My first solo! - and its windy

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that moment in the life of a student pilot when your flight instructor just climbs out and closes the door I can't believe it my first solo [Music] let's go this day came so much faster than I thought and this is very exciting so it's a little bit windy today so um gonna have to work a little bit here with the controls but we did like three circuits and one go go around just now with my uh five instructor and it was okay before departure check if that controls pancakes takeoff briefing gonna take off runway 3-4 normal circuit and then yeah full stop hello Charlie line up before and take off okay approach is not okay okay lineup check approach is clear now so we're ready to go Hotel Yankee x-ray line up and take off runway three four okay let's line up here we're ready to go full power [Music] okay price way earlier as you can see it's quite windy okay clear obstacles be checked perhaps up clam check wraps up five power set time speeds checked complete this is unbelievable I can't believe it it drives so much better without a live instructor it's crazy reaching 3 500 feet which is our circuits uh altitude okay so I guess I will have to reduce power a little bit more but enough when I'm flying alone three four and speed checked laps one zero two minutes before dropping what are they dropping yeah USB checks flaps 2-0 okay nice Auto Link X3 final Runway three four we checked flaps three zero final track flaps set speed checked title check complete yeah it's windy there's a car okay please wait [Music] okay well [Music] not my best landing but I did it oh my gosh her soul yes [Music] x-ray Runway vacated so let's do an after landing check automatic x-ray taxi to taxiway intersection yeah okay let's just go a little bit further I'll go yeah let's see x-ray lineup and take off runway three four I can't believe it I'm flying on my own now no one can stop me to do a looping and we still have no traffic at all it's perfect [Music] bottleneck x-ray final Runway 3-4 [Music] [Music] 6 okay after the touch and go we're gonna fly to the high literacy so I'm gonna break off the crosswind right here and fly uh to the Alvis which is right there my flight instructor told me to check if the water was brown so we're gonna do that no traffic insights eleven o'clock okay there are a thousand feet above yeah I think they saw me as well and they're turning left now a few minutes five thousand people they're worth between hospitals foreign [Applause] all right okay welcome inside I think this is what uh what that instructor was talking about it looks like they're pumping something into the sea from below let's check it out and let's that auto is still in military plane by the way oh now I see it it is brown you can see it okay now we're gonna fly to the end of the whole dealership after that go check the west and then overhead sends to 3 500 feet after that we're gonna just land there clear ly beautiful okay there is our airports I've been I've been thinking directly south of amps at 420 switching frequency to us okay inside and no Factor Auto Link x-ray overhead 4 000 feet we'll join downwind Runway three four and yeah Landing direction is as we know it did not change uh winds looks a bit calmer than before and we have three thousand five hundred feet okay beautiful x-ray final Runway three four I'll attack with the screen foreign ER than before even I'll do a full stop oh my God okay I think I'll just call it a day let's see here of all the wind disaster at least yeah stop it what an amazing day even though it was just a step on the journey towards my goal it was a huge one one that made all the hard work and sacrifices up until now worth it it's an immense privilege to be able to fly and I'm very grateful for it I just wish it wasn't so expensive anyways of course I couldn't have come so far on my own so I want to thank my flight instructor Patrick for all the valuable lessons the flight school eicherberg Horizon and all the people that support me on my journey especially my mom and dad and a big shout out to Simon for inspiring me to just go for it thanks for watching and feel free to leave a comment [Music] s oh what an amazing feeling thank you
Channel: motfly
Views: 22,821
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: first solo, student pilot, first solo student pilot, flying alone for the first time, flying alone, vfr solo, vfr pilot, first flight, first time flying, swiss001, my first solo, motfly, buttwil, flugschule eichenberger, lszu, aviation passion, aviation love
Id: Gis6Nsz_M9g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 34sec (634 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 06 2023
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