Indonesia Plant Nursery tour @ ragunan kav 26

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hi guys my name is sean i'm a house plant enthusiast from jakarta indonesia in today's video i'm going to take you on a nursery tour back to ragunan uh i'm specifically here for this particular store i made an appointment with the owner because he's been very kind and he's got really cool uh yeah and i stopped by a few stores before this uh so i'm gonna show you some of the footage and yeah i'm gonna take you to meet the owner and he's very shy so he's gonna be very quick about giving us some tips and information mostly i'm gonna take you on a tour in this nursery where possible i'm going to include the price uh this is just so you know how much we pay for plants here in indonesia do not take the prices listed on video as as something permanent because prices of plants change every single day so yeah without further ado uh let's get let's get this tour started so this is quite beautiful it caught my eye because the new growth points are so beautiful i'm not sure the species name but surprise um if you look at the underside it's red that is so well i have never seen a variegated plant with red underside really nice and that looks like it's flowering and something caught my eye new leaf this is so pretty this is the philodendron marble variegated and it's actually supposed to be inexpensive so i'm going to check out the price and i may take him home very nice so here's an allocation fry deck and i'm actually very surprised because it grows from a main stem i do not know they do that because i've only seen my alocasia rise up from the soil but not not like this so yeah that's interesting i guess but when you have a mature plant it's going to give you a main stem and you can propagate it that way [Music] it's a little bit thirsty but it's so fat and the shape is just so beautiful let me get out of the way okay yeah i might check out the price i feel like this will be very expensive there's so many talenteas here i didn't see them here before so i guess they just came into the market look at that how nice look at this species whoa [Music] beautiful and this one is heavily pregnant with kids yeah and they go all the way over there [Music] i've got a lot of these but i want more because the care is pretty much the same this is really beautiful uh the care is the same so you just water them at the same time if you have one talentia and 20 talensias you actually spend the same amount of time to care for them i've actually been looking for this this is a jungle cactus commonly locally we call it wijayakusuma and it's in the red color i saw someone on instagram with this and i've been looking for one so yeah i mean check this one out so it's super quiet here on a monday and the city is kind of on lockdown so that's a good thing i guess we're supposed to be socially distancing and i'm glad that it's not crowded at all and i have face coverings on and as far as i know everyone's got one too um combined by the fact that this is uh in the outdoors so i guess it's relatively safe i hope uh i hope that you guys are staying safe at home don't go out it's not necessary um yeah i'm gonna hurry i won't be staying too long this time and i'm not sure what this plant is but it's got a really beautiful flower and what's really cool about it is the underside um the undersides are have this beautiful red uh veins very intense i quite like it something tells me that it likes uh full sun or direct sunlight this is a yeah this is a dark leaf plant i think they're probably in the same family but different variations this is so nice whoa what is this i can't stop staring at this i i don't know i feel like i must have this guy so stunning uh yeah i'm gonna check out the price and the species id someone's gonna get it from me soon i believe this is a hibiscus i'm gonna take you to this flower whoa this is so nice you are so beautiful love at first sight i'm in love with hibiscus fantasia and this one's got these pink uh variegations on the leaves whoa i want one of these but they're so big i can't i only have one hand today because i have to film so i'll i'll be back for you so here's uh where we're gonna film today and this is beautiful this is i believe we call it waru varuvarigata oh man ah look at this one uh i saw that their leaves do come in this bright red and they turn to this color oh my god this is so beautiful and they come in so many shapes and sizes on the leaves with that little bit of pink amazing but i digress so yeah my purpose here is to take you here because the owners have been very kind to me and answering a lot of my question is right there so i made an appointment to come see him and see if he can share with us any care tips and yeah let's get started okay so this is what it looks like when you enter the nursery and there's a lot of these and i earlier on i mistakenly thought this was the fatsy japonica look at how cute the new baby leaves but this is actually the variegated papaya apparently the fruits are gonna be variegated as well uh that's that is super well and they have a lot more over there that's the little ones i think they're about a hundred thousand rupiah and i may take one home and these are the the slightly more mature ones so yeah i don't know if i mentioned this but um the owner here he said that uh how cute that the the fruits are variegated as well i don't know if i already mentioned that but i'm just so excited actually we saw this variegated zz plant before um but here this is an alocasia poly or amazonica that is about to flower welcome i i did um this species before at san garcin where i didn't know the species id but this is the philodendron fat boy so now i know they look like bok choy and i vote to call them the philodendron bok choy it's a much more fitting name very cute look at the fat stems and it's telling me that maybe it doesn't appreciate being overwatered because of the fat stems this is the pepperoni metallica i actually have one of these and i'm going to show you a variegated one later but it's dying really badly i have one that is surviving they are they have very very fragile stem that rots very easily but they also tend to droop when they are thirsty so you have a window opportunity where you have to water them and you can't miss that so these are actually considered a very difficult type of romy however they're very easy to propagate thankfully [Music] so here we have a philadelmania that is huge so this is apparently the dark form and there's another one inside they just unfurled this is so stunning uh look at the pink right here and if you look at the back there's the frills very very nice for me it's a very slow grower but um over here they have such a huge specimen and this one's putting out a new leaf this is a very healthy plant i want to take her home so bad here i believe it's an allocation beautiful uh stems and this leaf is unfurling let's look at it i love watching these unfurls it's the prettiest thing in the world and it's got slightly sabrina-like stem and it's got this sword like leaves this is quite beautiful so this is how mouthfuls are made wow very manually ah there's an aetherium here that looks like uh the beaks of those uh tropical birds i don't know if you know what i'm talking about but this is quite beautiful wow very nice and this is probably a very old plant as well wow here's another philodendron marble variegated um yeah i'm continuously surprised by the beauty of the variegations i really want one of these but uh they used to be about four or five hundred thousand and now it's double the price or triple even so i'm gonna wait wait it out be patient you guys fan prices are gonna come down this is the ethereum pedeto radiator that i killed and i'm waiting for one two i'm waiting for the right time yeah the calathea zabrina in my experience they're the second hardest uh next to the orbifolia to take care of but this one's happy it's putting out three new shoots i love looking at things like this gives us hope but yeah if uh i'm gonna give it another try at some point when i have enough time but i'm not giving up on you look at the neon leaves so pretty there are some baby uh calatheas under here how cute it's trying to put out a new leaf and here we have some shiny pepperonis they're actually weed and they have some additional properties to them and that is a cute fern i know you think i'm weird because i like these uh little plants that nobody wants to talk about uh this is nice too i've got some of these growing in my pots at home yeah very cute so here is the aglionima pictum tri-color and this endemic here in indonesia i know it's hard to find overseas but voila we have a lot down here this is amazing there's probably about 50 parts of them here and this particular one is so beautiful very very camouflaged i guess they're all very different and they have different personalities different patterns some of them are lighter green this is truly a beautiful agronema to have although they're i would say that they're not worth the price tag that they're given there are better plants out there for the same price so yeah they grow really fast and they multiply very easily so this is one of those plans that the price will come down very quickly i promise you and here what looks like a papaya tree as well is the philodendron warsaw whisky eye i've got a tiny one of these but the large one is so beautiful look at that very nice um here's another zebra type bromeliad i'm so obsessed with them uh let me see what else oh here are some moronta luconoria or her no sorry that's not the corner this is the hershey i can't pronounce it i've got a lot of these but this is the variegated one this is a beautiful leaf uh this is on my wish list but i i already have the plan and i propagated so many of those uh so i guess i'm gonna be on hold for this and oh here is the uh i didn't sonia local variegated so it's not as uh white as the uh the more expensive variegated one adding sony eye actually this reminds me i'm actually here because i'm doing a plant swap so i am sending a plant to somebody who lives nearby and i'm gonna be i'm waiting for him to send back a plant so the plant that i'm sending him is my local edinsonia variegated and i'm going to be getting a philodendron um shoe what's the name philodendron philodendron jose bueno it took me a while to think about my brain is totally distracted by all these cool plants here right now here's a periscope verde and they're propagating this this is such a cool way to propagate the plant this is air layering i meant to cut up mine i actually actually wrapped mine in moss but i didn't do it this way because i'm propagating to sell it it's fetching such a big price right now i bought them up at probably about a third of the price that they are now but they're truly fascinating and beautiful they're fast growers so if you can hold off on them the prices should go down really quickly because they are really one of the faster growing philodendrons that i have oh yeah microphylla they stopped me on my tracks every time i passed by them i had the i love the variegated virgin which i showed you but i actually also love the all green version especially when it's grown like this look at the growth pattern they just wanna wanna clamor all over the place and the leaves are like leathery thick shiny oh yeah i love my own and i love other people's toys too i love to pet them now that is a huge part of calathea ah look at how big this is this is insane look at that ah this looks like the ornata it's got the pink stripes here so the ornato has the i guess a round form also a narrow form or maybe it's a whole new species altogether i'm not sure but wow this is beautiful so here we have some palea pepperonis a lot of them and they look so happy here but keep in mind that they're actually a very very difficult plan to keep alive so if you're a new planned parent um don't get this first level up first i believe this is the uh pasta xanam i could be wrong look at the paintings this is so nice whoa and the other leaves too here ta-da so nice oh my god this is a new fresh new leaf so shiny and glossy uh this is the plumani eye it's a little bit different from the one we saw before this is the regular form how nice i to see the back i like to see the back of leaves it's sometimes just as impressive as the front i am so jealous looking at this this is sabrina again and it's putting out so many new growth um and this one over here with a lot of babies so they put our babies from the side and they're so happy this is a parent plan i really need to figure out how to keep them alive because there's beautiful and it's such a challenge and i know that i can do it foreign foreign nothing special just put some water when it's dry okay that's it puppy we all failed okay okay [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] um [Music] [Music] a [Music] [Music] is yeah so i'm in the rare part of the shop and there's a like a doorway that you can get in here so this place is pretty much sealed off there's so many cool plants here um this is really nice i've been seeing this on instagram uh this is on my wish list and i just haven't gotten around to getting one so nice i'm not sure what this is i saw this at han's garden last time he pointed this out but i wasn't in love with it i'm not sure if uh you guys are finding this beautiful or not some brand tianum i believe this is i don't know majestic or yeah could be or mommy i i'm not very good with these uh philodendrons uh this is probably a melanochrycem and glorious and uh hybrid from the looks of it a beautiful new leaf and this one the yellow variegation is so intense very very nice and here we have this i don't know what this is either oh this is probably an aetherium and there's a lot more behind me they're much bigger beautiful markings but i don't love it it hasn't called out to me yet here are some syngoniums just a perfect amount of white variegated antherium which is weird i rarely see these and here are those really bushy orbitfolia my orbifolia goals there's a oblique in here let me see this is super nice i don't know what this is this looks like the piper or natum but it's not shiny it's a velvety uh feel um very very matte so i don't know but the growth pattern is letting me know that this is a piper family very very exciting let me look at the underside yeah love it ah this syngonium it kind of folds which is really weird it's a crinkly syngonium yeah if you're into uh plants like this uh like the porto shangrila uh yeah this is the right one for you and i posted this a few days on my instagram this is the variegated kadaka they have them here so if you're looking for them this is where you can find one and i'm gonna take you inside the plant how nice very mesmerizing let me give you a close-up on the print it looks like someone uh took a marker and just drew on them here we have a peperomia copperada it could be called pink something maybe pink lady or i'm not sure but this is quite beautiful um yeah the owner talked me through it earlier and i'm really interested in this i don't have a capota but if i do get one i think this is probably the one that i want and there's a little bit more over here as well how nice look at that and i can't remember the price on this i think it was pretty expensive and i want i want this so badly but uh i didn't do well with the black version uh let alone the variegated it looks like it's in a lot of moss moths the care is going to be too complicated and it's going to bring me so much stress so i'm going to put this away i've got some zero kusum here and propagating away it's amazing to see that people are multiplying them this is good because this means that we get a lot of plans to share and the prices will come down as long as people are continuously growing them so it's nice and this is an ethereum and it's brought given a a pink flower aesthetic sorry aesthetics and the flowers are the little things that are inside looks like a popsicle i just want to put it in my mouth so they have more of that syngonium strawberry eyes and uh yeah the price on these are insane uh they're beautiful i would say but i don't know if they're worth that price this is uh crazy because single names grow so fast so yeah i'm glad to see that they have quite a few of them here and there's somewhere over there uh yeah so long as people keep multiplying plans i believe the price will go down here's a variegated uh watermelon pepperoni peppermint algeria which is very very nice it's actually very variegated hmm and here we have more propagation happening so yeah if you cut it up to multiple plants everybody can afford to have a little piece and if you guys are also growing them successfully in your homes and multiplying them that means that we all get to share more plants with each other this is quite nice this is probably i don't know what this is the soda roy or yeah probably the soda roy actually i may be wrong and uh this plant nobody knows what this is here so if you know what this this this is pretty freaky i don't know i'm sure some of you are probably turned off by this and it looks like a little chili uh trying to sprout up from the leaf i wonder what kind of survival mechanism this plant needs to go through i mean that this one has to develop over the years for it to develop this this is crazy and this is on my wish list uh tigrina but it's an allocation which means it's spider-mite central yeah this is nice oh my god uh i don't know what this is this looks so healthy i love lena this is beautiful this looks like a philodendron elegance leaf but it's an alocasia i can tell it's got that stem too i'm gonna check out what this is very very interested here in my hand is the i believe it's the blue fern that everyone's talking about i think about six months ago i disappeared off instagram but this is quite beautiful look at the iridescence on the leaves quite nice but something tells me that this is not an easy plant to care for ah here's a syngonium with red arrow or i don't know what it's called i got one of these recently and a lot of sellers were posting these for sale which means that they have probably just came into the market and there was a lot of them available they're still pretty affordable in my opinion about 250 000 so yeah very nice all right so i think i'm done for the day i'm gonna rush home i've got some plans so i'm gonna do an uh an unboxing for you or a haul for you uh tomorrow because it's getting dark so i'll see you later bye hi guys so we're back at home and i just wanted to quickly show you my plant before it gets completely dark here um so i got this different bakia reflector it's really really beautiful and i just can't stop looking at the neon stripe in the middle and just the camouflage around it and then i got these two plants i looked it up briefly but uh i can't pronounce the i can't remember the plant id at the top of my head but i'll enter the name on the screen they're both the same species uh and yeah they're really beautiful i love this coloring on this particular one uh with the green yellow and red vein on especially on the underside the underside is just so gorgeous i can't wait for this to turn into a shrub and then i got the dark form too and glossy leaves dark and glossy black leaves it's just so beautiful i can't stop staring at it yeah so apparently i looked up the care for this plant and it doesn't like to be in direct sunlight apparently so yeah and a fast draining soil kept noise pretty much the same way you would care for most of your house attacks and next we have this guy and uh he looks like he's flopped a little bit on the way here so i got to be careful i may take a few cuttings and propagate just in case for plant insurance but yeah someone's planned they they don't do so well in transport you can see the difference right away it doesn't want to come home with me and next we have this blue fern how beautiful uh they have a larger sized one but i prefer the smaller size because it's more affordable but also because i enjoy seeing them grow up so yeah it's got this really beautiful iridescence on it and this is uh the last one which is the jungle cactus and in the red as i showed you before so yeah i have too many plants but i can't stop buying them i'm a plant addict so i guess that's all for today thank you so much for watching my videos i'm at botanist on instagram if you want to dm me for questions on pancare propagations um meanwhile do take care and stay safe i will see you in the next episode bye
Channel: onlyplants
Views: 45,005
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: ooFmVqC-65E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 43sec (1843 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 14 2020
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