my Classic Literature Collection💐

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hey guys welcome back to my channel it's emma um i thought today i would film my classics collection or basically going over all of the classics that i own because i recently uh rearranged the library situation as you can see so i thought well i literally had all the classics i owned on the floor below you i thought it would be a good time to go over all of them show you guys what classics i have i love watching people's classics collection 90 of all the books i own are thrifted that's basically how i acquire all of my books i love going thrift shopping for books however that means that my collection of classics is a very mish-mashed strange variety of random editions weird copies and really uh some of them are pretty cursed let's be honest but i thought it'd be fun to go through all of them i'm just gonna start with the biggest number of books i have in one edition so yeah i think i'm probably gonna run down all the collections that i have at least more than two copies of a book in if that makes sense and then at the end i'll go through the very strange mumbo-jumbo random pile of editions that i have only one of so i think i'm just going to start with the penguins so let us begin all right so the oldest penguins i have are these guys i'm not sure what edition this is just the penguin black classics but i think these ones are literally from the 60s oh my gosh yes the late 50s early 60s are what these editions um came from i guess the first one i have is tacitus's the annals of imperial rome i had to get this for school actually and once again i found all these at a thrift store which is great the good old days when books cost 2.95 i also have ovid's metamorphoses in this edition i have aristophanes and the clouds which are three plays so these are like classical studies related because the next one i have is ischalis and his plays prometheus bound the supplements seven against thebes and the persians this addition cost a dollar 25 when it was first printed and now the translation of each glyphs i have today that i got in like 2019 cost 30 bucks so inflation ladies and gentlemen next in my penguin editions i have a few that are a bit later than those 50s and 60s guys i think these are the penguin black editions from like the 70s maybe let me grab them okay okay okay okay okay these are from the 70s you can tell because the price is going up okay the first one i have here is jane eyre by charlotte bronte first of all i just want to say all these have a strangest smell to them and also like i hate how small the text is i think i'm probably just gonna say my feelings straight up on the specific editions but i am not a fan of these ones they're like almost mass market paperbacky anyway this is the first one i have i guess i'll also say too if i've read them or not so the next one i have here is the quest of the holy grail the classic arthurian legends i have not yet read this i actually really enjoy the buttery uh what would you call this beige pale this next one i have read and that is a full tear by candide it's just a little little edition of voltaire's classic satire i read this back in january and i really enjoyed it very strange commentary which i really loved so that is voltaire next up we have a very battered copy of collected phones by arthur rambo which i have not yet read this is the lovely edition which comes with the french on one side english on the other um i do mean to read this pretty soon i just haven't gotten around to it yet so that is collected poems moving into some more classical studies works because i've just decided to group them all together we have sophocles the three thievin plays and taguini etipis the king and oedipus at colonists i have read all of these absolutely love them it was great i actually do really love the cover designs on these old ones i think they're really really just nice simple the last two buttery popcorn colored background books i have we have lives of the later caesars we're not sure who wrote this no one knows if you want to do your phd on it go for it i have read this i had to read this for my classical studies class one of them really really enjoyed this i love the artwork that these covers choose i think they're stunning um so that is livestocking scissors and finally the last one i have here in the buttery color is fall of the roman republic which i have read and which i really really loved as well so the three black editions i have in these ones i have europeans the back eye and other plays i have not yet read this but this is like super at the top of my greek place that i want to read i've wanted to get into this for such a long time so that is the first one i have next up i have apollonius of rhodes and his the voyage of argo and the last little penguin classic i have in these old editions is beywolf the translation by michael alexander i have read this i had to read this for my british literature class really strangely this has someone's phone number on the front cover monica if you're out there what are you doing leaving your phone number in books i don't know i really love this i really like how this looks as well so that is beautiful okay and finally moving on to the modern penguin black classics that we all know and love i have probably the most of these guys i believe in no particular order i have the egyptian book of the dead um which i have not read quite chunky but i've looked through a lot so interesting uh it comes with obviously a lot of chapters and sections and parts so that is the first one i have this next one i have i have read and that is plato's symposium i read this back in i think february really ended up loving a lot of it um there's so many cool ideas in here so that is plato symposium next up we have salas catalans war the jiggerthine war and salus's histories i haven't touched upon this at all but he's here i have walt whitman's leaves of grass his poetry which i have read i think i read this in high school absolutely loved it phenomenal i'm definitely due for a reread and i just i want to annotate the whole thing i think i dog-eared a few of the pages but i would love to just get into this so much more now because high school was eons ago thank god that is leaves it smells like a vacuum cleaner uh it is the idiot by dostoyevsky i don't know why this coffee smells like the inside of a vacuum cleaner mildly concerning but that's okay i haven't read this coffee i found it at thrift store once again i've heard so much about the idiot and having only read crime and punishment by dostoevsky i would love to get into the rest of his work so that is also on the top of my russian classics tbr i suppose i have the absolutely massive copy of edmund spencer's the fairy queen she is thick uh not elizabeth the the book itself maybe elizabeth will think i don't like it um i bought this because we were reading a few books of this for my renaissance literature course the few sections of it i read i believe we read books one two three four five six or something like that i loved i didn't really think i was gonna get along with it i've never really shown much interest in renaissance literature but once you kind of get introduced to it and take a class about it it becomes so much more interesting and that's what happened with the fairy queen i would love to someday read this whole expansive volume um so that is the very queen i also just think this is stunning she's fine next i have mary wilson crafts a vindication of the rights of women mary shelley's mama um i have read bits and pieces of this for again a class i took but i haven't read the whole thing so i would love to do that at some point i have the haunting of hill house by shirley jackson uh you guys know i recently read we have always lived in the castle which became like probably a new favorite honestly so i'm very excited to get into the haunting and finally the last two i have here are the lady of the camellias by alexandre dumas i haven't read this either but i have heard so many people have recommended this book to me so many people have said i would absolutely adore this text so that is that one and the last book i have in the penguin black classics is ethan from by edith wharton i have read this book this is a tremendously sad little depressing story that i don't know if i ever want to read again but to be honest because it it's not a fun time at all but that is ethan from all right my next biggest collection i guess is the arcturus editions i've never seen anyone else with these editions i don't know if it's strictly a canadian thing or if i've just never seen anyone else have them it's the one with the little constellation of the bear on them uh these ones i will say i adore these covers they are so unique and different from each other so inventive i love the cover designs however i'm not a fan of the text inside specifically the spacing and the font we're getting really into specifics here but um if i don't like a font that a book is written with let me just run them down really quickly the first one i have is the iliad by homer this is what i mean these designs are just absolutely stunning i love them so much each comes with like such like a design that is fitted to the story and the content of the genre and i love these editions on the outside so next i have the woman in whites by wilkie collins which i have not yet read the classic ghost story once again these covers i have two here that i have read that is the professor by charlotte bronte um yeah um i read this i think last summer um i mildly enjoyed it i'm definitely more interested in obviously the other works of charlotte so that is the professor and then i have the prince by machiavelli so i have read this as well i just mentioned this and that is we have always lived in the castle by shirley jackson i adored this and this is such a stunning cover as well i have day profundus or from the depths by oscar wilde which is beautiful and i have not yet read i really really want to this is at the top of my oscar wilde uh works that i want to read so that is that one i have the picture of dorian gray by oscar wilde this is also such a stunning addition um obviously i read this it's one of my favorite books ever so yeah i have beyond good and evil i have the lovecraft compendium by h.p lovecraft i have madame bovary by gustavo which i read a while ago i really i found this book tremendously tediously boring um i don't know if i would feel the same if i read it now and i know that's a little bit of the point with this book but that is madame bovary uh and then finally i have three of arcturus's i don't know what to call these i think these might be the older editions of classics i have frankenstein by mary shelley red loved insane i have dr jekyll and mr hyde by robert louis stevenson and finally i have the great gatsby by f scott fitzgerald i also have one hardback in the archer's editions and that is short stories by h.b lovecraft this one is so beautiful so stunning oh my gosh i have only read a few short stories from here so i'm kind of waiting until halloween to get into the rest of them all right the last collection of penguin editions that i have are the penguin english library so i'll just fire through those really rapidly i have two of the very old penguin english library editions they're falling apart they're yellowing and they smell like something in your grandma's closet okay the first one is charles darwin's the origin of species and the other one i have here the last one is scents and sensibility by jane austen um i've read i've heard sense and sensibility i've read most of the origin of species i don't love reading it from these editions because once again the text will make you need to have glasses for the rest of your life so those are those two guys however i also own uh some of the newer nicer editions in the penguin english library i have dracula by bram stoker oh okay i have a room with a view by ian forster wuthering heights by emily bronte and finally the last penguin english library i have for now is a tale of two cities by charles dickens which i haven't read all right so now moving into some other additions some other random strange editions of which i have only like two three four or five copies of i'm gonna start with the dover thrift editions uh all of these are thrifted so look at that the first one i have in these editions i don't love these editions let's just put that up there is the orissa trilogy by each glass i've read this love it the aurastaya uh is probably my favorite greek play it might be my favorite play of all time this comprises agamemnon the libation bears and the fury so that is each class i have a very strange dover thrift edition this one is uh the island of dr morrow by h.g wells someone was just like what part of your cover do you want to be green and the the designer was like yes this is actually a green edition though so it's concerned and focused on being an environmentally friendly uh made book which is unbelievably cool i love that so much however it looks hideous but that's okay i loved the island of dr morrow it is my favorite hg wells novel that i've read i highly recommend so spooky so strange mad scientist uh insane i've actually read all of my dover thrift editions the next one i have is lady windermere's fan by oscar wilde which is a very short little play and finally the last one i have is northanger abbey by jane austen which uh i have read as well and this is a green edition all right moving on to the barnes and noble classics editions which i guess i must have had shipped to me from thriftbooks because we don't have barnes noble here the first one i own is the collective poems of emily dickinson in the barnes and noble editions i dislike these vehemently i think they're so ugly i don't know all the ones i have just it ain't it but that is emily dickinson next up i have pride and prejudice by jane austen did i say prejudice correctly i think i said prejudice anyway uh yeah i just don't love these they're not nice to read um i'm thinking of getting some of these classics i own in maybe the penguin english library editions or something because i have our pride and prejudice i absolutely loved it obviously but um yeah the last barnes and noble classic i have is a hardback edition of uh paradise lost by john melton which five stars one of my favorite books poems whatever um yeah love it this guy has his edges deckled yeah that's the last one i have two crumbling additions in the premiere classics copies of classics the first one is great expectations by charles dickens which is just just coming apart honestly this is a disaster i have read this absolutely loved it um this was my introduction to dickens and it was marvelous so that is that guy the other copy i have in the premier classics is wuthering heights by emily bronte um i have two copies of weathering heights this one isn't my favorite like the spacing on the page is just kind of strange i don't know these are very specific complaints but here we are moving on to some additions i really love it is the oxford world classics editions i have two of their very very very very old ones i have two other very very old copies of anne radcliffe i have the italian this smells like the inside of like a gumball vending machine or something it's like a very sweet oaky afterbirth you know anyway so that is the italian next up i have the mysteries of adobo also by anne radcliffe these are almost like unreadable the print is so tiny and i did actually struggle my whole way through this gothic novel last summer i adored it but the physical task of reading specifically from this edition was enormous uh an enormous undertaking so that is the mysteries i have three of the oxford world classics in their uh a bit later edition so i have the flowers of evil by charles porter i love this loved it loved it loved it covered design fabulous i also have the four comedies of plottis which i haven't yet read and then finally i have suetonius's lives of the caesars which is just a fabulous work of um maybe a little bit magnified documentary of the roman emperors and i loved it so much scandal so much weird wacky stuff going on see tony's is such an entertaining writer to say the least even though he may not be 100 factual but lives of the caesars was a really really fun time finally i have the really really nice revamped uh oxford world classic editions and their modern formats and i have the monk by matthew lewis i have europady's other plays medea and some other ones including hippolytus electra and helen finally i have tolstoy's big boy war and peace which i haven't yet read which i just i want to read this immediately but i think it's going to take me quite a long time but that is warm piece this is absolutely beautiful beautiful also in the modern iterations i have three classical studies works i have the rise of rome books one to five by libby i have six tragedies by seneca and i have the republic and letters by cicero uh okay i think next up i'm gonna talk about the signet classic editions i really don't like these they're so tiny it's hard to read i know i just have small eyeballs the first one i have is crime and punishments by dostoyevsky i have read this this was hard to read uh makes you feel so bad but i really enjoyed it i would love to reread it honestly next up i have the very sweet wind in the willows by kenneth graham this was such a fond strange nightmarish book honestly from my childhood and i finally got to read it because previously i think i only had a picture copy book of it in the very strange vcr movie with toad who gave me nightmares when i was little but that is the wind and the willows i have the fall of the house of usher and other tales by edgar allan poe i have read this absolutely love edgar allan poe he's my main ho and then i have great dialogues of plato this comes equipped with the republic the apology crito uh and other stuff obviously the symposium is in here too so i have read a bit of this but not the whole thing in its entirety and that's the last technic classic that i have i have three of shakespeare's plays in the folger shakespeare library editions i have the merchant of venice i have macbeth and i also have a midsummer night's dream which i am currently reading i have three copies in the what is this this is the i think this is the vintage vintage classics whatever that means i have the aeneid by virgil this is the robert fitzgerald translation i have fire from the madding crowd by thomas hardy and finally i have a brave new world by aldous huxley i have three classics in the i think this is the faber and faber editions i have william golding's pincher martin which i've read this is a super crazy book um i also should probably mention that i didn't descend into modern classics in this classics collection i might do one of those videos later but i think the last work i have is probably the bell jar for chronology i think that's the last book i think i just cut it off in the 1950s i don't love the like i don't know splitting off and coordinating off and like separation and what really constitutes a classic i could go on this whole rant but uh that's benjamin uh and then finally in the favor and favor i have two ts elia i have the cocktail party a play that i've never seen anyone else mention in my whole entire life and i have his collected poems from 1909 to 1962. i've read pretty much almost all of this copy i believe i have a few poems i haven't got to yet but i mean too very shortly and then i have a few editions in the wordsworth classics i have one of their really old ones it is dracula by brian stoker i did obviously buy the new penguin english library edition of dracula because i read this and it's falling apart it smells like it's falling apart guys i just have really weirdly smelling books i'm just gonna be honest um that's dracula i have a few of their newer ones i've read almost all of these i have anna karenina in uh the wordsworth classics by tolstoy this was such i really i do really like these strange editions i really do um so there's anaconda like they're very the paper is very soft i don't think i have the scarlet letter by nathaniel hawthorne i had to read this for uni as well i really did tested this novel i did not get along with it at all i found it i'm not gonna you know whatever this isn't a book review i just have it didn't like it at all uh and then i have emma by jane austen i really do like these copies i think they're really really nice looking so soft i don't know why i keep saying that um very floppy and yeah i don't know if wordsworth classics has published any like new collections i'm sure they have i just really don't go hunting for them because they just enter a thrift shop and then kind of whatever's theirs whatever's there you know all right the last edition i have is a poetry library of the wordsworth library and that is the works of john keats which is very battered but still held together with love and i have three copies from i think this is scribner it's a scrib scrivener it's the scribner library uh first up i have inner time by ernest hemingway haven't read it i have the sun also rises by ernest hemingway i haven't read it and i have a tender is the night by f scott fitzgerald which i also haven't read um apparently this one made it all the way to me from the palmetto bay miami dade public library from miami florida so thank you i have two additions in kind of classic classics at least i love the modern library classic editions i think they're show there's very like professional robust editions i have a lot of um for example david mitchell's cloud atlas and a whole bunch of other ones are from the modern library i love these editions i love them so much so first up i have king lear in this edition i really really love i love these editions they tell you so much there's so much space it's a nice font um no complaints the other one i have in the modern library is a narrative of the life of frederick douglass an american slave an incident in the life of a slave girl by harriet jacobs this is the version with two of them together and once again these are just such really really nice additions um love them i also have two editions in the harper perennial modern classics editions yes i have the bell jar by sylvia plath i read this back in high school which might have been a mistake but i would love to get back into this i'm so due for a reread so that is the bell jar and the other addition i have in here is homer's odyssey um not really sure if i love this cover but there it is this is the translation by richmond lattimore i have two of the strangest editions of thucydides and polybius this is the what the hell is this washington square press book these two copies here they are i found these at this big book abandoned empty warehouse up north uh in the canadian moose country when i went to a cottage this smell on both these books i wish we had like sensory nose capabilities on youtube but um basically they're so yellowed i don't know if you can see that um they've got chunks taken out of them by who the hell knows what they smell like a combination of maple syrup very strong pine trees maybe a little bit of mousse droppings i'm detecting and it's it's incredible it's really incredible i don't know if i'm ever gonna read this like they're just falling apart absolutely falling apart um but i saw them there and they look like they haven't been touched for longer than i've been alive so i picked both of them up very very interesting i just i very fond memories i haven't read either of them yet but i do mean too so that is thucydides obviously the the peloponnesian wars and the histories by polybius these next three might be like the favorite editions my favorite editions these are the vintage i think this is the vintage international yeah vintage international wherever you are thank you i love these murakami's books are printed by vintage international i believe a lot of his editions and i think they're beautiful they have like the most beautiful covers yeah i have if not winter fragments of sappho translated by anne carson in this edition i am obsessed i think this is so it's just stunning i love this cover i love it so much they all come with like this very um rough coarse texture i don't know what i'm doing this is saffo uh another beautiful one is lolita this is the 50th anniversary edition by nabalkov and once again nice i have read this um and i do mean to do a reread of it soon so that is lolita and finally the last one i have here is the japanese classic snow country by yasunari i once again they're just they're so they're so nice i think they're so beautiful um and i love them okay penguin has literally so many different editions that i forgot about what are these called the 20th century classics or as i like to call them the uh mint mint minty green not not really but i don't know what i don't like this color in this one i have early poems by edna statements in malay i have the crucible by arthur miller i have lady chatterley's lover by d.h lawrence and i have on the road by jack kerouac i also have two lonely penguin editions that didn't really go with anything the first one is of course the phantom of the opera by gaston i you guys know you all know we know this is stunning i love this i would just like to own every edition of the phantom of the opera ever um one of my favorite books this next one is so strange i found this at the sketchiest thrift shop downtown um it's a copy of the beautiful and damned by f scott fitzgerald and it would be a really really nice beautiful shiny penguins classic cover uh but there's like a literal blood stain on it like it it it's not that's not cover design i found it that way at the thrift store i'm sure this book has a riveting history but anyway okay we're finally done with all of the books that i have more than one of in their um respective editions so now i'm just gonna move into this very strange mish-mashy pile of classics that i own first up i have ovid's metamorphoses this is the indiana university press edition i recently got this because this is a new translation by rolf humphreys um and i've been meaning to read this for a very long time i also have latimor's translation of homer's iliad i've read a lot of this this is a really really good translation in my humble opinion we had to read this for school and i loved it i have peter pan by jamberry in the phantom classic edition i always talk about this cover is so funny she is like polishing a mushroom next up i have le petit prince by antoine de saint is we read this in high school i believe in my high school french class just adore this book a lot of people talk about the fatigue fans and how just how much it means to them it's such a sweet magical nostalgic story so that is that one i have the euro not taken by robert frost in the saint martins griffin edition i have this dusted battered copy of selected poems of ezra pounds i have mrs dolloway by virginia woolf i have stephen wolfe by her manhassa i have this little copy of yates's poetry uh selected poetry published by macmillan i have samuel beckett's endgame and act without words this copy smells like cigarette smoke i love this though like look at this oh my gosh i found this at a church garage sale i believe and there's so many notes in it i would love to know who owned this if you are out there and you took very careful nicely insightful notes on dylan thomas's miscellany 2 a visit to grandpa's and other stories and poems um if you're out there tell me because i mean you're probably not alive anymore maybe you are um but this whole thing is just riddled with notes and strange little comments in the margins and i love it so much this one just says everybody is a symbol of themselves crazy i have kafka's diaries from 1910 to 1913 have this really really ugly i hate this edition this is probably the least favorite edition of mine i have the turn of the screw by henry james in the prestwick house literary touchstone classics that was a mouthful and there's also one of my mother's grocery lists in here we're discovering a lot today she wanted a frozen edamame curry bowl with rice she wanted cauliflower and she wanted some spinach and she wanted some bow tie pasta moving on to the last little bunch i have selected letters of oscar wilde and this really really really nice edition of moby dick by herman melville which i have not yet read but it's very big beautiful hardback sorry i should just stop inhaling um books because they're not meant to be smelled they're meant to be red there's so much dust in there i have this really really beautiful illustrated um double double translation edition of dante's inferno this is the one translated by robert pinsky i have the collected no the complete poems of emily bronte uh and obviously someone didn't check their work because we're missing an accent on the e people i have this really really cool this is the knickerbocker classics that's a fun word by washington irving of the legend of sleepy hollow and other stories it comes with this like really cute i don't know notebook mimiky uh format i have the castle of etranto by horse walpole this is the only edition in the everyman library pocket poets edition i have uh it's a book of shelley's poetry i have prometheus unbound by percy bisholi this is also one of my favorite plays ever five stars all right and finally the very last book that i've decided to include in this very big classics collection they're like all on the floor uh it's this really really beautiful copy of the histories of herodotus it is falling apart um but i would like to repair it it's really really nice it's really really nice so like the top they've got like the gold shiny pages which i love um and it's so ancient so it's stunning i love it this was published in 1956 and here she is that is the last book in my little i guess not really little because classics kind of make up the main component of my um library but those are all the classics i own not including modern classics or anything past basically the 1950s i hope you guys enjoyed i now have the big task of putting them all back on the shelf yeah i hope you guys enjoyed this video and i hope you're all doing well um and i will see you in my next video thank you so much for watching ciao
Channel: * e m m i e *
Views: 183,528
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: classic literature collection, classics collection, my classic book collection, classic books, classic bookshelf tour, all the classic i own, classic literature, thrifted classic literature
Id: hz6GfZsqy7U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 30sec (1950 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 23 2020
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