my entire classics collection 🌻 all the classic books I own 🌿

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hi everyone welcome to another video i hope you're all having a wonderful day today i am quite excited because i will share with you my entire classics collection which i have filmed last year and this is something that i'm planning to film every year at least once because my collection keeps growing and because of that i do plan to update all of you on my big collection because classics are some of my favorite books to read i love them so so much as you can probably tell so today i'm just going to show you every single classic that i own and i will not get into any synopsis or anything because this video will probably be very long already i will just show you the different editions that i own and also talk maybe about the ones that i've read besides being one of my favorite genres to read i also think that classics have the most beautiful covers ever and because of that i just like to own them they are a beautiful addition to my bookshelves i absolutely love them so so much so yeah just get ready get cozy grab your favorite drink in my case i am drinking this delicious tea which is orange and cinnamon and it is one of my favorite things in the world i'm also drinking it from my greek mug that i bought when i went to greece which was one of my favorite trips i love all the history that it's here but that's beside the point just get cozy and let's talk about some gorgeous classics with no particular order i will just try and show you the books from the same editions together but let's start with some children's classics i love children's classics so so much and a few of them are actually some of my favorite books and the first one is an example of that and it is the little prince by antoine de sant exuberie this is a stunning edition that a lovely subscriber sent to me so thank you so so much it was very kind of you um but it is absolutely beautiful and i think it captures the essence of this book perfectly if you haven't read this one already i highly highly recommend it i read it when i was about eight years old i believe and it completely opened my eyes to so many things um and speaking of the little pranks i also have this adorable edition i own a few more books of this collection which i am about to show you so the next one is alice in wonderland by louise carroll this is one of my favorite stories and you will see plenty editions of it on this video but it is such a classic i love both the book the disney movie the tim burton movie i think i love everything pretty much that has to do with alice i have also read through the looking glass which is the sequel but i will always have a soft spot for alice it is so whimsical and nonsensical it is wonderful the next book i own of this collection is the wind in the willows by kenneth graham and this is such a wonderful story i read it i think it was last year or two years ago i cannot exactly remember but i would like to reread it now because i think i would appreciate it even more for some reason but i remember it making me so emotional it is such a heartwarming story and once again it is so pretty next i also have the railway children by e nesbit this is the only one of this collection that i haven't read but i'm very eager to obviously once again it is beautiful i don't know a lot about it but i know a lot of people love this book and then finally from this collection i have little women by louisa may alcott i'm sure we are all familiar with this story even if you haven't read the book i'm sure everyone has a slight idea of what it is about but this is an amazing story i love how it captures every single one of this sister's personality it means so much to me and you will also see a lot of other editions of this book because it is one of my favorites and also of course we had the movie adaptation recently which was great too and i've also seen another adaptation um a much older one but i cannot remember a lot of it so maybe it's time for a re-watch and that completes this set now moving on to another one also of children's classics we have these two beautiful editions of the wizard of oz by al frank baum and the call of the wild by jack london i read the wizard of oz but honestly i think i prefer the movie maybe that's because of nostalgia obviously i grew up with the movie basically but it is still a pretty fun story and i do love this edition a lot and then the call of the wild i tried reading it once um probably i need to try again but it had some animal cruelty and that's something that i usually cannot handle very well so maybe i just wasn't in the right headspace or something i don't know i will give it another try but anyhow it's also gorgeous then i have this little set of some puffins classics and the first one is again alice in wonderland by louise carroll i love the rabbit with the clock on the cover it is adorable and all of these books have a quote from the book on the back and this one says there was not a moment to be lost away went alice like the wind and was just in time to hear it say oh my ears and whiskers how late it's getting i love it so much the next one i own is again the wind in the willows by kenneth graham i adore this cover i think it is adorable and then the quote says intoxicated with the sparkle the ripple the scents and the sounds and the sunlight he trailed the paw in the water and dreamed long waking dreams that's so beautiful i remember the writing style was one of my favorite things about this story and then finally from this set i also have the secret garden by frances hutchson burnett and the quote says she held back the swinging curtain of ivy and pushed back the door which opened slowly slowly this is such a well-loved children's classic i read it i believe it was also last year i do prefer a little princess by this author but once again it is a beautiful story i like all the symbolism and seeing these characters growing together it was lovely then i have these two editions of fairy tales there are more books in each one of these collections but i only own one of each so the first one is this beautiful illustrated greens fairy tales i'm in love with this book both on the outside and on the inside because fairy tales are are magical i adore fairy tales so so much um some of them can be quite dark but i like how they always say something about the author and plus what fascinates me the most about fairy tales is that they are for the most part if not all of them just stories that people used to tell in the past and then some people showed up and decided to write down all of those stories so that's why we find a lot of different versions of fairy tales because a story is never told the same way twice and i just think it is fascinating the fact that for instance brothers grimm loved hearing those stories and they felt the need to write them so that other people of future generations like us could read them too and listen to them and fall in love with them i just love that whole process that whole idea of sharing stories with everyone um it is just beautiful and this book when i saw it i had to buy it immediately because it has stunning illustrations let me try and show you some um each one of the chapters dedicated to each story has a beautiful illustration in this case we have the 12 dancing princesses and then we also have hansel and gretel and then let me show you another one rumplestiltskin so you see each chapter has a beautiful illustration i love this edition so so much but then again i am a bit biased because fairy tales mean a lot to me i just love them and so of course i also had to buy this beautiful edition it just says greens fairy tales and these illustrations once again are gorgeous i'm trying to find the edition it says classics reimagined and it is one of my favorite books that i own because once again it is just stunning to look at um overall it is not my favorite fairy tales collection but i still adore it it is just that some of these stories didn't speak to me that much but it is still great i think i read it four stars at the time so i really like it it is just not my favorite but look at it it's so pretty then i have some books of this random collection that i had never seen before but then i found it in watertowns in london and obviously i needed to buy them but that is the everyman's library children's classics i love them because they are quite simple but so pretty so the first one i have and this is one of my favorite fairy tales collections it is little red riding hood and other stories um this is an amazing collection i loved every single fairy tale on this collection i am completely obsessed um it does have some black and white illustrations like look at it this is puss in boots one of my favorite stories because it is so it is so random but it is so fun to read then we have cinderella here it is lovely i think it has a big nostalgic factor to me because a lot of those stories were then the inspiration for disney movies so maybe that's why i love this book so so much but yeah i really do and then the other books that i own of this collection are peter pan by j.m berry which i read i took some notes i read it i believe it was at the beginning of this year i still haven't talked about it on my channel really i still don't have a review just because on the one hand this book completely destroyed me but on the other i think it has so much symbolism it has so much to unpack so i would like to reread it eventually maybe this year and then talk about it and write a proper review i guess because this is a book that i need to read at least twice just so i don't miss some points because there is so much to talk about this story it is heartbreaking but it is also i don't know it gives me hope in a way um it is weird but it is a wonderful book i really liked it i just want to process my feelings and thoughts better and for that i would like to reread it and the final book that i have of this collection is something that i've been meaning to read for ages and i really hope to read it this year but it is king arthur and his knights of the round table um i don't think this is the original tale this is an adaptation that they made for children i think um based on what i read about this book but it is by roger lancelin green anyhow arthurian legends have always fascinated me always and when i saw this book it just appealed to me a lot and i don't know it just it fascinates me for some reason the whole story of camelot and the knights and i don't know it is fascinating so i'm really hoping to read this book this year but yeah that's this collection then i want to show you two more editions of alice in wonderland because why not the first one it is so it is so weird it is so creepy i fell in love with it but it is this one it has alice's adventures in wonderland and through the looking glass and can we talk about how insane this cover is because we have the chatara cat um with three eyes with no head it is it is i i love it because it is so creepy this is published by penguin a deluxe edition i i don't know i found it so unique i had never seen it before in my life but even the rabbit has three eyes i don't know if you can see it let me try and show you okay can you see it the rabbit has three eyes i mean i needed to have this and then the other edition that i have is this one which i find so gorgeous it has the tree with little red hearts alice and the cat once again this is from macmillan's children's books and based on this cover alone i know that i want to have a lot more books of this collection i also have this other collection by puffin classics and the first one i have here is one of my favorite books by one of my favorite authors of all time and that's a christmas carol by charles dickens charles dickens always manages to make me laugh and break my heart it is incredible his books are so immersive and this story in particular is one that i like to revisit every single year because it is so so important it talks about so much especially about looking at your life and seeing what your values and priorities are it is amazing i love this book so so much i love charles dickens i will reread this book during christmas again because i always do every single year so if you've not read this book please please do and then i have another fairy tales collection but this is by hans christian andersen and once again it is absolutely stunning i actually read this one quite recently and rated it 5 stars because of course i did and then i have the princess and the goblin by george mcdonald i watch this movie as a kid i will put a picture here i do not know anyone else who has ever watched this movie it is one of those that you know it's not by any of the big companies so it is not as well known but i loved that movie as a kid um it was quite creepy i will say that but i loved it and actually recently i bought the dvd because i found it on amazon and started screaming i needed to have it but basically that's why i read the book and maybe once again just like with the wizard of oz maybe i was a bit underwhelmed because of the movie um i have a lot of fun memories attached to the movie and the book because of that felt a little disappointing even though i still think it is a magical tale and i would recommend it anyway this is one of my favorite covers by the way because it fits the tone of the story perfectly and the last book of that collection that i own is tales of the greek heroes once again by roger lancelin green i wonder with this so so much this year i'm making it a goal to read a lot of greek classics and greek retellings i want to read as many greek books as possible and this is such a lovely collection once again i think it was adapted for kids to read i'm not completely sure though but anyhow i want to read this so so much anything related to mythology honestly i want to read everything there is so that completes my collection of these lovely books but then i also have another children's classic which is one of my favorite books of all time and that's heidi by joanna spirey this story means the world to me i grew up i'm getting emotional i grew up watching the tv show with my grandparents this is the story of a girl who lives with her grandfather in the swiss mountains everything about this story is beautiful it is also quite sad actually especially the book but it has so much meaning it has it just it has so much it means a lot to me i do not want to cry on these videos so i adore this book this story these characters the setting everything is beautiful it's wonderful i love it and this is let me see it is called the sisterhood and they made a bunch of other classics with female protagonists on them i want to have all of them because they are all stunning as you can probably see here we have heidi with her little goat and the mountains is perfect now moving on to these beauties which are way too heavy for me to lift all of them these are all illustrated editions and they are some of the most stunning books that i own let me try and check the specific edition because i can never remember the name i'm awful yeah this is by harpercollins and they are illustrated by mina lima the first one i have is the little mermaid by hans kristen anderson i haven't read this specific edition but i have read the little mermaid and it became one of my favorite fairy tales ever it is wow it is a lot obviously it has nothing to do with the disney movie it is quite heavy it is quite dark um but again it has such a deeper meaning it talks about how far people are willing to go for who they love which is a beautiful but tragic idea in the end i loved it um let me try and show you a few of the illustrations of this book so these are the end pages absolutely stunning with all the shells and then we have things like this i'm guessing this is the ugly bucking he's not ugly at all and then we also have a few interactive elements um this is a bit hard to show you but let me try see like you can move things around um this is how it looks on the back and this is the stunning spine i love every single book of this collection obviously the next one i have is the beauty and the beast by gabrielle suzanne barbour d villeneuve i think i still need to read this one even though beauty and the beast is one of my favorite disney movies ever i adore it it is it is perfect it's absolutely perfect so i really need to read the original fairy tale obviously i know a lot of people love it which is great but yeah i still need to read it hopefully soon this is what the end pages look like again it is so pretty and let's see an example of an illustration i like to show you this one because this is the wardrobe are you ready okay can you see it i'm a child i love these things next i have the jungle book by rudyard kipling this again i still need to read and really want to i love the disney movie obviously it is so cute but i have heard mixed things about this book anyhow i really want to read it obviously here are the end pages and then an example of an illustration which is also interactive because this is a snake a poisonous snake you do not want to mess with it then i have another edition of peter pan by j.m berry i have read this already as i mentioned before these are the end pages and then let's see an illustration this is one of my favorites they are leaving their home and going to neverland i love it and then finally from this collection i have another edition of the secret garden and it is of course stunning i love all the elements in it i think this is the one with the most things on the cover and it is so pretty here are the end pages the spine and how it looks on the back and then let's see an example of an illustration this is an exciting one okay let's see if i can show you okay i think it is time to move on to my russian classics they are all very big and this is the vintage classics edition i adore them and i think i saw them all at the bookstore and i grabbed all of them because i couldn't choose they are all part of the same collection it is just six books and that's it how am i supposed to choose between all of these i i didn't i just grabbed all of them so let me show you the first one i have is war and peace by leo tolstoy this is the largest one by far um and oh my god they are falling these editions are all so beautiful i absolutely love the design and all of them have a quote on the back of the book and this one says let the dead bury their dad but while i'm alive i must live and be happy well i agree i still need to read this one it is a bit intimidating but i am almost sure that i'm going to love it because this year i read anna karenina by leo tostoy and it is one of my favorite books of this year it is a masterpiece i've loved it so so much and a review is coming soon hopefully it says all happy families resemble one another each unhappy family is unhappy in its own way this is the opening sentence and it says a lot if you've read the book you know why why this says a lot but it is such a wonderful book tolstoy immediately became one of my favorite authors so that's why i'm very excited to read war and peace eventually hopefully this year that's on my tbr for this year another book that's on my tbr for this year is crime and punishment by theodore dostoevsky this is supposed to be a brutal book and it should be the sentence says freedom will no longer be dear to him he'll fall to thinking getting tangled he'll tangle himself all up as in in a net he'll worry himself to death it is a pretty well-known classic um it is supposed to be again quite brutal quite raw and tragic but in my opinion it is a must read and i really need to get to this one soon again hopefully this year it is on my plans any final three books i have of this collection i still need to read as well but i am quite excited about all of them so we have dr zhivago by boris pasternak then life and fate by vasily grossman and finally the master in margarita by mikhail bogakov i'm sorry if i mispronounced any of these names i'm sure i did i'm sorry but anyhow they are all so pretty and quite big the master and margarita not so much maybe i should read this one this year as well we'll see if you have any recommendations as to which one of these i should read first or if you've read any of them i would love to know i think they all look so well together so you see how i could not choose i had to have all of them and of course i have another edition of atlas alice's adventures in wonderland this is a big one and i found it quite funny because of the queen's face it's like she is mocking us i love it can you see it it's like it's almost as if she's saying i'm gonna cut all of your heads and you'll be happy with it i also have these two teeny tiny classics that i love so dearly i will not actually read from these editions because i'm always scared i will actually ruin them but they are just a collector's item i guess and the first book i have is the hunchback of notre dame by victor hugo i need to read this book i really need to i know a lot of people say that it can get quite boring because supposedly it has a lot of descriptions but usually that's something that i like so i am quite excited and plus this is such an underrated disney movie in my opinion i love it so much and yes it is creepy but it is supposed to and it has such an important message i actually know how the book ends but i don't think it will ruin my enjoyment of the book hopefully and the other book i have is the count of monte cristo by alexandra dumas and this one is actually also on my tbr for this year or maybe the beginning of next year but i would like to read it as soon as possible it is supposed to be such a masterpiece i really want to read it but yeah these are both so pretty and on the back they have a little portrait of each author which is such a nice detail then i have these two books which i'm not sure you would exactly consider classics but they are beautiful and i think they fit the videos so i'm gonna show them anyway they are from this publisher called flame3 and they are absolutely stunning the first one i have is this book it says gothic fantasy and then crime and mystery short stories how amazing does that look and the other one i have it says epic tails and then you have celtic myths and tails and then on the back it has a little explanation about each collection this is about the epic tales collection it says the mythic invasions of ireland the mystical kingdoms warriors giants creatures of the underworld and magic these are the fantastic ingredients of celtic legend if you know me you know i love anything that has to do with celtic legends so this is kind of perfect and then this one says the gothic and fantasy collection mysteries unravel and detectives are on the trail in this intriguing selection of original and classic short stories so there you go it is considered a classic i guess the next pile of books that i want to show you is one of my favorites i will not be able to lift all of them because it is too heavy but it is my barnes and noble leather-bound classics collection i adore it they are all stunning beautiful perfection i love them so so much these are books that i'm not going to read again because i'm afraid to ruin them i just love collecting them and actually most of them were gifts from my friends which is amazing and yeah i cannot wait for my collection to keep growing a treasury of irish fairy and folktales because of course i needed to have this the complete tales and poems of edgar allan poe one of my favorite authors i love him so much dracula by bram stoker this book i read when i was quite young i must have been like 10 years old or something it introduced me to the entire gothic culture and since then i never looked back another beautiful edition of beauty and the beast and other classic fairy tales the arabian nights how pretty is it yet another edition of elvis's adventures in wonderland and other stories and finally i have this stunning collection of jane austen's seven novels because it does include lady susan here and those are all of my beautiful barnes and nobles classics i will now put all of these books in their places and then come back in a few seconds to show you the rest of my collection moving on to some modern classics beginning with to kill a mockingbird by harper lee i know i should have read this one already it is so well known obviously and for the right reasons but unfortunately i still haven't read it obviously it intrigues me a lot and hopefully i will read this one soon it has been on my tbr for far too long then i also have what is actually my least favorite classic i don't like this book at all and that's the catcher in the rye by j.d salinger i yeah this book didn't work for me at all i believe i would have enjoyed it more if i had read it when i was younger but right now i read it two years ago i believe and i really didn't like it um but moving on i also have the bell jar by sylvia plath which again i liked it and obviously i can see its value but i didn't love it as much as so many other people but it is incredibly well written and it is obviously an important read so i would still recommend this one i also own two of these vintage classics the first one being brave new world by aldux huxley i read this book a few years ago and liked it but i read it right after i finished 1984 by george orwell which i liked a lot more than this one i don't know maybe i shouldn't have read these two in a row i don't know but anyhow obviously it is still a good book it just didn't have such a huge impact on me i guess and the other one is i captured the castle by dodie smith so many people love this book i really need to read this one plus i really love the cover it is so simple but so beautiful the color purple by alice walker is a mandatory read i wasn't a huge fan of the writing style but the story the message is very important and i would advise all of you to read this book if you haven't already it is hard to read sometimes but very good then i have some of my favorite editions of modern classics they have this white and mean spines they are very pretty the first one is lolita by vladimir nabokov i am glad i read this book but i never want to think about it ever again that's my experience with it next i have the great gatsby by f scott fitzgerald i still need to read this book i know so many people love it and i think i will like it too because it is set in the 20s it is about this rich young man and then he falls in love i guess i'm not sure anyhow there's a movie with dicaprio on it so i need to watch the movie as well moving on i also have a clockwork orange by anthony burgess i tried reading this book once and couldn't really get into the writing style but maybe i was a bit too young to read it i'm not sure i will definitely give it another try this is also a movie that i love i think it is brilliant even though hard to watch um and then finally of this collection i have breakfast at tiffany's by truman capote i also watched the movie with audrey eporn she's a stunning woman or was you know what i mean she has such a great role on that movie and i love the soundtrack so once again i need to read the book obviously another dystopian classic that i own and really need to read is fahrenheit 451 by ray bradbury i'm guessing this is an amazing book and it has been a while since i last read a dystopian so maybe it is time for it then i also have this random edition of the canterville ghost and other stories by oscar wilde my dear oscar wilde he is one of my favorite authors i haven't read this specific edition but i have read a few of his short stories but anyhow i will also read this book eventually i love anything that oscar wilde writes so i definitely need to read this one too and then i have this collection by wordsworth editions and it says tales of mystery and the supernatural the first book i have of that collection is the phantom of the opera by gaston lehu what can i even say about this book about this story i read it after i read dracula so i was quite young but before that i also watched the musical and he changed my life completely it is one of my favorite things in the world i love the phantom so so much anything related to it i'm there for it i i love the book i actually need to reread it because it has been years since i last read it but i adore it and the movie is amazing the musical everything this story is so good so good then i also have in a glass darkly by sheridan lefanu um i've never read this one i really want to i know it has ghosts and vampires i don't know i'm intrigued i want to read it i might save this one for halloween this year actually then i also have the woman in white by wilkie collins this is such a classic i need to read it too honestly all of these books have been on my tbr for far too long but i would like to read one of these for halloween or both we'll see or maybe the entire collection i don't know anything can happen i didn't know the book was going to be so long because the lettering is quite small actually but once again i'm quite intrigued by this one i also have these two books which are from the same collection but they're red for some reason the first one is the castle of otranto and it also has other stories um this is also you guessed it been on my tbr for ages so it's definitely another option for halloween we'll see what happens and the final book is sweeney todd the string of pearls by james malcolm reimer i tried reading this book i was enjoying it for the first couple of chapters but then it went completely downhill i cannot exactly remember why i will eventually give it another try but it will not be very soon my favorite version of this story is by far the tim burton movie even though i also love the musical but the movie is the best thing for me because it is so dark it's so creepy it's so eerie and atmospheric and it has two of my favorite people in the world and plus it is a movie by tim burton and that's all it takes for me to love it so but if you've read this book let me know your thoughts because unfortunately i couldn't really get into it then i have my greek classics collection i would love to read at least two of them this year and it will happen eventually i promise so we have the odyssey the iliad heracles and the gods of olympus this all of these sound and look amazing i am absolutely fascinated by greek mythology it has always been one of my favorite things to learn about but like i said before anything that relates with mythology i'm there for it because it fascinates me and yeah i would like to read at least two of these books this year probably the odyssey and the iliad because i feel like i have been reading some retellings of them um so i would like to know the original text um i also bought all of these books when i went to greece and again i couldn't choose they had all of these and i was supposed to buy maybe one but i looked at all of them and thought nope i need all of them i also have two portuguese editions of two classics that i really want to show you because they were both gifts from my friends or family and i love them the first one is madame bovary by gustav flaubert um i probably will not read this edition because i would like to read it in english but it is so beautiful a friend of mine gifted it to me and i love it i mean look at it and the other one i have is amazing because it is the phantom of the opera both in portuguese and in french they have both languages so here we have the french version and then we have the portuguese i've been meaning to relearn french so this will be i feel like a great opportunity to do so um this was an extremely kind gift again from my family after i was part of the phantom of the opera musical here in portugal i was part of the choir it is an experience that i will never ever forget obviously it was incredible and yet again another reason for me to love this story so much i really want to reread this book and probably this will be the edition that i read because i find it so cool okay now i have some random editions of classics the first one is this one which i'm guessing in spanish you would say don quixote but correct me if i'm wrong by miguel de cervantes um i was so happy when i found this edition because it is a big paperback and so floppy i think this is the floppiest book i own and i love it this is exactly the type of book that i absolutely adore and i'm a true believer that all paperbacks should be like this i mean look at it it's amazing and it makes me want to read it even more even though it is huge but again such a classic really need to read it and yeah like i said i just love this edition so so much i also have this stunning edition of les miserables by victor hugo um i probably will not read this one on this edition because it is quite fragile and i'm scared i will eventually buy another edition so i can read it and annotate it but this one will just stay on my shelves looking gorgeous once again i adore the musical and ever since i watched it i felt the need to read the book it still hasn't happened but it will hopefully soon but it is so beautiful i love it very very much i also have this stunning edition of rebecca by daphne du maurier this is the 80th anniversary edition i read this book two years ago i believe um it was amazing i loved it it is so atmospheric a great mystery all of these characters are so flawed um it was such a great experience reading it because it is quite immersive so highly recommend it and yeah it is just incredibly beautiful i also had this very pretty edition of the handmade style by margaret atwood unfortunately i was a bit underwhelmed by this book maybe i had very high expectations for it and it just felt a bit flat to me but i love the idea i love the concept i just think the execution maybe wasn't the best for me but anyhow i would like to read more books by this author and obviously it is overall a good story and i would like to watch the tv show also because people seem to love it and for me i think this story would work better in a tv show rather than a book for some reason so we'll see i also have a few books of the beautiful black penguin classics editions so i will just mention them very quickly first i have the divine comedy by dante the portable edgar allen poe again one of my favorite authors waverly by sir walter scott i bought this one when i went to scotland i have very fond memories of it the importance of being earnest in other place by oscar wilde again my baby one of my favorite books of all time of course the picture of daring grey by oscar wilde this is an absolute masterpiece i adore it with my whole heart agnes gray by anne bronte i'm planning to read this one very soon the orastaya which is a collection of greek classics i'm very excited about this one as well and finally the turn of the screw by henry james this is a very recent purchase of mine and i love it then i have these two precious books that i bought in new york they are both second hand and i think there's something very special about them they smell like old books you know that the most wonderful smell the first one is vanity fair by william thackeray i really want to read this book but it is ginormous it will happen one day and then the other one is the portrait of a lady by henry james both of these cost me one dollar for both of them so i can say that was a pretty good finding at this point i'm just showing you some of my favorite editions ever even though i love all of them let's face it all of these books honestly are so gorgeous but anyhow i have little women by louisa mcelkott and this is the edition that they show in the movie it is so beautiful it has a very classic tone to it i love it so so much and it does have a few illustrations let me find them not illustrations i meant photographs of the movie like here we have the mom oh it is so lovely i love it it smells so nice again and then i also have this gorgeous edition of the picture of darling gray by oscar wilde once again i love everything about it it is so pretty and i know that this collection has a whole lot of other books which i obviously need but yeah it is so beautiful definitely one of my favorites and i love to have multiple editions of my favorite books obviously so i also have a few smaller classics these are all by the pen macmillan editions they are so precious i love them and the first one you guessed it it is the picture of dorian gray by oscar wilde looking gorgeous as always then i also have dubliners by james joyce the happy prince and other stories by oscar wilde and finally love letters of great men and this is edited by ursula doyle i cannot wait to read this because i'm a hopeless romantic so and speaking of smaller classics i also have this one which says poems be wished and hunted i read this one last year i think and loved it so so much it has a bunch of authors a few of them were new to me and some others i knew already but it is such a good poetry collection this is by every man's library pocket editions and they are so cute and then i also have one of these little black penguin classics i love them so so much because they are so tiny there is this huge box set that i really want to get one day maybe it will be a christmas gift for myself i don't know we'll see but anyhow the one i have is aphorisms on love and hate by friedrich nietzsche i read a few of his texts and they always have a huge impact on me because he has very strong ideas but i've never read a full book by him and i know this is quite a small one but it should be a nice introduction to his work even though like i said i have read a few of his texts but it has been a long time since then i read them for i think i was in high school i was studying philosophy and i was curious by his work so i just decided to read a bunch of his texts but i would like to read an actual book now on to some random editions but beautiful of course the first one i have here is actually my most recent purchase and i couldn't resist it is this gorgeous edition of tests of the derbervilles by thomas hardy i read this book this year i've loved it so so much it is incredible and when i saw this cover i needed it plus it was so cheap and we have tess on the cover obviously looking gorgeous this is such a sad story but so impactful and the way thomas hardy writes about women's role and the hypocrisy of this society is unbelievably well written and so sensitive so aware of the situation so i really love this book and when i saw this edition i needed to add it to my collection because i love it so much look at it it's so pretty and i had never seen it before then i have this beautiful edition of wuthering heights by emily bronte i read this book ages ago and i remember really liking it but i would like to reread it eventually and see how i feel about it now but anyway wow these are limited editions i believe it says seasons edition and then you get to see the number of the copy of each book so this is 6684 out of 10 000 books so that's pretty cool i don't know if they will ever reprint this but there are a few other books of this collection and you guessed it i want all of them i also have these two collections so this one is bronte sisters jane eyre and the tenant of wildfeld hall i have read jane eyre i still need to read the other one um but i also have it in another edition that i will show you shortly and this one says jane austen pride and prejudice and emma i still need to read emma but anyhow i think these are such nice additions to collect they are quite simple quite minimalistic i would say but they are so pretty okay now moving on to some of my favorite editions ever i guess about this all the time these are the penguin english library classics they are they are perfection okay i will quickly go through all of them otherwise we will be here for hours and this video is quite long already i can imagine so a christmas carol by charles dickens once again amazing please read it mrs dalloway by virginia woolf a room with a view by e.m forster this is such a lovely book i really want to watch the movie because it is supposed to be a great adaptation the war of the worlds by h.g wells this i'm a bit more hesitant to read but i will for sure it is just not my type of book usually but i will give it a try obviously the murders in the room mark and other tales by edgar allan poe once again wuthering heights by emily bronte howard's end by e.m foster tess of the derbyvilles by thomas hardy this was the edition that i read and loved here is the another edition i have of the tenant of wildfell hall by anne bronte oliver twist by charles dickens which i need to reread um maybe this year maybe this christmas i read it a long time ago and it is usually people's least favorite by him um i loved it when i read it but i don't know maybe my feelings would change now north ends out by elizabeth gaskell jane eyre by charlotte bronte which again i have read wives and daughters also by elizabeth gaskell and finally a book that i am planning to start very very soon middlemarch by george eliot now on to some of my other favorite editions these are the stunning oxford worlds classics they are so pretty and once again let's just list all of them very quickly the major works by percy shelley including poetry prose and drama the mysteries of udolpho by anne radcliffe the flowers of evil by charles baudelaire gulliver's travels by jonathan swift the monk by matthew lewis the complete short stories by oscar wilde of course selected poems by rilka i really want to get to this one soon anthony and cleopatra this one also sounds fascinating all of them do obviously but and finally of this collection i have zofloya or the more by charlotte's dakra dakra i'm not sure i'm sorry but anyhow i am so intrigued by all of these obviously and they're just stunning i love them so much we are almost there i promise so the next one i want to show you is romeo and juliet by william shakespeare this one i also plan to read very soon it will be my first ever shakespeare play i am very excited i am obviously familiar with the story but i'm guessing reading the text will be fascinating this edition by the way is a special one from this subscription box that i adore called bookishly i will leave it in the description they have some unique editions they are absolutely beautiful i love them then i have this very cute edition because it looks like a notebook i love it um and it is on the origin of species by charles darwin um when will i read this book i have no idea but again it must be such a fascinating interesting read and this edition i mean it is probably one of the cutest books i own i have two books from the penguin drop caps collection the first one is again madame bovary by gustav flaubert this will be the edition that i will read um i've heard a lot of mixed reviews about this book but the premise intrigues me a lot and then the other one that also has a lot of mixed reviews is a portrait of the artist as a young man by james joyce i really like the design of these editions and they look amazing together a couple more random but stunning editions that i own are this one which is the collected works of oscar wilde i love the man what can i do but it includes the complete place poems and stories um the picture of lauren grey it is such an amazing collection and i will cherish it forever obviously and then i also have this lovely copy of little women and it has the complete little women which means i can never remember the order wait a second okay little women good wives little man and joe's boys i've read little women obviously um but i need to read the rest of the series and this will be the perfect opportunity i love it so much i did have a few more children's classics to show you after all of course this is the puffin in bloom collection i adore this because these books are so small and adorable so again i have another copy of little women and this collection also has anne of green gables by lm montgomery i read this one never continue on with the series i don't know if i will because i did enjoy this book but not enough to be intrigued as to what happens next i think it ended perfectly but maybe one day then of course we have heidi again by joanna's fiery one of my favorite books and then one of my favorite classics we have a little princess by francis hutchinson burnett this i think it is such an underrated book for some reason i know a lot of people know about it but i don't see many people actually reading it and that's a shame because it is precious it is a gem i adore it second to last i want to show you this glorious edition of pride and prejudice by jane austen one of my favorite books this is one of the most beautiful things i own it is absolutely stunning with all these illustrations i mean everything about this book is perfect um i screamed when i got it this was actually a gift um a lot of these books were actually i am a very lucky person but yeah it has so many incredible illustrations i might read this edition whenever i decide to reread this book which i might do sooner than later this is amazing i love it so much and speaking of jane austen let's finish this video with some of her books because they are incredible obviously i have read three of them i will read the other ones very soon um but yeah these editions are precious but yeah so we have emma mansell park and persuasion are the three that i still need to read but i will very soon and then the ones that i read are obviously northanger abbey sense and sensibility and finally pride and prejudice these are all so pretty i adore jane austen she's also one of my favorite authors so reading one of her books always makes me feel so happy inside it's amazing but with all of that said we reached the end of this video we did it um it was a lot i'm sorry if this video is way too long but i just like talking about classics they are so beautiful i love reading them and i believe there's something so special about reading something that was written years and years and years ago because you get to see what those people felt at the time and sometimes you can relate to that so much it's fascinating i love it i really hope all of you also enjoyed this video please let me know in the comments if you have any favorite editions or any favorite classic i would love to know that so please let me know in the comments and other than that i really hope you're all having a wonderful day and i will see you very soon on my next video bye [Music] you
Channel: Mary Among Stories
Views: 12,735
Rating: 4.9433627 out of 5
Id: H9RewDGZq4I
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Length: 57min 25sec (3445 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 06 2020
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