How can you improve your English speaking fluency, NOW? 3 quick changes you can make immediately.

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i know what you're thinking you're thinking come on ben that's a clickbait title right it's not possible to improve your fluency immediately well i believe it is just by making a few relatively simple changes and if you give me just a few minutes of your time i'll explain how [Music] thank you for joining me again and welcome to any new viewers now in these videos i try to help english learners with the learning process and learning a second language is a long process it's really a lifelong process it never really ends so in this video i'm not trying to give you any kind of magical shortcut to learning english no i'm specifically looking at speaking fluency and i'm going to give you some tips on how to improve your speaking fluency immediately and the first tip i'm going to give is slow down now many people are under the misconception that fluency is the same as speaking quickly or velocity but that's not the case at all in fact if you think of some of the the greatest speakers in history or in our in current times they probably speak quite slowly and there are a couple of important advantages to slowing down when you're speaking a second language the first one is quite obvious but people don't always think about it it's it gives you more time to think often when we're speaking in a second language we get nervous and we naturally speak more quickly and that has the result that we don't have time to think about what we're going to say and formulate the grammar and the vocabulary of what what we want to express so if you just slow down then it gives your brain more time to formulate the sentence you're going to say another advantage of slowing down is that it makes you sound more confident people who speak quickly tend to sound very nervous you may notice that when you speak to people in your own language as i said great speakers throughout history or in current times tend to speak slowly if you think of presidents prime ministers politicians in general they have a lot of experience of speaking in public so that will really help with your your english speaking if you can just consciously remind yourself to slow down and tip number two is kiss now i don't mean really kiss especially not during the current climate you don't want to be going around kissing strangers although i would never recommend that but kiss is an acronym k-i-s-s and it stands for keep it simple stupid the stupid is is extra you don't need that um but really it's keep it simple is the the important part of this acronym and this is really important i think when you're speaking a second language the more we learn a language the more grammar we know the more advanced vocabulary we know and we tend to want to use that subconsciously we want to use that in our in our speech but it's not always appropriate because sometimes it can hinder or make it more difficult to express what you want to say because maybe you want to use the mixed conditional or reported speech or inversion or you want to use this new vocabulary you've learned when sometimes it's just better in in real world situations to keep it simple it's good in the class or when you're you're studying or learning yourself to practice these grammar concepts and advanced vocabulary but in real world situations try to keep it simple your level will improve through study and through surrounding yourself by english and by practicing and then what was complicated one year ago will be simple next year so let it happen naturally don't try to force it into conversation do that in class or if you're practicing but not in a real world situation because it it will make the communication more more complicated okay and now let's look at the third and probably the most important tip now before i give you this tip i'd like to tell you a little bit about my personal experience learning a second language spanish i live in spain but i started learning spanish a little a few months before i came to live in spain but just self-study and at that time it was really good fun i just learned a few words or very basic sentences and everyone was impressed i had some spanish-speaking friends and if i could say hola como estas everyone was like oh that's fantastic ben can say hello how are you in spanish all good everything was positive and then when i came to live in spain that continued for a few months i started saying slightly more complicated sentences i was expanding my vocabulary but little by little over time that fun disappeared from from the process from the experience the more i learned the less fun it became because suddenly it wasn't okay if i made mistakes you know after two years living in spain and i made a mistake it was quite embarrassing oh no come on ben you've been living in spain for two years you shouldn't make these mistakes so then i i started to get more nervous speaking in spanish which is you know quite strange more time i spent in spain the more nervous i got speaking the language because i knew more the more i knew the more i realized the mistakes i was making and and that i wasn't good enough in my own mind and this is all about you know perception of what other people think of you worrying about what other people think about your level about the mistakes you make um and this brings me on to tip number three and it's to remember the objective the objective of learning a language it's communication that's the reason you're learning english that's the reason we all learn a second language is to be able to communicate so if you have this obsession with what people are thinking or worry so much about the mistakes you're making it will stop you speaking fluently because you'll be worrying you'll be asking questions in your head about did i say that right oh no i'm used the wrong verb tense my pronunciation was terrible there that word isn't the right word it's not what i wanted to use but as i said when i started learning spanish people understood me i made lots more mistakes but it was more fun i was more relaxed and i was communicating so that's a little bit more difficult to change but it is possible to change it now if you just change your mindset change the way you think when you're communicating because communication is the key it's the only objective to learning a language okay thank you for joining me again and uh i hope you found this video useful let me know in the comments if you have any other tips and if maybe you disagree with me that's fine i'm okay with that okay hope to see you again very soon for another video [Music] bye
Channel: To The Point English with Ben.
Views: 3,114
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to speak english fluently fast, how to speak more fluent english, how can i improve my english speaking skills alone, how can i improve my english fluency fast, how can i improve my english for competitive exams, how to speak english fluently and confidently, how to speak english fluently, how can i improve my english speaking skills fast, better english speaking skills fast, better english speaking fluency fast, como mejorar mi ingles hablado rapido, mejorar ingles rapido
Id: k067qursgVE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 55sec (475 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 24 2021
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