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okay let's just calm down shall we the conditionals are not as intimidating or scary or even as difficult as you probably think but they are important because if you don't know the conditionals you can't achieve a good level of english if you watch this video you will learn all the conditionals if i were you i would watch the video until the end if you had learnt the conditionals before you wouldn't have clicked on this video if you hadn't clicked on the video you wouldn't have the opportunity now to learn all the conditionals with me okay that's it those were the five conditionals no of course it's more complicated than that and i'm going to explain it right now so i think people think the conditionals are difficult because they contain a lot of grammar a lot of verb tenses in just one sentence um but the good news is that they are they have fixed rules unlike other english grammar areas so when you learn the rules it shouldn't be a problem however it's one of the grammar grammar areas that i would recommend that you revise on a regular basis in my classes with my students i find it's very useful to regularly recap on the conditionals because there's so much grammar in in one sentence it's it's easy to to get it mixed up occasionally so there are five conditionals in total as the zero conditional the first second third and the mixed conditionals and all the conditionals contain two clauses the if clause and the main clause now the if clause contains the condition of the sentence and the main clause contains the result okay and they can always be swapped you can start with the if clause and finish with the main clause or start with the main clause and finish with the if clause now it's important to separate the two types of conditionals because we have the real conditionals and unreal conditionals the zero and the first conditionals are real conditionals so what do we mean when we say real conditionals well they're talking about the real world not some imagined dream world in your head the second third and mixed conditionals are referring to this unreal world this this dream world where you're imagining hypothetical situations i'll explain more about that as we look at each individual conditional so let's start with the zero conditional now the zero conditional is the easiest grammatically it's the easiest it's the most difficult to think of examples because it's uh it's not so common but yeah it's grammatically very easy you just have if present simple plus present simple so both clauses contain the present simple and we use the zero conditional to talk about facts general facts of life or often scientific facts so my first example is a scientific fact and it's if you heat water it melts okay that's just true it's a physical chemical fact scientific fact if you heat water it melts if you heat present simple it melts present simple too okay another example if you eat too much you get fat okay again that's a general fact we use the pronoun you here but i'm not talking to you i'm not referring to you or anybody in particular it's not a personal um sentence it's just the general you everybody really so if you eat too much you get fat it's a fact of life okay one more example with the zero conditional and it is a little more personal but it's still a general fact if i don't eat i get angry okay so this is this is talking personally about me yes it's personal but it's just a fact i'm not talking about a particular situation now no just in general if i don't eat i get angry okay so let's go to the first conditional now as the zero conditional the the first conditional is also referring to real situations so the first conditional is formed using the present simple plus the future so the if with the present simple and the main clause in the future so the first example if you eat too much you will get fat okay you can see that's very similar to the second example i gave for the zero conditional but the difference is that the main clause is formed using the the future so that makes a big difference to the idea of the sentence now with the first conditional it is it is personal i'm talking to you i'm talking to one person in particular if you eat too much you will get fat it's not the general you it's not people in general it's you if you eat too much now you will get fat in the future okay another example if i don't eat i will get angry okay again similar to the previous example with the zero conditional but again it's it's still referring to me personally but it's today now so maybe we're going out and i'm starting to get hungry and i say no if i don't eat i will get angry i'm warning you and the final example i know people always give these types of examples but they are the best examples to use um for various reasons we'll see um so if i win the lottery i will buy an aston martin okay so again uh it's we're talking in the real world i believe you know i have i have a ticket i have a lottery ticket so i'm not dreaming so much it's what i think is a real possibility and if i win the lottery i will buy an aston martin and we'll see how that relates to the second conditional now so yeah the second conditional so now we're getting into the the unreal the imagined the hypothetical situations it's what you're sort of dreaming imagining it's not it's not the real world anymore okay and to form the second conditional we use the past form of the verb with the if clause and then the would with the infinitive in the main clause now it's important i said the past form of the verb but we're not referring to the past we are referring to the present or the future okay that's very important to remember because this is probably the biggest mistake that people make with the conditionals in english it's confusing because we're using the past form but we're not referring to the past okay so the first example if you ate too much you would get fat so again i'm using the same example but in this case it's hypothetical i'm talking to somebody in particular but they're not eating too much so they're not getting fat but i'm saying if you ate too much you would get fat so be careful in a hypothetical unreal future that could happen or that would happen but in in reality it's not happening so another example if i won the lottery i would buy an aston martin so again similar to the example with the first conditional but now again i'm using the past form of the verb to win so if i won the lottery then i would buy an aston martin so in in this case i'm dreaming i'm just dreaming of what could have what what i would do if i won the lottery so maybe i would buy a new house maybe i would invest money maybe i would buy a fender stratocaster guitar maybe i would give the money to charity i would do this i would do this i would would would if i won the lottery but it's streaming i'm just dreaming i'm just imagining it's not the real world anymore just dreaming and a very common use of the second conditional is to give advice and we use this form as to say if i were you if i were you so if i were you i wouldn't do that or if i were you i would study more or if i were you i would watch this documentary on netflix so it's giving advice or recommendations or suggestions [Music] okay so now the third conditional it's all getting very uh very grammatical lots of verb tenses um so the third conditional again it's unreal but it's unreal referring to the past so actions that didn't happen situations that didn't happen in the past um you may think well why do we need to refer to things that didn't happen in the past well it's more common than you probably think talk about regrets when you did something you you wish you hadn't done or you didn't do something so it's very common and it's necessary to learn it so we form the third conditional with in the if clause we use the past perfect so had plus the past participle of the verb and then in the main clause we use the present perfect so have or has with the past participle of the verb so the best way to learn this is more examples lots of examples so the lottery example if i had won the lottery i would have bought an aston martin again remember we're referring to the past here so if i had won the lottery i would have bought an aston martin what's the reality the reality is i didn't win the lottery so therefore i cannot buy or i will not buy an aston martin um so i'm dreaming again or i'm imagining my a different reality is an unreal situation another very typical situation if you had studied more you would have passed the exam so again you you failed the exam you didn't pass the exam because you didn't study but we're kind of talking about regrets or you know the mistakes you made so if you had studied more you would have passed the exam and one more example if you had woken up earlier you wouldn't have missed the bus so if you had woken up earlier you wouldn't have missed the bus so you woke up late again the reality you woke up late and therefore you missed the bus that's the real situation but the unreal past was if you had woken up earlier you wouldn't have missed the bus okay let's move on to the mixed conditionals now okay the mixed conditionals so this is when we're mixing two conditionals the third conditional and the second conditional okay in that order usually in that order um because sometimes the consequences of a past action have repercussions in the present so we need to refer to the unreal past and the unreal present in one sentence again examples are the best way to really understand this so here we use the past perfect with if and infinitive of the verb in the main clause okay let's use the lottery example again if i had won the lottery i would have an aston martin now okay so if i had won the lottery in the past which i didn't in reality but if i had won the lottery in the past i would have not i would have bought the action is not buying is having now so i would have an aston martin now another example if you had gone to bed earlier last night you wouldn't be tired today so if you had gone to bed earlier last night you wouldn't be tired today okay again the the consequences of the past action are that you the reality is that you are tired now and it's because you went to bed late last night or you didn't go to bed early last night okay okay that's basically it those are the five conditionals it's not so difficult is it i know it's a lot of information a lot of grammar a lot of verbs but watch this video again if necessary or watch another video on youtube or look at your exercise books just to reinforce if it's the first time you've learned the conditionals those are the basics i am i will make it another video in the future with a few more details because there are some more things to look at like um alternatives to if we don't always have to use if in the conditionals um other forms of the mixed condition also a more advanced video on the conditionals in the future so make sure you subscribe so you don't miss that and all the other videos i'm making so thank you for joining me for this video i hope it was helpful and i'll see you again soon for another [Music] one
Channel: To The Point English with Ben.
Views: 3,486
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Keywords: conditionals examples, conditionals in english grammar, conditionals 0 1 2 3 in english, english conditionals grammar, all the conditionals in english, all the conditionals explained with example, conditionals quick easy, condicionales en ingles, condicionales en ingles 0 1 2 3, condicionales en ingles explicacion, condicionales ingles explicacion facil, gramatica ingles condicionales, 0 1 conditional, 1 2 3 conditional, 0 1 2 3 conditional, all conditionals in english explained
Id: jvfbIsbut1A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 12sec (852 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 13 2020
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