How "Undefeatable" is Pesci's Beach Boy

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so I'm going to make this quick for the video and now this was a product of basically a discussion that we had on Twitch came from Twitter you can follow my twitch and and Twitter in the description now we are going to be using the Jojo wiki for this now when we were doing this we got from parts three to five because that seemed like the most like most sensible thing to cuz we don't want to go on for like that long obviously now when we get onto the par 5 area we're using the list of stands on the Jojo wiki so that means if you haven't caught up on part 5 and specifically like you haven't read ahead there's going to be stands that you haven't seen yet so I suggest to hold off from that I'm gonna be giving a time stamp as to when you can probably like click off the video you just enjoy your time there and all that because I really do not want people getting spoiled way ahead and yeah basically it so thank you all for being here and let's get the video started so someone had asked me on Twitter about how strong Patchi is because they were like yeah okay look he talked about harvest like she get cheese harvest and you talked about how strong the 20 meter emerald splashes and I was like yeah okay start Platinum what is he doing in this situation there's still people on he's not punching through walls stopping time I think he could stop time and get to there potentially because they have the hook the hook doesn't medi if say that he was stopping time right the hook isn't going it's not gonna go further in while time to stop right that wouldn't make any sense so he could gradually walk up there so I think we're we cap out on star platinum is he potentially runs up right magicians red is screwed I don't think so I don't think he's not burning that oh wait no that's 10 properties so I know yeah I still don't know if the damage would be reflected back to him anyways so that wouldn't matter magicians ready to screwed joseph is undoubtedly screwed I can't see him doing anything they're higher friend green oh I think higher friend Green can do it because he doesn't have anything to defend in person and kakyoin has enough range to get to him 20 meters I feel like that's definitely more than enough to get over there and take care of him I mean he doesn't have to do like the 20 meter Imanol splash I mean but he's just like maneuver himself over there and go over there and take care of that magicians ride could burn the train car what after a certain amount of range wouldn't just like undo it suffered no they just it's hooked onto you and he's just grappling onto you the whole time you're just being dragged you're okay all right so you can't beat it you can't be cutting up the train because separating Pesci isn't gonna be a benefit to you you'll be and there you go saying that you can't undo the Train you're in the same predicament as Bruno you've got to stop Pesci how are you doing this start applying them stopping time feels it feels like that makes it doable magician shred I can't see that working can't see where confirmed purple kakyoin can set his higher friend green over there I feel like that would be able to do the job I feel like John Paul nervous screwed the fool doesn't fly yeah exactly it glides yeah so he can't not he'd be screwed okay so the fool is screwed I saw that with them what is it called Kraftwerk yeah what would Kraftwerk be able to do in this situation sticky fingers gets its own ability just reflected back to Stan's get reflected as well so yeah okay not really sure what cross work could really do here just the world I feel like the world is in the same scenario star platinum just needs to stop time if not you'd definitely actually wait do doesn't give a as much if there is people on the train or not on the train he legitimately just like punched through whatever the I highly doubt he'd give a there also you can rip out his heart who cares deals bus station I feel like finalized do and definitely just shits on this tower of grey that feels like stand stand can do it stand uses the back part of it while gray fly the old old guy is getting like attacked a little little grey flight probably is and try to get over there and try to do something but I'll think I think the the stand user itself is uh what is it called is a handicapped almost Grateful Dead is not a part yeah it's not a part of the equation I'm not I'm not factored in this n right now because if I was that that's gonna be kind of I would say it's definitely difficult for this guy he just died he's just old dark blue moon I don't even want to deal with this what what does what are you even gonna do what why you could do nothing do it doesn't strength I think strength if strength is the whole last train doesn't I would think strength there's not strength could connect to the change and change it yeah yeah strength strength have any devil I don't know dude this is like this is like top five most busted stands this gargantuan monster yellow temperance I don't yeah yellow temperance is screwed oh wait no oh no yeah no okay it wouldn't work so Rubber Soul would try some I can definitely see you so say that if Rubber Soul was in the same predicament right and Rubber Soul takes the form of prosciutto it's it's not gonna work he would try it but it wouldn't work because the heart of Rubber Soul is the same so he's gonna like even if he runs up like right there he's gonna be all like yo what's up man and he's like wait a minute I already know that you're not my brother I'm gonna kill you right here and he's gonna just keep on going because he won't really see it until in person so I think until then he'd be able to him if he might have a chance if he gets the beshi yeah yeah no definitely actually mmm cuz he's gonna he's gonna sense it he's gonna bike your heart it's still the same stand user but I can see that you you look like my brother so this is an impasse and he could I don't think if if frubber soul is like that's not smart enough to be all like oh yeah the stand user they got me dude they this is their ability they can change your heart or something like that depends on accurate is mimic ability is it's an outward thing it's not going to do any hard stuff related I don't think so I think I think Jay geils got it I know four range to offer I think he definitely bounced off enough of a reflective surfaces to get to the Train it seems very much possible especially with like how much metal is there I think ya know he could definitely get over there and take care of Pesci it seems very probable whole horse whole horse leaves he did he just runs up to Pesci oh yeah yeah I'm not in this battle no more bro this is this is all yours you got it just I'm for fitting horse shoots around the window and falls in line to kill him I feel like if he knows that Pesci's at the end of the end of the car right there he would just shoot the hair and just be like okay let's just I'm gonna keep on shooting and then turn that's a they turn but he kinda has to gauge where Pesci is so I don't can't really just go ahead and do so whole horse could just link psychic link the bullets and endlessly fire so he just he could just go ham and just like be ya he's somewhere in there and just go ham off that so yeah okay that definitely seems a lot more possible especially since like you have like windows that can go right through and you can just more so set up in all the direction their whole horse has a chance yeah okay I can definitely say that Empress Empress is no dudududududu dude this is actually hilarious Wheel of Fortune on a train how what are we what are we what are we doing with this wheel of fortune yeah oh you could definitely just drive along the side of the train and this get over there and whoop whoop a she's ass this is the fact that this is the whole ass car alright so justice makes all the old feeble people powerful zombies and they could go over there and take care of Pesci's himself right cuz he doesn't really have much to combat him in person that's saying if he even needs to be over there though I think and you can just like hike he just sit down where she is and just send out the zombies because it's like what is he what is he really gonna do Wheel of Fortune be hilarious alright so yeah wheel of fortune folks justice can definitely Steely Dan's I don't I don't think I don't see Steely Dan working here the Sun know this this is just this is just inconvenient for everybody I don't even think in that setting I don't even think he wants to bring out his stand so ya know he'd be screwed himself over not the same time Grateful Dead would work God like say say if the Sun wasn't like the right area no yeah cuz if he if he's like if he always brings a fan with him and all this after he's like the Sun was to happen over by where Pesci was that would age the out of Pesci that's crazy so I don't know that'd be an interesting way to see how that works out dead 13 is there's just that doesn't that doesn't work out Grateful Dead plus the Sun would be a disgusting combo yeah and they both keep like no no well this already if as already keeps like good amount of on him I feel like a high priestess could do it my just getting over into there has enough range to do so high priestess yeah she now high priest has definitely I can definitely see that just maneuvering all around the hair Pesci would be dude her rage is definitely more than enough and there was just there's just a lot that she'd just be messing around with he can't run up on her doesn't really have anything she could just become the train eat Pesci - that's dude gab gab seems very possible especially if he's like doing his old echolocation type and after that what is it he's just like he sees a man fish it like he's gonna see this like him doing the whole motion of the stand user like he's just saw like oh it's it looks like it's a man fishing right over the fly and you can just send him over there Gabe's gonna rip right through him I don't think so Gabe has way more than enough range to fight way more how many he was like fighting like Liz kilometers away yeah dude now dude tenor sax what is what is tenor sax doing he just turns to train at the deals mansion Anubis it's a sword it he's literally no one is worried about Anubis Moriah actually she would be able to like make Pesci stick to the train starts closing in on him she got asked to place the yeah where yeah you don't really see her place the outlets that's the biggest issue with me a seven seven and I can't this is this isn't gonna work no he literally too far Osiris is not working Horus Horus doesn't give okay cuz PET SHOP pet shop already doesn't give a right about hurting anybody pet shop will just go so I think ya know I'll probably patched up and Horus would probably be able to do it and another good thing about well like even though it's a small even though it's pretty small pet shop Heike would never have to worry about um Grateful Dead that's pretty cool that's clean a slug Tom cream what happens if foam Pesci's hooked on de peche she's hooked on to vanilla ice it goes no it goes somewhere never to be seen again so yeah okay then it would just get erased yeah okay yeah cream Fox creams probably I think ya know if cream cream knows that it's just like a linear train if ya know if vanilla ice knows it's just a linear train he just goes forward and takes out everything cuz he obviously doesn't give a about like who is on the train and he just ya cream folks Holly Stan destroys 10100 zero matchup completely destroys a beach boy literally has no chance crazy diamond though now we're on par for so what is part what's crazy diamond doing in this matchup Mehdi ah yeah crazy diamond I can't think of anything that he'd be able to do here unless you was to be like if he already had like Pesci's blood he could have a he get out that Kira scenario to where he just like fires off some stuff and then it goes back to Pesci potentially I could definitely see that and after that he finds him right after no no the hand can swipe the line free okay okay okay okay it's just cream yeah koishi and echoes probably would want to do something with Act two I don't think so Act two yeah something with Acts who seems doable yeah okay so the hand sends away it doesn't cause damage yeah act that he makes the line too heavy to move does it no Oh act one makes a heart beats on two masks its own that's actually really smart I think I act with acts one and two could do something around that like Act two is the range for it and definitely seems doable to run upon Pesci and Act one kid psycho mouth act 3 act 3 I'm not sure what is it making heavy Yakko ichi could ruin past these percent of that perception yeah definitely seems doable yeah I thought used to finish sure when he gets too close yeah cuz he can like shift those out uh heaven's door what does heaven's door doing my heart makes no sound all and then it just won't make a sound it'll still beat but it won't make a sound what the he could do that that's that's insane Killer Queen Killer Queen a sheer heart attack there's still people on the chain so you wouldn't be able to detect yeah sheer heart attack mmm beep Seb isn't everyone else colder no no everyone else hot no no no everyone is hotter so he's cold so that gives him like less of a reason to go killer Queens not blowing up that line either Killer Queen has already touched the AC unit that you're trying to set the trap on the you have you so yeah I think killer Queens kind of in this scenario he could turn the conductor car into a bomb if he's getting over there yeah I feel like he's like okay this is my last-ditch effort to just do something and he's just like he's gonna he has like one chance to run up and he could definitely do that aqua necklace aqua necklace clap cm just guess over there it seems very much doable it's kind of sad to you though because aqua necklace could just get over Oh get all in there and just completely for it oh you know it'd be like crazy any ice cubes that he had any any ice cubes he had like that all melted and he just seems like oh yeah this is just melted water aqua necklace just shows up in that water just just a meme him and him for it he's not running up on it I can put it like if it was like Pesci verse aqua necklace he's not gonna fight it cool because he has like literally nothing bad company he just sends them in I think so but does he have enough mmm seeing range seems doable okay mmm maybe there's some workarounds to it I think you just fire off the door blow that up go I didn't do so the lock lock is surface all wait hold on it's the mannequin face is someone it has to face them so that's gonna be that's kind of difficult they have to be right in front of the right eye contact yeah you have to face the person so unless that happens that's gonna be pretty difficult for them love deluxe wouldn't just be able to know how far to know how much ranges have love deluxe surrounded a whole ass house yeah I think I think one car is definitely do enough it's definitely doable oh I skipped chili pepper chili pepper because it just stands a whole life strain to work with Perl Jim dead arm verbal dead invisible baby that's just unfortunate I want to talk about that rat it's a rat it's already hooked on it's basically already dead doesn't have a chance harvest harvest is doable harvest can definitely do it cinderello dead Adam Hart father how are you taking that picture you know no it's actually gonna just talk about like how he's in the picture already he has nothing to do there boy to man no he's not gonna he's going to put them into rock paper scissors are throwing a fire we got to recap just make sure yeah I was gonna think so shape-shifting yeah no they saw nope he did too unless no he's still a hardened he's gonna notice like this guy's just shifted into a pair of shoes so actually he could work around that maybe but if he's already hooked on he's not gonna let go so I would make any sense I don't know if like the energy accounts for that - but say say if like if he turned into pair of shoes and he saw the heart beating she liked that then he's definitely just gonna stay on even though he got he lost week or maybe because she'll be dumb enough to like let go and just be like wait is this guy the same guy or did you put me on to something else then able to go for a bit and then he'll lose him and then me talk I can do something with that potentially highway star definitely has enough range to do this highway stark of Heike actually stray cat it doesn't have a heart but it's also not doing anything okay if it's safe it's already hooked on it's not really doing anything super fly this is no we're not doing this scenario this is stupid it's it's so stupid it's not gonna work out enigma actually he probably could figure out Pesci's tell it's just that he has to be wouldn't you hear what that's like no you can't see him oh I would think cheap trick bets that's just interesting cheap trick on it I stand alone self no that wouldn't work but if cheap trick was already on Pesci that'd be interesting all right now we're into part 5 all right jordo jour de i think Jonah Fox he just sends out his life giving cuz you probably already have his blood or whatever the hell and ER oh no no he could also just like make the animal follow the the fishing line or whatever like how you know yeah you know how he did it with Melanie Melanie Melanie Maloney the stand user of babyface Mellon it's bail yeah definitely takes this one he makes a new heart or some he could he could journal could do what why he could he could make a bunch of hearts sticky fingers do you mean we saw how that worked out you sticky fingers could like Bruno apart or something yeah it that'd be insane like I have no like I don't know how that worked out but that'd be pretty cool moody bruised I don't know yeah I don't think a body heal really has anything to do here Meester Sex Pistols I mean that clearly didn't work out too well well because of prosciutto and all that I don't know it's and I feel like it was doable it just didn't work out like that well mr. versus awakened ultra instapass she uh Aerosmith Aerosmith Purple Haze Purple Haze I mean if he already knows where they are then that's like cuz everyone already knows where Pesci is so hi everyone in this scenario they're ready know he's like yeah he's at the end of the the cart so it definitely seems doable but I think he has to speed that up Purple Haze just can't be slacking off I don't think he's got the range actually yeah hold on let me see how long how big is a train card I wish thought was that like that was a huge thing that we knew but I do feel like it's doable not the virus but like I felt like just Purple Haze getting there was enough Trish Trish is uh triggers kind of isn't she I don't think she's doing anything here she makes the ground soft so Pesci VIP I bet you he just be flip-flopping everywhere interesting especially if he makes the ground soft and the chains all vibrating like that it's just gonna Messi over but I kind of just meeting convenience more than anything Soumitra it's chariot Jeremy probably does it gr definitely does it no not sure Reverend doesn't have any reason us to do it never mind this doesn't work cherubim chart and chariot Requiem just everybody Grif ox King Crimson King Crimson Fox yeah King Crimson would hike he not even let him get hooked he he would just be dipping and dodging to begin with Black Sabbath that's interesting Popo I feel like Papa's got enough body to take time for it to get to his heart but since black SAP is like mad automated I don't know I think there's like the edges of the the train so you could probably go over there Popo also has his own cart yes I was own cart the shadow alone is his body soft machine that where is he putting himself no it doesn't really matter because like the beach boy goes through like everything crafts work thought about it the crafts work got little feet this is interesting oh yeah the hook is gonna stay the same size so yeah it's just gonna work around on his body and that probably just like poke right through out his head that kind of be difficult man in the mirror is a man in the mirror it's specifically mirrors oh that's just not gonna work then they really have mirrors like that there he like grabbed the mirror break it jump inside say the say the hook can't come hook leaves after that he's they're gonna be looking for him Pesci loses his mind trying to find it then Pesci comes out he comes in which is ass okay so yeah no no no no definitely no lose ooh can actually do it and never mind the lose so we can actually do it oh yeah he can keep the hook inside the mirror yeah dude no that's actually yeah the Ben and Mira do God like mr. president get down mr. president would do God like beach boy versus beach boy Pesche Pesci and Bruno situation then Pesci in Pesci this situation because it's like there's only one Pesci there and he's doing like the same dude huh that she would probably win yeah I can see that I could definitely see that Pesci Pesci and this matchup would probably do better than Pesci ah prosciutto press keto uh how does this work actually cuz he already knows how to be grateful dead actually yeah okay I think I think Pesci Pesci wins this Pesci got press you got the download on him babyface is just not doable that's that justice this is stupid White Album yeah joe yeah I'd be able to get pretty close pretty fast and he closes the distance yeah Pesci is goodbye Pesci in that situation squall Oh flash can appear anywhere all because liquids yeah Pesci has the ice the ice is melting that's actually crazy it can warp from sweat so why does yeah alone from sweat that's that's kind of busted but blood yeah Pesci she's alright she's to use let's just though anyway notorious b.i.g no one pet she's not fighting that Pesci off the weight of Pesci killing Carney literally loses that's insane Metallica inside of five to ten meter circle around risotto 5 to 10 meters circle I think it is potentially within 10 meters definitely it would 10 meters is definitely a sound yeah i risottos definitely got this yeah I think the the trick the cart that he's eight is close enough if it isn't then Pesci wins dream day he like he sinks into the floor and he needs to get on top of the Train yeah so like the situation right here would be better I mean that the situation like right not here but where burner was on top would probably be the ideal situation where is that regularly I don't know but at the same time those iron bar things would be difficult but yeah if he's on top yeah and efficacy him doing it oasis that's such a good name I love the that Oh a sis I think that like there's a certain amount of train where he can stay on there and now fall through always claps Rolling Stone no one claps and that's all the stands that we've covered from three to four oh my god that was a lot of [Music]
Channel: Kaleb I.A.
Views: 269,809
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Pesci, Beach Boy, vento aureo, grateful dead, prosciutto and pesci, prosciutto jojo, prosciutto, pesci jojo, pesci beach boy, pesci vs bruno, golden wind, jojo part 5, vento aureo anime, jojo bizarre adventure, jojos bizarre adventure, ジョジョの奇妙な冒険 黄金の風, jojo golden wind, ougon no kaze, part 5 jojo, pesci death jojo
Id: 1NplHdHkIoE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 56sec (1616 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 13 2019
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