Heroin & Crack Addict interview-Alexa 24 yrs. old

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[Music] tell me [Music] hey what's up guys welcome back to the channel aml films when we out there and today we got a special guest introduce yourself alexa how old are you alexis i am 24 years old where are you originally from philadelphia right down the street from here so okay so tell me a little bit about your childhood growing up um i'm the oldest of three i'm about 10 years older i lived in an abusive household my mom worked she worked her whole life and then my dad was in and out of the drugs so you know pretty abusive towards my mom who worked and would accuse her of doing the things that he would do so basically you know i had to protect my mother and then um raised my two sisters ten years later so around eight years old you know i started growing up fast and in a violent home where you know i just was trying to protect everybody so i tried to stay away from anything growing up um more you know you got to watch what you get yourself into so no i don't um any kind of relationship-wise no i will not go into a violent relationship but everything around me is a violent is by like the places i'm at do seem to be you know i see the same things growing up as a child as i do now you know and what is your drug of choice um heroin and crack cooking how many bags of heroin do you use a day um i could use up to six to 14 bags a day maybe even 20. um yeah a lot of a lot [Music] um prostitution selling things like um my prescription for my medicine to not get high so that you know um you know i make friends out here though you make friends um good association associates good um people you do meet out here during prostitution um basically you know you just woke up and find someone where they woke up to you and there's money involved money or drugs either way um 200 200 on just a regular day that's just just a regular day um you know it could go i can go through four or five hundred in a day with no problem no problem so we gotta deal with kensington sound effects okay let's get back to it so tell me how were you introduced to drugs um all my friends were doing drugs this is just what it was i did not do heroin so i was 19. i was a drinker at 13 years old you know my dad did um he did more like speed and coke so there was no heroin in my family um maybe my father's friends you know i was around a lot of his attic friends growing up but i um lost my boyfriend when i was 19 to heroin addiction down here under lehigh he overdosed that's okay he overdosed under there and then around after that is when everyone all my friends seem left to do the drugs and then i just started doing it i just started snorting it you know you fall into that when everybody around you is doing something you start doing it um so around 19 i started doing that [Music] my first the first time i did heroin you you know you're not you should maybe snort it you know my friend he went to get coke and we're like all right and i had a job at this time so i was provided and he comes back with dope and he's like oh i got dope so um you know he ends up shooting me up i'm like all right you know what i'll do it i was in on drugs i was i wasn't on like hardcore i wasn't on hardcore drugs at the time but i slowly got into it um basically i shot up and it was scary i'm lucky i did not die i'm lucky i i didn't overdose um throwing up everything was like in the movie basketball diaries that first time he got high and was running through the field same experience um i'm just blessed that over all the overdoses i did have afterwards that i have not left this earth in this world and you know god does have more plan but you know it takes people it does and telling you one time is the only time you need so with a drug like fentanyl are you concerned with what you're putting in your body yes yes i am um you know when you start doing it like at the time i started it's about five years ago you know whatever um they just left the heroin they just left the dark dope so dark dope is real heroin tar heroin i don't i'm not exactly sure so when i started doing that i would wake up in the hospital and it was like grand theft auto so yeah i was killing myself on accident god would bring me back every time about about 10 times i have overdosed and now the ritual is so bad there's not i will not go i make enough money every day as much as someone who works a full-time job honestly honestly every day just so i do not feel that whatever that poison is that effect of not having so yeah i said it was very very scary my mom passed away in may i moved out to kansas i left the whole area that is the best way i've learned to recover is leaving the whole area i did cold turkey i did not get on subs or anything so that was an easier way to relapse there was nothing to hold me there was nothing to um lean on to you know i wasn't doing recovery i got a job i got my own apartment my mom got sick very fast passed and i left it all because i am a human too and you know i had to finish um i had i don't know how to grieve i did not know how to grieve any other way and express myself until i learned to do it on drugs what's the day out here look like for you a day like here oh god okay you wake up um go at you know usually sleeping on the side either you're running all night either you're running all night and um it's like 6 a.m everyone gets their samples wake up sample sample sample that puts you on for the day you know i'm gonna have my money because i'm you know i'm a younger female but other people you know that's what they're hustling for their sound works works works works works everything all this it is addictive it's not there's i'm not glorifying i'm not glamorizing it it just it's just a very wild very wild so um in the morning you know i'll be running back to the dealer every 10 minutes with 20 so i'll go make my 20 he'll be like why don't we buy a bundle i'm like i don't have it all at once so i'll go there go sit on the step get high talk to random people they'll come up like what what's good at right now and i'm like oh this that the third then you'll have someone come up like oh you want to go hang out with me make some money yeah of course so basically it's all that all day all night all day all night um get a border you know just basically it's talking to strangers all day and um just trusting you gotta trust yourself you gotta just hope for the best and you really have to just you know i'm not i'm not afraid to be sick or anything like that out here but that's a fear that's a big fear so you see a lot of people throwing up in terror screaming crying and that that's a fear when you're younger like you see that and you're like all right i'm never gonna be like that so you just it's a wild day it's a wild thing what's the worst thing you have done to support your drug habit um the worst thing i've done i would say steal from the store you know just stuff like that i'm maybe maybe like i steal from my family like take birthday cards i don't really steal i'm not still i'm not a steeler so that's the worst thing now sex would be or the same thing as that but i i'm not a robber i'm not not gonna like hurt you violently for no money so i feel like it it justifies what i do so tell me what have your addiction destroyed forever oh um forever just a lot of um a lot of relationships now relationships that i had that were gold that were friendships um it just scared people you know scares a lot of people people who love an addict they tend to become an addict in a different way to where they don't let you leave the house it's just opposite it's like i'm the one being punished it's like i'm a child like i have to do baby steps and i'm i'm like i'm a grown woman but it's a pride thing to understand that you have you don't have to earn your way you just have to learn some way through god or some way to accept it that is god helping you okay so let's get off topic a little bit okay what is your favorite color my favorite color is purple i love purple i'm not wearing oh yeah i'm wearing purple so i got my favorite color on me do you have a favorite candy um yeah make an eggs like my original mics and likes so mike and this is my favorite do you have some favorite songs you like yeah you know what um on the top of my head um oh my god on the way by on the otw i don't know why that's in my head but i'm on the way i don't know it's not even famous right now but that's that's in my head right now i i do know i like our like days loaf i like nicki minaj i like um every song that's out right now i know so yeah do you have some favorite foods oh favorite food macaroni and cheese pizza oh let me think spaghetti yes i do i like to eat endless and ice cream is only a dollar out here so every day you get birthday cake mixed with rocky road weird but good very good so birthday cake is my favorite number one just letting people the audience would like to know what is your zodiac sign i am a sagittarius that is my zodiac sign i love this side i have a tattoo on the back of my neck i don't know if you can see it but um december 1st is my birthday so sagittarius yeah i'm december 1st that is destiny right hey guys for the past few days i've been meeting up with a few sagittarius and she's the third i thought i was number one but today i met another number one so that's crazy so she's december 1st just like me guys what a coincidence right okay cool so let's get back to it um do you have a spiritual or religious belief i'm very spiritual a higher power you know i believe in all oh oh one god um god is within you and you know as long as you learn your connection within yourself and he you're he's between what's inside you so that's how i that's what got me through a lot of these last couple years i've you know i tried to go christian everything i'm everyone i'm i'm spiritual so yeah that's my religion where do you believe your goal when you die um i feel like you just keep going like up um in a different dimension i know that's kind of strange but i feel as if like i plan out where i want to go so i want to make my heaven on earth and i'm going to make my heaven off of earth and maybe another hopefully a little better lifestyle but um you know i have a lot of faith for for the future of even tomorrow you know so i feel like there's something out there i graduated high school i am now in welding school i because of the covent i was supposed to start in march so november i will be hopefully in school and and graduating in uh march this year so hopefully we'll we'll we'll hope for the cover to open up schools or whatever it's not do what i'm doing but yeah i want to be a welder so when you was a little girl what do you want to become when you grow up i always want to be a nurse i want to own a house down the street from my mom and um i did i didn't become a nurse but i did own a house down the street from my mom and i went to go to holy family college and be a nurse like my mom so that was something i wanted to do but welder seems more beneficial to me when was the last time somebody told you that they love you um last time someone told me they loved me probably like a couple of days ago you know and it was a good friend because they um they took an interest in my addiction and the person that i was and you know they keep trying to give i think that's why this is happening they keep trying to give me light throughout the situation and i'm very blessed to have that person in my life um it's just you know you gotta learn during this you're either gonna get pushed or pulled away and you gotta just learn to hold on to yourself and and that's it but you know luckily i have loved out here and i do love other people so i do try to become the best me for the people who love me as well when you look at yourself in the mirror what do you see um when i i see the color of my hair i see myself i do um i see you know my looks but not in an egotistical way in a way like i want people to see inside me so i see what's inside i do i do i try to spread light out here too as well even though i suffer from addiction i try to see the things that i've seen as um a child with my friends when people are like oh you're funny and all that i i do still see the person i am do you have any kids not right now no not yet so i see you're currently pregnant how many months are you i am five months pregnant um and again with the addiction it's the basis of stopping your addiction with your child in your stomach and that's a thing like you know um my baby's kicking right now i i live in a shelter i do live in a police i'm getting housing and i'm just doing on my own my own thing so um you know i want to bring my baby into an addiction-free world and you know the fear of being on suboxone and putting my baby on another drug that that i do it just it blows my mind but i have to keep if i'm here picking on myself and like giving you know like oh i'm a sick person then i'm hurting my child so i have to always keep a positive outlook and express you know i am pregnant you know i'm not hiding it it's just i'm just trying to keep the good vibes with my child and and all that other things you know so hopefully by next year you know we're here we're out of this type of lifestyle and we're healthy and we're we're happy all for today you know and whatever happens you know god god's it's like with my spiritual life with my spiritual stuff you know something will will be all right do you stay in touch with your family um after my mom passed away no i really don't um i don't i don't have any real contact with my family um we live miles apart so i'm from here but they all left there everywhere so you know it's hard to leave your home it's hard to leave where you're from if your mom and your family was watching this video what message would you like to send to them that you know i love them and that they did a good job like they didn't fail on anything just to keep worrying about themself and keep loving themselves first that's that's one thing i learned throughout this you have to love yourself first and know you know that you have to be all right within for everything else to to work out so that's that's what i would say just you know i love them and i'm okay and everything will work if you had three wishes in this world what would your three wishes be um definitely definitely um to take away diabetes because that's a that's a big disease out here um definitely to help lighten the situation with addiction out here um to show that these people out here are not bad people they just got stuck in a way that became a life out here it's a whole different life out here than what life is it's just and they were good people you know and that's that's another wish um and then um the third wish is that the future generations don't have to go and live scared or fear i just want them to have a beautiful future of love and love to the future so that's my wishes okay can you explain to me what the word art means to you art what does art mean to you art means to me um it's colors it's pictures it's life it's lit it's laughter um beauty it's create creativity creation that's what it means to me and what does happiness mean to you happiness is my first tattoo that's funny too um happiness it just is a feeling you can't get to it you gotta be it it's just happiness it's a good thing if you had a message to send to the world what would your message be my message is not to lose hope hope or faith in anyone you know don't give up on people don't give up on yourself and love yourself first learn to love yourself learn to know who you are learn to know your independence learn to really connect within don't don't get caught up on other oh he loves me or he she don't love me am i beautiful or not you're beautiful you just have to figure it out like so at the end of the day self-love is a big thing that helps me so yeah that's that's my [Music] you
Channel: AML FILMS
Views: 500,934
Rating: 4.8309956 out of 5
Keywords: interview, culture, wild, lifestyle, world, exclusive, independent, underground, videos, funny, funny videos, dope, HEROIN, WAR ON DRUGS, KENSINGTON, PHILLY, PHILA, FENTANYL, ADDICTION, TRUMP, WALL, OBAMA, HOMELESS, SERIES, NEEDLES, soft white underbelly, skid row, heroin addict interview, drug addict interview, oxycodone, pain killers, AML FILMS
Id: 5DXmus3Cy8I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 32sec (1292 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 24 2020
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