Minecraft | THE WORST MAP EVER?!

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down here and today I hope you're ready cuz I am because today we're gonna be playing a map that is pretty unique to say the least and the reason I'm saying that is because this is a map but it's kind of a joke at the same time so bear in mind that this is a little bit more of a lighthearted map and it's called the Wizards adventure and the only rule is you're a wizard so let's do this oh and don't cheat cheating is a sin don't break any blocks unless I tell you to play uneasy if you don't you're a cheater and have fun a don't cheat I think that's possibly the biggest rule right now but apart from that this is one of the best Maps ever created so you'll definitely enjoy awesome right break this one let's go oh jeez what what's going on I'm going here okay this is perfect oh no your house is flooding quick go down stairs that's that's how you say it um there's nothing in this chest either this guy has no things actually it's mine isn't it it's my house now go outside you see what I mean it's like it's like a troll map here we go here we go um now go talk to Maloney ah Maloney um this way it's the malini Millenial Maloney which one is it Maloney okay let's go this is Maloney over here but he's got a pumpkin as a face hello Maloney how are you doing sir read from left to right oh my god wizard I came as soon as I heard what happened to your house Wiz or do you know what this means the gods were very angry so they flooded your house wizard this is bad like really bad but I know how to solve it by the way I am wizard that that is me okay you have to fin all for spells hidden around the world once you find the suppose of water fire wind and light you can face the gods and defeat them forever it will be a long and difficult journey but I believe in you first go to the water temple to get the spell of water good luck thank you Maloney you are a wise wise individual right the the what what a temple is this way a follow the blue squares they're not even cubes they're squares the noise even blocks either they're squares let's follow these blue squares in the water temple is down this dirt hole where it oh oh we're here okay help me please there's a pumpkin in danger oh no the monster deep within this temple trapped me in this cage if you could help me this would be great but it will not be easy you will have to pass three trials in the temple the entrance is behind me good luck please save me I will save you I will save you I you could you know just jump behind you that might work you might want to try that anyway let's go let's take on this water temple and see how it's going try one swim across water jumping over the water is cheating okay let's do it the swim I did it I did I passed trial one drill to swim across to block deeps water oh dear this is gonna be a challenge this give me a challenge just do it no ah yes barely made it out alive trial 3 kill the monster this is the guy that trapped the pumpkin guy underneath the water temple um spawn monster oh Jesus come on it's just about go away go away no this might be quite difficult actually go away go away go away monster you're evil inside go away you punk get out of here oh no Peter guys please all right if he's alright there we go jeez all right on our and two bones yes beautiful thanks for saving me smiley face no problem buddy don't fall down there that looks it'll be dangerous um congratulations you have the ability to control water use the water spell to move water wherever you want is it it's a bucket the water spell is a bucket oh that is that is that is hilarious yes right on water spell tutorial to use the water spell right click to pick up the water and place the water in there okay let's do this here we go magician I'm a magician I'm an absolute magician are the door opened as well I am a magician Wow you are clearly a master of the water spell now go to the surface and find the Fire Temple I will do that oh do you see what I mean about this map it's just funny it's just funny um usual water spell to move the water from path to the river follow the red blocks to get to the Fire Temple what does it mean do you mean this I think that's what it means I'm all good I don't need my water spell right now even though I am a complete master I don't quite need it so oh jeez this is kind of annoying it's like a massive water oh jeez um I'm just gonna swim up here here I go what the master is coming oh there's some food down the line because I'm gonna be hungry and I had no water in my house because it got absolutely flooded but now I have a master of the water spoke shouldn't I be better at doing this kind of stuff I think I should be I've made it I've made it I think this is the fire temple guys oh look look at this guy over here I really need some food though soon please please please who is this oh my good thank goodness you came the volcano is erupting please stop it you have to navigate a large maze but at the end there will be the fire spell good luck yes let's do this by a temple don't get burnt don't get burnt no it's it's a maze you lost you have to start from the beginning nope no I don't know I don't I'm not listening to you you can play the maze this maze ever yes I can't believe it pets to stop the volcano from erupting I think I did it awesome you completed the maze get out of here go away no we don't want this I think we stopped it I want the fire spell thank you for saving me and this mountain now I can trust you to use the fire spell here is the spell the free spell the free spell yes I think I have the control at hello hello I'm bill hello right I've got I got this the fry spell I need to use it wisely I'm sorry I didn't mean to do me to ignore you I thank you and I hope I saved you correctly I will see you later right now that you have the fire spell the path to the wind set was illuminated yes the winds April I am coming for you what is this that looks pretty epic oh there's something up there as well all geez this is getting exciting I am getting more and more hungry though so I am a little bit worried but let's go into the the wind temple let's see what's going down in here here we go um welcome to the wind temple my name is Maggie hello Maggie how are you doing I like your brick dress oh you're looking for the wind spell I could only give it to people who are worthy if you want it make a call to my friend Deanna and ask if she can come to work today and do my shift only then I'll give the wind spell to you what is going on this is so strange right objective obtained cool Dana is it Dana or Deanna let's call her hello hello beep beep hello hello Gianna yeah oh she is like hello I need you to come into work your friend Maggie really really needs your help yet can you fill in Maggie's position today please it'll be greatly ass yeah I didn't even need to convince her as she just said yes and left ok I did it I made a phone call I'm the best oh my goodness I am the best the agouti a complete cool Deanna and she's done come out the window now can I have it now after you complete it ok we're going up the ladder let's do this no automation in this map whatsoever oh my god thank you now you can go home and relax all thanks to you as I promised here's the wind SPO you can only use it one time so be cautious good spelling oh it's it's a it's a wind spell beautiful it looks like something else using minecraft's I'm not sure what though I can only use this once Maggie see you later see you later a door is blocking the way use your wind spell to knock it over ah done it that was powerful right where do I need to go now falling from high places will take parts out of your life find the final temple the right temple system ACC oh my gosh um I don't want to die how can I get down here ouch there we go I didn't I didn't listen to the advice did I I think I think the light temple might just be over here I'm not sure though I probably shouldn't be running but we're fine ah cow it's raining go for a swim buddy go for a swim I am the the holder of the water spells you be careful okay you be careful in there right let's do this as cows everywhere let see what's going hey like temple hurry now go find the godson and kill them are we done it already it's just a lights it's a light spell we actually completed it already I'm guessing there's something up there let's go to the gods the gods are waiting for me I can't even sprint anymore or you know what I can just smack no one's gonna go the gods are calling my name I need to defeat them I wish I could run did I really wish I could one I can't even speak right now this map is just blowing my mind oh my goodness here we go here we go there's a cow get out of here get out of here no good for a swim go for a swim good person it's okay right oh jeez it's getting real it's getting real I should have used my fire spell but I don't think I need to right now is this the way I need to go I think I don't know where I'm going the gods are this way they cower gods I hope not what is it why is it trolling me like this it's just sending me round in a sir oh who are you and you have no name okay I think I'm going to starve if that's the end of the map and I starve to death I am gonna be eternally upset okay there's a sign up there beautiful I sent me rounding all that direction I can't even sprint jump either there we go geez that was that was a trek and a half almost there beautiful I bet it's harder to type when you're making a map like this in the way that they're typing on purpose or ladder of the void I'm scared I am scared please don't let me die of starvation halfway up who were the gods gonna be as well I have no idea who the gods are gonna be oh geez I'm feeling nervous I've got an arrow that I could throw at them if possible if I throw it fast enough it might actually do damage I've got oh I should have picked up some water I probably should have done that I've got a bone as well I could Club them with it I guess and I also have to light spell and a fire spell I can set them on fire just a little bit no no it's happening it's happening no don't do this don't do this I'm almost at the top please don't do this please do not do this to me come on come on we can make it yes we made our live we made it a lie quick combine the spells of fire water lights and wind after you put the spells in the hopper press the button now go fight the gods okay here we go there we go there we go and then we have to press this yes yeah it's like what the super spell check me out I am an absolute wizard oh my goodness now go and fight the gods boss battle because I'm actually scared right now I don't know who these are gonna be what they're gonna be but I'm ready I've got my super spell I'm scared though where the gods where the goods I'm not doing well on health either ah other witches oh geez no go away go away go please don't do this witch please don't do this please no no no you poison me why would you do something gotcha butcher good show at Chicago so - that's not useful to me whatsoever go forward okay I'm doing it I'm doing it with oohs the gods I think I defeat the gods please don't let me die like this I've got three parts left I don't like epic music to get to the end of this you use the water spell one last time go down oh man oh man oh wait a my bucket go oh I combined it and I was like oh my goodness I forgot to pick up water right it says to go down okay let's do this ah no need to go down here okay I'm going down here we go let's hope we don't die this is actually pretty dangerous cause super spell you can save me I can see the end it's right down there we could do this we could complete the best or possibly worst map ever we can do this we can do this believe let's drop here we go Oh No after at that time after all that time I died by falling out the bottom of my own water spell what is that what I can't believe it I'm just not the great Wizzle that I thought I was right let's try this again shall we there we go much better much safer but almost it again almost it again I'm scared oh she's right I can sprint now which is good but I just had to do the whole thing again to fully like to fully support the I am a wizard oh geez right here we go oh my god wizard you defeated the gods you single-handedly got all four spells and killed them I'm so proud of you now let's rebuild your house Maloney yes let's rebuild house building materials oh geez let's do this let's do it super eggs iron doors gold ore this is the perfect stuff the end thanks for playing this map it is probably one of the best Maps ever made so tell all your friends if you liked it you obviously did make a let's play and post a link to the forums also if you rebuild the Wizards house and I like it I'll put it on the forum post so you could be famous to the market the materials are in the chest what are you waiting for go make a let's play what right now I have to go get my equipment and stuff and there we go the greatest house ever made I think it's better than the one I had before to be fair wizard should be proud and I got two little friends now hey how are you doing you are called Merlin and you're called Maloney dedicated to my greatest friends just standing over there who didn't help with the house whatsoever and oh no oh no no I haven't got my spell I haven't got my spell card get out oh man oh you know what this is I'm done I'm done I'm buying a new house I'm going I'm leaving sheep I'm gonna I'm gonna live with you because that house just isn't gonna cut it at all better guys that was the Wizards adventure I thought it was pretty funny no my chickens they don't even want to live there yeah that is the end of the map so if you enjoyed this then please leave big fat thumbs up of course it was just a joke map and I thought I just show you except that was really funny using like the the the wind spell was a leave I'm the water spell which is a bucket of water I thought it was really cool unique and just a lot of funds if you enjoy it please leave me fat thumbs up that will be also kept this happens to be the first minute you see me then please do consider subscribing and joining team TDM today for daily minecraft and videos popping that thank you so much watching I'll see you guys in the next video good [Music]
Channel: DanTDM
Views: 6,482,950
Rating: 4.8535938 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, mod, spotlight, showcase, thediamondminecart, minecart, playthrough, yt:quality=high, 1.6.4, dantdm, no swearing, no cursing, Minecraft (Video Game), 1.7.10, 1.8, dr trayaurus, tdm, the diamond minecart, trayaurus, grim, colosseum, minecraft challenge, challenge, minecraft mod showcase, minigame, mini game, mini-game, 1.8.7, minecraft 1.9, minecraft worst map, worst map ever
Id: aKM9_X9Intw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 40sec (940 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 10 2015
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