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hello and welcome to to the point english my name is ben english teacher with almost 19 years experience and today i'm going to teach you 10 advanced or proficiency level adverbs that will really level up your english okay let's do this [Music] so today i'm going to teach you 10 advanced and proficiency level adverbs a couple of weeks ago i made a similar video on adjectives because adverbs and adjectives are two parts of speech which can really take your english to another level and i know many of you are preparing for the cambridge english exams so including a few advanced level adverbs and a few advanced level adjectives can really impress the examiners and give you a better chance of passing those exams now i should mention that these videos are really introductions to this this vocabulary i really encourage you to think of your own examples when you're taking notes i give my examples which i think are useful and interesting but to really help you remember it's a good idea to think of personal examples that have an emotional connection okay so without any further ado let's look at the first adverb undoubtedly so this means certainly or without a doubt um so obviously we use this adverb when you're 100 sure about something so maybe you're giving your opinion or it's just a fact um so if you're in a conversation and you want to emphatically convince somebody somebody of something that undoubtedly is a useful adverb so an example sentence the number of copied infections in europe is undoubtedly decreasing so it's completely certain it's a fact basically i mean sometimes it could just be your opinion but a very strong opinion that you're completely sure of and the second adverb today is astonishingly so this basically means very surprisingly so something that is unexpected it's it's a complete surprise astonishingly some people don't like studying english it's completely surprising it's unbelievable really that some people don't enjoy studying english what's wrong with them okay let's look at number three awfully now this one is interesting because awfully you may know the adjective awful so awfully means badly or very badly so you could say he plays the guitar awfully he plays the guitar awfully he plays it very badly but the interesting thing about awfully is that if you use it with a positive adjective it means the opposite it means very good so you could say he's awfully good at playing the guitar so that's really emphasizing he's very good he's excellent he's wonderful so that's what we call an oxymoron it's kind of contradicting it's two words that go together it's a collocation that's kind of they contradict each other but in this case it's to add emphasis so when you say something is awfully good it's extremely good and the next adverb is reluctantly now reluctantly means unwillingly but maybe you don't really understand what unwillingly is so when you do something reluctantly it means you do it even though you don't really want to do it so you do it in the end you don't you don't really like the idea of doing it you don't want to do it but you do it reluctantly so you do it in the end so let's let's have a look at an example to really understand it better i reluctantly agree with you that real madrid are better than west ham okay so i support west ham the person i'm speaking to is of the opinion that real madrid are better than west ham and i don't like that but i have to agree so i reluctantly agree it's not something i want to do but i do it in the end i agree okay the next one is a nice one it's blissfully blissfully and blissfully basically means happily or peacefully it's kind of like a peaceful happiness and we use it with an adjective to modify an adjective so often with collocations probably the most common collocation with blissfully is unaware so to be blissfully unaware of something so that means you have no idea that something has happened or it is going to happen so an example in february last year we were blissfully unaware that the world was about to change so i'm recording this video in june of 2021 so february last year was 2022 and in europe at least we didn't really know that the pandemic was going to happen and the world was going to change the kovid was going to spread all over the world so we were blissfully unaware we had no idea of what was going to happen so we used blissfully in this way to say you know we were happy before we didn't know but you know we were happy not knowing so you can be blissfully unaware about something that's going to happen in the future or blissfully unaware of something that is happening now but you don't know about it okay let's move on to the next one utterly this is a good one and i think it's very british english you don't hear it so much in american english or other english-speaking countries around the world utterly it basically means totally or completely it's really to add emphasis to something it could be positive or negative in my example is positive the banoffee pie we had for dessert was utterly delicious so banoffee pie have you ever had banoffee pie it's this fantastic dessert with a banana and toffee and like a biscuit base when it's done well it's the most amazing thing you could ever eat if you have a sweet tooth you can also use it in the negative so you can say it's utterly ridiculous or utterly disgraceful it's just ready to add emphasis more than anything okay the next one unabashedly now this is a really proficiency adverb so this means without embarrassment when you do something without embarrassment the film was unabashedly silly but it was great fun okay so it's just a silly film they had no embarrassment about they felt no shame of that it's just a silly film but it's good fun and number eight is deceptively now a synonym for deceptively is misleadingly so it refers to something that makes you believe something that is not quite true so an example is the speaking part of the exam is deceptively difficult so that means that perhaps on first appearances it seems quite easy the exam seems quite easy but in reality it's it's difficult so it's deceptively difficult it makes you believe one thing but in reality it's something different so we usually use deceptively with an adjective like simple easy difficult tricky those types of adjectives and again it's to to refer to something that makes you believe something that is not quite true and number nine now is fondly fondly you may be familiar with the adjective fond to be fond of something to to like something and fondly it's similar to to have affection for something and we often use it with remember so i fondly remember a time before smartphones so i'm saying i have nice memories of the time before smartphones it was better a better time or it's just a good time so for me i have fond memories i fondly remember that's an adverb fondly okay and the last one number 10 willfully willfully so if you do something willfully you do it deliberately or intentionally so it's usually to cause damage or to cause harm to something or somebody so we use it in a negative context he willfully ignored the restrictions and entered the supermarket without wearing a mask so this person in this example is that he knew what he was doing it wasn't an accident he intentionally and deliberately broke the law or ignored the restrictions okay so again you can use that in many contexts but always negative so there you go your 10 advanced and proficiency level adverbs hit the subscribe button if you found that video useful because i'm going to be making more similar videos in the future also check out my older videos because i have plenty for you to enjoy okay guys thank you for joining me and i'll see you again soon for another video take care bye unabashedly unabashedly
Channel: To The Point English with Ben.
Views: 7,883
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: advanced English vocabulary, c1 vocabulary, vocabulary for c1 advanced Cambridge exam, vocabulary for the c2 proficiency Cambridge English exam, cae vocabulary, c1 advanced vocabulary, advanced English abverbs, advanced english vocabulary with examples, advanced english vocabulary with sentences, advanced english vocabulary words with meaning, advanced english vocabulary adverbs, learn english, advanced english lesson, advanced english vocabulary with a native speaker, ben gill
Id: 9vRuUMVJyPc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 32sec (572 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 17 2021
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