My Classics Collection 2020 | #classicscommunity

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hi guys welcome back to the channel my name is emily and today i'm going to show you my classics collection so i'm about to move and i've been putting off packing my books because look at my bookshelf it is so beautiful my plants just came back to me and i'm living but within the next week they're gonna be packed so i thought it was the perfect time before i pack everything up to just go through all of my classics and show you guys what i have i'm gonna be doing it by edition but a lot of my classics aren't in a particular edition they're just random because i by most of them used i'm not going to talk specifically about a book unless i've read it and i loved it yeah this is going to be a long video so i'm going to go ahead and get started i'm going to start with my penguin classics because i have the most whether it's penguin the classic black spine which they're all down here or the penguin modern or the penguin 20th century so we got a lot let's go okay so i'm not gonna go into depth on these first four because in the last video that i filmed i filmed it a couple days ago it'll go up before this one i talked about them in depth because they're all new first one is the book of margaery kemp by marjorie kemp de nevar's heptamaron niles saga and the lays of marie de france all of those are medieval books i talked about them in my last video so if you want more detail about what kind of what they are why i have them um check out the other video i'll link it down below these are the rest of my penguin black spines so i have against nature by joris carl heisman i have the victim by saw bello picnic at hanging park by joan lindsey kane by john trommer passing by nella larson which you guys will see again soon talked about in my last video but this is at the top of my tbr right now edith wharton's custom of the country don quixote gonna read this at some point this year wuthering heights by emily bronte i read this book about two years ago or a year and a half ago and i loved it it's definitely one that i want to reread pretty soon it did not go where i thought it was going to go which i really liked and i just love the atmosphere of it but i'll probably wait until fall or winter the tenant of wildfield hall by anne bronte this is one of my favorite books of all time definitely one of my favorite classics of all time i adore this book i adore anne bronte she does not get enough love for everything that she did this book is a masterpiece in my opinion it's groundbreaking i think it's just spectacular i think everybody should read it and this in particular is an amazing copy if you put it to the flop test oh do you see that flop that's a good book lady susan the watsons and sanderton by jane austen this is a collection lady susan is an epistolary novel she wrote when she was young and the watsons and sanderton are two of her unfinished novels i absolutely love this edition i think it's beautiful i had another one but i gave that one away in favor of this one because it's beautiful lady susan is honestly hilarious i highly recommend if you haven't read that much jane austen or you've read all of jane austen i think lady susan's for everybody and there's a fantastic adaptation that's hilarious with kate beck and sale called love and friendship so definitely check that out and it's nice and short too it's about 100 pages so if you're new to jane austen it may be a good introduction and my last penguin black spine is henry james's the portrait of a lady i've been meaning to read this book jalen has a copy so maybe we'll buddy read it because it's a big classic and i'm intimidated to read it by myself the last of the penguin classics i have are some of these older editions of penguin classics so i have emily zola's leasimer which i have gotten to the middle of like twice really liked it there was never a reason that i stopped reading that because i didn't enjoy the book i just stopped i really want to pick this up and actually finish it i have madame bovary by gustav flaubert silas marner by george eliot i have middlemarch and i'll show you i have a very beautiful copy i have not been able to get through middle march this is bunch shorter so i'm thinking next time i have a feeling that i want to try george eliot i'm going to pick up this instead i have oblong by ivan ganciarov so this is a russian classic and i also have the histories by herodotus okay and now i'm going to move on to my oxford classics i don't have as many of these we're kind of getting to the point where it's going to be a lot of standalone classics but i'm going to show you just my collection so i have ovid's metamorphoses jane austen's teenage writings which this was a gift from jalen and it includes a lot of jane austen's juvenile and one that i love which is her history of england which as a historian reading her history by a very prejudiced and partial historian is absolutely hilarious i have the reef by edith wharton jane austen's emma which is my second favorite jane austen book i adore this book so much if you are unsure about jane austen try this one out i think it's the funniest of all of her books i think it's better plotted than pride and prejudice even though that's my favorite i just i adore this book so much i read it about once a year i have jane eyre by charlotte bronte which i haven't read yet i tried i'm gonna get there i liked it i read all of volume one i liked it i just i just haven't finished it yet i have jane austen's selected letters and north and south by elizabeth gaskell and the last of my big collections is my barnes noble classics i actually love the barnes and noble classics i hated them for a while i don't particularly pay attention to their introductions because they're not my favorite but i think they're beautiful and they make this beautiful rainbow so i'm going to show you which ones i have from here i have ethan from and selected stories by edith wharton as you can see there's a lot of edith wharton on here i love her i have far from the madding crowd by thomas hardy i haven't read this yet but i've read tests of the derbyvilles and i loved it so i'm excited to pick this up i have howard's end by e.m forster night and day by virginia woolf house of mirth by edith wharton this is also definitely top 10 classics maybe top 10 favorite books of all time you can see how much i annotated this book i loved every second that i was reading this book and it just made me fall in love with edith wharton it's about a character named lily bart who i love her so much she has fallen onto a hard time she's trying to get back to the top of the old new york aristocracy in the late 19th century and just is too good to do the things required to get to the top and it ends up being a tragedy which is sad but oh i loved this book so much i also have the age of innocence by edith wharton which i'm going to read very soon moving on i also have agnes gray by anne bronte and the mammoth that is wives and daughters by elizabeth gaskell and my last two of the barnes and noble's classic editions are crime and punishment by fyodor dostoyevsky so i haven't read any dostoyevsky yet you'll see i have a few on my shelves that i really want to get to this is one it's just so big and little women by louise and my elk which i read for the first time december of 2019 and absolutely loved i know this is going to be a feel-good story that i go back to over and over again okay actually this is my last collection but there are only four so i wouldn't call it like a major collection these are my modern library classic editions and in these editions i have northanger abbey by jane austen pride and prejudice by jane austen which if you can't tell it's my favorite book of all time i love it so much i will encourage every single person to read this book it is funny it is heartwarming it is just absolutely perfect in my opinion i love it and i think this edition is absolutely beautiful too i also have vanity fair by william thackery and the turn of the screw and in the cage by henry james so those were all my major collections and i'm now going to go through just one by one shelf by shelf the other classics that i have they're mostly in random edition so i'm sorry about that i'm less about aesthetics and more about price so the first one i have is this beautiful copy that i got as a gift of the greatest adventures of sherlock holmes by arthur conan doyle i love sherlock holmes i've read all of these stories and i just i love them so much i have this kind of weird old edition of anna karenina by leo tolstoy that i got from a thrift store about 10 years ago i like it because it's illustrated has some nice pictures let me see if i can find one see it has some nice illustrations and anna karenina is actually something that i do really want to read soon or at least fairly soon um because it is a bigger classic but i've only heard good things about it um one of the channels i follow carol and marie reads which i love her reading vlogs she is hyped on this book so much that i'm looking at it on my show i'm like maybe i need to give it a try soon i have mrs dalloway by virginia woolf another copy of northanger abbey and a copy of dracula in the norton critical editions i got these for a class i was taking called terror and fiction i had to get like the fancy academic and i don't really use this copy of northanger abbey to read i use my other copy just because i had to annotate it so much for class that i kind of find it distracting now especially when i'm just trying to enjoy the story so they're both just absolutely beautiful editions i have the touchstone by edith wharton which i talked about a lot in my last video because i'm currently reading it it's one of her novellas i have this beautiful edition of the brothers karamazov michael steyevsky and this is the everyman libraries edition it is so beautiful and it has even this bookmark i've started reading the first chapter of this before and i really liked it but for some reason i just like wasn't in the right headspace i'm a mood reader so even if something's good i could just not be in the mood for it but i do want to pick this up soon i have this beautiful old copy of pride and prejudice that's actually the one that jalen used when we just did our buddy read of pride and prejudice so it has all of these tabs in it so i can see her favorite parts too i have frankenstein by mary shelley things fall apart by quinoa achebe which i read in high school after the heart of darkness when i prefer this one much more and the door by magda sasbo going down to my next shelf i have the awakening by kade chopin which i read in high school as well and i do want to reread because i feel like i didn't appreciate it this beautiful copy of to kill a mockingbird by harper lee and this even more beautiful copy of middle march by george eliot oh my gosh i i have tried to read this book multiple times i've gotten halfway through one time and i just couldn't finish it so what i've done is i've tabbed i don't know if you can see 30 tabs to finish it in a month each color is a different week and one day i'm just going to pick this up and do like the 30 pages a day that are necessary to read this book in a month and i'm just going to do it because i really want to read it i have fahrenheit 451 by ray bradbury which i think was my favorite book that i ever read for school which is why i've stayed on my bookshelf since like seventh grade but i want to reread this i don't think i've read it since then but i've just kept it around because i loved it so much and i also have this beautiful edition of the woman in white by wilkie collins again i got like halfway through this before i stopped but i really liked it being a mood reader is so annoying so i'm definitely going to go back and read this the next classics i have i have the bell jar by sylvia plath this beautiful copy that my sister gave me of great expectations by charles dickens i have not read any dickens but i have it on my shelf if i ever have the feeling that i need to and i have my cousin rachel by daphne du maurier i also have two vintage classics editions i have lolita which is this beautiful copy i actually got for free at a little free library i was bringing some books in and i saw this and i snatched it and invisible man by ralph ellison this is a new acquisition so definitely check out my other video for more info on it i also have one agatha christie book and that is the murder of roger akroyd which was fantastic i read this in one sitting if you're looking for just like a quick interesting unique and original mystery i highly recommend this book okay and we're moving down the shelf so the next one i have is another daphne du maurier book and it is rebecca which i love this book this is one of those classics besides jane austen it really got me into reading classics and i can't thank daphne du maurier enough for writing this i have 20 000 leagues under the sea by jules verne and persuasion by jane austen this is a horrible addition i think it's pretty ugly but i got it for like five pounds when i was in bath and i was in bath which is where a lot of persuasion is set so i was like i'm just gonna do it and i wanted it and i read it while i was in bath which was a fun experience even though jane austen hated bath but it's okay we'll pretend but yeah i think it's pretty ugly i have dr zhivago by boris pasternak it's the last classic on the shelf and to be completely honest i read this book last summer and i remember nothing about it i don't know if i read it too fast because it is pretty long i think it is about 600 pages yeah it's it's like 550 pages total so maybe i just read it too fast i read it over the states of like two days so i would definitely go back and reread this one because i know a lot of people really really love this book and then i have two penguin 20th century classics i realized i forgot to put these with the other penguin books my bad and they're both brand new well not brand new they're not the new books but i just got them and they are summer by edith wharton and the sea the sea by iris murdoch which this is a beautiful copy i say this every single time like i showed this in my last video my book haul beautiful i have stoner by john williams love and friendship which is one of jane austen's juvenile works i have it just independently here and this super cute copy yet again another jane austen book this beautiful copy of sends and sensibility that i got from a friend it is what is it i don't know what these editions are called oh it's just vintage classic but it's so beautiful you know i prefer paperback i actually really love this hardcover version and i also have jane austen's mansfield park in the same vintage classics edition this one is actually paperback i spilled all over the front but i still love it we're getting down to the end guys sticking with me i have anne of green gables by ellen montgomery which i love this book and i haven't seen the tv show yet but i did see the original adaptation the movie version my grandpa gave me this copy absolutely loved anne of green gables my sister and i watched it multiple times whenever we went over to our grandparents house so it has just a special place in my heart i have this very old but fun copy of the odyssey by homer my third copy of pride and prejudice by jane austen this one is falling apart it's the first one i got i don't really read from it but i like to have it still have george orwell's animal farm which i talked about in my book haul video i have read this book i loved it and i just got a copy for myself then i have this massive version of victor hugo's les miserables it's massive the print is tiny but i did a reading speed thing and it told me that i could read this book in like 23 hours so i was thinking maybe i'll do a readathon like a 24-hour readathon where i just try to read les mis in 24 hours because it's such a big book that i don't know when i'll get to it if it's not just like all in one go we made it to the end guys my last two classes are both my oldest copies of books that i have they're very delicate and so i will show you what they are they're both by benjamin disraeli i got them both as gifts first one is this beautiful copy of henrietta temple by benjamin disraeli like i said it's very old this particular one was published or printed i should say in the 1860s i believe and this is the new edition it was originally published in the 1830s 1837 and i have not read it yet because i'm scared to read it but i will read it eventually very carefully i think the cover is beautiful you have this kind of gold portrait of benjamin disraeli himself which is very cool but yeah i'm really grateful that i got this as a gift though and this is my other one this one's even more fragile and i believe older this is oh it's about the same time this is 1868 this one actually has the exact date on it and it is vivian gray by benjamin disraeli so i actually tried to read this one but turns out this copy though beautiful and extremely old has printing errors if you look everything's normal up until about page 65 and it goes to page 67 68 69 70 71. see this is all fine all normal 73 75 76 77 it's fine all the way up until page 80. but on page 80 see so it says 80 it jumps back and restarts to page 65 and so it has this jump but the issue is it doesn't make up for it on the other side so it goes again from 65 up through 80 but this time when it gets to 80 it skips to 97. so i have a printing error um in this book so when i tried to read it the first time i got up to page 80 and then i was so confused because we're back to page 65. this is interesting and i haven't seen whether there are any other major printing errors in the rest of the book but i know that um because of that i'm missing quite a few pages from this book so we'll see if i ever find another copy to read but i'm definitely going to keep this one because it's this nice i mean just absolutely stunning old 1868 edition of this book okay that's it we made it those are all of my classics i love classics i think they're my favorite genre to read and i've really gotten into them over the past year so a lot of these i haven't read yet but you will be seeing a ton of them on this channel i'm participating in lucy the readers classics community 2020 challenge so you will definitely see more let me know what your favorite classic is do you like reading classics now that i've done that i can finally pack up my books and i'll have to say bye to this beautiful shelf until i get to michigan anyways i hope you guys enjoyed this video and i hope you have a great week
Channel: Jaylin & Emily
Views: 10,560
Rating: 4.968689 out of 5
Keywords: classicscommunity, classics, reading, reading vlog, readathon, 24 hour readathon, books
Id: 7acq8qqrUi8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 38sec (1238 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 24 2020
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