My First Livestream - Answering Your Questions

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yeah i can see there are some people here so i've got a feeling my my phone is telling me to rotate my device so let me see if it's better like this is that better guys i can't see your messages you're there a minute ago okay live before i think i have just been talking to myself i'm not sure can you can somebody tell me if they can they can hear me and see me thumbs up if you can hear me and see me yes fantastic okay hello sarah laura laura asta maurice lucas yin christian thank you very much wow this is great you can see yes i i've seen your messages before i don't know your name cs i'll just have to call you cs um ah now i put two and two together so yeah some familiar names on there it's good to see you thank you for me um i wanted to have this this um bina nice to see you i want you to have this in landscape view but for some reason that couldn't happen so you're going to have to put me up put up with me in in portrait but it's better than i'm going gonna try and watch the uh look at the camera rather than the screen because i hate it when people do that but really the messages as they come through so this is great you know what they say that you should do something every day do one thing every so it's day for today tomorrow and probably the day after because this is very different to making a video and posting it uploading on youtube because it's live um and my first fear was that nobody would turn up and come and my second fear is that people would turn up and people would come but it's good to see you here so thank you all all of you that have come um and the occasion is to celebrate 10 000 subscribers on youtube so thank you guys um so thank you very much for subscribing and i really appreciate it more than you could probably imagine i started this channel in april last year so i think about 18 months ago like in the pandemic and it started very very slowly i was getting like one subscriber every week or something like that but then i made a video on the cambridge english exams because i had a lot of experience preparing people for the cambridge english exams that and the others so that told me that um i could help more people by having prepare for the cambridge english exams so that's what i've been focusing on for the last year more or less i've been making another vocabulary videos and grammar videos but all with a focus on the cambridge english exams because i really want to help as many people as possible i started to see the channel take off i mean it's not it's not a million views it um not a million that's pretty good so yeah thank you very much guys for that um i really appreciate i'm going to look at your messages because i think i have some questions already yeah somebody's asking if there's a problem with the connection is that no a lot of people have a problem with the connection thank you for the congratulations laura mona hi maria thank you for joining me maria it's good to see you here alessia who's here good to see you here lucy in the sky bro sophia thank you for your lovely comments i've had some lovely comments from the last ones and it's it's so nice it's so motivating because sometimes it's a very kind of lonely lo i wouldn't say got a lovely property or lonely activity being a youtuber because you're kind of doing these things and putting them out there and you don't really know you know that people are watching but what what what i really like really means a lot to me is your lovely messages because they really motivate me to continue and there have been many times over the last year and a half where i thought about giving up to be honest because you know after months of not getting any progress um what's motivated me more than anything is just now i'm knowing i'm helping a few people because just getting those few messages because before i started this youtube channel and i'm an english teacher that's what i do i teach teach people that's like me that's why amy's not in this room because she barks a lot so she's outside maybe later i'll show you but but what i could do with this youtube channel is just reach more people before i had face to face in person classes uh the quality is great thanks beena um i lose that by jerry eva yeah amy amy may come up later um so yeah i can reach more people but i didn't really dream of bringing 10 000 people so that's that's a bonus um hey i deserve a proper fabada yeah forbader is the uh stewart typical astorian meal is very if you ever come to store this you have to ask for a fava um so yeah i'm just giving a bit of history to the channel i got to here now it's all thanks to you um i've never heard of romania of course i've heard of romania i have a student from romania actually um what do you think of pablo iglesias that's is the leader of a political party in spain very controversial uh laura thank you very much for that comment i'm glad i helped you with the ex hello patricia and uruguay nice to see you i don't want to keep reading all the messages because i'm going to be interrupting my speech but i will be honest if you have any specific questions on the cambridge english exams or english learning questions if i can answer them but really this this is an excuse an opportunity for you to i mean to have more of a connection with each other because as i said this is my first experience as a live stream but i think it's a great opportunity to to do that as i said putting those videos out there every week it's great because i know i'm reaching people but there's not much interaction so it's um venezuela as well um okay so yeah i'm gonna i've got a question about the c101 the listening okay yeah i didn't i have made a video on the listening but um we can look at that later oh well i have some an english teacher whose students are following following this so that's great lots of people [Music] qi cognition i don't think that's your real name what do i i think that was what do i love about teaching most i think about helping people helping because english is what i love about teaching the most yeah i think it's um helping people because english is essential now it's not it's not something nice to have but i have honest to be able to speak a bit of english people need it for for their careers for their education to travel to to understand popular culture a lot of popular studies in english of course hollywood music pop music a lot of books are in english so it's to the fact that i can help with third grade and also i get to meet lots of different people i've been teaching english for 19 years you can count them the years in my my bin of those years i was just teaching mostly spanish people face to face but now through youtube i have students from all over the world um that's amazing it's amazing so teaching english in general it's it's great but through youtube it's even better um but the audio is good can you can you hear me can can you hear me enough or should i get closer maybe that's better um i have a doubt is it the same drop and decrease i mean the meaning is virtually the same isn't it sorry did i miss your previous question i don't know what you're referring to there so sorry you didn't have problems understanding song lyrics yes yes english music that's a very good question because english language music i mean i live in spain so i know spanish music um and spanish lyrics are sung more clearly in my experience the the lyrics are more important than the music the music is more important than the lyrics so the lyrics can get lost in the music so if you listen to nirvana for example or someone like that you're not going to hear every word you just have to accept that if they print the lyrics on the um the record sleeve great read that but i don't understand most of the lyrics in english music english language music so yeah it's uh it's completely normal and don't worry don't don't think if you can't understand um song lyrics it's completely normal and understandable which theories do i recommend peaky binders is very good yes um if you're asking which series i recommend for your english or just to enjoy peaky blinders is great they have a very strong i mean some of the vocabulary is very it's slang and it's sort of it's if you don't know what peaky blinders is it's a gang it's like a kind of a mafia gang in birmingham so it's not the type of probably be using in the in the cambridge exams but anything i mean i would recommend this series i like um the crown is great it's very posh english of course it's the queen you can't you don't get any pressure than the queen and and her family um sherlock is a great british series um very entertaining but also you can learn black mirror is fantastic uh and every every episode has a different it's all about sort of technology in the future but uh black mirror is one of my favorite my um one of my favorite series i'd recommend that yeah ever have you watched it was it easy for you victoria are you nervous you have your tickets down the practice tests are horrible well the only thing i can recommend that in these next few weeks uh yeah you have about four weeks just do as many sample exams as possible some prepared weaknesses as i always say without ignoring your strengths because exams it's the global score that is important so you can compensate um if you have a written if you if your weakest point is the use of english you can compensate by having a really good speaking um paper but yeah you want to try and get all the scores as far as possible of course and really at this point with one month before your exam you're not going to improve your general level enough start all about get um getting the best strategy for you for each part of the exam so the eight parts of the reading and use of english the two parts of the speaking the four part sorry the four parts of the speaking the two parts of the writing before listening you need a strategy for each part um and just practice practice practice um and you will get better often that happens that people get low scores in when they're preparing but then on the day of the exam they're completely focused the the for the all the the time of the exam during the whole exam they're completely focused and they find that they stretch them the nerves sometimes help them so you could be um you could find that you on the day of the exam you get a better score than you're getting into practice practice exams yeah on youtube is probably the reason i know english today i am 18 year old romanian i've been on youtube in english since i was around 13 yeah youtube is a fantastic resource not only the english language learning sites or channels like mine but just um youtubers um they call them um because it's real english a lot of the time it's real english it's not actors reading a script it's international too so you can find all different accents not only native english accents but non-native speaking in english so that's great a great great resource um so yeah going back to the question about nerves my um my little phrase i always say is don't be scared be prepared the best way to fear is to prepare as well as possible um and then when you're sitting down in the exam when you sit down and open the paper you you know you've done as much as possible to or all you can to pass the exam so then you shouldn't be nervous you should just be focusing and doing the best you can in the speaking paper you'll probably be nervous because it's a very strange unnatural situation and um again the best you can be prepared for the speaking paper because you know you're going to enter a room you're going to sit down in front of something you've probably never seen before the the interlocutor the assessor is sitting behind him you'll probably sit next to a partner that you maybe you've never seen or spoken to before so you can't prepare for the environment but you if you practice the speaking with a friend or a family member then you'll be as prepared as possible so it's all about practice practice practice practice let me just see how do i get the messages up okay okay jerry is there anything you find annoying or difficult about english in general about english well i think you're asking about english in general yes i think and the pronunciation that's kind of two sides of the same coin the spelling and the pronunciation um because i don't know any native english speaker who can spell every word correctly because because there are no rules or there aren't many rules to spelling so if there's a very complicated word or never seen spelt before they've only heard it pronounced it's almost impossible to know how it's third time um and the same with the pronunciation we may see a word or a name a proper noun and we don't so if it's difficult for us to teach it and for for english learners it's really tough logical and maybe unnecessarily difficult but unless somebody decides to adapt maybe for learners then it's going to be like that so it's a different way of of learning another thing it's the typical one phrasal verbs phrasal verbs are very difficult to teach i've made a few videos about phrasal verbs to try to try to teach them in an entertaining way in a way that sticks but it's so difficult because they're quite illogical often but i always say you should learn phrasal verbs in as a chunk people sort of always obsess that it's a verb and a preposition just learn it as you learn other vocabulary it's just one chunk of vocabulary any preposition can help and the verb can help but sometimes sometimes they don't help sometimes they just confuse matters so it's a lot about context um and when i say context it's the context of the the sentence or the the the the paragraph or the speech or whatever but it's also the context of the situation so you have to use your common sense so yeah i would say spelling pronunciation and phrasal verbs because the grammar grammar isn't really compared to other languages spanish grammar is much more difficult than english grammar and i think spanish speakers would agree with me on that um you watched the crown and and you loved it great yeah i think it's a good recommendation hey ben what do you think of the book destination c1 c2 yeah i think that's a good one i've actually used it in my classes i've used objective proficiency for example complete advanced heard good things about destination maybe some of the other students on here could could give their opinion about destination that's um you and the one who leads the channel we are english do a really good job yeah um i can't remember his name but yeah he's good he does a lot of the sample tests doesn't he he goes through them himself and then and gives some tips yeah he's a good i can't remember his name um by the way i should mention here that reminds me because um i answer any questions me here the best i can but i don't know if you've seen my videos with frank the exam expert um frank knows everything about the cambridge english exam so if i can't answer any of these i'm going to interview frank he's agreed to to well i will interview him um soon so if there are any questions you have that i can't answer frank has a more examiner perspective um on the cambridge english exam so he can answer some of the questions that perhaps i can't especially regarding my exams um how the examiners interact on the day what you need to take what you can do and can't do on the day of the exam so yeah check out or stay tuned for that interview because i think the last i'm the last interview i did was about an hour and a half so i made two videos part one and part two i think people liked that so uh frank really knows as i said about the cambridge english exams it's not worth knowing so so if you have any questions specific questions because i'm more about strategy and tips frank knows my friend's strategy and chip tips but he also knows about the technical sort of exam day questions and he also has a podcast a very good podcast where he um talks a lot about how to do that on the live chats but i'm sure it'll be quite quite simple so let me just check oh there are more questions they're not coming up okay uh how to remember the word phrases you learn and not let them only be passive but actually use them while speaking that's a huge challenge for me well you said it in your question you have to use them use it or lose it that's another nice little pithy phrase use it on the vocabulary you will lose it um also i talk a lot in my videos about an emotional connection we remember things in general more or better when we have an emotional connection so in this case we're talking about vocabulary you can create an emotional connection in one video i give the example of i think most of you know that i speak spanish it's not perfect so i still make mistakes and i i was in a supermarket a couple of years ago not a few years ago i should say and i was looking for orange juice with pulp um so i i asked the the shop attendant um where is the so that that situation was extremely embarrassing for me it was a bit humiliating i felt terrible but i never i've never forgotten that because that emotional connection that emotion of humiliation embarrassment that helped me remember it now you don't want to be feeling humiliated every time you want to learn new vocabulary but what i recommend is that when you when you're thinking of examples you should always think of your own examples when you learn new words because when i make these vocabulary videos i give my examples and i always encourage you to think of your own examples but make not not just sort of vague cold examples make them really personal to you and give them an emotional connection so they really connect deep deep down and hopefully that will stick but really that the main thing is to use it or lose it and just surround yourself with english you should be surrounding yourself with immersing yourself in english watching films and series reading books listening to podcasts and then you should hear some vocabulary reinforced so when you hear the word twice or three times it will be reinforced um but it's about using it really that's the biggest tip i can give you use it or lose it and make it a emotional connection uh okay oops is this live stream jaime hi yes it should be this live stream should be available on the channel later as i said this is my first live stream but as far as i understand it should be um it should be um available made available automatically i think but yeah so it shouldn't be a problem because i think if i've ever considered taking the spanish version of the cae just to get the full caa experience you know everybody has version the cae the cambridge english exams are unique i think they're particularly torturous um they have the official no escuela official idiomas in spain and i have helped students prepare for um and they are difficult of course but they're not on the same level of difficulty as as the cambridge exams but i have thought about taking an exam for those who don't know the same duration of time that i've been teaching english so i speak but i wouldn't say i've ever really studied spanish i'll probably probably make a video about this in the future how i learned spanish i love spanish just for by absorbing it by paying attention but by abdul so i know it quite well i know i mean 19 years is a long time but sometimes i think it would be a good idea to test my level just to see if i can get a certificate but then i think why but i guess that's that's a question you you're all asking yourselves why take an exam yeah everyone remembers my example from the video um so why why take an exam if you don't need it for for a job of university access you need a strong motivation to take an exam just to study for an exam to over a long time you have to have a very clear why a clear reason why you're studying i don't have that so i'm probably not going to take an exam um uh in spanish maybe in the future but as i said you really need a motivation um are you patricia's work watching it for the second time i don't know what she means but the video yesterday i watched your video on making emotional connections ah yeah good so you've just seen it very useful good reading the new york times useful yes reading is useful particularly news articles watching news programs reading news articles if you're referring to if your question is useful for the cambridge english exams reading anything in english is extremely useful reading um newspaper or internet is extremely useful for the cambridge english exams because you get different topics different different vocabulary different styles of writing sometimes if you read different different newspapers different magazines um so yeah and i always say if you can only if i had to recommend just one activity if you could only do one thing in english i would recommend that you read because okay that doesn't practice speaking you can't improve your listening by reading but you can improve your grammar your vocabulary um and if you put your speaking fluency too and it's more you're in control when you're listening sort of vocabulary and the structures and the pronunciation sort of passes by you so you can't control the speed but if if there's an interesting passage interesting sentence you can read it again there's an interesting grammatical structure you can stop and think about it um useful vocabulary so yeah the new york times very useful but bbc telegraph times not the sun don't read the sun but apart from that newspapers are good when will you make again a video being with your students um are you volunteering mega because maybe you could appear in my one of my videos but yeah i think those videos are very helpful as i said before i have the perspective of the teacher i know strategies and tips for taking the cambridge english exams but i like to get frank for his examiner perspective and students for the student perspective i think the proficiency um video that the four guys who had passed the proficiency exam was extremely useful they had some amazing tips and unfortunately did the advanced class and the proficiency class so i hope to make more of them yeah i just don't have time at the moment it's another thing i wanted today i have plans for the future of this channel i plan to dedicate more time to online teaching in general so more time to the youtube channel and more time to um online teaching because um i'm going to try to free up some in the future i have some plans to make it available to more people because obviously in different parts of the world money is different and it is i want to make it as available as possible to more people so i'm going to thinking of options of some kind of subscriptions of five euros a month to be able to join a zoom class every week or every two weeks um so yeah i have plans for the future of the channel which hopefully in january it's gonna be difficult before then because i just don't have time but um i plan to do that so uh yes please ever what was that let's plea yes please without um best way i think you know i'm sorry keep rabbiting on and um i don't know what that was referring to but uh it's lagging a little okay is it lagging for everyone or well i'll just tell me if there's any technical problems um hey i have the cambridge exam in less than seven days and i'm so stressed don't be scared be prepared um stress is good um within reason extreme stress it's completely normal first of all to feel stressed and it helps you focus i was stressed um half an hour ago before i started this life the time i was nervous and stressed but it helped me focus and i made some notes if i was relaxed and calm i would have probably missed the starting time i wouldn't have said what i wanted to say maybe that there would be more technical issues i don't know so i had stress is good but as i said the more prepared you are the less nervous you'll be on on the day so with seven days to go hopefully you're prepared hopefully you've been preparing for some time but with the last seven days just keep doing those sample papers and i made a video on about what to do the day before the exam so watch that if you can find it because that's all about um yeah things you could should do the five tips for what you should do before the exam so if i can remember what i said some very practical advice like make sure you know what they can do how you're going to get there um sleep well that's the most important thing um yeah don't do too much a day before you need to sleep well um let me see uh he's happiest for teachers easier than toefl sorry not uh aptis i don't know what is that i'm not familiar to only english through the through the years over the years yeah that's the best way to learn a language really but then you really need to either leave in a english-speaking country or just surround yourself with english all the time uh so hey day also you're taking your exam in less than ten seven days a big problem listen to part four uh what tip could you give me please yeah i have a video on listening to uh part four is yeah when you have to do two tasks at the same time right um it seems like you're doing two tasks at the same time but you're not very it's the task because the important thing is that you read the options so when you're listening first time pay attention to what you're listening to but also make sure your family the options you have so the the 10 options and then the second time it will all be come much clearer it should become much clearer so just stay calm don't panic and try to understand the content of what the speakers are saying and then it should the answer should start jumping out to you so don't don't panic too much it's not really multitasking it's not as difficult as people think because the first time you used to the audio if you just concentrate on the questions you're gonna get lost so it's just relax and try to understand in general and then the second time you hear the audio listen for the details for the questions that's the worst thing that can happen people often think they're lost and have no idea the good thing about part four is that they're short audios they're not long audios where if you get lost it's a disaster it's difficult to get lost because they're so short and listen for synonyms and paraphrasing of the um yeah just they calm um and practice there are a lot on youtube listening um practice sample papers so have you thought about organizing something like speaking clubs yeah for those of you who don't know i have a telegram group but it's one telegram group and lots of subgroups and through that through those groups the students are organizing their own speaking clubs speaking groups where they get together so that's very useful but i offer some speaking classes but that's part of my plan for the future with this um subscription style um i haven't finalized it yet so i can't announce any big big plans but um this is my job you have to remember i can't do things for free i can do some things for free like the telegram group and my my youtube i get paid a little by youtube but it's free material for you but charging a small monthly rate um and somehow organizing zoom groups however many people attend and putting using the the option of group chats for that so yes on my mind it's in my plans but at the moment i just don't have time to organize anything um yet but i don't know um telegram group but i recommend you join it i'll put it in this description the link in this description um you can find the the link to the telegram group to my account where you'd send me a message um in some of my other video descriptions i'll put it up later any useful podcast website yeah the well the podcast frank's um uh frank's podcast which is in the link to the video i made with frank and i don't remember the english i think it's called but again i'll put it in the description to this video which you should be able to see tomorrow i think um well check out my look for my video with frank it's an interview with the examiner and you'll see a link to his podcast it's all about the cambridge english exams i guess lara lara that's what you're asking about the cambridge english exams um i'm poop again i don't think that's your real name question concerning use of english and really should i do first and then solve the rest of the tasks or start with task one and move on task by task very good question you and starting with part five um five six seven if you're taking the advanced then do question uh part eight so five six seven eight and then four three two one the logic behind that is that you're not going to have much time time is very limited so um it's better to end on uh two you don't need much time for those the part one is just multiple choice you just need to to choose one of the four options and it's very lit reading to do parts five six seven and eight have a lot of reading to do so you're gonna need more time but really the most important thing to know to remember about the reading and use of english is that you have to um manage your time very carefully you have 90 minutes 20 90 minutes for eight parts advanced these eight parts the the b2 first is seven parts and the proficiency is also seven parts but i have a lot to do a lot to read so you need to for the advanced again you need one hour for the four reading parts so 15 minutes each at least and then 25 minutes to 30 minutes for the use of english um so you have to be really conscious always thinking about the time um it's in my opinion it's it's too short it's unnecessarily um that's the way it is so you have to practice trying to do it as quickly and not as quickly as possible obviously you want to think about the answers but a fixed strategy for the time management as i said one hour for the reading so parts fourth plastic seven and eight and thirty minutes for the use of english one two three four by the way i thought about using english as the first four parts and reading as the second four parts so that five six seven and eight officially part one is really that's that's the reading part in your results when you see the results it will be included in the reading i don't know why they do that because it's not it's really useful for some reason that included in the the reading i for study purposes it's use of english okay so there is a bit of a lag but enough but not enough to not understand what you're saying okay thank you on okay patricia you have to leave join me i've watched all my videos hey dave that's great thank you very much have some more coming soon i can't quit um but hopefully as i said from january i can make more uh what do you think is the main difference between b2 and c1 it's a lot to do with the grammar vocabulary of course there's more expected of you in the writings for example you have to you have to use more impressive adjectives more complete structural grammatical structures and in speaking more vocabulary should speak more fluently you should use grammar should demonstrate a wide range of grammar in the beat for example i think the best example is with the conditionals in the advanced you should be using or you should know how to use at least the mixed the third and the mixed conditionals probably in the b2 first the zero first and second conditionals are probably enough so that's the kind of difference that is just one example the conditionals are an easy example but um yeah it's it's basically everything is just a level up there's not much more i can say than that but you have to yeah you should be using more a wider range of grammatical structures and more impressive vocabulary or a wider range of vocabulary and more precise vocabulary which again that's the difference between advanced proficiency you can't just accept a good enough word it's okay it needs to be the the correct word okay ab test baptist is a test that's organized by british council i'll look into that to be honest how do i understand crispy's how do i understand how high is my english level yes uh sorry kinds of tests or sites i can use to determine my level yeah go to the official cambridge exam site and you have some placement tests you have um i think you have to pay for some but you have some support which are not to you which are free and they establish your level for the exams in particular um how long have you been in spanish uh one i was going to say 19 years but a little bit before that because i decided to come to live in spain about was only a few months before i came so i remember when i came on holiday to spain with my parents when i was maybe 12 or 13 i remember i wanted to learn some spanish while i was here so i learned how to count to 20 i think and how to say hola not much more but um but yeah so i'd say 19 years because i've been living in spain for 19 years that's the um so not learning just by absorbing by um acquiring the language as they say technically not studying so much although i do remember for the first years when i came to spain it was before before internet well not before internet but before smartphones um i used to walk around i had a a4 piece of paper that i divided into in nine boxes on each side so 18 boxes and i had it irregular spanish verbs regular and irregular i think well there are no irregular spanish verbs right it's just difficult spanish verbs um so all the different endings so ir endings ea er endings ar endings and looking at all the the different conjugations so when i was on the metro or just walking around madrid i'd pull out this piece of paper open it up and do something on the go um that's only the only real studying i did i did attend a couple of classes from living here doing every time i had to go to the shop i put the dictionary out and worked out what i had to say to the to the shop assistant or if i had to open a bank account or even going to the bar to order some beers i had to think about it and that you know when you have to do it the motivation is there it's not like you're studying for an exam just starting to live you have to you have to learn it so that's yeah about 19 years to answer your question yes ever and that they have a website tuned on um a youtube channel too there's craig of course i mentioned english podcast on spotify what you say in english that's it thank you agnee agnieszka podcast is what you say in english i recommend everyone check that out and i mentioned english or anyone who's wanted to learn english through football uh teaches zdenek um has just started up a part i think the podcast is definitely a instagram account and youtube channel for people who want to learn english through football so um again i'll put a link into this video tomorrow i guess i think mega it saves automatically as it ends i'm not sure i have to see what happens this is the first time i've done it so i think when the live stream ends it's saved and then it's automatically i'm not sure but if it's not automatic i will do it uh yeah the difference between c1 and c2 well not much more difficult it's more difficult it's um um you have to the grammar i mean advanced really the grammar is the same but you uh more you have to use appropriate vocabulary and grammar precise vocabulary especially so it's again for advanced there may be a few options like in your speaking on writing that that are good good but in proficiency you have to use the precise the best option in that context um and used more wide range of vocabulary idiomatic expressions phrasal verbs technical vocabulary when necessary um [Music] yeah i mean a lot of the parts of the exam are the same the use of english is the same the readings basically are the same except there is one less part the speaking is very similar well there are important differences but um but the structure the format and the structure of the exam is very similar but everything is just another level so it's still to do with vocabulary you speak you have to speak more fluently one thing that people worry about too much it's okay to have an accent don't worry about your accent as long as people can understand you that's fine at all levels from from day one to to proficiency some people some of my proficiency students have quite strong accents but they pass the exams because they're strong and nice italian accent or french accent spanish um german russian whatever it's okay don't worry uh please tell me some british youtubers with an rp accent well my accent is pretty much um i don't i don't think i need to plug her i don't need to help her but um lucy of course english with lucy i think she's the queen english learning youtube channels um there's a guy called gideon and i can't remember his channel but um english podcast yeah rp accent it's a good one never t for teachers i have ever i'm lost because i don't know what you're referring to that was four minutes ago you sent that something i don't know what i said four minutes ago but yeah rp accent luke's english podcast that's a good one um there are so many uh there's a guy i think is etj and i can't remember his name as a young guy with long hair a little longer than mine and glasses very handsome fella um he does pronunciation videos he's has british english rp accent i'm sure some of you know who he is etj i think is the name of his channel sebastiano have i ever been to italy yes many many times i've lost count probably at least eight times into i've been a bit older in the north i've been to pisa tuscany rome milan venice verona cremona genoa sienna pizza i think i said but i've never been to that to visit the south of sicily or naples would be lovely so obviously you're from italy where are you from uh was it sebastiano i think yeah sebastiano let me know where you're from it would be nice to know where it would evolve we're all from uh on you you're asking me what countries i've been to oh that's a tough one most of europe i think portugal spain italy germany france uh greece no well i say most of europe there are a lot of norway knees here my friend neil who lives in funny funny question you know neil's asking neil is a friend of mine or he used to be anyway he lives in norway i've so i've been to norway he's asking me if i've been instruments he's being funny because we used to have a band we used to play in a band in madrid together i play guitar he tries to play bass because people who can't play guitar try to play bass but you know he wasn't that good um so he's asking me if i play any usual instruments and he knows very well i'm an excellent guitar guitar player and he would he would love to play as well as i play um i've booked up into south america argentina that's the only country and mexico in mexico is north america isn't it and the united states many years ago i went to florida um gabriella from argentina yeah just talking about you know i visited buenos aires tandil and martha plata many years ago i think 21 years ago what does rp stand for received pronunciation perceived pronunciation is a an english accent from britain it's a british english accent it's kind of standard between british accents also sometimes called the bbc accent um it's my accent basically i was born in london but now i don't really have a strong london accent so it's basically rp received pronunciation um look it up but it's um yeah when you when you see bbc news channels and usually they they have rp pronunciation nowadays there are people with different accents on the news which is good i think we don't all need to have the same accent it's pretty boring but um it must be a fantastic place it's just so big i wouldn't know where to start i guess moscow right or but um i will i know you live close to the beach don't you so that's must be the perfect place uh come round to russia yes so i just read that sardinia oh would be lovely that sounds like paradise to me for part two cie i teach my students to compare and contrast on the question not not on what they see in the picture are you the speaking question not on what they see um well it depends on the question doesn't it for part two so for those who don't know the part two of the cae three pictures you need to choose two compare them compare those two so looking for similarities and differences and then you have to answer two questions and you put that in one minute you do it alone it's a um it's called the long task uh and it's all the long term sorry and it's all on your own so you need to subscribe and compare the pictures and answer the questions really the questions i really it's about speculation that the questions will usually be might so what might the people be thinking or what might they be talking about so you should be speculating i'm not sure i guess you could use comparatively there too but as the time is so limited i always recommend my students to have a very strict structure compare the pictures in more or less 20 seconds so say in both pictures and then talk about a similarity and then in the first picture there is there are we can see whereas in the second there is there are we can see etc and then move on to the first question sometimes you can answer the first question when you're comparing maybe um using the picture comparison to answer the first question yeah that's possible sometimes then you save you save time but you must use speculative vocabulary for for answering the questions because you don't know what's happening you're speculating so you'd say it looks like it seems like perhaps probably it must be it might be it may be what they might be they may be that kind of vocabulary that's important that's what the examiners are listening for um romania mega and sylvia from romania poland switzerland rick you liar um also a lot of romanians here today peru fantastic switzerland 2 moscow and saint petersburg right my question is how to improve writing skills if one is learning to do the exam without a teacher yeah you need feedback for the writing don't you that's the important thing there is a the official cambridge website has what it's um a website a part called write and improve can i write on him to write myself i need to figure that out but write and improve google write and improve um you can send free writing compositions and you get immediate feedback so obviously there's not a teacher reading your compositions it's just um i guess artificial intelligence that gives you some kind of feedback whatever you are i've heard mixed reviews about this some people say it's it's great some people say it's not so good that it's not very accurate it's better than nothing i guess if you don't have a teacher but um i would recommend if you can paying for a teacher to to just read your your text just to give some feedback at least on the essay it depends on your your situation but um because yeah you need it you need professional feedback i would think somebody who knows about the exams i i offer that service so if you want contact me or many many teachers do that i don't want to i don't want to use this live stream to advertise my services um but for example sylvia if the question is why i focus on different different and similar yeah yeah write and improve it's super the site okay sylvia likes the site yeah but for part two if you're referring to part two of the advanced sylvia the questions are not usually why what it's usually what might this person be thinking if you can give me a more specific example then maybe i can i can help but really the comparison is of the pictures and then the the questions are for speculation sebastiano you're from crimea nice it's a beautiful town we went um because a friend of ours is an opera singer sounds very posh doesn't it he was singing in the opera house there so we went to visit then his beautiful little town city shorts um but yeah cremona i think it's quite famous bulgaria fantastic probably butchering the pronunciation of your name it's not terribly sorry dragana from serbia well this is really multinational uh plan before the writing and how we actually must have one and do we actually yes you should have a plan you should spend i recommend 15 minutes planning your writing in my videos i recommend 20 minutes writing and then 10 minutes checking going back and checking for mistakes but yeah you need to know what the structure is it depends on the condition of the essay you need to have two or three body paragraphs so that's really where you answer the task and a conclusion paragraph you need to think about the vocabulary you're going to use the linking words of cohesive devices like however therefore further more moreover those types of words the composition and you should look you need to know what type of structure an email needs what type of structure report needs or depends what exam you're taking with a proposal review um there's lots of information online i will make videos about those in the future but i don't have time to do all of them so yes you do need to structure uh do you know what i do with my students i copy from where they can't improve correct and show them where they make the stakes yes i do that so often i rather than correct them just underline the mistakes they've made and often they can correct themselves that's why i always say it's very important in the writing to well yeah you're talking about writing i guess uh that's why i say at the end leave yourself ten minutes bible ten minutes go back and read your writing again and correct the mistakes because often you don't need a teacher to correct your mistakes you can correct yourself and when i just underline when i point out the mistakes to my students i would say 80 times themselves they're like oh yeah of course that's a stupid mistake that's a silly little mistake so yeah definitely a good idea thank you paulina you're welcome malik hello omar is it possible for me to be ready for the cae if the exam is in december yes but it depends on your level now your sentence is perfectly correct so that's not a professional opinion on your level that's not a level test it depends how it depends on too many things are on uh you can prepare for the exam in two months i guess yeah two months if you have a good level and if you dedicate a lot of time to it i don't know how much time you have you can dedicate to the to preparing and also it depends on your experience with the cambridge exams before if you've taken a cambridge exam but i can't give you a definitive answer too many variables is mandarin topic then is the manda mandatory topic for the writing paper always an essay yes no it's always an essay from sardinia awesome okay i will tell you for ex example if they show two different places people keep shopping these places okay so it would probably be why might people shop in these places i was like yes in that case yeah that that's one example where you could probably answer that question during the comparison the comparing part so when you're comparing pitches you could use that if you can think quickly enough if the student can think enough to be able to compare the pictures and the reasons for shopping in those places at the same time in that case yes i focus on reason correlated with the places not description of the places so my question is do you teach the same uh yes i think if i understand the reason cur you're talking about the writing now right i guess because we're going from speaking to to writing yeah i think with the places not description of the places i'm not sure you're talking about the shopping places sorry i got lost uh so you are talking about the speaking so if they two different places for shopping they asked yes the reasons correlated with the places so not this for the advanced exam it's a common mistake that people make you're not supposed to be describing photographs in the b2 first exam you you describe the photographs here it's not it's about comparing and speculating those are the two key words for the part two of us cae speaking comparing and speculating much of the description definitely right there thank you thank you very much for your kind comment what is more important roland asked what is more what is more important in essay writing relevant information or advanced phrases well relevant information they're both important well no [Music] they're both important relevant information basically the examiners look at four criteria they look at content achievement language and organization your question is related to the content and language the content is asking is the content relevant to the task so how do you answer the question so all the information in your text should be relevant to the question so yes that's very important you must do the task you must answer the question but the language you're also marked on the language you use vocabulary and grammar you need to demonstrate grammatical structures and a wide range of vocabulary and appropriate vocabulary so you don't just want to throw in an adjective if it's not really suitable you should be using suitable adjectives suitable adverbs even phrasal verbs but examiners know when you're just trying to impress them just by squeezing in or forcing in um an impressive word so to answer your question roland from level c1 we could say that it's not everyday language level level c1 you could say that it's not everyday language little habits um yes i don't i don't know what you mean by everyday language level um i'm not sure habits i don't know so i don't understand that question we could say that it's not everyday language level i think you're asking if it's like an average level it depends i think on the country and for some people for some countries one is quite a low level like in sweden and holland and norway in spain it's high in italy i think it's quite high silver yeah the site write and improve i think you're referring to teachers how important spelling economist yeah um spelling and comments and contributions relatively important frank said in that in the writing bad spelling you can tell words incorrectly and not lose points if you repeat if you repeatedly use incorrect spelling and it affects the comprehension of the the writing you will lose the same story you're not expected to use perfect punctuation but if you start putting commas and full stops and inappropriate places which affect the flow and understanding of the text then you'll have problems so yeah you should consider you should try to spell correctly and use good punctuation but you shouldn't worry about it too much in pet you describe yeah yeah i guess you know first is the same as c1 but it's just one question and it's just two pictures isn't it you don't have to you're just describing the two pictures you don't have to choose two of the three it's important to use connectors yeah linking words cohesive devices um yeah uh on is asking when it comes to reading part one sometimes i feel like more than one option will for some gaps of course i know there's only one but that is considered correct but some also see i guess you're talking about advanced or proficiency but i think advanced um yeah the choose the best word in in the instructions you have to choose the best word often awful dramatically physically appropriate but you have to choose the best word that's advanced and usually it's because it collocates it's a collocation with a preposition or another word or it's a fixed expression you have to learn the collocations phrasal verbs fixed expressions idioms um it may seem that all four are appropriate but there is only one best word uh yes omar spelling is important listening but unfortunately you have to get it right sorry about that um we'll probably finish in a minute just for an hour now but um if you get your last questions in now before we before we finish uh so i've tried to learn parallel sorry sylvia i'm believing that i see her mark he's decreased me okay i've heard differently as i said frank i've heard from frank and others but um again it depends if it's a lot of bad punctuation which affects the flow of the comprehension of the text yes and bad too much you know really bad spelling but if you just get like the i and the e in the wrong runway once because that could be a typo rather than a real fundamental problem but um yeah of course you should try to use from good pronunc punctuation but yeah uh i'll try to learn structure but i haven't found a really good book for that do you know any no very no particular books about parallel structure i think it may be difficult i'll look into making a video about parallel structure hi karina from argentina good to see you which city are you from uh maintenance is turned to urban or slangy on the speaking part i've been trying to work on that yeah i've heard that before i think a lot of young people nowadays learn through youtube videos through online and it's you learn a lot of slang um you can use a slang expression occasionally but you have to learn what is appropriate that you have you have to know so yeah try to learn formal more formal alternatives it depends how slang your slang is what level of slang it is but yes probably not appropriate for most of the exam uh okay tom's an interesting question i've just had a light bulb moment is it correct to say there are seven siblings or we are seven siblings uh there are if you're talking about other people you could say there are seven siblings in that family um but if you're talking about yourself your own family and your brothers and sisters um usually we would say there are seven of us there are seven of us i think that's probably your question we are seven siblings yeah we can you can say we are seven siblings or there are seven of us seven of us siblings but that's a it's a bit of a left field questionnaire very specific question i'm currently preparing for the ca exam and i frequently tend to feel demotivated when i have mistakes especially in the news english party possibly give me some advice yeah you will make mistakes of course you're not going to get i'm sorry to break this to you i'm sorry to say this but you're not going to get 100 nobody gets 100 or very few people get a hundred percent with that you will make mistakes try to reduce the mistakes but don't don't beat yourself up as we say don't punish yourself too much if you make a mistake it's it's normal we all make mistakes um don't worry about it too much if one or two mistakes it's it's a big exam it's a very big exam so even if you have a disaster in one of the parts you just get one correct answer that doesn't mean you've failed the exam you can still pass the exam by compensating in other papers or other parts of the events stay calm and put it into perspective you don't want to make mistakes but when you make mistakes just accept it that's all i can say uh i have called for the best conditions and salaries where i probably in in the uk or the united states the best conditions and salary for here i think they're good too but i'm not sure i've only taught english in spain so i can't help you with that i'm afraid center of our and we began 350 kilometers away from the capital buenos aires i went to tandil that's not tandil is inland but it's i don't think it's right in the center of argentina yeah good advice from sylvia is obviously a good teacher she has a lot of experience you need to find synonyms in questions and texts synonyms and paraphrasing yeah because sometimes synonyms are not enough but i agree yeah you have to find um synonyms from italy where from italy are you don's thanks just wanted to make sure whether or not it sounded natural yeah it depends on okay hey guys i wouldn't start wrapping this up it's been fun actually it passed really quickly for me it's an hour and 15 minutes or almost i hope that some people say they were there was a lag a bit of a delay or something but um you seem to be understanding what i'm saying and your questions are coming up so that's that's good it's been a success i think from my point of view um i was quite nervous very much sitting in the room on my own talking to people from the world it's strange but fantastic what a fantastic opportunity it is um so yeah i think we'll start wrapping it up a few all people here now the live people and anyone who watches this video later all of you who have subscribed a few months i cherish every subscription honestly it's um it blows my mind that people want to subscribe and watch more of my videos 18 months ago i hadn't made any videos this was all new i was just a consumer of youtube and now now i'm a youtuber i suppose it's strange to say an english teacher who makes videos and puts them on youtube i'm still getting questions so is there any strategy to guess grammar items in the use of english to guess grammar items um well the context i think that i guess that's what you're asking the to guess the grammarity you mean what grammar you should be using maybe you're talking about part four i imagine um yeah you have to look for example if you see a sentence we have the subject an objective and then the second sentence the object is first then you know that's probably passive for example so look for those types you just need to know the grammar revise all the grammar or your grammar notes better it was great just a little intricate sometimes okay thank you ever for i need that feedback it's good to have you here give me that feedback hopefully next time on my phone hopefully next time i can do it on my computer but um i wasn't sure how to do it with a webcam but i'll look for that thank you toms i appreciate you too you love that actually helpful good i'm glad i found it entertaining i don't know if just me talking to a camera for an hour and a half or whatever is um entertaining but thank you for joining me on i guess that's not your real name kiara north east italy i know north east italy genoa thank you ek one no thank you for coming karina tandil is in the province of buenos aires about okay 700 kilometers so your neighbors very close right thank you i'm sorry i'm not very good with russian names uh i'm trying to learn the letters but i can't figure out how to pronounce your name um but thank you for coming uh yep silver again good tip related with verb and preposition collocations yes it is thank you again i'm a cool teacher i thought i'm too old to be cool but that's nice um thank you laura for coming wrap it up now i'm going to have to see how i can finish this i think it's just pressing that x in the corner but i'd like to do more of these so maybe next time i'll have a more specific topic so maybe we'll focus on the use of english or the speaking or the writing or whatever because i i love that we can connect a little bit more just um getting these these as i said plans for the future of the channel or not just the channel but i don't know what to call it the community i suppose is to have give you students more opportunities to have contact with me so maybe through zoom classes and we'll see how that goes but stay tuned um thank you for coming i know you're not taking a cambridge exam so it's really appreciate you turning up um kate thank you thank you very much lovely words thank you maria thank you for simona it's good to see you here thank you omar is there a schedule for live streams not yet this first one so i wanted to see how it goes but i'll i'll look into that hi maria from budapest nice to see you we're just finishing i don't know you just arrived but um thank you for coming anyway and um yeah if i don't finish now they're gonna just be more and more questions and i'll never never end so that nobody would come and i was also worried that people would come because uh i was quite nervous but you've all been lovely it's a great experience um and i hope to do it and see you all soon i'll i'll let you know what plan to do and give me give me some feedback if you enjoyed this if i can do it better differently if you would like me to speak about yes ever particular topics but yes better to finish it's hard to say goodbye okay guys um thank you lorena thank you for um so yeah if i don't finish now i'll never finish see you soon for another video and another live stream coming soon take care guys thank you for joining me bye
Channel: To The Point English with Ben.
Views: 1,006
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Keywords: Cambridge English exams tips, Cambridge English exams class, cae exam tips, c1 advanced exam tips, cpe exam tips, cpe tips, c2 proficiency exam tips, Cambridge English exams, live English class, free English lesson, free English class, English exam preparation class
Id: wpwG_yhFxlM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 78min 25sec (4705 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 29 2021
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