Which Linux Mint is Better? Comparing Debian Edition & Standard

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Linux Mint to say it's a popular Linux distribution would be an understatement mint has long been regarded as one of the most approachable dros around and is among the first that new users should consider but what's up with the Debian edition of mint well join me for today's video and I'll give you the [Music] [Music] scoop hello again everyone and welcome back to learn Linux TV in today's video we're going to check out Linux Mint Debian Edition the Debian alternative of Linux Mint it's based on debing instead of auntu and I think it's worth checking out even though it doesn't seem to get all that much attention and it hasn't had all that much attention on this channel either but I'm going to fix that in today's video because lmde is going to be the focus of today's video so what I'll do is give you all the details about the Debian edition of Linux Mint I'll let you know how it differs from traditional mint and and I'll also review the most recent release as well and during my time with lmde I really enjoyed myself I had a ton of fun with this distribution and I can't wait to tell you all about it so what I'll do in today's video is tell you all about how lmde differs from normal mint who should try this out why it even needs to exist in the first place and also I'll give you a full review of the latest release now with all of that out of the way it's time to dive in so without any further hesitation let's check out Linux Mint Debian Edition so what exactly is lmde well as I mentioned earlier lmde stands for Linux Mint Debian Edition and by the name alone you can easily tell that it has something to do with Debian the shortest description that I could come up with in regard to lmde is that it's Linux Mint but it's built on top of Debian rather than auntu and Debian itself is one of my favorite distributions it's super stable and by using it you don't have to deal with change nearly as often as you might with other distributions while you might upgrade dros such as auntu or Fedora twice a year Duan is lucky if it gets more than one release in a single year but on average probably releases every 2 years or so the thing is Duan doesn't have an exact release schedule and the reason for that is because Duan doesn't rush things out the door to meet corporate deadlines like other distributions do in fact it's a community distribution which is something that a lot of Linux users feel more comfortable with the fact that Debian doesn't change as quickly also makes it quite attractive for anyone wants to start their own distribution as it serves as a great foundation for other dros but whenever people talk about Linux Mint they're most often talking about the traditional version that's based on obuntu if you download mint from the official website without looking for anything in particular that's the version that you'll likely end up with while mint has a few different flavors available for download the flagship version is the one that's based on Ubuntu with the cinnamon desktop and you know what mint is pretty good it's easy to use and the cinnamon desktop gives you an experience that's more akin to Classic desktop operating systems but with modern Technologies thrown in and it's already on my Channel right now so I'll leave a card for that review right about here if you want to check that out now the thing is the very existence of lmde is fairly confusing for newcomers I mean why does this even need to exist if the distribution mirrors the auntu version so much that it's hard to tell the difference which is the case they look nearly exactly the same then why does this distribution need to exist in the first place is it redundant and you know what it is redundant it's very redundant but the thing is when you peel back the layer of redundancy around lmde there are some things about it that make it worth checking out in fact lmde is probably more redundant than it might seem at first deban itself features an official cinnamon version of that distribution so that means you could use the cinnamon desktop on Debian even if you completely disregard mint so again if lmde is so redundant then why does it need to exist sorry sorry to interrupt myself but I just wanted to let you know that I really enjoy making this content for you guys I have a ton of fun if you enjoy the content that I produce then please consider supporting learn Linux TV the thing is producing content like this isn't cheap so by giving back to the channel you can help me make even more content for you guys and to find out more about how you can support learn Linux TV what you could do is go to support. learnlinux.tv and there you'll find some of the ways that you can help support the channel anyway let's get back to the video the first reason for the creation of lmde is that it isn't all that beneficial to end users at least not directly the basic idea is that the dean Edition is maintained alongside the traditional Ubuntu version just in case the team decides to abandon Ubuntu and rebase completely on Debian if the team was to do that then it wouldn't be nearly as much work to rebase the main version of mint on Debian since they're doing the work anyway but that's more of a benefit to Mint developers than it is to end users however the Deb inv version of mint does actually offer some benefits to users first the obvious is that for one reason or another some people may not like Ubuntu if any of those people want to use mint but don't want to use Ubuntu they can get the same mint experience as anyone else while still using a distribution with a more community supported Foundation another benefit is that lmde maintains its own version of the cinnamon desktop rather than just using the one that Debian themselves provide perhaps Debian is your preferred distribution and maybe cinnamon might be your preferred desktop but you want to run the latest cinnamon on Debian and if that's you then lmde is currently the best way of achieving that I'll go over more of the differences between the two as the video continues but what I just went over is the basic idea behind lmde Okay so at this point what I'm going to do is focus exclusively on lmde for the remainder of the video what I'm going to do is give you my thoughts on this distribution after having spent some time on it so what are my thoughts on lmde well let's take a look at the review section of this video and I'll give you all of my thoughts first let's look at the installer the installation process is more or less the same as traditional mint at least functionally you putot the system into live mode double click the installer icon answer the questions and then you're done so pretty straightforward but the installer is completely different in lmde even if it is the same routine and practice one installer doesn't seem to have any benefit when compared to the other but since they do have visual differences I figured I'd mention it but either way the installation process is quick and painless once I logged in after installation one difference I noticed right away is that the desktop that I ended up with was an older version of cinnamon I expected to be on the same version of the desktop as traditional Linux Mint in version 21.3 so I was fairly surprised to see cinnamon 5 instead but thankfully that was easily resolved I simply installed all available updates and one of those updates was for cinnamon which put me at the same major version as normal Min now it may not seem like a big deal but upgrading the desktop is somewhat rare with lmde you have a greater likelihood of getting a hold of the newer version than what Dean itself would normally give you it's almost like a rolling release well in a way rolling releases generally give you the latest version of everything while mint doesn't they only selectively upgrade things as required to bring it consistent with the normal version for the most part you're getting packages that are shipped with normal Debian but the mint developers what they're doing is putting additional things on top of it that bring it more current with normal Min to me it's pretty amazing how close lmde is to the standard variant as long as you're fully up toate it could be very hard to even tell the difference at least at first glance on both lmde as well as normal mint we have the same desktop layout the same theme and many of the same apps so whether you want to use one over the other depends primarily on your preference now one potential downside of lmde that you should know about is that it doesn't have the same level of support when compared to normal mint both versions go out of their way to cater to end users but the traditional mint bill does a better job of facilitating users than lmde does not majorly so but there are notable differences for example consider the Nvidia driver the flagship version of mint features a driver's app and you could use that app to check and see if any additional drivers are available for your Hardware in the case of Nvidia it's just a few clicks away if you want to install the proprietary driver but in lmde installing the proprietary Nvidia driver isn't nearly as easy in fact there isn't even a driver's app in lmde at all if you want to install special drivers in lmde you'll have to consult debbi's documentation in order to figure out how to do so and this means that unless you're sure you have all the drivers that you need to have installed your experience with lmde might not be as good as traditional mint out of the box and I think that's the only real poti potential downside when it comes to lmde lmde is geared more towards intermediate users since some deism such as drivers might cause you to jump through additional Hoops that you normally wouldn't need to deal with but other than that it's pretty good and during my time with lmde I came away very impressed overall it's the exact same experience as normal mint at least for the most part with debing as its base you can expect fewer changes and more stability and for fans of Debian I think having access to the latest cinamon desk top might be reason enough to consider this distribution after all cinnamon is pretty cool so is lmde redundant well yes it is but it's a good redundant it's a good distribution if you want to have the same experience that you would normally get with traditional Linux Mint but on a Debian base lmde is a great way to accomplish that pretty much the only way to accomplish that so I definitely recommend that you try it out there's a live mode here so you don't have to wipe your current operating system in order to try it out so why not give it a shot and see if you like it and if you do get a chance to check it out well let me know in the comments down below exactly what you think of this release I can't wait to read what you guys have to say in the meantime though be sure to subscribe to learn Linux TV for the latest in Linux and I'll see you in the next [Music] video [Music] [Music]
Channel: Learn Linux TV
Views: 89,984
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Linux, gnu/linux, LearnLinuxTV, Learn Linux TV, LearnLinux.TV, Learn Linux, Linux Training, Linux Tutorials, Mint, Linux Mint, Linux Mint Desktop, Linux Mint Cinnamon Edition, Linux Mint Debian, Debian, Debian 12, Linux Mint Debian Edition (LMDE), Linux Mint Debian Edition, LMDE, linux operating system, linux mint, linux for beginners 2023, open source, linux administrator, best linux distro, linux distros, linux for, open source projects
Id: Yg_kfQxKlXo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 46sec (646 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 02 2024
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