I'm the Star of a Family of Idiots

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[Music] hi I'm Jessica from New Jersey and I'm invisible but before I continue please like And subscribe and you might find a present in your locker when my mom was young she was the most beautiful girl in town she was prom queen lead cheerleader and most likely to succeed when she graduated from high school she married her high school sweetheart the smartest boy in school but everything changed when she had me she gave up on her dream to become a model and my father was so focused on his studies that they argued constantly and struggled to pay rent then one day my dad was gone my mom was so angry that he left and it didn't help that I looked just like him and liked to play with the science and math books he left behind play with your dolls like a normal girl those books will rot your brain then my mom married my stepfather and on my third birthday my little brother Shane was born they fell in love with Shane at First Sight they turned my room into a nursery and shifted me to the attic and from then on I was invisible on my seventh birthday my parents threw Shane and I a huge birthday party and they forgot to put my name on the cake one day I built a robot from spare parts around the house but then Shane walked in and told my parents he'd made captain of his little league football team my parents were so excited for Shane that they rushed out to celebrate and didn't even notice they'd left without me Shane was athletic and a great dancer and like my parents he looked like he stepped out of a fashion magazine the three of them spent all day posing in the mirror and taking selfies you are so beautiful honey I know be it darling Jessica hold up the light but when my parents weren't looking Shane made it his mission to make my life miserable one day he switched my shampoo with food coloring you look like a pumpkin another time he ran around the house like a maniac and knocked over my mom's favorite vase just did it he opened a carton of milk and poured it on the floor I tried to stop her he cut up all my stepdad's ties and threw them under the bed Shane did this I saw him do it but every time my parents punished me and rewarded Shane when I was 12 I won the school spelling bee look dad I got a medal for spelling words oh that's so boring I won first place in the math Olympics math is for losers no it's not I told you Jess is a nerd there are two kinds of people Jess winners like us and losers like your deadbeat dad your dad was a nerd he studied all the time and almost ruined our lives try to be more like your brother he can teach you a thing or two Shane's a jerk he's as dumb as a bag of rocks he bullies other kids and he can barely spell his own name and nerds aren't losers they're smart smart people invented your cell phones designed this house and the fancy cars you drive after that my parents hid my books and forbade me from studying in the house they even grounded me when I brought home straight A's on my report card it's for your own good this is keyless when I was 15 I secretly entered a national science competition if I won I'd get a huge college scholarship and my face would be all over the news then it would be impossible for my parents to ignore me and they'd finally see the value in being smart I shut myself in my room for days as I worked on my project what are you doing nothing Mom Dad Jess is doing signs for fun the day of the science fair came and I made it to the final round but as the judges came by to look at my project something went horribly wrong why is that thing smoking it's fine everything's fine I just need to adjust the settings I tried to fix it but then suddenly my project caught fire everyone ran screaming out of the building the fire brigade put the fire out but the building and all the projects were ruined I was banned from the competition for life and the next day my parents got a letter demanding payment for the damages my parents were pissed they were already spending a fortune on Shane's fencing lessons acting classes and private football coaching what were you thinking I just wanted you to be proud of me for once I wanted you to see me well we see you now and you're a disappointment why can't you be more like Shane and we're not paying for this young lady it's time you learn some responsibility my mom told me to get a job to pay the bill well I'd show them I'd pay for the damages and then save up money for college and leave this family for good a week later I walked into a weird store that sold scented candles and crystals and a cute boy named Zach appeared out of nowhere and grabbed my hand your aura is magnetic you're a diamond in the rough huh really yeah and everything in the store is 20 off I don't have any money Zack dropped my hand instantly and walked off then the owner of the store came up to me can you start tomorrow I accepted the job Zach and I worked the same shifts I loved listening to him speak to the customers his voice was silky smooth and he looks like a Greek statue come to life one day he caught me staring what are you looking at I was just um I I you mind getting back to work another time I wore a fancy dress a pair of high heels and some lipstick to work to get his attention he and a bunch of customers gave me strange looks my whole shift then I spotted myself in the mirror there was toilet paper on my shoe and lipstick all over my teeth a week later I was riding the bus to work and I saw Zach in the seat across from me struggling with a math problem so uh what are you doing what do you think I'm doing do you need some help why would I want your help you're only in high school I'm in college I'm really good at math it's kind of like my superpower I'm already taking classes at a college level Zach sat next to me and handed me the math book my heart skipped a beat when his hand brushed against mine I solved the problem in less than a minute wow you really are smart we could study together maybe get something to eat too like a date but with books a date oh God did I just ask Zach out sorry never mind just joking you think dating me is a joke no I just I'm messing with you Jess a date with books sounds cool we went to the library and studied for hours Zach was charming and sweet and we had so much in common we liked the same video games and MSA videos one night he told me that he felt just as invisible as I did in high school I didn't have anything in common with all those rich kids from class all they talked about was their money and their cars I couldn't afford any of that and I wasn't interested so I kept to myself I still do do you ever get lonely not anymore I've got you one night I was studying on the porch and Shane spit a spitball at my head what's up with you you're acting strange what do you mean it's your face there's something wrong with it no there isn't you're smiling you never smile then my cell phone rang it was Zach and I quickly silenced my phone you're blushing who was that none of your business OMG you have a boyfriend Shane ran off and told my parents that's amazing we were so worried about you sweetie being a lonely nerd just isn't healthy but she's so weird and boring who'd want to date her be nice to your sister she's finally done something worth celebrating they insisted that I invite Zach over for dinner so I reluctantly did wow these are nice you didn't need to bring anything I'm meeting my girlfriend's parents for the first time your girlfriend we've been dating for a few months now I kind of figured we were if I'm wrong then you're not wrong Zach pulled me close and kissed me and I almost melted when we walked in Shane and my parents were already at the table the moment they look looked at Zach all three of them gasped what is he doing here this is Zach he's my boyfriend I should leave no don't be silly you just got here I pulled Zach to the table and we sat down we ate in silence as Shane gave Zach death glares the whole time my parents weren't much better every few minutes they'd glance at me and Zach and then whisper amongst themselves I couldn't stand it I'd finally found someone that cared about me and my family was trying to drive him away what's the problem why are you all acting so crazy your boyfriend's a jerk and a liar he's using you to hurt us and Jess is a dumb loser she fell for it what if I knew Jess was related to this toxic family I would have stayed miles away from her then Zach left I tried to go after him but my father grabbed my arm let him go you shouldn't have brought that trash into this house I can't say I'm surprised that you fell for his lies you've never been good at making smart decisions when will you stop disappoint joining this family my parents demanded that I never speak to Zach again they wouldn't tell me what Zach had done no matter how much I begged and just shut themselves up in their rooms the next day I saw Zach at work Zach I don't understand what happened last night forget it people like you don't get along with people like me just then Shane and his friends showed up and headed straight for Zach stay away from my sister you liar I'm not a liar yes you are you and your stupid loser of a father then Zach lost it he shoved Shane into a display case and they got into the biggest fight customers panicked and ran out of the store a couple of security guards showed up and pulled them apart Shane and his friends left and then the store owner fired Zach on the spot Zach stopped meeting me at the library and didn't answer my calls I went to his college but apparently he hadn't come to class in weeks I was so worried I had to do something so I snuck into the office at work and found Zach's address address what are you doing here I want answers my family won't tell me why they hate you you refuse to talk to me I just don't know what to do so I've decided that I'm gonna sit here and stare at you till you tell me you're gonna stare at me that's your plan yep I stared at Zach for almost an hour and he finally caved and invited me inside your stepdad and my dad were best friends and they had a business together my dad was the brains and your stepdad had the connections but once they were successful your stepdad pushed my dad out of the business why didn't your dad fight it he tried but your stepdad knew so many big politicians and lawyers that my dad never stood a chance after that he changed he'd come home shouting and angry all the time then one day he left me and my Mom Zach showed me pictures of his father and several of his inventions some of which were my stepdad's best-selling products this isn't right you think my mom and I took your stepdad had to court I told the judge that I worked on some of those inventions with my dad but the judge didn't believe me or your stepdad paid him not to my blood boiled my family's Fortune was built on a lie and they always told me that being smart wasn't special and would never get me anywhere when the whole time they'd taken advantage of someone else's intelligence I went straight home and confronted my family and they didn't deny a thing Zach and his dad are losers and they stood in the way of our success but you stole their inventions we did what was necessary and why are you complaining if it wasn't for your father's choices you wouldn't live in this fancy house or have nice things stop being ungrateful they just wouldn't acknowledge their selfishness and they didn't care about the damage they'd done to Zach and his family you're going to stop seeing that boy he's a stupid uh nerd jerk yeah a stupid nerd jerk loser and he's a bad and influence you're a bad influence well you have a choice to make it's either that boy or our family I chose Zach we secretly saw each other for the rest of the semester even though my parents grounded me and took away my phone Zach left me love letters in my favorite library books and left me secret messages in my mailbox that only I could decode Zach got a new job and returned to college he was even able to make up for the tests he'd missed things were looking up until the day I graduated from high school my family saw Zach congratulating me we told you to stop seeing that boy it's my decision Zach is a good guy he's honest he's smart he's kind and he's 10 times better than the three of you put together after that my parents kicked me out of the house refused to give me money for college and stopped taking my calls it's okay Jess I've got your back luckily I'd gotten into college on scholarship and Zach and I moved in together money was tight but we managed to make it work we started working together on perfecting some of Zach and his dad's old inventions we even developed our own Zach and I graduated from college and then we started our own company our Superior Products made our company three times as successful as my stepdads a few years later Zach and I got married surrounded by our friends that night we sat on the beach under the Moonlight today was beautiful and almost perfect I'm sorry your family wasn't here to see you get married my family never saw me they never knew me I was invisible but I'm not anymore I looked into Zach's deep brown eyes and then he kissed me foreign [Music]
Channel: MSA previously My Story Animated
Views: 12,721,277
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: y4_ID6CSt0U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 1sec (841 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 29 2023
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