I'm a Famous Singer But No One Sees My face

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hey friends I'm Ella from New York please like And subscribe people say fairy tales are just stories but today I'll tell you my story and you'll see how this is wrong because I can confidently say that I'm a modern Cinderella I'm an only child and my parents loved me so much and cared a lot about my musical Talent which they noticed when I was only six I played the piano wrote songs and sang too she's gonna be a famous star one day she sounds like an angel believe me when I tell you I love music I spend all my time singing and playing or listening to music when I was 10 I even wrote my first song sadly everything changed when I turned 13 and Mom and Dad divorced mom left us and we were devastated but after two years my dad met someone new I didn't like the idea at first but I didn't say anything because I wanted to see him happy again one day he told me that he had invited this woman and her two daughters of over for dinner you're gonna like the girls I promise they're so nice and they're your age as well you can finally have the sisters you always wanted when they finally came over my soon-to-be stepmom Lindsay and her two daughters Anna and Joanna pretended to be nice to me but I don't know why I felt like they were lying the whole time oh my look at you aren't you a dear I feel like we'll be best friends I like your hair so much can I see your room my dad and Lindsay got married after a short time and she and her daughters moved in with us our house is bigger than there so we'll all fit in nicely together here Anna and Joanna will keep you company all the time isn't this amazing um yeah Dad it is I'm so um excited I really really really didn't like the idea because there was just something weird about them but I didn't have the heart to say that to my dad not long after the wedding my father came home one day looking extremely happy girls guess what I got promoted really congrats how much will they pay you um I don't know yet but I'll have to travel every now and again it's a very important position but Dad I don't like having you away for long don't be silly he'll make a lot of money he has to take the job when are you gonna travel what will you bring for me I need a new phone please what about me I want a new laptop mine is old baby I've always wanted a diamond ring the golden one is not so nice can you please get me one what about you Ella what do you want me to get you nothing dad just don't stay away for too long see this is the sad part I discovered that Lindsay had married my dad for his money and she literally cared for nothing else when dad started to travel a lot Lindsay Anna and Joanna showed their true colors they were terrible they treated me horribly they were only nice to me when he was around just stop playing the a stupid piano your playing sounds like nails on a chalkboard you think you're a musician such a loser oh yeah stop it will you you're giving me a headache just like that Lindsay didn't let me play the piano anymore she didn't let me do anything basically wait a minute is that my shirt you're wearing it was your shirt I liked it so I took it do you have a problem Anna why is your stuff in my room I'm bored with my room and it's very small I want yours it's bigger and nicer get the rest of your stuff out of my new room now that was the last straw I couldn't take it anymore I planned to tell my dad everything when he got back oh my God I never did that you told me you wanted us to exchange rooms I'm really hurt didn't you give me the shirt because you took my orange one I didn't take anything from you oh my I didn't let her play the piano why would I ever do that if anything I encouraged her to practice more what what are you saying I'm not lying Ella I am very disappointed in you I never thought you would lie to me Lindsay and the girls are trying to be a family to you and you're telling lies about them I never want to hear anything like that ever again I mean the audacity two years passed like this before everything changed when I learned tragic news apparently the company dad was working for was a fraud and he was in jail miles away and if things were bad in the beginning they got even worse Lindsay and her daughters made my life terrible and I didn't know what to do music was the only thing that helped me when I saved enough money I bought a secondhand microphone and downloaded an app that would let me play different kinds of instruments on it I kept writing songs and music and recording them on my laptop and listening to them because I couldn't live without music wait a second why don't I upload one of my songs online of course I can't use my real name or picture because God knows what would happen if Lindsay or whatever her daughters found out but the idea isn't so terrible is it it's better than being this far away from music after only two days it had a hundred thousand views in the comments section I could see that people loved the lyrics and the music despite the low quality of the video so I started to post more and more songs soon everyone at school was talking about my songs that made me happy and sad at the same time because I couldn't tell them that it was me Have you listened to this new song by this mystery girl let me tell you it's amazing not yet but I have to check it out now I adore her songs if only we could know who she really is I literally know all her songs by heart but things didn't stay good for long for me Joanna recognized my voice and playing somehow and told Lindsay what do you think you're doing playing smart and thinking I won't know I don't understand how someone like you got this number of views and likes she won't anymore give me this laptop now I'm going to delete those stupid videos if you do one more thing like this you won't like what happens please don't please wait a minute mom what if we could use her Fame we can make a lot of money if we let her write and record those silly songs of hers and I'll pretend that I'm the one who's actually making them the camera loves my face anyways what you want to steal my music are you crazy oh that's a brilliant idea darling and you Ella have no say in this at all you either do what we say or you can say goodbye to your dad forever I'll make sure he can't get out of that jail and stays there forever I won't hire a lawyer or anything to save his butt got it this family was crazy they were heartless Lindsay bought better equipment and forced me to use it to record my music and songs later Joanna would shoot videos of herself pretending to sing and play the piano but it was actually my voice my music and my lyrics the number of views and likes on the video was crazy she was becoming the new social media sensation and she was making an insane amount of money at school everyone wanted to be your friend because she was the popular girl now Joanna please come to my party this weekend it would be a blast having you there sign my shirt Joanna please please please can I get a selfie with you please say yes meanwhile I wasn't allowed to go anywhere other than school it felt like I was in prison Lindsay Anna and Joanna were watching me all the time because they were worried I'd reveal their secret but I didn't because I was afraid they'd leave dad in jail forever but things changed once more one afternoon Ella you better listen to what I'm gonna tell you carefully there is a huge musical competition that's happening soon and if I I mean you created the best song I can win a record deal with an important record label and how are you planning on recording an album exactly are you planning on dragging me behind you to the studio letting everybody know your truth that's none of your business my mom will think of something start working on that song now I had no choice but to write a song on the required theme and record it now I need to shoot a video for this song but it needs to be perfect because I have to win this competition guess what happened then she won she and Lindsay were over the moon quite literally mom I just got a call from the record label they want you and me to go tomorrow and sign the contract for the album that's perfect honey you'll be a star hey Ella you're coming with us tomorrow what me why would you want me to go with you what if they asked us some stupid question about music and singing you'll be there to help Joanna answer understood wasn't it enough that they were stealing my music and money they also wanted me to watch them doing it when we got there Liam the CEO himself welcomed us Welcome to our company it's been a pleasure meeting such a young and promising Talent as you Joanna for how long have you been playing the piano and singing oh um I I since she was 10 she's the most unique kid ever that's nice and have you had any teachers well I don't oh no she taught herself all that she knows about music isn't she amazing um sure sure and you are oh that's Ella my stepdaughter she's one of our family and we love her dearly just like she loves us right darling what um yeah sure nice to meet you Ella I feel like you're surprised I'm the CEO because I'm young I hear that a lot but the truth is this company belongs to my dad and he only trusts me to run things around here I was sitting there silently not saying much this Liam was very nice and to me especially he kept trying to include me in the conversation but Lindsay didn't like it Ella dear be a deer and bring me my shawl from the car could you I'm cold sure I understood that she wanted me out of the room because she wanted his full attention to be on Joanna so I left the room and started walking aimlessly around the corners of the company wow look how many musical instruments are in this room what is that a huge piano it wouldn't hurt if I played it for a minute will it I hadn't played a real piano for years because Lindsay sold mine I miss this so much I closed my eyes and started to play and sing my heart out I didn't even feel the time passing I didn't even feel Liam standing behind me by the door what's that how's that possible how is this your voice and not Joanna's I don't understand please just forget what you saw and heard wait here after a couple of minutes he came back with Lindsay and Joanna who looked really scared when she saw me near a piano why don't you play us that song that won you the competition before we signed the deal it's only fair that I hear you play Live what um I Mom let's leave that to another day I'm afraid Joanna's not ready today she's recovering from a bad cold I insist it's actually part of the contract's conditions believe me when I say at that moment I wouldn't want to be Joanna for anything in the world she sat at the piano tried to stroke the keys but of course she couldn't play she tried to sing in a low voice but it was very clear that her voice wasn't even good she about to cry Ella why don't you give it a try I was terrified for a second but I told myself come on have some courage Liam knows the truth now I played and sang the song Perfectly Ella we would be honored to sign a deal with you what what do you mean with her it's my daughter who won the competition not this this girl your daughter can't sing ma'am I know the truth now so no need for more lies what do you say Ella sure I'd be crazy to say no let me tell you that the album I made with Liam was a hit I had enough money to hire a lawyer and fight dad's case all with the help of Liam and he was finally home please Ella you know we love you honey please don't throw us out please I am so sorry we're really sorry Ella you can have your room back it was just a misunderstanding please it's too late now the whole world knows the truth now please leave because I have to prepare for my first live concert the concert was amazing thousands of people came I was living the dream Liam was even waiting for me backstage with a bouquet of flowers oh thank you so much I love them you're the best you know you saved me from my evil stepmother exactly like a fairy tale and because I did that don't I deserve a date just to be authentic to the story you do let's go get some ice cream and a kiss yeah and a kiss and that's how I wrapped up my story I got rid of the evil stepmother and her daughters I became a superstar I got the prince charming and I have the happily ever after that everyone wishes for so after all that can you deny that I'm a modern Cinderella
Channel: MSA previously My Story Animated
Views: 11,293,259
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 25sec (805 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 15 2023
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