Tech Industry Too Saturated For Developers and Engineers | No More Jobs

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hey guys in this video we are going to be talking about is the industry saturated right now and sure you try to become a developer I mean it's so saturating alright guys my name is Joe Santos Garcia aka coding face aka I do this aka your boy listen guys I want you guys to subscribe to me and make sure you leave a like and a comment on this video let me know do you feel like the industry saturated or not ok so let's break it down there's two type of peoples that believe that the industry saturated and I'm gonna give you the first one it's the junior developer the guy that don't even have a job okay I'm gonna tell you like this to people the first one is the person that doesn't even have a job and I'm gonna break it down why why this person feels like the industry is saturated is very simple this person thinks that the industry saturated because he sees the comment sections he sees the YouTube videos he sees a twitter ray he sees Instagram he sees all these different platforms and he sees thousands of people that are developers or trying to become developers okay so that's like you know the first thing that he sees is that there's a lot of people in here you know alright but then he goes to a job interview or he applies to a job and for whatever reason he doesn't get hired right he doesn't get hired or the company doesn't you know kiss his butt and be like hey man come on we need you right and they feel like they're gotta be so many developers out here that now you know it's just it's too flooding right still flooded guys like me we can't survive we can't win we can't get no jobs because it's just too too much options so much options for companies okay there's too many people out here and they start feeling like that okay now what do they do they go back to the comment section they go back to Twitter they go back to whatever platform they're in and they go back in there and they spill all of that negativity out there and like the world is too saturated the industry is so saturated does more jobs this distance isn't that right years ago it was the same thing with Indian developers I will see people coming in here oh that's a there's no more jobs just you know even when I started there will be guys like there's no more jobs the industry is done that's a there's too many Indian developer is working for your $2.50 in a piece of gum like way too many developers over here working for a piece of change right that's what they were saying back then now is that there's too many people that's in the industry there's too many people that wants to get into the industry so then now this poor junior developers instead of actually taking that time to analyze themselves and understand like hey why didn't you get hired it's very simple you don't have the experience you have the projects you don't have a portfolio that demonstrate that you are better than everybody else now somebody that's watching this my saying damn job boy how can I prove that I'm better than a guy that might be a year into this or two years into this or three years internists there's so many different ways guys okay I already did a video I'll probably link it somewhere around here where I talk about five different projects that you can build that will guarantee you to get the job most people are showing up to job interviews they're not even showing up with real websites guys while you over here complaining about the industry saturating a lot of people are showing up with like JavaScript calculators you know little snake games little more you know memory games from JavaScript you know little websites that the animation is like a a flip of like the the y-axis or the x-axis horrible animations right the designs that don't even look like anybody will pay for them how can you get higher when your website looks like I'm sorry I had to say how can you get hired when you don't have the right quality there's guys out here like myself in God's eyes in the game guys is coming from where I teach them in coding phase com there are busting their ass in working hard and building real projects and building real websites that look good that a business owner of freaking a client will pay for that those are the people that's getting higher it's not the fact that there's so many people trying to become developers right it's like right now let's say out of I don't know a thousand people that's watching this video maybe twenty of them have a a solid portfolio right maybe twenty of them actually put in those extra hours right it doesn't matter how many people you see in the comment section doesn't matter how many youtubers you see doesn't matter how many people you see on Twitter right that doesn't matter so stop focusing on the fact that you see a lot of people trying to become developers right there's a lot of guys that go play basketball right you see guys in the NBA they're screaming oh god there's guys at the local ballpark they're playing basketball those guys not gonna bake it the majority of people that's playing basketball and the local basketball court is not gonna make it why are you even worrying about that you got what I'm saying now I'm gonna give you the second type of person that believes that the industry is saturated it's very simple it's the old heads right it's the old heads the guys that have been here since God knows when right they've seen this you know this mass migration of the regular people right the regular people like you and me that's getting into this industry in there like man you know those days is over where we could charge a hundred dollars an hour you know oh my god I remember when I used to do C++ at this company in 1992 man those were the great days of course you gotta get P that much when there's nobody in the industry okay now you can't make a hundred dollars an hour and you know in 2020 you gotta saying just to do the basics this guy's that used to get paid you know a ridiculous amount of money you know back in the days because they would do things that now we consider our simple right those guys were getting paid crazy amount of money I remember there was a guy in a company that where I used to work at that his job was quote unquote front end guy right and all he knew how to do was work with jQuery he didn't even understand JavaScript he didn't understand anything all he knew was jQuery you know how much money this guy was getting paid right 80 dollars an hour cuz he was a whole head he's been here since the beginning of time you know early 2000s right and then now you know the industry went over their heads I mean now everything's more complex more complicated okay you can't get paid $100 an hour eighty dollars an hour for basics that's a it is what it is those days is over because now anybody can do the basics right I got guys that are doing coding phase calm right now with less than a week doing the basics of HTML CSS right there's guys that's doing the basics of JavaScript within a month okay and those guys can do the same thing that that guy that was getting paid $80 an hour with jQuery they could do it right now with a month in okay you know you was getting that money back then because nobody else nor body I mean nobody else know about it it's like a guy that you know can go in and and firing gold but if everybody can find gold that's it those days is over okay so I understand why you feel like manda industry saturated but that doesn't mean that there's not opportunities it's just now it's more competitive now you need to bring in more to the table now it's now hey I'm just gonna coast through life right I remember those guys too you know a few years ago that when I used to work for a company this guy literally did nothing he did a like a scrip a Python script where he changed the prices for the website and all the stuff so the guy will be on YouTube every single day the guy will be watching movies at the job because he had everything automated the guy has been in the industry for like 15 almost 20 years right and he had everything automated that's it those days is over yeah you could automate a couple of but you can't just coast life anymore because now there's people that want to actually do the work there's people that actually want to come into the industry do their job and at the same time they enjoy you know there's a lot of guys Oh heads that's in the industry that don't even like to code there's people that you might even see here on YouTube that talk about programming and this is they don't even like to code right they don't code let's be honest a lot of these people that you see on YouTube that come here they talk a lot they don't even do no projects no personal projects they don't learn right like guys like me and you that we actually work hard and we you know we constantly learning we're constantly creating projects we active in the community these guys out here that are not even active at all they're not even active they don't even know when was the last time they opened up a vs code you're gonna say they don't even know neighbor no plant notepad plus plus they don't even know when was the last time that they opened something like that okay this guy's had just been coasting so now when they open their eyes and the see around everybody like you know everybody that's pretty good developers this guys that have been here for like two three months and they actually pretty damn good and I've been here for ten years fifteen years and all I know how to do is three or freakin vbscript or you get all sound like those guys is saturated for them cuz those days are over right there's people that want to know how to code there's people that want to get into the industry and no longer are you getting $100 an hour for knowing the basics that's it those days are completely over okay if you're not part of the community you're not actually coding you're not actually learning new things you're getting left behind because there's guys like myself that we love to grind we love to learn because this is what we we love to do we love to code okay so when you have this guys that'd be all heads and you see them on the chat rooms or there's people that's even young that still they have the O'Hare mentality of like man you know there's too many people here man you know I remember when I used to go to a job interview with just my me having even need a pro folio yeah there was guys that was showing up to job interviews with just a resume back in the days those days are over those days are over say bye-bye you're not getting a job no more if you show up we just arrested me you ain't getting the job I don't care if you got 20 years in this game you're not getting the job right they're gonna throw you with the same thing that they throw everybody out there throw him to the wolves right now throw him with you know the kids that just came out of college the guys that been here for 15 years 20 years thrown to the wolves tell them to to figure out how to use this this maze and get him with an algorithm to get him out of the the little maze right throw them to the wolves that was that's what they're gonna do to you back then I understand you used to show up with a resume and say I want developer hire me and that will trust you to hire you those days is over now does it mean that because new people are coming in that say you can't get a job no it's just now you got to step it up it wasn't as easy as it was before now because people keep throwing the word saturator around people think like oh there's no more jobs guys it's so many jobs out here it's ridiculous the amount of jobs that there is out here okay you like it or not there's going to be a whole bunch of jobs okay and there's more jobs than there is developers now that's why people are hired outside of the country and bringing people in with a crazy visa what I call a slave visa because they bring people from India Philippines Japan for all these places and give them a BS visa right and they'll pay them almost half as much as everybody else that's making money here and then they'll tell them hey if you leave out of here out of this job and you don't have a job within 30 days your ass is getting deported right so it's like a slave reason it's like you have to do what they want you to do right but like I said one of the reasons that they're doing that is because there's not that many people that still know how to code here in the United States so they have to look outside of the United States for talent okay now once again what you see a lot of people and you like man there's so many people that are applying to jobs I can't get a job I can't do this and that guys stop focusing on that focus on you focus on what you're doing focus on getting your projects your resume your portfolio getting everything that looks good making sure that you demonstrate that you ready for primetime right once again I'm gonna bring you back to basketball just because there's a million guys playing basketball in the backyard does it mean that the guys in the NBA are worried about that I'll see you guys later all right guys thank you for watching this video I hope you guys enjoyed it okay make sure you subscribe make sure you like this video make sure you leave a comment let me know do you feel like the industry is saturated and why do you feel like you're saturated okay at the same time guys I want you guys to make sure you go to my website : face comm through the link below right I'm going to give you a $5 special so for the first month all you have to pay is $5 and then from there it's $20 and the reason why I'm doing that is because I believe so much in my product and what I have here for you guys and that you guys are really gonna love it that I want you guys to try it out so I have to still pay for maintenance and pay for everything so all I need is just five dollars at least from you so you can go ahead and try it out all right so go ahead check it out man it's your boy job back at it again Kona face calm over 40 courses are in there take advantage we drop a new courses every single month is literally the best description out here I'll see you guys later peace
Channel: CodingPhase
Views: 19,750
Rating: 4.826087 out of 5
Keywords: coding phase,, codingphase, tech industry over-saturated, web development saturated, developer, software development saturated, software development jobs, no more jobs, Web development over saturated, software engineering, how to get a job in the tech industry, how to get hired as a web developer, getting hired as a developer, web development, trying to become a developer
Id: 87yEdkzJZq4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 50sec (890 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 26 2019
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