Books I Want to Read This Fall!

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hi guys it's regan and welcome back to another video i am so excited to be filming this today because we are doing my first fall themed video of the season i've got my sweater vest on i do not care if it's 90 plus degrees outside in this room it's fall that's right in this video i'm going to be going over the books i hope to read over the course of the fall season i love reading seasonally in general but fall always tends to be my favorite fall and winter i just love dark atmospheric stories and it just feels like the perfect time to pick those books up with that in mind i have curated a selection of books i already own this is not going to include kind of new releases that i will probably also be adding to my tbr but these books are full of magic and witches so many wish books as well as murder and murder mystery like that is what i'm feeling like reading right now so let's go ahead and dive right in the first book that is on my tbr is a secret history of witches this honestly is a book i've had on my shelves for so many years and i also feel like it's in general very very popular the synopsis is rather vague and doesn't go into too much detail but the overall concept of this story is that it is a historical saga that traces five generations of one family of witches of fiercely powerful mothers and daughters and the magic that binds them all and also puts them in grave danger i am just really curious about this story i feel like it's gonna be a more human-led magical tale kind of a more literary fiction fantasy story if that makes sense but nonetheless i feel like it can be emotional and i'm hoping it draws me in right away um i also feel like i might have a tv show i could be completely wrong about that but i love historical stories especially ones that centered witches i'm imagining there might be like witch trials involved in this but we shall see the next book that is on my list is the forest of stolen girls by june her ready june her murder mystery story last summer and absolutely fell in love with it so i was really looking forward to picking up her new release which is another joson era murder mystery story and the tagline of this book is the forest watches me hostile and still with remembering eyes and this is set in 1426 and hewani's family has never been the same since her and her younger sister disappeared in a wood near their home to later be discovered unconscious in the forest near a gruesome crime scene years later detective min hewani's father has moved their family away from this forest but when he hears that 13 other girls have gone missing in the area he decides that he needs to solve this mystery once and for all and travels back to their hometown now helwani and her family have not heard from her father so she decides to take it upon herself to travel back to jeju island to figure out what is going on and hopefully save her father as well again i absolutely loved june hers first novel it was so steeped in history the writing was absolutely mesmerizing and lyrical and i feel like she combines elements of like a really intense thriller and kind of crime investigation with a really richly realized historical setting and how those things influence each other also very successfully includes within her stories i'm really looking forward to picking this one up i feel like i'm going to really enjoy it and i feel like it'll be a perfect atmospheric fall read as well next up i have some gruesome grim dark fantasy just feels like the right time to start this series and that is the blade itself by joe abercrombie i am finally finally making space making time to start a joe abercrombie novel i've heard so many fantastic things about this series it's said to be like a quintessential grim dark fantasy story where no one's really good and nothing really good happens to anybody but you're very invested and you also are like a huge fan of everyone involved as well it's a complicated situation of like extreme violence extreme darkness but you're also your heart is invested in the story overall i don't really know too much about the story outside of the fact that i know it's bloody and gruesome and gory and grim dark and in general i don't want to know too much more about that i'm sure we follow some sort of mercenary like character who has to make decisions that haunt him at night you know and i'm sure it's multi-perspective and gritty so let's just read and find out i'll take you guys along for this journey this fall i'm very much looking forward to it so this had to be added to my tbr next up is a book that i've already read it was included in my fall tbr and i finally got to it and honestly i can say confirmed it is a perfect fall read and that is the helm of midnight by marina lostetter this is a fantasy thriller horror mashup and it's so successfully done but essentially the book opens on a group of thieves successfully stealing the death mask of a very well-known serial killer louis charbonne and in this world knowledge as well as magic can be infused within these death masks so now the wearer of this death mask is now infused with the knowledge as well as the spirit of louis himself and now he stalks the streets again killing people with a new sinister purpose we also follow our main character karina and she is a regulator which is kind of like a detective magical force in this world and she and her team are trying to put a stop and also uncover the mystery as to why this mask was stolen to begin with this book was an absolute page turner the perfect fantasy thriller i absolutely love kind of the combination of genres here dark gruesome kept me guessing an absolute must-read for this fall next on my list is another start of a long fantasy journey and that is the eye of the world by robert jordan i plan to vlog this experience and i will be reading this at some point this fall before the release of the show i'm hoping to get to the first two books as i know that is the first season of the show that is coming out so with that in mind i'm really trying to get to these books obviously this is a very well-known and beloved series it is the first book to the classic wheel of time and the synopsis literally describes it as a classic fantasy tale depicting the fight between good and evil and in this first one we follow i believe our main character rand and he's essentially like a chosen one like figure from like a remote town set on a journey to try to save the world possibly as the wheel of time has begun to spin again i'm really looking forward to starting this journey i'm curious to know what i think about it myself i feel like i'm going to enjoy the first couple books i'm not sure if i'll love them but nonetheless i feel like getting to this and experiencing this is very important as i do love fantasy so i feel a lot of urgency to read these if that makes sense again i have been craving murder mystery and this time i decided to add a book on my tbr where that happens in space so i'm also starting the expanse series by james a corey with the first one being leviathan wakes this is a very long very beloved sci-fi tale that i believe really expands in a lot of dramatic fashion but the first one really appears to be setting itself up to be kind of a conspiracy murder mystery detective story which really really calls out to me this is also a multi-perspective story one of the characters we follow is jim holden and he is a minor he basically runs ore with this team between the rings of saturn and a mining station in the belt however during one of these trips him and his team runs into an abandoned derelict ship and there they basically discover a secret that others would kill for and in fact that has already happened and we also follow detective miller and he is looking for a girl one girl in a system full of billions however her family has a lot of money so a search continues and his search actually brings into the same ship that jim holden and his crew also discover so i think that sort of is the beginning of this novel and begins the spark of what i imagine is a very long and complicated plot given the length of these books and the length of the series i'm looking forward to getting to this i have been reading more sci-fi this year and really really enjoying it and a murder mystery in space is one of my favorite kind of overall settings so this will be one i hope to get to this fall and hopefully continuing to read more books throughout the winter and spring of next year as well the next book that is on my fall tbr is the inheritance of arcadia davina and this book just sounds lyrical and full of magic again just the perfect atmospheric read for the season and this follows the montoya's and they are used to unusual things kind of surrounding their family the pantry never runs out of food and the matriarch of the family does not leave the house for any reasons not for birthdays not for baptisms not for weddings but when arcadia davina invites them to her own funeral the family all decides to attend hoping to unlock a lot of the secrets that she has been holding tightly to her chest their entire lives however they leave the funeral with more questions than answers as orcadia davina transforms into a tree right before their eyes years later now every member of this family has kind of been touched by magic in different ways and now a new dark force is threatening the limbs and the branches of this family tree again this book just sounds magical i'm really looking forward to picking this up i feel like it's going to be absolutely transportive i love sort of family magic based tales what can i say i feel like this might be a new fave so had to add it to my tbr it's also a recent release so it's definitely one to check out next up i have the kingdoms by natasha pulley and this is said to be for fans of seven and a half deaths of evelyn hardcastle as well as david mitchell and i have enjoyed both that book and that author in the past and this is also kind of a time twisty alternate history mystery book which in general is always something that calls out to me and this follows our main character joe and he has a bad case of amnesia his very first memory is stepping off a train in the french-controlled colony of england and the only clue he has about his past life is a postcard he received in the mail of a scottish lighthouse signed with the initial m and it's also written and it's also written in the illegal language of english now joe is kind of on a journey to try to locate m and uncover his past and apparently in the process joe is going to remake history and also discover more about his family i love weird twisty turny kind of thrillers i love that this is an alternative historical setting and i feel like it might mess with time in history which really calls out to me as well this book came out back in may and i have been dying to get to it ever since i picked it up so it feels like it's finally time next book that is on my tbr is long bright river by liz moore i have read liz moore's debut novel the unseen world a few years ago and really really loved it this is a book that came out a few years ago it's incredibly popular people love it um and i just feel like it's finally time for me to pick it up this is a story set in philadelphia and follows two sisters mickey and casey once these two sisters were inseparable but with casey's increasing drug addiction the two sisters have drifted later in life mickey is now a police officer and while the two sisters no longer speak mickey has never stopped kind of checking in and making sure her sister is okay however at the beginning of the story casey disappeared and she is concerned that this also has to do with a recent string of murders that has been happening in the city and mickey increasingly becomes obsessed with this case of trying to solve these murders and also locate her sister this story is sold alternating between present day of mickey trying to solve this case as well as flashbacks and vignettes of the two sisters growing up together i really love liz moore's writing i found the unseen world to be incredibly emotional and also kind of had this disjointed narrative quality that i felt like was incredibly effective in that story so i'm looking forward to kind of encountering that in a more traditional thriller based tale but i feel like it's still going to have a lot of family a lot of heart while also having a really intriguing and intense mystery at the heart of the book too so i feel like this is going to be a hard-hitting novel one that i know a lot of people already love but i feel like this is one that i am finally ready to get to liz moore so good and the last book that is on my fall tbr is a book i'm actually currently reading and that is the mercies by karen millwood hargrave and this is a bleak dark historical fiction story basically following a variety of women and a small norwegian town book opens in 1617 and essentially this one small town has faced unimaginable tragedy and that is every man in their village has just drowned in a tragic fishing accident now all the women in town are not only dealing with the grieving of their lost loved ones but also having to face their own survival and taking up new skills and responsibilities to ensure that they can make it through the next winter fast forward a couple years absent coronet arrives in this small town and he is a scottish preacher and also kind of rose to fame with the witch trials in scotland and essentially he's arriving to basically put these women back on track this is a story alternating a few different perspectives of women within this town and their different lives so far it has really gripped me the writing style is beautiful it's very slow moving and very emotional it's definitely very grim and captures that sort of environment of this very cold very desolate and remote town in norway the historical setting is fascinating i'm looking forward to finishing it but i just feel like overall the vibe the darkness of it is perfect for fall or winter um so i'm looking forward to getting to this as well this month already guys those are all the books i hope to read during the fall season let me know below some of the top books on your fall tbr as i would love to know and i will see you guys soon with another video soon goodbye
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Length: 13min 30sec (810 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 15 2021
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