My Favorite Stands (Final)

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Well, I’ve already done an introduction for this in the other video, so I might as well get into this. This is going to be the final video on My favorite stands, and there’s a few things I missed in the first one. So, here’s what I meant. Shirt design like this. “Heaven’s Door” that’s how it’s said. I got a question on “how I know Giorno’s voice”. Well, you know… The games. But at the same time, we don’t have the same voice actor for Josuke, so I can understand the confusion. Killer Queen’s voice is right here. It’s the same as Kira’s, but most stands that speak share the same voice actor. That’s why you could never tell the difference between a Star Platinum Ora and a Jotaro Ora. Well, you probably can, there’s different effects. And, that’s there’s what I missed. So, let’s get into the next stands. Now, we’re in Vento Aureo territory, and my first stand is going to be Gold Experience. In the previous video I told everyone that there was stand contest for my number one spot, and the two duking it out are Killer Queen and Gold Experience. Killer Queen was one where I was able to get almost everything I feel about the stand into words, but it’s a bit difficult with Gold Experience. I think one of the major reasons is due to how the stand was written to work with Giorno, and since Giorno is one of my favorite characters already, his stand accentuated this hidden appeal to his character. GE with the ability of Life Giver, where if anything gets these hands of life, many things can happen. That’s another reason why I’d like the stand, many things can happen, and they do. I love it when a stand isn’t limited to it’s ability, and the ability makes the stand and user think outside of the box on execution of said ability. Then, there’s the stand cry. There’s something about Gold Experience yelling Muda over a variation of Ora, that makes me love the stand even more. And trust me, you’re going to get a lot of Muda. I don’t know how it’s going to translate into the anime, but it’s going to be a big one when we get there. On the design, I love the direction Araki went with stands when going on into part 5. Gold Experience closely relating to who Giorno is through the design, and all the little details make it all the better. From the lady bugs to the noticeable angel wings you’ll see on it’s shoulders. Side note, when I see wings like this I think of Wartortle. And, I like the wings on both characters, or well stand, person, and Pokémon. There’s also a couple of side note created by Araki about his thoughts on the design of Gold Experience in “Jojo A-Go! Go!” that I could feel and agree with. Next, there’s the sounds you get with the stand and that’s how Giorno says Gold Experience, and Muda Muda. Giorno speaking in general is just beautiful, and Muda Muda is my overall favorite stand cry. Second being Ari, third Vola Via, and fourth being how Tusk says ora. Which is probably the best ora because of how off-putting it is. And lastly, the musical reference. Any prince reference is a good reference. So, final thoughts. Amazing ability, favorite stand cry, amazing design, and great musical reference. The next part 5 stand is going to be Black Sabbath. Let’s just get something out of the way first. Black Sabbath was already a hard name. No pun, that’s an extremely metal name. Turning this name into a stand had to have been a hard job, but it paid off. The stand had the ability of drawing power from shadows. Having a power based around shadows with a name like Black Sabbath had made me love the stand already, but the fight was an even bigger reason. Not going to get into detail for those that haven’t read it, I’m just going to tell you that it’s a good fight. The final point being the design, and the stand meets that along with the rest of the triforce of what I like about stands. The other two things being name and ability. The design of Black Sabbath fits so well, I don’t have much to say. This a stand where everything connects, and I think that alone was it for me. It got to the point where I told myself to buy something to commemorate how great Black Sabbath is, but you can’t buy a single figure because everything is sold out. Final thoughts, I don’t think Black Sabbath is the stand of all stands like how Star Platinum is portrayed to be, but I think that Black Sabbath is one of the few stands that shows how they’re supposed to be designed. For the next stand, White Album. I’m sure that I like the stand a lot due to the fight that we had, but speaking on why I liked it because of the fight. I’ve mentioned that I loved adaptability when it comes to stands, and White Album is one of the few stands that you’ll get that’s meant to adapt to all the situations being thrown at it. I think one major thing that I’ll enjoy that goes hand and hand with the stand’s adaptability is White Album is it’s ability to skate. Then there’s stand design and stand name. Now, let me tell you this. I’ll be one of the first to make a musical leitmotif once we get the White Album fight animated, and me doing that with “While My Guitar Gently Weeps”? It’s game over. Jokes aside, I feel like White Album has the same case as Black Sabbath. The cut and clean design matching with the great reference and finishing it off with an amazing ability to fit. I don’t see anyway White Album could be anymore White Album and that’s probably the reason why I like it so much. Or well, it’s probably due to the skating. And the final stand, Rolling stones… The Rolling Stones arc. We don’t have to say anymore. Onto Stone Ocean! The first stand is going to be Diver Down. First reason, it’s the best stand name to say at any time possible. Why? It’s probably due to it being an alliteration. I’m sure that you can have any Jojo voice actor say Diver Down in the way that they call out their stand, and it would sound amazing on every actor possible. It got to the point where I’ll call out Diver Down any time I’m doing something in a game that involves a downwards input, it’s usually spiking in Smash Bros. “IT’S THE DIVER DOWN”. On design, I already liked it, but I had one of my favorite colors as the color scheme, along with other colors that follow a square color harmony. The color being sea green, and I would’ve said it had two if the pink was more of a purple, but it’s still great since the pink being used matches Annasui. On it’s ability, I believe that’s some of the most interesting abilities I had seen in Stone Ocean. It’s power storage and restructure ability aren’t something that’s easily categorized in terms of power, so I enjoy how different it was and how it was executed in the part. And finishing it off, a Van Halen reference. So, final thoughts, you don’t mess with the Diver Down. The next stand is Weather Report. Weather Report controls the weather. His stand user, Weather Report whose stand is Weather Report, and Weather Report controls the Weather. I think I got the explanation across. The simplicity of the stand’s design is something that was heavily needed for the stand. Though I wouldn’t have said no to a few more details being added like how Underworld was done. On the ability, I love Weather Control. Weather Control alone has access to so many things, and how it works for Weather Report makes it even more interesting. While being able to mess around with the attributes of the weather, he’s also able to recreate recorded weather phenomena. So guess what, if it started somehow raining cows, Weather Report is out here making it rain cows. Final thoughts, Weather Report is a stand that controls the Weather. Now, for the final stand, or well stands. Whitesnake, C-Moon, and Made in Heaven. They all have similar reasoning so there’s no real need to separate, and they’re also variations so might as well have it together. But, this one of cases where I think Araki had created something that completely matched a character, but did it 3 times back to back for the same character. It’s insane. I want to go fully in depth with more than just my reasoning, and more on why Pucci and his stands are so great. I’ll save that for a different video though, since I don’t talk about Stone Ocean really and it deserves its respective time. But to hit some bullet points without it getting it too large. Whitesnake was one of the most necessary stands I had seen in Jojo, and while it had its reasonably large nicks, I still love the stand. C-Moon has one of the best stand introductions I’ve ever seen, and his ability for what it did in it’s introduction arc was amazing. That also goes with Made in Heaven too, which is a queen reference which means it gets easy points. And since my bullet points sum up finals thoughts, great design on all, and we’re done with Stone Ocean. Getting on down into Steel Ball Run. The first stand, Catch the Rainbow. Reason 1, rain manipulation. Reason 2, reason 1 combined with being an assassin instantly makes you into a cool minor antagonist. Seeing Blackmore walk on raindrops and having the sound effect symbol on it had me feel the same way that I do when I see Killer Queen pose right before a kill. There wasn’t too much to think of the stand design wise, but it also being the mask was something I enjoyed when it came to that interaction in the arc. The next stand is going to be Tusk Act 4. It’s difficult to rank my favorites, but I’m sure that Tusk Act 4 has top 5 stand designs to me. Which is difficult to adjust due to how many stands I’ve already mentioned here. It’s no question that it’s my favorite set of curtains, and I already told you all how much I love it’s stand cry. I’m not sure how to speak on how much I like the ability, but I’ll tell you this. Spin is the cooler older brother of hamon, and Tusk Act 4 is the jacket they’re known for. Final thoughts, spin is amazing, amazing stand design, and the best ora out here. For the final stand of Steel Ball Run, Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap. Alliterations, they’re amazing. D4C to me is the stand embodiment of Valentine. It’s dimensional hop ability is more than what it’s shown to be. I believe that all the villains have abilities circulated on their person, and this ability holds a lot of meaning for the life of Valentine. The stand design is exactly how you’d picture Valentine’s stand. Elegant, clean, light, and loud. With ears that big, this stand design yells at me. I love the light blue and pink, I believe that it sets this peaceful tone with the stand despite it being extremely deadly. The name speaks for itself, I’m sure everyone knows AC/DC. Not the Pillar Men, please not here. Final thoughts, such a beautiful stand design, deep and powerful ability (I know someone’s going to comment something about me saying that), and the best name possible for this stand. Alright so now we’re finally here. Jojolion. And to make it easier, I’m only going to go with what I feel like I truly know on this. The first stand is going to be Les Feuilles (Leh-Fey-you). I loved this arc and honestly thought it was pretty funny in the part. For what it does, I love it. The fight wasn’t even exactly a fight, it was just Gappy and Joshu being as confused as they could be and that alone made me enjoy it alone. I also love them being these little stands, makes me want to own one as a pet. Or have a figure or plush or something that I could say is for my dog, but is truly only for me. I also love the name, I’m upset I only knew this song due to Frank Sinatra especially since a good of his song already have multiple variations from other artists and there must be an original somewhere for a lot of them. I love Frank, but I’m feeling the original more. Final thoughts on the stand, cute. And for my final stand here, Soft and Wet. I can make a follow up on this once Jojolion is finished and I run through it again two more times, but Soft and Wet has been the only stand that I feel like I know enough to have an opinion on. Especially since it’s the stand of the protagonist. It’s ability personally one of the best ones I’ve seen, but that’s probably not a surprise since I already mentioned how adaptable I love stands to be. With Soft and Wet being out here and plundering laws of science, I love the stand so much. The design very closely relates to Gappy. The stand falls into the same case as Black Sabbath for me where everything clicks on it. Especially the name referencing Soft and Wet. I’ll listen to Soft and Wet and just think of all these manga panels of multiple fights, creating a leitmotif in my head. I do that with a lot stands coming to think of it. Final thoughts, great stand, great user, amazing ability, soft and wetto. And that’s going to be it. A thought I had was creating a monthly playlist for those that use apple music. I talk about how much I like these songs, but I don’t really give you guys anything else. I might even get spotify and create the playlists there too if you guys want. I personally wouldn’t be constantly using it, but I’d do it there if that’s what you guys want. Follow my twitter and Instagram to stay updated, follow my twitch to catch my streams which I’m getting back onto since I’m back from my trip and I’m not as sick anymore. Sub to my second channel if you haven’t already, that’s where you guys can see me upload other things. My last video was a character analysis on Giovanni from Pokemon, so you can go in there and leave your part 5 comments because some of you already did it. I’ll see you guys in the next one! Until then, peace out, and god speed.
Channel: Kaleb I.A.
Views: 425,023
Rating: 4.9540334 out of 5
Keywords: my favorite stands, jojo's bizarre adventure, stands jojo, jojo stand, jojos bizarre adventure, jojos, bizarre, adventure, gold experience, black sabbath, white album, rolling stones, whitesnake, c-moon, made in heaven, diver down, weather report, tusk act 4, tusk, d4c, soft and wet, soft & wet, les feuilles, vento aureo, jojo part 5, part 5, stone ocean, steel ball run, jojolion, jojo part 6, jojo part 7, jojo part 8, giorno giovanna, pucci, catch the rainbow, joestar, jjba
Id: l7yCghlxeWY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 2sec (902 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 22 2018
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