Raspberry Pi 5 Operating Systems

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[Music] welcome to another video from explaining computers.com this time we're going to check out the operating systems now available for Raspberry Pi 5 to do this we're going to grab a raspby pi 5 that's hardly a surprise and also some micro D cards and I know we can boot a pii from USB or from an mvme SSD plugged into a hat that connects the pii's PCI connector and which I have shown in previous videos but for these tests I thought we' return to the Pi's native media and in particular SanDisk Extreme Pro micro SD cards which over the years I found to be very reliable as Pi boot drives so let's go and get started right here we are running our first operating system and surprise surprise it's raspby Pi OS as the name suggests this is the official Linux drro for the raspy Pi 5 and it's very very good indeed what we're running here is a clean install and as we can see in the menu this includes everything needed for General desktop Computing activities we have got an office package we have got the chromian Firefox web browsers we've got VLC media player various accessories preferences and we also have some programming tools for those who want to use the pi for maker or other projects as I think is apparent operation is very fluid and responsive even running from a micro SD cards as we're doing here although you can get even better performance with Ras posos in sted on SSD and indeed if you want to see just how much you can achieve on a raspby pi 5 in rasp Pi OS just check out the explaining computers episode where I edited the whole video on a raspber pi 5 running raspber pios from an SSD and I also held an HD Microsoft teams video call back here in real time let's launch a browser so we can visit YouTube and check out streaming media playback which has to work in a modern desktop operating system here we go and whil there are a few drop frames as things are getting set up once things have settled down things run very well indeed we've got good solid 1080p streaming media playback and indeed one of the most important things to note about raspber pios is that it's very well optimized for the pi5 GPU and other Hardware all of this noted I would point out two small potential negatives the first of which is the look and feel which whilst it is very clean very clear and responsive it may be a bit basic for some users tastes I I personally like rasp posos I like the the look of the operating system but some people I know do look at it and go it still looks like that and I can understand where they're coming from and then secondly and almost paradoxically if we run up a few programs let's run the F manager again let's run the terminal for example let's run up I don't know uh let's run up a Libra office writer like that and once we've got a few programs running it'll get there in a second come on program you can do it even from a Micro SD card and uh there we are three programs are now running and I've run them up so I can press out tab like this and as you can see the task switcher which you get without tab is a graphical and very fancy like that and when I first used this I thought that's really really nice but over time I've come to realize it's it's incredibly annoying and whil it is a visually impressive there's no way to turn this thing off and have a standard tach switcher but let's be honest if this is the worst thing I can say about Raspberry Pi OS and it is it must be a most excellent Raspberry Pi operating system and certainly it's my recommended operating system for those who want to use the Raspberry Pi for programming projects and maker activities greetings here we are in another general purpose desktop operating system which is auntu 2310 otherwise known as the Mantic Minor by default over on the left we have a doc that provides access to our most commonly used applications so for example we can launch the farm manager or it's very exciting to launch the farm maner and for even more excitement we can launch the Firefox web browser and this comes up pretty quickly considering we're running here from a Micro SD card and oh look we're on the Raspberry Pi page for ubun where it tells us we can install it either using raspber pie imager or we can download directly to install by other means and whilst we're here in the browser let's check out streaming media playback there we go and as previously in Ras with posos we've got pretty solid 1080p streaming media playback although we have a few more drop frames it's not quite as good as we saw in chromium in rasp posos although to be fair Ubuntu does provide great support for the pi5 hardware this said there is one thing to note which is that at the time of making this video on the first install of Ubuntu on a rasby pi 5 any connected fan will run constantly at full speed however this is easily fixed by running the software up data talking of which if we click bottom left to see all available applications in this default install you can see we've got lots of nice pre-installed things which include the software updator let's just run that up so you can see what I was talking about there is a software updator just checking for updates it'll find nothing I think for this system because it's up to dat but if it wasn't up to dat you could click to install all available updates and let's just look at what's pre-installed again here we've got an office package we have got a Firefox web browser we have got various utilities we've got an email client so all the basics are here and we even have a few games including soliter yes Soler is pre-installed here in your BTU on the raspy pi and this has to earn the operating system at least 107 extra points finally if we click top right we can go to settings where we have more control than in rasp pios and where we can even select the coolest ever desktop wallpaper dedicated to to a maze dwelling mythical creature which is a down here we just select that isn't that a cool Des wallpaper dedicated to a maze dwelling mythical creature and so there we are Ubuntu 2310 the Mantic minor a very slick a very responsive operating system which right now is my favorite General desktop OS for the rasp P 5 and if you're wondering why it's because it just feels a little bit B more professional than raspby Pi OS and also if we run up a few applications I've still got the F manager running there let's just run up for example Liber office writer like that here it goes there we are let's also run up Firefox got that lab running as well and if I now press out tab we get a nice standard application switcher which is not visually distracting in a manner that could drive me insane so here we now are running ambian which is a popular Linux Dro for rbc's although it's also now available for some RIS five boards just to confuse us anyway here we're running it on the raspby pi 5 and if we click on activities and go to all applications you'll see there's lots of things pre-installed more than we saw in the last two dros we were looking at not just the usual stuff like Libra office but also lots of other tools and it's good to see for example we've got pre-installed and filezilla pre-installed for FTP if we launch a browser which here is again chromium you'll see we do have a bit of a lag going on sometimes the mouse jumps around a bit you might have seen that there and you therefore won't be surprised that if we try to do streaming media playback the results are not as good as we saw in rasp posos Oru and as you can see we've been dropping frames and we are still are dropping dropping frames lots of frames being dropped here this has not got great streaming media playback in this distribution and so if you want to have good streaming media playback in a browser which I think these days is pretty much a must in a desktop operating system I personally wouldn't choose ambian this said I know lots of people do like to run ambian on their sbcs so it's great to have it available for the raspbery pi 5 guess what we're now running open FI specifically openi version 17 which is one of many operating systems for the rasp Pi 5 based on chromium OS which is the open- source version of Chrome OS that runs on Google Chromebooks and this runs very well indeed if your requirement for a raspber pi5 desktop operating system is to basically use online applications this is by far the best choice I think of operating system for the pi5 down here we can see application as you can in Chrome OS and related operating systems most things here of course take us straight out to the web because that's the whole purpose of chromium OS that you use webbased applications down here we've got various settings in controls we can shrink those down move them up I just like this operating system I actually run Chrome OS Flex on a computer connected to my television and use it for all of my streaming and various other stuff store I run this operating system every day or something very like it and it's great to find it running so well on the RAs 5 if I just launch the Chromium browser we'll just uh paste in a link to my YouTube test clip there it is and that it go there we are and as you can see YouTube Playbook is very good indeed we had one drop frameous things were just being set up but after that this is very very good playback here we got fantastic streamium media playback here in a open F on the rasp Pi 5 this would make a fantastic operating system to run on a computer connected to a television I could even do that couldn't I replace the XXX PC connected to my television with a rasper pi5 running open 5 and in fact I might in the future make a video all about the different operating systems based on chromium OS available for the pi5 lots of different versions available but for now this is open fied and it runs very well indeed so as we transition to looking at more specialist operating systems here we are running C Linux on the raspby pi 5 and in case you're not in the no C Linux as we can see here on its web page is the most advanced penetration testing distribution or in other words it's a Linux distribution focused on ethical hacking auditing network security things like that and so if we look in the menu here in terms of what's pre-installed of this distribution it's a little bit different to what we normally see we do have what they call the usual applications but there's also stuff here for information gathering vulnerability analysis password attacks Wireless attacks reverse engineering sniffing and spoofing Tools digital forensics things like that and clearly this takes us Way Beyond the scope of this particular video but I thought it was important to point out that CA Linux is available and runs very well on the Raspberry Pi 5 moving on we now come to raspby Pi 5 operating systems dedicated to a very specific task and here I'm going to cover what's currently available far more briefly not least as extra Hardware is sometimes required for example as we can see on this web page the lumino can be used to turn a suitably equipped raspber Pi 5 into a music player and streamer however for this add additional audio output hardware is needed this said no additional Hardware is required to use Libra El which turns a raspy Pi into a Codi mediate player this provides an excellent Lean Back interface if you want to use a pi five to consume content on a television however personally I prefer to use a chromium based operating system for this purpose such as open f as we saw earlier next let's run up raspby Pi imager where with raspby pi 5 selected several operating systems we've not looked at so far can be found lurking for example if we scroll down here we get to emulation in game OS where we find recall box which I installed earlier and which can emulate over 100 old systems and even though I'm not really a retro gamer I may well experiment with this at some point as it's very look indeed incredibly professional and at least one of these old platforms must run Pac-Man back here in raspby P imager we've next got other specific purpose OS where we've already checked out Cali Linux and below that we have full page OS which boots directly into the Chromium browser to display a web page full screen and can be useful for things like digital signage meanwhile those in education may be excited or dism need to discover that Moodle boox is available whilst others will certainly be very excited indeed to discover we've got lots of operating systems for home automation here they all are and yes this is something I really must experiment with on my channel in the future finally if we go to premium and paid for OS we discover that Android is available for the rasp Pi 5 specifically Android by emera and here we can see there is a free forever start not a plan although to use this you do have to create an account and so so far this is something I've yet to investigate so there we are we've looked at lots of different operating systems now available for the raspby pi 5 but what operating system would you like to see on the pi5 if it isn't currently available please let us all know down in the comments section but now that's it for another video if you've enjoyed what you've seen here please press that like button if you haven't subscribed Please Subscribe and I hope to talk to you again very [Music] soon
Channel: ExplainingComputers
Views: 115,834
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Raspberry Pi, Raspberry Pi 5, Pi 5, Ubuntu, Raspberry Pi OS, Recalbox, LibreELEC, Armbian, Kali Linux, openFyde, ChromeOS, Chrome OS, Barnatt, Christopher Barnatt
Id: 7G6jZd4gHtM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 0sec (960 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 03 2024
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