I Can’t Tell Anyone My Name- Personal Story

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hi I'm Ramen Lee Min-ho from a place so boring you don't need to know the name trust me and yeah that's my pen name you know just because pen names are fun and add an era of mystery so I put together my love for kdramas and my favorite noodles but if you ever tell my mom that I will deny it repeatedly now before I continue you have to like And subscribe to MSA sorry but they make us say that my mom is Italian and she raised me and my sisters on her own in a very small town in the U.S but we might as well have been living in Italy pretty much everyone we knew was Italian now my mom has two talents one she's an amazing seamstress she could make a stunning dress out of a potato sack my sister and I used to wear all sorts of garbage when we were younger old curtains bed sheets towels you name it on a side note do you know that cotton lasts for like a hundred freaking years that's longer than the seasons of Gray's Anatomy man and I thought nothing could compete with that sorry sorry what was I saying I always lose track a pardon me yeah so two my mom knows and remembers everything and everyone in town and she likes to talk about it a lot like her mouth runs as fast as her hands you wouldn't know the Bartoli family right their daughter ran away with the Homeless looking boy from The Rossi family now after just a week the boy sent her back home because she doesn't know how to make a pasta what kind of girl doesn't know how to make a pasta so now man she could just go on and on about these people and I didn't give a rat butt about it but I indulged mom and heard all her gossip because I was her favorite which is what makes me really unique I'm the middle child and I'm the favorite yeah you heard me an unheard of phenomenon but you'll see why my sister Bella is two years older than me and it's not hard to see why she isn't the favorite she's like the opposite of of everything a firstborn is supposed to be lazy whiny irresponsible and dumb as a button actually buttons are quite useful but you get the point like on our ninth birthday she got a 50 note from her aunt and I convinced her to exchange it with me for 21 notes she was so happy she had so much money and I was 30 or richer also I often got compliments on my rosy skin which really bothered her so one day I let her in on my secret mom's been doing something special with me for years and now I'll share it with you you have to make a paste of baby powder milk Crush daisies and a few tablespoons of mud you know so you don't get pale like a ghost and then you put it on your face for an hour but you have to sit really still while it dries otherwise you'll get wrinkles and oh you can only do this between four to five in the afternoon because it's the golden hour who works like magic worked out great because we were only allowed to watch TV for an hour between 4 and 5 PM and now I had it all to myself this went on for a month till Bella ended up with acne and mom found out what she'd been doing my younger sister June came two years after me and well she's just a sweetheart she could have been the favorite but our jerk dad left right after she was born and I think it just wasn't a good time for Mom to bond with the baby but I adore June she's just easy to love and she worships me like I think she'd kiss my feet if I asked her to I mean I would never do that of course only the occasional foot rub that's not an abusive older sibling power right I guess I'm the smartest of my sisters and it's not me saying it my teachers say it mom says it everyone says it look this is a picture I colored when I was just five no wait seven okay fine ten just focus on the colors and not on my amazing Nails okay but since you're wondering June did the nail art but what really got to Bella was when anyone said I was the prettiest like in seventh grade mom had come to our school for our parent teacher meeting and she met with my class teacher last who couldn't stop gushing about me what a blessing to have a child like oh the year I had Bella in my class it was so hard that's when I started my blood pressure medication but this one oh she's such a Marvel and a beauty on top of that now I'm not saying the other two are ugly but they look more like you and is more on her dad's side of the family with those delicate features a bit like Cinderella and her stepsisters that made me so uncomfortable like you know how the truth can sometimes do that but why say it man and Bella just lost it she flung a bottle of ing at my teacher oh my God I ruined your clothes now I'm not saying they were pretty to begin with and you'd look like a sack of turnips no matter what but I'm still sorry actually they look less tacky now here's some more oh man I laughed so hard I peed a little that was my fondest Bella memory ever and yeah there aren't many to choose from but that one's pretty cool mom was really embarrassed though and Bella got her reputation in down for being a little cray-cray I honestly never cared that much about looks but I understand why people are obsessed with being pretty you get doors open for you someone will give you their place in a long line offer to carry your stuff or give up their umbrella for you and get soaked themselves and sometimes you try to refuse but people who won't take no for an answer also pretty people are almost seen as superhumans I mean think of some beautiful person and then think about them burping or farting or pooping you can't imagine it right cause how could someone that pretty do something so nasty and basic no no they must poop litter like this one time in ninth grade I was in an elevator in the bank when I felt this really big urge to far hurt there was no stopping it and I let it out quietly but man I stank the place up and everyone glared at this poor big guy in the lift no one even thought for a second that it could be me I kind of felt bad but how could I own up to that so yeah life was good in my little town but my dreams were bigger than that I wanted to see the world and maybe become a famous singer oh did I mention yet that I have a great voice really won the genetic Lottery huh please don't hate me y'all I'd sing at every school event and even participate in local talent shows or sing at some restaurants and any money I made I put away in my piggy bank I was saving up to go to La one day to be a star but things took a wild turn in 11th grade one day at breakfast mom was going through the mail when she nearly choked oh Lord my prayers have been answered which ones you pray a lot mom like seriously God must be tired of you asking for so many things all the time you just a lesson you know our distant family friends the Richie family those really rich people they once came to town 10 years ago and we went on a picnic with them and that Mrs Richie kept trying to get my mother's lasagna recipe for me but I told her it was going to me with my grave and then she tried to get to the point Mom all right anyway they have a son who's a year older than Bella and she wrote to me saying that she wanted to come and see my girls and hopefully choose one to get married to him isn't that amazing Mom this is America and it's 2022 no teenager gets married oh my God it's all I ever wanted I've always wanted to be Mrs Richie Rich yes a hundred times yes oh it's like I'm Cinderella I'll never have to work a day in my life again you already never worked a day in your life Bella look Bella is almost 20. she barely passed school she's useless around the house and she'll never get a job also people in town still think she's uh unstable getting her married off to someone who isn't from around here is the best we can do for us here here now listen the only problem in this plan is you I don't want to have you around when they come over they might choose you instead and I don't want to ruin this chance for us I mean for Bella fine by me the Richie family was coming over that weekend so mom sent me off to my aunt a day in advance right to the other end of town I was in for a relaxing weekend aunt's house was close to a lake so the next afternoon I was sitting by the water practicing my singing when I spotted a boy swimming and oh mother may I his blonde hair shown in the sunlight and the water rippled smoothly over his strong arms wow now don't think I'm boy crazy I find most guys annoying actually and who knew maybe this one was annoying too you but who Minds a little eye candy it's the only candy that's good for you but suddenly he let out a sound I've only ever heard a cow make in labor a jellyfish bit me he passed out and started sinking I swam like a graceful mermaid towards him man he weighed a ton I managed to drag him to the shore and checked his heartbeat yeah he was gonna live and up close he did look kind of annoying you know those boys who are too pretty and think the universe revolves around them yeah he was definitely giving off those vibes I thought I'd wait around till he came out of his beauty nap so I started singing one of my original songs you wanna hear about this girl who makes jealous witches hurl she had Beauty she had brains there was talent in her veins not that everyone was dumb but the town made her numb what stay here forever that made her feel bummed she knew that there was more so much more to her life than the gossip and the small talk being a dumb ass dumb what it's not hard to see the girl I'm talking about is me so if you wanna hear the recipe up now it's not for free suddenly I felt something touch my foot I'd almost forgotten the boy who was staring right up at me wow you're a goddess an angel that voice and and you you saved me right yeah but anyone would have done the same in my place it's not special of course it's special you saved my life I I think I'm in love with you oh man this boy was dumber than I thought that's so sweet you know what you still look pale you should lie back down and I'm gonna go make a mixture of herbs for your jellyfish bite oh I've forgotten all of my pain except that ache in my heart yes yes yes we'll deal with that too just close your eyes and I'll be back before you know it I skipped off all the way to my aunt's house I'd be gone in two days from here and I'd never bump into him when I returned home I went through the back door into the kitchen just as I popped a muffin in my mouth mom walked in what are you doing here here hello I live here I'm your favorite child remember shh keep your voice low the Richie family came for a second visit today and they're in the house right now you better not come out okay okay I'll just stay here just leave the cakes woman oh sorry I was looking for the bath oh my God it's you the rapping Angel What the freaking fruitcake the Richie boy was the guy I'd saved from the lake apparently he'd stopped for a swim on their way here his name was Luca and he told his parents he was in love with me and he'd marry me or marry no one such a drama queen he cried Bella cried his parents begged mom panicked and she sent them away saying we need time to think you really went out of your way for these guests mom you never make pasta for me and yum I haven't had this pastry in ages will you please get serious for a minute what are we going to do about what Mom I'm not getting married married duh you don't have to get married it could just be an engagement till you know him better okay fine just be his girlfriend it's too good a proposal to pass and I wanted it for Bella but if it's not happening for her you have to accept it before I could reply Bella came flying at me you stupid witch I'm not letting you get away with this gosh Bella have you gained weight get off you baby cow I was so close to getting everything I've ever wanted and you ruined it I didn't do anything and Luca is an idiot don't say that he and I are perfect for each other you're actually just reinforcing my point wow just stop it the both of you I'll never forgive you B and I'll curse you every single day for the rest of my life I wish that you gained stubborn fat on your thighs that never leaves you well I won't bore you with the details of what happened after you know those annoying people who say oh long story short and then tell you every detail and all the bonus scenes yeah I hate that anyway I turned down the proposal the Richie family left but Lucas sent letters non-stop Bella stopped talking to me which was amazing but mom stopped talking to me too and then a month later she got really sick I ended up using all my savings for her treatment and somehow she emotionally blackmailed me into agreeing to date Luca see with great favoritism comes great responsibility mom favored me all her life and as her perfect child I felt the responsibility to make her happy now really it's not easy being me of course Bella was Furious and after she gave all my clothes to the neighborhood dogs she started muttering things under her breath whenever she saw me gosh so immature thankfully Luca lived very far away and we just talked on the phone but he called so much that eventually I made June take his calls and say um every other minute he never knew it wasn't me but he was supportive of all My Singing dreams and said we could move anywhere I wanted to pursue them maybe sometimes your dreams come true in a way you didn't expect then one morning I woke up with a really sore throat I tried calling out to June for water but my voice was gone it turned out that I had laryngitis and I was mute the doctor said they couldn't say if my voice would come back this was the first time in my life I was truly depressed I could see all my dreams slipping away mom announced excitedly that Luca was coming like that was supposed to cheer me up and Bella's smug face made everything 10 times worse one day at dinner she turned to me see I told you I'd curse you you've lost your precious voice because of my curses or maybe it's just karma for the first time in your life you get what you deserve for once you lose and something inside me just snapped I threw my pasta at her face and then jumped on her it took June and Mom some serious effort to save her miserable butt later that night I was crying angry tears in my room when June slipped in you know it's not Bella's curses right of course I know she's just unbearable why is she like this maybe because it's not easy to live in your Shadow she's always been told she's not as good as you she's never even tried maybe because there isn't any point you're pretty much perfect how come you turned out so nice it doesn't bother me that you're better also being nice is easy being mean is hard and it doesn't even feel good why are you writing things down I have no idea June had given me some food for thought I guess it wasn't fun to always be compared to someone and I guess I never made it easier for Bella either maybe I could start now so when Luca arrived a few days later I told him I was breaking up with him he held my hands and looked really sad huh see I see a smirk animator please please go back a little bit foreign ER you can continue it's not that I don't care for you babe but yeah I totally get it you need your space maybe if you get your voice back give me a call I won't be doing that but I think you should ask out Bella trust me you guys are made for each other looks like he listened because when I went down later Bella sprung on me like a python oh thank you thank you my amazing lovely sister I'll start a prayer circle for you tomorrow and you'll get your voice back in no time you'll see now let's kiss and make up but only in the air cause I don't want to ruin my lipstick Bella and Luca got married a month later and she left and that is my favorite Bella memory watching her leave one evening it was just me and June and I was sipping tea when I spilled some on myself ow June and I looked at each other in shock I tried speaking a bit more and I could my voice wasn't totally normal yet but it was coming back we both started crying and dancing around for Joy my voice did recover completely and I was able to sing again but I have felt a bit different I felt more appreciative of the things I'd taken for granted and June was wrong being nice was freaking hard much easier to be selfish but I wanted to be nicer and I really tried a few months later on my birthday Mom and June surprised me with a ticket to La the American Idol auditions are happening there next week and you deserve this chance love I'd always waited for an opportunity like this and now it was here I was excited and scared good scared though here I come World also you know you can't be perfect at everything also if you want a part two of me telling you what happened in La please comment Robin Lee Min-ho are amazing MSA character he thinks bye
Channel: MSA previously My Story Animated
Views: 16,414,194
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 57sec (1077 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 11 2023
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