Landscaping with tropical houseplants (update)

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hi guys my name is sean i'm a house plant enthusiast from jakarta indonesia i like to collect different health plans and style with them around the home care for them and propagate them and then share that experience with you here on youtube so if you into that kind of videos please do consider subscribing to my channel and send this video a like in today's video i'm going to show you an update on this plant wall that i did before in a video that i titled landscaping with tropical house plants i'm going to link that video right now in case you haven't seen that but yeah so this is an update i'm going to show you some of the plants that are here now that are thriving some of the plants have actually moved away because they didn't really like it here and i'll walk you through some species so maybe you'll discover something cool here and where possible also share some care tips and propagation tips along the way so grab a cup of tea and come along i'm going to start this video by introducing old footage of what this area looked like before so you guys can refresh your memories and i'm going to start the tour right over here with this different bakia it's doing okay here as you can see it's growing like crazy however i have a piece of sad news it's actually starting to rot over here uh this happens to a few of my different documents they really really hate over watering so yeah it's getting eaten up from inside out and of course you guys are probably clicking away from this video because you guys are not interested in seeing dead plants but kidding uh bear with me so what i can do here is actually as you can see these are actually aerial uh roots that are already formed so what i'm going to do at some point when this has gotten out of control is to just cut this plant off as you can see this is a new growing eye i can actually cut it right above here and then just rip this straight into potting mix i've done this before and it works beautifully so yeah that's going to happen and then this may give me a new plant even and behind here we have a raspberry for up pertussis and it's actually a propagate the parent plant is over there that tall one over there it's not focusing okay so yeah and then here i'm not sure what plant this is but um yeah it's just something i'm propagating uh if you guys know what this is let me know i have a few of these around the house they were free plants there's some kind that's here that's crawling around it's a begonia mauna if i'm not around i can't remember the name but this is very prone to rocks i have to be very very careful about watering this one but it's pretty and i give it a trellis so they can climb up a calathea white something white plates here's a philodendron microsticktum and it's uh climbing up the mouthful and i'm letting it climb up the wall here so it's eventually hopefully going to take over uh and climb up and here's another different bakia i'm really mindful not to over water this one this time i've over ordered a lot of different bakias they actually hate water just so you know and the leaves are just so beautiful here uh and back here there's a califia sabrina that's doing really well new leaf and and and just for your information all the calais are in my forest for potting mix and they're thriving i used to kill so many of them and they are now rehabbed and they're doing well there's some peace lilies here they're my dad look how beautiful the leaves are and here's the califia that i got this way i got the two leaves and then yeah i just i'm rehabbing this and then this one is the new leaf that is appearing from from down below here's a begonia bravilios breville milk i don't know how to pronounce this but i've killed many of these cuttings before because they don't ship very well but this one seems to be doing okay so i'm happy this is a aglonema i think jaipung saksum i don't know if i'm pronouncing that correctly uh philodendron brawler marks behind uh this is a stan seviria or dracaena that i propagated by leaf cutting that's the original leaf and you can see here that there you go and you can see the markers of where i mark which side up it is yeah and actually it was variegated but for variegated sensitivities when you propagated by leaf cutting it's going to give you non-variegated leaves this is a one-year-old so this is a very slow growing plant here's another different bakia there's a pothos manjula some epic premium and up here we have a thera custom i actually just moved it here from my nursery area that's how pretty this area is it's not focusing okay yeah i love this area because of the text the texture and the color the i don't know the layout is just quite nice and this is a new leaf that is just unfurled and uh this previous sleeve is quite nice and the ones before were actually in trouble like i think this one was burnt and some of them had bacteria issues uh so varicose veins really quickly about the care is that they like humidity but they actually don't like their leaves wet and they're very prone to bacteria and fungus i actually do spray this down with fungicide whenever i pass by it with neem oil and fungicide and the new leaves are doing okay after i've been treating them and they like medium light never give them any direct sunlight not even morning direct they can't take it look at the patio it's so fuzzy not focusing and there's a new leaf already coming along the way as you can see here while while this one hasn't even hardened yet this opened like two three days ago so it's going to be a fast grower from here and as you can see i have already prepared it for propagation so i'm going to have a pot from here i'm going to cut it off later and next year we have the uh allocation amazonica let me see if this is putting out any new leaf and this is a very slow grower for me i don't see any new leaf this one just opened um it opens a new leaf every three months or so which is quite slow that's a uh philodendron burlap this one's a fascicle this is actually a pretty big leaf for it and there's a new one coming along the way and this is going to probably climb up this this area here and make its way up to the top and so this area is actually going to be transformed over the years i'm going to put some crazy plants here and uh here's the uh what do you call this words are escaping my mouth maranta luconoria so yeah it's growing pretty long it's doing quite okay i actually have a lot of these i just keep separating them so yeah you can actually propagate this this is you can just cut it off and cut like a note off like right here this is where the roots are going to come from and uh so you want to cut below that and just stick it into the soil and it will propagate peperomia scandan's varigata this is the caladium that is an army i don't know why the camera is not focusing well and this uh caladium actually likes direct sunlight and by the way guys this area has actually been getting some direct sunlight in the morning and in the evening when the sun is coming down from over there so uh yeah with changing seasons the area does change quite a bit so yeah this is enjoying quite good light at this point um it's good it's evening lights are it's even in direct sunlight but it's actually quite gentle because it's actually very very filtered as you can see from here so the plants are really enjoying that and here's a calathea that i just bought i don't remember this species id it was a little bit pricey if i'm not wrong and it's doing well it's been here for about a month i think it put out one leaf here's a dracaena sansevieria and this peace lily leaf is so beautiful look at this oh my god we have a lot of these around the house here's that begonia again this is actually a cutting taken from this mama plant tada it's so beautiful iridescence it's just really gorgeous on the leaves it's like blue purple greens and reds super nice but i think one of these pots was actually attacked by fungus before so a lot i lost quite a bit of plant material so i've been spraying fungicide on the topsoil because the fungus would grow on the top of the soil then philodendron neon lemon the more calathea and here's the philodendron makayana and this was actually not really growing that much i don't know why it used to grow faster in my balcony maybe because it likes a little bit more direct sunlight and when by darsana i don't mean full sun i mean just some morning direct sunlight but it's doing well it's healthy and here's the zz plants one of my first few plants but somehow this plant is not growing it's such a slow grower i actually have another zz plan it's putting out like one it's got one leaf only in a pot and they put a three leaves at once so something's going on with these guys it's not green maybe you need to fertilize it a bit more here's a philodendron black cardinal is doing well it's a baby pepperoni typorada here and there's something behind here there's a philadelphia they actually can take a little bit lower light and they seem quite happy yeah and this is a peperomia caprara that i got from a recent cheap plate haul and here is a pepper uh pepperoni here's a begonia that actually was quite big and beautiful and i just cut it up into pieces as you can see it's growing new vines everywhere and then this is one of the babies and i have a lot of the babies in the nursery area i have probably about five parts of these so growing new leaves and when morning direct sunlight hits this plant it glows into this beautiful beautiful beautiful red camera cannot even pick up how beautiful the red is so i really love this begonia and there's another begonia here and i feel like this one is the one of the variants that is grown more for its it's another cutting of the sansavirus you can see this is the original cutting and that's the leaves here's a pallathia ornata that is doing really well some terracotta and forest floor mix and i water all my calaisius lightly every every day every morning sometimes if it's very hot and sunny out and i know that because my dogs would be wagging their tails and their tongue would be out of their mouths we know that it's a hot day then i would water this twice if it's a hot day here's a raffidafora pertussis it's actually got pretty big leaves i got it very tiny and it was sold to me as a tetrasperma but i'm really glad that the sellers and me sold me this pertussis instead because i didn't have one of these and as you can see it's actually growing into the crack and it's going to be growing upwards so that's good this is another begonia and it's overdue for a [Music] propagation actually i yeah but it actually looks good right now i wouldn't even mess with it yet maybe i'll wait a few more months but all my plans are are inevitably going to be propagated look at how baby leaves here it's doing really really well and this is where i lose some subscribers because ta-da this is my orbifolia that i showed you about two months ago that it was doing really well but hang in there let me explain myself so i didn't know what was wrong with this plant it started declining uh i was either under watering and over watering it but all the other calatheas are actually very very happy i couldn't figure out what was wrong with it and finally one day i noticed that this whole thing uh this clump of calata was actually out of the pot it was it was stuck out of the pot i don't know what happened maybe an animal dug it up or i don't know what happened so what i did was i just pushed it back in and now it's back in the soil level in the potting mix level so i don't know again what happened but for sure this plant for a few weeks it was not even rooted into the meat potting medium because something pulled it out of its pot so just be careful that i still have one leaf and have a few more hopefully coming up with orbit foliage even if you kill them you can cut off the whole foliage back of watering and the new growth will still appear from below they're very resilient so don't throw them away next to it it's a calathea roof roofie barber and barbara this one i had for a long time i have new leaf it uh struggled and declined and struggled and declined but this is doing quite well this is probably one of the older leaves so the new leafs are actually doing quite well as i repotted it into my forest floor potting mix and terracotta and water it lightly every day this is actually very very fuzzy i love to tachen and here is the cleathead that's doing really well i don't know the species by the way clethias um are a species uh family that i don't really know the china idea only because it's very confusing there's many names for them there's the latin name there's a common name and then there's this every region can call them differently and they're also similar so forgive me if i don't know my calathea ids they're just beautiful and i love to collect them but um yeah i'm not gonna list all the kaliti ids because i don't have them here's a piece lily is getting really big i got this as a tiny plant it's doing really well it's happy here love peace lilies they're so forgiving and easy and then here is a calais i believe this is the fasciata i'm not sure again this is doing really well this is the newest leaf and it's huge huge leaf so uh below it here are some mocalitas this is a campheria and i'm so obsessed with camphurias lately there's uh closely related to calatheas the leaves are thicker they can they're more forgiving in the carrot they grow way faster than calatheas uh they're just so beautiful and oh my god i can't i can't get over it and they do flower there's this tidy purple flowers they come out from them so look at that nice um yeah and behind here is a calaisia rattlesnake and here's the tonanti uh it's and it's starting to revert because it's getting slightly lower light but this sleeve is so pretty big yeah so the variegation is getting lost somehow but i don't care if someone's just happy because i've been struggling with this plant before behind me is the begonia maculata actually took a lot of the top portion of this for for cuttings and they're living in separate pots but it's doing quite well in here and hopefully it will get even taller down below here we have the calithia black lipstick and this is i got us a tiny baby it was so small and now it's growing bigger and putting up leaf after leaf it's happy in this new potting mix that i give it this one is a little bit struggling this is a stromanthy trial star baby this helita is doing really well it's very happy in here very very gorgeous this one's kind of getting low lower light hang on let me move things around for it yeah but it's putting out a new leaf i love watching calatheas put on new leaves it's just so pretty yeah and this is another adult plan of that black lipstick calaisia black this is considered a fast-growing one and a pretty easy to take care of it's got really beautiful coloring on the leaves and back here we have another califia i don't know the species but again it's putting out leaf after leave uh all of these calatheas were actually dying back in case you haven't seen my video from before i explained that a lot of them had only one to two leaves left because i kept over watering them and ever since i moved them into my forest floor potting mix and terracotta pot i water it lightly every day they have just been thriving and i don't really have to even worry about the soil my potting mix moisture because i know that it's going to dry out within half a day here's a begonia it's doing so well it's very happy i got it as a tiny plant i can't wait for this to take over another begonia this is an angel wing begonia i'm not sure of the exact species there's so many of these it's a baby leaf hello hi and moving down below we have the uh calathea makoyana and this one was struggling so bad it only had a few leaves but now ever since i moved into this pot potting mix has been putting out leaf after leaf is more unrolling so i can't wait for this to become a huge bushy pot the philodendron uh heterasium which is the regular green sorry i'm wrong sorry this is actually a brazil sorry as you can see here however i think this is reverted because i put it in low light so your brazils will revert if you put them in no light let me show you some brazil that i put in direct sunlight so these uh brazils are living in direct sunlight and as you can see the difference is night and day very very different they get more variegation okay back to our tour here's another calathea this is a kaliti area basically and here is some skin dops's and actually this whole area is littered with skin dances they love it here look at this look at that wow and hang on let me bring you down from here like whoa look at that and that's the pot over here how wild right very pretty oh and as we talked about uh skin dashes i forgot to mention this skin that's this i believe silver lady here is trying to climb up that wall so i'm letting it climb up very cute yeah basically this area is full of trailing plants that are just taking over any negative space in there and they can actually root into this medium so i can actually propagate them easily later i just cut the vines here's an aetherium phi and i believe this is actually not the um original not the not the species i believe this is a hybrid because i don't know um it just doesn't look like a vatria to me but whatever it is i will love you no matter what and it's actually time to propagate it because look at that it's asking to be propagated yeah look at those fresh roots how pretty i can turn this easily into three plants i think so and at least are actually getting bigger and bigger and these are some nice flowers forming here and it's putting out one leaf and if i'm not wrong hang on let me see let me look around yeah just putting out one leaf right now sometimes they put out more than one leaf at a time but yeah it's huge so uh but i'm gonna propagate it because of course i like to have duplicates of every plants it's time insurance i may sell some some of the cuttings i'm not sure but don't do not ask me if i'm selling my plants or not because the answer is no if i do sell them i will announce it on my instagram and here's an allocation that i just got this is very cute bunny ear alcohol if i'm not wrong um and there's another piece lily tucked back in here love how water droplets look on water um peace lilies my water lilies and here is a kalaita conchina which i really love look at the back oh my god it's got a musica pattern on the back here's another kalitia that's doing really well hello yeah oh my god this this is turning into a calathea unfurling video and here's the maranta is doing quite well this leaf is just unfurled hello yeah and more coming along the way they do like the flower there's another one coming they like the flower this is a flower actually and when i see this because you can tell the difference but this is going to be a sharp point if it's a growing point it's going to be like a cigar it's like roll so what i do when i see this i just take it off because i don't want the plant to expand its energy on flowers so i'm going to take that off but yeah so outdoors this plant is in a very very airy potting mix they do like to be dried out a little bit they cannot be over watered in high humidity but they like to be kept humid but not wet if you know what not soggy wet they also mean i can't stop staring at this so i'm easily distracted and uh above me here is giant monstera i remember putting it back there before behind it but it wasn't getting enough light so i just decided to move it here and i think it's doing well the pole is just resting here but the pan is not even going to be attaching to the mouthpole anymore it's attaching it right here it's just going to be attaching to the wall i think eventually so it's going to find its way up uh at some point and then here we have the uh what is this this is the syngonium uh album arginata zingonian podophylum look at how pretty oh my gosh the variegation is nice but keep in mind because some of these is in shaded in lower light they revert to green which i don't mind either so just kind of be careful let me see this vine is actually reverting let me check follow it so this leaf is green let me see if the next leaf oh the next leaf the variegation does return so i'm not that worried yeah there you go i may actually put this kind of out out here instead of tucked in there like this let it get a little bit more light but yeah as you can see if you give it bright light they can take direct sunlight as well and i have actually many of these plants so i don't mind it if this one reverts a little bit and also i can cut this up into pieces and propagate it so not really worried about the reversion there's a philodendron lemon lime back there they can take low light and here of course is the philodendron berlomart that is um getting big it's going to hopefully climb up and just climb up to this corner over here and just take over so yeah let me quickly walk you through this area again and let me take you back okay maybe i'll do i'll do it slower this time because maybe i went a little bit too fast before so if you were visiting my home this is what the walkthrough would look like yeah let me know what you think i'm quite happy with the arrangements now compared to what it looked like before definitely my dad's also very satisfied with this area because it's looking so much prettier than before and i actually water this whole area lightly every day so it's part of my morning routine and i really enjoy it i enjoy coming here and looking at all the new growth here look at this one yeah so i actually want to give you guys um sort of a bonus tour should i hang on let me see because we have another area here this is new by the way this wasn't here before i just got so many plants that uh we decided to just put plants around here so this area is actually interesting it gets some morning direct sunlight and then it's medium indirect light all day long so yeah let's let me quickly walk through this area with you guys there's a piece lily variegated very beautiful we have many of these here's that philodendron florida goes that i showed you guys in my balcony tour i had four cuttings stuck directly into potting mix and they have now grown and a lot of you guys are asking if uh you know if the ghost can become white in color or even mint they do if you put this in strong light and with some direct sunlight it will give you white leaves but it will always turn to green so this is a little bit variegated yeah and here's the philodendron 98686 or i can't remember the number exactly and yeah i just put it here because my nursery area is getting pretty dark these days with the sun changing i'm preparing it for propagation and look at the pot i'll be fitting because the leaves look like this so here's the remo satya vivipara i don't know how to pronounce it well but it's a tuberous thai plant probably related to alocasia here's the begonia that actually grew quite big and i just cut it up to pieces and i stuck the cuttings back into the potting mix so there's actually a few plants living in here now this one is putting out a new leaf oh how pretty i don't even have to do anything so i literally just cut it and stuck it back into the potting mix i have a few that it's living in other pots but this is going to become bushy in like a few months time and here's a caladium that i'm letting it go dormant i'm putting i'm putting it here away from direct sunlight and i'm watering it less frequently to let it sleep and then wait a few months to grow it back again here's another kali i just bought this cheap plant haul and yeah i bought quite a lot of these because i want many parts of these this plant it's just so beautiful and they're very very very inexpensive here's a billio tie that i'm going to probably repot again because it hasn't grown in a year i repot it twice already i don't know what's wrong with it i may cut it up into many pieces just to see uh what's and just to propagate it all over again here's the philodendron i believe this is the jungle boogie and episka back here and here's a actually a black pepper plant it's a piper family and here we have it campheria this is my pride and joy i bought it from a tiny plant and it grew so fast look at all these leaves it's growing six leaves in one go and the texture is just so beautiful this is very very underrated and this plant you guys is so cheap so cheap and so beautiful so if you can't keep callies alive this is definitely an option for you this is alum again chem furious our leathery not leathery they're thicker leaves they feel like snake skin almost it's quite nice so they can take lower humidity actually and a bit of abuse here's a uh i believe this is a dracaena and that's the parent plant over there it broke off from that plant so we just took it and stuck it into a potting mix and it's surviving it's doing really well and there's some plants here that are actually rehabbing like this drastina here is rehabbing here's that other califia i've got many of these this is reverted white fusion they're doing really well it's the aglonema donna serra if i'm not wrong different bokya reflector oh nice look at the electric green and here my this is so pretty this is a cordis it does flower and it's got this beautiful dark green leaves and that one's actually got fungus attack a few days ago so i sprayed it down with a fungicide and hope for the best there's a new branch coming down from below this is so cute i love this time a lot i believe this is the the name of this plant is hang on cordus cordus uh erythrophyllus if i'm not wrong yeah and we have a lot of peace lilies here and they're variegated and my dad's obsessed with them so he keeps buying them here's the flower very very cute hello it's a fern and this is in a different bakia again and this is a beautiful uh i don't know i forgot the name of this palm but it is so nice they can get huge and we rehab this because we got it as a huge plant oh it looks like a yoji yamamoto dress please please if you're in fashion you'll know what i mean very very nice pretty and this can get really big so i can't wait at all and here is and this can get really really big so i can't wait and next up we have more peace lilies and here is a philodendron lynette and i don't know what happened here um there's a leaf and this is this broke off this morning so i don't know who did this but i think and pest maybe got to it but that's okay because it's putting out new vines from here i got a few part of these actually they're propagating away yeah so i guess that concludes our tour for this section uh i will give you more tours at some point because i have so many videos to put out for you guys uh yeah so i hope that you guys are doing well thank you so much for coming along with me on this tour i will give you guys more update on this area i'll probably put more crazier like huge aetheriums and philodendrons up here because my collection is growing um as you can see this varicose one could easily get much bigger than this i've got some plumani eyes but they're all still pretty small right now so yeah give me a few years you guys i will be updating you guys but i'm very excited about this space and i know that i already said bye to you guys a minute ago uh so i'm gonna cut this outer outro short because i tend to babble on uh i'm at botanist on instagram if you wanna dm me on any questions on any questions regarding plan care and propagation i'll try my best to get back to you meanwhile do take care and stay safe i will see you in the next episode bye
Channel: onlyplants
Views: 14,984
Rating: 4.9759035 out of 5
Id: sE2biQIK-R8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 33sec (1773 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 23 2020
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