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everyone down here welcome back to another minecraft video where today I took a screenshot by accident no but today we are inside another custom map and this one is called the virus which I have no idea what's gonna happen I don't know if we're gonna catch a virus whether our computers gonna have a virus either way that is terrible now parity there are nine stages there's some boss fights in here as well which sound absolutely awful so let's do this oh wait hello the vial what you must be the new volunteer beerus is this I'm in the virus I've been looking forward to testing another volunteer let's get started right away oh dear oh dear entering the virtual world okay this one is a simple test all you have to do is get to that temple over there too bad there's an invulnerable zombie guarding the door hey it's a good thing that zombies can be lured with cake in this virtual world it definitely is but but where's the cake can I have some cake please I need some cake I like cake too Oh what's down there there's something down here the swing down here see I know these maps right we've got um sugar and eggs oh no oh no it's gonna make us remember how to make a cake I don't even remember how to make a cake oh no this is one of those recipes that I cannot remember right let's go and have a look at this zombie is this a maze are you really gonna do this to me this is a maze okay so there was a chest over there which I'm guessing I need but first hello how are you sir how are you doing you okay can I get through please can I get through no fine fine I'll bake you this cake right there's a there's a chest here we've got a diamond axe which can break wood obviously we've also got some milk we need some more wheat and some more sugar and some more eggs I think I have no idea but about a bomba I don't like mazes at all ah here we go we found the chest so we've got I think everything we need but I can remember how to make a cake so it's like this and then something like that I think I have no idea but we need a crafting table so let's chop down a tree to get some wood shall we oh this tree so cute though look how cute that is it's like a pink tree I'm gonna chop you down anyway give me gimme gimme give me this give me this there we go this should be enough let's do this let's make some well let's make a crafting table plop it down oh I had an idea let's put this down away I can't put it down I can't put it how do I put this down what I can't I'm right clicking but it won't let me put it down why would you do this to me game give me sir I need to put down this crafting table but I have no idea how can you help me can you help me can you can you help me why would you say anything I had to change modes I just had to change modes and I'm gonna go back into adventure mode and now try it I hope that's what I was supposed to do because I feel wrong now I feel I feel wrong mr. zombie feel wrong actually to set you don't anything okay right let's make this shall we I'm pretty sure it's wheat along the bottom an egg in the middle sugar milk and that's wrong that's wrong um how do you make a cake how have I forgotten this what is wrong with me yes I knew it so does this mean that the wipe it on a cake is milk is that what's going on here right I've got a cake this can be placed you know drop me to law zombies that didn't happen with the crafting table right I'm gonna drop this down here goes on we go oh good job you got the zombie out of the way it was a poisonous cake go ahead inside and complete the course okay fine fine that's fine right there stand on here we did it we do jeez this test is even more simple you only have to find three pressure switches in this maze once they are activated it will open a door on the other side of this maze careful though this maze is for of surprises why why why do you keep doing mazes I don't like mazes that much that was freaky that I was looking down I thought this was the way forward so weird so it anyway we have a dot here hello dot let's remember that that's the first room I mean go left or right now right has a banner beautiful banner very nice indeed and this one doesn't let's go through the banner door first and there's another banner here there's oh hello hello sir how are you glad out oh jeez no no no leave me alone ah that's stay away from me stay away from me stay away from me save away but don't go stay away from me you punk okay so I'm gonna have to open this door I think actually let's just go this way instead but I'm not going past that guy I ain't going past that guy again I don't want to do that right I'm gonna keep the doors closed that I'm not going through just so I know that I haven't been there do I need to press this I can hear you I can hear you pipe down skeleton pipe down here we go activate it okay that's good I think that's good let's open this door and go through oh jeez this reminds me mo nope they surprised me no this reminds me of takeshi's castle oh dear that's bad that's really bad um okay there's a there's a pressure plate in there should i press say this who happens activated what about this one oh no no no no cause if this is not a good sign but this is a random takeshi's castle you know and the guys chase you and then you push them and and that you fall in the water if you haven't seen to catch these castle watch it it's great what about these doors no stay away what about this one okay this one looks good no no this is bad okay we found two so far that's good we need to find one more though I'm guessing it might be this way by donor I need to go this week so I think the other one has the skeleton behind it hello hello yes yes door unlocks which door though which door is it this one no that's not it okay we need to find a door uh-oh I'm back at the start great oh this says is evil no don't tell me again don't tell me again don't say risa everything because i will be very very angry no I don't do that why did I do that no no no no stop stop stop stop oh geez oh geez oh geez oh geez go away ah oh this isn't very nice at all how I can't find the way out oh yeah I got fired it oh I'm back here don't tell me the instructions again no stop it okay I'm gonna go past you I need to get past you please sir can I punch you to death please say you die please say you die because your boss died dying please pass away in front of me oh oh I think he died I think he died I'm pretty sure he died Ito remember that if you if you spam click in 1.9 it doesn't actually do as much damage it does more damage if you wait so please die please die please die please just like your friend passed away why not so many okay you're coming this way and I'm gonna push you in there get in there get in there run run run okay let's go let's go let's go let's go let's go um um no don't way sir go away please I don't like you I don't like this maze either ha ha ha ha ha I killed you right where's this door out of here huh it's just it is he said yes he found it oh my goodness what is this oh you're still alive yes I am sir congratulations you made it to your first boss all you need to do is beat this warrior that's a yin-yang symbol don't worry his patterns are very easy to follow good luck hello hello you get away from me I don't like you right what is it oh jeez no no no no no what are you doing why would you that's mean that's really really mean so as you can see we definitely need to know her out it gives standing on the pressure plates and unleashing hell on me stop it okay I'm gonna get you out of here I don't need to do that that was pretty easy no my virtual warrior just kidding honestly I could care less about that warrior well you beat this stage but it only gets harder from here yeah this is a maze of riddles answer correctly and the door opens answer incorrectly and you get eaten by spiders actually the door just won't open here's the riddle I'm wrapped up but I'm not a gift I've been preserved but you shouldn't eat me often depicted as Undead if you're not careful I'll eat your heads what am i one word no caps punctuation that is definitely not a word punctuation what hmm I know what it is it's a mummy no one word no caps or punctuation I'm gonna quickly give myself all of this all of this goodness blunt about it about it okay okay I'm not gonna do too much because look this happens all this crazy stuff right we need there so - I'm pretty sure it's a mummy I'm wrapped up but you don't want to eat me I'll go through it in a second mummy let's see if this happens mummy was it you I wrapped up in our gift wrapped up - your mummy Bryn preserve but you shouldn't eat me because that's why you wrap a mummy up often depicted as undead if you're careful to eat your head Mummy Mummy Mummy right let's throw this in and see what happens yes I will not be eaten by spiders today you punk right what's next do i press this okay wolf trap door and water are all types of what wolf trap door and water are all types of I have no idea ah oh I've got it I've got it I've got it I've got it I've got it I've got it spider there's a wolf spider there's a trapdoor spider and uh I think there's a water spider did I get it wrong I got a rock I thought I was being so clever um wolf trap door and water are all types of what did that definitely go down it didn't go down look take this it's not right is it oh man um I'm sure it was spider please open wait what if I what if I change it to spiders spiders there we go let's see if this works yes see I told you I've got it right I don't like spiders please don't send them in to eat me right I don't like this maze of riddle maze really I don't like mazes as they are but a riddle maze right what's the next one when I am metal or wood I help you to get home when I am flesh and blood in the darkness I roam what am i when I am metal all woods I help you get home when I am flesh and blood in the darkness I roam I like these rhymes but I don't like thinking what helps you get home a map a compass a what out what else helps you get home an iPhone Google Maps none of those are made of metal or wood when I'm flesh and blood in the darkness I roam zombie know what flesh and blood in the darkness or I can think of a zombies vampires wolf man's I have no idea you know what let's try this wolf man let's try it let's see what happens no of course not what could it be I want to smack my head on this wall I'm gonna do it I'm gonna do it I'm not gonna lie to you guys I had to look this one up I had no idea apparently it's a bat a bat let me see if this works let me see if this works back because it means home as in home run oh I threw the flying paper like I let it work yes there we go oh is this the end I know you chip it's on to me it's on to me oh I mean I I didn't cheat I promise if you guys I know you cheated dantdm just admit it just type in the chat I cheated and you complete the test I'm joking I don't know if you cheated or not I didn't cheat I promise I probably sonar only on one that wasn't too bad no this is just a simple redstone puzzle you have to get to the red sand you have to get the red sand to the golden block and the door will open this is all you need to do I don't believe you I don't believe you at all I really don't so you need to get the red sand to wear to the golden block which is it's a golden block over there let's have a look so have a look that's not gold where's the gut where's the gold God am I being dumb am i being dumb I don't see a golden block oh there it is right there okay so if we press this it does that okay very nice if we press this that one turn off so we need to get uh this turn off and then why doesn't that turn off is it because it's a comparator I think it is right um oh this is going to be so confusing oh geez um I don't like this at all I don't like this already if I press this this is going to go to here let me see oh man this is gonna blow my mind right give me give me a few minutes give me a few hours give me a few days and I might be able to do this okay so this piston is sticky so this should grab it and all we need to do now is get this to go off and then that can drag it in so we need to get some of these redstone things working together or wait what just happened what did i do what did I do okay I push that forward does this work now it does okay that's good that's good now we can push or wait now we can push this did it work I think it worked I think I worked here we go yes great job you did that quickly yes I did it's a shame I don't have another task in this stage oh wait I do oh no no quick run run run run the boss battle oh jeez we're actually doing pretty well that was fun when I saw redstone puzzle I can do those ones not the ones where you literally link them together nah that ain't good right boss battle here we go if you thought that warrior was hard I would like to get past this guy although his patterns are still predictable the pharaoh has a few tricks up his sleeve actually I don't think he has any sleeves at all oh dear there is hello oh jeez no no no mummies mummies mummies you were the answer to my problems earlier now you are my problem it's so awesome you can hit more than one person or object or being or undead mummy with um one swipe in Minecraft now it's insane look at this look at this as soon as it charges up I can smack him I can smack him both oh jesus whacked it off that's amazing come out and fight me you wimp well oh jeez no no no no no no he made me jump he made me jump so bad no no no no oh that was that that was not good I don't want to touch FL I like barrows I like Pharaoh just give me your gold and then I'll be fine just give me a little gold Queen and then I'll your loan I won't have to kill you Pharaoh I won't I'll leave you alone and your mummy friends okay here he comes here he comes here he comes how do I block oh I can't even block anymore because it's 1.9 yes did you die see you later / oh man he's immune he's immune of course he is look at him on fire in the booth he's wrapping up in there he's spitting bars fire in the booth fire in the boo you beat him oh yes oh no a clown oh no a cloud he self I already died in the booth his bars were too hot okay I hope you're ready for the next stage you made it to the amusement park don't be shy go in the funhouse there will be another test at the other side Oh which one are we are now seven there's nine stages in total we're actually doing pretty good so here we go the funhouse yay I'm sure this will be phenomenal fun let's see as we go inside the greatest funhouse in the world here we go I've got high expectations okay I don't like it is another maze surely not whoa why would I walk into a clown's mouth why would I do that okay there's a button here should i press it let's do it okay that's good oh no it's like a darkness maze oh that's really unfair I don't like that at all oh I made it that's awesome hey haunted house I hope this is where I was supposed to go I really do right should we knock shree Trick or Treat trick or treat knock knock find three keys to open the secret passage signed the virus Thank You virus so find three keys to open the secret passage okay what do they what do they mean by the secret passage which is a secret passage um Keys go here okay so we need to find some keys in the haunted house this is kind of cool I like secretly I like this already been cool if there was one there I just realized that it's haunted so I'm a little bit on edge that one in the toilet is the one in here no am I just standing I'm standing in a haunted toilet aren't I haha okay it gets darker down here I don't like this Oh does this do anything oh it's a shower oh that's weird I was gonna say does this do anything with that's hot and cold that's amazing I love that that's really cool right I don't want to shower in a haunted house though what what are the key is supposed to look like unless the keys are in the maze are the keys in the maze let's have a look I'm a little bit worried now okay I determined the keys are not in the maze whatsoever so what do I do to find the keys in here are these these the keys I've been told not to punch things no that didn't work either okay cuz sometimes if you twist stuff in you twist things in the in the item frames they unlock stuff Oh are these the keys oh yeah look I told you that's also right there's a key there okay we now know what the key is a look like major key major key alert major key alert okay so what if we twist this round listen okay that didn't open anything what about this I'm gonna try everything oh oh look I unlocked one yes awesome okay that's another key so this was one as well I think you can't go oh you can go through that now okay right is this one is this one go on show me show me is there anything I can twist around there must be a reason that this bathroom is here or maybe this just change anything I think I'm gonna have to go down the shower I think I'm gonna have to do it let me see if this activates anything no no no okay that didn't activate there anything what about this oh that's a button oh that's a button yes yeah we got it also right now we couldn't throw the three keys in that's awesome I love this this map is so cool it's like really really cute in some kind of weird way right major key major key major key bless up yes okay right so now we're moving on to stage eight which is the second to last stage this map is amazing I know there aren't generally castles in amusement parks but I put one in anyway you have to restore all five valuable blocks to their slots simple rights you would have thought so virus you would have fought so um crank redstone up um what what I don't Oh what did I just do what I just do right let's try that again uh was I supposed to do that let me see oh is that checking I think that checks if we've got them all right let's crank this as well what happens anything okay nothing's happening to that I don't think so anyway right let's go down first and see what's going down downstairs huh we have just just that is that just gonna be out in the open huh give me this oh okay of course not of course of course that doesn't work like that um do we need something to mine the blocks with maybe there's this vinager on there there's a chest behind here okay okay um my mind is already hurting a little bit ah okay what's this a compressor oh there we go that's gotta have done something hello oh no a unit here in a dungeon are you right he takes an emerald for a block of gold so that's gonna be one of the things we need to do what did that lever do um oh wait there's a button here what did the button do oh the bind open here all right we have the emeralds okay that's goods that's all we have though we have that and that's it is that all we can do right let's go in trade of this guy and see what he does maybe it unlocks another trade maybe and not too sure hello I'm going to trade with you now thank you for the block of gold I'm sorry you're in prison I hope you find happiness somewhere okay let's put this in we need to put this in here look we put it in there please go in there there we go gold block collected awesome right let's go upstairs and see what happens I want a castle like this do I get to keep the castle I hope so that would be awesome right all geez no no why would you do this oh that's so mean look how many chests there are Oh a right I think I need to find like a pickaxe or something because I've got a block of emerald there but there's nothing to to grab all the blocks with so I'm gonna see if I can find one look the block of our fire pickaxe to mine me yeah I thought so I thought so oh my goodness is in the last one I checked that so we'd write this CAD only break emerald okay that's a little bit worrying I thought I'd be able to open before I'd be able to mine everything with this right let's see what happens here we go I mind it I mind I did it I got the emerald I thought this would do a little bit more because look there's a trapdoor up here I don't know if we can get on top of the castle that would be excellent if we could but for now let's go and put this where it needs to be over there gone reach reach up nice there we go right emerald block collected so we need a diamond block we know where that is but there's green in the way a lap is block and a redstone block we have no idea where they are oh dear wait this kraang still doesn't do anything does it I don't think so it says crank let me see if this works actually you see what happens when we do this ready it move something it definitely moves something but I have no idea what um wait what what how did that close how did that close is it this that's cranking it let me see yes look watch this it's actually making it go up and down there we go okay so that's fully locked but well why would I want that Oh guys look I just realized something every time you press this piece of redstone look that this changes so if I move it again it's gone round two there and it's gone on the beacon Oh does that mean oh wait wait wait wait wait wait wait this could be good this could be big this could be big it could change what happens to this that's what I'm thinking anyway or what happens to this to get to that chess so there's got to be something to do with that but I'm not a hundred percent sure what yet if I do it again it changes too nothing oh wait did you hear that it definitely opens something it definitely open something it definitely something happened something happened what was it what was it where's the green where's the green is it through here this way definitely something in the piston world went off but I don't know what it was I'm so confused so confused with life oh hello you block a red stone in the diamond shovel nice I found it okay so we had to make it over to there are knives it took me so long why so this can break through stained glass panes that's exactly what we need oh yes thank goodness for that right let's chop this down there we go how do we grab this though I'm guessing if we get rid of all of this we can then go which way was it it was this way to go and break down these panes and then hopefully this has something we can grab a leave it can be placed on bricks okay we're making progress okay are we making progress is that is that what we're doing here what happens oh wait yeah oh no um um there's another chest maybe it opens this yes yes lap is an iron breaks block of diamond yeah we did it the complex castle is complete oh man so now all we need to do is one more boss and then maybe all maybe you have to take down the virus let's see so lapis block goes here and then diamond block here Donna block elected into the throne room so the crank for the the door was a complete distraction thanks for that thanks a lot right here we go oh geez congratulations you made it to the final boss hopefully you've already figured out the island final boss yeah I thought so now die oh geez ah no no no no no no no no I'm gonna keep swinging I was gonna keep suing in I know you shouldn't do that in Minecraft 1.9 when we did it I'm gonna do it I'm gonna do it ah I need a shield please sir so I could have a shield please you are the virus after all oh oh that was easy oh no whatever will I do now oh please drop me one whining ow ow no please don't be one of those bats just died please I don't want to be that guy wait it stopped when it hasn't no I hasn't know I hasn't keep running alright let's see how you handle three of me oh geez I thought that was too easy guys I thought that was way too easy let's just keep one swing and see if we can get three at the same time he is gonna hurt me he's gonna hurt me a lot right this keep swimming scoot swimming keep swinging die die viruses I think we're doing okay widget yeah we're definitely doing okay get out of here punks we don't like you we don't like the viruses around here your game was fun but you're very nasty in real life on you okay it's about time for you to die no thanks wait is there four oh this is virus four hello hello you look friendly you're a little bit bigger than the other ones on you a little bit bigger okay this is this is a real boss fight isn't it I'm withered great please let me die oh ah he was weakened he was weakened Harold how did you beat me the power of the sword my friend well you can finally leave this virtual world I hope you're happy I'm pretty happy the virus is this the end it's got a theme tune this is amazing this map was awesome maneki-neko 1 this map was so cool I love this it was like so charming and awesome even though we did have to kill the virus at the end um is this do I live here forever now hello poppy poppy you are my only friend I will call you poppy I can't even I can't interact it I can stroke you hey poppy how's it going I'm gonna go to bed now I can't even go to bed so we're just gonna stay here and talk for a little bit so anyway guys that has been the virus it was a really really cool adventure map it was so so awesome you can check it out in description below if you want to change your friends too I'm sure it's fun with friends as well BAE I hope you like this this is really cool if you did and you enjoyed this video please leave a big fat thumbs up thou be awesome and if this happens to be the first video you seen by me please do consider subscribing to join team TDM today for daily gameplay videos apart from that you can check me out on Twitter in description below if you do so wish to follow my grand I'm tweeting and I'll see you guys in the next video ah
Channel: DanTDM
Views: 12,060,146
Rating: 4.8660364 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, spotlight, showcase, thediamondminecart, minecart, playthrough, dantdm, no swearing, no cursing, dr trayaurus, tdm, the diamond minecart, trayaurus, grim, challenge, minigame, mini game, mini-game, 1.8.7, app, free app, free app game, free game, minecraft virus, minecraft fun house
Id: Fz9bKcaL3Ek
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 35sec (1715 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 15 2016
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