I Have To Live In The Water

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hi I'm Serena and I know what you're thinking she looks nothing like her family that's because I was adopted when I was a baby I was born in Romania and I might have taken that small piece of trivia a little too seriously oh I can't water the plants Romanians are allergic to the sun does this broccoli have garlic on it Romanians don't eat garlic mommy but I have to sleep inside this cardboard box it's a Romanian thing you won't get it that's a vampire thing doofus now sleep in a bed like a proper human child God you're so dumb I wasn't dumb I was quirky and cute but Fred was right I just never seemed to make the smartest choices Fred wasn't only my brother he was also my best bud growing up he was super smart and solved math equations in his sleep but it was really awkward and hated outdoor activities come out Fred look at all these butterflies coming out of their raccoons it's cocoons and no thank you you know they start off as a caterpillars right quit being such a party pooper and come play with me but Fred just stayed inside I chased the butterflies and didn't realize when I ended up rather far from home I was about to find my way back when suddenly this weird woman came out of nowhere and started showering me with kisses ew get your germy lips off of me I'm warning you I know Kung Fu Serena I'm your aunt I know your real mother she wants to meet you at the ice cream shop my what now I didn't really care about finding my real family I was happy with the one I had but since ice cream was involved I was suddenly curious I was about to get into her van when suddenly a couple of police cars came screeching to a stop before us and the officers arrested my aunt they took me to the station with them and moments later mom and dad came running in and hugged me super tight oh Serena thank God you're safe you can't go so far from home that woman is a kidnapper the police have been trying to catch she works at the adoption agency and fixed up adopted kids for ransom money luckily they caught her in time whoa the psycho woman was jailed for 25 years but from that day on my parents were attached to me like my shadow and treated me like a porcelain doll they wrapped me up in bubble wrap when I wanted to jump on the trampoline they put me on a baby leash when we went out in public they even missed Fred's science fairs and chess matches because they couldn't trust anyone to babysit me you only have yourself to blame who's dumb enough to just walk off with a random stranger me of course I was nothing special I had no brains and no passion most of the time I felt a little lost but one day I saw this 16 year old Russian swimmer Mariana win a gold medal on TV and my whole life changed I had posters of her all over my room and even bought all of her merchandise I was obsessed I want to be just like Mary Anna she's a year older than me and she's achieved so much but swimming is dangerous sweetie you could slip and hit your head I could do that in the kitchen too we should baby proof the kitchen what no I'm not a baby please will you just let me try something for once I'm sick of staying at home I begged and whined and throw a couple of tantrums and finally they agreed to take me to a kitty pool whatever I was determined to make the best of it and when I entered the water it felt like I was finally in my element I aced all the lessons and turned out to be a natural within a year I joined the high school swim team and even won a local competition and Mom and Dad finally stopped freaking out like headless chickens then I started 10th grade and things just went Bonkers on the very first day I was rushing to the shower when I slipped and went crashing into a girl I am so sorry oh my God what you're married Ariana Am I Dreaming ouch this is definitely real I am such a huge fan oh really is that why you try to injure me what I it was an accident ha I doubt it I eat jealous little wannabes like you for breakfast now stay out of my way or I'll Crush you what a diva I found out from the head coach that Mariana was recovering from an injury at the local state-of-the-art medical center and would be attending our high school while she was here just my luck the universe sent my idol to my school and she already hates me I tried to do damage control and got her some welcome flowers and cheesecake but she started sneezing and gagging and threw everything in the trash are you trying to sabotage me I'm lactose intolerant and allergic to roses how was I supposed to know that you said you were my fan and you don't know this some fan you are I was just trying to be nice nice get you nowhere work on your swimming instead loser okay that's enough I know you're an International Champion but you can't treat me like this I really admired you but now I can say you're just a brat with a swollen head get over yourself you wish you could be me I have more talent in my injured little toe than you have in your whole entire body you can put your entire foot in your mouth because at the next swim meet I'm gonna beat you I accept the challenge also it's hardly a challenge I was pumped I trained extra hard and spent so much time in the pool I started looking like a wrinkly old grandma but on the day of the swim meet Mariana spilled an entire bottle of conditioner on me right before the start oops I'm so sorry your skin looked like it needed it I was filming I took another quick shower but I was super late and when the whistle blew I was so out of it that I flopped into the water like a dying fish I lost badly and Mariana sailed through the water gracefully like a swan but what she did next shocked the bubbly farts right out of me Mariana stepped off the stage after taking her prize and kissed Fred hey what the heck are you doing my brother stand behind me Fred I'll protect you from this soul-sucking mermaid Fred has told me so much about you we met in the libraries the other day and I said I was craving some Russian pastries he got me some the very next day Fred is a real gentleman and you're a real lady what was happening Fred looked genuinely happy but Mariana was bad news the way she'd swam earlier it didn't look like she was injured at all but before I could confront her they left what a bunch of Lovestruck jerks I was so depressed I spent a couple of hours at my favorite ice cream shop eating my feelings but once The Banana Splits were gone I headed home into my surprise I saw Mariana across the street she was dressed like some weird spy and went inside a dirty looking alley I followed her and saw that she was buying a weird packet from some homeless dude hey hey what you got there bestie did you heat your head on that dive I am not your bestie is it Russian candy is it awake or is it a whole new personality you use only when Fred's around it's your brother's heart and it's all mine she was a piece of work and super suspicious I wanted to follow her but I was already late Mom and Dad would probably send a SWAT team after me so that night I borrowed Fred's laptop and did some research I found a few articles about Mariana's injury but then I found a creepy Reddit Thread about athletes using performance enhancing pills I was shocked is that how Mariana had swum so well in the competition with an injury I had to find out but the next day I walked into school and everyone was talking about Mariana and Fred like they were a celebrity couple Fred of all people was popular he suddenly had this confidence I'd never seen before it was kinda awesome but Mariana was ruining swimming for me we've decided I'll take your place on the swim team for regionals what you can't do that you're not even a permanent student aren't you supposed to be injured and resting coach I'm sorry Serena we have a chance to compete with an international gold medalist on our team and she seems strong enough now I was so mad I tore up all of her posters from my room and trashed all the merchandise all I'd wanted to be was noticed by my idol but she just turned out to be a massive jerk I was gonna bring her down if it was the last thing I did hey Mariana told me what happened it was really sweet of you to give her your place she really needed this I didn't give up anything your evil girlfriend pushed me out swimming is the only thing I'm good at but she couldn't even let me have it look I know you're hurt but she's a good person it's all an act she's only pretending to be your girlfriend to get under my skin yes Serena I'm sure my relationship is all about you everything is always about you the only reason a girl could want to be with me is to get back at you not because I have anything worth liking right wow I didn't know you were so desperate to be like you'll defend the devil herself some brother you turned out to be I hated the look of heard in Fred's eyes but I was just so mad the next day I sneaked into the gym and went through Mariana's locker and I found the package she'd taken from the man in the alley and did had pills inside I ran to the head coach and showed him everything Mariana went ballistic they aren't what you think I'm not a cheat then explain how your injury healed so quickly you're lying Mariana and I have proof stop this Serena you don't know what you're talking about no for once I'm the smart one and you're being dumb she played you with her big eyes and pretty face she's just a cheating witch stop calling me that and then she pushed me into the water the head coach insisted on getting her tested and she went bananas she started ripping up pool noodles with her teeth and threw swimming flippers at the students like a mad person two coaches had to drag her away and she was suspended during the investigation but I wasn't even happy about it my teammates were mad at me for being a sneak Fred wasn't talking to me and Mariana all the blood work came out clear turns out the pills were a special Russian vitamins but she was so messed up with all the media attention and headlines she completely failed at the Regionals I felt like a total jerk it was time for me to apologize hey I'm sorry about the whole mix-up as if your plan worked I lost the competition and my reputation now you can have your perfect life back perfect my life is not perfect My adoptive family is the bomb but I've always felt a bit lost since I was a kid swimming makes me feel like I belong and you took that away from me yes I did because I'm better at it and it's good for the team but Fred was right you're a selfish spoiled brat who only thinks about herself I was so mad I slapped her hard across the cheek we were rolling around on the floor fighting like cats when suddenly Fred came in between what the heck is wrong with you two she started it she's always hated me that's enough I love you both but this needs to stop you you love me are you okay do you have brain fever stop it Serena after all these years I've taken a back seat while Mom and Dad obsessed over you I thought you'd be okay with me being the center of attention for once it was true mom and dad always went out of their way to make me happy and keep me safe they hardly ever talked about Fred I was selfish and felt terrible for not realizing it before and Mariana you can't blame Serena for jumping to conclusions when she doesn't know the truth what truth suddenly Mariana looked so sad it broke my heart my family had to flee Russia some really bad men were after my father and I had to fake an injury so they would give us quick visas to come to America for my medical treatment now I can never go back and I can never swim for another country if I want to keep my family safe that's why I wanted to be part of the swim team so badly but that doesn't explain why you're so mean and horrible it's all I knew in Russia you don't become a champion by being nice and sweet you have to be really tough and fight for your place it will be a hard habit to break but I see you all as competition especially you you're good she said reluctantly but she said it and I was on cloud nine oh that's all I ever wanted to hear from you get away from me or I'll take the words back you can't take it back now you think I'm good and we'll be on the same team together it's gonna be epic is your sister crazy what is wrong with her why is she so huggy she's just really happy and so am I
Channel: MSA previously My Story Animated
Views: 14,419,289
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: mAorPvr2DSA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 29sec (809 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 28 2022
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