My Favorite Romance Books! (Great Romantic Book Recs!)

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hi everyone it's regan and welcome back to another video actually hold on i'm gonna swap this plant out this feels a little more apt for the topic of the video because today friends i'm gonna be chatting through my favorite romance novels or giving you guys some romance book recommendations i love making this video every year i think i've been making it every year in february for i don't know the past four or five years romance is something i just personally always really enjoy and i would say in the past year my appreciation for it has grown immensely before i really was more focused on kind of romantic subplot lines within some of my favorite fantasy worlds but in the past year i have also started to really love just romance in general that genre so without further ado let's go ahead and dive into the recommendations so structurally speaking i have three different groups of romance recommendations so hopefully you will find something in this video that you will love and enjoy the first group is true traditional steamy romance full of all the tropes we know and love within that genre the next group is some fantasy novels that have really wonderful and pretty central romantic plot lines these books offer a really great mix if you're looking for something that has a romantic subplot line but also some other elements to it as well and then the last set of groups are what i'm calling kind of the sugar cookie melt your heart book recommendations so really really sweet and just ooey gooey adorable romance rex that should hopefully put a smile on your face so without further ado let's dive into the traditional steamy romance recommendations starting with one of my favorite authors talia hibbert so i have read two books by this author and i have loved both of them and for the series i've read they actually kind of live and exist within the same world and kind of central a different sister within each one of the two romance books of hers i've read she uses kind of different romance tropes so there's definitely something out there for everyone depending on your preference and what you like to read in terms of romance stories but what i can say is consistent across both of them is wonderful characters and banter and steamy scenes and just a to die for romance it also has a central family component as well the two books of verse i've read i've also really loved the first one is get a life chloe brown which is a hate to love romance so lots of angst and lots of drama but ultimately about two people fallen in love despite the fact that they hate each other this follows your main character chloe who is a chronically ill computer geek and she essentially makes a bucket list because she wants to get a life and one of those items on the bucket list is to have a meaningless hookup enter red a handsome handyman with tattoos that lives in her building things begin to get complicated from there so much fun i love chloe and red's relationship it builds really organically and again so funny but then the other book i'd really recommend by talia hibbert is probably my favorite of the two and that is take a hint danny brown and this is more of a fake dating friends to lovers friends to benefits to lover story that is so cute it'll melt your heart so much and this follows her main character danny brown who's currently pursuing her phd she's personally not really interested in having a serious relationship she's incredibly busy and very focused on her career enter zaphir a really handsome security guard at her university building and also a fire drill gone wrong that kind of makes the two of them go viral so due to a variety of circumstances they begin to fake date and ultimately fall in love i love this story for so many reasons one zafir and danny has two main characters so cute and zaphir is one of those kind of protagonists who's grumpy to everyone but is secretly soft on the inside and like listens to romance novels on audiobook while he's working and is like only soft for danny it's just adorable and really about like two people confronting their own personal obstacles learning to kind of like love and accept another person in their life it's amazing but talia hibbert writes wonderful romance and i'm personally really excited to read the third book in the series that's coming out i believe in the next couple of months but these are excellent steamy so funny lovable cast of characters you can't go wrong next romance series i would recommend is the girl meets duke series by tessa dare this was a whole personal journey for me about this time last year this was some of my first historical romance that i read and loved i've since read quite a few historical romances but i would still say the girl meets duke series is my favorite these are just like classic set up again full of so many fun romance tropes from like merits to convenience and fake dating and courting and all of the fun stuff that lives within historical dramas but what i really love about this series is i feel like tessa dare has really updated a lot of the important aspects of the romance and ensuring consent and communication is really central to the plot as well but each one of the books i've read in this series as it's another one of those romance worlds where uh they're all connected each book kind of centrals on a different friend within a friend group this particular series has it all an endless amount of attractive dukes friendship and banter back and forth of course steamy scenes and just like a really fun historical time period to read and enjoy this series in so i would definitely recommend this particular series if you're looking to check out some historical romance and then the last romance specific series i'm going to recommend is the from blood and ash series by jennifer l armentrout this is a fantasy paranormal romance story that i am classifying under the romance category because if i'm being honest there isn't a lot of fantasy plot and also the fantasy plot line is really just a repackaged vampire versus werewolf set in a fantasy setting if that makes sense so basically what i'm trying to say is don't read this for the fantasy plot read it for the romantic pairing um i personally really enjoyed the first one from blood and ash the setup is basically follow this main character poppy who's kind of kept in isolation her entire life she's this maiden figure she can't be touched she can't really be talked to then enter our male protagonist his name is hawk and he's an assigned guard who's supposed to protect her a bunch of stuff begins to happen forbidden love and romance and a lot of political activity that kind of heats up the romance as well if you want to quickly flag i personally really enjoyed this first one it kind of delivered everything i was hoping and expecting it to do um but then i will say i didn't love the second one so much but i'm still recommending this series because it's so popular and i'm definitely in the minority in terms of not loving the second one as much they're just it kind of got a little slow in the middle but these are steamy and fun and you're kind of looking for a romance story that has kind of a fantastical flair and setting and backdrop this is definitely one to check out it definitely uh kind of combines and subverts a lot of different types of tropes too so while it kind of has that maiden guard trope it kind of transforms throughout the series which kind of keeps things fresh but yeah this is definitely a lot of fun all right moving on to the next section of books and these are fantasy novels that have a really central romantic plotline in terms of its story but also has excellent like fantasy elements as well a true one-two punch if you will the first one i'm gonna say is fire by christian cashore this was a recent reread for me and oh my gosh i swooned at the romance in the story it hit me right in the feels this story was so emotional for me just the personal journey the relationship journey everything about it just completely hit me right in the heart and i loved it so much this is technically the second book in the graceling realm series but in my personal opinion you can kind of read them in any order that you want particularly i feel like fire can be read separately from all the other books in this world that being said this follows her main character fire who is half human half monster she has unearthly beauty due to her monster blood as well as the ability to control other people's minds so because of this she's kind of removed herself from society and kept herself in isolation one because she kind of fears and doesn't want to use her power and two because of her like monster blood it makes certain humans become drawn to her almost to the point of obsession they can't really control themselves politically this is set in a world where the previous king and his advisor which was actually fire's father kind of had a reign of terror everything was kind of torn apart but now these two sons of the previous king are trying to kind of grow beyond their father's legacy and create a safe and reunited kingdom where everyone can thrive this kind of follows fire she kind of the beginning of the book becomes involved in those politics and she moves from her sort of isolated location where she's lived her entire life to kind of a central court location and there we follow fire one as an individual kind of grow into her own power accept love without burden make friends and really just grow into her own person along the way too there is a romance that is built just so beautifully initially you think it's going to be kind of a enemies to lovers but it's really not that it's about like two people growing to understand each other like confronting their past hurts together and accepting love and trying again and it's just beautiful like you will just be so attached to the romance within the story i loved it from beginning to end it was soft and i felt like it was well paced it didn't have like a lot of the traditional inks that you normally find with nya which can be a lot of fun don't get me wrong but i do think the sweetness that was present within the story just kept me flipping the pages you know so fire has great great romance speaking of angst because as i just said i love it within a story the next three books i feel like all have that in spades first one is wicked fox by cat cho this is an incredibly fun why a paranormal fantasy story set in korea and this is actually said to be very much inspired by kdramas which now having watched a lot of k-dramas i would 100 agree to it's an incredibly like fast-paced super super dramatic but it really walks the line perfectly which i feel like k-dramas do too of being almost so ridiculous that it's almost unbelievable but because it has so much drama you cannot put it down or stop watching so you get super invested within the story itself which i definitely did within this world and another reason why i personally love the stories i feel like it kind of subverts our expectations of the paranormal fantasy trope because in this story we follow our main female protagonist goo who is actually half human half guomo and she basically has to survive by consuming the spirits of men despite what her mother has always taught her she does have a bit of a soft spot for humans but she always kind of has to keep a low profile always moving around from school to school until one day she crosses paths with a handsome boy in the woods and breaks her mother's cardinal rule saving him and so begins kind of the romance it has lots of paranormal and korean folklore elements woven into the story and again i personally love that the female in the story is kind of the dangerous monstrous one versus the boy is kind of the helpless starry-eyed puppy that kind of follows her around it's dramatic it's so much fun it has great atmosphere loved loved loved this book and i definitely personally plan to read the second one which recently came out soon next i have a recommendation for all my vampire lovers out there and that is a discovery of witches by deborah harkness this is a recent read for me and i was actually very surprised how much i personally really enjoyed this and this is set in a world where paranormal creatures exist and they're not really supposed to interact in any sort of way because it kind of draws the attention of humans so vampires keep to themselves which is keep to themselves and demons keep to themselves but naturally things begin to get complicated when diana a witch and matthew a vampire paths cross at oxford university diana is an archivist there kind of studying ancient manuscripts and matthew is a researcher in scientists they're supposed to stay apart but they're drawn together in ways they cannot explain and things begin to get very very very complicated i really like this book for a lot of different reasons i think the atmosphere is excellent i really like the two main characters they're very successful in their own personal career i definitely think it served this sort of historical academic setting really well the author took a lot of care writing both of their professions it was also really important to the plot this has kind of a dark and brooding vibe to it the historical element itself which is present in book one i know continues to grow and grow within the next couple of books in the installment this is great a very classic vampire based love story but i personally think one that is very well written lots of angst and atmosphere which will keep you turning the pages and the last book within this category i'm gonna recommend is crescent city by sarah j maas this is book one to the house of blood and earth series which honestly when i picked it up last year i had like medium to low expectations for but i actually ended up really really really enjoying this book and i would say i would really implore you to try to get past the 50 to 100 page mark because sarah j maas kind of leads you down a road of what you think is going to happen and then kind of everything changes and the plot itself really opens up and becomes very dynamic and interesting this is set in crescent city which is this urban fantasy location which kind of houses all the different mythological creatures that you kind of find in a fantastical realm but it exists and functions like a normal city people go to their day job people go to bars people go out to dinner all of those things but there is structure some creatures have more power than other creatures and there's also like neighborhoods where each one sort of lives and exists this follows our main character bryce who would say she's living a pretty normal life until one day all of her friends are murdered and she finds herself central to the investigation she kind of pairs up with this other character hunt who's part of this like police force um and he is a fallen angel again this is a story that i would say kind of subverts the expected it has a lot of the fun romantic urban fantasy plot lines that you want but i feel like sarah j maas actually crafts a very interesting and well explored fantasy world the city is vibrant and i love that all of these different creatures live centrally together and the plot itself escalated pretty masterfully combining of course with steamy angst between our two protagonists i'm very excited for the second installment in this world this was so much fun and i just think the perfect kind of urban fantasy romance mix that will definitely entertain you alrighty and then the last two books i'm gonna recommend fall into the sugar cookie sweet melt your heart make you cry root for these characters and their happiness kind of category the first one honestly should not be too much of a surprise and that is the house on this ruling c this has so many elements to love from found family and second chances the central romance that's present between arthur and linus is so sweet and you're just rooting for them the entire time to ultimately just see and accept each other's love i'm not kidding when i say it'll make you cry like thinking about it i'm like getting teary-eyed because i just loved them and rooted for them so much but this basically follows a main character linus who works as a caseworker in charge of magical children he basically spends his days checking orphanages making sure everything is running tip-top shape he's very much someone who does things by the book and he wouldn't really describe himself as happy but he is satisfied and he's okay with that until one day his life is turned upside down when he's given a special assignment and sent to a faraway island to investigate an orphanage full of dangerous children there he meets arthur and a variety of sweet and lovable children again it's about arthur and linus's love story it's about loving yourself found family it's so cute and charming i love this book so much but yeah this romance oh man it'll kick you right in the heart and then the second sugar cookie i love them so much and i'm so happy they found each other romance i have for you today is cemetery boys by aiden thomas this is an incredibly charming contemporary fantasy story following our main character yadrial whose family is having a hard time accepting his gender so an attempt to basically prove that he's a real brujo he decides to essentially perform one of the secret family ceremonies himself with the help of his best friend and cousin which is essentially to summon a ghost and help lead them to the afterlife however yadriel slightly messes up the ceremony and summons the wrong ghost enter julian diaz the school's resident bad boy and julian diaz is not going to go quietly into the afterlife and yadrio basically has to help julian kind of close a few chapters in his life before he'll peacefully move on if you will this book is full of antics family magic and again just the sweetest sweetest romance between yadriel and julian they complement each other in such a beautiful way where julian encourages and helps give yadriel the confidence to more boldly accept himself yadrial kind of helps julian confront some of his anger and his emotions and kind of dive a little deeper to also accept himself as well this book is so sweet as well as the fantastical elements present within the story provides excellent pacing combining so well with these character-led contemporary moments as well it's just you won't want to put it down it'll put a smile on your face i promise the ultimate sugar cookie romance i swear alrighty guys those are some of my favorite romance stories hopefully you found something to read within this video please let me know down below some romance stories you have loved as i am always looking for new ones and i definitely want to add more to my personal list but i hope you enjoyed this video and i will see you soon with another one soon goodbye
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Id: q2Dto6Rmijs
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Length: 17min 4sec (1024 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 16 2021
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