How a Web Developer Makes 50k a month? | | #CodingPhase

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hey guys is your boy Joe back at it again coding today I have a good topic how does a web developer make $50,000 per month now per year we're talking about per month okay how is that happening how is that possible okay so we're gonna talk about levels dial if you guys don't know this this is one of the guys that really pushed me to become what developer really pushed me to really get on my alright this guy is why I am - a lot of you guys that hit me up all the time so Joe is such an inspiration Joe god I want to get to the same levels you Joe I want to do this and that but some of you guys might not know that literally my inspiration and the person that I look up to the person that I'm constantly following it's this kid levels that I oh okay um his journey has been amazing I've been following him for probably I don't know three or four years okay I've seen his growth I seeing him travel the world I seen him being did you don't know Matt I've seen him having a youtube channel that was getting like a hundred million views I seen him just grow let's just say I've seen him grow right but one thing that I can say about him is this dude is super humble super down-to-earth if you guys can follow him on Twitter I'll hit him up ask some questions just you know reach out okay basically so now he just passed the fifty thousand dollar mark as far as revenue per month okay now this is a super big achievement because he's just like a self-taught developer literally so himself everything and you know he could could have easily been working at one of these big companies that you might be dreaming of like hey I want to work for Google I want to work for Amazon I want to work for Facebook etc but his guy was like 1/2 a skill I have a talent and you know what I'm going to use this for my own benefit in and just basically instead of you making somebody's else's dream how Josh fluke said pretty much make yourself the dream make your dream come true you got what I'm saying so that's what he's doing and I think there's such a big inspiration for anybody that is watching this video and even for myself because this guy he he did it you know what I mean like he's doing it right now he's making things happen and that's what I want for all of you guys so how exactly did he do this very simple he created no mad list I don't know if you guys have heard of this so no malice it's a website where basically you can look at every single city that you can work for remotely meaning like I did your Nomad and it gives you the information of it gives you the weather it gives you how fastest the internet gives you how much money it calls to live there you know per month etc right now what's cool about this is that at first he had this whole website set up in a way where he was doing the research and then add in the cities himself now what he did was he made this into a like social network for digital nomads where basically they're able to go in and say hey I went to Barcelona and I'm spending 3,000 over here I went to Bangkok I'm spending $12 $1,200 per month and then somebody comes in and says hey I'm actually spending 3500 so then now automatically the average that somebody's gonna spend in Barcelona guess you know get summed up and shown for every other user so this is really user generated content okay so he just created the platform at first he created like a static website to give people information but as he can in you to progress in and upgrade the website right now he just gives people that opportunity to just share everything that they know about the city you know like you could literally come in and say okay I went to Barcelona say the air quality is great safety happiness friendly peace health care nightlife free Wi-Fi in the city english-speaking racial tolerance LGBT friendly weather cause of living etc right like like every single thing that you need to know about city before you moved there he basically gave you access to that okay now he also have another website that I don't know a lot of you guys probably know by now remote okay okay remote okay that il if you don't know about this website look into it it's the biggest job or for remote work so basically this is bigger than indeed bigger than Stack Overflow bigger than all of those right because this is basically all of the companies that are out there that are looking for developers like in the middle of nowhere like let's say you living in in a mountain in Montana all right but you are a web developer and you still want to build a start-up or you still want to build a team you usually will come here to remote okay post up your job posting and then thousands and thousands of you know qualified developers are going to apply to to your job board right so your job listing so he basically just created a platform for everything that he needed right he needed to know hey what city should I go to I said did you don't know Matt hey you know where can I find remote work while I'm still traveling the world let me see what else so he pretty much just you know if he found a niche he found something that he liked he's a digital nomad he likes to travel and he found his few problems within the industry in the community where as I came in was the best cities hey men how do we we find jobs for a remote you know he said hey I have the skills nobody has done this why don't I you know solve the problems and and create these websites so he basically created this both websites who I could say are the most profitable right right so then from day he has the make book okay so the make book is him actually writing a book and sharing his his journey sharing the things that has worked for him now he's only making let's say $2,000 per month with this but in a total he has sold almost a hundred thousand dollars worth of books like you know what I'm saying for $30 he has a book that he's selling so once he got to a certain point when he's okay I have you know two web applications that are successful let me share my story and at the same time let me share it for a profit you know some people wants a dam everybody wants to make a profit he's like nah the game is to be sold not to be told you gotta say like if he had to go through his ups and downs and you know everything that he went through to to get to this point like why should anybody just get it for free just to be like hey you know why I gave it to me because you went through the struggle and you figure it out but now give it to me for free like nah that's not how the world works guys so he created this book and right now he's selling you know like $2,000 per month on his book we're like almost zero to none promotion like he's not like promoting Amazon he's not promoting they are like Google Ads so nothing like that this is just literally just genuine organic people that find his his book okay now if he was to be like hey I'm gonna put Facebook Ads I'm gonna pay this this and that I know this book could probably make him another twenty thirty thousand dollars per month because it's a really good book I don't even like to read guys I don't even like to read I like to listen to books like audible because it's easier when I'm traveling etc but this book I had to read it and it's a really damn good book man it just showed me in so many different ways of like stepping my game up alright so he also has another startup which is called hood maps which currently right now he's making zero dollars and that's because he's making a completely free and just letting the community grow sometimes you just gotta let the community grow and then from there add extra features for you know for pay or you might say hey guys now we have a hundred thousand people visiting this website you know monthly now let's put in some ads you know so he knows what he's doing like this guy he's not dumb you know so this is one of those guys that I can tell you guys you definitely need to follow he's he's up there right you know I'm at a point where I'm probably making about you know 2/5 of what he's making but I'm getting there you know and everything that I do here I'll show you guys others from my own websites my own niche websites you know my coding where I teach you guys how to code and teach you guys the skills that you need to get to this level and even beyond that because I know a lot of you guys have good ideas and and have come from other industries that sometimes you might think like oh man am I ever gonna use this skill like you'll be surprised like you could come from retail you could come from the healthcare system you could come from you know even a truck driver like literally you could create an application that can solve a problem in the industry that other developers don't know about because they don't have experience in that industry so you're our you are a valuable developer you know I mean a you are a valuable asset to this industry especially because you know most people just don't know about your industry if you are a truck driver you don't understand well us developers we don't understand how the routes work how you know how working with the dispatch and this doesn't that cetera right like there's so many things that only you know because he was in the industry so as a web developer you could solve those problems that that industry has you know what I mean so definitely this is super cool and I just wanted to show them you know show this to you guys because this is like really I don't know like I'm proud I'm amazed um it just for me it shows me where I'm going where I'm heading he's been doing this mmm I don't know Mason's like 2010 2011 you know I know I was following him like four years ago that's when I started following him but at the same time I'm like yo I'm two fifths away you know what I mean I'm like I'm almost there to that same level where I'm doing I'm doing really good but yeah man I hope you guys find is that as an inspiration and understand that the skills that you have you can put it to work to be beneficial for you yes you can find a job every single one of us has worked in at a company right as a do web developer you know back-end developer front-end developer etc but it's up to you to also decide like hey I also want to build my own companies I also want to build my own startups my own micro services my own businesses you know what I mean so take this as an example okay guys and if you're still like trying to learn and you're finding yourself that you can't learn and you're like going through every single website out there and you're like oh my god what the hell should I do like literally you could come here to my website check the timeline you know you could come in and say okay I want to check out front-end developer you know automatically you will see all the things that you need to learn in order right I have everything here in order for you guys so everything that you need is there and I have two courses here okay the courses I'm giving you access to all of the knowledge that it has taken me years to accumulate you can actually learn all of this pretty pretty quick you know and actually start doing something with yourself doing something with your life you know like this is the ghetto access pass this is like okay you pay a monthly fee and you get access to every single course you know this is how you're gonna look at the website all right when you come here you click on the link in the description you get 50% off automatically you get all of this courses this is a total of eight hundred fifty five dollars you know in total if you wants to buy every single course separately if you sign up for the monthly pass then this how much you will pay if you sign up for a yearly what a lifetime that's how much you gotta pay right so at the same time a few smart guys look at the description there's a lot of courses there that are legit in case you know some people will be like man I don't know I don't want to take this guy's course I don't want to do this cool you don't have to take my courses but you still need to learn these skills if you want to become a web developer so at least look at the timeline and follow along right you could go ahead and be like hey I'm just gonna buy a course from you to me and start buying them you know piece by piece which I don't know why would you do that when you have access to every single course here for one set price but if you're one of those people that I came I just wanna do a monthly cool buy the course individually right I would definitely say buy them because it's just gonna help you man like trust me guys you're gonna thank me later a lot of the people that are getting jobs and other people that you know they came in in January right now they're working already a lot of people that came in like March a lot of them already working you know it's all about consistency getting your work done and getting out there I keep seeing people that they sign up to something in there like I'm not sure it sounds good there's money in it but it's like you have to be consistent you have to do your work you have to understand what the field is you gotta understand the community the industry like it's not just like okay I'm gonna try to learn how to code nice that you gotta get consumed by this you have to be part of the community yeah man go ahead if you want sign up for the website man is up to you but like I said man this is a great inspiration for any of us you know like no man is remote jobs no matter this is legit already remote case lije now dude has a book he has this new one called hood maps which is pretty cool and yeah check out his website levels die oh alright so guys if you're looking to learn to code visit coding alright if not just keep watching the videos dropping on youtube in you still learn a lot but yeah it is what it is I'll see you guys later bye
Channel: CodingPhase
Views: 14,086
Rating: 4.8464646 out of 5
Keywords: codingphase, coding phase,, simple programmer, chris hawkes, chris sean, traversy media, How a Web Developer Makes 50k a month?, Web Developer Makes 50k, how web developers make passive income, how to start a starup as a web developer,, levelsio, Inspiration, web developer, web development, making passive income as a web developer
Id: Jxvk0E19qA0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 11sec (971 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 30 2018
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