My Experience Of Becoming A Female Bodybuilder

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[Music] I was born with long shiny black hair blue eyes and pink Rosy Cheeks just like my mom or that's what everyone told me I never met Mom all I had were pictures of her that my aunt and dad showed me and she was beautiful you should enter her into beauty pageants she'll win every prize just like her mom maybe I want her to be a weight lifter just like me dad was a weightlifting Champion until he was informed that he had weak kidneys and was forced to retire that was when he opened the cozy little fast food restaurant to make ends meet but it wasn't doing very well hi everyone my name is Arden and I am the She-Hulk of Germany please do like and subscribe before I continue both dad and aunt began deciding my future even before I could say my first words and so I found a way to make them both happy and myself too I began participating in pageants and wore the prettiest gowns spoke well and smiled gracefully but the best part was I got to show everyone my unique talent and I can lift this heavy stack of books easily everyone was amazed with how effortlessly I a six-year-old could carry weights as I grew up I got stronger I even began to lift actual heavy weights on stage by the age of 13. it became my dream to keep training so that one day I could make it to the Olympics my beauty pageant wins made me very popular in school almost everyone loved me except for a few who picked on me and would call me Hercules just because I gained some muscles honestly I didn't mind and it was like a compliment for me but one time I saw them pick on a new student Troy he was always quiet and was smaller than all the other guys hey go pick on someone your own size oh does tiny Troy need a bodyguard now what are you gonna do well first if you want to talk to me you should meet my eye line I was pretty proud of myself soon I even began receiving letters and small little gifts congratulating me when I won competitions it looked like I had a secret admirer one evening when I got home my dad and aunt looked so worried I asked Dad what was wrong he just brushed me off saying it was nothing it's not nothing we're running out of money and your dad's treatments are getting more expensive and whose fault is that you're the one who doesn't save and spends every penny you even spend all of Arden's competition money it was for her other competitions please both of you calm down we have to work together and think of ways to bring in extra money they both relaxed a little and tried to think but couldn't come up with anything this was way worse than I thought I couldn't let the restaurant close and I couldn't let Dad miss his treatments because of it I searched all over the Internet for weightlifting competitions I could join but all the ones I could find that paid were for grown men not girls so I decided to make my own I passed out flyers all over town and made videos of me lifting dogs tables dressers hoping that would make people curious enough to come I told Dad we can use the restaurant as a venue it'll bring customers and we'll have a place to host the show what exactly is the show you're lifting dogs I'll lift anything anyone can bring but there's one problem we need to offer prize money for people to compete with me that'll be all the money we have if we lose it we won't when I beat them they'll have to pay me instead dad was very concerned but he trusted me if anyone can do this it's you I won't let you down but the truth was I was terrified what if I lost even the little bit of money we had left we had no other choice and when the day came many people showed up because they had loved my videos dad was making money without even trying and of course I was able to lift everything they brought from more dogs to big weights and even some of the people themselves not only did we make a bunch of money and save the restaurant we caught so much attention that I was given a scholarship at the best Training Academy in the country and the best part being at this training academy meant I would even get a chance to compete at the Olympics someday then I got another letter from my secret admirer saying congratulations for the big win I had no idea who it could be one weekend while I was visiting home dad had asked me to move a table to the outside seating area they made me do every chore that required lifting or moving heavy things just as I began moving it a very good looking guy ran up to me and my heart did a little backflip when I saw him that's new wait let me help you out this is very heavy oh no it's completely fine oh not at all you might end up hurting your back oh but he did I watched an amusement as he frowned and struggled to move the table around I had to hold back my laughter but I couldn't help staring at him he was so dreamy kind and sweet really it's fine I can do it Arden I know how strong you are but I don't mind helping how do you know me oh sorry I didn't introduce myself I'm Jude I was at the same school as you and my little brother was in your class I've seen you at competitions you're really amazing oh my God he was so kind wait what if he was my secret admirer from back then turns out he was now a final year medical student and visited our restaurant often with his friends pretty soon I began visiting home often just to run into him we would talk the entire time he was there and he always praised me for my achievements in weightlifting and pageants now I was sure that Jude was my secret admirer it was tradition for students to throw a coin into the fountain at the Academy campus fountain for good luck of course I didn't believe it but there was no harm in trying right okay let's try this out I wish to go to the Olympics I'm making a wish to meet someone as good looking as me uh who do you think you are Arden it's me Troy from School Troy oh no way how'd you get so tall I'm sorry I mean you are yeah I was a very tiny guy turns out Troy was a swimmer he had a good glow up huh but he was now very vain he constantly looked at himself when he crossed a glass door or mirror and always praised his own good looks he was constantly talking about how girls always get him gifts and food he likes and he wouldn't stop talking about the amazing red car he was saving up to buy it was so annoying I pushed him in a bush to shut him up oh I see you're jealous that I'm talking about all these girls actually I have a crush on someone else so there I could tell he was hurt but he was too cocky it would never work between us anyway if you think what I did was me mean I should tell you what he did once he promised to give me swimming lessons he said he would help me when I jumped in but when I did he didn't catch me I started flailing my arms around and thought I was gonna drown when he lifted me up in his arms are you all right all I could think about was how close our faces were to each other I mean I almost drowned but I'm fine now okay then my arms hurt saying that he let go of me and I was back to struggling to stay up in the pool what a jerk just touch your feet to the ground it's not that deep well Troy wasn't lying when I stood up the water came as high as my stomach but I wasn't gonna let him get away with dropping me back in the pool I chased Troy around the building for a good five minutes before he hid behind some random stranger all I could see was red but the minute I looked up my jaw dropped it was Jude Jude hi wait you know Jude the real question should be how do you know him looks like you met my little brother what he's your brother wait is this the guy you bye Jude I'll see you around Troy had figured out Jude was the crush and he was not gonna let it go I begged Troy not to say anything to Jude and even bought him food held his towel at the end of the line at his swim practice and even held a mirror for him just to admire himself he finally agreed and even helped me by giving me ideas on how to get closer to Jude he likes watching football oh and MSA videos too so get to work if you want to have something in common with him ugh man he's so boring I mean look at me I'm so smart and good looking and I'm an athlete wow no wonder you don't have a girlfriend you love yourself enough for two people and Jude is just he's perfect and handsome gross stop talking about my brother if it'll make you happy I'll set you guys up on a date but you have to focus on your upcoming competition first I agreed and I was ready for my date with Jude except Jude didn't know it was a date Troy bought two tickets to a movie and gave one to Jude and the other to me I pretended that it was a coincidence Jude even dropped me home and opened the car door for me as well such a gentleman he said he would be busy for a while with his medical school midterms but we should hang out again soon I told him I would love to and it was okay because I had to focus completely on the competition to get into the national team I was so excited for the competition and even invited Troy but Jude also came I thought you were busy studying I have a couple of hours to watch your big competition good luck on the day of the competition however I was a nervous wreck dad Aunt Jude and Troy showed up to support me along with my other classmates it was a little embarrassing because of the sign they held up with my weightlifting face on it all red and veiny it looked like I'd explode when it was my turn I lifted the weight and heard cheers until I heard a scream and saw my dad faint in front of me I left the competition and rushed him to the hospital the doctor informed us that dad needed to have his kidney transplant surgery immediately aunt and I rushed to get the money to pay for the surgery but what the doctor said left my jaw on the floor oh you don't have to worry about it someone already took care of it your dad is already in surgery he then informed us that this person wanted to stay Anonymous but I was sure it was Jude because he asked me to forget about this person now and just stay with Dad but I couldn't just let him pay such a big amount but I decided to First help Dad recover before I thanked Jude who was busy studying anyway a month later dad himself kicked me out of the house and said I had to go back to the academy and I'm glad he did because I got the best news ever I was gonna get another chance to get into the national team the new competition was in three months so I trained and trained and trained some more and one I was over the moon and I texted Troy and dad and told them the news but there was one other person I wanted to give this news to Jude I rushed to meet him to thank him and also give him the news I was shaking like a leaf as I walked towards Jude but the minute I saw him my heart shattered into a million pieces he was talking to one of the prettiest girls I have ever seen and they were smiling wide and holding hands Arden hey why'd you want to meet so urgently everything okay I wasn't paying attention to anything Jude said after he introduced me to the girl his girlfriend he said they'd been best friends since high school and finally only a few days ago confessed to each other that they were in love that's when I realized our date really wasn't a date he was just a nice guy I spoke to her for a bit before I thanked Jude for paying for dad's surgery he couldn't tell him about my crush now Arden it wasn't me when Jude told me who it was I immediately rushed back to the restaurant when I saw him standing there laughing and talking to my dad what's going on with you are you all right you you paid for the surgery why how did you even get the money I can't believe he told you when I asked him not to I was collecting money to buy the car I wanted it's not a big deal Arden it helped with the sir it is a big deal why did you it's because I like you okay I've liked you since you helped me back in school you were my secret admirer yes and always came to your competitions to support you but I was too scared to talk to you in person and then I saw how you spoke about Jude you were falling in love with him you were happy I didn't want to come in between you two I wasn't in love with Jude I was just attracted to him because I thought he was you the one who wrote those letters it helped boost my confidence so much and I like you too Troy just not as much as you love yourself Troy and I began talking more about all of this and Weeks Later Troy asked me out on a date even though he loved himself enough for the both of us I gave him a chance and a month later we began dating he was there the entire time during my practice and finally after years and years of training hard work and competitions I made it to a prestigious International Championship and won Gold everyone supported and cheered for me including my biggest supporters my dad aunt and of course Troy I even opened my own training center and now trained young girls in weightlifting and still continue to compete
Channel: MSA previously My Story Animated
Views: 13,320,480
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: GAQH8fufpwc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 22sec (802 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 09 2023
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