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okay let's see you've been practicing your reading right maybe reading a book or maybe just reading interesting articles you find on the internet or social media fantastic and you've been watching films and series and youtube videos in english to improve your listening right great and what about your writing have you been practicing your writing maybe not writing essays or formal letters but contributing to facebook group chats in the youtube comments splendid and grammar do you revise the grammar occasionally just go back over some of the grammar you've learned in the past wonderful and speaking you're finding opportunities to speak right to practice your fluency etc excellent excellent oh dear we have a problem and it's a very common problem and today i'm going to help you i'm going to give you some options on how to improve your speaking even if you have no one to speak to [Music] so welcome back to another video with me ben gill this is to the point english lovely to have you in my home um and today we're going to be looking at how you can improve your speaking um now whenever anybody asks me this they say ben how can i improve my speaking i just give one answer and it's to speak speak speak speak like most things the best way to improve is to do it's the act of doing practice and i think people usually want a quick fix or a hack an easy answer to that question how to improve their speaking and that doesn't really exist unfortunately because often people will say but ben i don't have anyone to speak to i don't have anybody to practice my english with and i usually ask them two questions when they when they say that to me the first one is are you sure have you really tried have you really looked enough and we're going to look at that question in a bit more detail in a moment and the second question i ask them is who told you that you need somebody to speak to in order to improve your speaking okay and we're going to look at that question in more detail in a moment too so do you know how many people are studying english in the world at this moment well according to the british council it's 1.5 billion people okay so when people tell me that they can't find anybody to speak english with to practice their english speaking with um i find that a little hard to believe i think it's a bit of an excuse maybe it's a bit of laziness or maybe it's because they're shy but there are 1.5 billion people out there who are probably in a similar situation to you that they don't have enough opportunities to to speak so when i ask are you sure you can't find anyone who would like to speak english with you maybe you've asked your your close friends or members of your family and nobody really wants to speak but you have to look a little further afield you have to go one or two steps further and with today's technology and communication possibilities there really is no excuse so what can i recommend to you well i know most people would like to practice their speaking with native english speakers and that would be great but to be honest it's not that easy to find native english speakers who are willing to practice english with you for free so really your best opportunity is to find other english learners to speak to and there are hundreds of thousands on facebook at least so maybe join a facebook group or two just put in a comment is there anybody who would like to practice their speaking with me maybe mention your level so you have a similar level nobody really wants to practice with someone who has a much lower level than them and vice versa it's good to to try to find somebody with a higher level venue but then they will be practicing with someone with a lower level than them so yeah try to find a similar level and then through the technology we have through video conferences or through the free free calls now now you can speak for hours for free you make appointments i wouldn't recommend that you meet anybody face to face that could be dangerous so be careful when you're making these contacts on through the internet but but yeah there are so many opportunities now if you say you can't find anyone to speak english with i think it's an excuse to be honest and and you can just make the effort be proactive don't expect other people to to find the solutions for you so now looking at that second question i ask who says that you need someone to speak to in order to improve your speaking now of course in an ideal situation you would be having a conversation with another person in order to improve your fluency or grammar in real time using your grammar and vocabulary in real time but that's not always possible but there are other ways to improve your speaking because really when you're practicing your speaking you're trying to improve your pronunciation your fluency as i said and yeah using all that grammar and vocabulary in real time but you can do most of that on your own now for the pronunciation side of things i would recommend that you read out loud so find a book any book preferably a modern book not not shakespeare or or any of those old books with old english but you know relatively modern english and just read out loud and pay attention to your pronunciation and also pay attention to the grammar you're using the vocabulary don't stop to make notes just continue reading and record it everybody now i think pretty much everybody now has some kind of recording device on their their mobile or maybe with a camera even better with a video but record as you're reading out loud and then later listen back to it now i know it's a horrible experience trust me i know listening to yourself speak or seeing yourself on video but it really is a great way to improve your pronunciation and fluency because you can you can learn from yourself the way you're speaking and then the more you do it the better you get you eliminate some of the bad pronunciation that you don't realize you're pronouncing badly when you can't hear yourself externally your voice sounds very different inside to how it sounds outside so yeah try reading out loud um also just talk to yourself um out loud again you may feel a bit crazy but after some time practicing it will become quite normal and nobody knows if you're speaking to yourself if you're speaking to your friend on the phone or if you're recording a message or recording a video so have a little conversation with yourself maybe play both roles in the in the conversation be both parts both both people in the conversation it's embarrassing at first but if you're alone nobody's going to know and finally try imitating what you hear from other english speakers so for example when you're watching a film just repeat what they say out loud again i guess it's better if you're watching the film alone but yeah just repeat what the people the conversations that people are having in these films or even documentaries because documentaries are real english they're not actors reading a script usually they contain real people having real conversations so yeah try imitating their their pronunciation now for anybody who's seen any of my previous videos on accent you may think i'm contradicting myself here because i always say you should not imitate another accent or copy an accent i'm not talking about that here i'm talking about imitating the person speaking on the tv or on the on the huge in the youtube video just to try to get the correct pronunciation the the way of speaking the intonation the form of the mouth etc um there are many videos on youtube by people who know a lot more about it than me on imitation technique maybe i'll put a link to one of those in the comments but it's a very useful technique but really you need to be speaking out loud as much as possible with another person or on your own it doesn't really matter that much it's just do it just start speaking speak speak speak and pay attention pay attention to other people speaking pay attention to yourself speaking think about and notice what is happening when you are speaking to to try to to correct any imperfections you have when you're when you're speaking okay let me know in the comments what do you think if you have any other techniques any other strategies for improving your speaking maybe it's not a problem for you but it's the one area which people don't have many opportunities to practice so i hope this video has helped you like it if it has maybe subscribe if you haven't already and i'll see you in the next video bye i forgot to tell you you can also talk to your pets in english can't they
Channel: To The Point English with Ben.
Views: 2,437
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: i have no one to speak english with, how to improve your english speaking skills by yourself, how to improve english speaking alone, I have nobody to speak english with, how can i improve my speaking english, how can i improve my speaking skills, how can i improve my speaking skills in english, improve english speaking alone, tips to improve english speaking fluency, como mejorar mi ingles hablado, como mejorar mi fluidez al hablar ingles, como mejorar mi habla en ingles
Id: 9MAzJ3G5LL0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 17sec (617 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 04 2020
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