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to the pointers i have a very special video for you today because this time it's not just me speaking to you alone now this time i have a couple of fantastic c2 proficiency students who are currently preparing for the cpe cambridge exam who agreed to allow me to record their last class and put it up on youtube so thank you very much to jessica from italy and leonardo from mexico as you'll see these are they are both very good students with a high level but i'm not just referring to their level they have a very good attitude regarding learning english in general but specifically preparing for the exam so i think you can all learn a lot from them but i should explain that in this class we go through each part of the speaking paper of the c2 proficiency cpe cambridge exam and and i play the role of the examiner and i time each part when necessary but after each part we stop um and i give my own feedback and each student jessica and leonardo also give their own feedback on their their own performance and each other's performance i think you'll find it very interesting they have some very valuable and interesting things to say from the student perspective and i hope you'll appreciate my input as a teacher so without any further ado let's get on with the class okay so we're going to start with part one of the speaking paper so my name's ben and your names are my name is jessica i am leonardo okay and jessica where are you from uh i live in florence in a beautiful city of florence but actually i was born and grew up in sicily south of italy okay and leo where are you from i am from mexico but i was born and raised in glauc my place in mexico city it's the outskirts of the city are you working or studying at the moment well i'm currently working i work as a teacher in mexico i give english lessons to adults young adults and i prepare them for b2 certifications toefl and toeic jessica and you so i have been working in the tourism field for many years and precisely in this moment i'm at home but in june i'm going back to work okay um and jessica why is english an important language to learn these days english in my opinion is not important is essential i consider english a golden key to open all the doors of the world if you can speak english you can go whenever whatever and you can broaden your horizons and you won't have any issues you can also achieve and look for a prestigious job in a prestigious company so to me it's fundamental to know english okay good um and leo what have you found most difficult about learning english well i would say many or i would say that in my case uh the interaction i mean i started studying english since i was 13. at the time we didn't have the opportunity to interact with internet social networks and most of the material i had was from my teachers i mean they were amazing teachers however we didn't have this thing as a what we call authentic input you know like listening to a native and interacting so in uh at some point of my learning was one of the most difficult issues because you know i confused vowels and i confused sometimes consonants uh another important thing that i have struggled with is the um natural constructions you know sometimes we use phrases that are not so much pertaining to english there are more spanish-like constructions so i would say that natural language is one i have struggled with must okay thank you okay so that's end the end of part one of course in the exam you'll continue immediately to part two but we're going to give a bit of feedback now um so very good as a as always with youtube very good uh very good answers obviously not too short you don't want to give one word answers and you expanded on your answers um leo if necessary the examiner will interrupt your last answer leo was was quite long it was very good i liked it a lot it was maybe a little longer than they would expect in the exam but really that's not a problem especially in part one because they're not timing there's not a limit there's not a specific limit but the examiner may interrupt you that's the only the only thing you need to pay attention to but that's really not a problem it's definitely it's better to speak too much than too little so that's good what did you what jessica what did you think about part one i was fine absolutely these questions now are easy they were not before when i started studying but now i feel confident so i'm very i'm satisfied at the moment yeah good you should be yeah your answers were very good obviously the first two questions you've answered many times you can be your almost automatic with those but the third question will always be a bit left field as we say you're not really sure what it could be in this case it was about um learning english or studying english so yeah you had a good answer to that i like some of your vocabulary like broad on your horizons that's good just with the pronunciation there you have to pronounce the h brought up your horizons i didn't horizons okay horizons yeah so this is this is the italian pronunciation italians we don't pronounce the h and so it's horizons i think your pronunciation is so amazing it's almost native it's it's uh it's always surprising when you pronounce something a little differently to a native speaker because your your accent is pretty much uh like a native english british english speaker so um but yeah that's the only thing but yeah use some good vocabulary and leia what did you think about your your turn you know i think it's easy to answer these kinds of questions because are so um what what they do you know i mean i don't know if you had asked me something different and i'm not so keen on i'll be like maybe rambling i wouldn't know what to say maybe but with these kind of questions i feel really comfortable yeah yeah i mean the questions may not be about learning english i should say that as you know it could be about almost anything but they won't be too demanding the questions in part one as you know in part two and three it gets a little bit more uh complicated and it's against the clock so um but yeah part one you yeah you both did very well good answers so we're going to move on to part two now so i'm going to show you some some photographs so here are some pictures of people who have achieved their ambitions look at pictures a and b and talk together about the different ambitions that they illustrate you have one minute for this all right leonardo okay probably in picture a we can see celebrities so probably their dream was to become famous and you can see journalists and reporters uh interviewing them and so probably their ambition once was to become famous what do you think yeah i guess the their their ambition was to become famous but i would say that more than fame uh what it entails to be famous right like maybe money you know recognition uh i don't know uh for example letter b it's a different ambition because i guess it's sharing time with your beloved ones so we can find bliss not only by being rich or being famous but also by sharing with your beloved ones what do you think yeah absolutely absolutely probably the people in picture b prefer to to spend their time with with their beloved with their family rather than uh achieving uh fame and i mean being famous probably this is not their ambition okay thank you okay okay now look at all the pictures imagine that you have been asked to write an article for a website about the kind of ambitions that young people have today these pictures are being considered as illustrations of your main point in the article so talk together about how common the ambitions shown in the pictures are for young people today then decide which picture illustrates the most common ambition of young people today okay okay okay so leonardo since it's an article we need something catchy hackful something engaging that re-conveys and show what young people want nowadays i truly believe that nowadays young people want success immediately and if you see picture d there is this sports tennis player and a big crowd and probably he feels proud of himself being supported by many fans famous um picture c a b it looks like a businessman yeah well to me literacy he seems more like i thought it was more to go after power you know politician or something like that but now that you mentioned yeah i think it's a businessman and retaking the the point your point of young people trying to achieve success so fast i would like to mention letter e to me letter e i don't know to miss kind of i don't know if it's like a freelance or maybe uh you know nowadays uh what we call here in mexico where the youtubers people who work on social networks and and they okay they go after their their dreams but you know i i don't know what to call it if it's so fast or to rushing things in and having no preparation you know yeah exactly they nowadays not all because it's not correct to to make a generalization but uh and nowadays um probably young people take example from celebrities uh reality shows and you will have fame immediately without making any effort and so they believe that this is the real world um so probably yeah probably these guys working on as a social media manager you know nowadays social media instagram facebook they are the new job the defeat that it's considered the new dream of many people so yeah yeah so for the article probably picture e would be exactly because i would say it's like the trendiest you know yeah it's catchy and it's also the trendiest i would say is like what people look for you know and and yeah and the same for picture a it's they are similar okay so again fame fortune money uh being rich and being in the limelight it's really exciting for for young people it's really appealing okay so probably we need to choose a picture that appeals on young people okay thank you that's the time yeah that was just over three i don't know if i said before you you know you've done this before that's three minutes i i don't think i said it before but you knew that anyway but was that did that feel like less than three minutes for you at the beginning maybe but then when we engaged into the conversation i think it was like i needed or i had something more to say but i think it was okay i don't know what it was like for you jessica this was difficult for me yeah the pictures oh yeah as usual now anyway there is a lot to say the problem is is as usual we warm up after exactly yeah i thought it was very good i thought you you did really well i think you i mean yeah you always have to remember the question and this is difficult because you it's quite a long question and you have to a long task and you have to try to remember all the points that are asked so this was imagine that you have been asked to write an article for a website about the kind of ambitions that young people have today these pictures are being considered as illustrations for your main point in the article talk together about how common the ambitions shown in the pictures are for young people today you did that i think you you did that especially with picture e i think and then later picture a but the tennis tennis player and yeah the businessman or politician whatever and then decide which picture illustrates the most common ambition of young people today and you were doing that i don't know if you really took a final decision but again it's not really about necessarily agreeing on a final decision it's about the process it's about sort of talking and negotiating and um analyzing the pictures to to think about it so i thought it was very good really um i know i know what you're saying it's frustrating because three minutes just seems perfect just to start getting warmed up and then and then i come in there or the examiner comes in to interrupt you just as uh just as you you feel you're getting into the subject but but i thought it was good you used some good vocabulary um engaging impactful um catchy proud of himself i liked something leo you said it was just a little thing but these i think these um expressions are important you said now that you mentioned i think you said now that you mentioned it so that's very natural very real english it's not related to the pictures necessarily you could use that in any any exercise but that's um very good freelance social media manager uh the trendiest you said appealing at the end these are all good words and appropriate words for what you're talking about and i mean you're very you're both very good at this but it's difficult when you're trying to think of things to say just think of content to say and try to include impressive vocabulary at the same time it's difficult you did very well what do you think i mean you said you felt that you were just getting started when and i interrupted you but you generally happy with how it went you are much better than other lessons yes okay to be honest at least in my case yeah much better than in other lessons every time is a surprise so and i try you know what i do i try to think of all about all the essays i have written recently on these subjects because these topics um are very common in this exam okay and uh young people and social media and stuff so i always try to remember all the advanced vocabulary i use in my essays but then i forget because i'm too anxious nobody you didn't forget i think you used i don't know if you would have liked to use more it's all it's nice to use as much proficiency vocabulary as possible but you you did well i think it's um and the important thing is always help you always help me thank you because every time you give me an idea that i then i can follow you so it's the same the same thing here because at the beginning really i didn't know how to start but whenever you start you give me time to think you know it's like well what she says and i i usually like an anchor you know i mentioned it last time and it's like but from them the train of thoughts start starts working and working and working and and i have chance to give more ideas same as you uh i would like to focus on vocabulary expressions that is like i don't know if you think this will be impactful or not but sometimes i just i just use it you know but uh sometimes i don't even know if the word is uh a an advanced word or not of course i would love to to use them all time it's not uh but you know what if i can advise you what i am doing i am learning sort of fixed phrases because pictures are always pictures okay so at the end you can always start saying oh we need something catchy and impactful because every time it's an article is a magazine it's all the same stuff every time so at the end you can learn you can memorize these keywords and use it in any situation yeah yeah i'm planning to make a video about that actually that c1 and c2 vocabulary that you can use basically in any situation so synonyms for common words like important or big or interesting that you can use in any any speaking part really in advanced or the proficiency or even in the b2 first because it's good to use advanced vocabulary in that exam too um yeah we've spoken about this before about trying to force you know advanced vocabulary into your your speech it's difficult and i i don't think i think that's one of your strengths both of you that you you speak naturally and the words are appropriate and that's very important with proficiency you have to use appropriate and suitable words for the subject and the context and that it's much better if it comes naturally because it's real and it's authentic and as we've said before when you when you start giving your real or thin authentic ideas and opinions in these speaking tasks it's when you really get more fluent and it's a much more natural conversation which is what the examiners are looking for apart from the vocabulary apart from the impressive vocabulary it just has to be a real natural fluent conversation and i think that's basically what you what you had and it's difficult in with the pictures to do that again when the the clock is ticking it's it's difficult to to remember that too um but let's move on to part three now now in this part of the test you're going to talk on your own for about two minutes you need to listen while your partner is speaking because you'll be asked to comment afterwards so leonardo i'm going to give you a card with a question written on it and i'd like you to tell us what you think there are also some ideas on the card for you to use if you like so you have just ten seconds to think about it okay uh regarding creativity i think is one of the most essential features for in in human beings you know uh creating the point is that nowadays once i heard well sorry once i heard that there's no new things in the world that everything has been created that there's no newness i strongly disagree with that because you can always create things that fulfill yourself things that catch other people's attention and uh i would say uh you know it's kind of your printing or giving your footprint to something i don't know for example my case in my in my job how attractive i can do the material for my students what kinds of uh what kind of activities would be suitable for them and and more than suitable that they feel happy and they feel hard to say uh um i don't know they they feel comfortable for learning you know now i think creativity is a difficult issue because we we cannot develop it easily we need imagination we need a lot of effort and it is not sometimes easy to be creative sometimes it's necessary to well i i couldn't tell you what is necessary to be creative but i think it's so much an ambitious topic that i couldn't describe what it is like to be creative but i can tell you that just by doing your best and what you do i don't know if we are co if we are cook if we're engineers or something like come up with ways to solve problems you know i would say creativity lies there and finding a solution to a problem that exists or a problem that you have okay thank you thank you jessica would you describe yourself as a creative person and if so in which ways uh i love arts and ballet in particular music so i consider create i consider myself creative and when it comes about music and i can't play an instrument but when i listen to music or if i watch a belay show then creativity overwhelms me i don't know how i feel but i'm i am terrible at drawing for example painting i wish i i i was capable but i am not okay and you leo are you do would you describe yourself as a creative person i don't know if i would call myself creative but as i mentioned uh i tried to look for ways to solve issues you know came up with a way to speed up things or to improve things maybe yeah it's creative in certain aspects maybe handcrafts you know maybe uh design things something like that okay good i think before we move on to jessica's turn we can we can talk about that a little bit just get some feedback leo how did you feel about that nervous you know uh as i mentioned uh when it's a topic that you're not so acquainted with you don't know what to say and and it's like trying to organize ideas but not keeping silence yeah because i know that keeping silence would be an issue but sometimes i think i ramble a lot and he's like i don't know what to say because i'm not so keen on that you know i don't i don't know anything about the topic right that's the point yeah that's one of the the biggest difficulties in in the speaking part in general you have to say something even if it's a subject you have no interest in or no no opinion about it or never never thought of you know yeah it's true yeah and yeah two minutes sometimes two minutes as we saw in the last exercise three minutes passed very quickly but in this exercise two minutes can feel like it's an eternity if you if you don't have much to say yeah um but is it yeah but i i well jessica what did you think yeah i understand creativity creativity is such an open world okay maybe next time you can think about the children and start from the children that just children are really creative but i know that in it's not it's easy for me to say to to advise you okay because you know that i'm terrible with the two minutes part but uh yeah creativity is such an open and big topic that it's difficult to start exactly because it's not so big that yeah that's very interesting what you're saying actually your starting point is very important isn't it where you start from it kind of dictates where you go of course and and how you know how far you can go so we're going to jessica's turn now so now jessica it's your turn to be given a question here is your card remember you have about two minutes to tell us what you think and there are some ideas on the card for you to use if you like 10 seconds to look at them before you start okay so um to be practical in life uh you know if you look at this question you might think well of course it's essential it's fundamental to be practical in life so if it's about private life at home i am free i feel free to to do things at my pace without any pressure whereas when it comes to work life um being practical in my opinion is essential for example to just give an easy and brief example in my job i am a receptionist being practical quickly reactive proactive is fundamental because when you check in uh 100 people 200 people per day you can't be slow and so you need to be uh multitasking okay being practical to me is being multitasking and this is a typical trait of women we are uh it is said that women have the superpowers to be practical in almost any situation and what else well we leave at the same time i think that we live in a world in a society very very hectic and so we think that we want and we think that everything has to be done immediately now and whereas i think that sometimes we should uh relax cool down and do things step by step little by little anyway um people that who luck practical skills in my opinion have a disadvantage especially as i i repeat especially in the work in the workplace because especially managers in the working area yeah thank you and leo do you think people are born with a practical nature or is it something they learn whoa i think that's a tough one oh i'm of the opinion that any skill can be learned however you sometimes have a gift for something a flair for something being practical yeah i think is something you can learn but i i'm sure that is something you are born with i would say uh you can learn to be practical i don't know what jessica mentioned she said just speed up things you know so you need to think of the way to speed up things and and make efforts on doing that however people who are born with that characteristic just do it naturally it just comes out okay okay thank you okay again we'll pause there to get some feedback obviously that's part three continues in a moment with some general questions related to the same subject but um yeah it's good a good moment to give some feedback so jessica what did you think about your turn so uh i am not still 100 satisfied but sorry much better than the last lesson well that's good you're you're noticing an improvement that's good yeah in what in what ways was it better how did you feel you've improved um i don't know i i i was less nervous than the other day the other day really was like a straight line now i at least i had something more to say and my personal experience helped me a bit my job my job is really demanding really um antique i say frantic yeah you can say frontier sorry connection so i imagine this and and then the women who are multitasking so we have to be practical in everyday life and i don't know i i mixed a few ideas together and it came something out yeah it's good it was good yeah yeah definitely was good and i'm just you said you're less nervous do you think that's because each time you practice you're a little less nervous with this this part of the exam because i'm practicing i'm practicing a lot a a lot uh i am recording myself yesterday i've been i practiced before yesterday i'm doing almost every day i poured myself i suggest do that because it's it's so important to improve in this part especially the two minutes part yeah because you know in the in the collaborative task you have a partner so leonardo can help me if i struggle if i miss a word okay but when you are when you have the two minutes part you are alone with the examiners watching and so um i sing a lot on the two minutes monologue yeah it's good i think that's a good lesson for everybody to know that the practice makes perfect it's and each time you get better and better so it sounds obvious but it's true and it's necessary it's something you need to do it's difficult to practice the exam environment that's why these these opportunities are so important but but yes you can really feel the the difference and notice the improvement good that's that's excellent yeah i think you you were very good it was a very natural and again authentic you're like it's what we spoke about before with leo that your speak the content of what you were saying is it's real you're not just inventing things that it's okay to invent if you if you can't think of anything to say but it's much better if it's authentic your real opinion your real thoughts because then you you'll just naturally speak more fluently and i noticed that with you there definitely and leo what do you think well about about jessica's performance or about my performance or what do you mean well both whatever you whatever you have uh well sam is um what with this convention last time i saw her a little bit more nervous and this time she was just flowing you know it was like natural like uh i followed her her her thoughts and i was like yeah you're right and and then i thought of she being gifted by being a woman you know like uh being multitasking sometimes i thought it's like you know i'm not so multitasking but those kinds of things make me notice that i follow her you know that she's doing such a wonderful job that i can follow her you know okay that's good and as i mentioned before i think it's related to how familiar the question is to you if you're not familiarized with it you're like oh my god what can i say yeah you know so i don't know i think i should have to follow her advice and recruit myself and have some prompts and start developing ideas because sometimes i just get frozen you know what what can i say yeah i think it's definitely a good idea for the for the photo the pictures part part two also i think it's a good idea just to you can always open a magazine or go into a webpage an internet article and just just describe what you see and think about what you would say if those pictures were in the exam and any yeah any subject at all just try to think about what you would say if you were asked about this in the exam um yeah and better not just think about it but actually record yourself doing it because then you get an idea for the two minutes um how long two minutes are because it's not it's not uh it can be very subjective no it depends on how nervous you are what how much you have to say as we've said sometimes it can pass by the blink of an eye and sometimes it seems to last in eternity so again that's difficult to recreate the exam feeling the nerves when you're practicing alone but obviously jessica's got a lot of benefit from it so it's it's a good example definitely so very good okay if i can add two extra things sorry again uh so if i will practice on the questions the question that you really find hard that in your normal life you would say i don't know what to say practice on those questions and again learn some fixed phrases that will come in handy also in the two minutes part that's yeah don't rely on the easiest one because it's easy okay so if you practice on your weaknesses yeah don't make it too easy on yourself beginning you will speak for 30 seconds on the second time you will speak for one minute but you will speak for two minutes fluently if you practice on the most difficult ones yeah i agree yeah it's uh yeah don't don't make it too easy on you so is it like the the recommendation or the advice i give about the the listening you have to listen to podcasts and radio programs that you find extremely boring because in the exam there will be listening um tasks which are boring and so in the speaking there will be subjects maybe you're not familiar with so you need to practice by by thinking about that yeah reading articles that you're not particularly interested in and thinking about how you would talk about them in the exam and doing it actually yeah good okay so that's we still haven't finished part three the last part of part three is um a general conversation between the two of you that lasts about four minutes um about subjects related questions related to the subject that we just saw so do you think schools should give more importance to practical subjects rather than creative ones that's a good one so leo you are a teacher right so in my opinion and then please tell me what do you think if you agree or not uh there has to be a balance between both creativity and practical because creative activities for children and for their brain development is extremely important so they need to um do activities with music art etc at the same time they can learn a job maybe doing practical activities well i agree with you but i think that that should we should consider age you know for example children if they're children you can foster their creativity by singing by dancing by drawing you know and probably when they are a little bit older start with practical skills yeah but i wouldn't say we should pay more attention to practical skills and creativity skills i would say and same as you mentioned they must be linked they must go along together you know because it's like um complete uh development of the human being you know absolutely i wouldn't say it's necessary like i mean creativity some people we lack of creativity but probably because we didn't have enough uh enough creativity activities right you know what do you mean do you mean when we were younger when we were students exactly you know it's like i don't know i don't know what what you think about just kindergarten some some some people here in mexico skip kindergarten and those children are not so creative or social as those who have attended kindergarten you know yeah i i agree with you because that's so true um in that age uh particularly in between two and four years old children needs is for their um for the for their brain needs to socialize first of all that's that's the key and then you know practice activities together with other children and yeah and you know what i think also uh it would be great to um to encourage children to um do activities creative activities not in the traditional way i mean going out from the school and going to museums exhibitions and see what is the real uh for example if it's about art okay painting and these kind of activities taking the children more to museums and exhibition exhibitions rather than uh being always stuck confined in the class yeah totally uh as a personal experience i can tell you about a teacher i had but these guys sent us to museums he sent us to uh this you know mexico is rich in in this archaeology thing so we visited these places often you know and to me was like kind of an experience and and it widened my perspective of life and and also my social skills you know i i cannot tell you if i whether i am so creative or so practical or not but i think that i am a uh you know it's exactly it doesn't matter if you are if you became a great artist or the most practical man in the world as long as you have lovely memories of what you did and these kind of experiences visiting exhibitions museums and going outside uh are experiences that will be let's say etched on your heart on your memory so okay thank you okay that that was four minutes this time not five like last time it was just the four minutes fantastic expression at the end there jessica etched on your heart that's a very good i was waiting for it i wanted to use this phrase oh you had it prepared you just waited for the first you just got in at the last moment of the speaking part i told you i prep i'm preparing everything i am becoming strategic that's great it's obviously working that that that will get you bonus points that type of vocabulary and it was again it was appropriate it wasn't forced in they didn't seem forced in i didn't know you had prepared that beforehand so the examiners wouldn't either so so again of course the in part this part of the exam the examiner will have a list of four or five questions they could ask if necessary i don't think in this part of the exam they will interrupt you to ask another question your conversation was was was great you had a nice fluent natural conversation so there's no reason for me to interrupt you to ask another question i just let you speak and let you develop the conversation which in my opinion it was was very good what do you think leo this time first what did you think about as usual whenever it comes to talk to jessica about any topic is really interesting you know because she gives me ideas she she helps me develop some other ideas you know and and uh well as she was talking at the end is coming up with other other ideas linked to that you know i was like i'm not that i need it but i would like to have said more things you know bob but as i mentioned because it comes out naturally and and it's and and maybe in this case although it's not a topic that i manage she by saying well you're a teacher so and and saying like well i think there is that and and i can answer those those thoughts you know based on what i what i think and based on my experience as well yeah as we've said before unfortunately jessica will not be your partner in in the real exams leo you're you're an amazing person really i really really enjoy every time amazing you sound so american and so good so good thank you thank you it's it's a that's an interesting point too jessica you sound so british and leo sounds so american you both have fantastic accents and any accent is valid it's an english exam a british english a cambridge exam but all accents are equally accepted of course but yeah it's a good contrast to to see both your accents um so yeah of course you you do you do work well together you you're good together um but again unfortunately in in the exam you won't be together so you have to be prepared for maybe probably a less a more or more difficult partner um so i if i were you leo and jessica i would imagine that you have each other sitting in front of you think what would jessica say at this time what would leo say at this time to just try to visualize in the exam i mean we have plenty of time before the exam but um maybe you should next time we practice you should be deliberately difficult so just to be uh to recreate all the scenarios in in the exam but now it's good sorry jessica what did you think of that last part in general i was at ease absolutely what uh what i love about leo is that leo can use more phrasal verbs than i do i'm envious because i i i'm terrible with phrasal verbs and while you use more phrasal verbs and this makes you more natural your sounds more everyday english which is negative which is which is positive sorry as a positive connotation i love the way he uses um phrasal verbs you yeah again it's very very appropriate too like again really yeah always always appropriate it's in the proficiency that's a big difference between the c1 advanced and the c2 proficiency is to use not just more or less a good word you have to use the precise and appropriate and sensitive words for the for the subject you're talking about and i think you both you both do that well and yeah yeah it's good phrasal verbs are great to use but again it has to be natural and you both used a good range of vocabulary there and in all of the speaking so so very good well done i think um again do you feel you're getting better each time you practice both of you do you feel each time it's as an improvement yeah well not as jessica's but yeah i feel some improvement but i will challenge myself to to come to dedicate more time to speaking and learning uh using the tips that jessica has just mentioned sorry ben just have one question and then i'll leave you but what ha what if the partner is slow because if it happened to me once when i did uh a mock test that the the partner was really slow yeah and he and you have two three minutes so i can't give him or her all the time to speak because i have to always i have to also say something so yeah that's one of the yeah because if you get an if you get a partner who is not very talkative then that's almost an advantage for you because you have more time to to speak and and demonstrate your level but if it's a partner who doesn't say much but what they do say they it takes them two minutes just to say one thing then that's a problem you have to interrupt if necessary because it's your time to and the examiner will appreciate the examiners are humans they're not robots so they can appreciate the difficulties you have so yeah but you have to be i don't want to say aggressive but i said aggressive so i mean aggressive no no okay not aggressive no a little bit aggressive in that i mean that you have to forcefully interrupt sometimes you have to be a it may be against your nature maybe you wouldn't do that in other situations maybe you'll be very patient and allow the speaker to speak but you have to sort of impose yourself and take advantage i always recommend the problem is i recommend it to everybody so not everybody can do it is that you speak first when you're speaking with a partner take control obviously you both can't speak first only one but to my students i recommend that when you're in this in this case parts two and three try to take the initiative so then at least you've got that those first 20 or 30 seconds in the bag or in the bank so and then if your partner speaks slowly you you've had that opportunity and then maybe later you can interrupt but i think it's also because you have more things to say if you start if then you have more um options so i always recommend to try to take the initiative and try to say shall i start or just start without asking for permission then you'll have more control and you can guarantee that you've had your opportunity to speak i think but you have to be prepared for any partner extremely talkative one that you have to interrupt a slow one one that speaks very little it's it's your opportunity to to impress the examiner so okay so thank you thank you for doing this we're finished there so what did you think guys they have a good level don't they and there's some very valuable things to say so i'd like to just thank jessica and leonardo one more time for allowing me to record their class and put it up to the millions of people on youtube so yeah let me know in the comments what you thought of that and also let me know if you'd like me to do more of these types of videos put in the comments if you found it particularly useful i'd be happy to do more in the future okay hit subscribe if you found it useful and i'll see you soon for another video take care bye
Channel: To The Point English with Ben.
Views: 11,426
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: c2 proficiency speaking test, c2 proficiency Cambridge speaking test, c2 proficiency speaking exam, c2 proficiency exam speaking, c2 proficiency speaking part 1, c2 proficiency speaking part 2, c2 proficiency speaking part 3, cpe speaking test, cpe speaking test Cambridge, cpe Cambridge speaking, cpe speaking exam, cpe speaking exam practice, cpe speaking practise, how to pass the cpe exam, how to pass c2 cambridge, how to pass c2 speaking cambridge, how to pass c2 proficiency
Id: o-E0i0rjP_Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 7sec (3127 seconds)
Published: Sat May 15 2021
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