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smart of all the videos on my channel and there is a lot of them there is one minecraft map that has always been at my favorite up until this very day and most of you will probably remember it and it's called as sleep and whoa okay that's a lot more people than I thought I'd seen it before twelve point nine million views Wow that's it that's a lot of people yeah this is it what Church don't steal that cake what am i doing bo is basically this this was a map where you kind of you play through different dreams while you're asleep it was amazing this is really throwing me back this is are we able to play again hold up hold up why on earth am i telling you about this well today's our lucky day because over a year later the second map is out the sequel to my favorite minecraft map ever is here asleep - let's play this I'm so excited oh yeah I'm so was so excited to finally be able to play this map it dropped when I was in Australia which I was so mad about so I couldn't play it for like a week but here we are here it is and I am ready and here are all the people that made it so ninja Noah is the main guy I think as well as Raz lights and we go some other builders and beta testers here as well right let's get on with it here we go I'm so ready for this already I'm sleeping can you hear me snoring wait is that me snoring actually I don't think that's me snoring that is the sound goods hello ah why why I thought this was gonna be a cool map world bad bad dream yes just just another one of those days oh hey Zach what's going on buddy well it sounds at home I want to get some sleep yeah thanks Zach hey Zach you know like someone I know good night buddy see you later are you getting out of here see there he is I bio we'd like a we're in a dorm room or prison which one is it I think we might actually be in like an office block yeah I think we might be so um yeah jump scared to start yay listen to the music that's kind of cute right hey everyone how's it going I think it's time to go home it's been a long day thank God it's over yes of course look everyone speaks heading home all right man peace out says Anthony see you tomorrow unless you die or I die or we all die Marissa I don't really appreciate that that's that's pretty grim Hey look so cool right I am out of here so we've already fallen asleep once we just need to fall asleep begin to to reenact all these dreams and by the way asleep one was one of the best maps ever in terms of redstone and stuff like that and look see it's just incredible and it looks beautiful all right good luck this guy is mopping he's mopping don't go to college they said you'll turn out fine they said now I'm cleaning up some kids baths that is so awesome that is awesome he's literally our look is sweet bang that is awesome minecraft is awesome guys all right hey how's it going is this you playing this music rough day well not too bad same as always I'm so tired I literally can't even remember where I live ha it's the big oak one at the end of the road thanks Bri what would I do without you of course I forgot where I live probably get lost beside your century Briana thank you so much I am I think I'm gonna get out of here here we go right so she said the big oak one at the end of the roads look at this beautiful neighborhood where do I work by the way it looks pretty cool but I'm not sure what I actually do I use a computer but that's pretty much it so I'm guessing this is my house right here yeah okay let's head there should I be looking in other people's houses and stuff I'm not sure I should be no icon I can't even do it right here we go Oh cows this is mine I must be doing pretty well for myself to house this big this looks pretty awesome right hey house oh this is not mine hello hello oke oke said oak is it is it this one no I can't find my own house it must be this one please yes there we go that was almost very very awkward hello house how are you doing look at that look my TV as well very nice a my sofa nice Zacks right I should probably head to bed early I probably should I think this is the exact same house as well as the asleep map for the first one or I seem to it looks familiar anyway looks really really familiar right let's head to beds where is where is my room whereas my room is this the bathroom it certainly is that a toilet whoa where's the light in here this looks awesome look at that it's so cool it's got little flush with everything what toilet paper which is literally the same size as my toilet which is pretty freaky right let's go to bed so you also have this room here actually are you kidding me did you just see that that was amazing that was absolutely incredible that animation was was amazing I just knocked the paper off the table that was so cool oh my guess it's the little things guys it's the little things right are these books are on the floor let's go to bed here we go what's gonna happen what's my first dream oh okay the spaceship is bad guys I think one earth Hey look no way it's what happened full spaceship then game show yeah and then I won all this money I completely remember this this is awesome oh this is so cool and then we were in the arcade as well then there was a fire that broke out where I had to save people oh man I'm having such massive flashbacks there was the plane that was full of cows as well do you remember that - oh man I don't remember that bit but I'm hey oh this is a new one here we go this is incredibly impressive my mind is blown right now are you kidding me asleep - oh so excited so excited to play this oh man right here we go comes by ninja number five and razzle seven eight nine guys already I can see that this is going to be a phenomenal phenomenal map so let's play I hear noise oh oh oh everyone to the main deck we're under attack okay there's pirates is this it's just like a oh geez okay that's bad that's bad let's go let's go come on come on let's get out of here where are we there's people everywhere ah he just pushed the what what is going on what is going on their lips be pirates oh no no no no oh he got him yes what's this though what she portside they be loading the cannons oh no where are they there they are oh my goodness of his pirates attacking us this is bad this is really bad news oh they're firing themselves over oh no this is bad right to stop him down chop down these parts you ain't no match for me you ain't no match to me at all how dare you this is my dream get out of my dream there we go look at these guys they're kind of cool actually probably they fired their cells along in cannons I wish I could do that that was pretty impressive right there slay all of them get out of here no get out of it slate slate slate and slay yes we did it guys we survived the Pirates grab a cannibal fast matey we need to return fire right where's a cannibal where are the cannibals is it you that's talking to me um cannonballs I need one wait I think they might be here over here over here over here perfect let's grab one of those and we need to log one great now put in a cannon stand back here we go put in a cannon it work no wait I'm a bad pirate ah this one there we go that makes complete sense right let's see what happens here we go get out here you pirate scum I've killed all your crew but I'm gonna blow up your ship as well here we go come on explode explode ah yes look haha great shot matey that's what I'm talking about yes hahaha oh wait doesn't sound good what's that noise hello what's the noise oh are they firing at us as well ah be captain squid repulsive creature watch out he'd be deadly oh jeez okay he's the captain okay yeah he's very very deadly as it's keeping it out no I'm gonna die I'm gonna die wanna die it's captain squared no no no he's doing a rain dance as well why is he leaking water what is he doing to me oh this doesn't look good well I can't even see I can't even see what I want to die if you die in a dream don't you die in real life isn't that the rule no no no no stay away from me stay away from me you crazy crazy Beast can I kill him is he even killable look at this guy here what's what's wrong with you no stay back stay back yes got him going don't worry buddy I got him congratulations you've killed captain squid wait Oh No they've learned the cannons were cannibals this time hit the deck aah I live here without how to I'm gonna die I'm so gonna die I'm gonna die help tell my mom I love her please Oh No we died we died it's okay it was only a dream or was it hello oh hello how's it going buddy I can't move I can't move at all this isn't good good work out there matey you did your best I certainly did oh no we're gonna die this is sad oh no but I guess now the captain and his crew have to go down with that oh no we're sinking look oh no we're dead we're dead we're so dead okay it was nice knowing you captain oh that was so sad so sad you know and you like see a sad dream and then you cry in the dream the new crime real life that's what what happened to me with that that was amazing right dr. Graham come in we have a lot to discuss okay we're in a lab now this looks awesome I was gonna show you my experience make pigs fly for some reason turn the Unicorn like creatures awesome look at this they've got them in little cubes it's amazing this is the most recent specimen G I s mo odds gizmo is back we're still waiting since bets but I'm sure we'll find out soon enough anyways this is why I really needed you thought okay hey gets my hands to go in reincarnated in his sleep - that's awesome this machine he's able to shrink you to the size of that for just long enough to enter our patients organs and extract the material stuck inside of him okay sounds good sounds mean who are you patient oh no you're the patient yes Bunch thinking it was cheese and now it sucked up all the food he eats you need to extract it from its lower intestines before you grow to normal size again okay sounds good to me but why would you eat it you know what I can see why I can see why you thought that would happen Oh legs oh man please stand on the axe to begin the shrinking process okay okay I'm not sure about this dr. Graham I'm gonna trust you I'm not sure if I should but I'm gonna trust you right here we go let's stand on the X and be shrunk down to size there we go I'm not touching anything Oh went straight into his face oh this is gross this is really gross ie when did you make it to the stomach um yeah yeah I think so I think I'm in here and I'm stuck all alone I think so either that will you sent me into a giant all the way that's me uh-huh I think so either that will you send me into a giant water balloon yeah you could have done actually or I mean the bladder oh great now we're going to make the patient drink some ass central trial to get his stomach working wait what no no no no no no no no no hopefully open a whole view to reach the intestines okay what's gonna happen now I don't really uh here he goes there's some medicine coming in oh no oh it's bubbling oh it's bubbling this bad on making puke that'll be disgusting really disgusting wait what's happening oh it's going down all right I've been oh wait I'm being sucked in I'm being sucked in somewhere help help I don't wanna do it anymore dr. Graham no this is gross dr. Graham dr. Graham we're going down did that really work that's not even how the human body functions but okay now it down to the intestines until you find the sponge oh no am I gonna find poop down here I don't think these are very clean intestines to be fair I'm sure my insides don't look like this these are very very clean right let's have a look down here shall we where is the sponge sponge pour cheese whichever one where are you ah there it is hey we found it did you find the substance yes yes I did yeah and it's wedged into the side of his intestines it's disgusting it's really gross Wow get rid of it fast you're going to grow to normal size within minutes oh geez okay that's not good that oh no can you imagine being inside someone's intestines and then growing to normal size that's gross is literally called the sponge remover that's amazing right come on let's get all this out of here dislodged and this patient can go back to normal can take off his headset I can get out of his is gut hole and everyone will be safe right here we go almost and the last bit and here we go last bit perfect great job now get out there quick or our patients gonna have a rough time on the toilet tonight I don't know where do I go like down here I can give you a quick boost back to the stomach okay what's gonna happen I don't want to go out the butt put you still make me go out the butt please I don't want to go out the part oh what's that jump into that ender pearl when you're ready okay let's do this I want to see what's down here real quick I would have a quick look oh wait a second I don't advise going down there sir you don't wanna know where that leads I could I could jump down though or should I use the ender pearl I could use the ender pearl or I could jump down I'm going I'm going down the Box sir please you're making the positions proper literally float it all the way back up look it's amazing haha sir like I said please do not go down there okay that's fine you know what I'll hit the ender pearl I'm glad I did that now here we go boom hah back into the stomach I think I found you - get out of there we're gonna need a lot of assets on trial is that a real thing or are you just making that up right here we go as he's drinking some more this is so weird so weird but so awesome at the same time right okay it's filling up but what do I owe oh no it's shaking oh he's gonna be gonna pop he's gonna pop here we go I'm floating it's working the bubbles are making you rise they are yes yes I agree burped out of a human being this is going to be incredible away all right here we go let me out of here out of the patient's mouth and back to normal whoa that was amazing that was awesome hey you made it congratulations thank you I didn't die wait where's specimen Oh Oh No gizmo where is he gone kiss my oh jeez okay oh of course did you see that there was literally a unicorn busted through the wall okay all right what's next I am alright when you get to the next turn take a right all right where am I where could I possibly be I mean like you said take a rise let's go this way I cannot see anything right now and great now give me a second to get the air vent where could I even oh I'm in heaven got it oh I'm yes I'm breaking in okay you should be looking for the staff of cRIO see it'll be the big stick with a star on the end right okay let's be quiet guys let's be real hushed it looks like we're in a museum there's a duck don't you tell anyone mr. duck don't you tell anyone you saw me okay what else do we got we've got a small child and is that Justin think noodles is that you why have you got a kids what's going on there's also an alien very nice there's a couple of guys just playing with redstone very nice indeed right let's try and find this star shall we we needs well it looks like there's lots of exhibits in here the one with the star on the end he said I'm guessing it's gonna be always not in the middle where is it oh here it is look oh it's huge are there it is no use your laser to break the glass this is not a laser but let's try it anyway here we go can I just literally break it this what happens oh no I don't I don't have a good feeling about this huh I should've done that okay now take it off the display be careful though it's an antique okay here we go hut-hut I can't even grab it how do I grab it click on it to pick it up I am I'm clicking on it there we go I got it oh there we go this article says you need to place a star from the direct center of the room it must mean the pedestal in the middle put it there it's kind of lost its star does that matter I've um I broke it I broke an ancient artifact I'm in big trouble to click on the middle of the pedestal here we go yes look at that it says here it should get off some form of light and exact midnight wait that's in oh is that gonna happen now oh it's almost time it's almost time look it's going up to the middle here we go five four three two one that's awesome that's so awesome weights oh-oh it's absorbing stuff from the other artifacts okay that's fine just don't break don't Oh portal time this is amazing guys absolutely Wow okay uh yeah I'm in big trouble I'm in massive trouble yeah look this was a perfectly normal museum and I've broken the wall okay um you know what let's get out here here we go hello where am I I mean of course Guardian lands Lester Lester I'm in big trouble where are you do these guys hurt me are they okay I think they're harmless this is perfect look at oh ah come in come in there he is look we have not seen travelers in ages how may I ask did you get to our land hmm I I used the staff of cRIO see just saying it's I didn't break it though hum I do believe that you're kind locked that up in a museum ages ago how did you receive it um I I used oh let's we don't accept thieves in our land oh no oh geez see I told you I was in trouble guys this is not good this is not good you do not know who you're dealing with I don't actually uh oh my goodness he's absorbing all his fish oh no I'm gonna die I'm so gonna die please don't please don't hurt me please I'm defense this I'm begging you please don't do anything to me ah oh no look at that that's the matter okay I do have a bow now fantastic can I hit him I can Oh awesome nice that's amazing it's like the mega the mega Guardian I don't even know what to call him that's awesome right okay okay I don't I've never fought a guardian before properly okay to set him to sit him to sit him real quick no don't hurt me don't hurt me I'm gonna die I'm gonna die my dream I don't want to die in my dream nope stay away from me how do I do this I can show you no I died I died okay respawn I can right come here you jump there we go I'm gonna slice and dice you here we go get out of here got it here right now haha that's what you get for me in the first place are these guys there's such long-range attacks as well I can't even hit him from here I always got him then geez that would have been amazing right there's two try and hit this big guy can I not hit the big guy until I've hit the little guy Oh No right I'm coming for you I'm coming for you right now can I block I can't even block because it's the new version of Minecraft they took out blocking I kind of need it right now there we go chop him chop him he's dead okay he's gone my stuff you don't get it there's no escape why isn't he pause what what's happening to me I don't know what's happening hello Oh what's happening gets more waits wait what just gizmo there he is yes hey buddy how's it going oh my guess now it's time to catch up you need to leave before he comes to his senses okay can I ride you maybe or do I have to leave are you showing me the way out kids no it's so good to see you look let's go get some rose poop now rainbows away ah ah this map this map is amazing I love it but unfortunately I'm gonna have to leave it there guys I'm so sorry I'm gonna have to make this into two parts so I think this map is actually pretty long so um you know what if you enjoyed this and would like to see part two tomorrow then please leave a big fat thumbs up that'd be greatly greatly appreciated I love this map so much guys it's definitely my favorite map before this of all time was asleep 1 asleep 2 is now taking that crown so I'm guys if you didn't enjoy him like see part 2 tomorrow please leave thumbs-up that we greatly appreciated and if it happens to be the first with you seen by me please do consider subscribing to toy team to the ends a poor daily gameplay video it's part from that thank you guys so much watching you are the best why don't you check out the first video right here it's it's a good one I promise it's old but it's good I promise you go watch it please
Channel: DanTDM
Views: 20,805,726
Rating: 4.9200139 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, thediamondminecart, minecart, dantdm, no swearing, no cursing, dr trayaurus, tdm, the diamond minecart, trayaurus, grim, app, minecraft how to, minecraft 1.11, minecraft minigame, mini game, minecraft map, minecraft custom map, dantdm minecraft, favourite minecraft map ever, minecraft asleep, asleep 2
Id: LaBv8ICMxgI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 18sec (1338 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 27 2017
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