way go buy my work by the way go do go go if you had if you had that that if he had that response and you just had to show it one more time just remind people which one the one to do the eyes again i don't like that if he had had that response i wouldn't have been mad i wouldn't have been mad it is when they say this style of artwork is anagolous with the current culture of rich obsessed white privileged wealth class overants and their ability to diminish the quality of the shut the [ __ ] up shout out shut your [ __ ] crying [ __ ] ass up shut up he said this might be too deep listen tiny dick nothing about you is too deep okay nothing about you is too deep if you actually got bothered from somebody else's art and took the [ __ ] time to tweet about it and then when you got some bit of like recognition from them to post a [ __ ] go fund me go [ __ ] yourself how about that you want to fund something fun this dick go [ __ ] yourself i'm [ __ ] so mad [ __ ] oh you're telling me you're telling me georgie georgie i had so much fun making this thing i made something i thought was [ __ ] cool and yeah how can i still be making mistakes because this is a game boy [Music] not a boy that a boy you daddy said i wanted one of those he turned them into a table oh they were pissed and so and so a lot of the sentiment on twitter took what you just said where they're like let's be honest this is a simulation for sure because this is the most ridiculous backlash we've seen in our lives and so i drafted some tweets as uh i outlined earlier i've been feeling a little aggressive and a lot of them were along the lines you just said like bro like you [ __ ] suck uh you sound like a joy to be around um what the [ __ ] kind of timeline are we in just a bunch of [ __ ] i didn't feel comfortable tweeting hey cause i i now when i get backlash on tr twitter try to empathize i i try to understand and i actually feel for this person um because i i can't imagine being so unhappy with god knows what life yourself whatever something that you feel like you need to tear down someone else's art for for for god knows what and so try to get these people they turn them into a table bro like turn them into a table so i i i followed the kid on twitter and um i dm'd him i said what up g he said hello i was like okay he's one of those and he's an artist himself too he makes comics i actually thought they were pretty cool and i said uh senior work just wanted to wish you best of luck on your creative endeavors he replied thanks so i tried to kill him with kindness and one thing i outlined that i'm going to try to exercise in 2022 is kindness i even texted garyvee uh i'll tell you what i texted garyvee as you search for that can i ask you a question yeah by the way i know we're wrapping up with this i know okay is is it is it i said how can i be kind about this gary like [ __ ] this [ __ ] but he's right and then gary's like you you need to go to his house and then kill him don't you pay for the [ __ ] guarantee oh wait what i'll kill you oh wait how did you go from killing to kindness just kill him what happened no because i'm working on it no but gary said it's called empathy it's the empathy is true true mike truly you see someone you see somebody why do i understand empathy you know me no but no but he's saying you see someone spend so much time on a project and for some reason you you feel the need to like invalidate it because some weird niche believe you have not knowing any of my intentions when i'm making this you think i stuck them in there so i could be like i own those 15 gig this costs a thousand dollars no so that's what i'm asking you why there's okay people you go to board with those shut up correct correct but also no no no no also there's there's listen to me i'm just i'm dead serious about this there's empathy for deserved causes bro and then there's just [ __ ] annoying bratty ass [ __ ] i'm not gonna sit there and listen to this [ __ ] you have to draw no you have to draw the [ __ ] line i agree but mike there's a first there's a large group of people on twitter who agreed with him okay so clearly we're all [ __ ] hating [ __ ] listening to murders george yo if a [ __ ] tomorrow tells you that they identify as the floor and you walk on the floor and they tweet at you and it gets a hundred thousand likes because the floor is offended because you walked on it yeah are you gonna empathize are you gonna [ __ ] empathize answer me well it depends what level it's at no force it's over draw the [ __ ] line people draw the line when they when they get a hundred thousand likes say i don't care if it's a million [ __ ] likes i'm drawing the [ __ ] line and that line is dependent on where you as a human a mature human decide for it to be i'm sorry that's [ __ ] stupid mike i agree but how much energy i'm going to put in zero no response what you did is too much you followed him and looked at his work because because he's like there's a lot of work you trying to [ __ ] him what's going on oh he's just he's young and he has talent and i believe for whatever [ __ ] reason he's got some like weird like like i'll call like a like a victim poison in his mind and like maybe the kid can turn his life around and like stop tearing other people down and actually become a a a um good artist that spreads artistry in a positive way i like that i like that that was my theory i like kind positive uplifting messages to people that you think are in but but empathy or or you know what now that i think back about this maybe this was a little [ __ ] up to donkey kong and the princess and i apologize for having done this to the game but what what i apologize to super mario brothers who are you apologizing to yeah when you see that one guy go you know what you know what i don't regret it i do not agree with you and then there's other people like you know what me too i don't know we don't know what the [ __ ] he says but we we understand man we don't like that either [ __ ] you guys you gotta get back in the [ __ ] hole you guys ever came honestly yo get back enough i'm not gonna i'm not gonna be me i'm not gonna be me no but but but i think i think the lesson too because we didn't even get to cover a very important topic on this show and we i we don't i unfortunately don't have time yeah we gotta get but but but something we've been talking about for weeks that involves prostitutes escorts escorts i don't want to beat around the bush but this is a major topic you all have to go yeah we really do right now although it's just very hard to be a christian no we won't listen we will we will hit can we pause this why don't you drive to zurich in four hours and have dinner with us and finish the podcast i can't we got so much depending on this driving's fine and and we can postpone a few minutes but it's we can't we have to do cova tests at the airport it's a whole thing it's i promise you i would have done it do it here i want to talk i want to talk about the hoolies well if also also also my stuff my last note on it you got five uh yes let's do we can get i don't want to talk about this too much keep all that in by the way keep all that in [ __ ] it it's good the only issue i have with it is this is not an hour 20 minute com like part of the show this would have been first or second topic i mean that's the point of impulsive got it you never know when the good shit's coming how do you start how do you start with this talk um do you want me to line it up sure okay okay uh i'm not gonna i'm not gonna do justice late lately lately logan has taken a bit of a uh for people watching the show that understand who captain save aho is logan has taken a little bit of a hard-line stance on the idea of girls uh throwing away their morality for fast clout fast access to parties by way of men who wouldn't be the normal men that they would talk to just for that access or that money or that clout so there was a girl well [Music] she actually told me after i the gig was up for her she goes and last request please don't talk about me in your podcast i go right uh you lied to me through and through i'm gonna do whatever the [ __ ] well that name god did get believed yeah of course you should believe so that was hilarious so that was funny so there is apparently a uh world and uh it's dark where women are paid um via retainers to continually go and hook up with hang out with uh men usually older usually wealthier on a regular basis um i knew about this world and unfortunately um if you've watched um mike's vlogs david got trapped in this world where he he ended up dating a girl who had in the past been paid to like still still [ __ ] for money um and by the way i i don't mind that hustle i don't mind that lifestyle the issue was with this particular girl who i actually like had good conversation with spent some time with whatever and i had an inkling of and i did not an inkling i kind of had i kind of knew what she was but i didn't know and she was able to convince me that she was this [ __ ] angel and i believed her through and [ __ ] through lied to my face repeatedly on a level i've never seen before i thought i i knew this type of girl because i live in la right and like you can kind of see i'm 26 now i can i can smell when uh when one of these [ __ ] hooly dudes sometimes or or semis as we call them because they're like half prostitutes half escorts or like a little bit of both sometimes um exists and i thought she was it but she never confirmed it so i started to believe her as and my boys were like no bro like like one in particular who checked my invoices no one one in particular who had also uh ended up dating a huli dooley for six months you just you just don't know the type of girl that you're with or her past and the good chances are if she is in that world she's gonna [ __ ] lie to your face and i got lied to i felt [ __ ] stupid like you were very hurt you were very hurt stupid as [ __ ] bro because again i don't like the i don't mind the lifestyle just bro i was i was i was deceived and lied to and i thought i had a good read on on on women and people and um what they're actually about and her intentions were such in the wrong place and uh for like a month i was just i was just waiting i was like i need to know like like how sad is we know oj killed his wife but how satisfying would it be before he died he's like yeah i did it right like final closure right so i so i ended up i said bundy i ended up i ended up cutting her off regardless um because i i had an inkling and then sure enough on this particular trip we found out this girl has she's a mistress on retainer for an older married man in his 50s flies out regularly uh and also is on retainer with a couple other guys weekend trips here and there and um her rate isn't even that high it's pretty affordable three digits three digits can't believe it no come on i still that's what that's what they were saying it's it's worse than we thought and i've been seeing worse she's like a higher four did she seem like a four digit no man who knows but like like truthfully i feel dumb as [ __ ] and no wonder she didn't want me to talk about it on on the podcast but this is material and like i don't know i don't know why these women do do this i mean i guess it's for money but there's like a there's like an extreme sacrifice of morality that needs to take place for you to [ __ ] older men for money and so i'm here to ask you what's worse girl who does only fans a girl who [ __ ] [ __ ] for money because one of them is hustling privately to make her money and one of them is sacrificing publicly yeah i'm not gonna i'm not gonna say one is worse than the other and put it and put a score on it the one thing and i think you me and you uh are aligned on this is the one thing that's tough is when you lie to someone and you're not transparent about about it about it to someone who you could potentially have a future with and so like we always talk about this honesty is the most important thing honesty is everything if you're honest with a potential partner about whatever it generally leads to to a positive outcome and and unfortunately like a lot i've never seen lies end well and i it's it's a it's just a tricky part of life it's not it's i don't think it was ever as much that that that part of it it's just the lying i i i i want to get her on this podcast or like maybe we blur her face or some [ __ ] bro but dude this lifestyle okay so or a holy dude so how does it work yes we'll do it yeah how does this work is are the rates presented right away and we've talked about this before we talked about it with the ibiza trip we talked about it with the ibiza trip on this show we talked all about it and so no the majority of women are not like that the heavy majority of women are are are not flying around on [ __ ] g5s the same part to to celebrate with [ __ ] names i'm not going to mention on this show wow no it's okay all right god for love can i speak on this you you can unfortunately have to get on the trade i'll make it good uh i truly think that at the end of the day if she lied to and i'm not backing her up but if she lied to you there might back her up for three figures there there might be there might be situations that like we don't know about and this is why i don't like to come too hard on that's that sounded terrible thank you so much for watching today i don't want to come too hard down on on on men or women that use this type of lifestyle uh and and i don't mean to bring up again the bible to be annoying i truly tend to tell people to to read the gospel because god didn't set these rules for him for you to be like he's not a king he's like ah you guys all worship me it's it's truly a way of life and if you would have read scriptures to kind of show you that this type of lifestyle it comes with a price you have to pay and you might be getting that money but you're going to pay in a different avenue you might be losing a family that you might want to invest in one day you might ruin a chance with a man that doesn't want to get involved with situations like that there's women out there that need to get out of their situation and so that's why i'm like okay i don't want to talk too bad about them and mind you there's different obli there's different situations but sometimes when you're in a tough spot and sometimes when men come up to you and they give you opportunity like that sometimes when opportunity knocks you can't afford to not answer and so i don't want to but she's also not on all of but i want to look at the lens when i say this if you are a female or a male and you're in a tight tight spot and you want to do that please i promise you i know like that money right now seems amazing but i promise you i swear on everything that i love on my life and my relationship on my friend's life you will come down to a point in your life and you're like man i wish they'd take all the money away from me that's true i wish they take that that is 100 and they give me my life back yo but what if you don't even get money and all you do is get access to nikki beach that's what sucks that is well worth it at the end of the day guys kill them with kindness and if that doesn't work kill them thank you for watching applause for the number one podcast in the world we love you guys make sure to hit that subscribe button we will see you next week episode ksi prime coming to retailers near you it's been great i love you guys we'll see you next time peace
Views: 2,485,252
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: podcast guest, Jake Paul brother, impaulsive, impaulsive podcast, logan paul podcast, maverick, logan paul, gstaad switzerland, billionaire, cheater, cheating, catfish, logan paul addiction, dinner, billionaires, plane, airplane, food poisoning, gameboy art, logan paul gameboy, ksi, logan paul and ksi drink, prime drink, logan paul and ksi prime drink, escorts, ski, snowboarding, impaulsive boys only, mike majlak vlogs, george janko vlogs
Id: d-KrMiJ-jGA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 86min 56sec (5216 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 04 2022
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