how a real life princess goes to school

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as I sat in my sports car preparing for the race of a lifetime my manager Ruth shot me a nervous look if your dad finds out we're dead meat they're probably giving away some charity award somewhere besides they already control everything this is my way of living my life now sit still as I drifted and turned the car around Ruth was screaming slow down your Royal Highness oh come on the fun has just begun I pumped up the gas and my brand new Ferrari was pushing past the rest of the cars putting me ahead in the race told you I'd win just then a big van came out of nowhere and started clicking my pictures time to run hi I'm Penelope a real life Princess from Belgium please like And subscribe I grew up with really controlling parents they planned my daily schedule and made me go to boring meetings and dinners so I'd be ready for my duties one day I wasn't even allowed to go to school or parties with people my age my life was miserable after what had happened at the race that day everyone in the Kingdom called me the crazy princess the media is having a ball this is so harmful to our reputation your reputation I aced that race and they're saying I came in second if anyone's reputation is hurt it's mine enough you are next in line to the throne Penny mend your ways or I'll get you married I'm 17. you can't get me married I must be at least 18 according to the rules I am the king and I set the laws dad received a call and left before I had a chance to argue any further surely he wasn't serious right the next morning I was swimming in my private pool when Ruth walked in with William Prince of Denmark and my childhood best friend I got out and hugged him tight wow you've become prettier over the years I wish I could say the same for you we laughed and decided to catch up over dinner but when I got to the table I saw him talking to my pair parents and they looked serious what's going on Penny darling we were just discussing the venue for the marriage oh wow who's getting married us William looked at me grinning and I felt my mind numb suddenly I found myself dragging William outside what the heck was that I want to get married to you I've always liked you and your parents don't seem to have a problem but I do I don't want to get married to you or anybody I'm 17 for the love of God is that why you're here did my parents put you up to this wait don't answer that I already know I turned around and walked off leaving William alone and after that day things just weren't the same I avoided William all day long and it came to a point where I couldn't step out of the house it was insane just as I was trying to figure out a way out of this Ruth told me she was leaving for New York on official Duty for a year you can't leave me you're the only one on my side then join me nobody knows you there you'd be free to do what you like that did sound like a brilliant idea but I knew Mom and Dad would never allow that that didn't mean I couldn't try so the next day I went to their Chambers to have a one-on-one I want to finish my last year of school in New York no one least of all Williams should know where I am and why should we listen to you you have to if you want me to get married if this is the last year of my single life I'd rather spend it away from all this drama after hours of arguing they finally caved and agreed to enroll me in one of the best schools in New York under a different name Mia within a week I was on a plane to my new life but New York was busier than I'd imagined if not for Ruth I would have totally lost my way hired and exhausted I hit the shower as soon as I reached the hotel but just as I entered the bathroom I saw someone under the sink if you're a thief let me warn you I know karate really I'd love to see that Jackie Chan don't come up I will legit punch you I quickly left and grabbed myself a robe come out the guy slowly dragged himself out and when I saw his face I almost passed out he had to be the most handsome guy I'd ever seen if you're done staring can I leave I have another job to get to not so soon Mister do you know what would have happened if I didn't see you this is a strict violation of Human Rights I'm late call a protests light a candle I don't care my job's done and he turned around and left what a jerk that night I couldn't get a wink of sleep and woke up feeling annoyed and exhausted it would have skipped my first day if Ruth hadn't boosted my confidence as I entered the classroom I immediately noticed a familiar face the hot Plumber guy and unfortunately he was the only one with an empty seat next to his a Masher what if you're stalking me you might as well know my name you wish I joined recently it's my first day explains why you're wearing your skirt inside out I looked down and he was right how embarrassing as if that wasn't awkward enough Asher was also my lab partner and just the weirdest guy ever I'd never seen him talk to anyone and he was always either with his books or playing football if I tried talking to him he would awkwardly turn in the other direction what was up with this guy a few days later after school I was happily relaxing in my hotel when someone knocked on my door Asher you forgot your list of lab supplies uh thanks you could have given these to me tomorrow in school I don't know about you but this class is really important to me so don't screw up on these it's important for me too clearly anyway I'd love to stop and chat but I'm late for my night job unlike you I have work to do did he just call me useless Ash your turn to leave but I ran behind him hey Jerk I know you think all the world's weight is on your shoulders but it's not everyone has their battles so don't you dare talk down to me again I turned around and left slamming the door in Anger what an absolute piece of work this guy was when I told Ruth about him she had the weirdest thing to say maybe he has a crush on you what no the guy hates me for some reason and he's such a prude gosh he gets on my nerves and yet somehow all we've done is speak about him whatever a few days later we had a surprise literature test and I aced it but I saw Asher sulking in the corner and later during an experiment he screwed up badly and Spilled everything on the counter his mind was clearly somewhere else are you okay yeah I'm fine just do your thing fine dude I was just asking I'm sorry I didn't mean that it's just that I've scored miserably on my literature paper if I don't get this right I'll lose my chances of ever getting a scholarship what's a scholarship Asher gave me a confused look before explaining it to me I had no idea that people struggled so much to get a good education for the first time ever I felt lucky to be born rich fine I'll help you you will yeah but you'll owe me one and you'll stop pissing me off deal deal soon after Asher and I started with his classes in my hotel room and he was worse than I thought my love is like a red red rose it blooms in June who talks like that um now take my hand look into my eyes and say it again and try not to sound like a robot Asher took a deep breath and did exactly what I asked but just when he took my hand I felt a weird rush in my body my love is like a red red rose that's newly brung in June that sweetly played in tune how was that wow that was brilliant yeah cool that was um good pretty awesome actually my heart was racing faster than ever what was this heart pounding Rush I'd never felt anything like that before Asher and I were still holding hands when the door flung open and I saw William standing there I leave you for a month and I already have competition but why this peasant William what the heck are you doing here I came to check up on my girl oh shut up I thought we were over this just leave me alone I won't let you go this easy love William tried to take my hand but Asher interrupted him I don't think Mia needs you here now if you don't want your butt kicked I suggest you leave her name's Penelope if you like a girl at least get her name right I'm leaving now but this isn't over after William left Asher turned to me confused what was he talking about Asher looked at me confused as I told him the whole story whoa that's insane you're an actual princess yeah I'm sorry I just wanted to live like a normal person for one once suddenly I felt my hand on his and my stomach erupted with butterflies I hope you won't throw me in the dungeons for being a jerk to you before I just might if you annoy me again after that day Asher and I got a lot closer he promised not to tell anyone about me and I promise to help him with acing his literature tests once we got talking I learned that we had a lot in common my parents are too busy in their own world I was always ambitious and they had no money so I figured out a way to make it on my own now I love being independent I wish I could make my life the way I wanted you can all you gotta do is be brave from here as he laid my hands on his chest I could feel his heart pounding fast and hard I was falling for him and I knew he felt the same way when he asked me to be his date for the Halloween party life was good except William was always around me and that was kind of annoying when I told my parents about him they were actually really supportive of his behavior you should be happy he loves you so much I suggest you come back and let go of this foolish Adventure why did they hate me so much one day before the party when I walked into school I saw William waiting for me on his knees and a life-size bouquet beautiful flowers for my beautiful date I'll pick you up at 8 tomorrow no need I already have a date who that peasant from the hotel come on you deserve a prince like me only royalty can match royalty and you know that that's enough William you were my childhood friend and I respected that for as long as I could but I'm done teach your lessons on royalty to my parents who love you so much but leave me out of it you'll regret this yeah whatever that evening as I got dressed I got a text from William that he was leaving and I couldn't be happier good riddance when Asher came to pick me up I was shocked to see him stepping out of his car looking like an absolute dream we entered the party dressed as Cinderella and Prince Charming and people couldn't stop gushing over how amazing we looked together the mood became better when the song shifted to a slow number you look beautiful tonight just tonight I fell for you the day I saw you and I never stopped liking you is that why you were so rude to me it was a way of keeping my feelings under control I thought you'd distract me from my goals but I was so wrong Asher pulled me closer till our faces were inches apart and he gently kissed me on my cheek and suddenly the song changed again and we lost our moment let's get out of here I'd like that Asher took my hand and took me to the School rooftop overlooking the entire city of New York it was beautiful penny I know you're a princess and I would never be able to match your status but will you date me and make me the happiest person on Earth it was a dream come true to meet a guy like Usher and I was the happiest I'd been in a long time but just as I was about to say yes the door of the roof crashed open and suddenly I had people taking my pictures left right and Center is he your new boyfriend Penelope will you leave the crown to get married to him show us the ring I wanted to leave but there was no way out just then I caught a hold of one of the guys with the camera who sent you tell me now or I'll destroy your career the guy got scared and told me he got an anonymous tip from someone named Asher no way I immediately started looking for Asher when I saw him taking money from one of the media people how could you betray me Penny listen to me this isn't what it looks like I'm not blind I just saw you taking money from him if you needed money you could have just asked you're worse than William at least he didn't lie Asher tried to stop me but I was too heartbroken to stop soon after I called Ruth and asked her to get me on a private plane back to Belgium gym I wanted her to come along but her work in the states wasn't over yet as soon as I landed the driver took me to the hospital and not the palace what's happening where are we going you'll find out soon enough your Royal Highness my heart was beating nervously as the security led me to a private room and saw Dad with a thousand machines beeping over his head dad oh my God what happened Penny you're a sight for sore eyes I turned to Mom and she told me that Dad had been unwell for quite some time when he learned that I was dating someone out of royalty he just couldn't take it I'm sorry Dad I let you down but I've learned my lesson I'll do everything you say I just want you to take over the crown and get married to William he's perfect for you honey even though I didn't agree with Dad I nodded with a heavy heart the news of my marriage and coronation spread like wildfire Mom planned a major event inviting all the royal families of the world as I stepped into my wedding gown I feel my heart sinking Asher was the love of my life but I had to make the sacrifice in the name of my family I was walking down the aisle when Ruth came running into the church stop stop the wedding Ruth what are you doing I have to do this for Dad for stop being dramatic he doesn't love you he's only after your money Ruth told everyone how after I'd left she went back to the hotel to get the rest of my stuff and ran into William but he told me he'd left that's exactly what I was wondering too so I followed him to a club and saw him making out with random girls she went on to tell how William's parents were practically broke and they wanted to marry their son off to recover money that's not true she's lying he was the one who tipped off the media about you for money I looked at William who had turned pale as paper spill the truth now fine I did it and I'm not sorry how could you choose that peasant over me I I'm royalty I slapped his face hard I swear to God if you say royalty one more time I will have your sorry butt arrested now if you have an ounce of Shame take your parents and get out when I reach the palace that night Mom and Dad were more than apologetic and it was decided I'll take the throne with or without the husband but before that there was one more thing I had to do Ruth I already know here's your ticket go get him I hugged her and left immediately for New York and booked the same hotel when I reached the room I loosened the sink and asked specifically for Asher excuse me anyone home I'm in here hand me the screwdriver please ma'am could you come out please sure let me just oh Penny what are you doing get out of there are you hurt probably not as much as I hurt you I'm sorry for not trusting you Ruth told me how William manipulated the situation I was just paying them to get rid of them I know that now so you think you can forgive me or I'd rather order you since I'm the queen and all so Asher pulled me in for a kiss and it was everything I'd hoped for [Music]
Channel: MSA previously My Story Animated
Views: 22,728,942
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 14T3LvINDVg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 20sec (980 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 25 2022
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