My Encounter With Jesus - My Testimony, My Story

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all right let's try to film this correctly what's up you guys thank you so much for checking out my video i know this is completely different than anything that i've ever posted before but because i posted a christian music cover recently on my youtube and also on my instagram a lot of you guys have been really curious about my story and and finding god and i posted on my instagram that i had a personal experience with jesus and you guys have wanted to hear about it and it's definitely a story that i wanted to share with you guys regardless because i think it's super important and i think that i think my experience was something that happened to me because i think god wanted to use me as a living testimony for him which i'm so grateful for so if you want to hear about just my encounter with jesus then that'll be probably towards the end of this video if you want to hear my whole story you know growing up and how i was raised and how i got to the point where i am now then just keep listening so me personally i was raised in you know in a normal family but we weren't um you know we weren't like super church goers we weren't um you know we didn't you know read the bible and stuff growing up i didn't grow up like that but um you know we always did believe in god that was always a thing i've always been you know christian catholic you know always um but it it was just more of like a like a convenience like you pray when it's convenient so i wasn't really raised in that kind of a household but probably around the time when i was about 14 i started getting into praying daily i probably would pray like once at night i'd probably make my my prayers because i started getting a lot of really bad anxiety attacks so i'd i would pray at night but they probably were just uh super lukewarm kind of kind of prayers foe has been more of a lukewarm kind of christian i guess um but you know because i started having a lot of anxiety attacks that were really bad and i wasn't really sure what was going on um you know i kind of just started praying probably when i got a little older i would say when i was about 20 or so so three almost four years ago um you know i started reading a daily devotional i kind of took that as like oh well you know there's bible verses in there so that's you know good enough you know i believe in god i'm reading my devotional i'm praying at night you know but that's still uh kind of lukewarm to me and my prayers still at that point were it's like i was always looking out for myself and and being selfish because my prayers would be like oh i hope that this happens for me and and you know i was always trying to make things go according to my will and not his will and i think that's where i ended up hitting a lot of roadblocks in my life because i was trying to make pieces fit where they never fit and i think i wasted a lot of time on on a lot of things that i was trying to make happen that weren't weren't probably for my highest good which is why they never worked out which is why now i look back and i'm like i'm so grateful for all those things that didn't work out like i get it now and that was also around the time where i started uh seeing on tv there was like a a show it was like a four week program around easter that was called the bible i believe and it was like a every sunday they would play like for two hours like parts of jesus's story and i've seen that now so many times i could probably write it backwards i mean it's the most beautiful story and i started really getting more into it i'd say at that point but still super super lukewarm then probably about i'd say a year later so probably 21 i got into um new age practices meaning i had uh i used a deck of tarot cards i watched and wasted a lot of time on tarot card videos because i was looking for answers um that i can get immediately instead of you know i didn't even think like to ask god like and and have him show me correctly what what the answer for things would be because again i was doing things according to my will according to you know what i wanted it it was like i said i've been selfish in that way because it's always been what i wanted so i started getting into new age practices and if you do not know what tarot videos are tarot cards i strongly strongly recommend to not look at them don't use them um because it it almost became like an addiction in a way um so i do not recommend you going to uh look those up or or buy cards at all i strongly strongly recommend to not do that and nonetheless they weren't accurate anyways uh for me if you're watching a video of course they're gonna be accurate but that's besides the point so i kind of like got into that and i used those for you know some time and i've been completely clean of those for well over a year and again i'm still not even at the point where i know god i'm still not even there but it was probably about a year and a half or two years ago that i felt really drawn to go get myself my own bible um but it's like i bought it i looked at it i put it on the shelf i didn't do anything with it um so i think in in a way god's always been kind of reaching out to me trying to trying to call out to me and i've just kind of had had my ears covered not not even listening but it got to the point this year that everything changed and i'm so thankful for the year 2020. so still in the beginning of 2020 i was still doing things according to my will becoming super frustrated over things that weren't going how i wanted them to be going you know it's like at this point i know uh i was definitely praying better but still still for myself i was like oh you know can you can you please make this happen i really hope that this happens um then around obviously the time that kovid hit um you know obviously life got kind of kind of crazy and that's for everybody so it was probably two months into you know the the covet thing so around pentecost which was in may i was like i'm gonna take out my bible and i did that and i highlighted some things in it and i read it for a few days and then i put it down again and i still want about my business for some reason um i i don't know what happened it's probably the enemy probably trying to distract me from him everything that i have experienced has been a distraction almost but this is where i'm gonna flash forward now to like august when i had my experience with jesus my mom was playing this video um i think it was from like sid roth or something someone that that you know quotes the bible and stuff on youtube and um he was talking about you know our country and how we need to repent for our sins as a nation but also as individuals to heal the nation um and there was one night it was that night actually um you know i started seeing a lot of um videos uh that that were like really religious and stuff on like tick tock and stuff and i was like oh man like you know how am i gonna know like if i'm if i'm saved or just whatever you know i was kind of scared and i had a lot of anxiety for just life in in general and i was just really like it was really heavy on my heart um so that night i went to my little place that i like to pray in um and i laid it all out on the line and not only do i pray for our nation but i also repented for everything that i i've done even things that i don't know about um because everyone sins every single day but i was repenting and i i just i let everything just kind of wash out of me and all of a sudden i felt this presence flying to the to the right of me and i had my eyes closed um and in my mind's eye i i saw jesus standing to the right of me um and he showed me he was wearing you know his white gown and the brown like sackcloth robe that he wears over it and he told me that he was next to me and because my eyes were closed i was able to see in my mind his spirit this fiery golden bright spirit um this this energy um and and then he like intuitively told me that he was moving behind me and he then wrapped his arms around me and gave me a hug from behind and i involuntarily threw my arms back uh to to hug him back and i started crying because it was so overwhelming i mean he took the the breath out of my lungs and filled it with his spirit and i just lost it and um you know it was so overwhelming and it really made you think like this is how much that god loves you like if you ever questioned it he loves you so much and um when i opened my eyes he was back to the right of me and i actually heard him speak to me audibly my heart is pounding so hard right now he spoke to me audibly and um i'm not going to say what he said to me because it's personal to me um but his voice was the most calming and assuring and just it was the most amazing thing that you could hear it was the sweetest thing and again after i heard his voice i lost it i was i almost fell to my knees it was that big of an experience and it changed me forever um and you know i i cried that whole night i cried for like 24 hours because it was just so much to take in i didn't sleep at all i just i cried the whole night um and i got up super early in the morning to tell my mom and i couldn't make it through like one sentence without breaking down because it was just so much and i feel that love every single day from him and i can remember what that feels like and know that you know he he loves me he loves you um and now i take all of my problems and questions and and everything in life i take it directly to him and there's even some times i've had this happen now like two times since um where i'll just be talking to him and i picture myself next to him and he'll intuitively speak to my spirit and tell me what i need to hear and i will write those things down in my phone um because he he speaks to me he's he's spoken to me in a dream since then and what he told me was a hundred percent true because it already happened um and it just it just shows you his his grace and how much he he absolutely loves all of us and i think he gave me that experience so i could share it with you guys at the right time so you know i promised him that i would read my bible every single day and i do i read it every single day and i love it it's my favorite time of day and i do everything for his will and i'm going to say right now that what's happened since then i've seen god move mountains in my life in these few months than i have in all of my years especially like if you're talking like my career and stuff like he's moved mountains already i'm eternally grateful for that and i hope that that my story encourages you to find him and go to him even if it's just starting out with a prayer even if you read one bible verse a day that's what i started with just so it was something and the amount of love that i have for him is it's unexplainable yeah i just i hope my experience inspires you somehow like i said i'm eternally grateful that he's used me as a living testimony because of my platform i can post about this i hope that you know that he does love you and he hears you he hears all of your prayers all of them and i can attest to that myself but yeah that's uh pretty much my story um getting a little you know worked up because it was just it's so overwhelming and like i said i feel it every single day every time i think about it um you know it's a lot and if i could just spread his word through you know my platform in some way then you know that's what i feel like i have to do yeah i kind of want to leave you guys with my favorite um line from from my bible at this point um if you follow me on instagram you'll probably see it there as well but my favorite line that i've come across so far in my bible is luke 1 37 which says for no word from god will ever fail um which is true he keeps his promises i kind of want to read a psalm for you as well because i do have a favorite psalm so far so this is psalm 23 and it says the lord is my shepherd i lack nothing he makes me lie down in green pastures he leads me beside quiet waters he refreshes my soul he guides me along the right paths for his name's sake even though i walk through the darkest valley i will fear no evil for you are with me your rod and your staff they comfort me you prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies you anoint my head with oil my cup overflows surely your goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life and i will dwell in the house of the lord forever it's one of my favorite ones that i've come across so far i hope this inspires you and i hope that god shows you even an ounce of his greatness and his love that he has for you like he did for me um because he really does love us i think meeting him halfway you know he's always reaching out to you and i think when you finally grab his hand you'll finally understand what what i have felt you know through through my life you would hear people be like oh god is so good you know he's done this that and the other like all these things and i've always been like well how come that never happens for me i've been in a lot of trenches um always had a lot of experiences where i'm always discouraged and i understand why now so i hope that that inspires you and there's probably even still things that i've probably left out because it's just a long journey that i've been on in general but just thank you for listening to my testimony yeah i guess if you guys have any other questions or anything you can leave them in the comments or you can message me on instagram i'd love to hear from you guys i know a lot of you guys are kind of on this journey with me yeah thank you for listening and watching and yeah i'm going to leave you with that
Channel: Dakota Rhodes
Views: 122,580
Rating: 4.9320769 out of 5
Keywords: jesus, testimony, i met jesus, god, the bible, god saved, jesus came to me, my encounter with jesus my testimony my story, wasting time live acoustic dakota rhodes, wasting time dakota rhodes, live, acoustic, original song, wasting time, official lyric video, new music, dua lipa, acoustic cover, misery business, paramore, guitar, piano, vocals, music, lover, ghost, taylor swift, justin bieber, shania twain, youre still the one, harry styles, rock, we the kingdom, god so loved
Id: pwaoY6Y8poo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 44sec (1184 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 24 2020
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