my ELECTRIC CAR is now WORTHLESS EVen the DEALERSHIP doesn’t want it back! EVs are DISPOSABLE JUNK!!

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right now then my friends most of you out there will know that I own an electric car at Porsche tyan I've banged on about it for months and months and you're probably Fed Up of hearing about it but not as fed up as I am of owning it so I've been away I've just come back from Australia and I thought you know what I'm going to bite the bullet I'm going to put a little bit of money down and I'm going to swap it for a used 911 so I got some prices on my car off of the same uh people that I got the prices from last month which were car wow uh we buy any car and a couple of other others as well Moto I think one of them was anyway I went through the prices with them and I thought I needed to get an updated version of what the prices are so I got them I got prices and I also rang the dealership that had got a 911 in that I took my fancy and I gave them a ring as well and what they told me I was rather shocked with in fact extremely shocked with and I'll tell you more about that later what I need you to do is share this video for me share it on your social media share it on your Facebook also hit the Subscribe button let's push this video out so people don't make the same mistake that I do because the agenda nowadays with the powers that be are trying to get everybody into electric cars and these things I found out are basically a disposable vehicle like your mobile phone or anything else that has batteries in it and I found that out with really bad consequences so if you're new to the channel do hit the Subscribe button share it on social media and give it a thumbs up it pushes it out to YouTube and let's educate other people so they don't make the same mistake as I do now without further Ado my friends let's [Music] go [Music] a [Music] [Applause] [Music] right now then let's get down to business shall we so um I've just been away I've been over to Australia filming videos if you watch the channel you will have seen those videos I'm back now and uh I drove down and I left my car at he thr airport while I was over in Australia for 4 weeks and it was a little bit worried that when I got back whether my car would start because last time I did that the internal battery locked me into the car uh and locked me out and then I managed to get in manually and it locked me in the car however all was good no issues whatsoever now I also planned my journey because all evangelists will tell you should have planned your journey fail to plan plan to fail or whatever they say um so I planned my journey this time and what I did was I charged on the way down before I got to Heathrow so when I got back to Heathrow from an 18-hour flight my car would be charged almost anyway I I literally got back to the office with about 3% charge although they say plan your journey and you think oh well everything went smoothly smoothly then it did it went really smoothly on the way back I got back to the office 3% charge left didn't have to stop to charge however on the way down it was an absolute nightmare in fact so much so I wish I had recorded it but I was just not in the the right mindset I wanted to get get down to the hotel and get some sleep before I had a massive flight the next day because on the way down I charged at um I tried to charge at the services let me get out of here I tried to charge at the services on the M1 um at Northampton to start with and Northampton had got some new charges installed however you couldn't tap and pay you had to download the app the tap and pay wasn't working so I thought right okay so then I went down to Milton keing which is off of The Junction out of my way a little bit uh and there as well I went in I had to wait for half an hour while another car was charging so that was a bit of a nightmare there's a car there's a nice sports car behind I'm just wondering what that is I think it might be McLaren um anyway so I had a half an hour wait at Milton ke where the ionity Chargers were um and I ended up good grief the potholes I ended up charging there uh after I'd waited half an hour I needed the toilet as well and it's a bus station it's the bus station for a coach station for National Express so I went in there and I needed the toilet and you have to pay to get into the toilet it's a 50p or a pound or whatever and I say I haven't got any cash can I just tap and pay oh no you'll need to get some cash so I had to get some cash out of the wall which charged me to then buy a coffee that I didn't really want from the shop to get the change to go to the toilet while my car was charging and I managed to charge it and then I got down to the airport but it was a little bit of a nightmare so it wasn't quite that easy it added another hour onto my journey down to the hotel so this all mounted up and while I was away in Australia I thought you know what I have had enough of this blooming electric car it's a nightmare I just want red and I want a 911 so I looked online and I've I saw a nice 911 at a dealership at a Porsche dealership and um I thought right okay I know my car I'm I'm about 20 odd th000 in negative equity now I've managed to save a little bit not 20 odd th000 and I thought what I'll do is I'll just you know I'll just bite the bullet and I'll go in swap it for this car and I'll have to pay slightly more a month uh for that and try and do some some kind of deal with it so I got some prices off of we bu any car I got some prices off of Motorway prices off of carwow and then another one which I said which I'm going to go through I'm going to pull over and go through the prices with you but also but also I rang the dealership who had the 911 in beautiful 911 uh used a used car and I thought fair enough that's good really nice good neck um but I rang the dealership and what he told me was I mean I was shocked really uh well I shouldn't really be shocked with the electric cars really should I because the experience I've had so far it just proves the point that electric cars and we're being sold these electric cars the government's trying to shove them down our throats motor manufacturers are trying to shove them down our throats because the government's telling them that they can't sell any cars after 2035 that aren't electric cars so they they're having to do that and they're having to sell these cars that are not really fit for purpose because they literally are disposable cars and people are going to end up in massive negative equity and they're not going to be able to get rid of the cars and then they're not going to work because the batteries are going to uh run out and they're going to degrade and it's going to be ridiculously expensive to replace them bear with me I'm getting to the prices and you will not believe what the manufacturer the the dealership said to me I was really disappointed so now I'm in a bit of a quandry I don't know what to do um anyway let me just get on here and I'll try and get on the motorway and then pull off and get a cofin I'll tell you exactly what the prices are what I was given again uh from all the uh online dealerships which has gone down from the last time I told you over a month ago um quite a bit but it was the dealership that just it's blew my mind so um I just I want the I want the 911 I don't want to be driving around in a oversized scale electric or a milk [Music] float right so I haven't got the cost hand at the moment however I'll let you in on what the dealership said so I rang the dealership I spoke to the guy uh the buyer it wasn't Porche leads and it wasn't Porsha Nottingham I might have to have a word with Porche Nottingham and see whether they can help me out that's my next step however the dealership that I rang who' got the Porsche in that I wanted the 911 that I wanted the guy who actually answered watches the channel and he has actually seen my videos on electric cars which is quite interesting and he did tell me a bit of information but he did say please don't mention me on your video so I won't mention him I really want to mention who it is but I'm not going to because he could probably lose his job and that's not nice so anyway but what he did say was obviously now there is a new Porsche tyan that's come out there's a new model with a longer range battery on it Etc it goes faster in fact it's insanely fast and it's slightly remod moded so that now has brought the cost of my car down and obviously it's less desirable should we say because everybody's going to want the new tyan if they're going for a tyan at all um so he said basically they've got too much stock uh of the um excess stock of the older model tyan so unfortunately they're not buying in uh any new tians because they're overstocked with with them so he won't buy my car so what he did say was your best bet would probably be to sell it private now if I sell it private to try and get then I'm going to have to pay the 20 odd Grand that I owe on it back to the finance company which I wanted to add into the cost of the new Finance deal on the new on the used 911 that I saw so it won't quite work I don't think because I'd have to I'd have to sell the car pay the finance off and find that entire 20 odd Grand to pay that Finance off which I haven't got the entire 20 odd Grand if you know what I mean I wanted to Encompass it into the new Finance deal with the 911 at the dealership so but he's not buying them in so that's a little bit of that's that's put a little bit of a spanner in the works shall we say my next step is uh to have a word with obviously porting him and porsa leads uh and see what they come up with for me um but they haven't got the 9911 in that I wanted I'm sure they've got some others but uh we'll have to have a look anyway so they're not buying in any more tians they're overstocked with tians so it's basically it's it's they won't even buy it back they did give me a a rough cost on what it would be and it did come out better than carwow and we buy any car Etc and I'll go through them with you uh and tell you what they are but it just goes to show that electric cars really are a disposable item if you buy an EV of any kind you are going to lose a massive amount of money on it now it's not just the tians I had a guy email me asking me what my advice is because he he had an Audi Ron that he had and um he wanted to go back to a petrol car because he was sick of charging up Etc and he says what can I do because he was in massive negative equity again because these electric cars do not hold their value and who wants a used electric car when you the batteries degrade for instance this battery on this is £45,000 for a replacement battery plus labor so you're probably looking at probably I'd guess another 7 Grand on top which is more than the car is worth so it's pointless it's a disposable item which is where we left where we left at with electric cars and that's why they will never catch on and hopefully anybody who's watching this video will share it out there on your social media anybody anyone of your friends or family or yourself that's thinking of buying electric car do not buy one do not do it don't fall for it I guarantee you I guarantee you that the government will put that date back and push it back from 2035 to even more these things are an interim until something else comes out like a cleaner fuel cell Etc please don't do it so I'm going to find somewh to pull over get a coffee and I'll read you these figures and let you know exactly what this car is worth now and what I owe on it I bought it for £120,000 and now it's worthless in less than three [Music] [Music] years [Music] oh [Music] right okay so I pulled in I'm going to put some charging while I'm here and get a coffee also by the way my heat stopped working in my car which I was waiting for it to happen because uh that's a thing with Porsche the heating systems stopped working and there's a backup now so I'm not going to have any heat or any air conditioning in my car for a while now until they uh replace the heater on it that's really annoying um so I do you know what I give up anyway let's go through these figures I'm going to plug my car in then we'll go through the figures uh and I'll tell you exactly what I've been offered compared to last month and also what uh the dealership offered me but obviously well Tommy it's worth but didn't but said they're not going to take the car basically anyway let's get out there turn this milk float off and uh go through the figures I can't believe it they mean heat is not I'm going have to call in at Porsche on the way up to leads milk float off oh right well I'm going to charge my car up I can't believe it now my heat has gone I was waiting for it to happen I was thinking oh no CU loads of people's heaters in the tians have broken at the moment in fact I was at the dentist yesterday he's got a tyan cross Turismo and his heat has been broken for the last three months trying to book it in so luckily it's coming up to spring and summer and I won't be that cold but you can't believe it unbelievable who's made these things right let's get this things charged up and I'll let you know exactly what the costs are unbelievable this anyway there's a guy over there who watches the channel hi by the way I'm saying hi to you over there and um he's got an mg and it's a company car uh and he's been sat here for 40 minutes waiting for it to charge which is obviously time is money isn't it for businesses what do these businesses think obviously they they're saving money on Tax but that's really wrong isn't it it's like false economy because then they're saving money on the tax but then they've got an employee who's sat there waiting for the car to charge which is nuts isn't it anyway I don't know let me get this charged up I want to tell you these figures please present your payment method to the contact reader that's what I've just done try again I've just done it and I'm freezing try again please present your payment method to the C I've done it how many times do you want me to do it I've just done it grid serve oh give in right back in again shove it in I'm freezing right try again preparing to charge we're connect in your vehicle come on come on I'm freezing perishing preparing to charge we're connecting to your vehicle probably taking all my information and data and where I've been as well oh here we go 78% that's it charging using 100% Net Zero Energy right okay see you later so there we go have you finished not yet another 20 minutes there you go I won't put the camera around on you but 20 minutes how long have you been so far about 20 minutes 40 minutes then 40 minutes for a full charge shouldn't you be at work oh you are at work is at work anyway there you go what is it electric cars they're brilliant aren't they at least your heater works anyway let's get down to business so basically uh the initial cost of the car was £120,000 now the last time I did this a month ago my Porsche was Porsche offered me £ 44,6 for it we buy any car offered me £ 44,1 35 Motorway offered me $41,250 9 this is a month ago and carwow offered me 42372 and flip it flipping a listen to what they offered me was 28,36 now I went back online today I also uh got a quote off of Porsche off the dealership in exchange for the uh 911 what I wanted uh but obviously they wasn't taking any more tians they wasn't taking them t them get it um and he said it's roughly worth £ 41500 so £ 41,500 if they were to take it but they're not this was that dealership I'm not going to mention it I don't want to lose him his job I am going to go to Nottingham and leads though and see whether they'll take it but I wanted that Porche that they' got in at that dealership anyway we'll go back to that we buy any car as of today offered me 4,615 Motorway offered me wait for this £ 39,821 616 and flip it flipping e wait for this 26,6 190 which is outrageous so it leaves me in a massive massive negative equity because as of today as well the balance to pay off my car with Porsche Finance is £ 64,66 45 so basically I'd be leting over £20,000 out of pocket which I thought well what I would do is if Porsche the dealership against the 911 would have taken taken my car taken tyan my car and I would have been able to add that onto the finance but if I sell it privately like is suggested that I do then I'm going to have to find the £20,000 to pay the finance company off which is I've not got all of it you see so I'm basically left with a car that's worthless even the dealership does not want this car back so it yet again electric cars as I say they're a throwaway item they're disposable and they're basically not fit for purpose so if you're thinking of buying one do not do it you're going to be left in the same predicament that I've been left in I can tell you now we've got another electric car coming here she reversing in uh BMW so I've got two more you know i' got all these evangelists around me I feel a bit uncomfortable like they're going to get me anyway that's all from me today um I'm going to try and sort it out I've got to call into Porsche now and try and sort the heater out and get that sorted uh which is only just under warranty I think so I need to get that sorted I just want red I've had enough that's all for me today please do give it a thumbs up do share it on social media and do tell your friends as well not to buy an electric car and I'll see you guys in the next one don't forget Thumbs Up Hit the Subscribe button and share it and let's stop this blooming Madness right well I'm waiting for it to charge interesting thing is the woman who pulled in there in the BMW another guy's pulled in now um the charger wasn't working there was an error so she had to move a car and go over there I got a photograph of it there you go uh and it said basically there was an error so she couldn't charge so she had to go to the next one over there and then she's having a bit of an issue with that one as well so uh there you go complete Nightmare and I'm freezing now and I've got no eater for
Channel: The MacMaster
Views: 157,080
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Electric Cars, EVs, EV, Electric Vehicles, Are Electric Cars the Future?, Porsche Taycan, Electric Cars Future, Electric Car Charging, Should I buy an Electric Car, Electric Car Lies, Electric Car Scam, EV Scam, Electric Cars Battery
Id: 77Yo4LpksWM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 4sec (1504 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 11 2024
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