My Hero Academia: WAR Abridged [Complete]

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So… What’re we gonna do after we graduate from UA? If we graduate… As if! I’m gonna rule this school FOREVER! Well, if nobody’s making plans… Let’s stick together, the three of us! Bold of you to leave out Kaya. Kaya’s actually got a future as a hero. We could be her obedient little sidekicks? And get pegged on the daily?!  I see many sexual harassment  charges in her future too… And yours, Micycle! Oohohhohoooo, at least let me stretch first :( No matter each other’s prospects,  we’ll make the best of them together!  Nobody leaves each other behind, right? Right! That’s it! I can be a good soldier no longer…! I’m requesting a mental health day. You’ve been officially back for half a day. Yea! This place is THAT exhausting! And you left me to run it alone. You had Nezu. You’ll never have drip like this  until you learn to camp the item box! You embezzled student tuition to  get that drip and you know it, Nezu! Lemme make it up to you! We’ll go on vacation and   see the world like we said  we would as students here! Not sure if you noticed Micycle, but the  world is currently on fire right now. Like it always has! Come on~! After this semester concludes. And Eri goes too. That’s a death flag if I’ve ever seen one… You’re needed in the principal's  office like yesterday, Eraserhead! Aw man! What did I do this time?! Wait… I’m the principal! >:( (average Star Wars fan today) What’s wrong, padawan? Kathleen Kennedy Someone on the internet said Eri’s Star Wars  fan fiction about Darth Eraserhead was cringe! I told you to keep her away  from the comment section, Mirio! Sorry, gramps! I keep fall’n  in the Lego City River! ( I did not direct him to do this laugh ) Again?! …Oh, Eri… They have their head canon, but you’re  the only one brave enough to publish it. That’s a cute little fanfiction you  got there, Deku, but it’s NOT CANON! You saw it yourself! I have  your explosion quirk now! It was leftover sweat from  our premarital hand touchies!  YOUR LACK OF HAND HYGIENE IS “DEE-SGUS-TeNNNN!” Okay okay okay! Let’s just say, for the sake of  argument, it’s at least shadow canon. While helping me hone my new quirks, Nana and the  other vestiges have been calling you “Number Two!” Oh, so it talks to you now? Quirk’s haunted. Boys. So what did I say if I was in there? To wash your breakfast sausage look’n fingers?! Boys... We’re still in a pandemic, Eraserhead!  Mask, vax ‘n wash your hands else it  won’t just be evil the criminals spread! Wasn’t All Might still attached  to One for All before he died?  And All for One could track you. So, if your theory is correct... Bakugo should feel some sort of attachment to you. That’s putting it mildly. I feel flirty, thrifty and thriving,  but not a single ounce of attachment   to the clown circus going on inside  that split pea brain of yours, Deku! No you! Glad I could mediate… What’s wrong, Aizawa? You  look tired. Even for you. Oh, just living the dream… Sorry to wake you, princess, but  Hero Society needs a quick favor.  We’ll return ya home after, we promise. Tartarus isn’t exactly a place guys  like me return from, now is it? This man… we think… goes by the alias, Haze. He was a former member of the League of Villains,   and was willing to cooperate  until we started asking questions. He’s been comatose for weeks and starting  to smell, but we think you can snap him out. I can’t erase whatever mind control he’s  under unless I see the guy controlling him. If we needed quirks, I already had  ample time to smack him around. We want to spark a strong emotion to wake him up. He said he knew you. Uh oh. Another skeleton from your dark past? Both of you. Eeegh?! I plead the fifth! I’ve never met this guy before. It can’t be… Shirakumo, is that you, ya sunavuabeesting?! Shirakumo?! EEEEWWWWW!!! WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU, BRO?! W-we mean… that’s an…  interesting new look, old pal… WHAT ARE THOSE?!?!?!?! He didn’t always look like that?! He had a gum line if you read the spin-off manga! (Ya'll REALLY need to read MHA: Vigilantes) The abridged version. He filled the space Toshi left  behind after running off with Nana.  Together with Kaya, we were  basically the children left behind. A prequel to the League of Villains, if you  will, ‘cept we were just harmless pranksters. You were… Don’t spill another delicious drop of  lore to these pigs without a lawyer! I am his lawyer, and you’ve  already atoned for that, Aizawa. There was an accident… And he… H-how did this happen? Ask ‘im yourself. Don’t worry, we’ll bust ya outta  here, Kumo! We know a good lawyer! He’s not leaving here.  Even if he tells us what we want,  he has his own crimes to atone for. Such impossible standards, not everyone  can be a perfect angel like moi! Get on with it, hair spray! We are.  If anybody can spark a strong  emotion out of someone, it’s Mike. WHHHHHH---WHHHHHHHH-----... Let me clear some of that for you… WWWHHHHHHH--Where is… Where is Shigaraki…? Is he safe…? THAT’S WHAT WE’RE TRYING TO ASK YOU!!! ALSO…NICE TO SEE YOU AGAIN, OLD FRIEND?! Why are you so concerned for Shigaraki? I never hesitate to help those in  need, even if they don’t want it. SO YOU DECIDED TO BE A VILL--uh..? He’s Nana’s son… Could never turn your back on  a stray could you, Shirakumo? I flunked the hero course, so  my options weren’t exactly open. Ask him where Shigaraki is! He just said he doesn’t know! He’s lying! You had a better shot than me, and would  you believe it, I run the damn school now. Despite my best efforts to run it into the ground. I’m not surprised. This isn’t the time to get nostalgic! Dad! Ask him where the League is! You’re always welcome to come  home too! You, me, Mike and Kaya! The children who got left behind! We can all stay there so it doesn’t  happen to another child again! We got a brain wiggle! Let me in there, I’ll knock ‘im back in order! ( mfw Bones makes the worst anime exclusive filler  but won't adapt Vigilantes young Aizawa arc ) Who did this to you?! Where can we find them? What did they put on me?! We can help you and Shigaraki! Sketchers?! The shoes that breathe? Oh, we’ll help him to every once of  pain he and the League ever caused! Dad! Shut up!! Where’d you get those Sketchers?! HELP THEY'RE SO COMFY!! Just asking for a friend! Da-- Da---.... Doctor… ( my brain activity watching  most of MHA after Season 3 ) H-he said "doctor!" There’s lots of doctors in the world, you morons! He could've meant Dr. Stone, F  it! Let's do the crossover now! So much for the honest route… Sorry, Mom~, but I can’t fight crime today! I’m hanging with my best friend Twice! Yea! They really still think you’re a hero when you’re actually spying on them for us! What maroons! They’re gettin’ suspicious, little  bro! We need an alibi to give those   nosy heroes the impression we’ve nested in  this mansion longer than we actually have. We also need addresses, zip  codes, mortgage and banking   info on all the other properties the  Paranormal Liberation Front owns! Yea! Let’s make this place a gaming compound! You think HOA’s gonna let us install  a Red Bull dispensary any time soon?  We need to look old money. Right! We’ll be lawyers in a civil  union. Broberg and Brostein, LLC! Bird up! We really oughta start  that practice when this is all over. And Dr. Holocaust can be our first investor!  We just gotta get him to sign some things! Haha yea! But… If there’s not gonna be any laws in the new world… why would anyone need lawyers, big bro? Let me sweat the legal deets, little bro… While you say into this recording device that  you voluntarily offered me all this information. Trust me, I’m gonna be a lawyer! After I make a little Twice~  if ya know what I mean!  See ya, big bro! You’re certain we’re not rushing into this? A.F.O. and Overhaul had all the time  in the world to cook up their schemes.  Wouldn’t it be nice to stop something  while it’s half-baked for once? Now you’re thinking like a true hero, Mr. Hawks. You’re really out of line this time, heroes! Kidnapping and experimenting on patients? We’d never imagine such terrible  things from dear old Dr. Holocaust! Nein nein nein nein, I’m not Dr. Holocaust! Though the resemblance is uncanny,   I’m actually Doctor….uh…..Trail of Tears? I’m an M.D. not a historian, and the last  piece of history I vaguely remember being   taught in primary school was the date  Christopher Columbus discovered America. In 1492.  Though I fail to see ze importance  of memorizing such globalized drivel. I am of the same mind, my dear  long-time friend and colleague,   Dr. Holocaust. I mean Trail of Tears. Whatever any of those things mean,  I’m sure they’re not so bad-- Mirko, hop to it! Hopp’n! Thanks for blowing my cover, dummkopf!! But... I’m almost relieved. Wasting my precious hot years pretending  to actually care for these patients,  and not pruning them like  the cash crop they truly are! See, completely normal doctor talk. Everyone, please evacuate!  This hospital’s about to become a war  zone, unsafe for patients and staff! Always has been! Our insurance doesn’t give us many options! (doo doo doo~ one ticket to Argentina please...) Your hunch was right, Eraserhead.  Falsified birth records point  to an immortality quirk. He’s a living bloody relic. I could help reduce your sentence. Lock you in a cozy museum as an example for our   kids of what we don’t tolerate  anymore, and never should have. Ya know, I kinda like Nazis…  You can punch ‘em as hard as ya  want and never feel bad about it! Get off of him! You’re going too far! Get them out of here. I’m sorry, it’s dangerous here, you need to leave! Still a completely normal day at the hospital! Your lead was the last  piece we needed, Eraserhead.  Never too late to become one of my sidekicks. No thanks, somebody’s gotta be  around to raise your son right. Patients and staff have all been  evacuated. Do what you must. (laughs nazily) Facism never goes out of style,  darlings… just the uniform it wears. One of Twice’s copies?! Don’t cry, Endeavor! I’ll have the real kraut wailing in a second! WHAT’S UP DOC? (inhales frightfully) (exhales cowardly) What am I doing on the frontlines?! Strongest heroes lead the charge,  Zapper, we thought you’d be flattered? I’m gonna get flattened alright! Just think of this as extra credit, bawk bawk! Yea… that B+ is going to  look great on my tombstone! Knock! Knock! See how you like being terrorized for a change! About damned time… Not a single villain can escape today! Do what you must! We attack to protect! I don’t like what he’s implying, yo! You’d actually be dumb not  to be scared right now, kid! No I’m dumb for letting ya’ll  patsy me for your war crimes! If saving the world feels  too far above your pay grade,  just focus on who you’re protecting! Muh-my friends? If it wasn’t for them I wouldn’t have  gotten this strong in the first place! So actually… it’s their fault I’m  gonna DIIIIIIIIIIEEEEEEEEEEEEE~!!! Ohmygosh he’s obsessed with me. (old, sticky drawer swings open) Kinduva bummer to be miss’n out on all the action. This is the last place I  want to be right now either,  but if the frontline falls, the action’s all ours. And with Zapper involved…  that’s a… BIG possibility. I can’t believe we got left behind Zapper! Strongest heroes lead the charge, Bakugo. He is literally the charge and you  literally run faster than light! Which is gonna help relocate  a lot of civilians, let’s go! This electricity in the air… It can only be la revolucion! Uncle Shocker?! This must come as a shock, EH NEPHEW?!?! Y’all was say’n some trady shit  last Thanksgiving, so not really.  Now, it’s about damn time somebody  put respect on our family’s name. What a cool kid. Alright, kill ‘em all. HAVE YOU NO EMPATHY?! Like you do?! Despite my best efforts, somewhere  deep down the Nomu are still people!  Look! They wear clothes and feel  shame! And you’re killing them! Come on you guys, half these patients  are opioid addicts, they can walk! Goshdammit Mirko what’re you doing in there?! Hey, settle an argument for me. Nomu aren’t people, right? Doc just wants us to hesitate so they can kill us? Hey, my friend is a nomu! Your job is to capture the  real Doctor and Shigaraki.  Fight only if they impede. I AM NOT RESISTING ARREST! My justice is totally being obstructed right now. Send Crust’s team to pull Mirko out. She can’t be bought, so we’re gonna need more men! Is NASA hiring again?! I got notes! He’s got a weapon! DA-DA! Thought these dummies were  comatose without orders?! He was protecting me… All my Nomu will with the right motivation! Finally… We can go all out… Time to die hero… So they are people…? And most people are STILL ASSHOLES! >:D Pretty sure that hospital monopolized  all healthcare within half the state. So where are they gonna send  those critical patients to? Don’t think about that. All support teams clear your districts now. Hey, idiots!  The city told you to run away!  Did you not see the news?! We did! One channel said it was a hoax! Another said it was safe enough to go to work! And Twitter says my grandkids were manufactured  in a Chinese lab so I’m not sure what to believe! Why do I get the feeling we got the harder job? Naw, I think this city’s already clearing itself. Can’t buy your way outta this one, Upper Crust! It has a personality? EW! Help me! Or Mirko’s gonna get us all in trouble! My apologies, young Master, but I  have stared ze abyss in ze face.  And I am no longer interested  in your deadliest potential. 70% should be enough to protect me, ya…? So, you’ve stopped running.  Click clackin’ away behind your  keyboard, where your kind feels safe. But not from me~... How can she still move?! Because! Being a hero…! Is a license to KILL! And a license to die…! WITH NO REGRETS! Scottie Pippen! Now, you’re probably wondering how I got here? Surrender peacefully and take the plea bargain. I thought we were bros… We are bros, Jin! We signed the paperwork! You used me like a cheap Kleenex(TM)! Because you’re a good person… somewhere deep down,   like way way deep down… And  I didn’t want to fight you! Manipulation was just easier for me! Must be nice to have a choice! And you still chose poorly, mate! Sorry… Dabi… You’re right about Twice  though, he ain’t one of us.  Only ever brings us trouble, but  it’s the kinda trouble I like! RAGNABAWK! Redestro get down! Last time I outsource to China! Here’s Levity--uh?! What’s wrong, Shadow? Levity, there’s a big scary monster down there…! You’re a big scary monster. Yea, but I got a heart…! That’s right! That one don’t  move without his master.  And master’s about to be  preoccupied from 9 to life. How do we know all this? Your mentor Hawks has been break’n  bread with these villains for ages!  Told us everything we needed  ta know ta break them today! Pensive bawk... After all I did to earn your trust…  don’t tell me you knew from the start. Naw mate, I’m just ready to  cremate anyone at a tick! Hang on bro, I’ll save ya! He didn’t ask for it! So stop pretend’n! You don’t care  about justice or safety or friends… You just take the most convenient  route to shuttin’ everyone up. Get ‘im, Dabi! And just where to do you think-- --you’re going…? Out of my way!!! Eh, two birds and whatever. This is all my fault… I have to… Help my friends…! (me after taco bell 5 dollar cravings combo) GO LITTLE TWICE! BEFORE I… Piss Boy to Command!  Your orders SUCK and I’m  bringing these two in ALIVE-- Yay, Twice! Piss Boy…? Awww… I really liked… Bravo, Twice! That rube could’ve   really inconvenienced us for like 15 seconds! Sorry, guys… I can barely hold it together… Like trying to hold a dump… I’m going to shhhhiiiiit… This isn’t funny, Twice. No shit… None of this is… Hero Society… said we were no good…  They pushed us… into this corner…  and expected us to behave… Then they… shot first… What right do they have to say who's good or bad…? When we’re all gonna see each other in hell… This really brings my piss to a boil. Can’t believe you murdered him! Now look who’s pretending to care… We mourn in our own unique ways, Icarus. Instead of bottling up all this rage and justice, I’m gonna take it out on you. Trust me, I’m a therapist  based on your credentials! (sobs nazily) Welp, looks like he f--ked off  and joined the choir invisible.  Dammit Mirko, Command wanted  him alive for questioning! We did it, Endeavor…  We’ll get equal credit for  takin’ those bastards down… And equal blame… Bite this. ( My name's Mirko and welcome to Jackass ) Doc's still alive. Drag me over there, Burnie,  I’ll knock his lights out... ( harmonicas are so f'm funny bro ) You got some 'splain'n to do, Doc! The children left behind… Who your Hero Society could not help… They were handed to me… That's one sick joke, Doc! You’re implying we’re your supplier?! Hey!  What do you mean by that?! HEY!!! Hey. Hey, Hawks. Ya still conscious, mate? Shut up and kill me already. How convenient ya got to  live in a world so quietly? I want you to die like every villain  this Hero Society made… screaming. Let it be with laughter, if I  may have a preference, bawk bawk. You’re bollocking? Send’n kids to do their dirty work? Take a good look, hatchling, ‘cause this  is what Hero Society expects from you. Comply or die. I don’t believe that… I didn’t either, kid.  ‘Til I saw the cost of keep’n  these “heroes” in power. You’re one foot into the abyss already,   mate, why not do the right thing  for a change and just leave him? I’m… I’m gonna save a life… You can leave… No, ‘cause now I gotta attack to protect. You state sponsored pawns love to provoke us. But you won’t get in the way of  Redestro-sama’s free thinker revolution! DABI: Dammit Geten, ya overbooked the venue… GETEN: Hold your Detnerat coin now!! It's fine. It's fine... Gotta save gas for the family reunion anyways… You filthy commoners stop  crying and don’t touch me!  Unless it’s a battle report or a new  pair of legs I want nothing from you-- Uh, Redestro… You’re gonna want to see this~ (me waking up to those dawgs) Master’s scent… Tenko...? I’m sorry you got hurt ‘cause I lied. Momo? I forgave you ages ago. That’s good. You can forgive everyone, and move forward. I never blamed people, Mother. It’s these pesky systems that hurt us. And they need to go away now. That justifies destroying the entire world?! Tomura. It’s been a minute, gramps. For you. In my eyes, or lack  thereof, you’ve aged in an instant. I tucked this remnant of All for One  within your subconscious the day we met.  Only to activate once you had the spine to do so. And what if I hadn’t? I’d feed you to the next successor  without a moment’s thought. Bakugo. Take it he didn’t work out? No, he was your perfect successor. Rejected power. While I reject everything. Don’t do it, my heart! I made a promise to protect you and I failed!  But if you can forgive that  oaf All Might than surely-- You know this isn’t the way, son. With all due respect, Nana. You left your way behind so it could  fester and kill everyone slowly.  My way is a mercy. No way... You were dead--GAAAAAAAAAH! News of my demise was greatly exaggerated. We’re fighting to protect you, but this city  may become a battlefield in the process. And another crater too I bet! This better not raise my rent! I know historically government buses  never took people anywhere great,  but trust me it’s gonna be  better than here in a minute! Thank you for explaining media  literacy to us earlier, young man. Uh… thanks…? I got a webtoon, a fanfic and 20 furry  porn commissions to complete by the end   of this week. If I lose even 10 cents  of income my children will starve. Don’t worry sir, we will protect your  very important artistic contributions. Remain calm.  You might get fired for not coming to work  today, but it’s better than being dead. But I’ll be better off dead if I’m fired! Midoriya! Sorry to intrude,   still learning about consent for telepathy. All for One?! Shigaraki has awakened my power… I’m going to use the last of my  strength to stop him, but if I fail…  He’s coming for you next… I wasn’t the only one who heard that, right?  That was a general non-One for  All special message, RIGHT?! MIKE!!! EVERYONE…! RUN!!! Uh, guys… You might want to see this… Might? Well if we don’t HAVE  to we’re not gonna… bother...? Grab on! Upper Crust!! I’m investing in you, Eraserhead! See! Completely normal hospital facilities! Hospital Team, come in! Support Team, do you read me?! Sad lonely dads on your ham radios?! SOMEBODY RESPOND DAMMIT!!! Nnnnnnnngh--check please~! Hello…? Can anybody read me…? All for Nothing reading you loud and clear. Throwing a party at the end of the world. And anyone left squirming is invited. Hotted booty incoming! Ouch... Now who’s big enough to knock you down? Now we’re riding in style! Which means boss man’s finally  awake, no doubt about it. This town ain’t even big  enough for the one of us!!! Clifford-class kaiju heading this way! And… You’re not blaming me for it? Not ‘cause you did anything cool, Zapper. The bit’s gotten old. I thought we had the upper hand? There’s no way law enforcement lied to us? Right…? Is everything okay? (me during that dream where  I didn't study for exams) Uhhh everything’s fine!  So fine in fact, us adults get  to have the rest of the day off! Good luck, kids! Weren’t they our ride back into town? Yea… I’m start’n ta think everything’s not fine! Noooooo what tipped you off?!?! He’s heading straight for the children! You taught them to run, right?! UA never taught me to run! Let’s not disappoint them now! Right on. Oh thank goodness, the groomers are here! Machia’s only got the mind of a child, dear! Your pheremonious charms won’t work here! Who’s quirk… can even stop THAT? I’m… speaking with the new Overhaul, correct? Uh... Ms. Yomama. Y-yes… Your father was a brilliant man…  and your mother… my teacher…  was the most courageous woman I ever met. You are a leader just like them... (someone wanted to be Starscream real badly haha) ...and I can’t wait to tell them  how proud you make everyone. UA was your mother’s school. If Eraserhead’s no longer around to  lead it… I know he’d want you to. (commenter who watched episode 13 first  because Deku was in the thumbnail) (and refuses to watch the rest  because Deku is not in the thumbnail) It appears Ms. Yomama is now  Principal Yomama interim. But if Yomama’s in charge, that  means the other teachers are-- Whatever you’re plotting behind our  backs... and I’m sure it’s justified… It’s gotta be set aside, just today… Time to die, hero! ...for your classmates’ sake, understand?? Midnight! Are you still there?! It’s… totally normal and not  lame to be scared right now. But are we running or fighting?! What’re we gonna do, Principal Yomama?! Well, we were never taught to run! You’re gonna pay! Swore I’d never get this clingy to  another thembo since junior high! What’s the plan, Principal Yomama?! I want intel at all times,  so never stop talking, Shoji. LaRose, Rusty.  You’ve gotten up close and personal with  him before, you’ll be doing it again. Righteroo! / Oui! I don’t envy you guys one bit! Congratulations on your  promotion, Vice Principal Scott. Daaawww, I got reverse Biden-ed. Lead the rest of our classmates to safety. Oh h*ck yea, cowerin’s my forte-- H*ck no! Mr. Vice Principal  and I are staying to fight! I didn't agree to that! Me too! I got an energy surplus  I’ve been dying to share! Wait--hang on I didn't mean it like that! Nobody else is dying today. Not when the heroes of UA Academy are here! So I guess I keep standing here… like a jackass… “Party at the end of the world?!”  What 2000’s emo band album did  you pull that zinger from?! How ‘bout takin’ your pity party to hell?! It got the right people’s attention… This’ll shut ya--up?! Try pretending I’m your son, maybe that’ll work-- I don’t care who's dead! If  you can fly you can fight! Everyone else form a perimeter!  Stack bodies if ya have’ta! HANDS TO YERSELF! (we used the blooper take here  'cause it felt more raw lol) Some Number One Hero! All  Might never called for backup! You’re more redundant than  an XBox, and twice as boring! Just bring me One for All already! One for All?! Huh?! What’s a One for All?! Endeavor are you still there?!?! One for All… NO WAY! :D My little Mall Cop pal?! Shigaraki’s heading toward the evacuees! Evacuate them again! The party clown is down. Just like morale! The citizens won’t listen to us anymore! Shirking your responsibilities to  hog all the action with Zapper, eh?! The civilians are in danger with me around! And you’re in greater danger with you around! So I’m protecting your ass! HA HA! GAY! There you are… The guest list just shortened drastically… But I’ll leave a present for you D-listers… Not gonna lie! I was talking outta  pocket when I met you at the mall! Didn’t know you’d actually be part of my  plan! ‘Cause frankly I didn’t have one! But that’s destiny for ya, huh?! Gran Torino?! I bet the pair of you can’t even  rub one neuron together, dumbasses! If I’m so dumb, what’s my name?! Shut up and let the big boys handle things, Greg… Now who annoyed me like this before? Don’t remember me? Checking TV tropes now  and…Nope. Not ringing any bells. I’m the man who broke your mother. I couldn’t give less of a sh!t over  your fan-fickle drama, dry eyes! Byooooop~ They’re nice and moist now! Thanks. Manual… Happy to help! How did a bunch of nobody’s like you even survive? Damn… Balloon got Hands. Well, that’s all I got. OKAY FOR REAL NOW THANK YOU, MANUAL! Happy to help! Oh, could I get a recording to show my parents?? (me after taco bell) You want to help? When you’ve been so damn helpful already?! Don’t shift the blame. Like you? Onto people who  can’t fit in a Hero Society? Nobody gets what they deserve…  but I’m gonna make sure you  heroes get damned close! And ensure that nothing  happens to anybody… EVER AGAIN! Thanks for monolog’n, I needed the piss break! Here he comes! TIMBER!!! Open his gob and apply the sedative NOW! Time to take your medicine, big guy! Donwannaaaa! You have to make the choo choo sound  like a train else he won’t bite! The hell, Touchstone?! Doho! Guess I’m the only one  struggling to keep their mouth shut! HERE COMES THE TRAIN…! CHOO! CHOO! Thought this’d be a cakewalk  ‘cause you were in the B plot, eh? Surprise surprise! My classmates are down there! Free to join ‘em any time! Though it’ll be a short one! Thought we didn’t have a Plan-Bé?! Huh?! Jeune rose?! Je suis encore perdu ! Excusez-moi, mademoiselle! Qui a raison et qui a tort ici ? AIDE-MOI!!!!!!! Rusty!! TOO COMPLICATED. LET’S WATCH BETTER MOVIE. You!! Lot’s changed since we first met big  guy, but the answer’s still easy! Who’s hurt’n… AND WHO’S HELP’N!!! YOU HURT MACHIA!!! It didn’t work?! There it is! Get them! Helping and hurting… Hurting to help…? Machia only do what Machia good for… My plans take time… But I fear time is running out. You’re so much like Nana it hurts! GRAN TORINO!!! If she had suffered on, I wonder… Would she take the same path as you…? Go ahead, kid… I had it coming… Aw, was he important too? Allow me to… DIG up a worthless  piece of the past too! Shigaraki! You’re the only person I can never forgive! Oh no. How ever will I recover? Hate for dear old dad to  be left out of this recap… A quirk erasing bullet?! Say hello to Shig-chekov’s gun. And say goodbye to Yomama’s lightsaber! (FUN FACT: Wrote this joke 7 years  ago with Episode 8, not knowing  that far into the manga WHO  would cut their own limbs off;  but knowing Hori's Star Wars love'n ass  well enough that it would 100% happen.  It ultimately being Eraserhead  was the GREATEST happenstance.) Guess what Eri? …Darth  Eraserhead’s becoming a fan fact! Damn, ok! Welcome to the top  of my MVP list, Eraserhead! Damn Aizawa, I thought I was cold! We have prosthetics for like (winces) everything! This was a lateral move compared to dying! Which is why the only way I’ll get my  point across is for everyone to DIE-- Not on my watch! That’s a lot of ground for  a little Mall Cop to cover! So if I’m such a handful without my decay,  what chance do you stand against Machia? LOOK MASTER, I’M FASHIONABLY LATE!!! And the nomu I unleashed while  you heroes partied with me? Your collective main character syndrome  once again lets us slip through the cracks! One for All…DRIFT! How nostalgic… Nana… You’re living on through him… To set things right… …that or I’m just coping… Now who gave you access to creative mode? While you were busy chewing  cigarettes like bubblegum,  I remembered the time I  trained for this exact moment! It’s an ethereal rope, even I couldn’t  gas light myself into messing that up. Can’t believe I’m helping  you steal my gimmick too.  What did I ever do to deserve  this--don’t answer that. You abuse vignettes like heroes abuse the system! Still want One for All? I’ll let ya have it!!! ALL of One for All, you say? He’s not complete yet, Number Two. Until that idiot gets our quirks stolen! Yo, Two Face! What’s up? Shut up and hold on to me! I thought you’d never ask-- Kinda don’t like how ya talk to me boy-- Jealous much?? Save your strength until we get up there! PROMINENCE BURRRRRRNNNNNN!!!!!!!! (me after chipotle) Spotted some interference on that play. Allow me to correct it. You’ve interfered for the last time… BAKUGO!!!! Don’t worry, I’m okay! It’s time to say the quiet part out  loud, my precious little cinnamon roll! You can’t save me, so you gotta kill me. Before I kill all that fodder you call friends. Fodder? Take it back 10 steps, pipsqueek!  You’re teeter’n on a fine line  between anger and despair. A place Shiggy’s been long  lost to, don’t go there! Why not? Why do I gotta play nice all the time?! MIDORIYA!!! That’s right. Give me exactly what I deserve. Yes! The quirky singularity approaches!  Everyone will become equal!  Everyone… will become gods! (me after the lemonade that kills you) Shigaraki’s here, and… All for One?! My present, physical self has grown soft and  neglected you for far too long, grandson. Allow me full control of this  body to make our dreams a reality. You think too small… and I take  full ownership for my actions… Deku’s the one giving up… Never fear, Deku, I am here. Even in death, I can’t get far enough  away from you, can I? Father... We are nothing more than shades  left behind within One for All.   There is no reconciliation for us here. So why don’t we take these hotrods  for a spin outside, and show the   world the true consequences of a Hero Society. You wanted to destroy it all too. Why did you chicken out? Go ahead, uproot every city block, son. Tear down every tower and institution you  deem an insult to life, but the moment   you crush a single one of those lives in the  process nothing will ever grow in its place. And what of the life I gave  you, daughter? I cherished it! LIKE AN INSTITUTION. That’s the point, you stupid-- Pointless is what it is, son. Taking it all with me, I wouldn’t just wipe away  the problems, I’d be hoarding all the solutions. So I entrusted One for All to those who still  had the strength to make a better world for you. How many times must   we pass the buck onto these nobodies before we realize we’ve accomplished nothing either? Is this what becomes of me and  my progeny? Yikes, I fell off. We’re two to talk, why did we ever  think we could pull off a mullet? Remember when we envied the nobodies? They are who they choose to be,  and these nobodies choose to-- DESTROY YOU! / SAVE YOU! Nothing like the stench of  death in the morning, eh? That’s a lot of skin I can’t wear… A lot of love lost… Later. And just where do you think  you’re going, young lady? I have friends down there, ya know. She can’t just switch sides  this late in the game, can she? I’m not sure which side I’m on anymore. Go ahead, love, go get yourself  hurt. It’s how I learned. You’re not the only one bummed about Twice. Stay safe, bro. You deserved better than us, Spinner. Why not join her? Shiggy’s my bro too, and  I’m not leaving without ‘im. Let’s go, civilians!  Run like there’s a big Black  Friday deal worth chasing after! My friend is trapped in the alley over there! Can you help me get them out?! I’ll take care of this! Beware of cat phishing scams,  Ochako, even in times of war! Oh my gosh, are you still  high from Joint Training?!  I remember my first weed beer. Dang you’re fast for an old broad! I really do appreciate the help, Ochako! Toga?! This is clearly a trap. So don’t tell, Froggy. They killed Twice. Killed who twice?? He was my friend and they killed him! Yea, that’ll happen when you’re a killer, Toga! What makes you so different then?! Huh?! What makes any of you heroes different from us? You can afford a nicer school? You had nicer parents? You were born a way people could love you? I just don’t expect anyone to save me but me! Shoot Style! Gunhead Martial Arts! But I’m all out of head. No head…?! >:( I thought we were friends, Ochako… Bitch! I barely know you! All you do is skulk around   our school pretending to be someone else-- Because it’s hard being myself! Toga? Toga!! I thought you of all people would understand! I tried to warn you, but you wouldn’t stop me! I’m not the bad guy!!! (cuss) (the four winds carrying my homie and  I to more chain mexican restaurants) Don’t worry guys, it’s all over! I was giving you went-and-didders  a quick mercy before… But now… I’m gonna take this slow and personal… Wow, one-shot! That was easy! Hope you’re warmed up, ‘cause  big chungus on the way! Oh no no no no no hell naw,  we are already so gassed! …Put me down, Happy Wheels. No! You need medical attention! And a therapist! All I need is a Blue Powerade. And a flawless victory. MASTER… I AM… SO GASSED… NEED WORLD'S BIGGEST BLUE POWERADE... WHAT WAS… POINT OF THIS… The point! Is that we need a mission statement  and shared set of values before going public! We’ll workshop it some more back  home, now let’s get outta here! Oh, a statement’s about to be made, lads! Ahoy~ family! Dabi... Everyone’s tired, mate… No effort on your part lads--ooh that’s cold!  Ya just gotta sit back and watch  the presentation I prepared! Sorry, kids, no school closings  during the apocalypse--  Experiencing technical difficulties-- Sigh. What’s up, kindling, it’s your boy  Dabi Todoroki and today I must bring to   light my disturbing parasocial relationship  with the so-called hero known as Endeavor. I let this monster bang me mom,  abuse me lil piblings and turned   us all against each other, all for the  promise of inheriting a heroic dynasty. Is he really trying to cancel me right now?! There’s no such thing as cancel culture, Dad! You’re right, Chilli. It’s about accountability.  And the bloodshed won’t end ‘til  someone’s held bloody accountable. D-did he pre-record this knowing how we’d react? Yes, Chilli. Now if you look   under your seat you’ll find the baseball  glove we should’ve played with together. Okay, naw he’s just bollocking as always. Still can’t believe I have another brother! Two brothers twice as nice innit? But Natsu said you were the right  prick who turned us against each other! And succeeded. No, I forgave Dad, like waaaaaaay  back during the Sports Festival. And despite the hesitation, we’ve  spent some quality time together. Yea, imagine if I kept holding onto that grudge? And I kept being that dick  everyone online says I am? We’d be compelling as drywall. Just bloody intolerable. The story of our lives. I wouldn’t read it. You wouldn’t read much, ya cross-eyed old poof! I started reading One Piece. Oh sh!t! In kanji. My nakama! Eh come ‘ere my little nakama! I’m not done! Everyone who collabs with Endeavor  is complicit, if not worse. Take the Number One Hero in our hearts, Hawks.  Just judged, juried and executed a mentally  ill man after pretending to be his friend. Not unlike his fake ass bromance with Endeavor!  He even killed a top level hero, and I  recall Stain getting gulagged for less. You, the people, are just tools to affirm the  existence of these contract killers and monsters! I feel so validated right na-ha-how…! Whoops, ‘nother banger! My PayPal account is-- Patreon’s dry this month, mate. Promise to be pay ya in exposure-- But first: my big gay dance! No… Not me best bro… No! You are NOT having an authentic portrayal  of a panic attack in animation right now! Did you see his dance, son?  We got thoroughly owned… Kinda pissed my rebelling  never got you this upset! LET’S BURN IN HELL ENDEAVOR!!! Me flames ain’t the only thing that’s blue now! Sorry to interrupt your debut,  Dabi, but we already got beef!  The Paranormal Liberation Front  is now canceled… a thread. Bakugo! Killed in action they said, HA! Not my hero. Could’a sworn we killed ya twice?! News of my demise was greatly exaggerated. Machia won’t take us anywhere without orders! WAKE! UP! Another bright future scorched by  the flames you cultivated, Endeavor! The Nomu can buy us time! Tell Machia to take us home! Machia… Destroy… NNNOOOOOO!!! Would appreciate some help while I’m tied up! JEANIST! I took my eyes off you for one second! Sorry, but I owe this guy my best performance! Good to see you fighting outside yourself, nephew! Give your big screwed up brother a hug! This whole family’s screwed up… So it’s not too late… Oh but it is… I’m an experienced thembo,  Deku, so listen closely.  When your arms, legs and  even your dick are broken:  The tongue is still your mightiest muscle! Hey! Don’t go sticking your  tongue in me family’s business! I know a thing or eight about  inheriting quirks, Dabi! As for your family… Chilli is my friend! Endeavor, my teacher! …And your sister Yumi is my bride to be! Aaaaahhh you what?! Rizuku, nooo!! Last part was a lie to distract, but  I’m definitely interested if she is! SHE’S NOT! Ya got her dear old dad’s  approval if that matters. SHUT UP! What about Melissa?! What about Support Girl?! What about me?! [What about me?] What about--Ochako?! You hate Deku! Yea, but now that everyone’s  getting Dicku I feel left out! If I can’t stop my son! I can save me daughter’s wedding!!! Machia… Sleepy… Don’t tell me that anesthetic worked! I don’t know who helped accomplish this… But everyone’s efforts, messy as they  were, are finally coming together!  Twisted threads make for good rope, after all! And rope rhymes with hope! I’ve lost so much blood! First… time? Hope he makes ‘em… tighter…  It’ll make this grand finale  all the more impressive! Be whoever you wanna be, offspring.  ‘Cause your skinny ass will never  be half as bad as your old man. Jokes on you dad. This skinny ass just helped end the world. Everyone's got relations but  me, so unfair! I call B.S.! What remarkable gall! But it’s fatal! Not yet it isn’t! Ah bugger, there’s no point if  nobody’s left conscious to watch.  Ball me, Touchstone! I have the blood of history’s  biggest bastard running through me!  And I’m leaving it all on this stage! What’s going on, Shiggy?! We had our--(gasp) T-Touchstone?! That was cold, bro!! Leave him. He’s useless to our withdrawal. Oh, NOW you wanna withdraw! No. Shigaraki and I have agreed to  let them suffer a little bit longer. SHIGARAAAKKKIIIIII!!!! Inside One for All it looked like you… I won’t forgive you! …But that  doesn’t mean I won’t save you too!!! I’ll be sure to forward the message.  Until next time, leave the  useless baggage behind, Deku. Gentlemen… Who do we want to blame? Go go go go go!! Oh thank heavens you survived , Ms. Senator!  The moment I heard the news I came  running, pen and contract in hand. Your concern is appreciated, Mr. Yotsubashi, but-- So I was thinking we should sign this  baby directly on the Constitution.  Say the quiet part loud and proud now! Red or blue pen? We have proof Detnerat was colluding  with the Paranormal Liberation Front.  And we don’t work with criminals, even if  they believe themselves to be above the law. Mr. Hawks, if you please. Hawks?... Hawks?! Law? Those are just threats of  violence from the dominant class,   carried out by their occupying forces. And as it currently stands, yours are dead,  injured, shattered by the realization that   this country is fresh out of threats.  The people will demand a new supplier. So, are we signing this  deal with ink or with blood? Rem, you're fired. Don’t blame yourself though, this  just happens during a restructuring. I don’t blame myself, Ms. Senator. And I sure  as hell don’t blame people. I blame systems. And tonight I’ll be praying that the people won’t  take this systemic failure out on each other. You really were never cut out for this. Of course that penny hoarding parrot’s  raking in a profit to the very end. Redestro used us, bro! And  what did we get in return? His tech guy’s still useful. Yea, hey mom. Can you come pick me up? We lost way too much! Did you honestly think there’d be a  winner when the world ends, reptile brain? You were right about me, Dabi… I am just a Stain cosplayer,   but at least Stain had conviction! Wow really shattered our whole world view, mate. You’d rather run back crying  to your abusive grandpa than   think about our dead and missing friends! Your party at the end of the world is weak, bro! It’s barely on the edge! And you are not Shigaraki! Shigaraki died in that lab today. All that remains is his malice and   an unwanted stowaway we’ll  be dropping off shortly. And I’m going indie. Don’t got any friends left here. Lock the gate on your way out.  Dabi decided to dance like the  f--king Joker on national television  and now we have millions of  fangirls simping outside our base. Pretty cool, right? Who said the end of the  world wouldn’t be televised? The last thing I want to hear in my dying  moments is the sound of butt rock, Stain!! Tenya?  Always happy to see you, Tenya,  but now is not the best time--
Channel: JoyRide Entertainment
Views: 26,738
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: abridged series, my hero academia abridged, my hero academia, boku no hero academia, anime parody, abridged, anitube, joyride entertainment, anime edit, deku vs shigaraki, shigaraki, deku, what if deku, what if shigaraki, my hero academia season 6, my hero academia opening, mha, my hero academia anime, my hero academia manga, my hero academia reaction, one for all, bakugo, my hero academia season 7, mha season 7 trailer, my hero academia movie, mha movie, mha movie 4, midoriya
Id: UXPS23UbIx8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 2sec (3362 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 10 2024
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