My Dumb Academia (My Hero Academia Abridged) - Episode 1 & 2

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Oh shit, I'm never the straight one- whaaat okay- It all began in Ching Ching, China Where a baby with abnormal light was born Some halfday forward new generations of humans with quirks became more common because super power takes longer to say than quirks. (-_-) We're gonna see the story of a boy who was lucky enough to be relevant a story like this. JUSTICE WILL PREVAIL! No, no, no not him that little kid over there Yeah him. (sadly-) You shall be punished for your crimes villain for no evil can hide from my Morningwood. FEAR MY RISING JUSTI- Sup bruh. I have a thing for big ladies! ;) But my rising justice ( ; _ ; ) (shoud've been a protagonist) My justice is rising right now if you know what I mean. Eww (that's nastay) Congratulations class! You're all terrible -_- It's going to have to take a dedicated teacher with a heart of gold to get through to you kids But that those teachers only exist in hopes and dreams and I'm retiring tomorrow. So everyone buzzes!! yaaaaaaay *Pft* Whatevs. I don't need that school buLLcrAp cuz I'm gonna be a professional demolition derby driver. I got explody powers and everything! It'll be cake! No, in fact, it'll be forty cakes! Oh, yeah, Deku wants to go to the superhero school, right? Oh- yeah, I mean- scRew that demolition crap, I'm gonna be a superhero! Just so I can prove that I'm better than you That.. doesn't seem very hero-like. How darE you! I'll have you know, that my grandpa was a prOUd kamikaze pilot. May his soul smolder in pieces. GoD blesS Jay-Pan ;-; That isn't the Japanese flag.. Are you patronizing me? maybe? Stupid Bakugo... I don't even think he knows what a superhero is.. But then again Can I even become a hero? (main character disorder, you're forced to ; - ;) Yeah, your son has cancer. (bro what) Oh mY GOODNESS THAT'S HORRIBLE ehAEHEHEHheheh You thought I was serious? I was just kidding! eHEHhahAHhh Oh, well, that's a relief! No, but seriously your son is quirkless. (oof) oH GOD WHY ISN'T IT CANCER (bigger oof) How could a weak, quirkless idiot like me ever become a hero? (luck?) No! Have to stay positive! You need to show them that you're more than meets the eye! yOU'VE GOT THE TOUCH! YOU'VE GOT THE POWERR, YEaH!! oOoh i lOVE tHAT soNG! Hii, wANNa bE my FriEnD? Too bad aHAHAhA Halt, you smelly pile of filth!! It is I.. ALL migHT Rising from the sewers to fight this villain! NO! He'S MY FRIEND noW! Don't worry about that. You'll be making lots of friends... in jAIL :))) tEXAS? SMAAAAASH That one-lineR SUUUUUUCKed- *slapping* HahAHA you're awake! And that's a good thing too cuz all that paperwork would've been a big paaain in mY BuTTocks. haha *screem* Oh my god! It's All Might! Maybe I can ask him how to become a true hero!! Well, anyways, I better be going and remember sonny, don't do drugs or punch people on the streets because they might punch you bAck (owwie) aLL MIGHT? AWAAAAAAAAY strange, i feel moist (same) Oh my god, what are you doing on my lEG? This screenshot was brought to you by Pleasant Imagery now in Heavy Vision this road nerf this I hate lemonade! Why did you buy a can of it? To prove a point. That you don't like lemonade? Of course not. That I haTE LEMONADE. It's like piss on my mouth. That's like a waste of money and lemonade. Hey, you don't know me! >:( My life is a complex puzzle and lemonade is cleArly not a piece of it. can I BE a PiECE of iT?? uwu Yeah I guess that works. I was- almost gonna die- And you will be if you pull that crap again! Welp, I'm out. WaiT Mr. All Might! Before you go, can I ask you something? You see, I was born without a quirk... but I always wanted to be a superhero So... I gotta know. Can I be a super hero too? What- no- why would you even- It's happening- I just thought that maybe a superhero isn't just a quirk, you know, maybe heart and determination is all you really- neeEEEEEED- What's the matter kid? Never see a man deflate before- *blurgh* aRE YOU DYING? Just trying a new look. Ya like it? Ahahaha *blergh* No, but seriously, I'm a very sick man What the heck happened to you? What, you mean this? Want the long story or the abridged one? ..the- abridged one? Dog bite. Then what's the long version? It was a rEally big dog. Shouldn't you go to a doctor or something? It's not that simple kid. More importantly, now that you know my secret, I should find a way to silence you. Silence? mE? Yep, I can't have the privilege of having a kid going around telling people that All Might is really skinny ass bastard that has a terrible Back problem, now can I? But you're in luck If I was in my full power, I could slap you senseless to make you think this was all just a dream or something So, I'll just leave you with this warning. I can find where you live And very quickly. Now if you don't mind kid I'm late for my soap operas. I wonder whom Carlos will sleep with this week. Feel like I forgot something crap- You're gonna fire right come on you would Guys I'm no good at narrow spaces I can hold down the flames, but it would be nice if it wasn't the only one doing it So what do we do now? I guess the only logical thing to do now is Wait, everyone agrees Reid great my power Rises with the Sun. All right. We're all in agreement That's a breath of fresh air Hello darkness my old friend I Made it. Yeah I need to find a way to come in to save the day while looking good doing it So weak right now and why does it the press here yet? I just sort of have to play the waiting game let's just hope a crazy person won't try to do something so Rast or my Dad guys guys civilian dashing like an idiot did one o'clock mouth lady. What did we agree on? We wait. Yes We wait what heavens Pierson what not fuck Stomping I've got a right where I want it What part of man would I be if I just let some gutless turn try to steal my thunder Detroit Do dance oh crap are they dead? Oh great Wow. My childhood was run today gecko I'm not thanking you uh, okay. Oh Yeah, I hate you Oh My what are you doing here? I didn't tell anyone I swear Don't worry kid. I didn't come here to kill you besides it'll be too easy No, don't in the distance where there have been no witnesses ha ha Are you straight to the point not gonna lie. I like your kid, but I take back what I said before You do have attention what really you've got something very important. You've got guts Either that or suicidal either way, they're great trace first appear Oh, you're not just saying that because you don't want me to tell your secret to anyone right? What no, no Maybe definitely a possibility. Well, you're no longer the role model I once believed in as long as I can become a hero I am up for anything Come again Mush mush mush, come on kid move those tiny little legs Good job, my boy. You managed to move exactly nowhere. Well done Why am I even doing this to begin with uh Training that's quite definitely not because I have a civil duty to clean this disgusting breach Look I get that I need to become stronger to become a hero, but I don't see how this is. I'm again I'm just updating my social media pages Gotta look good and all those medias Damn You lookin fine? How is this helping me become a superhero? Okay firing cheese here. I'll take care of the fridge for you Yay Julie as in you a high as in the best superhero school in Japan You bet your scrawny limbs. It is Oh get your recommendation. Ivan have the papers right here? Is this my fanfiction of you at night? I shit rock burn up with your fat Vic Yeah All righty then All right half a day's probably good enough, let's see how bad this cheap thing Wow Wait, how how I mean? Congratulations tip we just clean the whole piece. I Did everything Screw you hey, there is no I did team There's an hai and I did all the work. Ok, fine. I'll give you a present each my hair You a I can't believe I'm actually here Maybe having scary memories was worth it after all out of the way Deku. Oh No, you don't know me. You don't talk to me just You know is just gonna Maybe this will be a good day after all and there is no time like the present that put my best foot forward Oh Easy there It's a good thing I caught you one second off and it probably would have been a disaster like you dead kind of disaster blood Everywhere on my shoes on your shoes. It'd be awful Or better yet the future you a welcome to your entrance exam. Are you all excited? Yes Thank You Randall for showing up to every single one of my shows Now the rules are simple. You gotta fight some robots And that's it till time. Whoa Hey, shut up Randall, excuse me, sir. Yes that Randall. Yes not Randall here I have many questions that maybe in the few. Yes. What our first question? Okay, according to the brochure that we were handed before this. We will be fighting some Rock'em Sock'em robots Will you be providing rocks and or socks to ruck them or sock them with? I don't think last question you there? Josh but I did Is it something I said don't talk to me or I will shove a pen down your urethra noted All right This is it my one moment if I succeed I'm on the fast-track to my career as a superhero If I fail Oh Oh my kidding Powers this is gonna be terrible. I mean just look at all these people and their fancy Oh hates that girl Go talk to her to calm myself down a bit Out of me I know there had to be a reason What the heck are you kids still doing here? The test started 10 minutes ago. We would just go already Okay, calm down need to find a robot and destroy what My only left five seconds after everyone else here Well, everything seems to be going nicely. At least we don't have as many casualties as last year So that's a plus now we can just sit back and hope that nothing unexpected Can fight this one system I shall make his place most face. I do not understand there's why they would be this Oh my gosh, why must you meet me in a time like this? There's no Everywhere on my shoes on your shoes. It'd be awful You know, what else will be awful if you let me get killed by a giant robot That won't be very neat. By the way. I think your mind is broken and you might do something stupid. Also you're on No, not this time I bow like my fear shackle me it's not going to back down not anymore But that happened Oh God, here we go It's rainbows because it's censored ha ha gross. Jeiza Is ook ooh honey, huh? Are you still sad because the exam didn't go very well Yeah, yeah, that's that's the reason If you want some snacks to make you feel better no, no thanks snacks make me feel better. I'm gonna get some snacks Well, these are cool you really screw the pooch on this one What were you thinking like you could become a hero the only thing you got from this is three of your four limbs broken My throttles here I come What well this is it no, I don't want to read it. I'll rip it in half Don't you yes it is or Might I have invaded your mouth to give you an important announcement Your test results. Oh boy. Here we go Well, then the truth is You were terrible just awful. One of the worst contestant you've ever had really and I'm not surprised This is exactly what I expected, but I bet you didn't expect this Wait, can you hear me? haha Oh Sorry, no, I'm not a fan of your work. I prefer DJ fraud yo, ha ha well, that's disappointing What do you want? well There was a spoink and of saved me from the giant robot thing that you guys tried to kill me with I was stuck under A rock I couldn't move then he came out of nowhere and punched the thing then he fell and got really broken That recovery girl had to come in and try to fix them and it was really weird also kind of gross But mostly weird anyways, don't just qualify him. He seems really cool he saved me and stuff and I hope someone is Conveniently filming behind me because I lost track at about the moment You said there was your fly's undone. And if I was undone and we were conveniently feeling behind him Ok, but none of that was relevant because it wasn't about me Oh, yeah, you did pasty Saku we won but that's not all kid. You see that jump It puts weren't just an accident. The truth is I gave you my quick Well, I guess that makes sense. Wait you did what? Yes, when you ate my hair I passed out my one ball court to you my cell potential on you So I decided to train you if your body wasn't strong enough Your limbs would have exploded the mome you try to use it and you would have died a most gruesome death I could have died Yes, but you did it. So it's ok. So It's true I'm really going to you a yes. Oh Thanks to me screw. You don't talk back to me, Roberto Mike
Channel: Grimmjack
Views: 332,695
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Abridged, Abridged Series, MENT, TheSchmuckSquad, The Schmuck Squad, MrBuddyVA, Eagle8burger, Coffinjockey, Ezekieru, EoD, GaoGaiKingtheGreat, PsWeasel, Akame ga Kill!, The Seven Deadly Sins, Shokugeki no Soma Abridged, AssClass
Id: U3ftB6Q6OF4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 42sec (1362 seconds)
Published: Fri May 10 2019
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