Reorganizing My Bookshelves!!! + mini etsy shop update! || 2021

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on one side we have young leo tolstoy on the page of his written manuscript for war and peace okay so here we have my bookshelf can you tell i'm extremely short okay once again i have to use my ottoman because i am extremely short so this is my stepladder [Music] i actually think i'm going to make a minor change i'm just going to move this the tool story over here and put another canadian over here just because i think i like how that looks overall a bit more back and i know you're gonna think carolyn do you really need another copy of this book and the answer is no but yes hello everyone and welcome back to my channel i am carolyn if you are new here and if you're not new here then welcome back today i have a whole video dedicated to bookshelf reorganization i was actually planning on including all these clips in my war and peace reading vlog because i'm currently reading war and peace and i actually had so much footage that i thought combining it with my worn piece clips would just make a really really long video and so i thought it would make the most sense to split up these clips and to make one whole video about my bookshelf organization and then continue on just leaving war and peace as a separate vlog so that is what i'm doing i also got a few new books which are right next to me after i reorganized all of my books to what they look like now i went book shopping with one of my closest friends and i have some new books that i want to shelve so i'm going to shelve those right now i think i'm going to leave that for the end of the video just so that it's in chronological order and you can see uh what books i got recently i will have my reading vlog still be going up for war and peace that's just going to be a separate video i thought i would upload this one so that it can kind of be its own thing um that's why i just have uh when i was reorganizing my books i just had like a random t-shirt on in leggings because it was just a spur-of-the-moment thing i feel like that always happens with me is i'll have a few books that i want to shelve and i'll say okay i'll show these few books and it won't take me that long and then i end up reorganizing my entire bookshelf which is basically what happened in this case so that's why i had quite a lot of footage more than i expected i would and i'm really excited to show it to you guys a bookshelf tour is coming that was kind of part of the reason of why i wanted to reorganize my books is because i do want to film a bookshelf tour pretty soon and i'm really excited about that i hope you guys are too um so yes i think i'm going to shelve a few of these books and then put that towards the end of the video so it's in chronological order so i hope you guys enjoy watching me reorganize my books and a war and peace reading vlog will be coming soon as well i've just been super busy with some university work because the end of my semester just trying to get all my stuff figured out so yes i hope you enjoy this video and let's get organizing hello everybody today is now april 7th it is wednesday and wednesdays i actually have off from school so today has been quite a busy day yesterday i handed in my thesis project my embroidered anne of green gables cover and it went so well my professor really liked how it turned out and my whole class was really supportive so that is just a huge weight off of my shoulders i'm really excited to have it done and to have them like it and it just went really well so that's amazing i have been reading war and peace i read a bit yesterday in between my classes and after and i read a little bit outside because it was just so beautiful out today and also some other exciting things that happened today i got new glasses i don't know if you can tell because they look exactly like my other ones but they're a little bit smaller like they don't go so far down my face and they go up like a teeny bit over here um so they're like pretty much the same as x style but just a little bit different and i really really like them my prescription changed so much so i can see so much better now i kind of forgot that i was supposed to see clearly all the way in the deep deep distance because my eyesight got so so bad um anyway so now i have new glasses and i can see so much better now and i really really love them so happy with them i got them from warby parker that is a company that is not sponsoring this video i wish they were but i have wanted their glasses for years and years and years and i just never got new glasses from them and finally i was like you know what this is my time to buy myself warby parker glasses and they're so cute and stylish and affordable and they also donate i believe a pair of glasses to someone in need every time someone purchases a pair of glasses so i just love that um they aren't sponsoring this video i wish they were but anyway just thought i would let you know in case you wanted to know where they're from they're called the simon's and i have them in the gold um so yes i'm so happy with them i love them so much and i can see that's the best part okay something else really exciting that happened was yesterday while i was in my classes i got a package and if you're following me on instagram then you already saw this but my next restock for my etsy shop all of my prints came in the mail and they were delivered and they're beautiful and i'm so happy with them so if you didn't see them on my instagram um you can find them on my instagram they're on the story highlight it's just called on the page and then it's actually the one that's on the page two with the picture of theodore dostoevsky on the little icon because i had not enough space on my first on the page story highlight it got full so i needed to make another one but they're beautiful they're all right in front of me and i am going to film a whole separate etsy update video where i show you guys all of the prints that are going to be in this newest restock and tell you a little bit about them and a few changes to my etsy that i am having to make so i just thought i would show you guys the prints that are most relevant to this vlog aka relevant to charles dickens and leo tolstoy of course so the first one that i want to show you guys i was actually inspired by you all and by the dickens versus toast toy debate to create a bookmark slash postcard on the page that is kind of for the dickens and tolstoy readers of the world and so on one side we have young leo tolstoy on the page of his written manuscript for war and peace and what i think is so incredible is leo tolstoy used to draw in his manuscripts like inside his words and i just think that that's so incredible that he would draw some of his characters as he would write and kind of weave weave them into his into his sentences so you can barely see them but there's a boy over here i'm honestly not too sure who the characters exactly are but above his head there's a boy and then to the right over here you can see a face really close to the top right there and then i believe there's another character over here but you can't really see them that well so i just think that that's so cool it's like hidden characters inside his text characters because characters are obviously you know words and things and then on the other side because you have to pick a side is young charles dickens on the page of the serialized version of the pickwick papers so it says the posthumous papers of the pickwick club and it has the original illustration that you can find on the actual serialized pamphlets they're like that green tone to the covers and they're just so cool so that's what the readers would get every month with a new pickwick update to to the story and so now you have to pick a side dickens or tolstoy and you get two drawings on on one card which is just so exciting um or i think it's exciting i don't know about you guys but i am so incredibly happy with how they came out can we just talk about how handsome both of them are but also like he's so handsome oh my gosh so yeah i hope you guys are excited about these i am so excited about them i ordered 50 of them so they are all here you can see so many they're all here it's like playing cards um i'm so excited for you guys to have them if you purchase them and we can all you can all share in the dickinson tolstoy love and then another one that i did that i am extremely excited about and this one is kind of like the same but also an update so this one i have had previously this is older leo tolstoy on the page of the russian original russian text of ana karenina and then i also updated him a little bit played around with lights and shadows made him a bit more three-dimensional and just created a bit more depth and then on the other side is this drawing which i did using charcoal and it is three different tulsa portraits all on one page with his signature on the top because i just needed that on the page touch i needed that signature there this was actually just a um a drawing or a study that i wanted to do of toasting himself trying to figure out how his face is structured and the way that his eye sockets and the the light and contrast of his face it's the weird artist in me that just loves kind of diving into a person that i admire and really playing around with their portrait and you know seeing how their face is made up it sounds so weird when i try to explain it but i don't know if you'll understand or not maybe um anyway so this was just a really fun exercise i guess that he did for myself and i loved it so much and quite a few of you commented on my instagram and i was posting pictures of it that you really loved it too asking if it was going to be part of my etsy and now yes it is so you are getting the original toast toy on the portrait on the portrait on the page portrait and this nice charcoal one so again two on one so you can pick a side whichever one um or you can have both when you use it as a bookmark and then the next one this is an update that i did to charles dickens so the original is actually over here i'll show you that first so this is the original dickens that i did one of my first ones he has been part of my etsy shop since i started and i really really love him love how he came out i actually have my original drawing framed on my wall but i wanted to update him a little bit and apply the things that i've learned while making these on the page portraits to my older sketches and just revamp them a little bit so this one is the new dickens so i added more lights and shadows and i put him on the page of his handwritten manuscript for great expectations this is the actual first page the typed version and then this is the handwritten so you can see they made the sketch itself a little bit bigger added more lights and shadows and changed the type as well and then on the other side we have just the title page of great expectations but on this side i put the manuscript of oliver twist which is his second novel after pickwick papers so i thought that would be a fun a fun text to include on the page and i'm just so incredibly pleased with how this came out and i really like the new updates that i did so i hope you guys do too and i also feel like it just makes the whole experience a bit more exciting it's like i i don't have to stick with just one design i can change them and and add different things maybe down the line i'll put him on a different page or i'll do a different typed manuscript maybe i'll do um a mutual friend or bleak house or hard times or tale two cities and just continue to change it up with every restock maybe i think that that would be fun one other one that i want to show you and then i'm going to leave the rest kind of as a surprise you'll have to wait for that whole etsy video that i will upload the next one that i'm so excited about and this one i i think it's a new favorite of mine that is i'm like wondering which side i should show you first i'll show you this side first it's fyodor dostoevsky on the page of his handwritten and hand-drawn crime and punishment manuscript so again like uh leo tolstoy fyodor dostoevsky would actually draw on his manuscripts and next to his his text and also inside his text like leo tolstoy so i included some of my favorite drawings that are found on his manuscript of crime and punishment and then on the other side it's also crime and punishment but it's a different drawing so it's just incredibly fascinating to me that these wonderful writers actually drew as well and they're they're very decent drawings i mean especially theodore josefski like toasters are a bit more hidden in his manuscript but these are just so they have such a beautiful quality to them and especially i love this one um i don't know if you can see too well i can insert a picture but that face right up here it has such a a serene quality to it that i don't imagine when i think of fiora dostoevsky's work because obviously they're very you know grim and bleak and uh and dark but i'm just so happy with how these came out so i hope you guys are excited for my restock too and look out for that etsy video where i'll have a bunch of new information about my etsy and different things like that and you can see more authors that um aren't dickens or toast away or dostoyevsky uh because i have quite a few new and old um drawings also as well as some more updates like what i did with charles dickens i updated a few of my older ones and made them a bit more exciting and i think i am going to reorganize my bookshelves because i have quite a few new books and i have to somehow fit them into my bookshelf um especially i have a bunch of new um penguin black spines which you can't see they're up there but i don't have enough room the way that i have them set up now so i think i'm just going to film myself reorganizing my books a little bit and just cleaning up my reading room and my my art studio um just so that i thinks can be a bit more orderly also i want to try to film a specific video and i need my bookshelves to be clean for it so yes i'm not gonna say anything else um i'll leave you guys there i'm going to go continue to reorganize my bookshelves maybe i will chit chat a little bit while doing it do you guys want that or do you just want to watch me maybe i'll do a little bit of both okay here we go okay so here we have my bookshelf can you tell i'm extremely short they're very tall i am not um so all the way up there i have a pretty big space and i think i'm going to move my books um over a little bit so that i have more room i'm just going to kind of shimmy them all over because you can see i have a bunch of the penguin black spines that i need to put away i don't really have much space anymore and i think these are all my pan mcmelons as well as some are on my wall i think i'm going to move them around a little bit and i think i'm going to just continue doing my penguins all the way over here um i also have some penguin deluxe editions that i want to put away um that those are new books that i actually haven't shown you guys that i've bought recently so maybe i'll do a book haul soon um because i you know i love a book haul and i just have some random books on my shelves that i just kind of want to want to put away and organize um anything else i don't think so i think yeah i have to move some things around um so yes my main priority is figuring out space to put my to put my penguin black spines and to figure out how i want to how i want to shimmy things over so that's my plan and i also think i want to add i want to add a few of my new author portraits onto my wall but i will get to that in a little bit for now i'm going to move my books all the way that are all the way up there over so that i can move all of them over and have more room for my penguins i think that's what's the plan so i'm gonna i'm gonna do that okay so those are the ones that you couldn't see because my camera didn't shoot that high but i'm just going to move these over and then move all of my books over just so that i have more room towards where my classics begin and then once i do that i will rearrange my penguins a little bit you can also see right over here i do have my pan macmillans and author portraits but i'll show you guys that a better shot of that in a little bit okay once again i have to use my ottoman because i am extremely short so this is my step ladder we're going to put it here okay and then we're going to move this stuff over okay i think i'm pretty happy with how it looks right now so basically i rearranged this entire area so i moved everything over and i got rid of quite a few books because either i wasn't going to read them or i read them and i didn't think i would reread them different reasons that i think i wouldn't want them anymore or give them to a better home or if it was a duplicate just give it to someone else um so that left me with a lot of room to to move around and play with so basically what this whole top section is is either children's books middle grade or young adult and then i put it in rainbow order really the rainbow is pretty much just this shelf and then it goes into grays blacks whites and then the start of carry on and wayward sun is some of my favorite books in series so we have brian selznick nevermoor and then we have pages and cotillion the book wanderers the giver heart stopper radio silence and alice oseman books outlander is here which is like a guilty pleasure read for me and then we have all of fredrick bachmann books here and then kristin hannah books here so these are all books that i want to make sure i keep together and they don't mind them being out of the rainbow order and then starting from this book which is a new book that i recently got and i will tell you guys about it because i'm really excited about it so this is george saunders a swim in a pond in the rain in which four russians give a master class on writing reading and life so this is actually a book that george saunders wrote mainly talking about chekhov turganev tolstoy and gobo which sounds like my my perfect book um so i definitely want to read i haven't read enough check of google or trigonov to really sink my teeth into this book so i also love how beautiful is this cover i'm really excited to read this but i'm planning on reading a bit more from the authors and the the works that he mentions in this book before i actually read this book itself but i'm really excited about this one this is one of the only purple books that i own and so i started from the opposite end of the rainbow so like the rainbow starts here um and kind of ends sort of here and then i wanted to do a reverse rainbow so starting with purple going into blues and then greens yellows orange pinkish colors kind of like salmon coral and then into reds over here and then black gray white and then we now start with my classics this is like a mini bookshelf tour a real one will be coming soon that's kind of what i was hinting at earlier um and then we start with my classics here i have a little the little prince mug and then we have some classics and now i'm going to work on this area which is my penguin black spines obviously and then my pan mcmelons i think i'm just going to move this over put my pan macmillans into this shelf area and then just move everything so that's my plan that's what i've done so far i have just put the kettle up so i'm making some tea and i think i'm just going to continue now working on the lower portion of my bookshelves and just shifting my classics a bit so here we go all right we have obtained tea but it is excessively hot so i'm putting it on my desk and we're gonna let it cool and we're gonna work on some book organization this is also if you guys saw like a bright light over here before this is a little um a little prince sort of night light so it has the little prince holding an umbrella over his rose so that's what this is and it is so sweet i use it as a nightlight like sometimes i like mood lighting so i'll put my fairy lights on i'll put this light on and it just adds a nice little atmosphere to my reading room but i think i'm going to put this down while i reorganize this area i can move my ottoman now because i don't have to be tall i think i'm going to play some music [Music] do [Music] okay i am loving how this is turning out now i'm i have my tea which is warm enough to drink or cool enough to drink i need a bit more room to fit those books over there because those are where my penguin deluxe books are and i have this one book i have this is my folio edition the one that's facing out is my folio edition of anna karenina and it's beautiful and i love it and that's why i have it facing out but i think i'm going to have to turn it to fit the new penguin deluxe editions that i have so i think what i'm going to do is just turn this one shift all of it down so that there's more room for those books of course i had to face out my cloth band of nina so i think that i don't feel too bad turning my folio society edition of anikato nina because i do have the clock found one facing out so you got to do what you got to do to fit your books on your shelf so i'm having so much fun i hope you're having fun watching this i'm so sorry levin but you're going to have to be turned i love you talks to her books while she organizes them so beautiful i'm gonna put this is also another folio edition that i found second hand it's the warden by anthony trollope i'm going to put them next to each other because we have two books with slip cases how nice is that perfect trying to figure out how i'm going to do this these are all shorter books so i kind of want to keep them shorter oh you know what i can do i can do this this whole stack is ernest hemingway books because i am a huge fan of her in a seminary as you can tell okay so now those are my penguin deluxe so i'm just going to add these sections oh my god they all look so beautiful next to each other is this a pigment box i actually don't know this is the steinbeck centennial edition of east of england which i haven't read yet and i really want to um i have read of my submen this is also the centennial edition but they're the same height and they're from penguins and they keep them together these are just random i feel like maybe i should move these this is my mask ornament from when i went to see the phantom of the opera on broadway with my best friend for my birthday that was incredible i could cry just leave them i should just uh buy more deluxe editions so i can fit this whole thing full of pigment deluxe sounds like a good plan to me this is a vintage edition of a christmas carol by charles dickens this is from vintage classics and i love these maybe i'll put that together because that's like a special edition yeah i feel like this should be a special edition little shelf i weirdly want to put the kurzu sonata and other stories by leo tolstoy and selected stories of anton chekhov with them because i kind of feel like those are they're at the same time but you know what i'm just gonna have to get over that i kind of want them to be together because i do have another russian here which is beautiful master and margarita which is the penguin deluxe edition that i have been fawning over forever and i finally got myself a copy so excited also philip pullman's fairy tales from the brothers grimm that's new and you guys saw that i of course got the embroidered emma which is just the most beautiful thing ever oh i should put wind in the willows next to it because this is also part of the embroidered series oh maybe i'll do this is a new book that i got to tello covino's if on winter's night a traveler which i have been wanting to read more italian literature because i am italian and calvino is one of the most famous italian writers ever and i've heard incredible things about ivana winter's ninth traveler and this edition is just so beautiful it is from mariner publishing i think i might put this here too yeah this is kind of like a random somewhat special edition shelf if that makes any sense which kind of doesn't but that's okay there we go okay i think i'm happy with that oh my goodness i think i'm happy with this yay i look so good time to put my little tchotchkes and embellishments back i love how this looks okay [Music] [Music] so this is the wall that i was just talking about this is where i keep some of my pan macmillan collectors library editions with my on the page other portraits because i think they go really well together since they're around the same size and i just absolutely love their covers so my design behind this section this little display is whenever i have an author i try to put them next to a book that either they have written or like for instance um we have f scott fitzgerald but i don't have a copy of one of his books in the pan mcmillan's so i put him next to poems by thomas hardy because i just liked the look of it honestly i just loved the cover of thomas hardy and i kind of felt like it went with f scott and ernest because that's ernest hemingway i just felt like i don't know i liked them there so then we have the hunchback of notre dame next to victor hugo then agonist gray by anne bronte next anne bronte then we have midsummer night's dream next to shakespeare so they're kind of supposed to either be next to their own books or next to a book that sort of goes with their writing or either i like the cover so i'm just going to add some of my new author portraits i might have to take a few of the books away to fit them so i'm going to figure out what i want to do with that but yeah so here we have one of my favorite copies of leaves of grass it is just the most beautiful edition i love it and so i put him next to my original waltz whitman and i think i'm just going to make room for my new waltz whitman so i'm just going to move some things over to fit both of them there i always have an extra because i sell most of them but i always save one for myself so that i have i have my own art i think that that looks good putting them next to each other you can kind of see the improvements that i made with him but yeah because i don't think i showed you guys him you're getting a sneak peek of my new authors next to walt walt is over here we have um pride and prejudice by jane austen and then we have jane austen on the cover or on the page of pride and prejudice and then we have emma by jane austen and then great expectations charles dickens and then anna karenina i think what i'm going to do is i want to put the new version of dickens up here but i also think i want to put either that side or this side i think i might do this side of tolstoy next to anakaranina and i want to put him here because this is the view that you see at least only a little bit when i film because this is like the corner where i film um so i think i might take away emma and then just have jane austen next to pride and prejudice and maybe oh you know what i'm going to do i'm going to move this over put him next to her and then i can fit the new version of charles dickens there and then put toast right next to him there we go i think i like that oh perfect okay i think i really like how that looks i actually think i'm gonna make a minor change i'm just gonna move this a toast away over here and put on a canadian over here just because i think i like how that looks overall a bit more okay we have leveled up now i think i going to move ann bronte and i'm going to take away agnes gray and i think i'm going to replace it with ella montgomery and anne of green gables okay i might do that because i love absolutely love this edition of anne so i really want that on display oh actually i think i might flip her i love this side i love both sides but i think i might display that side yeah i love that okay i think i might take the thomas hardy away because i haven't done a thomas hardy portrait i definitely want to but i kind of feel like it doesn't necessarily make sense why he's here so i think i'm gonna take him away and i think i'm gonna replace him and move some people over replace it with the importance of being earnest and oscar wilde which you can watch me draw on my channel i actually film myself i'm gonna do this i want this side or this side i think i might do this side and then maybe this side of f scott about this um okay yeah i love how that looks okay this is as tall as my tripod goes so we're at somewhat of an awkward angle but i think it would only be fitting to put fiordo dostrevsky next to this skull because this is actually hamlet and i put it next to poe because i don't have an edition of pose poetry in the pan mcmillens and i don't have an edition of fiorder dossierskis so of course i had to put them next to like a creepy skull because i feel like that just makes the most sense for poe and dostoevsky so i think i'm going to move them over a little bit and just add dostoevsky next to hamlet so i'm going to do that i love this side i'm gonna do that side i love that i think that that looks cool now for the left side i am just going to add one of my older portraits of charlotte bronte someone ordered a charlotte bronte print but never received it so i had a spare which was just my my copy so now i can replace my own because i replaced theirs with my own and put her back so i think i'm gonna put her move emily and um this edition this is actually persuasion but i love the cover so much i don't have an edition that's virginia woolf of a virginia wolf book in the pan macmillan so i put her next to secret garden and then next to her you saw was e.m forester just because i felt like the cover kind of went with their style of books and then i sort of felt like the cover for persuasion went kind of with virginia woolf and emily bronte so i think i'm just going to move them over i'm going to put charlotte next to jane eyre outside this side i think i might do this wonderful oh perfect they fit great yay oh my gosh okay i'm gonna now back up and show you what it looks like all right so this is what it looks like oh my gosh it looks so good i'm really happy with how it came out i think the one thing i want to do is just move persuasion okay we just want to do this i think that's a bit more pleasing to the eye i can always move it around that's what i like about this area is nothing is you know nailed into the wall or set in stone i can move it around and display different things and make fun changes so that's what i really love about this i i really like how it came out i think it looks really really nice love seeing all of my new portraits on display it's so fun and so you guys can see like that's the that's the corner that i film in so you can have prime view of lyoto story in anaconda and sometimes dickens too depending on how i angle my camera but i think that this might be it for my reorganization for tonight i think i'm gonna read a bit more of war and peace and then talk to you guys about it because i haven't i'll talk to you over here hello so you can see me i haven't actually filmed um a reading update yet of me talking about actually starting one piece which is just mind-blowing because i'm loving it so much i just keep thinking of other things to talk about anyway so i think it's getting pretty late and i want to read before bed so i don't think i'm going to talk to you guys about we're in peace tonight i promise i will talk to you about war and peace very soon um i hope you have enjoyed watching me reorganize my books and reorganize this little section of my room a bookshelf tour is coming i know you guys won it so badly and i will give it to you i'm just never 100 satisfied with my bookshelves but i really really am now i really like how they look so a bookshelf tour will be coming i promise so yes i'm going to continue to read more and peace and i will update you guys of course as i go on hello you thought i was gone but i'm back i'm on my tippy toes right now um i totally forgot to put ann bronte back so i think what i'm going to do is take persuasion away and then shift them over a little bit put the secret garden in the middle and add her so that there's enough room so i think that that's what i'm gonna do we'll see how that looks because i want the sisters to be next to each other how does that look i think that looks pretty good guys it's been 10 minutes i'm back again because i forgot about emily dickinson so i think i'm going to take away the hunchback of nutridone move and bring gables over and fit her here yeah okay i think i like that yeah i like that a lot okay now i'm done i promise i don't think i forgot any more authors if i did i will be back but i don't think i did so i will now leave hello future carolyn is back so two of the new books i have as you can see i'm sitting near my penguin deluxe editions because two of the new books i bought recently are penguin deluxe editions and i'm so excited about them so the first one i got because i sold some of my books at my local independent bookshop which they buy and sell used books and so i sold some of mine and i got store credit because i want to support them so i gave them books and then also gave them business which is just great the book that i got with the store credit is middle march by george eliot it's this gorgeous penguin deluxe edition i think it's so incredibly beautiful i have been dreaming about this this edition of middlemarch for so long and i finally got it um the beautiful cover design is by kelly blair and the cover image or the glove is from mary evans the national archives london england and it's just such a gorgeous addition all right so i think what i'm going to do is i'm going to move some of these that i put here already um just to fit this i think i'm gonna put it next to emma oh gorgeous so pretty oh my gosh they all look so amazing i also went to my libraries used bookshop my library has this amazing program where you can donate books for free and then they sell them and the money goes towards supporting the library and the paperbacks are a dollar and the hardcovers are two dollars and i saw this paperback and i know you're gonna think carolyn do you really need another copy of this book and the answer is no but yes um it's my favorite book ever i don't have this edition i just felt like i needed to have it because i i want to collect as many copies of this book as possible that book is anna karanina we all saw it coming it's not a surprise um i have seen this cover everywhere and although i think it's beautiful i don't really think it goes with the context of the novel i sort of feel like this photograph is a bit untimely because like it's a woman with like her bare legs and you know women at that time obviously didn't bare their legs unless it was for other reasons so maybe it does apply to the book i don't know just like for some reason whenever i see this cover i just don't think it really goes with the the time period of the story but i do think it's a beautiful edition it's a penguin deluxe i really my dream come true would be to design a new penguin deluxe edition for anika nina because like i like this cover but i don't love it and i want to design one myself that i would love and then i think everybody would love um so maybe maybe i'll do that uh not that it'll actually get published but you know for my portfolio i think that that'd be really fun um i think i'm going to put it next to middle march and the master and margarita because russians oh my gosh they all look so good together look at those i just have to get more now and then i think i'm just going to find a new spot for these books that were over here i think i might just move them back over there but then i'm going to show you guys the other new books that i got but we are going to move to a different part of my bookshelves to do that okay so now we are back with my penguins the other book that i got this one i also got from my libraries used book shop this is ivan boonen's the gentleman from san francisco and other stories this actually sounds like an incredible book i've never really heard of um boone before but then i was recently watching a youtube video i forgot who it was but they mentioned him and i thought oh my gosh i just got that book from him so i went to my library's used bookshop with my friend my friend saw this book read the back and she gave it to me and thought that i would really like it so i read the back and it sounds amazing and it was only a dollar the back says it is translated by david richards and sophie lund a much neglected literary figure ivan boonen is one of russia's major writers and ranks with tolstoy and chekhov at the forefront of the russian realists drawing artistic inspiration from his personal experience these powerful evocative stories are set in the late 19th and early 20th century russia of his youth in the countries that he visited and in france where he spent the last 30 years of his life in the title story for example a family's tour of fashionable european resorts comes to an unexpected end late hour describes an old man's return to the little russian town in the steps that he has not seen since his early youth while mithia's love explores the darker emotional reverberations of sexual experience so this just sounds really fantastic and i want to try to read more different russian writers so ivan boonen is going to be one of them so i am going to squeeze him i think by this because this is one of the more vintage editions of the penguin moderns these are the newer ones this is perfume by patrick's the and we do have lolita by vladimir nabokov which i haven't read yet i think i'm going to put that next to i'm going to put him next to the grapes of wrath because it's kind of that same older edition of the penguin moderns perfect okay we have now moved over a little bit the next book that i have is going to go over here and this is yvonne turganov's spring turns this is another um russian which we just love very much and this one is translated by leonard shapiro and this of course i have heard of ivan turganov but i actually haven't read any of his books before and i do have a few of them on my shelves now so i'm super excited to read uh to read his his novels and this is just going to further my passion for russian literature he was actually one of the authors mentioned in that purple book that i showed you guys earlier a swim in the pond in the rain by george saunders and so i'm really eager to read more russian literature just because i love it so much it says on the back returning to russia from a tour in italy which i am italian so of course i am so excited whenever a book refers to italy um 23 year old dmitry sanon breaks his journey at frankfurt and for the first time falls deeply desirously in love convinced that nothing can come in the way of everlasting happiness between him and his fiancee he impetuously decides to sell his russian estate and start a new life not knowing that his youthful vulnerability makes him potential prey for a darker destructive passion composed 30 years after the events it describes spring turns is an exquisitely written partly autobiographical treatment of one of turganov's favorite themes a man's inability to learn about love without losing his innocence this translation by professor shapiro is accompanied by detailed notes and a critical essay on the story's place and the significance of its author's life and works that sounds incredible i honestly haven't heard much about spring torrents but i'm really really excited to read it and that just sounds amazing so that is going to go i'm going to put it next to tolstoy's resurrection this is one of the older penguin black spines and i have this of leo tulsa's resurrection so i think i'm just going to put it next to tolstoy so that the russians can be together perfect we also have my little charles dickens figurine over here i don't have one of tolstoy you guys saw i do have the one of jane austen as well okay so the next book that i have yes yes yes it's another copy of anika nina by leo tolstoy this one was very kindly gifted to me by my amazing friend emma from her instagram emma redwater she and i go to university together she's my very best friend she is the one that i went to the bookshop with this past weekend where i got the other books and the library she went with me and we exchanged christmas gifts because we hadn't seen each other since before christmas and she got me this gorgeous vintage modern library edition of anna karenina and it's just the most beautiful thing ever so i think i have a collection of modern library books right here and i have dr zhivago by boris pasternak and also ulysses by james joyce that's what these two are but i honestly don't think i would read ulysses from this edition oh wow there's something in here i got this from my library's used bookshop as well because they do oftentimes have really beautiful vintage editions what is this student thesis wait no way class admittance card when is this from this is your official class entrance card this card must be used for entrance at the above listed class give this card to your instructor at the first class meeting your grades and credits are dependent upon the instructor receiving this card no way there's a course number a term oh my gosh okay i feel like i have to keep it now i don't know i'm gonna keep it i'm going to keep it because that's really cool but i want to fit this edition in with my modern library so i do have to shimmy some things around can i fit in it was meant to be i can fit it okay i thought i wasn't going to be able to fit it never mind no worries then amazing oh love it she also gifted me this really beautiful edition of the pickwick papers by charles dickens i have quite a few of these books in that edition so i just love them i think that they're so pretty i have here i'll tell you what they are the trinity screw a farewell to arms by ernest hemingway which is one of my favorite books ever and i read it in this edition and i love this edition this book means the world to me a farewell to arms by ernest muy please read it um and then we also have wuthering heights by emily bronte and now we have the pickwick papers just so beautiful together gorgeous and they fit perfectly beautiful here's emily dickinson as well okay let's get some other books okay we have to step on my ottoman again the next book that i found at my library's used bookshop the uk edition of sally rooney's normal people which i actually have in the hardback us editions which i love and this is the copy that i read it from i've read it twice now and it's one of my favorite books and i've always wanted this cover design because i think it's so beautiful and they had the uk edition at my library i was wondering like how someone i guess someone must have bought it from the uk and then didn't want it anymore so they donated it to my library but again my friend emma when we went she saw this and she was like oh my gosh carolyn look what they have so i really wanted to get the uk edition because i have been wanting this specific cover design for so long so this one is going to go with my uk edition of conversations with friends because they have the same cover design and same spine design so i absolutely love sally rooney's books they are some of my favorites so i'm just going to squeeze that in right there and it fits perfectly i think i also have some extra room i got rid of a few more other books that means i have some extra space on my shelves so i think i might move some things around and just so that that gives me more space to fit some other classics that i have to fit so you're just going to shift amazing so now i think i'm going to fill this whole shelf with my children's classics so i'm just going to move these over to here okay so as you guys can see i have my children's classics here and then they're also here but i think i'm just going to move them over so that they fit a bit better [Music] yeah that fits perfect i actually really like how that looks i might try to fit my shakespeare plays which are down towards the bottom up here because i think i want to keep this as is because i really like the matching color [Music] okay i've come into an issue so this is actually smaller than where i had them at the low the bottom shelf for whatever reason is a bit bigger than this and on the bottom shelf these actually fit on top of here but because they don't i'm trying to figure out like how i should fit them i had them up on the top of these but i feel like that kind of looks i don't know does it look like a cute cluttered or just regular cluttered i honestly might just leave these like this for now and then i can just come back to that and try to figure that out later okay this is where my plays were and now i think i'm just going to move this is where my poetry is i'm just gonna move some of my poetry over and then shift all of this so that i can fit some more clap like paperback classics i also have these little shakespeare things which i forgot to put on my shelf but it's a little shakespeare card that i got in my local independent bookshop and then also this he walks it's a little shakespeare i got him at the metropolitan opera when i went to see the ballet of jane eyre [Music] and then i have my favorite female poet mary oliver i have upstream blue horses a thousand mornings and devotions which are just the most incredible poems on the face of the earth this is like a butterfly muscle it's just a regular a ribbed muscle but i always call these water flies because they look like butterflies that you can find in the water i have some rocks and shells from the beach keep those there okay so my camera battery actually died and while it was charging i finished so i would just explain what i did so first of all i have a bunch of more room now because i'm getting rid of a few of my books and i recently got rid of a ton of my books and now i'm getting rid of more of them i've gotten into the habit of really looking at my books and thinking is this the exact edition that i want am i going to reread this book am i going to read this book at all am i still interested in this book do i want it on my shelves i really want my shelves to reflect the reader that i am and the books that i really love and are really passionate about also if you hear any noises outside we're having a really bad rain storm and thunderstorms so if you hear any noises that's why it's very atmospheric and i'm loving it it's like perfect weather to organize your books but anyway so i have a bunch of the barnes and noble classics and i just i like these are either duplicates or i want different editions like i don't love these editions of them they're great but i feel like they're they're not my preferred editions i am keeping one copy which is my edition of les mis by victor hugo because this edition is actually abridged and i have another my penguin deluxe edition which is gorgeous that one isn't abridged and that's the one that i read from last year and i love that edition so much but i feel like if i ever reread it i want to try reading this abridged version because one of my very close friends teresa has read this exact edition and really likes it and so i think i'm going to keep this one because i know that this is a reliable copy and that if i ever do reread les mis when i reread it i'm going to read it from this exact edition but besides that these are the books i don't really want anymore or i have better editions of them or additions that i prefer so i'll just go through the books really quick so we have a christmas carol the chimes and the cricket on the hearth by charles dickens i have these in different editions that i really love particularly the vintage editions which i showed you guys earlier i also have more editions as well and then we have ethan from and selected stories by edith wharton i don't love this edition i got it secondhand it was like 50 cents and i just don't love this copy i think i'm going to get a different edition if i want i do definitely want to read ethan from but i know i have the audiobook available so i can always just listen to it for free and then i have the picture of dorian gray by oscar wilde i have another really beautiful edition of this book so i don't need another one i mean i love this cover it's so beautiful but i have another edition of it so i feel it don't feel like i need that one then i have sense and sensibility by jane austen a lot of these editions i got second hand so it's not like i'm throwing away my money i don't feel bad getting rid of these also give them to a better home or give them to someone that wants cheaper alternatives i'm definitely going to donate them to my library just so people can have easy access and it's just nice to spread classics i think i don't have another edition of this one surprisingly enough actually do i do you hear the rain out there oh my gosh i don't think i have another edition of sense insensibility so if i ever read it i'm just going to get a different copy i think i'll probably get the penguin english library because those are the other jane austen's that i have so yes and then then i have wives and daughters by elizabeth gaskell i love this cover i love this painting the pink is so bright and friendly and beautiful um i don't know if a color can be friendly but i i think this is a very friendly looking book i read this book i didn't love it honestly and i don't have another copy of it but i don't know if i'm going to reread it so i might just give this donate this to my library so someone else can have can have it and maybe enjoy it more than i did and then we have middlemarch by george eliot like you guys saw i did get the penguin deluxe edition which i just like a little bit more than this one so again i'm just going to donate this one so that someone else can enjoy another beautiful classic so those are the books that i'm getting rid of from the barnes and noble editions those are great great additions i just for me personally they're not my favorite and i have so many other ones that i love and prefer so i'm just going to get rid of those so as you guys can see this is where i had my penguin deluxe but i moved them over here i made this my like mass market paperback area as well as some vintage like i have some vintage penguins um a farewell to arms and lady chatterley's lever in these old penguins and then i also have like other mass market paperback editions over here i just feel like they look kind of cute all having you know the same size and just being short i just like that the height then we go over here i have my special editions into virginia woolf and then ernest hemingway s got fitzgerald i have a bunch of room so i faced out the um emma embroidery penguin threads and then this one's designed by corley bigfoot smith who also designs the cloth bounds this is the great gatsby one of my favorite books and i love this edition so i just have it facing out i purposely always put f scott fitzgerald next to ernest hemingway because they're wonderful friends they were friends in real life so they should be friends on my bookshelves that's how i see it and then down here um i just moved over my poetry i think i might rearrange this so that it's in height order because i want mary oliver and walt whitman to be next to each other but i don't like how that looks so i think going to rearrange that again and then i put some of my like really tall hardback classics over here you guys saw earlier this is my folio society edition of anna karenina and then i have just some other tall editions of books that i just don't love how they look with the other traditional shorter books and then this is just some random books art books um some audrey hepburn books breakfast at tiffany's um vogue the covers and then i have some other books over here that are just like either art books or taller books that i feel like i'm saying books so much um books book books but these are some other books that i think just don't really have anywhere else that they look like they fit so i think they fit over here then i have some hardbacks into paperbacks and then again we have more paperbacks what else did i do um i just moved yeah so i had some other the taller hardbacks over here i just moved them to be over here because i feel like they would look a bit better over there i did move around my shakespeare's i really didn't like how they looked i felt like they looked too cluttered so i did just shift some of my editions over but besides that i think that that's all i changed that you guys haven't seen i will show you the shakespeare's and then i think i'm done i think finally the book organ organization process is going to be complete this video is going to be so long i'm so sorry but also not sorry because who doesn't love book organization videos i know i do they're like some of my favorite okay so as you guys can see i decided to move these um these are actually the yale shakespeares published under the direction of the department of english at yellow university so these i actually found second hand at my local independent bookshop i have titus andronicus as you like it oswald and enswell and the comedy of errors there's a car going pie these are some of my favorite shakespeare editions i think they're so beautiful and i felt like because they're cloth bound they kind of look like they go and you sort of can't really tell that they're shakespeare's so i decided to just move the other ones that wouldn't fit over here and then just so that i have room i turned little women to spine facing front and i just moved these over here so that's really all that i did with the shakespeares but besides that i think i'm done thank you guys so much for watching this video i hope you enjoyed it again i'm so sorry that it's so long but i hope that it gives you inspiration maybe you put this on while doing something fun we could organize our bookshelves together anyway i hope you enjoyed this video and i am so excited to now or have my books organized in a way that i really like them and then have a bookshelf tour coming soon which i'm just so excited about and yes all right i hope you guys are having a wonderful day or night whenever you're watching this i am sending you my best best wishes and i will see you soon in another video happy reading [Music] you
Channel: CarolynMarieReads
Views: 16,180
Rating: 4.9713945 out of 5
Id: Top3QPp17sc
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Length: 69min 3sec (4143 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 22 2021
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