My Friend with Autism

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what's it like to be Dustin's dad? because because because I'm lovable because you're lovable I curse is because sometimes yes lots of highs and lots of lows but airplane what what airplane I'm scared you're scared to fly yeah just it's a challenge to clear deal with the many things but it's also a blessing so please are you married I'm not married but I have a girlfriend we like to know her name yeah her name is Alyssa welcome to SBS K join me as I travel around the world an interview individuals living with a condition to prove no matter how you communicate but what obstacles you face you're always deserving of love and acceptance so without hesitation let's meet today's friend that sound will not come back out tomorrow and will come back out tomorrow show me show you here well I can't show you myself but if you wait until 7 a.m. tomorrow you'll see the Sun pop out now are you ready for a question yeah do you like when people are mean or nice nice do you like when people ignore your and answer your questions Carson do you feel happy or sad when they answer you're quite happy doing it do you ask questions because you like to talk to people oh yeah why do you like to talk to people about lightning about lightning he hasn't gonna talk to me about lightning oh yeah you can ask me anything go ahead Chris yes no way what um did oh I didn't ever hit your tree it has him has it hit your tree yeah how did you feel when I hit your tree sad those questions through your mom yeah when Dustin asks questions how do you hope others respond because talking to my daddy all right now how do I hope others respond just the best they can sometimes it's hard to understand exactly what he's saying just to be patient and answer it the best they can Chris yes okay what what's fireworks sound like they sound like a big explosion okay it sound like thunder yeah I guess I could say that it sound like thunder what kind of gardener loud thunder big ones huge ones no I what okay now I think and hit me do you want me to say yes or no yes yes why because it's possible I mean it's not likely but it's possible can the tree can fall on top of me don't mean to say yes or no yes yes it could why that made us not likely but anything could happen Chris yes all right what show me what street you fall on me say that again show me what Street us I can follow me show me the point on one trigger all of them all of them all of them could follow you where the one there and there and there and there you can it can hurt well it's not gonna happen but it could okay what put my jammies you can't you're not spending the night no where is my jammies at home doing what they're just in your drawer no no dear my mom probably around yeah is it okay if I ask you dad three questions yeah but do you want the world to know about Dustin oh Jesus Chris you love me questions Chris there's several different sides to him there's very loving side and going to work going to work with my daddy yeah you've gone to work before ignored do i do you to bond over yard work oh yeah trees yeah that's that that's what he's interested most do you love your dad yeah what do you love about him he's cool do you like to do yard work with him oh yeah do you like doing yard work because you're far from your dad or close to him closer to him do you feel like you connect with them over yard work I already use a chainsaw did he teach you yeah how did you feel when you used it happy how do you hope others predestined just like any other normal person with just a little more understanding of things that he can't control if you could say something that everybody on YouTube what would you say I vote dinosaurs what's your favorite thing about dinosaurs because they people do did you ever see any dinosaurs on TV I have seen dinosaurs on TV what kind of story you tell him about you loving dinosaurs do you like dinosaurs think I saw one on TV one time yeah we used to watch what drives a park and then you do what at night freak out you freak out when we have this conversation do you feel happier sad when I answer you I feel happy do you feel happy because you like to connect with people or because you like to ignore people I like to talk to people do you like to talk right now like we're talking yeah do you wish everybody would talk to you oh yeah Chris yes don't you have a house I do have a house ah I were to come and see you one day there's no way can you please hug before I leave yeah I'll give you a hug all right why would you like the hug I think I don't want to do you hug friends yeah are we friends now oh yeah when someone meets Dustin for the first time what do you hope they see him in joy joy joy to the world Chris just his quirky personalities that he's personally there's no way the world is a hard place Chris um can be very hard when you have a spender daddy love yeah of any sorts you get your comments from a good many people's breaths hug them in different looking than theirs but I'll have to say that God has blessed us so many different times being out in the public and with autism becoming more and more there's more and more children being diagnosed with autism so I think society's getting a little bit better on how to might not be so judgmental love you too buddy how would you describe dusting of the world a unique one-of-a-kind true blessing to my life honestly say that God made him for us we go through quite a different different mood changes mood swings but it's true personality it's just a very low I love you honey caring child he will just out of the blue sense if he's heard about somebody that's been sick or somebody been hurt out of the blue he might say let's just mom let's just pray for them look for them hey Chris there's no way when we tell you something mmm many a died he got pulled over by the police with Daddy speeding no I know he's right he had a very bright light bar on his truck and what happened and that was another that was a unique experience because we've always wondered now especially him being an adult how would police you don't you know how would they react because they you know come up on a vehicle and they see an adult raising their hands and planning everything they but they face every day oh no no they could very well think that he is just so annoying um oh no I like and he came around to Dustin side of the vehicle and my colleague put his window down immediately said he's autistic he's autistic you know so and there's a guy off the truck yes and he weren't supposed to get out a truck but she did and then come to find out when everything was said and done the police officers son is autistic what's your favorite thing about connecting with people talking about trains trains yeah let us talk about some trees then you might trains I love trains what kind big trains small trades red trains green trades black strange white trees what kind of trades do you like yellow yellow dreams you might yellow ones I do like yellow ones what's it for yellow ones can't go in the mud um I guess a trade you go in the mud no I can't go down the tracks I can't go down the tracks yes continuous rollercoaster didn't know it 52 years old I had to make sure I had a Ramos made for my 28 year old son every day and but that's what got to given given to us and so thankful for them because when no matter how bad things may look or things may be going or you might be having a bad I may be having a bad day he'll just come up with something that just makes you off makes you smile did you enjoy meeting me yes why did you enjoy it hey guys I love you my love Yuto do you like when people talk to you oh yeah Chris yes know why guys that wait shut off they like that shut off would you like to shut it off so me look I'll do this one and you can do that one you just push this button show me I do it you just push this button right here do that one yeah oh look well the buttons right here Oh words about them okay thanks for watching if you appreciate what we're doing and want to see SBS K grow make sure to LIKE comment and subscribe this will help us reach even more people and make the world a better place thank you can you please drop me home you can't be drive me home at your phone what would you do with my phone hold it what would you look at Cheney's house well why would you look at chainsaw that's it's fine know what get changed on us I'll make you a promise yeah after this interview yeah you can look at my phone and look at chainsaws oh I can yeah deal
Channel: Special Books by Special Kids
Views: 4,553,583
Rating: 4.9563127 out of 5
Keywords: Autism, Autistic, adult, Autism Spectrum, SBSK, Chris Ulmer, Education, Special Education, Neurodiversity, Teaching, ADHD, Special Books by Special Kids
Id: UxD-mU4cz20
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 12sec (612 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 06 2018
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